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i The College Girl and Mer &ZPardrobe Meq"u$rement& 77'" ' ,m . "vN. JF: ' ' '' ' Jp-i' j - 1 ' 4 1 " 1 4'" "V fv- Iff n .-. t; ' . . . - GOWN FOR SCHOOLROOM WEAR., 1 , ,i l -u !. OUTDOOR TOQUE JHB colic fro girVa outfit- Is al - - mest -as -important a her if -1 trousseau, and. like the lat M. , ' ter. the school wardrobe : Is subject to much, eltminatlon or expan sion. tb purae and. tie exigencies ot Advice About Baggage V. TONT overload yourself with bag gage if you are going abroad for a - tew months. Try, if possible, to get along with one trunk, and if that piece of baggage must be of large size have it of the wardrobe type, aa with one of these there need be no unpacking at - every stopping place. The two dozen or more of gowns, frocks and coats re main on their hangers, occupying one aide of the box, and the lingerie, shoes , and accessories in the various drawers which fill the" remaining space. Lack- . ins a wardrobe trunk, best take a small steamer- trunk, preferably of enameled leather, and a medium sized natbox of matching material. ( But be sure that the latter piece has tray, as in that event during short ' side trips It will hold everything likely - to be needed for a week or ten days. .Meanwhile the trunk may be express ed ahead to the next stopping place. : Express charges throughout Europe are very high, and this fact must be taken into consideration' when plan ning the disposal of the various pieces f luggage. That Is why the enameled .leather or the straw-hamper is more popular with the American tourist who knows the ropes than is the big Saratoga Steamer roils of small size are pref- : erable to satchels and Gladstones for hand luggage, for their capacity seems to be almost limitless. Provided an . extra hat Is not needed a tourist can saslly manage for a week or more with what one of these rolls will hold, and the receptacle is quite aa easily carried u la a dress suit case. To accord with the steamer roll of fl ark brown canvas or of rubberized clan plaid serge, bound and strapped .with leather, there should be an um brella case. When traveling nothing ruins an umbrella so quickly as ex- 1 posing it to layers of dust and allow ing its cover to come into more or less violent contact with other kinds of luggage, as is certain to happen if the tilk, spread and the ornamental handle m not protected. . WHAT WE'LL WEAR IN FALL HLUE will lead the fall color scheme. Most wanted shades are navy and iiagua. . Brown win be In good request, with - nuff. golden brown, mahogany and jeal the shades most ordered. Purple, shading from wistaria to lark, promises well. ' Ruby red has a' strong position now. Russian green is especially wanted "m lustered fabrics. Strawberry shades are well received tor trimming purposes. Taupe holds its own. Moleskin shade la the favorite. OF VELOUR3. the occasion regelating the output, to use a. commercialism. " c Ot course a girl can n through col lege and walk ofCpernaps with honors and scholarships to", boot, owning the fewest;- clothes imaginable for, the col $ MuffsMatch Winter Suits VjTHER'E; Is not the least use in thlnk lng because the headline says that muffs will match suits next winter that fur' handT coverings are not to be worn. Theywill: be, but It is a modish, fad to t SUIT OF BROCADED CLOTO have one's muff and suit en suite. This idea is carried out in the costume of brocaded cloth Illustrated. The coat is three-quarter length. Notice the gathers that appear at the tops of the sleeves and the fullness at the wrists. These are fashion straws that show how the wind is blowing. The muff is gathered on a cord "and trimmed with bands of fur. i legiate life, and then, again, she may do the same stunt while clothed like the queen of Sheba. In some of our colleges and In many fashionable boarding schools a most decided ban has been put upon too much finery, and even the -richest and most influential pupils are obliged to observe this rule. . , ' i Last year at the beginning of the course of an ultra ' smart finishing school not far from New York city pretty girt hied herself thither with a i trunkf ul of modish French costumes, ! most them evening frocks. 'In a few days came a tearful letter from the new pupil to her mother, . saying that Miss JLu, th principal of the school, was making her send back the "glad rags." and in their place she was to have some "practical frocks." SERVE SWEETS OMELETS V SWEET omelet of some special kind makes an attractive dessert, especially suitable for fish dinners, which are not usually so nourishing as the ordinary ones of meat. The eggs used in these omelets help to. make up the difference. T Peach Omelet A simple dessert Is made by spread ing a plain omelet with fresh or pre served fruit, jam or Jelly just before folding. Either canned or fresh fruit may be used. Prepare an omelet in the ordinary fashion, adding just a pinch or two of sugar (no more or it will be too sweet) in place of pepper and only one-half v or one-third the usual amount of salt. Just before it is ready to fold spread the fruit over it In slices. After folding serve - piping hot. Powdered sugar if desired may be sprinkled over the surface of the omelet and a redhot salamander- pass ed over it to give It a brown glaze. : Quince Omelet. For a quince, omelet add half a table spoonful of sugar and a scant half wineglassf ul. of brandy to every four eggs. Melt an ounce of butter " in a frying pan and pour the omelet over the surface. Just before folding spread over -it a tablespoonful of ' melted quince Jelly and a few pieces of pre served quince. After folding sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Using Apricot or Other Jam. Oouffe gives a rule for omelet with, apricot Jam. Prepare it m the same way as the peach omelet. A' plain omelet prepared . with fresh .straw berries or strawberry or raspberry jam is very good. Fresh raspberries are not so good for the purpose. Currant jelly in place of jam is also excellent. Even grape jelly has been used, and honey also. . -, . Fruit omelets are sometimes flavored with almond or vanilla extract, but TROUSSEAU AATHERING a trousseau together is a fascinating, thougb a some what fatiguing, task. The sensible prospective bride decides before she begins her shopping just how much she intends to spend on her trousseau and how much more she can spend if she is sorely tempted and she does not buy nearly as many things nowa days as in the past, because fashions change so quickly. She spends a generous amount' on her wedding gown, and if she changes into a "going away gown after the ceremony and reception, that also is often rather elaborate, for the cus tom of going to a hotel for a day or two before the honeymoon trip has brought about a change. The going VLY - -,J f i, ii-?V KA , , KNOCKABOUT COAT OF VELOURS. . Other days, other ways. There was a time oh, name It not when Worth frocks and Vlroux hats "went," but not in this year, of grace m the fash lonable school of 1913. Clothes may still be made by the artist hand, but they' must be of the extravagantly 'simple". eorC The average girl who goes to college is in neither of the classes mentioned. She Is not vulgarly irich or hopelessly penniless. She's financially medium. and she will he yearning to know just now what the fall styles are to be so she can cut her cloth accordingly. . It is 'a. bit early in the fashion game to tell exactly what will be worn by the - fashion leaders, but Miss. High brow won't caret .11 she's .not just In the latest style. Our old standby for all practical WITH FISH DINNERS they are as good or better without any such additions. For quince and orange omelets beat the whites and yolks of the eggs sepa rately. " This will make the desserts particularly delicate. Jam and Jelly omelets are ' also Improved by first whipping the whites and then adding them to, the yolks. Orange Omelet. For an orange omelet have ready four eggs, . five tablespoonf uls of sugar, a saltspoonful of salt, two oranges and two tablespoonf uls of butter. Grate the rind of one of the oranges over one of the spoonfuls of sugar. Pare the oranges and cut them in thin slices lengthwise not crosswise,, , as usual Over the sliced oranges sprinkle two , tablespoonf uls of the sugar. Whip the whites of the eggs until they are flaky, firm froth. Fold through them the sugar that was mixed with the grated orange rind, the yolks of the eggs and the orange Juice that dripped from the oranges In cutting them. Put the butter 4ntoi a frying pan and let it melt; then add the omelet. Just be fore folding spread with most of the orange slices-well sprinkled with pow dered sugar. After folding sprinkle with sugar and put it Into the oven to stand for a few minutes. Before send ing to the table decorate with a few of the slices cut in fancy shapes. Some times the omelet Is not folded over at all, but after frying on top of the stove, as- usual, it is put into the oven to be come firm or slightly brown on top. Slices of orange are not used except perhaps a few, cut in fancy shapes,, for decorative purposes. When sent to the table the omelet is accompanied with whipped cream flavored with grated orange rind. The omelet Itself should have been liberally flavored with the orange juice and grated rind to give it a delightful flavor. SHOPPING away costume Is generally a handsome three piece affair in moire, charmeuse or taffeta instead of the severely tailor ed frock for traveling, which also figures importantly in the trousseau. One or two handsome evening, frocks and three simple ones are quite enough for the average bride, and for "one of these a white lace is a sensible choice. Time was when brides brought as their dower large chests filled to overflowing with mounds of snowy linen and lin gerie, but not nowadays. It is no longer expedient or necessary. On French night robes , there Is a small loop buttonholed, through which the ribbon Is drawn and tied. This saves the time of sowing on the bow. SERVICEABLE NAVY BLUE SUIT. purposes, the navy blue serge suit. Is again in evidence in the fall showing, more or less trimmed with- buttons, braid or Bulgarian embroideries and especially with the scarf sash arranged in some distinctive way. ' - h The traveling suit for the euilege girl seen among the illustrations is "of navy serge in the popular blouse style. The collar of machine embroid ery adds a touch of daintiness to the creation. Such a little . suit will do service when Miss Cap and, Gown goes to town to a matinee or to do some shopping. r , . - '?. Heavy. tweed and checked materials are figure largely next winter, and a , suit of such material ' will - be useful. fl'he coats to the. new two piece suits are of various types and shapes. ; A. large , proportion are rather - short, many showing waistcoats of 'silk or velvet handsomely embroidered or of some new rabrlc . , Another " style in coats Is a- three-Quarter length that has closer lines and hugs the form more snugly than wraps have done for some time. The sleeves, too, in this model have a little fullness at the top I Thick Necks the Fashion Now, jT - ' " : 5 V ' - , ; . -- I - , Ari f rpHB swanlike neck has gone out or style, and the pugtllBt neck, or something like it.' is at the height of mode. Upstanding ruches give this thick peck ef fect, and an unruched throat actually looks bare these days. ; USEFUL HINT. rpiME and eyesight can be saved when UfL.Tl.Jllft CI. llfi'h - J ea the needle to the spool without cutting th throoji. This is a.)fw an economy trr and are loose and almost baggy -at the wristsj where they are finished with ratner deep cuffs. I"or the best frock pretty models are In crepe de chine. One . especially to be recommended to the college girl's attention is of a red currant shade and cut in a "soutane" shape, buttoned from top to bottom with tiny buttons of the same stuff, which are also found on the sleeves. The cut is especially new, being without any seams under the arms, a characteristic -Which has gained It the title of "chauve souris," or bats. With this frock Is worn a bayadere sash of pongee,, printed with an eastern design whose Iridescent tones are repeated in the heavy bead passementerie which finishes off the sash - ends and in the tiny bow which trims the tulle guimpe. , The "knockabout coat Is a necessity in-the college outfit, and a good looking one is pictured of ginger brown velours montagnac, a J new material that Is very smart. The coat is novel in style, having an elongated peplum attached to a fitted bolero jacket. The patch pocket and sleeve trimmings are par ticularly noteworthy. A velvet hat trimmed with gold cord and a numidia feather is worn with the coat. For wear under this coat and in the schoolroom is the natty little gown In. the cut, of a blue and green plaid. The yoke is made in vest style and buttons high up to the throat, where a little turnover collar of embroidery adds a final touch. It is smart in the school room to -wear colonial pumps, or suede patent leather may be worn. ' The toque of velours in hunter green seen among the illustrations makes a comfortable piece of headgear for the college girl who indulges , in skating and other outdoor sports. This cap sits .. well on the head, and Its only ornamentation, is . a silk tassel which falls gracefully over the sides. ; These are only a few fashion sign posts to direct the college girl on her modish way. .. CATHERINE TALBOT. Soap In the Garden 1 W ffi iln il ti il t ft il MilhBJJiE B B 1 11 B M 1 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTT JJ'EW. amateur gardeners realize the value of solutions of soap In the garden, especially when Used at this time of year. The best soap for the purpose is white castlle, but any mild white soap will suffice. As an insecticide or fungknde, shave an ordinary sized bar of the soap. Add three gallons of lukewarm water and six drops"of lemon oiL Stir well and before the water is quite cool spray the plant thoroughly: not only on the top of the foliage, but under it. The liquid. besides fumigating the -plants, willenTichi.the ;soll.and 1 is invalu able for checking mildew on rose& :To keep floworso in nice condition shave 'a pound" of soap very finely into a gallon of boiling water. 'When dis solved, add twenty-four gallons of cold water and . use without delay. If a small quantity Is wanted dissolve one sixth of a small cake of soap in a pint of boiling water and add a gallon and a half of cold water. i . Apply to rose plants, carnations, vio let leaves and the like. Half an hour after applying rinse off the solution with soft, clear water. For begonias, fuchsias, ferns and all tender and bulbous plants add a third more water to the solution so that it will be about three-fourths as strong as the one mentioned attove, ' and, again, after half an hour, rinse oft with clear, soft water. Be careful always to reach the under as well as the up per side of the leaves. v the use ot thread, for when one long piece can be pulled from the seam, aft er it is stitched on the machine, it is worth winding on the spool for future use. Caring For Babies In Hot Weather ! These are the death days for babies. Ten times as many babies die during the hot weeks of July and August as in all the rest of the year. In the effort to lessen this terriflo death toll the agents of the govern ment are carrying on a babies' health campaign through the infants milk stations of the board of health and through private philanthropic agencies. The New York department of health has prepared a pamphlet of rules for the care of babies in hot weather. Some of them are as follows: - Milk. Bottle fed babies-, mvm be given eniy good milk -which , is kpt constantly covered and on ice. Use milk furnished by the milk depots or diet kitchens. If the milk stations are not convenient get good bottled milk which is delivered every morning. If the milk cannot be kept properly cool ed it should be boiled aa soon as re ceived. Feedings. Prepare the feedings for the baby exactly as the doctor directs. Feed the baby at regular hours. Each feeding should be heated to a proper temperature in the nursing bottle be fore it is given to the baby. Taste a spoonful of the milk immediately be fore giving it to the baby to be sure that It has not soured. If the milk Is not sweet do not give it to the baby. Cleanliness. As soon as the bottle used by the baby is empty it should be thoroughly washed with cold water; then cleansed with borax and hot wa ter (a teaspoon ful of borax to a pint of water). The empty bottle should be put upside down on a shelf. The bottles should be boiled Just before filling, for the next feeding. The nip ple should be thoroughly washed after each nursing with-hot water and when not, in use should soak In, borax water in a covered glass. The nipple must be rinsed in boiling water Just before the baby uses It. ; Clothing. During the very hot days, or if the baby has fever, remove nearly all the- clothing. A muslin slip or gauze shirt is enough. A baby with fever will not catch cold.. Bathing. A baby should have one tub bath every day; on very warm days from two to four general spongings with cool-water." If the baby has fever sponge It with cool water every two or three hours and p!ace cool, wet cloths on its head. . ' - . Fresh Air. Babies, sick or well, must have fresh air. Keep the Taoy In the largest, coolest room to -. the house or apartment. ' Keep as little fire as possible. Keep the rooms free from garbage, soiled clothes and rubbish. Leava- the windows open day . and night.. Avoid the sun on hot days. Select the shady side of the street and the shade of the parks, recreation piers and roofs. Sleep and Quiet. Keep the baby quiet. Ijet it sleep alone and let it sleep as much as possible. Lay it on a firm bed, not on feather pillows. Keep the baby and bedclothes clean. Change the diaper and bedclothes as soon as soiled and sponge the baby with -.a soft cloth and cool water. If this is done the baby will not be so restless and will sleep better. Do cot give soothing sirup to make the baby quiet and do not let the balSy hang on 'the nipple or suck a "baby com forter." " . For"' mending a- tear lttvian umbrella narrow silk ribbon is excellent.1 Since both the edges are selvages it is an easy matter to stitch it to the umbrella. Pickling Days Are Here wee?t prcKiaO'J"prNsrApP!CB. Pare and slice a ripe pineapple and cut 111 to. quarters'. Make a sirup of two cupfuls of granulated sugar, two cup fuls of vinegar, a very few cloves and a little stick cinnamon and orange peei. pour over the pineapple, allow it to stand overnight and in the morning strain off the sirup and boil again. Pour over fruit and repeat this process for three mornings. Then seal in glass Jars. Spiced Currants. Wash five pounds of currants and remove the stems, place In a preserving kettle with four pounds of brown sugar, two table spoonfuls each of cinnamon and cloves (tie the spices in a bit of cheesecloth) and one pint of vinegar. Boil slowly for two hours. These will be found excellent with cold meats. Stuffed Green Peppers. Two dozen green peppers, one dozen wed peppers, half bead of cabbage, three tablespoon fuls of mustard seed, one teaspoonful of ground cloves, one tablespoonful of ground allspice, two tablespoonf uls of salt. Cut the tops from the peppers and remove the seeds; then put a tea spoonful of salt into each pepper, covef with cold water and soak for twenty four hours. Chop the cabbage very fine and mix. well with the ground spices, mustard seed, and salt. When thor oughly blended stuff the peppers with this mixture;, then put on the tops and stand upright in stone Jars 'and cover with cold vinegar.' Cork tight. "When handling the peppers use a napkin or gloves or they will blister the hands. Green Tomato Mincemeat. Chop one. peck -of green tomatoes very fine, drain and rinse with cold water, add one , cup of vinegar and one quart ot water. . Cook slowly for two hours, taking care-not to burn; then add one pound of brown sugar, three pounds of granulated sugar,. two pounds of chop ped seeded ." raisins, two tablespoonf uls each of cloves, cinnamon, allspice and salt and one tablespoonful of nutmeg. Cook two hours longer, seal in fruit Jars and keep in a cool place. This recipe makes a delicious mincemeat. LITTLE COOKERY BIT8. "TO'O matter how much dripping Is used, flsh when being fried is apt to stick to- the pan's bottom. If a table spoonful of dry salt Is put into the pan and rubbed over It It will be found satisfactory. Nuts when bought ready shelled should be scalded, dried in the oven and put away in glass Jars. Test potatoes by cutting in two and rubbing the cut surfaces together; th n press the two parts together.' If they - tick the potatoes are good.