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arid jrab rics . to I sbton .deed fTi I II I II till 111 J'l) iiililiJ ,i- 'AW r"1 i This Miss Street N Ingenue' L - rOTTNO girls this fan "have soma mighty good looking fashions that are youthful and at the same time extremely smart The Illustration show a nifty little Buit of navy blue duvetyn trimmed with bands of fox fur. Jp to Date and Practical Ideas For the Manners of tbc pEOPUES who make It their business! . to find fault with the rising gen . e ration - tell us that modern children have no manners. They are allowed mora freedom than la good for them - kdA are encouraged to talk openly and simply before their elders. Their tastes . are consulted and, their wishes consid ered in a way ' that must surely be morally and mentally hurtful to them. Now,' there are two sides to every question, and in this case there is much to be said in favor of the abused mod- ern child. It Is true that he has far , . fewer prim little tricks than his grand father possessed, but it does not fol low that he is less courteous. The maligned American child whose pertness has been skit ted In a hundred comic papers and bewailed in as many ' serious tracts is really not such a bad little person after all. He may be rath- - er forward for his age, but at least he is simple and fearless. It never occurs to him that be need blush or giggle or writhe himself into knots when he meets strangers. He marches through life with his head up and his shoulders . squared, taking things pretty much as be finds them and fending for himself with a large amount of common sense which is. often disguised by a careless manner. The shy, timid,., awkward boy of the past generation Compares very Unfa, vorably with this specimen. The mod, ern child Is not a nuisance to the adult who meets him for the first time. It k la 'not always necessary to make con versation for him. Xou do occasionally meet one who seems capable of enter taining himself in a rational manner. And this state of greater ease between children and adults Is largely the re sult of the greater freedom which peo Housecleaning BRUSH FOR ---S -'"' -Ti rVi V ' -' harass r,o 1 ' ' '-jXGrfts A -pf OTTSBWORK almost does Itself nowadays with these brushes for every poo ""'elKle kind of cleaning of house, furniture, clothing and even dishes and ' food. In 1686 in the Inventory of a rich Dutch burgher of New Amsterdam among his household effects were enumerated thirteen scrubbing brushes, twen ty-four pounds of Spanish soap and seven other brushes. How bis thrifty wife woule aooreciate the up to date cleaning contrivances to be seen in this picture. Suit Is Delightfully Modern Gbild ple so deeply deplore and regret It Is by no means a bad thing that children should every now and then be allowed to follow their own inclinations. They are at bottom a very polite little people, and the small boy who . halls you with the cheery salutation and shouts out-"Hello, old sport!" or what ever your nickname happens to be does, so in a spirit quite as friendly as that which prompted hiav grandfather to offer a limp -little hand and say, "I trust. I see you very Well, dear Uncle James. , . ISTo, modern children are not becom ing a tribe of hooligans. -They are merely becoming a race of natural lit tle - human beings.- The inevitable process of evolution is by no means a matter for unmixed regret In these hurrying times even children live fast If their precious moments are spent in cultivating a thousand "pretty primy" ways something more Important will. have, to be neglected. So rest content to let the artificial manners go and direct your energy to ward cultivating that real kindness and good, feeling which are more important than all the society tricks and phrases in the world. "COMFY" SLEEPING CAP. rpHEl custom of sleeping out of doors is becoming so popular that there are now many devices for making It possible to sleep outdoors and still en joy all the comforts of an indoor bed. One of these articles is a cap which covers the head and goes well over the cheeks and forehead, with a cape por tion -that extends over the neck. It is fashioned of s soft knit cloth, with I pretty touch of color in the silk bind' ing and a silk tie under the chin, s Days Are Here EVERY NEED. Diroetyn Is the Neve Clotb and the Japanese Bow the Hcceesory Sensation of the Season THE new material, fluvetyn, is being exploited by dressmak ers this season both for street suits and frocks. Duvetyn Is somewhat like velours de laine, but even more supple In weave. It was In vented by Rodier, who registered the name, but this precaution has not pro tected him from duplications of the weave. The material is to be found In silk, Wool and a mixture of both threads, and, I believe, in cotton. All of the soft new fabrics of the sea son are being made up into what are called "tailored costumes. but 1 these models have no resemblance to the strictly tailored suits of a few years ago, which were triumphs of the cou turier's skill in the putting together of seams and the molding of them to the form divine. This year the object is to follow the lines of the uncorseted figure and not to turn out a "fit" If it can possibly be avoided. Styles are sloppy and slouoby; still there is a charm as well as an allure about these negligee look ing creations. - ' Skirts are scant and will probably remain so for another season, and less drapery Is seen on dressy costumes than was the rale last spring and the past summer. The slit, too, is a thing of the past in the new modes,- the skirt drapery being caught up in front to give the desired fashionable. Irregular foot line. There is a hint from Paris that a miniature bustle Is on Its way over.' It will, appear, so we are told, in the guise of a Japanese bow formed by bunching the drapery of the skirt sev eral Inches from the waist line In the back.' ' Complexions to Suit the Season TTAVBJ yon bought your new fall ' complexion yet 7 Ton had better get busy, for you won't be able to wear your last season's one, as styles In skin colorings have changed completely, says a Paris correspondent. In the afternoon women who follow the modes anoint their faces not with white or cream powder, but with yel low paste, which ma ken them look like Indians once removed. The skin is not red, and it is not yellow either, but a dark rich color is the result, and, real lv: after becoming accustomed to It, one grows to find the white face faded Bathroom Decorated In Black Is the Very ' Jateet - rpHEREJ are styles In house furnlsn- xngs as ia is very luiue wo aa'vc? woman knows, and what these new styles are to be is interesting to the housewife at present. There have been in recent years empire periods, orien tal seasons and Xrfuis Quinze styles, and all of them have been popular for a moment of time. At present there is a tendency to ward the modern and individual in house furnishings. As far as furniture Is concerned this may be due to the tremendous amount of "fake' antique stuff which bag flooded the market for some time. , Most women are tired of being fool ed, and they prefer to have things that are frankly modern, copied from old designs preferably, but of undoubted twentieth century workmanship. . The craze for black decoration Is more pronounced than ever this sea son. The latest evolution of this mau soleum idea is the black bathroom. The floor is made of some kind of new asphalt preparation which is poured on, hardens and can be scrubbed or polished until It resembles ehony. The woodwork and walls of this bathroom are black, with a ceiling of gold. The mirror la of black glass, and In the center of the room is a tube of black marble. The woman for whom this bathroom was arranged was de lighted with It. but It is doubtful if many people- would .care for such an apartment. Rooms are no longer kept In one period. It used to be the height of bad taste to put an, empire piece in a Chip pendale room, but at present it is quite customary to see perfectly correct drawing rooms composed of a mixture of Sheraton, early Italian. Georgian and any other period the owner pre fers. The post-impressionist and futurist cretonnes and tinted linens are to be used a great deal this autumn, and these will appeal to the woman whose pocketbook is too slim to afford more expensive materials. These washable materials are very beautiful, especially the futurist ones in vivid colors, with a picture hidden until you search for it- They lend a necessary brightness to the subdued tones of ultra modern rooms. CHOCOLATE SERVICE. T OVERS of chocolate will be delight ed to have It served to them in Glnorl ware, a modern Italian pottery, with designs of vthe renaissance. The tall, slender pot and high cups are of white porcelain, rimmed with bands of. gold on which are painted tiny ap ples, pears and other fruits. The. pot has a handle and cover of gold. 8TARCH FOR MUSLINS. TITUC a small quantity of corn flour smoothly with cold water. This will be found exoellent for lightly stiff, ening all delicate . and lacy fabrics, including veils and' neckwear of sheer materials. To continue our sklkrt talk, tier skirts are popular, and heavy woolen materials will be made up in two or three tiers on a silk foundation, so as not to add to their weight- Many of the new skirts are finished with the selvage instead of a hem, which also lessens the weight. Indeed, all through, the style world the idea Is to get away from anything that suggests bulk and excess sartorial baggage. Walking skirts are shorter this fall, which edict makes the matter of foot wear even more Important than ever. Short and round lengths are used for costumes, save very elaborate evening frocks. When trains are employed they will be short and narrow. One very graceful Idea In trains Is the scarf ef fect, which may be looped up over 'the arm when the wearer does not wish It to drag. Coat lengths vary. American tailors have agreed to make the .average coat on tailored models from thirty-six to thirty-eight inches long in fact, the matter of an inch or two either way Is now Jess Important than making the relative proportions becoming to the wearer. Of course the cutaway effects are the accepted ones, subject to many modi fications. For example, the long swal lowtail effect In the back Is often used wjth the cut of a tuxedo front. Sleeves in ' tailored coats are sewed In at the long shoulder seam, but the kimono sleeve in a number of forms Is. a fa vorite on dressy models. A. story of fall styles could not be written without mention of the vests, which are universal on both "coats and waists... They are Introduced when' and lifeless. This complexion came to1 stay at the Grand Prix, one of the great French race meets, where women wear their newest styles In frocks and complexions. Since this meet half the women seen In fashionable ' attire "wear" the yellow skin. It la becoming to both blonds and brunettes, though especially to the latter. T In the evening the saffron la not the complexion desired, for under arti ficial light the color loses Its clearness. so. a violet hue is used. This tint, like the other. Is fascinating, and compli ments are returned, for the violet looks best on the woman of lightish hafcr and fine Romrmade Candy 2 Recipes ' t ' t MABSHMALLOW FUDGE. If your " marshmallows get a little stale before using them up try making this kind of fudge. Put two cupfuls of granulated i sugar and ' one cupful of milk in a saucepan and let It come to a boil. Add one square and a half of chocolate grated 'and two tablespoon fuls of butter.. Cook about ten min utes; then remove, from the fire and beat until the fudge gets rather stiff, but not so stiff that It will net pour easily.. Break marshmallows into sev eral pieces, place in the bottom of the dish and pour the fudge over them. Turkish Delight This is a candy somewnat after the order of gumdrops, but mpre delicate. Soak two table spoonfuls ' of gelatin In one-third of a cupful of cold water. When dissolved add one cupful of granulated sugar and set It on the stove to boll for twenty minutes, adding the juice of half a lemon and half an orange. When taken from the fire pour In one teaspoonful of strawberry juice and a quarter of a cupful of chopped nuts. When cool cut in small squares and roll inured sugar. Chocolate Peanut Taffy. Put all these ingredients into a granite kettle: One pound and' a half of white sugar, half a cupful of water, quarter cupful of cider vinegar, lump of butter the size of a nut and three tables poonfuls of grated chocolate. Boll these with out stirring until a little dropped in water becomea crisp. Have ready some shelled peanuts and stir thickly through the candy. Drop in small pieces on buttered paper. TRY THIS MELON DELIGHT. JjjpLON delight Is "a novel and re freshing dessert. As in all des serts calling for cantaloupe, only those of the finest flavor should be used. Cut the melons lengthwise. In halves or thirds, according to size. Remove the seeds and spongy tissue. Fill each with vanilla ice cream ana some very thin slices of fresh peaches. Decorate with two or three maraschino cherries and the liquor in which they come before serving. Occasionally when Ice cream Is served with these melons the pulp is scooped out; diced and flavored and then returned to the shell with the cream and other garnishes. The vari ous flavors are in that case more likely to be amalgamated if one considers that desirable. Usually the flavors in such sweets are better for being kept distinct. - x " CRETONNE SLIPS. fRET ONNB slips to put over frocks that are hanging in the closest or wardrobe are convenient. They are made of two pieces of cretonne, cut In semicircular outline, a little bigger than a dress hanger. They are seam ed together about the curved edge, with a little opening left for the neck of the hanger. To the straight edge two long, straight sections of cretonne are gath ered, long enough to come to the bot tom of the frock. These straight pieces can be seamed together or fastened with tapes or socket fasteners. ever such an adjunct can be incorpo rated In a creation. They are manu factured as separate articles, but, as a I rule, are part of the coat itself. There are funny little Eton Jackets made for the elaborate coat suit, with vests or waistcoats of fancy silks further embellished with smart looking but tons, often of real jewels. The newest coats, however, are those with skirts that stand out like those worn by the premiere danseuse of the ballet. Possibly this is a slight exag geration, but the effect is certainly that of a wire holding the coat away from the dress in a very conspicuous zasmon. From present Indications plaids and checks are to be conspicuous features of the fall and winter modes. Entire 1 frocks are made of large broken plaid I or checked fabrics, some . In somber, other in gay colorings. jfiaia skirts ana plain coats are much In " evidence, and a particularly I stunning creation of this sort was seen I recently of gray and white plaid, with a coat of oyster white cloth. . A double breasted vest of white satin and a belt of the cloth were dressy notes of this costume. , Altogether clothes were never more beautiful than they are today, and there never was a time when greater opportunity has been afforded to beau ty in the name of fashion. As long as a woman is refined she will make the most of the present modes, usually to the best advantage, but the , moment I she has a common streak in her It is bound to crop out in some ordinary! features of her dress, so why blame the I 1 styles 1 CATHERINE TALBOT. eyes. The effect of this color Is not deathlike, as might be Imagined, but it gives the skin an Indescribable tinge of lavender that is 'rosy, yet far, too, from pink. With this new complexion and the fashionable gray hair Paris is going beyond itself. As In the time of Martha Washington, the white or gray haired beauty now rules. Blonds do not adopt the gray wig, or, at least, those with gray or hazel eyes do not. The gray hair looks best with the black or brown eyed heroine, and. as a matter of fact, only such colorings in Paris , adopt the wig. The wig is anointed.: then waved lightly. Twentieth Information For Jf Initial worked In fillet crochet with fine thread and a very fine crochet hook can be inset into a hand kerchief with good effect. This Is something new and Is .especially at tractive with a ' fine crochet edging. The handkerchief should first be hem stitched with a narrow hem. Draw only three threads . and take four The Famous BLACK VELVET rjTC7L9 la the most conspicuous fea ture of fall millinery and, together with velvet, is making most of the best looking creations of the season. It .seems hardly a suitable fabric to cope with wintry winds, but so it is written In sartorial annala Tards and yards of tulle or mallnes are swathed around and over the crowns of autumn hats, and plaiting and puffs of this diaph anous stuff are massed over hat brims. The contrast between the deli cate tulle and the denser velvet of vf . " J i W - - ailt!llil!ll1tl!lllllf!iyii!!!h I - f 1 1 I l&' 3 ' .v li.V , sis. 1 ! ' -- . mm ' .... j.: ..g'ijf 'wm l i t -fir :w- nhi - ' j ; -71 - U'A r: lr-;; ;- K-ff ; i ;'-VAV I .;..-Vv . -.yj..? - i - r- , I ; - Chic Velvet GModel - She Plays Bridge fVlifl season's tendency toward the use LUXE. VJUD L Ul V0IT01 KUU UULUVU Ueieul?U lUf BUI. uvJU t a.xfa The edging of skunk fur' gives a piquant touch to the tunio of golden brown chiffon, which is mounted over a skirt of matching velvet. Century the Rome Semr threads for the stltcb if you wish a daintily finished edge. - r ' Partly worn damask tablecloths can be utilized for tray cloths and 'dolly luncheon sets for everyday use. ' By holding the clotb to the light the good portion can easily be distinguished. Cut -the good part Into centerpieces, doiles, tray cloths, etc Windmill Hat AND TULLE MODEL. which most of the new bats are now made Is very effective,. If the least little bit inconsistent. Lace, too, is muoh in vogue for com bination, with velvet. Some of the models recently brought over from the other side have wired brims of black lace with velvet brims. The exquisite bat pictured was first s.iown on this side of the water on a moving picture fashion screen. It is of black velvet with one of the new tulle windmill bows that a Paris milli ner has made famous. s For IVTilady When of fur trimmings Is distinctly seen fcl Housewife Cbc Modern doman dill 1 find Cbeee Useful GIVE THEM VARIETY. QON'T let meals in your bouse groM monotonous, make it a rule to trj at least two new recipes every week; and when anything is specially a proved of make a note of it in a Ctt-4 book kept for the purpose. But there is danger even in g-itV.r.i a particularly good recipe. For tcer4 is an almost overwhelming temptation to use it again and again till one'f family grows weary of tbe-very slgh of the resulting dish. Make it a rule never to repeat a pu St ding within a fortnight unless there ii some very special reason for dolnar a or. With meat dishes it is more difficu'l to get variety, but no cold Joint shoul appear more than twice at the outs'. 15 If a family reach the "What, cold beJ again!" stage the housekeeper Is taXk ing in her mission. - . " EGGS AND MILK. TpGGS are very nutritious when ta.k?i raw or lightly boiled or poacheij Hard boiled eggs, on the contrary, an extremely Indigestible. Milk is a per. feet and complete food for the verj young and for old and feeble peo-. but for the average adult it is not u, ficient ' alone. It certainly contaim both food and drink, but the food a limited In quantity and not sufficient t make good the tissue waste Incurrw by the active life of a full grown mat or woman to vigorous health. A stria milk diet -has, however, been proved xt be efficacious in such opposite cases m extreme emaciation and exc.esa.vt stoutness. In the latter case the cre.a is first removed, and in both cases tij milk cure is combined with rest in bet and massage. ' 1 SWEETLY SCENTED. A NOVEL heart shaped scent til I made of, white silk marquisette an Is filled with dried roses, additional perfumed with the natural odor of tTi flowers. ' The same idea may be ef fectively carried out In violets or lav ender. The rose and the violet &t particularly good for perfuming tin contents of wardrobes, tnuoks ana forth. Imparting the delicti fra fsrat-j) of the natural flower to the cloth inj The lavender bags are appropriate 1 1 perfuming the linen chest. The drif flowers in their natural colorings aa visible through the marquisette easet making them very attractive. st t PFEFFER NUESSE. p WO cupfuls of sugar, four cupful flour, grated rind of one lemoi one-half cupful of fine chopped citroj one teaspoonful cinnamon. one-ha teaspoonful cloves, one-half teaspoon ful mace, one-half tablespoonful nui meg. two teasppbnfuls baking powd;j five eggs. Sift flour, baking powci spices and sugar, add the citron am lemon rind and mix to a doush wis the beaten eggs. Shape into emaj balls the size of a hickory nut. p. as one inch apart on a buttered tla mjs bake n a moderate oven. -