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32 THE FARMER:, SEPTEMBER 25, 1913 1 FINANCIAL lHE First-Bridgeport National Bank CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS Notice For forty-seven year we hare ben nmd'actlng business a the nme oia location, corner of Mala and Jona Streets, rideeport. Conn., and on Private Bank has Teen established here rontlnuonsly. We haw receivea and paid oat on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money oe- ; posited with us and we c'"t,n" 1. :clTe money subject to depositor- !rheck at siebt. on which we aUow three per , cent, per immim. creffltea to each account monthly. We fjlWJ he account of bidwanaU, ' m ' Bnen. Inns and corporations. who want a hank account -where they can Deposit money, checks or araiia. , . ii nna aaonth or one year, and draw lntereai co it for any time It Is left with js. We rive to the business our garetni pergonal attention as the oldest n f private bankers In this state. T. I. WATSON & CO. FEOPLFS SAYIN3S BANK. 924-928 MAIN STREET Incorporated I860 .Deposits . .... $6,554,955.12 Surplus and Undivided Earnings r 326,505.35 Interest at FOUR 4 per cent. Be gins first of month following deposit and Is payable January 1st and Jul 1st. SAMTTFX, W. BALDWIN, President WILMS II- LYON, Treasurer Members: New York Stock Exchange Taylor, Livingstons Co. dealers in Fractional Lots on Part Paid Plan S WALL STREET, NEW YORK or SO P.O. ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, CT E. I. CHAPMAN, Manager Telephone S221, 5223 Bend for Circular Describing Method Pgiyer will be interested in the . HOUSES we have FOR - SALE on the EASY PAYMENT PLAN, located in best sections of the City. Lists furnshed on application to ' Burr & Knapp 923 'MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ILO Ail PtJ can he secured kat le3 than the legal .rate ol interest by cbtalning our in- ' dorsement of your note. Ask us what you want to know. Convince us of your ability and hon est intention to live up to your agree- roent, and we will satisfy you that you -trill be given a square deal under all conditions. That's all there Is to It. Just plain, everyday honesty from you and to you. ' Satisfaction on both sides and sl pleasant and perfectly understood agreement; American Guaranty Co. 09 GOLDEN HILL STREET Rooms 8 and 4 ' Over Caesar Mlsch Open Saturday and Monday Evenings Until 8:SO ARE YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS INSURED? Fire Insurance today is as necessary as food, because you are liable to damage by We represent the best line of companies in the world. Why not let us make out a policy. The cost is very little Indeed. S. Leewifii & Co. 116 BANK STREET. TEL. NO. S. No matter what you want try the Farmer Want Col EMf SIO UPWARDS LIBERAL INTEREST ON CHECKING ACCOUNTS Your working capital wlil work to your advantage by having a Checking: Account with us, where liberal in terest is allowed on balances of 9300 and over. .You decide wisely in mak ing James Staples & Company your depositary. JAMES STAPLES & CO. BANKERS ISO STATE ST., Bridgeport. Conn. Ladies We RENOVATE, DYE AND CLEAN Ladies' Hats "We Specialize In Velvets and Plush Making your old hat ; into the season's . advanced styles and models write or phone and rep resentative will calL UNITED HAT BLEACHERIES 1274 MAIJT STREET New Poll Theatre Building DIFFERENT PHOTOGRAPHY Something yon cannot get " elsewhere. That's oar kind , ARMSTRONG'S WHITMAN STUDIO Park and Fairfield- Aves. Win Armstrong of Boston, Proprietor WEST END AMATEURS' F5 The dependable kind can he found here, priced moderately. We . show the latest, exclusive models in EUR SETS. We sell nothing but Furs. When you buy them from ns you are assured of getting Furs that will wear and look well. Remodeling, Repairing and Redressing Furs by "Expert Furriers. 4 , Bring Them To Us. Full Line Fur Trimmings. L. REMIZ FASHIONABLE FURRIER, 34 P. O. ARCADE- TEL. 1304-4. 1 CHESTER S PilLS THE VlAilaUIMV B1UKM, Lndies! Afk rour Urnasist for in and dnlA rnrain boxes, sealed with Rltm 7 ihKn. Take ether. a; f" roar pTMttSmt. AskforClII-CfTEg-TElEP PiAMOND linAKD WlJLS. for fc yean known as Best, Safest, Alw-ays Reliable SOU) 6V D8UG3SSTS E'JERYIVNERE HOTEL GRENOBLE Opposite Carnegie Tlall 56th Street and 7th Avenue NEW YORK CITY . Located within two blocks of beau tiful Central Park and in the city's most refined residential district, this exclusive family and transient hotel offers more In real living and comfort than many hotels whose accommoda tions are much more expensive. The hotel is within a few blocks of the theatres and shops and is only 8 min utes' ride from the Grand Central and Pennsylvania R. R. stations. Thera Is no more ideal stopping place for ladies travelling alone. ' Room with Use of Bath $1 per day and up Room with Private Bath $1.50 per day and up Apartments of Parlor, Bedroom and Private Bath. $3 per day and up GEO. w. O'HARE, Mgr. tJ8 2 4 6 AS WELL AND AS MUCH No merchant ever failed If he advertised as WELL and as MUCH as he could. r!i!"wnft njfnf"i -jMfp" Tn:-iw- ffTf CH SPECIAL 1 SALMON . . ...... . . . .. FRESH CAUGHT BLUE FISH ..... 15c lb FRESH CAUGHT HARBOR BLUES . .12c lb1 HfCOD t J. r Y m -w. -w-k - -m -w- XliiJJUUUlS. ESCALOPS HARD AND SOFT CRABS LOBSTERS, HAYES' 629 WATER STREET HOUSE Now is the time for the painting of plies. Practical Painters and JOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO., 783 EAST MAIN STREET LOWE'S Tr COLLARS, CUFFS AND " ' General Laundry 1000 EEATIEW AVENUE THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 130 State Street ' 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and ior Fabrics for Furniture and " rr The Naugahick Artificial ICE Natural Lefifh CO AL Screened Kindling WOOD Block Telephone 597, 593 " "GREEN Famous for Delicatessen lunches Visit this popular place when through shopping , or after - the Theatre and enjoy the German Dishes we make a specialty of. lutoer lin's Cincinnati Beer and Smith's Philadelphia ale on Draught. Best of Wines and Liquors and Cordials served. BOTTLED WINKS, LIQUORS AND CORDIALS AT SMALL MARGIN -PRICES. 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE ON AUTOMOBILE ROW Geo. B. Clark & Co. ems ior 1057-1073 BROAD STREET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE The Only preparation which removes absolutely Chapping, Roughness and RcdnCSS, and protects the hands and face against the winter winds. CIJVtrlJC Powder Soap IMf "W"W1t ... . . ... . . 10c -lb, 6c lb1 i s mM OC lOi OYSTERS FISH CO. TEL. 412, 413 PAINTING your "house. Wall Papers, Painters' Sup Decorators. Phone for estimate LAUNDRY SHIRTS A SPECIALTY In Ail lis Branctioa . PHONE J54- !UTTE Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON ESS aet Maker, -Super series. Tel. 74 l'OUIl BEDSPREADS Let us launder them, without stretching them! Then they'll lay .perfectly smooth and even when put on the bed same with the Sheets and PHlow Cases. We do a lot of work for a little money. Phone us to send for your package today. ' The Crawford Laundry Co. ( FAIRFIELD AVE. AND COCKTLAND ST, Phone 4320 Valley Ice Co. 421 Housatonic Ave, WAGONS PHONE 1S89 Maurice LEVY, sole IT. S. Agent. 15-11, Wc- t 38 th S'.NEW-YORK PARIS i Slovak Union Will Hold Convention In Sokol Hall Next Week The first annual ' convention of the First Slovak Union of Bridgeport will be held in Sokol Hall, 231 Hallett street 231 Hallett street, Monday and Tues day, September 29 and 30. The Union was organized on March 24, 1912, with 65 members. It now has nine branches in Bridgeport and about 700, members. It is the largest Slovak union In the state. The aim of the organization Is to consolidate all Slovaks In Bridgeport of either sex, between the ages of 16 and 45 years in one organization, and to establish a death benefit and a charity fund for the members. One of the purposes of the Union is to establish an orphanage where or phans of Slovak parentage may be cared for. The Union will strive to aid its members in acquiring a knowledge of the English language and English lit erature and to assist them to become good American citizens. Articles of incorporation were filed with the town clerk's office yesterday. Besides the objects mentioned - above the articles provide that the headquarters of the Union must always be maintained 'In Bridgeport. The Union is also given power to buy, sell, mortgage and con vey real estate and invest funds, which implies that the Union may build a home of its own in the future. The purpose of the convention next week is to elect officers and frame by-laws and a constitution. The leaders in the organization expect It will have 1,000 members by January 1. The subscribers to the articles of incorporation are: Stephen J. Lucas, Charles J. Mihalek, Joseph M. Olsav sky Martin Syecz, Alex F. Teslya, Joseph M. Mursko, John Fedor, John Pohorenee, Johan; Radvansky, Anna S. Sadiar, Stephen Marclnko and Geo. F. Simon. ' GERMAN ROYALTY SPLIT UP OVER PRINCE'S CLAIMS Berlin, Sept. 2& A word splitting wrangle over the formalities in con nection with the enthronement of Prinse Jrnest August, of Cumberland, and Princess "Victoria Luise as Duke and Duchess of Brunswick almost led to a split in the German Imperial fam ily and the withdrawal of the young Prince and Princess of Qermany, ac cording to, information from Hanover communicated to today's Tageblatt. Prussian officials insisted, it Is said, on a more explicit renunciation by the Prince of his claims to the throne of Hanover whereupon the Prince declar ed that he" would take off his Prussian uniform and retire to Gmunden, Aus tria, with his bride, who apparently was willing to obey the marriage in junctions and follow her husband Chancellor Von Bethmaim-Hollweg thereupon yielded the point and a new solution of the difficulty is being sought. SAVS WHALEY PAID $60,000 FOR SEAT . ' . Washington, Sept. 25 Serious charges involving the right of Richard S. Wha ley, Democratic member of Congress from the First district of South Caro lina, to occupy his seat in the House, are embodied in a petition filed yester day with Speaker Clark by John P. Grace, Mayor of Charleston, S. C. Mayor Grace demands an investigation by a committee of the House.' The Federal publicity act limits to $5,000 the amount that may be ex pended by a candidate for a seat in Congress. The charge is made by Mayor Grace that Mr. Whaley in his campaign for the noneination expend ed $60,000 in buying votes and the alle gation is made further that Whaley would not have been nominated if he had not indulged in large expendi tures. Mayor Grace charges further that Whaley swore falsely in certify ing to officers of the House that he expended less than $5,000 in his cam paign. ' k Representative Whaley has issued a j statement in which he denounces the Grace petition as a "lie." Unusual in terest attaches to the Whaley case be cause it is the first time the certifi cation of any candidate for Congress under the publicity law has been ques tioned. According to the official returns Whaley was nominated by obtaining ,298 votes, and was elected at a spe cial election held last April. "In order to obtain these 6,298 Votes, the Grace petition sets forth, "Mr. Whaley spent in the first and second primaries and the campaign incident thereto not less than $60,000, or an average of $10 a vote. Notwithstand ing such excessive use of money and because he . was required by Federal law . under oath to file statements showing that he spent not over $5,000, your petitioner alleges that Mr. Wha-. ley wilfully and knowingly filed false statements with the clerk of the House of Representatives showing that he spent altogether $3,533.10." Wissner Piano Store announces a piano sale to begin in the near fu ture on another page read letter Adv. ' nn4-A nnv.lHM Thev sm niiflint. and original, entirely different from any thing previously presented. In fancy wings, feathers, cabochons, .fancy em broidered bands, etc., at E. H. Dillon & Co.'s, 1105 Main street. DIAMONDS By buying a diamond from -ns you can save money, as we bought onr diamonds before, the last rise, and the latest report is that diamonds will take another rise. It will pay to call and see our line of diamond jewelry before you purchase elsewhere. It is the best investment you can make. Remember every diamond sold by us is fully guaranteed. . J. BUECHLER THE RELIABLE JEWELER 8 FAIRFIELD ATE. Near Middle St. few'.Mkianirnw,ifi-'inttiagai Fresh Sea Food Specials For Friday HARBOR BLUES Fresh Caught 10c lb FRESH STEAK COD 10c lb LARGE COCKTAIL BLUEFISH 12 l-2c lb WEAKFISH 8c II) STEAK POLLOCK 10c lb LONG ISLAND STEAMERS 8c nt OPEN OYSTERS 35c ;t FRESH SHORE HADDOCK 5c lb BUTTER FISH . 10c, 3 lbs 2- OPEN LONG CLAMS 23c n I ROUND CLAMS IN SHELL 10c at FANCY EASTERN SALMON, Whole Fish 15c lb., STEAKS .. 20c lb Fresh White Halibut, Mackerel, Flatfish, Salt Water! Eels, Live ancf Boiled Lobsters, Long Island Escallops, Prime Soft Shell Crabs, Shell Oysters, Block Island Sword j Fish, Canned, Salt and Pickled Fish of all kinds. PUBLIC- AND STATE AND BANK STS. Phones F al 1 M We Are Introducing All the Approved Styles of Fall Millinery for Early Wear W. E. HALLIGAN 939 BROAD STREET If I Hurt You - Set of Teeth, $5.00 OOLTO CROWNS . ..$4.S PORCTElLAJtN CROWNS liJoO GOLD FILLINGS $L0 iro CTLiEANING -. . SOo BRIDGE WORK - . PAINLESS EXTRACTION FKEE COWSULTAIION and ADVICE X3R3ZE; DR. H. E. ADAMS Dental Nurse tn Attendance. 9 A. K. to 8JF. M. SuaAay fey 67 rAXBrXBIA AVE. taionil Attention. Brldireport, Omi, AN ADD TO HEALTH PURE WATER Highland Spring Water A healthful, Invigorating drink whicb is absolutely nncontsmnted by Impurities of any kind and has passed the most rigid testa. Bottled Daily Delivered Daily s 'Phone 987 . --T. Highland Spring Water Co. 645 WARREN STREET BTJKJilTCIUJ UPHOLSTERED AND REFEVISHED CABINET MAKETK CHAIRS REPAIRED ASD CANED t. HAIR MATTRESSES MADE OVER FIRST CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES GUS C. MULLEN, FormerIJr with the . M. Read Co. , 325 EAST MAIN STREET In the Rear of Staples' Property Telephone 2557- QUALITY Lumber "Because" Enables him to There are a lot of NEW WRINKLES in bonne brrll'Tms these days, bringing the cost of house erection down to rock bottom. If you are thinking of buildins would like to show yon these things. iTHONB US! 103 Frank Miller F. A. W. ARMSTRONG RECOVERING FROM WRECK INJURIES New Haven. Sept. 25. Edna Annette, of Bayonne, is. J., one of those injured in the North Haven wreck, who was believed to be fatally hurt at the time,- is now- reported to' b.e recovering at the New Haven hospital and to be out of danger. Her sister, Jean, who has a broken back, seems also to be im proved, but there is little hope for her ultimate recovery. Roise Zimmerman, of 620 East Seventh street, New York, continues to live despite a broken neck. The chances of her ultimate recovery are considered slight, however. There are four other wreck victims in the New Haven hospital, William Rowland of Philadelphia, Katherine Mclaughlin 'of New York, Charles Place of New York city and Harry Avemer of New York city. None of these is In serious condition now. , Louis E. Colomy of Bucksport, Me., MARKET! BRANCH EAST MAIN ST. Don't Pay Ms Thlei la Indeed a strong ateteinen but it Is made In good faith, mod 1m backed op to the very letter. I txive linery Deen in this city for 5 year and I am placing at your disposal the flnent and most modern dental office in this dty. Come to me and have your work done palmiesaity and save money. , Money Eaving' CSTer This in tb orr olli &.ee whert oid crrwrn f. Bna teeth without from m-turiU twB r lomrted posltlvue- . lrwithout pain. Up. n i r rr .j ni By 4asln; JDr- A4axnr IMun i - Gtkm a st at teeth carr b m ..that will absolutely ckafy dotoo tlon. No extra ehar wtil h4 md-durtnr 4"th -Ufa or- tixu. THOU Means ECONOMY It saves the workmen a lot of hand work. do a larger day 's work. ! THE Lumber Co. remains in a eterlous condition at Ors'i hospital. He is better, though, at i. may recover. He has been in a seir.i delirious condition ever since tha wreck. Frederick A. W. Armstrong, Bridgeport, who is the only one at F' Raphael's hospital, is far on the roa 1 to recovery and may be out within a couple of week?. Altogether, in all the hospital. th-- are nine patients from the wreck, fv:" of whom are In serious condition arc j two of whom may die. THE PRETTIEST FACTS and the most beautiful bands r often disfigured by an unsightly vmru It cn easily be removed in a few da y without pain by using Cyrus" Wart Remover. For sale only at The Cyru Pharmacy, 253 Fairfield avenua an i 1?6 Cannon street. CLEANEASY, BEST HAND SOAf Guaranteed not to Injure the ski" Instantly removes Stove Polish. Ku Grease, Ink, Paint and Dirt. For t hand or clothing. Large can 10 c&n Manufactured by Wrn. R. Winn. 2 i Stratford avenue. Farmer Want Ads. One Cent Wot "