OCR Interpretation

The Bridgeport evening farmer. [volume] (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1866-1917, September 12, 1913, SECOND SECTION, Image 15

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022472/1913-09-12/ed-1/seq-15/

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Thumbnail for 15

- .. ill! I til TT1 A T3TITTTIT- . enTrTTTTH T.T5rCT 10 "t Ol fll 4 IB
Mt Sfc- Tomorrow, Saturday, We Will mJ -ilWftf
mm ' Have ' Our First Formal ' -m jfmmO'
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Showing a Large and Complete Stock of
! At Vholesale Prices
All are cordially invited to at tend, this, our first Fall Opening, at our new store, 1116,
1118 Main Street. ; ; , ; -, y
In making our first formal bow to the Ladies of Bridgeport we shall strive to impress
you with the fact that the merchandise we offer is far superior to any in the city at the
prices we quote. '
We Can Save You More Than Half on Your Millinery Bills
We sell strictly for cash the volume of business we will do -will enable us to use the entire
output of one of the largest millinery manufacturers in New York. By selling strjetly for cash we
are" able "-to paycash f orour merchandise, and get the advantage of cash discounts; by contracting to
use the entire output of a manufacturer we again are able to buy at much less than the usual whole
sale price, and these two big savings makes it possible for us to sell to you at wholesale prices.
Come in, see our millinery, compare our prices with those of other stores. You will be con
vinced that we have all and more than we claim. ;
Black Velvet Hats
The newest soft, effect tarns, high grade
erect pile velvet,sold by others at $2.00 and $2.50.
'tey.ff.1:. $1.24 and $1.49
Flush and Velvet Combinations
In black and all the newest shades; soft ef
fect crowns, sold by others at $3.00 and (P-i QC
$4. Our wholesale price at retail to you
.White Felt Hats
Newest fad in the soft effect felts,
popular. Sold by others for 98c. Our
wholesale price at retail to you
Combinations Hatters Plush
Plush and Velour hats, in blacks and all the
latest shades. Sold by others at $3.00 and
$4.00. Our wholesale price at retail to 2 25
:; tor
si ImAA
Ready-To-Wear Hats
"We also cai-ry a, full line of ready-to-wear hats in all
the latest styles and tri Trimmings, sold, all over town from
$1.98 up to $5.00. Our wholesale A7f a 1 QS
price at retail to you from..... Wit IU X.FO
AH The Latest Styles
in fancy stickup effects ; also wings, breasts, real and imi
tation aigrettes. Our wholesale prices at 4 C mjr
retail to you from. ielt Up
Buckram Frames
All the latest styles in feather Aveight buckram
frames, full assortment. Our wholesale prices at -i C
retail to you. lux
Mil .. LI j. . .jAj UjIEi
Over Keller Bros.
Tyrrell im
One Short Flight Up
Next to Hiker's

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