Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER :? AUGUST 7, 1913 11 CLASSIFIED 1 ADVERTISEMENTS 1 5 WORDS 1 5c, 3 TIMES 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell --- Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange TO LET SITUATIONS Take down that spotted placard and secure a tenant If you are out of Work, The Farmer Wants Ads ought to be of material assistance to yon. Read them over or roomer in the mod mz nay tbronrh a. Fii. tar classi fied advertiseme j Z, carefully each day. fl FOR SALEi I ' i For Sale Advertisements In The Parmer bring ready , 1 ( i ' ' Mlany men and women ooU at The Farmer and look I 1 1 ' over the Itelp Wonted Ads. If yon need ihelp Ad- - 1 vertise. Mircbaaen. i Trr one. you will :"foe surprised ; at. the im- C 1 I t mediate results. , ) I Today's Wants Wants Ads rwill be received for this page up to .12 o'clock noon. Those-seht in at a -later hour up to 2:S0 will appear -on the second or third page of this -paper under the heading, 'Latest Wants. " WASTED. Neat Hungarian girl for ligh. housework. Apply at 300 Pali side Ave. Carl Wolf. , X, 7 s WASTED. Furnished house, 7 to 9 - rooms, 3 adults. Best references. C State price and particulars. "Fur ; nished House," care Farmer. L 7s XFASTED. Tounf man to make him- self useful around store and deliver - orders.- Opportunity to learn tea business. Bring reference. Apply Van Dyk Tea Co., 1136 Main St. L 7 s TOR SALE. Fine 2 family 15 room house, jail improvements, on William street, bargain. Fine 8 room cot- tage, ail improvements, on Laurel Z avenue. Elegant 2 family house on ; Savoy street, near North Main, up ' to date. Watson, 83 Fairfield Ave. a p JOHN JT. HARDT Doctor of Klroprac- ' tic formerly of 310 Fairfield Ave.ji now located at Rooms 107-109-111 J Meigs Bldg., in his beautiful mod- - era offices. Private adjusting and - Rest Parlors for Ladies and Gentle I men. New "phone 6245.- Consulta i tion free. L 7 a J p I " ' CHIROPODIST. fmSS JESSIE H. DeLONG Visiting ; chiropody and manicuring, corner - Fairfield avenue and Harrison' St. " Office hours 1 to 7 P. M. Sundays "by appointment. L 7 s J r - - : CTrXJTHTNG. ' '. . WANTED To buy men's second hand ' clothing. Send postal. Will call, r Yale Misfit Clothing Co., 688 Main -or 1326 Railroad. L7 tf. 5TPEnirmQ - muVfigrafhing. CEO. N." SEARS, Stenographer and Notary Public, 108 Meigs Bldg. Phone 922-4. L 7 tf. . BIRD STORE. SINGING CANARIES," parrots, pet animals and gold fish, bird cages, fish globes and " acquar-iums, bird seeds and 'foods, dog biscuit and - remedies at Courtney's bird store, I 116 Wall St. . Upstairs. L7s PAVING PROPOSALS. 1 City of Bridgeport. . The Paving and Sewer Commission will receive proposals at the office of Its secretary, room 22, City Hall, in said City, until Tuesday. August 12th, 1 9 1 3, 'at 8 o'clock;- for . paving . with granite block, oi concrete base, about fourthousand (4,000) square yards of street surface. ; Bids will be received either for com pleted pavement, for granite block only, or for all other labor and ma terials, except the wearing Surface, r "Bidders will describe, the blocks to be used and also furnis hsample of came. r The Commission reserves the right - - any or u.1 1 proposals. , . Copies of specifications can be ob tained from Alfred H. Terry, City En gineer, City Hall. " The Paving and Sewer Commission, By, BERNARD KEATING. ' - Secretary.-. POINTS OF INTEREST. Mid-Summer Clearance Sale of White Chip Hats. Peanut Braid Hats, Gen uine Panama Hats and Trimmed Dress Hats at B. H. Dillon & Co, 'a, 1105 Main street. . Fish bulletin for Friday: Fancy shore haddock.- fancy Block Island word fish, butter fish, steak cod, weak fish, porgies. shore, haddock, flat fish, long Island steamers round clams in shell, iittle necks, salt salmon, pink almon, salt mackerel, red Alaska sal mon, salt cod middles, fancy white bailout, large blue fish, prime soft shell crabs. Eastern salmon, live and boiled lobsters. Bridgeport Public Market and branch. BRIDGEPORT LINE TO NEW YORK - I STR. BRIDGEPORT Lv. Bridgeport, Fairfield Ave.. Wharf, week days, t 8 A. M-, Sundays and Labor Day, 9:00 A. M. Returning, Lv. New "Vcrk, week days. Pier 28, E. R., 3 P. M., Saturdays 2:ftO P. M. Foot of East Hand Street, 3:30 P. M. Saturdays, 2:30 P. M. Sundays and Labor Day 5:30 P. M. No landing made at Pier 28 on Sundays. STR. NAUGATUCK Lv. Bridgeport, Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union St., daily, except Saturday, at 12 night. Returning, Lv.'New York, Pier 28, daily, except Sundays 11 :00 A. M. Due Bridgeport -3 :30 P. 1. Popular oliogs to New York STR BRID GEPORT Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, Labor Day. Sail up the Hudson included on Sundays. , , - i" ROUND TRIP FARE TO NEW YORK Sundays, Tuesdays, ' Thursdays and Labor Day Tickets good only for date sold. & Wilson Orchestra. j THE NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO., L. B. Nickerson, Agt Unclassified AT BOMMOSl & BHTZ MARKET in State street will be found best line of meats. .' 1 18 tf o GET A SUIT" that fits. Our sultB are 25 dollars and up. Carlow, 60 Can non St. - L I b LADIES ; TAILOR AND FURRIER. Suits with material J 18 up. With out material $8 up. F. WarrenT 666 Fairfield Ave. L 1 s FOR HOME DRESSMAKERS A series of instructions given on all ..the new skirts to cut, tit, drape, in cluding pattern, 31 for two weeks , beginning Aug. 2nd. Taylor, Build . lng, 4 6 Cannon street. ,"7.Lld' YOU CANT BEAT Caaca-Lajclne tab let for constipation. Try them. a i o CFHOMTERIN&, Furniture Repalr - ed and refinished. Prices always ' reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store, State, near Clinton.- H5 tfo PLATED WINDOW GLASS. Bridge port Glass Co. Glazing of every de scription., Mirrors resilvered. 1723 Main St. Tel. 3349-3. P 28 aSp Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid .cars and Limousines. Charges reasonable. James T. Rourke, 126 Main street. 'Phone 1SC1. . Dl dJV Storage Warehouses STORAGE, OF FURNITURE Sepa- rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large, . careful handling. Bridgeport Stor . age Warehouse Co., 1185 Main St Cor. .Congress St. TeL 1084-2. Personal MADAME BERON, 628 Main St., . Card reading, business and personal, best in the state. L 1 dp PRIVATE DETECTIVE. Any kind of legitimate detective work skillfully done. Address Box 887, City.- v. . . , L 2 d p CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 26c Mrs. Levy, 674 Madison Ave., fourth house above North Av. L25 "tf ORDER your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. Carl, A.; Schmidt, 120 Cleveland '- avenue. HIS ap -' RBAUBOATJ ': MERCHANT'S LINE Daily Except Sunday Zieaves New Xork, Pier 19, East River, S p. m. f Due at Bridgeport, 7:SO p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Joy Line Dock, 2 a. m. Arrive New York 7 a. m. For further information . and rates apply to 3. B. 'iliepard. Agent. Summer Time Table Bridgeport .Port Jefferson Steamboat Co. Steamer PARK Cm- Capt. C. E. Tooker. Daily, leavw Port Jefferson 9 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. (Single Fare, 75c; Round Trip Tickets, SI. Good any time during the season. Matinee Excursions, from Bridgeport daily 1:30 p.m; returning, leave Port Jefferson 4:30 p.m.; round trip tickets, good day of issue, only 50c. Special Excursions Tuesday, Friday and Sun day from Port Jefferson. Sunday, leave Port Jefferson 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; leave Brldyeport 1:30 and 6:30 p. m. -Automobile transportation. Geo. M. Tooker, Agent Fanner Want Ads. One Cent a Word. UP THE HUDSON SUNDAYS Music on Sundays by the Wheeler Lost and Found FOUND. 14 foot skiff on Long Island Sound. Inquire D. Clinton, Strat ford. L 5 sp To Bent TO RENT. Unusual handsome resi dence of 10 rooms, with electric lights, 649 Clinton averfue. Enquire Mrs. P. F. West, 647 Clinton avenue. Phone 3310-4. . L 7 aS ; TO RENT. Elegant apartment of seven- rooms; 679 Maplewood, first house from Clinton avenue. 'Inquire Mrs. P. F. West, 6 7 Clinton avenue. Phone 3310-.- L7a. . TO RENT. Nice 6 room flat, first floor, all Improvements, ' Benham Ave.. 820. Apply Geo. G. ; Beers, Room No. 1, Masonic Temple, Broad street. Phone 1009. L 6 s FOR RENT. -4 room flat, $10, - Sea " field Ave. Pease'Realty Co.. 1024, Main street. ' t L3d7 FOR RENT. New cottage,, large airy rooms, modern, improvements. Ap-"'- ply Mrs. -J. S. Wakeman, Sunny brook Cottage, Pine Creek, Fairfield,' -Ct, or phone 109-4.; J- s-p TO RENT. Nltely furnished rooms, in strictly respectable family- Mi Fairfield Ave. Phone 868- XJ 14' vU-.-i FOR RENT Rooms for manufactory ing or storage. GledhlU A Co-,! Water St - R tt SHORE PROPERTY: FOR SALE.' FOIS SALE. 500 building lots over looking Long Island Sound; water, j' gas, trolley service; $200 up; thirty ' five waterfront lots," fine beach; sev ,, eral new cottages, nodern improve ments; bargains for quick sales.. . E. L. Nettleton, Milford; Conn. . j-' L 4 a I Help Wanted WANTED First class National, Acme and Gridley multiple spindle Auto " matic screw machine -operators. ' . Hamoden Machine Screw Company Springfield, Mass. . '. t ' L 6 s : WANTED. One hundred laborers to work on the construction of Morris Dam, 32.00 per day. Wood board ing accommodation. No labor trou V ble. The Kyan-Unmack Co., Thom ' a ston. Conn. ' R 1 al WANTED. For TJ. S. Army; Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 85; citizens of United : States, nt good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write,, the .English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 6 2 ' Cannon St., Bridgeport, conn : ' p 2 WE WTT.L EMPLOY . V 4 High Class Milling Machine Men. ' 3 Experienced Drill, PressOperators. 5 Hand and Automatic Screw Ma chine Men. - - , , The Bullard Machine Tool Co., Broad and Railroad, City. . P 24. tf Situations Wanted W ANTE D. Position, by a reliable J'oung man. 24 years old. as a ool ector. salesman, or any outside posi tion. Reference. Address R. H, C. care of Evening -- Farmer or Phone 8B8-3. A 20 tf POSITION WANTED. By man cap " able of taking charge of office and making himself -useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad : dress C I, car of Farmer Pub, Co. T 17 tf WANTED. Position In Men's de partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at 'selling, alse collecting. Best of references. At present employed. Address L.L.B., cart of Farmer. HT0 f tf WANTED. Position In store or with ... iinn with .possibilities o advance ment. Would like position aS out aide salesman. Salary raaaonabla to start. . AOaress S. J. J.. care or Farmer. " H It tf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, electric lights, steam heat, hot water, private bath, Iprl ,rate phone if desired, in select neighborhood, Clinton Ave., hear Maplewood Ave., - with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad- 7 dress P. O. Box 45(1. U 86 ts AUTOMOBILES. , HOW ARE your lamps? Repairing, glass, parts, all kinds. Auto Lamp Shop; 80 John St. ' P 21 tf - Photography DEVELOPING 61 films and plates for amateurs, first class work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio Park and Fairfield Aves. T2 at Printers and Stationers MANUFACTURERS PUINTIN Time Cards, Order Slips. Pay En velopes, Tags, Lables. etc. Lowest Prices. Best Work. Siksay 83 Reilley street. U 24 tf 4 STAR PRESS PRINTS BUSINESS canis, envelopes, bill heads, state ments,, tickets, programs, show cards, circulars, etc. Low prices, ; first class work. Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16-18 Kossuth St., corner " Stratford Ave. Phone 908-3. . L 4 a 5 GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, 100 Cards. Statements, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Note Heads, or Circu lars, printed for only 32.00. Siksay, 3 Reilly street. U22tf STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work; Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16-18 Kos suth St., corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2503-12. Union office. For Sale FARM FOR SALE of about 150 acres with 20 acres of lake belonging to property; suitable for private estate or country club. For information write to A. F.k care Farmer. L 4 d BUICK BARGAIN FOR BALE. Low v price to quick buyer. My 40 h. p. ' Buick Roadster, perfect condition. Robert H. Gould, 164 State street. Phone 517. "L 2 d FOR SALE. Excellent going hotel business in city .80,000 population; also ' bargains in other business. Pease Realty Co., 1024 Main "St. ' ' s - L 2 d FOR SALE Two building lots, one on Garfield avenue, one on Pequonnock f street, near Park avenue. I need the money. Make your offers. Box . 188, Mllford, Conn. , L 2 t FOR' SALE. Small SheUand pony, , four years : old, with new ' cart and . . . . . t. i ,5 . inarneas; periectiy sai-e iur tiinuicu. Price 175. George B. Clark. Milt-' ford. . - L 2 d WHY PAY RENT? ' We build houses anywhere. - Small deposit, Daiance payable, monthly; also, houses now ... ready for occupancy. , The Home . Construction . Co. Incorporated), 1116 Main St., Security Building, - Bridgeport, Ct. 1 L 6 d FOR SALE. 2 f amily house on Sco . field avenue paying 10 per cent on price, only 8360 cash, balance mort-o-qo-a i. whv nnt own . vmir own L ' home. Pease Realty Co-V 1024 Main street. - . " " FOR SALE Building lots corner Con ; - nectlcut and , Carroll Aves., ..Holland ' Ave., and Hollister Heights. Wm. ' Broch, 347 Fairfield Ave. S 20 tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 176 acres, 100 rich bottom, 6 room house.'.good barn, 1 mile of electric line, S miles of Richmond. Only 37,500; terms. i Send for . free list. ,700 Farm Bar gains. Caseelman & Company, Rich mond, Virginia. B 3 aSP FOR SALE. Three building lots BOJc ; 160 each -near school en ,Barnum - Ave., 3600 each. These lots sell for i $650. Also lot on Freeman St., East End, 60x100. Sewer, sidewalk, curt Vand gutter, $950, " worth $1,200. Al j so 6 family house on Mapls St. Rents $876. Price $7,900. Look them . over. Inquire Drew Bros., 43 Sterl i: ing St. Telephone -3 5 3 2-2. y , L 2 a 8 P FOR SALE. Collie puppies, hounds and watch dogs. Hair Boarding Kennels, . Lindley .and "Hunting streets. Phone 3151. L 1 a F p R S A LE My Residence; 405 Seaview Avenue ---:'r;:'' - : iT. B. WARREN .29 Sanford Building Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital,$250,000; surplus ana proms, s3u,uuu. jrranic MUler, President; David F- Read, Vice President: Charles E. Hough. Cashier; Henry B. ; Terrill, Asst. ; Cashier; Konert a. iieers. Asst. - Cashier. - . THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport.' corner Main and Wall Streets. S, W. Baldwin. President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C. dimming, Assistant Cashier. Cap ttal, $332,100; Surplus and Profits. Lump. $380,000. HARD WOOD FLOORS. LET ME MAKE AN ESTIMATE ON laying, cleaning and refinishing floors. W. J. . Soper, ' 110 Kossuth ; street - . L5 ss" PLUMBING . AND. FOBBING. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR PLUMB ing, steam fitting, hot - water, gas ; and Jobbing.' A- J. Dougherty, 139 Kossuth .street t1 L 5 s OLD GOLD AND SILVER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD gold, .silver, . dental and plater's scrap. E. T. Goldberg, 1136 Main street, upstairs. L 5 u 8 Business Opportunities FOR SALE, TO SELL. A splendid local paying business. Owner com pelle'd to leave .for other part of country on , account of sickness. Pease Realty Co.. 1024 Main street City. " . L 2 d UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair - ed and refinished. Prices always - reasonable at S tram's Furniture Store, State, near Clinton. H 6 tf OLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs recaned, upholstering. Gus C. Mul line, 325 East Main street Phone 1045-3. T 7 a 5 LOCKSMITH AND HARDWARE. KARPILOW & ZUCKER, Keyfltting .. and lock repairing, electric bells in stalled and repaired. 200 Fairfield Ave. Telephone 4944. L 6 d SECOND HAND FURNITURE. WE BUY AND SELL second hand furniture. We pay 10 per cent more than other dealers. H. A. Jasmin, 256 State. . - L 6 sfc SCALLEY BROS., 405 State St buy and sell second hand furniture. Fur niture store. Free delivery. Phone 1031r3. L 6 s Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith ft Co., dealers In una. fishing tackle and porting goods- aret . . You can also Ws Y" ""ed, locks repaired, ana -iT tl aw? mowers eharpened. aSAin5a "ht repairing done fphone'n810 " Wa" SU6"C OFFICERS to know that we seafs mfe,Clalty' ot rubber taP T?iy souvehir badges, com mittee badges and all kinds of en graving. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co.. 41 Cannon St. L7a H? Upnolterin hair mattress-Eas?M.Ttr- 4?? T Mulllns. 825 Jast Mala St. Phone 2514-3. T7 a fSTATE, Country Resorts and ail Kinds of classified advertise ments taken for newspapers every- Ti? tne reulr rates. Read's Advertising Agency. 310 Conn. Bank Building. , , R 1 tf 7rV Jt? ALE -Eqaal to Bass ale. - dzen. Bottled by Carr. . Cannon street. Phone 8icURE?AmiWO- moderate The only up-to-date shop iTh ca" and deliver: Tele- SJS?--11'-' Goyear Shoe Re. pairing Co., 76 John St. Rt tf WINDOW , SCREENS d- t;?r- d screens repair- Estimates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man & Co.. 255 Water St. R16 tf JRftF8 Cl8:ar combination . and silent salesman, store and of- 2 aP- Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co.. 256 Water St t - - - R14 tf Wanted To Buy WANTKD-To buy all kinds of second " ilan."2 .furniture. Geo. F. Totama, Redfleld old stand. 4S Harrison St v Telephone 1015-2. P 10 tf. I BUY OLD HORSES to kill.1 Re , move dead ones fre of charge anywhere-within 25 miles of Bridge- S01 1 Daniels. 2S61 Madison Road. Tel. 4287. ., LU j WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. 'Geo. F.i Totama, Redfield's old stand. 43 Harrison 3fc Telephone 1015-2. Big a p IOR D.??r'T WANT any old Junk or ' o'd things around your premises. , but we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them te Jacob Bros. We will pay yon the highest price and get them out of your. way. Prompt attention and Satisfaction is our record.- SB Kn. uth3t. Tel. 286. , R 2 Pianos and Musical Instruments - FOR SAT V, Used piano of reputable make -In fine condition. Will sell ' cheap for cash. Address Piano. care of Farmer. H 2 3 tf . PIANOS TUNED and repaired , by an experienced factory man terms reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. H 31 tf FOR SALE House organ. $20;piane. ,$146. Zither, patented design. , Will accept weekly payments. Ad - Areas Z. A. la car Farmer. Tt aj : PIANOS TTJNETD try our m saecora man. thorough experienee and ab solute - satiaf action - cuaranteed. . rnosa Z5Z, w lssner warerooms. Broad and State 8tL T a USED KNABE PIANO, taken In ex change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell clump for cash or easy payments. William A, Tomlinson. 16 Fairfield avenue, up stairs, Sagal Building, Room 100 143. T t. WANTED T o buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totaras, Redfield's bid stand. 43 Harrison St Telephone 1616-2. : R 14 a"p Barrels BUY AND SELL all kind nf barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co.. 68 Beardsley St Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a young-lady, terms reasonable.' Call or address. 148 Golden Hill. ' " B 20 a f p STUDENTS wanted in practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological advertising in all its branches taught For full inform a tion address Box 450.' City. Tt tf THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, S36 raimeio avenue. Uiass, group, and ' private instruction in for the colleges and ; technical scnoois. cpeciai advantages in ar ranging now ' for next year's work Summer, school, individual work only. August 4 to September 20 ; P'8 a I Fire Department Inadequate lotproMimj noocea tlila statement Better think ; about some insnrance hadn't you? Wo would rather insure you here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Franklin Block. All kinds of Insor ance. Bonds and Real Estate IP -YOU HAVE $1,500 to invest, where you wish to double your income on a first class two family house,come in and se.e us. Anderson S Co. Business Directory Save Time. Phone Your Orders Save Time, Telephone Tour Orders, They -will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FREELY you will find it great convenience. Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO. 1S3 ' John St Phone 1017-4 Automobile Dealers B. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and th R. C H. $90. , . 1887 Main St. Phone 1273 STARBCOK afATTICE. FORD CARS, 869 Fairfield Ave. - '7 , '.; Phone 4075-1 Automobile Supplies W. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Let u prove how we can save you 28 to 4t . per cent on your auppllea, 410 Main St Phone 4266 Auto. Tires and Repairing THE A. Tj. SCHAVOm CO.. 867 Fair field Ave. " Phone 1642 CONN. AUTO TTRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires in stock X41 Connecticut Ave.. Phone Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that . makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, .never wasted. 156 Wood Av. . Phone 2303 CRO' UCH A PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 401 Howard Ave - Phone l57-i f Beaver Board THE A. W. BURRTTT OfX, Knewlton Bt Phone K'5 Bottlers JACOB RTTPPERTS BREWERY, ?ls X Housatonlo- Ave. Phone b: 7 WALTER. STAPLETON, Lumber St. . . ; Phone 1041 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE. Security Bldg. , Phone 1403 Coal THE WHEELER A HOWES CO., t no. 1221 Main St Phone 844-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD Admiral and Carbon Bts. Phone 88-4 ' Confectionery C D. LANE, 1046 Main St Phone S42 Doctor DR, ALICE L. FITCH, 9S8 Iran! tan Ave..' near State St Office hours: I a. m. to 6 p. m. , Phone 4821. ' Druggists , JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and Sf.te Bta. Phone ll Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BTV BEAU, supplies companions, moth ers' helpers, nurse maids and com ' peteat domeatlo help, 670 State St Phone 4111-2 Furniture Mover EL G. DESIMB CO. If you want your piano' er furni ture moved safely give the job to . Demma 168 Union Ave. ' Phone 2398 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE. 295 Fair field Ave. i Phone 8128 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents Win ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 246 Conn. Ave. Phone 1044-2 ELM AUTO CO, 184 Elm Bt Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE. 108 Wood Ave. Phone 248 GIRLS WANTED CORSET DEPARTMENT Steel stitchers, strippers, side steel and cover operators. " BOX DEPARTMENT On all kinds of paper boxes. METAL DEPARTMENT For light foot press work. The Warner Apply EMPLOYMENT DEPT., Corner Lafayette and Gregory Streets WANT ADVS. ONE CENT A WORD. Gas and Gasoline Engines JSD?RP MOTOR tt MACHINE buys and sella raglnes and jamn cninery. First claa repairing. 1 Cannon St Phone 3807-X Gowns THET WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at home 167 Golden H11L. Phone 843-C Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Av. Phone 1482 t Ice Dealers DENIS A SQUIRES, 914 Howsatonlrl Ave. Phone 28SS Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY . We treat your clothes as our own. Zf you Ilka the idea telephone. Wood and Benham Aves. . . - Phones 1339-4 IiUmber FRANK MILLER LUMBER CO, 1 Fit E. Wash. Ave. Phone 108 Motor Cycles EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES. S. T Kellogg. 616 Stats St Phone 136s Nurses Registry vrrnsEsr central registk AND HOME. Oar telephone Is fnt your accommodation, plus zplw ,;ncy and' Judicious selection. 108 Fairfield Ave, Phone 814 , - XTJRSES WEST END REGISTRT AND HOME, 378 State P. Phone Slit Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW A LAW , 206 John St Phone 161F-3 Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad .. State Bts. Phone lf,Z9 Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, tf Fatrftwl Are. Phone 2047-4 Real Estate Agents BARTRAM A GREENE, 164 State F' Phone 451 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 866 State St Cdl up 1068 and get 10 per cent more for your goods. Why T Low 'rent, larger business, quick sales. , Shoe Stores B. B. THTNO A COj 1168 Main St THE OARTWRIGM feiiOH CO, ttf Main St Phone IStt Spring Water; HIGHLAND MINERAL BPRTNn WATER CO. A pure water bill ia better than a doctor's bill and less expensive. 44. Warren Bt Phone 88? POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Nature' crystal beverage is man's drink. 1784 North Ave. Phone 1442-8 Tailors L. B. NUNNOLD, 1SS 3"alrfield Ave. Theatres LYRIO THEATRE, 1428 Main St, Phone 4 611 FOLI'S THEATRE, 38 Fairfield Art, Phone 874, TypewritlngXTlultigraphir; GEO. N. SEARS. Notary Public. 101 Meigs Building. Phone 822-4 Typewriters MULLINS' TYPEWRITER Exchannrs 167 State St Phone 84 1 PLUMMER TYPEWRITER EX. ClLANliK, 166 Fairfield Ave. Phone 233f - ( Brothers'. Co. . 53 JOHN STREET. 1 Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word,