Newspaper Page Text
JhrifS4tl2 ANNIVERSARY SALEffMft I 3? Mi 1 . . coat & srrr bepartmests SILK SUITS in the very fash ionable Moire, Poplins and Char meuse that were $4..00. $48.00, $50.00. ; AXMVERSABY SALE PRICE ' . - - . . $14.75 ALL OTO CLOTH SJDTTS at tiyf following" reductions: $15.00 S4ITS. VS I VERSA RY SALE PRICE . . . $4.75 $18 Md $2 SUITS. AN'XrVKR 8ART SALE PRICE S.75 $25.00 - SnS. AN XI VMiKY S.ALE PRICE . .-v ... $9.75 $30.00. $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00 SUITS. AKSIVERSARY SALE PRICE . - $10.75 SILK DRESSES SILK DRESSES made up of crepe 1 meteor, Cbarmeoae. Orepe ; de Cliirw and Tin k led Crepe: ' $20.00 VALUES. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE i . . - $8.75 ' $25.09 VALUES. A3raiVERSART SALE PRICE $10.75 $30.00 VALUES. AX X IVJJl -S.VH Y - SALE, PRICE . $18.75 WASH SILK DRESSES, In all colors also stripes, $12.95 and $15.00 ralaea. A X X 1 YE I ISA R Y SALE PRICE . . $7.85 BLACK CHINA SILK DRESSES. $8.00 VALUES. ANNTVERSARY SALE PRICE" ........ i . $5.95 $10.0 VALUES. ASMVERSARt SALE PRICE .Til $6.08 ' ABOUT THIRTY (SO) WHITE SERGE DRESSES, $15.00 and $20.00 Values. AXSIVERSARX RALE PRICE . . $5.75 USES DRESSES Regular' price $5.00. ANNTVER SART SALE PRICE . -$2.75 Regular price $S.OO. ANNTVER SARY SALE PRICE $3.75 TWrniar price $3.00. ANNTVER- i SARY SALE PRICE $4,75 Regular price $9.00. AJOSTVER-- ,. -feA1&AJ ? H:CE .i . . . $5.7$" "TtC;. uiar i.rivo '$10.S0. AXXIVER- ' SARY SALE PRICE $6.75 WHITE COTTON " ' VOILE DRESSES Reilar price $5.00. ANXIVER SARY SALE PRICE . ... $2.75 Reenter price $6.00.; AXXTVEIJ SARY SALE PRICE .... $3.75 Eesular price 915.00. AJOiTVER SARY SALE PRICE .... $8.75 RegTilar price $18.00. ASOTVER SARY SALE PRICE . . 4 $19.75 Regmlar price $20. OO. AIOnrVER SARY SALE PRICE . . . $12.75 Rerntor price $25.00. AJTXlVER j, SARY SALE PRICE . . . $14.75 WHITE CREPE VOILE DRESS ES . embroidered .button holes, trimmed with Coral, light Une and old bine. Regular price $12.75, ASTKIVERSARY. SALE JPMCB ' $.75 . STRIPED CREPE .r VOILE ' ; DRESSES, pink and brown , stripe. Bolero effects, $15.00 Tames. ANNIVERSARY SALE ""OE .i. $7.75 COLORED COTTOIT VOILE DRESSES, blade and white . . blue and white, pint and wfadte and la-render and white stripes.7 Bepnlar values $2,50. AICNIVER- .ULti rKMJE . . i . $1.19 Rejrular vaimi .AX2CTVER SARY RALE PRICE .... $1,85 Rerular tsfces (M.M. A.N X IV HR SARY SALE PRICE $2-S5 Rejruter vajnp $5.00. AJOJTVER SARY.SALE PRICE $2.75 Refrular -TaJues $6.00. AAJjAVEK SARY SALE PRICE $3.75 Regular Talnen P8.90. AXXIVER- ' SlARY SALE PRICE . . t . $4.75 Reirular values $12; A305TVER SARY SALE PRICE $8.75 CHTLDREV'S WHITE DRESSES Regular $1.00 values. A3TSTVER--SARY SALE PRICE 75c Reputar 1 J2 5 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . 9So Repufcr $L50-values. ANNIVERSARY- SALE PRICE ... $115 Regular $2.00 uhfs. ANNXVER SARY SALE PRICE . . . . $1.5 : "IeTi?r. 2.50 values. ANNTVER- , SARY SALE PRICE ... $ij5 i1" f 4-00, Tames ANNIVER-. SARY SALE PRICE .... 2 s Rejrular $5.00 values. . ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE .. $375 4 QT. ICE CREAM FREEZERS ' Reg. $1.25 Ann iver . sary Sale Price One lot of regular 60e GALVANIZED IRON WASH TUBS Anniversary. -' Sale " Prt.!e';-:r ;? ; rv .-,-'.-i', ; ? tt fi tfi'ivr.'; Trade-Here .- i' - 9c CR0NIN ELECTED GRAND, OFFICER . BY EAGLES TODAY Baltimore,' Aug. 8 The grand offl cern of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, chosen by the delegates to the 15th ar.nua! convention of the order at yes terday's election, were announced at today's session.-- They axe as follows: INTEREST will not wane in the big Birthday event The brisk, business which attended the brilliant; opening of our Fourth An niversary will continue throughout the sale. So! 'Auspiciously ': . Begun WHITE SERGE STJTTS ., SLIGHTLY SOILED REGULAR PRICE $15.00. ANNI JERSARY SALE PRICE $5.00 OUR STOCK OF WASH SKIRTS includmg the following popu lar materials. Ratines, Ramie Linen, Natural and Oyster Lin en, Cordaiine and Pique: ?;1fif, I" $1.0. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE .... 75c Rejrular price $1.25. ANNTVER- &AV SALE PRiCJE .... !5c Regular price $1.50. ANNTVER- SARY SALE PRICE .... $1.15 Regular price $2.00. ANNIVER SARY' SALE PRJCHI ,1 Kesmlaf price $2.50. ' ANNTVER' imxvjl uit t-li.nn-: $1.65 Regular price $3.00. " ANNTVER SARY SALE PRICE . . . $1.95 Regulai- price $4.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . i . . $2.75 ReciiJar price $5.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE $3.75 , WOOL , SKIRTS ' ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE 25) .BLACK VOILE SKIRTS. Regu lar price $7.98. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE .. $3.75 ' RAINCOATS Regulaar price $5.00. ' ANNTVER- SARY SALE PRICE $3.75 Regular price $8.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE. ; . . . .$4.75 Regrular price $10.00. ANNTVER- SARY SALE PRICE . . . ; $5.75 Regular price $12.UO. ' ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . . . . $6.75 Regular price $15. 00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE $8.75 COATS IN 'COLORS AND MIX- y TURKSxALSO MATELESE. Regular $8.00 TVUlues. ANNTVER - SARY SALE PRICE . . . . $4.75 Regular ; $10 values. ANNIVER . . - .h A in m Ki Mt - - r rr vIlerKlaT-$l S.caJ n-'ANli v ER- Regular $18 values.' ANNTVER 1 karv KATii PRinn as Ti Resgular $20 values . ANNTVER-. ' tiAAlS-.trRlUfci ... SIO.75 Regular $25 ! values - - ANNIVER SARY.. SALE PRICE' . , v $12.75 Regular $30 values." ANNIVERSARY,- SALE PRICE j ... $16.75 BLACK AND BLUE SERGE AND SILK COATS Regular SARY Regulair SARY Regular SARY Regular .SARY Regular' : SARY price $10. ANNTVER SALE FRHI- . . . . $5.75 price $20.. . ANNTVER-' SALE PRICE I . I . $6.75 price $15.' ANNTVER SALE PRICE . . . $7,75 priae $20. ANNTVER SALE PRICE . . . $10.75 ; price $25.4 ANNTVER SALE PRICE ... $12.75 ; . WHITE. CO ATS. . ' i! ,'. KURVHBO CHTNCHTT J i A COATS (white) .36 inches long also sport and - Norfolk coats. RegtUar $18.00 and $20.00, Values. ANNI ' VERSARY SALE PRICE. $13.75 LONG WHITE '- ' CHINCHILLA'1 i COATS, also brocades adi white' striped coats. '- - ' Regular price $13. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE $8.75 Regular Price $18. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . . V $9.75 Regular price $20. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE $10.75 Regular price $25. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . . . . . $12.75 Regular price M. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . . . '. . .$f6.75 Regular price $35. ANNIVERSARY SALE .PRICE . ...... $19.75. "v: , ruchtngs. CORDS, including all colors regu larly sold for 10c a neck. ANNI VERSARY SALE PRICE . . lc CHIFFON RUCHTNGS. narrow . and widths, regularly sold for ' 10c' a neck. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 1. . ... . . . ; 3c neck LADIES BATHING SUITS Regular $1.50 values. ANNIVER- SARY SALE PRICE $1.15.' Regular $2.00 values. ANNIVER- SARY SALE PRICE $1.65. Regular "$2.50 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE-PRICE $1.95. . Regular $3.00 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE $2.35. I "RE-MOV-O" A scientific preparation for removing grease, dirt, etc. Positively the ; most j- remarkable , stain remover in the world. W01 remove that fil from your carpets,; will clean gTteyesj ; -shoes-etC ., Reg. .-price 15c AnmvefbyvS.ateIice-y y,.-;,. - Free Demonstration In our Basement. and Save Money on Your Kitclien Furnishings. -"-.'....'..? : , - President. Thomas J. Cogan,' Cincin nati; chaplain, Col. William ' It Gray son, Savannah, 6a. ; vice-president, Conrad H. Mann, Kansas City, Mo.; secretary, John 8. Parry, Kansas City, Mo. ; treasurer, Frederick Hughes, Tonkers, N. X.; conductor, Thomas p. Gleason, Minneapolis, Minn. ; inside guard, William J. Cronin, New Haven, Conn.; grand . trustees, Fred CNeare, Davenport, la., -James P. Kelly, Cleve land, O., Lincoln Davis, eattte, and . 3. .; meSY U?tetestP aE "' i J f ;j V. -.. 'I JJJ -'""" umiiX .Jim -mi in. mi, i minium .in iu. ii. i ill iijiwiMi iiuui fmm ready shown and to give the ii ! ' ;?-' s k. ''': " '"Sy"""".'.1 ' - '.' - ,ur""""m . ' ;""n'""Vtja" , public 'the greatest kind of l , ! 'J ;V; UJ ...... v money saving. - , f l .l "Nil Waist department. : taffeta and messaune WAISTS In black white and coi ' or: - - ' Regular values $2.00. ANNTVER , SARY SALE PRICE ..... .$1.65 Regular values $2.50. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE.' $1.95 Regular values $3.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . . ..$2.25 Regular values $4.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . , .$2.75 Regular values $5.00. ANNTVER- SARY SALE PRICE $3.25 Regular values . $6.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE $3.75 Regular values $8.00. .ANNIVER- SiiRY SALE PRICE , . . . ..$4.75 : $2.0Ov Japanese SiUt Waists, long and ' short sleeves, prettiest, new est models in black, white and colored stripes great . value at SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE .............. $1.65 $2.50 Flowered Crepe VoQe Waists, hemstitched yoke, short sleeves J low neck, .34 to '44 sizes In ptnH light blue and lavender, 'SPE CIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE MISSES' UNDERWEAR CHILDREN'S ' AND- MISSES' SWXSS RIBBED VESTS, light weight, high neck and long sleeves, silk taping. Regularly, sold for 25c. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE .... 19o LADIES' VESTS AND DRAW ERS, Mill run ' seconds. Regular 50c vests, shaped, light weight, short and long sleeves. ANNI VERSARY AT,E PRICE . 2 So EQUESTRIAN TOP ' DRAWERS, 50c values. ANNIVERSARY; SALE PRICE , 23c , These 2 items above of vests and ' . drawers are the Mill Ran sec " onds and could be easily sold . for firsts. The Imperfections are very slight. and the"" garments' were made to sell for 50i;. , ITALIAN SILK' HAND EMBROI DERED VESTS in white - only, that were $28. Slightly soiled. ANNIVERSARY. SALE PRICE . $1.98 MERCERIZED ' LISLE VESTS,'! low Neck, short sleeves. Regular ly sold for 25c ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 21o LADIES KNITTED UNDER-; VI: N .WEAli. w XiADIES' LISLE VESTS. 'Sleeve less and: short?! sleeves; .in all sizes actual value 12 l-2c AN "NIVERSARY SALE. PRICE .. ..... 8o EXTRA SIZES same quality. AN NIVERSARY SALE PRICE lOo MISSES' FINE RIBBED VESTS . that are slightly imperfect . and could almost be sold for first. ' ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE i. . : - - ....- .. 7c LADIES' FINE RIBBED JER SEY . DRAWERS, lace and tight knee in all sizes; ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE , 190 H UNION SUITS, fine- lisle lace ani tight knee, sleeveless and short 1 sleeves, made of-a. very-fine soft lisle and especially well finished and cut. . Regular price 75c ANNIVERSARY, SALE "PRICE . . . 49c LADIES' jFTNE . RIBBED , LACE DRAWERS, : lace trimmed.' ' 1 French Bands, well made. Reg " ular price 75c- ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE 49C ODDS AND ENDS in a lot of sep arate vests and drawers, slight ly soiled. Values up -. to 29o. ANNIVERSARY , SALE PRICE . . . 15c LADIES' FINE RIBBED SHAP ED VESTS, regular and out sizes, sleeveless' and ' short 3 sleeves. Values up to .29c. AN. . NIVERSARY SALE PRICE 19c BOYS' BALRRIGGAN VESTS & PANTS, all sizes. Values up to 25e.' ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . ... 19c 3 ONLY HIGH GRADE COUCH HAMMOCKS i . Regular $7.98. Anniver sary Sale Price . ANGLE IRON HAH- , MOCK STANDS Reg.' $3.50. Anniversary Sale Price ' $2.98 ALL (COPPER NICKEL PLATED Kfc'l'l'l iKS , - ' j : ' , ' - Size No. 9 Rochester make. . Reg. $1.75. . Anni versary Sale Price ' 1 $1.00 each $1.50 EXTRA HEAVY ADJUSTABLE CURTAIN STRETCHERS. Fletcher id. Noe, Indianapolis. The selection of the . meeting place fornext year's A convention ' was left to the grand. trustees.;. Hartford, Aug. 8.-Governor Bald win today, 'appointed D. Ward North rop of Middletown, and F. H.-Robbins of Wethersfleld,. appraisers of tho state prison property; H. P. Lucas oi Cheshire,,, and " Alexander Lynch of Orange, appraisers of the state re formatory property. The governor , drains in interest as It Fro W2 " HOUSE DRESSES. . Regular 89o values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . 65c Regular $1.00 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . . . . . . 75o Regular $1.25 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE ...... 95o Regular $1.50 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE $1.15 WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, IM PORTED AND DOMESTIC EMBROIDERED DUTCH COL . LARS,-round . and new shapes, also Jabots ' actual values 25c a ' pbwe. ANNIVERSARY . SALE PRICE ,10c each EMBROIDERED AND SWISS COLLARS, dress and ooat sets, -values up to 60c ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE 15c ALSO JABOTS of embroidered .Swiss. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE : j: . . 15c There are Tamdreds of pieces of neckwear that win be sold at sac rifice prices' tirat cannot be adver tised -or demonstrated in this ad vertisement. To take them . in , your hands and feast your eyes on the beauty of this neckwear is the only way one can appreciate what i The designs that are displayed are exclusive and there ' are no more than two or three of a single pat tern. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. LADIES ALL " SILK HOSE, silk . to the knee with- extra heavy lisle garter, high spliced heel In - black- and white only. Regular $1.00 values; -ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 69c ALL 50o BOOT SILK HOSE with lisle top and high spliced heel all colors. v ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE -. . . 44j LADIES' BLACK AND WHITE GAUZE and LISLE HOSE with . silk finish and high 6pliced heel and re-inforced garter top, reg ular 25c quality. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 17o LADIES' LISLE HOSE, regularly . sold two for 25c ANNTVER- ' SARY SALE PRICE ...,.'. . llo CHILDREN'S SILK LISLE SOCKS with fancy tops- - some checked 1 and some embroidered, others -plain. ANNIVERSARY". SALE PRICE ....... . . 1 .. . -. 19o CHILDREN'S 25c SOCKS, all eoV is ors and fancy tops. ANNIVERSABY SALE PRICE ................ .... . , . - 19e CHILDREN'S lSo SOCKS," all col ors and plain with fancy tops. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . . . .............. lOc LADIES' ; MERCERIZED GAUZE LISLE HOSE In black and white only. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE .I-..- ...... 8o BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED HOSE, regularly sold for 12 l-2c AN NIVERSARY SALE PRICE lie GIRLS FINE RIBBED HOSE In black, white and ' tan. ANNI VERSARY SALE PRICE., llo CHILDREN'S MERCERIZED LIS LE HOSE In all sizes, regular 25c. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . . lc LADIES' BOOT SILK HOSE, high spliced heel, lisle garter top, . regular 35c. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 19c ' ,; MEN'S' HOSIERY ONYX AND GORDON 5Qc silk and lisle Hose ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE S9c OUR 25c SILK HOSE, Sil k and silk lisle in the Onyx, Gordon . and other well-known brands. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE aio OUR 12 l-2c HOSE. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE 9c a pair in an colors. SILK LISLE HOSE In afl colors. Regular price 25c. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE 14c pair PARIS GARTERS, sold every where at 25c a pair. ANNI VERSARY SALE PRICE 17c OVAL " WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS Large size. Reg. 89c Anniversary .Sale Price 59c With brass nickel pins; will fit any size curtain and will not injure the finest fabric. Limited quantity at An niversary Sale-price. esc also appointed George E, Cooley of Hartford, inspector of steam boilers in the First Congressional district for three years from September 4, 1913; and Elmer E. Thomas of New Haven, inspector of steam boilers for the Third district for three years from August 5, 1913.- f . The merchknt who doesn't advertise at this season at least won't bother to buy much new stock next soring. . V Mi w w - - - ' : : : : ' . . '1 1 i ft TTt ' x 99 EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT." To help this ANNIVERSARY SALE along we' have purchased from one of the largest Importers In America, from whom we buy thousands of - dollars wortih of embroideries, a lot of SAMPLE STRIPS, that run lengths of 4 to lO yards. The lot is made up of Swiss and Cambric edgings showy effects, also Insertions and gal loons and an kinds of embroideries adaptable for blouses, lingerie, neckwear and dresses. These lots win be sold at 4c, 8o, 12c and 17o a yard and are divided Into lots as follows: LOT NO. 1, values tip to lOc a yard. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 4c a yard LOT NO. 2, values up to 15c a yard. ANNIVERSARY SALkO PRICE ...... .. 8c a yard. LOT NO. 3, values up to 25c and SOc - ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 12c a yard LOT NO. 4. values up to 40o a yard. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . w . . . . lTo a yard Bear In , mind that tiiim lot In cludes hundreds of ' different pat terns and designs and It is very rare that there are over lO yards of any particular pattern. However, there Is no limitation as to a cus tomer's wants. Yon can buy from one to ten yards. REMNANTS OF 27 AND 45 s INCH EMBROIDERY, values up .' to $1 ner tanl. AirvnrKH. , SARY SALE PRICE . 2 On 27 INCH EMBROIDERED FLOUNOTNGS; assorted designs, regular' price: 69c a yard. AN. NIVERSARY SALE PRICE 29c 45 INCH FLOUNOTNGS, regular price 69c -. ANNIVERSARY - SALE PRICE .' s. . . . 44o 45 INCH . LINGERIE FLOUNO TNGS, values' up to $1.75 per i yard. ANNIVERSARY SATE !PRICE 59o BABY FLQUNCTNGS, values! up to 70o a yard. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE .' '49c EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS ON .v FINE SWISS, values up to 15c a . v yard. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 9c LACE BANDINGS AND TNSER- HONS of FUlet Net. Values up' to 15c ayard. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE lOc EMBROIDERED EDGINGS AND INSERTION S, values up to lOo a yard. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE i ...... j. . . . 5c - ' -- - COVERS. LADIES' CORSET. COVERS of , nainsook and ' batiste, prettilv 'trimmed with embroidery and vaL lace, ribbon run bendtngs. ' REGULAR 79c S A I .TC -PRICE ANNIVERSARY REGULAR 59c . ANNIVERSARY RALE PRICE 42o REGULAR 25c ANNIVERSARY SALE j PRICE lc WHITE VOHjE AND LINGERIE WAISTS ' ; ' Regular $1.00 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE ; 75C Regular $1.50 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE .... . .$1.16 Regular 82. 00 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE .$1.65 Regular $2.50 values. ANNTVER- ,SARY SALE PRICE $1.95 Regular $3.00 values. ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . s . . . .$2.85 HOUSE WAISTS TN CHAMBKAY, PERCALES AND LAWN, regular price 50c ANNTVERSARY SALE PRICE .- 39o EVENING COATS. ' i Charmeusc Crepe Meteor and :' Broadcloth Evening Coats in black and all colors. - mmr Regular $40 values. ANNTVER SARY PRICE $18.75 Regular $30 values. ANNTVER-' SARY PRICE .-. ..... $18.75 75c CHEN SETS Anniversary Sale - Price 39c. REG. lOo ROTARY FLOUR . STEVES Anniversary " . Sale Price OBLONG , SPLINT WET WASH BAS x ' : ' , KETS. ' Reg. 59c size,... 49c Reg. 69c size ... SOc Reg. 79c , size . . . . 69c 6c Reg. '98c size ... S9c 59c family Size GARBAGE PAILS with cover. ' Anniversary Sale Price 39c Hundreds of Big Bargains Not BANKERS ARE JUBILANT Washington, Aug. 8. At a. confer ence today between treasury officials and bankers of the; central west re garding the distribution, of government deposits to assist in moving the crops. Assistant Secretary. John Skelton Wil liams declared the treasury was pre pared deposit $100,000,000 if neces sary. The original plan called for $50,000,000. The. exact amount of the gresses ff'ail Bite's i PETTICOATS. y - LADIES' NAINSOOK PETTICOAT with embroidery flounces of varl ; ous patterns and . Insertions to match, some with solid vaL lace flounces and ribbon run inser--; tlons, also crepe with tucked uounces. Reralar 4 nn ANNIVERSARY . . . . .-. . . i . . . $3.69 ANNrVERSAKi . . i . -.$2.6 ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE Regular $3.00. ' SALE PRICE Regular $2.00. SALE PRICE Regular $1.50 ANNIVERSARY SALR PHTnTT! . o . - - . m.. ........ t. . . WJ aeS" ?c. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE .. . . .. .... . . . .67o : NIGHT GOWNS. y ' , LADIES NIGHT GOWNS made of soft muslin, nainsook, silk mull and crepe, prettily trimmed with , dainty patterns of Swiss embroi ' dories, German vaL and linen . laces. Some with embroidery yokes and sleeves, trimmed with i- ESS? 1uaIity of vat lace and T ri bbon run beadings. I1IltAri 2 & 2?0. ANNTVER- AY SALE PRICE $1.79 i iFJ'A" 1-50' ANNTVERSARY SALE PRICE $133 RIFJ"4i?;,- ANNTVERSARY SALE PRICE ....... si0 RFJ JIt 79 , ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE.;. 67c ft??a ,9c- ' ANNTVERSARY SALE PRICE : . 440 . ', ! COMBINATIONS, i Ladies combinations of fine nainsook with circular and straight drawers, prettily trtm md with vaL and shadow laocs. Covers trimmed with ribon run . . Insertions and Mlo-Ari n-iti. i ... patterns of val. lace. , Rf:!?nJ2A5, $3-- ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE ; $2 79 REGULAR $2.00. ANNTVERS.AIl Y SALE PRICE . . si 7 REGULAR $1.50 ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE ..... $133 HEGULAR $1.25. ANNIVERSARY SAIzE PRICE . . . ; . . . .T 9s7. REGULAR $1.00. ANNIVERSARY , SALE PRICE, ..... ... 6Bc DRAWERS. . LADIES' DRAWERS made of , i natasook and good muslin wltii 1 ruffles of linen and val lace; others 'with ruffles of various patterns of dainty embroideries. Inese are circular, , straight and Helene styles. REGULAR $2.00 ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . V. . .. . $1 7 REGULAR $1.50. i ANNIVER. SARY, SALE PRICE .... $l.$ REGULAR $1.00. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE . 79e REGULAR SOc ANNIVERSARY . SALE PRICE 42 REGULAAR 25c ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE ....... i9e '"' ' ' CHEMISES. LADIES' CHEMISE, top and bot-" torn trimmed with val. lace and . - embroidery ,wlth and without ' jr mien Dacks. REGULAR $1.50. ANNIVERSARY . - SALE PRICE .,. $1.33 REGULAR $1.00. ANNTVERSARY SALT. PRICE -. . 87 REGUL4R 75c ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 59C REGULAR 59c ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE .,... 44o : SAMPLE LOT', : SAMPLE LOT , OF UNDER WEAR slightly soiled and niui ; sed. Consisting of night gowns, - combinations, petticoats, - draw ers and . princess slips. Thesrs are beautiful pieces - trimmed with dainty patterns of shadow lace and line Swiss emroideries.' They usuaUy sell for $2.50 and $3.00. ANNTVERSARY SALE PRICE $!..? $1 SILK GLOVES 69c ' HERE IS A LADIES1' 1$ BUT TON LENGTH SILK. GLOVE, double tip fingers, in black and white. Exceptional good value ' - ANNiyERSARY SALE PRICE .. .... 69c KIT Regular 85c Anniversary 1 1-4 yds. wide . 1 1-2 yds. wide . . ... . COFFEE . MTlijS " . -To Sale Price 85c SANITARY BOWL ; BRUSHES ' ' Anniversary Sale Price 19c government deposits will be determined after the views of the bankers have been analyzed. r With a tentative decision reached to place $25,000,000 in the south to asstest in moving and marketing cotton and other crops, the principal question dis cuesedtoday was the division of the remainder between the middle and far west. The bankers generally, it was stated, -were enthusiastic over the pros pect of government assistance. ;. MEN'S FURNISHING DEPT. MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS In noi sette and other cool materials, cut full, with pink, blue and white borders. Regular price ANNIVERSARY SALE ""CE goo MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS, regular ly sold for $1.00. ANNIVER SARY SALE .PRICE '. 79c MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS, resrular ly sold for 75c ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE 69c MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS made full with red, blue and white bor ders. Regular price SOc. ANNI VERSARY SALE PRICE 44c MEN'S PAJAMAS, made full, of . fine soisette, in solid colors, sold regularly at $1.00. ANNIVER, .. SARY SALE PRICE 89o MEN'S SILK SHIRTS made of fine tub silks - in the - newest stripes, made to sell at ANNIVERSARY SALE PRIOK ' $2.49 OUR ENTIRE ' STOCK O F WOOL AND COTTON BAT TING BATHING SUITS will be sold at a reduction of 20 PER CENT. - ... OUR VAST ASSORTMENT of BOc SILK TIES- comprising some , Bulgarian, English Scarfs and , z College stripes also other sum i mer ties. ANNIVERSAR V SALE "PRICE . 12c WASH TIES in solid colors, also In stripes. Rejpnlar price 12 l-2o.-AVNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 7c MEN'S SOFT COLLARS. Some of the Arrow Brand and other well known makes, regularly sold -From 12 1-2 to 17c ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE . . . 7e OUR COMPLETE LINE OF , 4c SHIRTS. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE sun MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS with and without soft collars and French cuffs. These shirts are worth up to $1,00. ANNIVER SARY PRICE. ) c MEN'S UNDERWEAR in the Ii. V. D. ForosknJt and Frenoh I Balbrigganw All the 50c qnall- ., ties. ANNTVERSARY BALK PRICE 89c FRENCH BALBRIGGAN AND SHORT SLEEVED ' SHIRTS and ankle lenirth drawers. Regular 89c qnalitv. ANNIVERSARY. SALE PRK f-2 j 2fi5 NAINSOOKS. BA LBRIGG A X S AND ATHLETIC UNDER WEAR, Regular price 25o. A V , NIVERSARY SALE PRICE . . 21c THE SPRING NEEDLE RTB I V w 11 I I t i AND ECRU UNIOV SyiTS. Regular 89o qnailty. , ANNIVERSARY SALE PRK T: f ec UNION SUITS. In short sleevps .and . ankle length only. Tine , 'ribbed and closed crotch. ular 59c ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 44c MEN'S $1.00 . SHIRTS in the Monarch, Nofade and other well known brands In percalr-s, Madras and soisettes. Rrnlar ; price $1.00. ANXIVER.S.UR Y . SALE PRICE 8c MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS slightly soiled and second t. . Regular price 50c, 75c and $1. ANNIVERSARY SXUE PRICK a? UNION SUITS In . the ' B. V. I " Poroslmits. ribbed. Regnlar l! ANNIVERSARY SALE PRTC-E "9c ' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR . PRINCESS SLIPS , LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS, made of soft muslin and nainsook, em broider top and bottom. Others with soled val lace, flounces and - ribbon run okes. All sizes: REGULAR $3 00, ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE , ; 2.67 REGULAR $2.50. ANJfTVER ' SARY SALE PRICE .... 1.87 IEGULAR $1.25, ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE c Window Shades. Sale Price at HQ TABLE OIL CLOTH '19c yd. ... 21c yd. GAS COOKERS, REFRIGERATORS. OVENS, OIL STOVES, ETC. All at Anniversary Sale Prices 3 CUP EGG POACHERS Anniversary Sale Price Advertised Stamford, Aug. 8 Charged with the attempted murder of his 28 yrar old wife, Alfonso Anneschino, 36, pleaded not guilty and was bound ov er to the next criminal term of the su perior court in $2,000. All the summer hotels advertise tliat people sleep under blankets at th- r pesorts, but sometimes this may because the chambermaid coulJn t Sod any sheets. ft J ft ) 9 p-, 1 r A H Hi o is f i rf f 'If1 Cf r t A r I H :': p :V: r