Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER ; 'AUGUST 8, 1913 13 f OPTICAL GOODS FOR THE AUTOMOBILIST Autom6bile goggles and useful glass of all descrip V . tions for tourist and driver : REPAIRING Repairing of jewelry, watches, clocks, cameras and optical goods SPECTACLE LENSES F.. LYMAN 126 STATE STREET, BRIDGEPORT FRIDAY-SPECIALS-SATURDAY CREAMERY BUTTER . LEVOX EfcST F1)UR, PURE LARD .-. . 5.- R 30c 69c lb 15c SWORD, FRESH FISH COD, BTTXTER, PORGIKS, HALIBUTD, HADDOCK, BUTE, EELS, SEA BASS, JUCKEREL, CLAMS ' ' J. Hcaly.'.:.,''i - ' '. ." 1382 MAIN STREET AND LENOX MARKET, MAIN ST. AND NORTH AVE. Ley: , Route of Black Diamond Express; Low Rates to the "West Niagara Fall3 and Return, sold August 29, 30, 31. .$10.00 SAN FRANCISCO AND RETURN. Bold August 21 to 38. .- .'-. 97.25 PACIFIC COAST POINTS AND RETURN, sold daily until Sept 2?.-, 106.20 TORONTO AND RETURN, Bold Auarust 27 and September 8i.....' 11.50 MINNEAPOLIS AND RETURN, sold September 10 to 18 . . . 1 y47.20 For fall Information, apply to N. W. Prlngle, N.Vb. , P, A.." Room 302. 12 9 , 1 CSvurch Street. New Haven, Conn. Telephone ' 1140 "FEDERAL" Doughnuts and Crullers LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE DELICIOUS AND PURE "The Federal Bakery" "THE HOME OP PURE FOOD" 255 STATE STREET PHONE 4104 -A- ' TTTTtTt PUT-TT0U IN POSSESSION OF A -AO I All Improvements Suitable for Residence, Business, or Both, at Center Right cm AirLlne Best Location at Bleach lT1wnaD A1''TfOltJllTO MK-TOR THIS PKOPKRTI RES. J. BKSOBEMCK phone MYRTLE BEACH Fitzgibbons Inn " ' ' F.B. ITTZCaBBONB, Prop. BTXRTLE BEACH, HEDPOBD, CONN. - BTErA K 3 , 0 HOPS , SEA F O O D DelJcftonsly Cooked Daintily Served H Caeerine to Parties a Specialty ' i Ciifa Grill-IJocm Private Dining Rooms Phone BOB 4, Arixrrr k ItjMHie and sit down to (Sooer when yoa -arrive COOL, DELICIOUS DRINKS v" . . HsrartnTBHR the most sANrrAair . CONDITIONS BIGHT ON THEVBEACH v- Joseph jCiarr BSaoufactover of AD TCI nda of Temperance Beverages Delivered Anywhere Along the Shore by An to Telephone 14-14, Myrtle Beach, Milford, Conn. Go Over to Pecker's FDR THE BEST OS" fiVEKXTHUfO TO EAT AND DRINK ' SEA FOOD, STEAKS, CHOPS, CHICKEN Prepared ta the Most Tempting Fashion Badnetaer Beer on Dramgh An Kinds of Bottle Goods ISLAND VIEW HOTEL MBS. S. PECKER, Prop. M T R T Ii B BHACH, MILFORD BRIDGEPORT LIQUOR DEALER ARRESTED FOR PEDDLING BEER WITHOUT LICENSE Stratford Authorities Apprehend DrlV' er of Springfield Brewery Com - paiiy Delivery Wagon. 1 (Special to the Farmer.) Stratford, Aug. S. On the charged selling beer in Stratford from a, wag' on without the necessary license, the driver bf one of the Springfield Brew Ing Company's delivery wagons was arrested by State Policeman Rowe Wheeler yesterday morning. ' It Is alleged that he was delivering the beer by the case at different houses in the town and that he had no II cense to do so. He was released tra der bonds of $200. This makes the second arrest of this kind that . the state police'' have made in Stratford within the past week. The authori ties state that Vhey are determined to put a stop to the practice Bridgeport liquor dealers . have of coming into Stratford and selling their wares with out paying for the privilege by tak Ing out a license. The Big Time. Arrangements are about complete now for the big time of the year In the annals of Okenuck tribe of Red Men. The annual shore dinner of the tribe is now less than a week off, next Thursday evening, August 14, being the night upon which the local In dians wfll hit the trail for Savin Rock where they will partake of a big feed or corn and venison beg pardon- clams, lobster, and all that goes to make up a full course shore dinner. The dinner will be served at Wilcox's the same place that it has been held In previous years and i Is expected that nearly 200 members of the local tribe and their friends will be pres ent at the affair. The committee in charge Is composed of J. Graham, Jr. Ernest Wilcox and J.' Vans, Jr., Attending Conference. Rev. Edward N. Packard, pastor of the congregational church, and Mrs. Packard left to-day 'for the . North- field Conference of Christian. Workers. They will be absent a. week. . Rev. Benjamin W. Bacon, D.D., of Yale Divinity School, - will , preach at the Congregational Church In the morn ing, next Sunday. . . Drag Store Improvements. William ST. St. " John, who tecenUy bought the People's Pharmacy from William -B, Tuttle is making exten sive improvements in the store. He has moved the soda fountain which he had in his own store into the store which he purchased from Tuttle and he intends to move his entire Rexall stock lhto the store within a few weeks. ' ' A, new telephone booth has been Installed and men are at work to. day with paint and brush, transform ing the place into .an .Ideal drug store. St. John doea not intend to rent his old store for a drug ; store.' . Harry Barn um of Warwick avenue has ac cepted a position as soda dispenser in the new store. . J I Recent Visitors.1 .' Mrs. Harry 'Burns of South Main St., has been entertaining Mrs. Wil liam v Pinkney Holmes of Baltimore, Maryland.. . -. v , V " ' . t neceni eut-oi-xown visitors at tne Weatogue country club Included Mrs. George T. Benham of New York, Mrs. John A. Peterkin of Netherwood, N. Ji, Elliot C. Jennings of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. W. M. Nichols, of Weston, Conn. , r,1. ' V Ppoiatuck Dance. . T The members pf the younger social set of the town will be out In force this evening to attend the dance at the Pootatuck Yacht club, one of the series of dances which the entertain rnent committee is running at the club house during the summer months. The dance will be held on the broad up per veranda of, the club house and it is . expected that it will be" the most enjoyable event of Its kind held at the club so far this season. ' In Pittsfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs., C K. Judson of King street have gone to Pittsfield, Mass to spend two weeks as the guests of their son, Bernard Judson : who recently moved to the Berkshire city. . c Stratf orris To Playi ' ' The Stratford baseball team 'has two games booked for 'Sunday .at A,von Park, one with the' St. James' team and one with the Athletics. Some good baseball is sure to be seen as the Stratford games always put up a fine game. ',' ' ' Registrars The registrars of voters are in .ses sion in the town" hall Ko-day from 12 o'clock noon until 9 o'clock this even ing. The purpose of their meeting is to receive the names of any voters not already on the primary lists. " The registrars are not making any new vo- Weatogae Tournament. - . To-morrow afternoon at the "Wea togue club the first 18 holes of a '36 hole tournament will be played. The tournament will be a handicap match against bogey. ; Great interest is be ing taken in the coming event and the players will have their handicaps changed in several instances. ' Sev eral members who have not before en tered into the matches will . play in this event and some good scores are looked for. The match will be played for a cup presented to the club by several of its members. The cup Is a very hand some one and will be a fine prize in deed for the winner of the event. iVESTPORT LINEMAN SUSTAINS INJURIES IN FALL FROM POLE Mrs. Underwood's Will Probated Barrow's Horse Takes ' Another Dash Over the Highway. (By our special correspondent.) Westport, Aug. 8. By the will of Mary A. Underwood, admitted to pro bate, her daughter, Emma, wife of Harry C. Woodworth of Riverside ave nue. Is the chief beneficiary, receiving after the bestowal of several bequests, the residue of the estate. This includes the Westport hotel property for Which Just before her. death Mns. Underwood refused $17,000. The Sturgies building in the Hurlbutt block in State street in which the ites tatrix carried on a dry goods and nov elty business, she bequeathed to "her two grand sons. Chetaer S. and Everett Woodworth, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Har ry C. Woodworth. To these youths she also bequeatred the funds in her name at the time of her death at the West- VAN DYK METHODS LIFTS THE QUALITY AND LOWERS THE PRICE Specials This Friday and Saturday 31c lb Quali-Oolong Quali-Ceylon The beet kinds to use for Iced Tea Hot or Iced they can not be excelled. 5BS? Butter 31clb Duchess Coffee OQaIK Always the Best uoLW vf Eggs 27c doz This Coffee is the Peer of all oth ers. At our regular price of Slo it is the best value in America. These products come direct to yon from our Spring Valley Farms York State Full Cream CHEESE ill VAN DYKljj 35 MAIN STREET Cor. Elm St. . Phone. 13AT-A 3 Of) Branch, Stores and Selling Agencies in Principal Cities, look for- the name VAN DYK in front of store and avoid mistake. AU Van Dyk goods are guaranteed. , . . 1 . r. . . , FINANCIAL -THE- Firsf-Bridgepor! National Bank CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS WIDE TSCHNICAIi EXPERIENCE Our experience in the handling of estates enables us to' perform every duty promptly and in the most effi cient manner. Appoint James Staples & Company as your Executor. We also act as Trustee, Administrator or Guardian. JAMES STAPLES & CO. 189 BANKERS STATE ST., Bridgeport, Oonn. ALEX. N. COOK, D. C. Graduate Chiropractor Spinal Adjusting Parlors; 651 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. . Explanation of Chiropractic Mailed Upon Request T AN AID TO HEALTHPURE WATER Highland Spring Water A healthful, Invigorating drink winch is absolutely un contaminated by Impurities of any kind and has passed the most rigid tests. Bottled Dail3Delivered Daily ,;v:"'.; . .f '..f 'Phone 987 -.'r.- - ;V Highland Spring Water Go. 645 WARR EN i STREET V LOAD OF FRESH HORSES JUST ARRIVED K INCLUDING CHUNKS, DRIVERS AND DRAUGHT r . ; ALSO:..; 20 HEAD OF' ACCLIMATED HORSES , WM. MICICIVIAI 64 KOSSUTH STREET. ' PHONE 2806 port Savings hank. To her late - husband's sister, Uhar lotte B. Hersey, she gives the sum of 2,000, ' , ' To her sister, . Julia Grumman, or Redding, she allows five dollars for each month of the year and J10 on each of her ibirthdays, a total of 70 per year. :.)..-.' . , To her sister, Mrs. Emma C. Perry, she gives outright $500. She has named her son-in-law, Har ry Woodworth, as executor for which he has qualified before Judge u. 3. Bradley. The will was drawn up on Sept. 12, 1912, and subscribed to before Mts. B. tSl Kemper, William B. Taylor, Jr., and Edgar H. Perry. P. . H ' Fitzpatrick. a lineman and electrician with the local electric light company. Sustained severe injuries on Wednesday afternoon when he fell from a telegraph pole on which he was working into a pile of stones below. The accident happened in 'King street. In some manner the strap which held the man to the pole gave way and be fore he was-able to grasp the pole he was hurled downward. In his fall he struck an arm! of .the pole, sending that piece flying through the afav The arm broke his fall but momentarily. At the base of the pole was a email pile of stone into which the unfortu nate man fell face foremost.: ; "Word was sent to the electric light1 office from where Supt. Hubbell in hie auto hurried, picking up Dr. J. M. Nolan on his way. . Dr. Nolan found that his pa- tien had sustained many bruises, re ceiving lacerations on both sides of the face, a wrenched leg and a sprain ed wrist. George A. Darrow's famous horse. which takes a notion to scamper about on the highways every once in a while, tore off his greatest stunt and longest stretch of a run on Wednesday. Be coming frightened at a passing lum ber wagon in King street, he picked his heels, dashed through Wright stret, over the hill across the center bridge, over the hill to Compo street. winding up at Gault Bros." stables. As he passed through the center, Dr. J. H. McArdle and W. D. Dickson at tempted to stop the frenzied animal by holding a ladder across the road, but the horse made a leap, knocking the ladder from their hands, contin uinar on his aimless run. At the foot of the hill Albert Linxweiler jumped Into the wagon, attempting to get hold of the reins, but these were already broken. Turning into Compo street the horse left the wagon behind him. breaking the shafts. . The barns at the Gault stables looking Inviting, tne equine dashed into one. of the stalls. where he was eaptured. After developing a tract of land m North Main street which he cut up into building lots, A. G. Southey, the real estate, dealer, has sold that part of the developed tract at Main street and Clinton avenue to Kreonstak and Cronnenburgh. In all, Mr. Southey disposed of about 26 acres, which con-; tain 120 lots and which the new own ers are now offering for sale. Mr. Southey acted as the agent for the disposal of the Capt. Hale prop- rty in Compo street to H. waieign. the New York artist. The site con tains a house, barn and about two acres of land. t ' The Merchants' Express Co. has un derbid Leonard C. MacKenzie for tne removal of ,the express of the Conn. Co. from their cars. Mr. Mackenzie has held the contract for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams of the Farms district are recenving congrat ulations over the arrival of a little girl, Dorothy Ruth Adams. The new arrival not only brings joy to the Ad ams home, but also to x-Seleetman and Mrs. Lewis P. iWakeman, being their first granddaughter. John J. Alvord has as his guest his mother, Mrs. "Mary A. Alvord, of Bridgeport. The 25th annual convention of the Connecticut J?uneral Directors' Asso ciation will be held at ,the Eable build ing on Wednesday,' Aug. 20. ; 4" Following confinement at the- hoepj tal in Bridgeport, Mrs. Frank Godfrey has 'been Removed . to her home here. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Watts have returned from a pleasant trip through vNew York state. ' Miss Marie .Weingartnarj is'njoying aJewo weeks" vacation from her duties in the office of Ira O. Gregory in Nor walk. , - : The children of the Congregational.! church under 12 years of age . have formed a social club. : - They met re- hQfntly and elected the "following offl- jrs: President,' Edna M. St. John; vice-president, George Heal; treasurer, Robert Moel; secretary, Bertha Vaca nies. .The next meeting will be held at the parsonage on Aug. 18. . Minor accidents are numerous in connection with the digging of the sewer ditch; in State street, but' this week a fT accidents occurred which were more than trivial. The fore part of the week a, cave-In occurred which partially buried three of the men. - For a while the men were the target for. the many stones which litter the bank of the ditch and which followed the cave-in. . Wednesday the Iron head of a hammer' used in driving jthe ' side planks of the ditch flew off, striking the head of a laborer in the ditch. He was rendered unconscious and had to be carried' fronvthe ditch. Dt F. E. Powers, who examined him, looked for a fracture, tout fortunately could not find any. . After treatment the man returned to work. A quantity of quicklime put into a damp cupboard - for a few days will absorb the dampness. ..Satin,.'' after washing, will retain Its gloss if a little borax is put into tthe last rinsing water. A little turpentine put into the water for washing windows or mirrors is an excellent method. To soften brown- sugar when it has become lumpy, stand it over a vessel filled with boiling water. Brown bread, instead of white, when making bread pudding, gives a most unusual and delicious taste. . Engraved - -Wedding Invitations Calling Cards Fine Stationery at SOUTHWORTH'S U ARCADB GEORGE P. RAND Formerly the G. P. Rand A Co. INTERIOR MARBLE AND TILK Estimates Cheerfully Given Slate, Marble, Bath Room Tiles, Cer - amlo Tile, Fire Place Tile, Fire Place Fixtures . The Best of , Workmanship 1S89 ERANISTAN AVE. Phone S41S t " ' R M Kelley's Cigar Store 141 FAIRFIELD AVE. . 91m faess cteasa ilia In In and domestic feraada, Connnlf f mokers sappUsa. JAMES U KELLY THE COURTLAND SCHOOL, inc. 431 WASHINGTON AVENUE Before deciding on a school for your oaugnter, examine carefully the Courtland School booklet for 1913-14, to be found at all book stores. The principal will be glad .to .correspond with parents who may desire further informations P10 sj HOME DRESSED So much of the cold storage va riety on the' market just now that we know you'll appreciate our , fresh killed fowl, even though the price is a bit higher F. W. BEBRENS, JR. MARKET-- 162 FAIRFIELD AVE. Telephone 781 1 fc2 Prescription The value of o prescription Is not in what yon. pay for Us com pounding; it's In the good it does the patient. Have your pre- scrlptlons put up where pure in gredients and expert compound ing will insure Just the results anticipated by your physician. ' Sickness is likely to come : to any family at any time. We be lieve that in such a case yon will aid your physican and at the same time help the recovery of the patient by having presclp , tions put up at a drug store where scientific - pharmacy is practiced. ' Ours is such a store. Here the practice of pharmacy is not only the careful and accurate filling of recipes it is even more thorough than., that -we 'consider the. selection of drugs, equally important. ' All our drugs, chemicals, are of the first quality. Our stock is complete because we . keep strictly up to the times. The result is that we can fill any prescriptions no 'matter by whom written - and fill it with pure. potent,ingredients that are proved by actual analysis. . We should like to have yon Inspect our prescription depart ment i and note the ' scrupulous cleanliness there. All ntensils graduates and other articles used in compounding a thoroughly cleaned and are kept ready for instant use, in a com partment where das- cannot reach thtero. - The compounding is all done by experienced pharmacists and our donhle check system reduces the possibility of error to the minimum. And' the best of it is this perfect service of ours costs yon nothing extra. Our prices are as low as prescriptions can be correctly compounded for anywhere, , The quality of our service is worth something to you when your doctor leaves a prescription to be filled. We hope we may be of service to yon when occasion arises. Frank J. Osf rofsky's TWO STORES 1141 EAST MAIN ST. Corner Jane 646 PEMBROKE ST. Corner Hamilton For fortyeven years we have tpen ronductlng business at the same old location, corner of Main and Joi Streets. rtdgepnrt. Conn., and or Private Bank has been established there contlnuoasly. We have received nd paid out on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money de posited with us and we conttnn to receive money subject to depositor's check at alght. on which we allow three per cent, per annum-' credited, to each account month It. We solicit the accounts of Individuals. traln" en. Inns and corporations, and all : who want a bank account where th-y oan deposit money, checks or draft, and leave It for one week. n nonth er one year, and draw tnterex on it for any tlrne It Is left with a. We give to the business our caret I personal attention as the oldest nrns. f private bankers In this state. T. L. WATSON is CO. fEOPLPS SAV1SS BA!X 924-926 MAIN STREET Incorporated I860 Deposits $6,554,955.12 Surplus and Undivided ' Earnings ... 223,505.35 Interest at FOXTR (4) per cent, he gins first of month following deposit and Is payable January 1st and July 1st.' - , SAMTTETj W. BALDWIN, President WILLIS H. LYON, Treasurer Members New Torlt Stock Exchange Taylor, Livingston El Co dealers In Fractional Lots on Part Paid PIsn 9 WALL STREET, NEW YORK or SO P.O. ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, CT E. I. OHAPSIAN, Manager Telephone 6221, 5223 L SSSSS&o' TAKE A VACATION . Don't worry over a hot ' stove during the summer months when a perfect desert is yonra In FRISBIE S PIES Send' for Circular Describing Method WE OFFER i FOR SALE COTTAGES AND TWO - FAMILY HOUGHS located in best sections of Cityy ranging in price from $3,000 to $10,000. Full par ticulars on application to Burr fi Knciip 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, OONN. SlO UPWARDS Tou can arrange to get a loan In less than jflver minutes and w do not bother yoorftnployer or neighbors by unnecessary ' Investigations. Houses keepers or anyone earning a regular alary accommodated confidentially. 6am Inducements to new customers. The patronage of ladies solicited. AMERICAN GUARANTY CO. 99 GOLDEN HILL ST. Open Saturday and Monday Evening .Over Caesar Misch. Tickets and Tours . BY OCEAN, LAKE and RIVER FOR INDIA"! DI AL TRAVEL . TICKETS TO NOVA SCOTIA, NEW FOCNDLAXD, CANADA, ETC XSTti. As polo ponies cost $2,500 each, it seems singular that the game is not more popular. S. Lcewilli & Co. 110 BANK 6TREET. TEL. NO. 8. No matter what you wan 5 try the Farmer Want Column.