12 THE FARMER : AUGUST 6, 1913 FINANCIAL -THE- First-Bridgeport CORNER MAIN AND Notice oaattoa. wiwr ol imhbd u """" Sti-eeta. ridgeporc. Conn, Frinta Banft hM Seen eMtolwja tnere nmtlimndr. We haereeelea . and paid oat cm dcamd wlthotrt bo v Ur nUUon- of- anlinrs of money as lioriMd with aa md we continue ta kscetve nosey rt)ect aeposltor-B ieek mt tirt, on wt we "" . per i"1"" " nonCbt We " wtae iiwil t.tnnk acooanC wnCTTJ. wa.aepeslt'mooeji, checks rmi tMleave-4ttftMr ew tofiMW weeH. o f VM MAwr ttjone'lt la. left wtthn ffie, to tJ tastarea ?"J2 WM6Mg attecttoh M theto nna CMMM cent Whm (ergnHi f-H : '4Z5&2&&&a STREE35 gfa ftret of f-mopotSh .fonowtns deposit andls pnT January jw SS3niELW.BAIWI3", President WllUg H- liXON, Treasurer Members New Tor Stock Exchange Taylor, Livingston &Co. dealers In ' Fractional Lots on Part Paid Plan X .WALL STREET, NEW YORK or SO P.O. ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, CT E. I- CHAPMAN, Manager Telephone 5221, 5222 JcnA for Circular Describing Method WE 0F?ER foij SALE ' COTTAGES AND TWO - FAMILY HOUSES located in best sections of jOity, ranging in price from I 00 to $10,000. (Full par JiepJars on application tdj tar &. Htnapp C23 LIAI2T STREET fl m 1 ct Tjzr, -t M-wTa. nMJ" UPWAKDS Vnn can axrarfWe to get a loan In lert-tnen0v-e minutes-and we do not feottw youri employer or neighbors by umiiiniiiiini j Investigation.. Eouss. Keep era or anyone earning a regular 11 J aoeommoaatea connaenuaiiy. gane ' Inducements to new. customers. g-Crcrooasa oC lacuea soiiciiecu MIERICAN GUARANTY CO. 99 GOLDEN HILL ST. Open Saturday and Monday Evenings mil s:ov Over Caesar Miscb. Tickets and Tours BY OCEAN, LAKE and RIVER FOR INDIVIDUAL TRAVEL. TICKETS TO iiOVA SCOTIA, -NEW FOrT)LAD, CANADA, ETC. ETC. S. Icewitii & Co 116 BANK STREET. TEL. NO. 3. No matter .what you want try the Farmer Want Col ttttvtt. National Banlc ""'51' BANK STREETS M AW. SURE that yoor valuables haro protection from fire and theft. Too have this Positive Assurance when you place them in our Eire and Burglar Proof Vault where you can rent a Safe De posit Box for a reasonable rate. JAMES STAPLES & COi BANKERS 189 STATE ST., Bridgeport, Conn. DIFFERENT PHOTOGRAPHY Something von cannot get elsewhere. That's our -kind ARMSTRONG'S WHITMAN STUDIO Park and ; Fairfield Avea. Will Armstrong of 'Boston, Proprietor WEST END A23ATEUBS Engraved " " Wedding Invitatf 013 Calling Cards ' Fine Stationery at SOUTHWORTH'S IO ARCADE IF YOU ARE ILL .""" . SEND . FOR YOTJTt PHYSICIAN AND MET XJS COMPOUND YOTJR PRESCRIP TION :: st :s -Atlantic Pharmacy Prescription Specialists 990 MAIN STREET '" , Next to Davis & Hawley 1 ALEX. N. COOK, D. C. Graduate Chtropractor Spinal Adjusting Parlors, 651 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. Explanation of Chiropractic Mailed Upon Request PATENT RIGHTS ISSUED TO CONNECTICUT INVENTORS The following were issued August 6 1913. List furnished from office of A. M. Wooster, solicitor of patents, Bridgeport, Conn. - Louia WeidHch, Bridgeport, "jewel case. Design. Chas. A. Frasser, Westport, smoking table. Xiesign. Albert K. Lovell, New Haven, bottle stopper. i Jass S. Copeland, Hartford, driving and braking mechanism for. vehicles. Monroe Gruett, Hartford, electric switch. Woolsey M. Johnson, Hartford, metallurgical apparatus. Frank M. Sturges, Danbury, fasten er. Lewis R. Helm, Danbury, combined molstener, ironer and shaper for col lars and suffs. Constant Bouillon, Torrington, 2 patents, molding machines. Geo. D. Hartlett and W. A. Wheeler, New Canaan, window screen. Peter N. Landine, Milford, baggage- rack. Harry I. Phillips, Waterbury, button fastener. Chas. B. Rearick, New London, elas tic fluid turbine. Geo. E. Wood, Southington, forming tools. Walter A. Morse, No. Grosneror Dale, telephone locking system. Tratfe Marks. Stamford Foundry Co., Stamford cooking stoves and ranges. $2 FIRE BRINGS '' OUT THE DEPARTMENT. Shingles ablaze on the roof of the Rock Spring Water Co. office at 413 John street, brought out the fire .de nartment about 10 o'clock this morn ing. The blaze was extinguished with chemicals. The . damage was about $2. SILVER AND GLASS Fine, heavy silver and rich cut glass are universally regarded as Ideal wed ding presents and rightly so. In these wares there is beauty, value and utility combined. In appropri ate and desirable articles can be found to fit equally well the filled wallet or slender purse; and again they are needed for the new home c?iie as much as furniture, china, and other things. We make a specialty of carrying a wide assortment of suitable srift arti cles in silver glass and plate, espec ially thoser.natlonally advertised. HL J. BUECHLER THE RELIABLE JEWELER 48 FATRFTELlf AVE. Near Middle St. j SP FANCY SWORD FISH BLOCK ISLAND LIVE LOBSTERS . . , .. HAYES 629 WATER STREET JOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO. Dealers in WALL PAPERS, PAINTERS' SUPPLIES PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. ESTIMATES CHEERFOIJJY GIVEN 788 EAST MAIN STREET, Phone 4881 LOWE'S COUbARS. CTJPPS AND ' General Laundry In S60O EEATTEW AVENUE oJOHM IP. FAY 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE 'X. Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, Super ior Fabrics for Furniture and Draperies. Tel. 74 THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 130 State Street mmm 6 I. ll Irt 1 tt iWUMitfl MIS Hie Naogafoek Valley Ice Co, v Artificial -ICE Natural Lehigh COAL Screened ' Kindling WOOD Block " Telephone 597, 598 t GREEN BR0H'8 CAFE FAMOUS FOR GERMAN LUNCHES Owing to the Increase of patronage to this popular store we have been forced to enlarge and refurnish oar dining rooms. The shop ping and tbeatre public will find this the right place at the right prices to dine and refresh. Moerlein-'s Cincinnati Beer on draught. 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE ON AUTOMOBILE ROW Refrigerators i Refrigerators 75 Styles to Geo, B. Clark & Co. . 1057r 1073 BROAD STREET ' OPPOSITE POST OFFICE To make the SKIN of FACE and HANDS VELVETY, SOFT and WHITE USE ONLY THE GENUINE CREME made by J. SMON Ita effect is aided by the use of POUDRE DE RIZ SIMON AND SOAP SIMON FOR SALS MAURICE LEVT, 15-17 Wet.38tl Stret ECIAL JUST ARRIVED FROM' :... .l2Vc lb' 25c lb FISH CO. TEL. 412, 413 , LAUNDRY SHIRTS A SPECIAIiTX All Its Branches PHONE 1S4-3 , CRESS FROM THE CHURN Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON 589 BUTTER THE FAMILY WASH Semi-finished is a specialty of ours and we want to give our especial attention to yours! Modern Machines, Sanitary Conditions, Careful Help in departments, Prompt De liveries, Reasonable Prices are the points in favor of sending your family wash here. One and one-half cents per piece with a weight allowance of one-half lb to the piece The Crawford Laundry Co. FAIRFIELD AVE. AND COURTLAND ST. Phone 4320 421 Housatonic Ava. WAGONS PHONE Refrigerators Select . From S & CO., Paris, France EVERYWHERE Sola U. 8. Acent , ' Kew lork gnu! IMON GRAPHOPHONE FOREMAN ON 10TH ANNUAL OUTING Talking Machine Experts Ftorget Busi ness While Toying With Clams and - Lobsters at'Roton Point. More than 60 members and guests of the American Graohophone Foremen's Association enjoyed their tenth annual J outing at Roton Point, Saturday after noon. The party made the trip from the graphophone factory to the Point In two big auto-busses, starting at 12:30. Messrs. Kron, Root, Fardee and Rowell were the "official capacity dem onstrators'" In charge of the party. Russell R Mead was toastmaster. The menu included everything usually serv ed at a clambake. The foremen who went were: Abar, Baker, Baylis, Belcher, Bentley, Brant meyer, Budlong, Capps, Case, Cherry, Codere, Condon, A. Crowther, W. Crowther, Davenport, Fardee, French, Haugh, Hawkins, Horsey, G. Hopkins, F. Hopkins, Horsfall, Houlihan, Hous ton, Kennedy, Kron, Larsen, Lomme, Mead, McLaughlin, Mitchell, H. Muel ler, Parker, Petrie, Phalen, Price, Red gate, Reynolds, Risdon, . Root, Rowell, G. Rowell. Spall, Stevenson, Symonde, Tanner, Hordorff, Verrelle, Wadham, Wallace, Weeks, Wilson, Windhovel and Woods. SUFFRAGISTS TO STUMP WASHINGTON IN HOPE OF MAKING CONVERTS Washington, Aug. 6. Looking on the District . of Columbia ' as , an excellent ground for proselyting, members of the National Council of 'Women "Voters, which meets here next , week, announc ed today that they would wage a vig orous street speaking campaign In the hope of making converts for "the cauee." Suffragists of national repu tation will preach the suffrage article of faith on the street corners every eve for the next 10 days. WANT POLICE WOMAN ON NEW HAVEN FORCE FOR DETECTIVE WORK New Haven, Aug. 6. The effort mae by philanthropic and church societies to have a police woman on the New Haven force -will be redoubled In view of the estimates of - police expenses made tip yesterday by the commission ers, in which there Is an item of $1,000 which "would be available for such a purpose. - The commissioners are un derstod to favor trial of a woman of ficer to. be attached- to the detective bureau and to- be available for cases in - which a , woman could do service much better than a man.' A woman -would ;not be used . in de tective work nor - would she be placed oh patrol 'duty. ,' Imetead,: ehe- would be ror loitfig ioii . ' ' , -.... .ynfgTrir..aici. r " For cash with order on our entire magnificent new stocil of Fiiriittiir'-IH PortEres, E Irigeralors, Gas laitges, Go Carls, Baby to riages, Pietisres, Upholstery Gcsis, Ets. CLOSE OUT PATTmi 25 TO 59 PEH fMl. OIF. You have no idea what a magnificent layout is here Kr; yon to choose from unless you come snd Icc!l JhzizZi ol you have be'en waiOng for this sale. HOW GET BUSY AND TAKE ADMNTflGE OF 17; Enter 1069 Main Street or ' 135 roccry SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY BANNER MILLING FLOUR, y2 barrel, cotton, $2.85; y8 paper sacks, 75c; a barrel in wood $6.25 BROKEN MACARONI 6c per lb ELBOW MACARONI '. 8c per !b NOODLES (all sizes) , . . : 10c per lb QUAKER OATS 8c per package SWIFT'S CLEANSER. 4 cans 25c CREAM OF WHEAT. 120 per package WH EATEN A 1240 per nackage' BROKEN RICE 5c per lb ! POST TOASTIES . . js. u. uuifc PUBLIC AND STATE AND BANK STS. EAST MATH ST. Phones assigned to visit dance halls, public gatherings and places where young fouks gather and at which she could keep her eye on young women and look after their welfare. It is under stood that If the police estimates are voted and the salaries are available, the experiment will be made. WIFE KILLS HUSBAND AND WALKS TWO MILES WITH BABY TO LOCKUP . Caruthersville, Mo., Aug. 6. With her baby In her arms and carrying the re volver with which she shot and killed her husband,' Anderson B. Waldrop, a prospectus planter, Mrs. Waldrop walk ed two miles to a neighboring farm house yesterday to telephone to the sheriff. Mrs. Waldrop is in jail here. According to her statement, Waldrop had threatened to' lull her and was pre paring to cary out his threat when she fired. NEBRASKA PROGRESSIVES TO HAVE COMPLETE TICKET ' Omaha. Neb., Aug. 6. The Nebraska progressive committee which met yes terday decided to place in the field at the next election complete state, con gressional, legislative and county tick ets. iu icti t (CrSIltluio GLENWOOD 10 Per Cent Gli Very special during August sale only. Buy now and have it set up later if necessary. artmemQ CO.'S SUPERLATIVE .3 packages 25c 4 packages 25c MARKE il BRANCH BALTIMORE MUNICIPALITY MAY PASS . ORDINANCE FO'A SEGREGATION OF THE RACES Baltimore, Aug. 6. The Maryland court of appeals in a predlmlnary opin ion handed down shortly before mid night, last night,' held "tha-t the mayoi and city council of Baltimore may, ic the exercise of Its police powers, val idly pass an ordinance for the segre gation of -the white and colored raci without conflicting with the provision of the constitution of the United State or of the state of Maryland." The opinion, however; declared )e valld on technical grounds an ordi nance approved by the mayor in 1S11 It was announced that an ordinan'1 will be drawn up to meet the legal en actions. 400 MEN AND WOMEN FIGHT x FIRE AT CAMP GROUNDS Chatham, Mas., Aug. 6 An , ai! night fight by 400 men and womim against a forest fire that threa.tene-1 to destroy the Methodist camp grounds at Tarmouth was successful, early to day, when the flames were brought under control at the edge of th- grounds! A few of the families l!vr f at the camp grounds vacated their homes on the approach of the fire. MUGS AND CARPETS Toot choioe ot ..oar wt?J- magnificent, new line a it per oent. Off Wb4ttIl' patterns oeped) cfce-oit patterns 28 to per cent. Newest Unotemm and, - I Cloth 1 per cent. off. Ol naurm and rtnuwuiu 25 !o f t Tr-r cent. off. OOftfE A f LOOK. IT WILL I0 VOC GOOD. Fairfield Avenue