Newspaper Page Text
i 10 THE FARMER: AUGUST 4, 1913 FINANCIAL -THE- irst-Bridgcporl CORNER MAIN AND 4 INTER EST PAID ON SAVINGS 1 DEPOSITS. ,TEACHV3rOTJE - YOT, cannot teach him the liaWts of thrift and. economy too early. The boy who spends his? pennies folishly will spend his dollars fool ishly, too. , Ha hits of thrift formed to yohth cling through, life. St deposited for. him in this bank will start him on the EIGHT ROAD, the ROAO TO SUCCESS. And he will enjoy wa telling his account grow. THE BRIDGEPORT TRUST COMPANY Notice War forty-eevem year w have ftoemtjoa, corner of Main and Job Street. rtdecport. Conn, i Private Bank baa Seem 8t52rf2 : He oontimiotialy. We h reof aind fwid nut on demand without oo . aieo millions of flollara of npey . posited' with as and w cinBMO TO rwire jtnoner eabjeet to depositora check nt .Klsht. on whoh "Vr! Hires per cent, per s innJB. CT"' 'S to tubMMUt monthly. We BolioW the aM-connta of Individuals, b""! Ben, trtnm and corporations, ana " rho want bank account whore tIT ' mmn denoolt money, checks "r?r l . ud leave It for one week, one month or one year, anil raw toterem ewt tt for any time ft Is left with ua. KVe irlve to the bwslnens mv carertil personal attention as the oldest "r ' f Wlato bankers fn this state. T. Ik WATSON & CO. PEOPLE'S SAYIKGS BM1K. MARBLE BTJTLIING 021-926 MAIN STREET DEPOSITS MADE DURING. JULY v.:?'"' WILL DRAW INTEREST PROM AUGUST 1ST 8. W. BALDWIN, President. WELL'S It LYON, Treasurer. ; Members' New York Stock Exchange Taylor, Livingston & Co. dealers 4n Fractional Lots on Part Paid Plan f ' ' WALU STREET, NEW YORK i or ' SO P.O-t ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, OT E. I. CHAPMAN, Manager . , -Telephone 5321, 5222 Send for Circular Describing Method IL m 4 U UPWARDS Yon can arrange to get a loan, in less than five minutes and we do not ' bother your employer or neighbors by ! mnnecessary investigations. House-' keepers ot anyone earning a regular, Bttiary accommodated confidentially. ! (am inducements- to Bewcatomera Tba patronage of "ladies" solicited. . . AMERICAN v : GUARANTY CO. : 99 GOLDEN BILL ST. Dma Saturday and Monday Evenings ' until 8:30 Over Caesar Misch. Tickets and Tours BY OCEAN, LAKE and RIVER FOR INDIVIDUAL TRAVEL. TICKETS TO NOVA SCOTIA. NEW FOUNDLAND, y CANADA, ETC. ETC. iS. Loetviih & Col 116 BANK STREET. TEL. NO. . m A National Bank BANK STREETS 2 INTER. EST? PAID ON DAILY , BALANCES OF $500 AND. OVER, IN OUR CHECK ING DEPT. V. BOy - TO - SAVE MAKE SURE l that your valuables have protection from fire and theft. Toil have this Positive, Assurance when you place them In our Fire, and Burglar Proof Vault where you can rent a Safe De posit Box for a reasonable rate. JAMES STAPLES & CO. . " , ' - BANKERS 189 ' STATE ST, Bridgeport, Conn. WE OFFER FOR SALE COTTAGES AND . TWO - FAMILY HOUSES located in best sections of City, ranging in price from $3,000 to $10,000. . Full par ticulars on application to Iterr'S Inapp 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. LARGE AND SMALL C LAM BAKES Supplied at Low Prices w.; D. COOK & SON 523 WATER STREET Engraved - ; Wedding Invitations Calling Cards Fine Stationery at SOUTHWORTH'S 10 ARCADE 150 is all you need to invest in a business that -Assures' large profits " AT START '.AND MONEY REFUNDED WE HAVE PROVEN ITLET US ' PROVE TO YOU Turney & Hartwell 670 STATE ST. ' NEAR PARK. AVE. Phone 4938 BRIDGEPORT, CONN. PERSONAL 'MENTION. Mr. .and Mrs. Heavey and family of Catherine street are visiting; in Al bany. . Thomas E. Barrett of .Montreal, Can., formerly a resident of Meriden, has returned to Canada after an extended visit with friends in Bridgeport, Long Hill, Meriden and other Connecticut places. Mr. Barrett, who is a member of Meriden lodge of Elks, 'was for merly a salesman well known through out Connecticut. He now owns a half interest in the Catholic Supply Co., of Laporte street, Montreal. The firm does an extensive business in the Can adian provinces. SPEC1A FANCY SWORDFISH BLOCK ISLAND ...... . . . . , . . 12c lb' i LIVE LOBSTERS . .". ... . HAYES 629 WATER STREET i - JOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO. ' Dealers in WALL PAPERS, PAINTERS SUPPLIES PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. ESTIMATES CHEEUFDLLr GIVEN 783 EAST MAIN STREET. Phone 4801 V LOWE'S .', COLLARS, CUFFS AND v , General Laundry In J00O SEAVIEW AVENUE JOHN F. FAY 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, Super ior Fabrics for Furniture and Draperies. Tel. 74 THE DAIRY 130 State Street , 3w ' Semi - n - The Naugatuck Valley Ice Co. ; Artificial ICE Naturall Lehigh COAL Screened - ": Kindling WOOD Block Telephone 597 598 ; v "" " " "GREEN BKOCH'S CAKE FASIOUS FOR GERMAN LUNCHES Owing to the increase of patronage to, this popular store we have been forced to enlarge and refurnish our dining rooms. The shop ping and theatre public will finely this the right place at the right prices to dine and refresh. Moerlein's Cincinnati Beer on draught. 347-349 x FAIRFIELD AVENUE ON AUTOMOBILE ROW Refrigerators Refrigerators Refrigerators ' 75 Styles to Geo. B. Clark & Co. 1057-1073 BROAD STREET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE A-in-Oni. la Kent, mire oH com- nnnnd that tivot oiitol i"" "tV -----j,-. .Tw7.r7C: rl.9T, A nlklxa Twrfwtlv nil vmnmn fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out. in any climate, it sinks into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays on. Fma 3-ln-One Free. Write today for generous fr bottle and the 3-in-One Dictionary of hundred of uses. . i-in-Ont is tout i oit gooa stares in 50c to oz, y pint J. Also in new S-IN-OKJS OIL, 42 D A BrudvcT JUST ARRIVED FROM ... .'. ..." ... 25c lb FISH CO. TEL. 412, 413 , LAUNDRY SHIRTS A SPECIALTX All Its Branches PHONE! 154-3 FRESH FROM THE CHURN Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON SSS THE FAMILY WASH finished is a specialty of ours and we BUTTER want to give our especial attention to yours! Modern Machines, Sanitary Conditions, 'Careful Help in departments, Prompt De liveries, Reasonable Prices are the points in -' favor of sending your family wash here. One and one-half cents per piece- with a weignt allowance of one-naif To to the piece v The Crawford Laundry Co. FAIRFIELD AVE. AND COURTJLAND ST. ' . " Phone 4S20 421 Housatonic Ave,, WAGONS ' PHONE Select From V .Vin-One lubricates .ti- iuwIs nil in tr in vour home or varnished furniture and woodwork. Ideal Dustiest Dusting Clott r ":T;;TT' hath room d-size Doraes: j.uc . u -,v-' paienieuxxauuy wbu, v" COMPAJfY Nov York City clocks, R r"iw , v. 1. AVIATOR DIES FROM EXPLOSION OF PLANE TAN Berlin," Aug.' 4 An aviation pupil named Brooks died here, today, from the effects of burns sustained, last evening, when the fuel tank -of his aeroplane exploded after an abrupt landing in which the machine narrow ly missed a crowd of spectators at the Johannisthal Aerodrome. The aviator was about to land in an open field after he had passed the speotators when his aeroplane struck a. pylon and was dashed to the ground with Brooks beneath the motor. The liquid fuel exploded. Another aviator named Matthes ran tnrough the flames and risked his life to extricating- the unconscious Brooks from the blazing mass. - PLUNGES INTO CANAL. Dortmund, Ger., Aug. 4 The Ger man aviator Besser, when the motor of his aeroplane developed a defect during a flight here, last night, plung ed with his machine into a .canal in order to avoid a collision with a great crowd of spectators at the aerodrome. Besser was saved. GOOD PLACES ARE AVAILABLE UNDER UNCLE SAM Uncle Sam has a batch of good jobs to distribute late this month, and open competitive: examinations for them will be held, according to an nouncements made ' by the United States civil service commission. Some of the examinations will be given on August 18 and 20 at the customs house in Hartford, and application blanks can be obtained' from the sec retary of the examining board there. In Connecticut, some of the exami nations will be given also' at the post offices in Mlddletown and New Haven. Examinations will be ' given" as fol lows: ' : - 1 August 18 Instrument maker, chauf feur, assistant in agricultural educa tion, bacteriologist, mechanical engin eer' and general . mechanic. These ex-' a-mlnatlone will not be given in Hart ford. Blanks for giving .the informa tion wanted by the- government can be obtained by mail from the offices of the United i States civil,, service com mission, Washington, D-. C., or: from the secretary of the board of examln- rers, at the post office, Boston, Mass., or custom house, .New York. . Applica tions must reach Washington before the close of business August 18. -In Hartford, on -this date, there will be an examination for a chief in the office of information, department of ag riculture, at $2,500 a year. , August. 20 Radio sub-Inspector, 'as sistant in . crop acclimatization, radio electrician, laboratory aid in horticul ture, assistant preparator. in palentol ogy ' and laboratory aid in physics. GLEARAMCE SALE IF. ' i fofimg Iblks to StartmHcniselcesplii JJL V-VJ,J- For cash with order on our entire magnificent new stocK of Furniture, Matting, Lace Curtains, frigerators, Gas Ranges, Go Carts, Baby Car riages, Pictures, Upholstery Goods, Etc. CLOSE OUT PATTEMS 25 TO 50 PER CENT. OFF. Yop have no idea what a magnificent layout is here now for you to choose from unless you come and look. Hundreds ot you have been waiting for this sale. NOW GET BUSY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF iT. Enter I 069 Main Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday GROCERY DEPARTMENT 20 lbs FINE GRANULATED SUGAR FOR. .$1.00f ECONOMY FRUIT JARS... quarts 75c dozen ECONOMY Fltl'IT CAPS. .... - 2o per rtoxtMi l'ABAFINB FOR SEALING CANS Kc per cake POWDERED, COXIECTIONEKY AND CUBE SUGAR.... c per Ih WHOLE MIXED SPICES - 20c per Xh HOUSEHOLD JAMB. Crosse & Blackwell's . . 1 lb jars 15c 2 for 25c GALLON RHUBARB 25c per can, 3 lb can lOe PEARL TAPIOCA j . . . .So per n PEARL BARLEY 5o per 1T BULK COCOA 18c per lb ALBION BARTLETT PEARS 2 lb cans 10ft SLICED PINEAPPLE - 2-V4 lb tins 17c, $J.0 per down BLUE LABEL TOMATOES 5 inch tins, ISC, 2 for 25c BOSTON BAKED BEANS 8 lb can 12c UBLIG. STATE AND BANK STS. ig " P Phones There are the places for which exam inations will be given, in Hartford, Mlddletown and New Haven., None but men are eligible for any of these positions. There are two vacancies as instru ment maker, foreman at $5.12 a day and assistant at $3.84 a day in the Na val Observatory at i Washington. A chauffeur at $S00 a year is wanted by the bureau of mines, Washington. He will be required ito drive a '-gasoline motor truck and help load and unload it. Assistants in agricultural educa tion are wanted' for the experiment station at Washington at $1,800 to $2, 000 a year. There are several vacan cies as bacteriologists at $1,800 and $2, 000 a year. . '' , r , ' The mechanical engineer tb wanted for a. vacancy in the office of public roads, department of agriculture, for duty in the field at a $3,000 salary. The minimum age for this place is 30 years. The general mechanic vacancy is in the Indian service at the Yankton In dian agency, South Dakota, and. the salary Is $720 a. year. Vacancies exist ing at the navy yard, New York, will be filled from those "taking the radio sub-inspector examination. The sub Inspector gets $6 a day and the assist ant $4. Salaries range from $840 to $1,200 for assistants in crop acclimati zation. The service is in Washington. The radio electrician is wanted for the navy yard, New York, and the salary is $4.4 8a day. ... The work of laboratory inspectors In physics is in Washington and their pay $600 to $720 a year. An assistant pre parator in paleonthology is wanted for the National Museum, Washington, at $60 a month. The laboratory aid In agriculture will "work in the bureau of plant industry, Washington, at $720 a year. , , GLENWOO - RANGES'-' 10 Per Cent. Oil Very special during August sale only. Buy now and have it set up later if necessary. Street or I 35 MARKET EAST MAIN ST. From the - registrars of eiiglbles re sulting from these examinations, cer tifications will be made to fill the va cancies mentioned, and vacancies as they may occur throughout the TJnitl States in places requiring similar qual ifications unless it is found to toe in th interest of the service to fill the va cancies by reinstatement, transfer ot promotion. KIDNEY TROUBLE BEGAN WITH A LAME BACK. J..L Haeki, 915 Eighth St., Lincoln, III., was recently cured of a bad c&st of kidney trouble that started with a lameiback, and says: "1 am certainly thankful in getting a cure of my kid ney trouble by using Foley Kidney Pills." Try them yourself. Adv. SILVER AND GLASS Fine, heavy silver and rich cut glawi are universally regarded as ideal wed ding presents and rightly so. In these wares there is beauty-.value and utility combined. In appropri ate and desirable articles can be found to fit equally well the filled wallet or slender purse; and ajaln, they are needed for the new home quite as much as furniture, china, and other things. We make a specialty of carrying a wide assortment of suitable gift arti cles in silver glass and plate, espec ially those nationally advertised. SI. J; BUECDLEn THE RELIABLE JEWELER 48 FAIRFIELD AVE. Near MidULo St. f rr rr Portieres, frm MUGS AND CARPETS Your choice of our entire magmifieent, new line at 10, per cent, off (Whittair fail patterns excepted) c-Iose-owt patterns 20 to SO per cr-ot. otT. Xewest Linoleums and Oil Cloth 10 per cent. off. Oldf-r patterns and remnants 25 to .V per cent. off. COME AM look, rr will do voir GOOD. Fairfield Avenue ETaxzaer Want Ad 3 1c a word ADVEBXISE UV THE FARMER.