Newspaper Page Text
12 THE FARMER : AUGUST 7, 1913 FINANCIAL PRETTY WEDDING IN JAMES' CHURCH STRATFORD Miss Mabel Carpenter Becomes Bride of John J. CuHen Other Strat- ford News. ' SPE CIA -THE- Firsi-Bridgeport National lank CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS Notice For fortywoeveii yearn we Me ern ronducting business i tlio sM " tormtion. corner of Main and Job Streets, rldeeport. Conn, Private Ban haa eet"f.lS there rtmtinoonsly. Wo hTe,recf and paid oat on demand1 without no rlcw tnUlloni of dollars of money a Bocdted with nl and we conttnnr to receive nonrr object to Jeisiror rheclc at sight, on which we "'" three per cent, per - nnnm. rT'tt to euhaooant monthly. We i -the arconnu ot individuals. "" Ken, irm and eorponKlonfi. an " wIjo want ft bonk account n"pr'",,Z ran deposit money, check or and leave It for one week. OT month or one year, and -r1Trr2 m it for any time It Is left J We (rfTe to the bnslness onr "J fieroonal attention as the oldest nrm r private bankers In this state. T. L. WATSON & CO.N. FEOFLFS SAVINGS BANK. S24-928 MAIN STREET. Inoorporated 1860 Deposits . $6,554,955.12 Surplus and Undivided ' Earnings . -. 326,505.35 Interest a FOTTR (4) per cent, he ptns first of month following deposit and is pa.ya.ble January 1st atad July 1st. SAMTJEL W. BAiDWIK, President TELMS II. IiTON, Treasurer Uembers New Tork Stock Exchange Taylor, Livingston & Co. dealers In Fractional Lots on Part Paid Plan 9 WALL STREET, NEW TORK or SO P.O. ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, OT E. I. CHAPMAN, Manager . Telephone 5221, 5222 6end for Circular Describing Method WE. OFFER.-" : FOR SALE COTTAGES AND TWO - FAMILY HOUSES located in best sections of City, ranging in priee from $3,000 to $10,000. jFoll par ticulars on application to Purr & Knapp 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ' Ton can arrange to ' get a loan In less than jHve minutes and we do not bother your employer or neighbors by unnecessary investigations. House keepers or anyone earning a regular salary accommodated confidentially, tmt inducements to new customers. Tba patronage of ladies solicited. AMERICAN 1 GUARANTY CO. 99 GOLDEN HILL ST. . Open Saturday and Monday Evenings nntil 8:30 - . . Orer Caesar Misch. Tickets and Tours ' . OCEAN, LAKE and RIVER . FOR IZfDIVTDTjAL TRAVEL. TICKETS TO NOVA SCOTIA. .. NEW FOTTNDIiAND, CANADA, ETC. ETC. 3. Lcewilh & Co. 116 BANK STREET. V TEL. NO. 3. No matter what you want try the Farmer Want Col umn. . . JUKE SURE that your valuables have protection from fire and theft. You have this Positive Assurance when.5 you place them in our' Fire and Burglar Proof Vault where you can rent a Safe De posit Box for a reasonable rate. JAMES STAPLES & CO. BANKERS 189 STATE ST., Bridgeport, Conn. Fairfield County News Automobile Accidents. , Hyatt Gregory, of Silvermine, was coming: to Norwalk - Monday, when Ws automobile ran into the machine of Samuel Dworkin. Mr. rworkin gave a signal, he claims, that he was turning a corner, but Mr. Gregory a.p parently could ftot stop his machine, and struck the rear wheel of the for ward car. Mrs. Gregory was thrown to the street, -where she struck on her face and was quite badly bruised and cut. . . ' . Inability to secure carbide to gener ate gas for 'his autpmobile lights and driving without the lights ' was the cause of Frederick Bennetts car striking a team driven by Homer Clark in Cranbury Saturday evening, resulting InMr. Clark's being injured and the horse killed, as well as wreck ing the wagon. Mr. Bennett will pay for all -the damages, including the horse which was worth about (100. Homer Clark struck on the back of his head when thrown from the wag on and was delirious for the time, but will not suffer seriously from the ac cident. .. An automobile! owned and driven by Joseph H. Gillespie, of Bethel, struck George J. Stevens, of Danbury Sat urday night. The young man was thrown a. distance of several feet, striking with considerable ' force on the pavement. .An examination show ed that beyond a deep cut on the right ankle, several cuts on the face and a general shaking up no serious injuries had resulted. He started to cross Main street just as, two trolley cars' came along. Intent on trying to get across, between the two cars and watching the second car to keep out of its way, the young man darted from behind the first car directly into the path of the approaching automo bile. Mr. Gillespie attempted to .avoid hitting the -young man. The forward wheel hub struck. Mr. Stevens throw ing him off towards the sidewalk. : ' Shot in the Leg. v Miss Margaret "Valendor of . New Canaan was accidentally 'shot in the calf of the right leg Tuesday by a .22 rifle 'in the hands of David McGrath. The McGrath .boy and several friends were testing the gun and were shoot ing at a tin can tied to a limb of a tree. ' McGrath took a shot and at the same time the bullet sped on through the trees and hit the little girl, who was paddling in the brook. Bankrupt in Norwalk. Charles S. St. Johnson of, Norwalk, a manufacturer of cigar boxes, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. Hia liabilities are Jisted at $2,96.72, and all but $13.95 of the amount is unse cured. His assets are listed at $885. 30 and $894.43 is a value placed! on machinery and tools: School Savings Rank. The advance sheets of the annual report of Superintendent of Schools' Frederick J. Brownscombe of Dan bury develops the fact that little use was made of the school saving bank system during -the year. The schooj savings banksystem was Introduced at the New Street school, in February 1911, and at the Balmfprth Avenue School in February, 1910. At the New Street school pupils from eight een rooms have been depositors in this bank, 263 pupils out of 828 being depositors. , The amount deposited by these pupils "was $l,762.74j the amount withdrawn $21ff.l7, and : the amount on deposit to date $1,546.57. At the Balmforth Avenue school pu pils from fourteen rooms have been depositors in the bank. The deposi tors at this school have numbered 309 pupils out of 548. The amount deposited was $560.02; the amount withdrawn $835. 5-rr and the amount on deposit at the present time $4,624.48. The total amount on deposit from pu pils of both schools at the present time is $6,171.05. " Struck by Lightning. . " Lightning broke loose with a ven geance in the Plattsville avenue sec tion of Norwalk, Friday afternoon, with the result that James F. Wynn has a badly - shattered house. It ap parently struck In the center of the room near the chimney.' Here it di vided, one section tearing down along the side of the house and striking a large maple tree, the trunk of which was split.. Another portion of the bolt ran on the other side of ' the house and along the water leader which it tore open,, while a third descended in to the kitchen, where it tore doWn the walls, shattered the door easing and broke the windows. The first two bolts shattered the beams in the at tic and tore many of the - shingles from the roof. There were five peo ple in the house and they were shock ed. ,' SILVER AND GLASS Fine.heavy sliver and rich cut glass are universally regarded as ideal wed ding presents and rightly so. In these wares there is beauty, value and utility combined. In appropri ate and desirable articles can be found to fit equally well the filled wallet or slender purse: and again, they are needed for the new home quite as much as furniture, china, and other things. . . We make a specialty of carrying a wide- assortment of suitable gift arti cles in silver glass and plate, espec ially those nationally .advertised. BL BUECHLER " THE RELIABLE JEWELER 48 FAIRFIELD AVE. Near Middle St. Bluefish, Swordfish, Halibut, Steak Cod, Had-1 dock, Flounders, Butterfish,' Sea Bass, Salmon,! Weakfish, Eels, Little Steamers, Soft Shell Crabs, Hard Shell Crabs, Livej Lobsters. HAYES 629 WATER STREET STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M., EXCEPTING' THURSDAY. AND SATURDAY EVENINGS -v - " FTJBOTTTJRK OTHOLSTERED AND REFTNISHED-aeABINET MAKER ' ' CHAIRS REPAIRED AND CANED -y. ' ; - HAIR MATTRESSES MADE OVER FIRST CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES GUS O. MULLEN, ""erly with the D. M. Read Co. ' - S25 EAST MAIN STREET ' ' In the Rear pt Staples' property Telephone 2514-3 LOWE'S y vOLIiARS, ? CUFFS AND General Laundry In lobe SEAT TEW AVENUE s ' 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, Super ior Fabrics for Furniture and Draperies. Tel. 74 THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 130 State Street Semi i3kii hi-i ift'iiriiMin in- ml i ,. BROCH'S C$E F A M O UJ3 : F OR- GERMAN -'Ir'TTN C H ES Owing to the Increase, of patronage to this popular store we have been forced to enlarge and refurnish our dining rooms. The shop ping; and theatre public will find this the right place at the right prices to dine and refresh. Moeriein's Cincinnati Beer on draught. v 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE ON AUTOMOBILE ROW Don't Pay Rent Payments Prices Low Title . . X , Guaranteed City High! Note transportation. Buy To-day Telephone SI Neck Clams, Long Island! FISH CO. TEL. 412, 413 LAUNDRY SHIRTS a SPECIALTY All Its Branches ' ' - . . 1 PRONE 154.S FRESH FROM THE CHURN TVI. GEO. A. ROBERTSON MS THE FAMILY WASH - finished is a specialty of ours and we BUTTER want to give our especial attention to yours Modern Machines, -Sanitary Conditions, Careful Help in departments, . Prompt De liveries, Reasonable Prices are the- points lx favor of sending your family wash here. One and one-half cents . per piece with a weight allowance of one-half lb" to the piece The, Crawford. Laundry Co. FAIRFIELD AVE. AND COTJRTLAND ST. . Phone 4320 . PHONE ' Don't Waste Your Time Reading This Ad I But take a Stratford trolley, by way of Barnum Ave., get off . at Broad bridge Road, walk north oee block, aed you will see the - finest buflding lot pro Never before has the Bridgeport public been given such an opportunity to secure desir able Home sites. Any lot is within the reach oi every man. $10.00 secures any lot in the place, lots are large, 50x100. All improvements. Prices $90 to $385. NO TAXES. NO PAYMENTS WHEN SICK. NO INTEREST FOR TWO YEARS. TERMS EASY. $10.00 DOWN, $10.00 A MONTH. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. iriLf d Jlace Is The.Place To Live! Dry! Healthy! Every Lot a Lawn! Come To-day! Buy To-day! BuM To-day! You Wfll Never Regret It. Salesmen ori the ground all JODM $10 (Special to The Farmer.) Stratford, Aug. 7 One. of the pret tiest weddings held in Stratford in some months was held at St. James" R. C. church yesterday r .orning When Miss Mabel Carpenter became the bride of John J. Cullen. of Bridgeport. The bride, . one of Stratford's most popular young' ladles, wore ' a charm ing bridal creation, all white, and car ried a bouquet of pink and white roses. , Miss Grace Carpenter, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and John Rawley of Bridgeport was the best man. The bridesmaid carried a bou quet of roses as well as the bride. The bride for some time past haa resided with her family on Broad bridge road and has beep employed in the Stoddard millinery shop on 'Fair field avenue, Bridgeport The groom is also employed in Bridgeport. Following t the nuptials, which were performed by Rev. M. J. O'Connor, pastor of St. James' church, the young couple left town -for a brief- honey-! moon trip. The young people were. the' recipients of , many ! beautiful and use-" ful giffs from their friends. ' Poorly attended, illegal because It was called to order., before . the ap pointed hour, and - tame throughout, was the town meeting held in the town hall last evening. The. matters which came up for action, with the excep tion of the appropriation for addition al improvements for the- Huntington Road school, - were Unimportant mat ters dealing chiefly " with the changing of names on a number of streets in athe 'town. It was ' voted that the sense of the meeting was that Honey spot road should continue to be known as HoneyBpot road and should not be given the more dignified name of Park avenue, : as was proposed by some of the residents of the vicinity. - Mrs. Roaamunda Winton, the suffra gette member of the school board who opposed the granting of an extra $1, 000 for furnishing two rooms in the new Huntington v Road school, and forj grading the grounds around the school, did not ' receive the ' support -of the voters IpresentJ at tllae meeting flbr; when a vote was taken on the ques- tion of whether the town should ap propriate the money, the vote was in the affirmative, the motion to appro priate the money being carried by a vote of 88 to 29. . . It was voted, to instruct the resi dents of Barnum avenue to get ready to construct sidewalks In front of their property along that thoroughfare. Be fore the meeting adjourned it was voted- to hold the , next meeting -on Sep tember 3 when a number of matters in regard to new streets, names of streets, , etc., will be acted upon. ; Last, night's meeftlrup started at some minutes before 8 o'clock accord ing to the tipiepieces yo'f a large part of the, voters present and It was stat rl iftft. the meetinar that on this ac count some of the . taxpayers of thS I town would protest the .granting of ! the $1,000 appropriation to complete the work on the- new , school on the grounds that It was not voted for at a regular . legal town meeting. , MR. POWELL HOME. ; , George Powell of Stratford avenue, who has been working at the Broad way theatre In Springfield, is home for a few days 'and has, been entertain ing . a number of young - people from the Massachusetts city. His guests included P. O. 0Brten and the Misses Anna Caff ery and Ednay Shoven; BOARD1 OF' TRADE. .". The next - meeting of the Stratford Board of Trade -will be held on 'the evening -of Thursday, August 14. A number ot Important matters relating to the civic welfare and betterment' of the town will come up for-- discus sion at this coming meeting. DIES ' SUDDENLY. , Stricken with brain trouble while he was- milking a goat in his back yard Tuesday - evening, Lorence Destasnt, one of the" wellknown Italian residents of the Avon Park district, died a few minutes after being taken 111 and was buried ' from St. James' church this Build a Home day to-day, Friday, Saturday BAN (: EILLECEC9 owners, 1094 Main Street, Bridgeport, Secures a Large FISH BULLETIN FOK FRIDAY ' : ' FANCY SHORE HADDOCK. 4c per fb FANCY BLOCK ISLAND SWORDFISH 120 lb BUTTERFISH 8c per IT3 STEAK COD 12c per lb PORGIES v . 7c per lb LONG ISLAND STEAMERS .' 8c per qt LITTLE NECK CLAMS . . . ..15c per qt 7 SALT MACKEREL 25c RED ALASKA SALMON. . . . 1 lb tall 17c, 3 for 50c WEAKFISH ' ? ....... - 8c per lb FLATFISH ........ .' 7c per lb ROUND CLAMS IN SHELL. .. 1 ..... . .10c per qt SALT SALMON ; .10c per lb PINK SALMON 1 lb cans 10c, 3 for 25c SALT COD MIDDLES. 12c and 15c per lb Fancy White Halibut", Large Bluefish, Prime Soft Shell Crabs, Eastern Salmon, Live and Boiled Lobsters . P UBLIG MARKE AND BRANCH STATE AND BANK STS. EAST I.IA III- ST. Phones 4 INTKR .. EST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. ; . THE MEMORY of MONEY SPENT for ITOTUIirG - "is a 'sorry one. It brings nothing but regrets. ; The money yon waste fooli.ily, If kepf account of, would surprise you. Try saving a little each week for a year, and deposit ing It regularly In this bank, where it will earn 4 per cent.-i- Interest for you. At the end of the year you'll have some- . thing to show for your labor. 2 -PER CENT. PAID IN OtJR, CHECKING DEPARTMENT ,4 PER CENT.' PAID IN OCR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE BRIDGEPORT TRUST COMPANY morning at .9 o'clock. Deceased was a laborer and is survived fox a widow and. four children. f . ' HARTFORD VISITORS. ': Mr: and Mrs. Peter : Faren of Hart ford are visiting'- with Rev. M.- J. O'Connor at the Catholic rectory on Main street for a few days. Mr Faren' is a niece of Father O'Connor and before Nher' , marriage was Miss Lizzie O'Connor. 4 HOTTS ATONIC GRANGES-' Housatonic Grange will .hold its an nual picnic at Middle Orchard In Or onoque, August 14.' The members of the grange are looking forward with Joyful anticipation to the 'event. POOTATTOK DANCE. Another o the popular open air dances is to be given at the Pootatuck Yacht club Friday evening. The mem bers of the club and their friends will be out In force at the affair and there is no doubt bu.t that It will be a most successful one. ' ' at Bernard Place ACE and Sunday. Call at office 9 Lot xl - 2 INTER EST PAID ON DAILY BALANCES OF 50O AND OVER IX OCR CHECK ING DEPT. MLTLLIGA N-SEXX3ELX. Miss Susie Seggell of ISO.Bla-ck Ro avenue became the bride yesterday morning at the-.Sacred Heart chnrr-i of Mr. George E. Mulligan, the cere mony being performed with a nptlal mass by Rev. Father Judge. Attend ing the bride was her sister, .Vlj Fa die Seggell, while William Muliigar,. the groom's brother, -was tbo man. Following a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan left on a honeymoon tri; The groom Is with the Remington Yost Co. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Mary Rows, the well knenvTi corsetur of 1669 Main street. Is epenii ing a few days In Waterfeury wK ( friends. Miss Loretta Rows of 3ffa!i street - Is spending two weeks In tt Berkshire Hills. Begin Now Land Bring Sure v for. free Conn. Returns. 1 "