Newspaper Page Text
13 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 15 words i5c, 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange r FOR SALE TO LET HELP WANTED SITUATIONS TYrr Sale" Advertisements in Hie Farmer bring ready 5!ake down that BDottMl rlflrArrl and secure m tenant Many men and women call at The Farmer and look over the Help Wanted Ads. If you need help Ad If you are out of work. The Farmer Wants Ads ought to be of material assistance to yon. Read them over Try one, 70a will be surprised at the im- oomer in the modern way through a Farmer dasst- mediMe result. - MH'i lliu 1 nent. vertise. carefully each aay. THE FARMER: JULY 25, 1913 ' Xoday's1 'Wants Wants Ads -will be received for this page up to ;12 o'clock noon. Those sent 'in at a later hour up o 2:30 will appear -on the second or third page of tMs -paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." UOTLVG SONG. London "Nation." he hunt is up! the hunt is up! . ' It sounds . from. hill, to hill. It pierces to the hidden place ; Where we are. lying still; It-nd one of us the quarry is, f 3 And one of us must go, -jBThcn, through the arches of the wood i huntsman bold is Master Death. .: And reckless does he ride. 'And terror's hounds with bleeding; fangs - . ' Go baying' at his side; U.nd will it be a milk-white doe, - Or little dappled fawn, 3Dr will ft be an antlered stag; .. Must face the icy dawn? Or win it be a. golden fox f "' - Mint 1aa.ii from out his lair, i ' for where the trailing- shadows pass : A merry, romping .hare T E'he hunt is up, the horn Is loud By plain and covert side, 'And" one must run alone, alone. When Death abroad does ride. Put idle 'tis to crouch in fear. Since Death will find you out; ttben up and hold your head erect, ;', -T And pace the wood about. 'Andewim the stream, and leap the wall, And race the starry mead, SfjeiT feel the brig-ht teeth in your flank Tin they -be there indeed. !For In the secret hearts of men Are peace and joy at one, CThere is a pleasant land where stalks No darkness in the sun, And through the arches of the wood Do torek like -silver oam, "Young laughter, and the " noise of flutes. And voices singing: home. The Main Silk Store, 1200 Main St. wish to express through the Evening Farnier " their thanks to the: general public for the patronage received dur iny their 1 aresent clearance sale and tate .that the sale will last but . -five days longer." The bargains given here are without doubt some of the best ever offered in the . city. The large variety -of -dress goods. - suits, coats, waists and etc;, gives everyone an op portunity to make satisfactory selec tion. The latest fabrics in dress goods will be found on the main floor in a variety , of colors. There are also tone great bargains In store remnants. On the eecond, floor the suit depart ment is offering exceptional Values in ratine dresses: and suits,, also lingerie Presses; waists in a variety of mater ials etc. It 'wtllr require but a. glance to determine the exceptional values given at ' this store and those who have not attended this eale will be doubly repaid by making the store a visit if only to satisfy oneself that the values are absolutely reliable. Adv. v . r . -, , .... It is complained that men and boys nonT raise, their hats when the flag poes by,, but there is no trouble when some oni gets a three bagger. Photography DEV KLOPING of films and plates for amateurs, first class work guarant teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio, Park and Fairfield Aves, T2 Personal CARD READER Advice on all a- fairs, J 6c- Mrs. Levy, 7 Madison Ave, fourth house above North At, L2 5 tf RD ER your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, tine cabinet work. ; Carl A. Schmidt. ,120 Cleveland . avenue. RUaJ'p T' ' r3 i . ..... I tyre ' Unclassified LOST Bank book No. 12,32? on Me , chanics & Farmers Savings Bank. Finder return same to Bank.' ap PROPERTY AT AUCTION. The partly burned house at znz jue or est avenue will be sold at auction, . on Saturday, July 26 th, at 2 p. m. on the premises. The owner lives . in New Jersey and house must be sold. For further particulars in quire of M. A. Crossman, Ansonia, Conn. Telephone 176. P 24 a SOU CANT BEAT Casca-Laxins teto- its for constipation. . Try them. - O 1 : UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Hepair- ana renminea. x-raveo reasonable at 8 tram's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H6 tfa STOVES REPAIRED, all Kind nop- etc. Charges reasonable. 17 IS Main St. 1 13 ao 1 3 6 tf . At7TOMOBIl.ES FOB HIRE. Aston ' Oarage. Phone 8293. Day or night. R tf o 1 3 6 NEW TORE BOLOGNA and frank furters, home made meat loar. iresu daily. Peter Hron. 1218 Stratford Ave. V 28 t( I i CUXAEA ' BEHS, ducks. roasting chickens, broilers, fowl, liver oud dlnc. sessage meat, bologna. Bom mo. 4k Blitz. O 15 1 8 5 e Printers and Stationers PRINTING and Fac-Simile Letters. 6,000 Bond Letter Heads $8.50, 1. 000 Fac-Simlle Letters $3.00. Spe cial prices In quantities. Siksay, 88 " Reilley street. U 25 tf 6 GOOD PRENTINQ AT LOW PRICES, 100 Cards, Statements, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Mote Heads, or Circu lars, printed for only $8.00. Siksay, 83 Reilly street. U33tf STAR PRESS - prints business ' cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets,"" programs, show cards, cir , cul&rs. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider, Prop.,. 16-18 Kot suth St.. corner Stratford Ave. . Phone 2608-12. Union office. . .. T8 tt ' PROPOSALS FOR STATE ' ROAD WORK. Sealed proposals will be received by the State Highway Commissioner, Room 27,. Capitol, Hartford, Conn., until 2 p. m., of Monday, July 28th, 1913, for the construction of a section of Warrenlte, Amiesite, Bituminous Macadam or Asphalt pavement in the Town of Stratford in accordance wish plans and specifications. ' Bids will state the price as per spec ifications. - The State Highway Commissioner reserves the right ,o increase or de crease the number of feet to be im proved, after the contract is let. All bids must be accompanied by a surety company bond or. a certified check of not less than one-third of the cost of the work. :. "Any bidder to whom contract has been awarded re fusing to sign the contract at the prices offered and furnish a surety company bond, or . a certified check, shall forfeit from his bond or check a sum eqnai to, difference in price be tween his bid 'and the next lowest bid der. Plans and specifications may be examined at Town Clerk's office, Stratford, Conn., or at the office of the State Highway Commissioner, Room 27, Capitol.' The State Highway Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all bids.- Dated at Hartf ord, Conn., July 19th, 1913. f ' C. J. BENNETT, State Highway Commissioner, Room 27, Capitol, -F21dV v Hartford". Conn. To Bent TO RENT. Nicely furnished rooms, in strictly respectable family- .68 Fairfield Ave. Phone 368-8. U 14 tf. FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or storage. Oledhill & Co., 421 Water St Rl tr TO RENT Nice light furnished rooms to man . and wife for light housekeeping. References ex changed; rent $6.60 per week. " Ad dress E. A. W care Farmer. T2 tf Female Help Wanted SALESLADY WANTED. Age 'not over- 30 -years, no canvassing, - we find prospects and want smart in telligent lady to follow up, good sal ary, permanent position. The Al fred Fox'Piano Co., 172 Fairfield Ave. , .... P21 tf. iff elp Wanted WANTED - Competent Spinners on sterling silver. Apply with referen ces to Simpson, Hall, Mftler Co., In ternational Silver Co., Wallingford. Conn. F 19 d WANTED. One hundred laborers to work on the construction of Morris Dam. $2.00 per day. .ood board ing accommodation. No labor trou ble. The Ryan-Unmack Co., Thom ', aston. Cons. R 21 a WANTED.; For TJ. S. Army; Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 62 Cannon St, Bridgeport, Conn. P 2 WE WILL EMPLOY 4 High Class Milling Machine Men. 5 Experienced Drill Press Operators. 5 Hand and Automatic Screw Ma chine Men. The BuUard Mactiine Tool Co.; Broad and Railroad, City." ' ' P 24 tf Situations Wanted W ANTE D. Position, by reliable young man. 24 y ears old, as a col lector, salesman, or any outside posi tion. Reference. Address R. H. C." care of Evening Farmer or Phone 858-2. Ait'tt POSITION WANTED. By man cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad- . dress C I, care of Farmer Pub. Co. TlTtf WANTED Position In Men's de partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selUng, also collecting. Best of references. At luesttnt employed. Address L.L.B.. car of KfirrrtPr. H 19 tf WASTED. Position In store or with lirm with possibilities oi advance ment Would like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonabla to start Address S. J. J., care ot Farmer. Hll'tt FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, electric lights, steam beat hot water, private bath, prl--ate phone if desired, in select neighborhood. Clinton Ave., near Maplewood Ave., with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 450. - U 26 tC Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, - furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large vana, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor- age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St, Cor. Congress St. Tel. 1084-2. Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ed and refinlshed. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H 6 tf OLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs recaned. upholstering. iui c. Mul Uns, 826 East Maim street Phone 1046-S. TTt'i AUTOMOBILES. HOW ARE ypur lamps? Repairing, glass, parts, all kinds. Auto Lamp Shop, 80 John St . , P31tf Out-of-Town Ads ADVERTISING SERVICE Place your advertisements in the out-of town newspapers, at the regular rates through Reads Advertising Agency. 210 Connecticut Bank Bldg. K.10 -f p BRIDGEPORT LINE TO NEW YORK STR. BRIDGEPORT Lv. Bridgeport, Fairfield Ave. Wharf, week days, at 8 A. M., Sundays and Labor Day, 9;0O A. M. Returning, Lv. New York, week days, Pier 28, E. R-, S P. M-, Saturdays 2:0O P. M. Foot of East 22nd Street, 3:30 P. M. Saturdays, 2:30 P. M. Sundays and Labor Day 5:30 P. M. ' No landing made at Pier 28 on Sundays. , ' STR. NAUGATUCK Lv. Bridgeport, Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union St, daily, except Saturday, at 12 night Returning, Lv. New York, Pier 28, daily, except Sundays 11:00 A. M. .Due Bridgeport 3:30 P. M. Popular Outmgs to New York STR. BRIDGEPORT Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, Labor Day. Sail up the Hudson included on Sundays. K ROUND TRIP FARE JF J a - TO a 0 V NEW YORK Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Labor Day Tickets good only for date sold. Music on Sundays by the Wheeler & Wilson Orchestra. THE NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO., L. B. Nlckersou, Agt Furnished Rooms to Kent TO RENT. 605 Warren St, 3 fur nished ' rooms, light housekeeping. Call from to 1. Tel. 493-2. D 12 a S P For Sale FOR SALE. Job printing outfit. Ap ply this office. P 17 tf THREE EXTRA GOOD Airedale bitch puppies, $25 each. Breeding un- ' equaled. Sunshine Kennels, Terry vllle. 'Conn. P 24 s FOR SALE. Only for a wealthy lady, one male French poodle, white. Charles Omstein, Barnum avenue, Stratford. P 23 up . y FOR SALE.- Excellent brass manu facturing business in Connecticut , Well established trade. Small capi tal required. Unusual opportunity. Well worth investigating. Satisfac tory reasons for selling. Manufac turer, care Farmer. P 21 dp FOR SALE On monthly payments a seven room house. All improve ' meats including gas and electric lights; garden and fruit Near trol ley, five cent fare. Reliable par ty will find this an exceptional op portunity. Address F.', P. O. Box 902 Bridgeport. Ct P 19 dp SALE OR RENT. Shore ' cottage, boating, bathing, fishing, trolley at door, 30 minutes from Bridgeport, severything in needed. Quick sale cheap. Cottage, Farmer. ap FOR SALE: Building tots corner Con necticut and Carroll Aves.. Holland Ave., and Hoillster Heights. Wra. Broch. 347 Fairfield Ave. S 20 tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 176 acres. , 100 rich bottom, 6 room house, good barn. 1 mile of electric line. 6 miles of Richmond. Only $7,500; terms. Bend for free list-700 Farm Bar- . gains. Casselman 6c Company. Rich mond, Virginia. ' B ap FOE SALE My Residence, 405 Seaview Avenue T.B.WARREN 29 Sanford Building Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, United States Depository Capital, $250. 000; surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President; David F. Read, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, v Cashier: . Henry B- TrrilL- Asst Cashier; Robert A. Beers, - Asst - Cashier. THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Mais and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin, .President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C. Cummlng, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital. $332,100; Surplus and Profits, Lump, $880,000. Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid cars and Limousines. Charges reasonable. James T. Ronrke, 1295 Main street Phone 1661. D 7 d STEAMBOATS MERCHANT'S LINE Dally Except Sunday Leaves New York, Pier 19, East River, 8 p. m. Due at Bridgeport, 1 :30 p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Joy Line Dock, 2 a. m. Arrive New York 7 a. Xa, For further information and rates apply to J. B. Ihepard. Agent Summer Time ' Table Bridgeport . & Port Jefferson Steamboat Go. 6teamer PARK CITY S Capt. C. B. Tooker. Daily, leavr Port Jefferson 9 a. m. and 4:30 r. m jingle Fare, 75c; Round Trip Tickets, SI. Good any time during the season. Matinee Excursions, from BridxeDort daily 1:30 p.m; returning, leave Port Jefferson 4:30 p.m.; round trip tickets, good day of issue, only 60c Special Excursions Tuesday, Friday and Sun day from Port Jefferson. Sunday, leave Port Jefferson 10 a.m. and 4: so. p.m.; leave Bridyeport 1:30 and 6:80 p. m. Automobile transportation. Geo. M. Tookear. Agent UP THE HUDSON SUNDAYS S1.W Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith A Co., dealers In guns, fishing tackle and sporting goods. ' You can also S' ,u' ke,ys fled. lock, repaired. mZ -ii , w? mowers sharpened. JS'i'' kinds of light repairing done m.IUls Gun Store. 9 Wall Street Telephone 4293-3. BURNING BRANDS To brand your name in tool handles, ladders, boats, oails' etc- We also make stencils and initial letters of every descrlp 5jn. See us about it- The Schwerd tle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St ' P 24 d OLD FURNITURE RENEWED,chairS recaned, upholstering, hair mattress-OVF- Gus C. Mullins, 835 East Main St Phone 2514-3. " T7 aJ REAL ESTATE, Country Resorts and all kinds of classified advertise ments taken for newspapers every where at the regular rates. Read's Advertising Agency. 210 Conn. Bank Building. R 1 tf STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale. 5 cents per dozen. Bottled bv arr, 88 Cannon street Phone . G17 tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate , ine only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1891. Goodyear Shoe Re- pairlng Co.. 76 John St R2 "tf DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS .uiua 10 oraer. uaa screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and iBnish. Estimates furnished. Henry c Hoff- man & Co.. 265 Water St R16 tf SHOW CASES . Cigar combination .; and silent salesman, store and of- ; Bee fittings. Cabinet work of all Kinas designed and made. Hoffman enow uase Co.. 256 Water St . R14 tf ' Wanted To Buy WANTED To buy an kinds of second hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand. 42 Harrison St ' Telephone 1016-2. P 10 tf. a liuyr oxjl horses to fcill. Re. move dead ones fre of charm nn-v- where within 25 miles of Bridge port F. H. Daniels. 2367 Madison Road. Tel. 4337. Lll $ WANTED To buy all kinds of ond hand furniture. Goo. F. Totams. Tieuiieia m oia stana. s Harrison St jeiepnone ioiB-8, B12 a$ p YOU DONT WANT any old Junk or , om uunss arouna your premises; but we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the jiignest price ana get tnem out .of . your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 6 Kos suth St. Tel. 236. -R6 tf Pianos and Musical - Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make In fine condition, i Will sell cheap for cash. Address Piano, ' care of Farmer. IS tt. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. H 28 tf FOR SALE House organ., f 20;plano, 3146. Zither. patented design. . Will accept weekly payments. Ad- arcss L A. M. ears Farmer. Tl aj PIANOS TTTNTCd ey oar own factor man. thorough experience and ab ' solute satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 2526. Wissner Warerooms, Broad and Stats Sts. T3 al USED KNABE TTANO. taken In ex change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. William A. Tomlinsoc, 16 Fairfield avenue, up stairs. Bagal Building. Room 100 12, T tS. WANTED. To buy all kinds Of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams. Redfield's old stand. 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. R 14 agp Barrels BUY AND SELL all kinds of empty barrels. ' Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co., 68 Beardsley . St Phone 1371. A25 tf Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a , young lady, terms reasonable. Call er address. 140 Golden H11L , B 20 a g p STUDENTS wanted In practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and Ssychological advertising in all Its ranches taught For full informa tion address Box 450, City. T2 tf THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 836 Fairfieid avenue. Class, group, and private instruction in preparation for , the colleges and technical schools. Special advantages in ar ranging now for next year's work Summer school, Individual work only. August 4 to September 20. - - P 8 a 9 Fire Department Inadequate You probably noticed this statement Better think about some insurance badnt your We would rather insure you here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Franklin Block. All kinds of Insur ance, Bonds and Real Estate IF YOU HAVE Sl,500 to invest,where you wish to double your income on a first class two family house,come in and see us. Anderson &Co. Business Directory Save Time. Phone Your Orders Save Time, Telephone Your Orders, They will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Veb this Directory FREEIaY you -will find it great convenience. Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO, 15S John St Phone 1017-6 Automobile Dealers . . H. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and th R. C. H. f90. 1837 Main St Phone 1273 6TARBUCK MATTTCB. FORD CARS, 36 Fairfield Ave, Phone 4076-2 Automobile Supplies N. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Let m prove how we can save yon"25 to 40 per cent on your supplies. 610 Main St Phone 4366 Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. Ei. SCHAVOIR CO., 357 F.Mr field Ave. Phone 1663 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing Specialty New end Second Hand Xlres in stock 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 963 Bakers MRS. mXTS BAKERY. Sread that makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted. 166 Wood Av. . Phone 2308' CROUCH A PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. , . Phone 16S7-6 Beaver Board , . THE A. W. BURRTTT OO., Knowlton St Phone 605 Bottlers JACOB RTTPPKKT'S BREWERY, 215 Housatonlo Ave. Phone 677 WALTER STAPLETON. Lumber St Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE. Secorlty Bldg. Phone 1608 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CO Tno. 1221 Main St Phone 844-3 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD Admiral and Carbon Sts. Phone 63-4 Confectionery O. D. LANE, 1040 Main St Phone 243 Doctor , , DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 953 Iranlstan Ave., near State St Office hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 4821. Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sts. Phone 833 Employment Bureau READ, supplies companions, moth- ere nwerih aui o muai ana com- ' petsnt domestia help, 670 State 8t , Phone 4111-3 Furniture Mover H. G. DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furnl-, ture moved safely give the lob to Demme. ICS Union Ave. Phone 2892 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, f 95 Pair field Ave. Phone 8126 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents "Win ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-2 ELM AUTO CO, 184 Elm St Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE, 103 Wood Ave. Phone 248 GIRLS WANTE CORSET DEPARTMENT Single needle operators, strippers and side steel prator. BOX DEPARTMENT On all kinds of paper boxes. METAL DEPARTMENT ' For light foot press work. 1 tie Warner EMPZiOTTtfKIVT DEPARTMENT, Gas and Gasoline - Engines WALDORF MOTOR A MACHINE CO. buys and sells Engines and ma chlnery. First clait repairing. 133 Cannon St Phone 2807-3 Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at hems 157 Golden H11L Phone 663-S Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave. , Phone 1483 Ice Dealers DENIS A SQUIRES, 914 Houaatnlct Ave. ; Phone 288 8 Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as our own, If you like the idea telephone. Wood and Benham Aves. Phones 1339-C Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER CO, 1 Bf E. Wash. Ave. Phone 102' Motor Cycles EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T Kellsgg. 41. State St Phone 1348 Nurses Registry NURSES CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone Is fo your accommodation, r-lus expedi ency and Judicious seleotlon. 10 SI Fairfield Ave. Phone 834 NURSES WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 378 State St Phone 3328 Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW A LAW 205 John St Phone 161Z-3 Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS. Cor. Tiroad State Sts. Phone 2 5t Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, 15 FalrfSoU Ave. Phone 2057- Real Estate Agents BARTRAM A GREENE. 114 State St. Phone 451 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN. S58 State St Call up 1058 and get 10 per cent more for your goods. Why 7 Low rent, larger business, quick sales. Shoe Stores S. B. THING A CO, 1158 Main St THE CARTWRIGKt SHOES OO, S1 Main 8t Phone lift Spring Water HIGHLAND MINERAL ' SPRrva WATER CO. A pure water bill is better than a doctor's bill and lean expensive. 45 Warren 6t Phone fT POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Nature' crystal beverage is man's drink. 1794 North Ave. Phone 1043-8 Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD, 193 Fairfield Ave, Theatres LYRIO THEATRE, 1423 Main f, Phone 441S FOLI'S THEATRE. 89 Fairfield Ave. Phone 374 TypewTitlng-Multigraphir,'' GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Public. 198 Meigs' Building. Phone 933-4 Typewriters MULIilNS TYPEWRITER Exchanr, 16 7 State St- Phone 94 1 pLUMMER TYPEWRITER El CHANGE, 166 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2339 uromers vo. r ' Corner ljafayette and Gretrory St. ( )) S ) WANT ADVS. ONE CENT A WORD, - . . J v . -S3 JOHN STREET,