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18 THE FARMER: AUGtTST 8, 1913 Only a Little While Longer In Which to Save Money! SEMI-ANNUAL - Glothi What brings the Crowds to this sale? ". " Low prices? " ' Perhaps, to some extent. But most of all, the drawing power of our SEMI-ANNUAL CLOTHING CLEARANCE is found. in the fact that our customers KNOW they find absolutely the best clothing values awaiting them. . , By best values we mean correct style handsome, durable fabrics, fine tailoring and satisfactory service. They know that unless clothing possesses these merits it is not to be -found in our store. They know this from experience. Our SEMI-ANNUAL CLOTHING CLEARANCE the BIG sale of the summer is all that its name indicates a real clearance sale of OUR REGULAR STOCK. - '.. The Secret of This- Sale's : Success Clothing of ' Known Quality When we remind you that the clothing in this sale is of such well known makes as ROGERS PEET & CO., SOCIETY BRAND and L. SYSTEM we have told enough of the story to convince any thinking man that real clothing bargains await him here No clothing goes into this sale unless it is good enought have beeri; a partbf oxur regular stock. We stand back of every suit we sell we make good if you are not satisfied. Some Prices of -Oo SUITS Regular $15.00 values, a great clean up you can't afford to miss. . . .... . . .... . ..-.v. $9.50' TAKE YOUR CHOICE of our $18.60 Suits at this price. ...... ....... 1 ......... . . . THESE SUITS have sold all season at $20.00, the values interest you? .'. . . .... .... . . : . $12.95 A CLEAN-UP of a wonderfully pdprdar line. They tffj t 4 QV S? have sold at $22.50. : . . . .... . . . -'Jr.. . ; . :. . '. p JLlkmS v $25.00 VALUES now being closed $8.00 under priced (JlJlj Isn't that worth while?. .... . .'. . . ..... ...A . VP JL 6.95 A GREAT CHANCE, $27:00 and $30.00 Suits at this (tj. -g O Qj gV price. Fine hand tailored goods . . ....... fifp JL C3 30.00 SUITS are these custom styles and -fabrics. The best creations of the best makers. ......... 25.00 STRAW HATS ONE-HALF PRICE J ' $1.00 .$1.50 PANAMA HATS $6.00 Panama Hats. . $7.00 Panama Hats . ... $8.00 Panama Hats. $3.50 ... $4.50 ....... $5.50 BOYS' SUITS GREATLY REDUCED DURING THIS SALE; ALSO HATS, f SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, ETC. -.n. n. , m ,.i mn in' '..., iji. 'i r hj y ; t . i mgufmtw " " J f ; i i 11 i 11 n mi .ul'. .'-JmmJmL, : T ' : ...:arW''4.-t,..irtnin,wu-..-.--. 1 Hi -rnr liirii Mil- -- - m-T,,,,,!, t -! irimi ir--- n in SPECIAL Bluefish, Swordfish, Halibut, Steak Cod, Had dock, Flounders, Butterfish, Sea Bass, Salmon,! Weakfish, Eels, Little Neck Clams, Long Island! Steamers, Soft Shell Crabs, Hard Shell Crabs, Live) Lobsters. , HAYES FISH GO. 629 WATER STREET TEL. 412, 413! STOKE CLOSEvS AT 6 P. M., EXCEPTING THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. THE PEOPLES DAIRY, ISO State Street BUTT STRESS FROM THE CHURN Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON BS9 jfL, niniiri .' X t Hi X J. Al X U JL W A O XX. A emi-imisnea is a specialty or onrs md we want to give our especial attention to yours! , Modern Machines, Sanitary Conditions, Careful Help in departments, Prompt De liveries, Reasonable Prices are the points in ravor or senmns your Jamlly wash here. One and one-half cents per piece with a weJarnt allowance or one-naif So to the piece The Crawford Laundry Co. EATTS FIELD AVE. AND OOXTRTTiAND ST. Phone 4320 - , MOTORMAN DIES BY OVI! NEGLiGEHCE IS COROIIER'S VERDICT Southington, Conn., Aug. 8 Negri f . sence on the part of . Motorman Wil ' 11am Dilger in ' running his car at a nigh rate of. speed m a down grade was the primary cause of the trolley accident, late last night, near Mill ; dale station in which Dilger was kill i ed. according to the finding of the cor- oner, today. There was evidence. It ; ia stated, that the motorman had en deavored to use the brakes hut that they had not worked properly. The car. after Jumping the tracks, ! plunged into the side of the brick building of the Ells Manufacturing company which stands near the track ! and tore a big hole in the wall. Had It cot hit ' the wall it would proba : bly have landed in a small stream which runs by the mill at that point. Dilger was breathing, when found on the front platform under a pile it wreckage, but did not live long. He was not only making the last trip for the night but his final run also as he had expected to get through today. He was 43 years of age and liv- cLm,tvitne-tn where he leaves a tw 111 - ...... . , widow ana cmm. The singlccassenrer on the car ana the conductor.Emil rPfihnit, escaped ' ThT'car was put back on the tracks about o'clock, this morning, and tak en to the shops where it was exam ined and its brakes tested. Superin tendent "Robert P. Lee, of the Meri den division of the Connecticut com pany, under whose Jurisdiction the sec tion of track where the accident oc curred comes, made an investigation during the night and this morning directed the tests. He said after words that the brakes worked prop erly. The car is of steel construc tion, be said, and considered- one of the fastest on the line. DUger was mbeiX is fcjiQwn as a shojg. extra hut had had four years' experience in run ning the ears and was considered a good man. Superintendent, Lee said he could not understand how the ac cklejit happened unless, it was because Dilger became lost as to the loca tion of the terminal where he should have stopped and did not realize the situation until .he had. , run; over it. STUDENTS OH HIKE FROM GETTYSBURG VMount Gretna. Pa., Aug. 8 The com pany . of eastern university' students undergoing a course of military in struction arrived here, yesterday, on their hike from Gettysburg and will remain until next Thursday at rifle practice on the state range. The company numbered 162 originally but there; are now but 146, the rest having been called home. Since the hike started, last Thurs day, the students have studied mili tary problems daily. On Wednesday, the company of United States engin eers, which accompanied the party, acted 'as an enemy and . was captured with a figurative wagon train. This train was conveyed triumphantly into Gretna. Major James McRae, of the Fifth United States Infantry, in command, says the men stood the Journey .with remarkable fortitude. , Sale at Mollan's. The broken line sale ' of . women's high grade low shoes, at Mollan's, 102H Main street, is etill in progress. Last pairs of different lines of fine low shoes are being relegated to the bargain tables, to the advantage of patrons who are able to find the right size in the lot. Mollan's footwear Is too well known to need indorsement. From the confident tone of - the graduating essays, it seems likely that all of the country's problems will be settled t3 about SHt. Ir DR. FINNEGAN ELECTED !; v AfBULUNCE SURGEON Dr. .John a Ftnnegan, formerly of t. Vincents hospital staff and more recently a substitute physician i t-h Emergency hospital, was yesterday appoinrea to-a regular post in that de partment by the. Board of Charities. Dr. Finnegan takes rh nia. ,4,i by the death of Dr. c. R. Pratt which now l oe investigated by a com mittee of the Board appointed to as certain if infection secured in depart mental work was the contributory cause of his early demise. Commis sioners Judge and Harris have been appointed to investigate and report at the next meeting on September A request for more ground ' upon which to build the Isolation , hospital at the Lakeview Homo has been made by the department of Health. and will be taken up at a later meeting of the board. SILVER AND GLASS Fine, heavy silver and rich cut glass are universally regarded as Meal wed ding presents and rightly so. In these wares there is beauty, value and utility combined. In appropri ate and desirable articles can be found to fit equally well the filled wallet or slender purse; and again, they are needed for the new home quite as much as furniture, china, and other things. v We make a specialty of carrying a wide assortment of suitable gift arti cles in silver glass and plate, espec ially those nationally advertised. ' Dl J. BUECDLER , THE RELIABLE JEWELER 48 FAIRFIELD AVE. Near Middle St. Stamttaar Want Ads. Ona Cent Word. BROCSTS 'CAPE' FAMOUS FOR GERM AN LUNCHES , - Owing to the Increase of patronage to this popular store we have been forced to enlarge and .refurnish 'onr dining 'rooms.. Thei shop ping and theatre public will find this 'the right place at the right prices to dine and refresh. Moeriein's Cincinnati Beer on draught. . 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE .ON AUTOMOBILE ROW . PHONE BATTLESHIP WITH 223 U.S. MIDDIES OH HOMEWARD RUH Washington, Aug. 8 With 223 mid shipmen of the first and third classes aboard, the battleship Illinois report rtmmt today, that she had left Funchal, Madeira, on the last stage of her foreign cruise. The vessel will land the future admirals at Annapolis on August 29. ' Advices fronj the vessel aeciare we rvt 1 HVt i T"iTnn were entertained . royally a.t the various ports at which the war-' Ehip touched and tnat.tne crmp nau been a highly profitable one for 'the classmen, ' : While at Antwerp, the advices stat ed, the Illinois had as its guest Chas. D. Hayes, who served in the Civil War ohnoivi tuan nf trie first armored ves sels in the United States navy, the T t . a i double turreted ram mobusu snu uio monitor Mbntauk The veteran wrote to the commanding officer his regrets that he was "too old and feeble" to visit the ship whereupon the officers went ashore and took -off the old sea fighter and his aged wife for a day. The-Illinois will arrive In Hampton Roads, August 22, to take part In the big guns practice One week later- it will unload - the - cadets at . Annapolis, at which '"-time they will be given a month's . leave. -; - r TILLMAir CLASHES i WITH WASHIHGTOH TROLLEY PUNCHER . .. .: , " , Washington, Aug. 8 Senator ..Till man, of South Carolina, is the latest national legislator to-'olash, with a street car conductor and, today, be was engaged in "cooling oft?" as no expressed . it before .determining whether he would file charges against the man.' Within the past few weeks, Representative . Sisson, of Mississippi, and Representative Buchanan, of Il linois, have clashed with conductors on the Pennsylvania ,. avenue street cars. - ' "If - this keeps up,"....said a Senator today, laughingly, "we'll have to organize- the "Solons Street Car Society For Conductor Chasing.' It seems about to become the most popular summer sport with Congress." Senator Tillman, with Mrs. Tillman, boarded a car at the "feapltol to ride to their home. He progered his tiok ets while standing' on the step and, according to his- account, the conduc tor ordered him onto the platform, "in an abrupt and discourteous man ner" The clash followed and the Senator took the man's name and num ber The conductor, today, denied that he had been or intended to be disoour- PRIEST GIVES RITES TO MANJH WELL New" .York, Aug. Falling into a well formed by crossed beams in a building in course of construction at Broadway and Ninety-seventh street, Philip McCabe, an . assistant foreman of the Street Cleaning Department, of No. 308 West 118th street, lasf night suffered a broken back and other in juries, which will result In his death. McCabe was rescued from the well with the aid of" ropes j after Father Norris, of the Holy .Name "Catholic Church, . had descended into the well and performed the last, rites ,of the Church. ' - . : u SISTERS STEP IN FRONT OF TRAIN AND ONE KILLED Wakefield, Mass., Aug. SIn avoiding a freight train near Wakefield Junc tion station, Mrs. Mary- L. Walsh and' Mrs. Herbert Sweetser, sisters, etep ped in front of a passenger locomotive. The former was killed. Mrs. Sweetser escaped with slight injuries. FOR -SATURDAY ! ! I - Meat Department j FANCY LEGS OF SPRING LAMB 16c per lb I FANCY LEGS OF YEARLING LAMB 14c per lb I FOREQUARTERS OF LAMB (Yearling) 8c per lb ! CHOICE LEGS OF MUTTON. ,...13c par lh FRESH LEAN SHOULDERS .15c per IV SMALL LEAN PORK ROASTS 18c per lb GOOD CHUCK RIB ROASTS OF BEEF 15c per lb GOOD POT ROASTS OF BEEF ... .14c per lb Fancy Prime Rib Roasts, Pot Roasts. Boston Rolls, i Rumps, Clods, Calves' Liver, Fries, etc. ; .' " j Native Dressed Veal j PM PI' y Legs and Loins to Roast, Rumps and Shoulders to; Stuff and Bake, Choice Pot Pie Pieces j Smoked & Pickled Meats ? SMOKED SHOULDERS : 15c per lb SUGAR CURED BACON 20c per lb SALT BEAN PORK 11c per lb! CORNED HOCKS 12c per lb: Quality Poultry STEWING FOWLS . . . CHOICE WESTERN FOWLS. NATIVE DRESSED BROILERS ..... WESTERN BROILERS FANCY ROASTING CHICKENS. LONG ISLAND DUCKS...... TURKEYS. . . . , 28c to Guinea Hens, Squabs, etc. .16c per lb" ,22c per lb' .30c per 1j ,25c per It; .26c per Tj .22c per lb "SOc per lb ' Fancy Native Vegetables Fancy Boston Head Lettuoey -Green and Wax Beans, Lima Bean, Celery, Chjckory and Romane, Tomatoes, Native Green Corn, fiml Potatoes, Apples, Bunch Beets, Carrots, Cress and Mint, California Cantaloupes, Watermelons, Blueberries, Blackberries, etc .Grocery Bulletin I 7 lb. Rolled Oats .. ...-.--. fTryphosa Jelly Powder S pkg. . . . Natural Rice 1 lb pkg ... Baker's Chocolate W B Cake - . . Baker's Cocoa 54 lb Tin , , Royal Baking Powder 1 lb Can...-. . Walnut 'Meats 7 Barns Every woman's Borax Soap . Cornstarch t lb pkg. . . . . . . - E. C. Oormflafces i ... . LOTS OF NEW THINGS IN OUR BAKERY - DEPARTMENT . lPr 1 4-)- . . 8So per Th ...... . . 5r, . . .7o pkir. 4 for 2."1 Fish Bulletin, J ; ; ; BLOCK, ISLAND SWORDFISH 12c per ro COCKTAIL BLUEFISH .120 per lb Live and Boiled Lobsters.Little Necks, Round Clams, Long Island Steamers, etc. PUBLIC MARKET; AND BRANCH STATE AND BANK STS. EAST IIATH GT. r a-.- All 'MilllttlB EIv' KSL'- .oIW teous. BROTHER HELD IN CASE OF WOMAN FOUND DEAD Boston, Aug. 8 The body . of Mrs. John Craig, 37, was found in the kiu-hen . of her home in' South Boston, today, bearing marks which indicate that the woman had been struck re peatedly witlKa heavy, blunt weapon. "'A" brother, 'Patrick Dineen, who bearded with Mrs. Craig for the past week, is held, on a technical charge of drunkenness. . - Clearance . ' PORCH FURNITURE and HAMMOCKS . 'As the season; draws to a close we find an unusually large stock of camp ing tents of all sizes on. hand; also sets and pieces of folding and twisted-grass porch furniture and hammocks which we will offer at' ATTRACTIVE PRICES ' There are still several weeks in which these articles may see active service and a purchase now will be both opportune and accompanied by real money savings. . ; . - We invite your inspection. Free delivery to all parts of the city. ' THE LYON GRUMMAN CO. FAIRFIELD ATEN"UE, CORNER . MIDDLE STREET LARGEST HARDWARE STORE IN THE EAST WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WORD 3.