Newspaper Page Text
11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 15 WORDS 15c, 3 TIMES 35c m Real Estate' to Buy and Sell - Furnished Rooms to Rent- Business Men's Exchange 1 HELP WANTED . SITUATIONS If you are ont of work,- The Farmer Wants Ads ought to be of material assistance to yon. Read them over carefully each day. Many men and women iU at The Farmer and look over the Help Wanted Ads. ' If yon need help Advertise. THE FAEMEE: AUGUST 26, 1913 FOR SALE . : TO LET ' 1 Ttor Sale" Advertisements In The Farmer bring ready 1 Take down that spotted placard and secure a tenant , , i ' purchasers. Try one, yon will he surprised at the 1m- ij 'i or roomer In th modm way through a Itauer class!- i ' i, 1 1 mediate results. ' !' fled advertisemej.. ' ) il " 11 To Bent .1. For Sale - I Merchants' Exchange Today's Wants Ads -will be received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 2:30 will appear on the sedohd or third page of this paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." eSjjjgSVISfftjoy ncCtare-rTewapaper syndicate. WXXTBlSTwo rooms furnished, with use of piano for young mar ried couple. Address I. -S., care of Farmer. ap ROOM FOR RENT. Bright room with -family of two in convenient locality for gentleman. References exchanged. Address J.F.S., care of - Farmer. L 26 to - CART OF THANKS. 'JtVe the undersigned, hereby grate "iully express our sincere thanks to the comrades of the G. A. R., to the Wo men's Relief Corps, to the Knights of Hamilton Commandery, to the firemen of House No. 9 "and to the many other friends, for their sympathy and re peated acts of kindness, during the 1 llnesa of my deceased husband, Edgar Dean, and for the beautiful floral of ferings you sent to us, in our hour of deep grief, and for your sympathetic attendance at his funeral, in such large numbers. May Heaven reward you all. Sincerely yours, MRS. CAROLINE DEAN AND JACK. "a p HOUSEHOLD NOTES . Paintt wooden palls, and tubs with glycerin to prevent shrinking. Rub mirrors with methylated spir its and polish with a touch of blue powder, j - One. tablespoonful of ammonia to a quart oft water will clean gold or sil ver Jewelry. Place 'all cakes to cool on a wire sieve and never put them away in tins till perfectly cooLj Ordinary wallpapers may be clean ed with dough, or rubbed with. a soft clean flannel dipped In fine oatmeal. Slices of lemon, topped with grat ed horseradish, make a tasty and pleasing garnish for veal served in any form. Candles used for lighting the din ner table will not drip of placed on Ice for two or three hours Just before serving the meaL . Do not throw your worn-out hot water bag away, but cut it in round or oval pieces and use them as mats to Sut under flower pots. ' Coffee stain, even with cream in It, can be removed from the most deli cate silk or woolen fabrics by brush ing the spots with pure glycerine. For dusting women's heavily trim med hats the best brush is a cheap shaving Brush, as it is both stiff and small enough to reach every crevice. Fill a bottle with hot water, place the splintar over the mouth, press tightly; the suction will loosen it, and It will be an easy matter to remove it. An simple way of repairing a rent tn an umbrella is to use a piece of or dinary adhesive plaster. If the plas ter Is not black. It may be easily col ored. After shampooing blonde hair, half Jthe' Juice of a lemon, squeezed In the last rinsing water, will cause the hair to dry more quickly and with less snarls. Sew . matting with raffia and pre vent unsightly stitches of thread. Raf ! fia is very strong and may be bought to match almost any kind of matting. When next creaming carrots, add ihalf teaspoonf ul of onion Juice and dash" of grated nutmeg to the white sauce. . Add the boiled carrots and serve. - Jtfails used in bathrooms and kitch ens' on which damp cloths and tow , els may be hung, should be painted ; with enam4, so that they do not leave rusty marks. There is a very important point in regard to making scallops. That is, after the scallop is made and cut out, go all over It again with a tinybut- tonhole sftitch. Instead of throwing away the un sealed envelopes that bring circulars, leut oft the gummed strips and save -them. They will serve a hundred house Wants Unclassified WANTED. - General , wood worker, . one accustonjed to wheel work. Good wages right man, -41 High St., Ansonia, Ct. ' L 26 dp AT BOMMOS & BILTZ MARKET In State street will be found best line of meats. , I 18 tf o 1TOTI CANT BEAT Casca-LaxTne tab lets for constipation. Try them. O 7 UPHOL6TERTN&. Furnitura Repair ed and rennished. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniturs ' Store, State, near Clinton. HS tto PLATED WINDOW GLASS.. Bridge , port Glass Co. Glazing of every de scription. , Mirrors resilveed. 1723 Main St. Tel. 2349-3., P 28 aSP MOVING PICTURES of our success In selling all kinds of business places. Step in and we will show you. Pease Realty Co., 1024 Main St. L2Bd DOES POtTR RADIATOR need repalr . ing? Why not have it repaired, by M. Gibeau, formerly in charge of Mayo's . Radiator Repair Dept Bridgeport Radiator Repair Co., 678 Fairfield avenue. L 16 u BIRD STORE. SINGING CANARIES, parrots, pet animals and gold fish, bird cages, fish globes and acquariums, bird seeds and foods, dog biscuit and remedies at Courtney's bird store, 116 Wall St. Upstairs. L 7 s5 CUSTOM TAILOR. SPECIAL REDUCTION on suits made to order until Sept. 1st. $18.00 up. Esner, 416 Fairfield Ave. Ij IB s S RESTAURANTS. ADAMS HOUSE 40-42 Fairfield ave nue. ' Serve meals at all hours at restaurant prices. Best cooking in ' city, v-: . L15s CLEANING AND PRESSING. BOSTON CLEANING AND DYEING ' CO, 187 Fairfield avenue and 596 Main Street, will keep your clothes in good condition. i L1 5 u 5 THE LEADING SCHOOL. UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Main and Congress streets, gives the most thorough instruction in shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping and Eng lish. Established 22 years. Seven : instructors. Advanced methods in teaching. . Fall term day and night school opens Sept. 2nd. L. 23 a . NIGHT SCHOOL. UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Main and Congress streets, has the best night school ever conducted in this city. Shorthand, typewriting, book keeping and English by the same , instructors as in the day school. Wrltetor call for new catalogue. En roll now. Office open evenings. Telephone to 146. L23aJ POSITIONS. UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Main and Congress streets, has educated 8,500 students in shorthand, type writing and .bookkeeping. If you want a position, and want to be kept in a position, attend Union Business College. It Is the leading school. L 23 a 5 Photography DEVELOPING of films "and plates for amateurs, first class work guaran teed. . Armstrong-Whitman Studio TO RENT. Nice 1 4 or 5 room flat with all improvements, ssa wanu gt. . L 25 sp WANT TO RENT nice pleasant rooms for light houseKeeping m family. Address J. H. G. care of Farmer. " L25sp TO RENT. After Sept. 1, new 7 room cottage, all improvements and awn ings., 2600 Main, near Hospital. L. 2 3 s . TO RENT. Elegant apartment of seven rooms, 679 -Mapkewood. first house from Clinton avenue. Inquire Mrs. P. F. West, 647 Clinton avenue. , Phone 3310-4. L 7 a 5 TO RENT. -Nicely furnished room In strictly respeetaDie iamnj. Fairfield Ave. Phone 368-3. U 14 tf. FOR RENT Rooms for manufaetorj ir,r.r .fnm. oledhUl & Co. 431 Water St. Bt tf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, electric lights, steam heat, hot water, private bath, pri vate phone if desired, in select neighborhood, Clinton Ave., near Maplewood Ave. with private fam ily. Can be seen -' by appointment - only.' References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 450. U26 tf Help Wanted WANTED. One hundred laborers to work on the construction of Morris Dam. $2.00 per day. Wood board ing accommodation. No labor trou ble. The Ryan-Unmack Co.. Thora- . aston. Conn. ' R 31 M' WANTED. For TJ. S. Army; Able bodied 'unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. . For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 63 Cannon St. Bridgeport, Conn. P3- WANTED. Sewing machine repalr- ing. Call or phone 2557-5, 324 E. Main St. Kruchkow Bros. ii ! a i Situations Wanted SITUATION WANTED by young lady - bookkeeper, assistant or general of fice work. High school graduate and one year's experience. Address H. H., care Farmer. - L 25 sp WANTED Position by young lady, as secretary, stenographer and gen eral business work, in office. Have had 10 years experience in New York. At present employed. Best of references. Address Secretary, care of Farmer. L 23 d POSITION WANTED By young lady, office work, competent bookkeeper, efficient in office work. Address E. M. K. care Farmer. L20d WANTED Position by a reliable young man, 24 years old, as a col lector, salesman, or any outside po sition. References. Address R. H. care of "Evening Farmer or Phone 358-2. ' . - ' A20 tf POSITION WANTED By man cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C. L-, care of Farmer Pub Co. T17 tf Printers and Stationers lOO CARDS, ENVELOPES, STATE ments, Bill Heads, Note Heads, or Circulars, printed for only $2.00. Siksay." 83 Reilley street. U222-tf STAR PRESS PRINTS BUSINESS cards, envelopes, bill heads, state ments, tickets, programs sfriow cards, circulars, etc. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider. Prop., 16-18 Kossuth St., corner Stratford Ave. . Phone 908-3. . L4 a GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, inn 1 HaAW. Avi B kill V. .3 envelopes, note heads, or circulars printed for only $2.00. Siksay, 83 Reilly St. U22 tf STAR PRESS prints business cards. envelopes, bill heads, statements. tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices first class work, Jacob Schneider, Prop.; 16-18 Kos suth St., corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2603-12. Union office. T3 tf POND POINT. FOR SALE. A very fine cottage at Pond Point Beach, Mllford. Conn. Ernest L. Nettleton, Milford. L 8 a J JOHN J. HARDY Doctor of Kiroprac- tic formerly of 310 Fairfield Ave., now located at Rooms 107-109-111 Meigs Bldg., in his beautiful mod ern offices. Private adjusting and Rest Parlors for Ladies and Gentle men. New 'phone 5245. Consulta-1 tion free. . L 7 a S p TYPEWRITING - MULTTGRAPHTNG. GEO. N. SEARS, Stenographer and Notary Public, 108 Meigs Bldg. Phone 922-4. L 7 tf . MACHINERY. MACHINE WORK AND JOBBING, welding and brazing of cast iron, brass, bronze, steel and aluminum, etc. We buy" and sell second hand machinery, engines, belting, shaft ery, etc. Waldorf Motor & Machine Co., "135 Cannon St L19 aj Storage, Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co-, 1285 Main St, Cor. i Congress St TeL. 1034-2. 1 i i - ASTERS FOR SALE. 2 5c dozen. 212 L 25 d Wells street. FOR SALE Excellent going noiei business, long lease, license, free from brewery, bargain. Pease Real ty Co., 1024 Main St. L. 2o d FOR SALE 2 family house with gar den, outskirts. Small amount cash, balance mortgage. Pease Realty Co., 1024 Main St. L 25 d HEAL ESTATE sold by wireless, our own system brings results. Pease Realty Co., 1024 Main St. L25d FOR SALE. Another new cottage on Barnum avenue trolley. ' Small pay ment down, $18.00 a month. Very large lot, low ' expenses. "Cottage," care Farmer. L 25 sp FOR SAL 10. Factory building in MI1- ' ford. Conn., $5,000, 120 feet long, 25 feet wide, three stories, in center of town, on lot 180 front by 240, has . well of water on lot. G. E. South ! worth, Bridgeport, Conn. ' L22up FOR SALE. Up-to-date residence. corner Maple and tseacn sireus, o roms and large bath room, all re cently redecorated, gas, electricity, awnings, etc. An opportunity to se cure a fine house. Enquire 189 eBach street. L 20 tf FOR SALE.- Black and tan puppies. ; Imported stock. Pedigreed. 643 Fairfield Ave. L 20 dp FOR SALE. Commercial vehicles of ucsuipuuua. i" r hand. John W Carpenter, Harrir son Court Phone 1382. L 16 a$ FVTt kat.f Jifl-o- located residence. No. 126 Elmwood Flaoe. uonvenioni to Fairfield avenue trolley. Enquire Edward S. Hotclikiss. Telephone. L 14 t r 9 FOR SALE. Small Sheland pony, f., ' -iTA, va Hth nAw cart and harness; perfectly safe for children. Price $175. lieorge ts. volant, bo.: ford. L13f FOR SALE. One 8 room cottage on water front, all modern improve ments; also 6 room cottage, aJl mod ern improvements, 10 per cent, down and balance monthly. E. L. Nettle- ton, Mllford. L 8 a S FOR SAIE. 35 water front lots, fine bathing, beach, overlooking Long Island Sound, on trolley line. Prices reasonable. E. L. Nettleton, Mil ford. s - ' ' L 8 a 8 BARGAINS in shoes, must make room for fall stock. Will sacrifice all stock 1-2 price. Palakewich. 558 K. Main. , L 8 a FARM CONTAINING 25 acres, 6 acres woodland, balance tillable, 100 ap ple, trees, 80 pear trees, SO cherry trees, large barns ' and 14 , room house, .fine view of sound and only 5 minutes' walk from station. Only $1,500 cash required. Pease Realty Co., 024 Main St. - L 8 t 4 : : - FOR SALE Two building lots, one on Garfield avenue, one on Pequonnock street, near Park avenue. I need the money. Make your offers. Box 188, Milford, Conn. : . L 2 t WHY PAY RENT? We build houses anywhere. Small deposit, balance payable monthly; also houses now ' ready for occupancy. The Home Construction Co.- (Incorporated), 1115 Main St., Security Building, Bridgeport, Ct. L 6 dj FOR SALE Building lots corner Con necticut and Carroll Aves., Holland Ave., and Hollister Heights. Wm. Broch, 847 Fairfield Ave., S 20 tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 175 acres, 100 rich bottom, 6 room house, good barn, 1 mile of electric line, 5 miles of Richmond. Only $7,600; term a Send for free list. 700 Farm Bar gains. Casselman & Company, Rich, mond, Virginia. B 3 ap FOR SALE. -Three building lots 5 Ox 150 each near school on Barnum Ave., $500 each. These lots sell for $650. Also lot on Freeman St., East End, 60x100. Sewer, sidewalk', curb and gutter, $950, worth $1,200. Al so 6 family house on Maple St. Rents $876. Price $7,900. Look them over. Inquire Drew Bros., 43 Sterling-St, Telephone 3532-2. L 2 a S P FOR SALE. Collie puppies, hounds and - watch dogs. Hair Boarding Kennels, Lindley and Hunting streets. Phone 3151. LI a T. B. WARREN Real Estate and Insurance Some Very Desirable Houses and Lots fcr Sale 29 Sanf ord Building FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FOR FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING write or telephone 1045-4. The New York Upholstering Co.', 309 Stratford Ave. L 12 d 8 CHTROPODIST. MISS JESSIE H. DeLONG Vlsltin chiropody and manicuring, corner Fairfield avenue and .Harrison St. Office hours 1 to 7 P. M. Sundays by appointment L 7 s 8 Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid cars and Limousines. Charges reasonable. James T. Rourke, 1295 Main street Phone 1S1. D 7 d5 ADVERTISE Ei THE FARMER. "Rdwin Smith & Co., dealers in guns, fishing tackle ana sporting goods.. - i ou can bliov get your keys fitted, loclss repaired, saws filed, lawn mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 95 Wall Street. Telephone 4293-3. NOTARY PUBLIC, Corporation and Lodge Seals made to. order. Steel and Rubber Stamps, Ribbon Badges and Buttons, all made in our own factory. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St L 21 d BEFORE SELLING YOUR JUNK it win pay to see us first; also buy and sell bottles. Bufferd Junk Co., 116 Knowlton St Telephone 2355-5. - L 12 d 5 REAL ESTSATE, Country Resorts and all kinds . of classified advertise ments taken for newspapers every where at the regular rates. Read's Advertising Agency,1 210 Conn. Bank Building. ri tf STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale, 75 cents .per dozen. Mottled by Carr, 96 Cannon street Phone 19-3. Q17 tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date 'shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391. Goodyear Shoe Re pairing Co., 76 John St R2 tf DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS . made to order. Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C, Hoff man & Co., 2 55 Water St. . R16 tf SHOW OASES Cigar combination and silent sa-lesman; store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman ' Show Case Co.. 25 5 Water St. R14 tf Wanted To Buy I BUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any- . wnere wiinin Z5 miles of Bridge port. F. H. Daniels, S337 Madison Koaa. Tel.. 4337. - Lll J WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. B12 a p YOU DON'T WANT any old Junk or old things around your premises. but we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros.- We will pay you the highest price and gef them out of your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 55 Kos suth St. Tel.. 236. R6 tf Barrels BTJY ANT SELL all kinds of empty barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co.. 68 Beardsley ' St fnone xbti. AZt tf Educational THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 836 Fairfield avenue. Class, group, and private ' instruction in preparation for the colleges and technical schools. Special advantages in ar ranging now for next year's work. Summer school, individual work only, August 4 to September 20. L 9 tf Fire Department Inadequate Yon prooaniy noticed this statement Better think about ' some ' insurance hadn't yon? . We would rather Insure yon here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Franklin Block. All kinds of Insur ance Bonds and Real Estate IF YOU HAVE $1,500 to invest, where you wish to double your income on a first class two family house,come in and see us. Anderson &Co ,53 JOHN STREET JOB FRINTTNG. FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING of all styles, done at reasonaDle prices. The Comet Press, 286 State street, Bridgeport Conn. L15e WALL PAPER AND PAINTS BEFORE BUYING paints, brushes, varnishes or window glass, call on us. Edward Brooks, 332 State St L15bS MOTOR CYCLES. . EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES, Cash or easy terms, second hand cycles all kinds. James G. Burroughs, 616 State St. L15a PARISIAN TAILORING. A SURPRISE FOR BRIDGEPORT. Ladies' spring suits up to $30, silk lining. Parisian Ladies' Tailoring. A. Adolph. L 16 u TAILORS AND FURRIERS. KLINE BROTHERS, Ladles' Tailors and Furriers, 3S6 Fairfield avneue. Telephone 1015-5. "L14 s g LADIES' TAILOR AND FURRIER. Suits with material $18 up. With out material $8 up. F. Warren, 666 Fairfield Ave. Lis! FURRIER, Julius Tesiny, established 1890. We are now taking orders for black and Sitka fox sets, repair-r Ing, 1514-1316 Main St, upstairs. L 14- s 8 GET A SUIT that fits. Our suits are 25 dollars and up. Carlow, 60 Can non.St L 1 bj, GIRLS WANTEOj COTIR'KT TTnPARTM"ENT ( Joiners, shapers, Inspectors, side steel onerators. and side steel operators, BOX DEPARTMENT . On all kinds of paper boxes. METAL DEPARTMENT, For light foot press work. X. 11V T T aiUl Apply EMPLOYMENT DEPT., Corner Lafayette and Gregory Streets f CLOTHTNG, WANTED To buy men's second hand clothing. .Send postal. Will call. Yale Misfit lothlng Co., 688 Main or 437 Water St L) 7 tf HOTEL DREW SO ROOMS, modern Improvements,! 50c and 75c per night $2 to $3.50 per week. All trolleys transfer to place. 67 Barnum Square. L 12 a i DRESSMAKING. J. WETNGER, Fashlonabl New York Dressmaking, over Lyric Theatre, Will save you money on clothes. L 11 d I ' SECOND HAND FURNITURE. WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. L 12 aip WE BUY AND SELL second hand furniture. We pay 10 per cent more . than other dealers. H. A. Jasmin, 256 State. L 6 sj" SCALLEY BROS., 405 State St buy and sell second hand furniture. Fur niture store. Free delivery. Phone 1031-3. L CARPENTER WORK. J. LEWTTAfl , 309 Stratford Ave. can save you money on your carpentry work. Glazing my specialty. L 19 d 1 FOR SALE. PICTURE FRAMES. Liberal dia- oounts in August It pays to antl . cipate your Autumn and holiday needs. Watkins' Art Store. 1091 Broad street opposite Post Office. L 14 s 8 SECOND HAND FURNITURE. A. ROTHENBERG, 834 Pembroke street New' and second hand fur niture bought and sold. Upholster ing neatly done. L 14 s 8 ' PAPERHANGING. FOR PAPERING OR PAINTING your house or room consult -The Empire Painting Co., 309 Stratford Ave. Paperhanging my specialty. L 13 d S ' GARAGES. A. R. DECERBO & SON, City Garage, repairing, storage, general supplies. 133 Housatonlc avenue. Telephone 2553-12. L 19 a 8 Personal MADAME BERON, 628 Main St Card reading, business and personal, best in the state. LIS PRIVATE DETECTIVE. Any kind of legitimate aetective work skillfully none. Aaaresa .box (, city. L 2 d p CARD READER Advice an - an fairs,- 26c Mrs. Levy, 674 Madison Ave., Zourth house above North AT. LI 6 tf ORDER -your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. Carl A. Schmidt. 120 Cleveland avenue. R It 8I GEORGE P. RAND Formerly the G. P. Rand A Co. INTERIOR MARBLE AND TILE Estimates Cheerfully Given Slate, Marble, Bath Room Tiles, Oer amlo Tile, Fire Place Tile, Fire Place Fixtures The Best of Workmanship 1869 IRAN IST A N AVE. - Phone S41S R 29 tf Fanner Want Ads. One Cent a Word. BRIDGEPORT LINE TO NEW YOHK STR. BRIDGEPORT Lv." Bridgeport, Fairfield Ave. Wliarf, week days, at S A. M-, Sundays and Labor Day, :00 A. M. Returning, Lv. New York, week days, Pier 28, E. R., S P. M-, Saturdays 2:00 P. M. Foot of East 22nd Street, 3:30 P. M. Saturdays, 2:30 P. M. Sundays and Labor Day 5:30 P. M. No landing mado at Pier 28 on Sundays. STR. NAUGATUCK -Lv. Bridgeport, Pequonnock .Wharf, foot of Union St., daily, -except Saturday, at 12 night Returning, Lv. New York, pter 28, daily, except Sundays 11:00 A. M. Due Bridgeport 8:30 P. M. Popular Outings to New York STR. BRIDGEPORT Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, Labor Day. Sail up the Hudson included on Sundays.. , , " ' ROUND TRIP FARE 7Sc TO NEW YORK Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Labor Day Tickets good only for date sold. & Wilson Orchestra. THE NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO., L. B. Klckersojj. Agt. steel stitchers, strippers, steel cover i 'f ' ) JUlWlllClO -AKJm SHORE PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 500 building lots over-! JooKing Long Island Sound; water, gas, trolley service; $200 -up; thirty five waterfront lots, fine beach; aev ral new cottages, modern lmpMTn. ments; bargains for uick sales. Pi. L. Nettleton, Mllford, Conn. L 4 a AUTO MO BILES. HOW ARE your lamps T Repairing glass, parts, all kinds. Auto Laras Shop, 80 John St P 21 tf HARD WOOD FLOORS. LET ME MAKE AN ESTIMATE ON laying, cleaning and refinlshing floors. W. J. Soper, 110 Kossuth street L 6-8 PLUMBING AND JOBBWQ. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR PLUMB- mg, steam cttlng. hot water, gas and Jobbing. A. J. Dougherty, ISt Kossuth street L-fi s8 OLD GOLD AND SILVER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD sold, silver, dental and plater's scrap. E..T. Goldberg, 1136 Main street Upstairs. L( u ' UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING, Furnltare Repalr . ed and reflnlshed. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store, State, near Clinton. H 6 tf OLD FURNITURE RENEW ED,ch a ! ra recaned upholstering. Oua C. Mul 11ns, 325 East Main street Phone 2567-3. T7 a5 LOCKSMITH AND HARDWARE. KARPLLOW & ZtCKER, KeyflttJng and lock repairing, electric bells In stalled and repaired. 200 Fairfield Ave. Telephone 4944. L6di Financial THE CITY .NATIONAL BANK, Unlt States Depository Capital,! 250.00') ; surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President: David F. Ra1, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier; Henry .B. Trrlll, Ajxsrt Cashier; Robert A. Beers, Asst Cashier. THE CONNECTICUT 7TATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport corner Majn and Wail Streets. S. W. Baldwin. President; H. 8. Shelton, VI oe Pres ident; L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C Cummlng, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $382,100; Surplus and Profits, Lump, $380,000. STEAMROATI MERCHANT'S ONE ' Dally Except Sunday Leaves New York., Pier 1, Ea4 River, S p. m. Dns'M Brid -. 1 i&O p. m. Leave Bridgeport, jo-y Ltia Dock, 9 a. m. Arrive New Tork.J a. m. For farther lnforamtlon aal rates apply to J. B. Ibepoa-d. Acent. LAST WEEK OP MATINEE EXCUIISI02T3 STEAMER PARK CITY CAPT. O. E. TOOKER Leaves Bridgeport 1 :SO P.M. Rram lng leaven Port Jefferson. 4 :S0 P. l FARE ROUND TRIP, BOO Children, Under IX Years of Age, 2.V- TIME T.ABLE Leaves Port JefTerson 0 A.M..4:SO P.M. Leaves Bridgeport 1:30 and 6:30 P.M SINGLE FARE 75c; ROUND TRIP $1 Automobile Transportation Clvei Careful Attention GEO. M. TOOKER. Afnrlt Bridgeport, Ct.; Port Jeffcrnon, N. Y. D'.-ll UP THE HUDSON SUNDAYS "-if Music on Sundays by the Wheeler