Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: NOVEMBER 7, 1913 15 lEflyjF IPESIISE SUSLEi THE BALANCE OF THE 'IDEAL CLOAK & SU NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT 'i j ON THE DOLLAR AND LESS ) DON'T MIS3 THIS GREAT SALE AS IT QUEANS, ) ) L: DOLLARS SAVED FOR SATURDAY nWc Have Marked -Some. -Wonder-' ful Bargains Note The Prices $10, $12,- $15' Astrachan Sport Coats ... , $12X0, $15.00 Chinchilla Sport Coats. . $&00 Handsome "Women's Dresses. . . '( f $1.00 Lingerie Waists., ...V.., ..$5.50 i $8.75' $ Meal Cloak & Soli- Co. . 1231 MAIN STREET Stratfield Hotel Building' ! Poultry Show Will Open Here Dec. (6 The poultry show to be held In this city on December 16, 17, and 18, by the Consolidated Poultry Association of Bridg-eport bids fair to be the big- g est and best exhibition of its Kind ever held in the State of Connecticut. Already a large number of entries have been guaranteed and a long list of valuable trophies offered. The announcement that i "Dad" Gleezen will be one of the Judges is sufficient evidence of the gigantio pro portions of the show and of the fine character of birds to be shown. A big staff of Judges ' other than Mr. Gleezen have been retained by the association, and each one of the corps has an enviable reputation which has been earned in . th big Madison Square Garden poultry shows in New York. In years gone by .. Bridgeport has bad two poultry associations each of which held a show each year; but this year both associations have consoli dated and are uniting their efforts to present the greatest poultry exhibits in. the history of the state. That their aims will be realized is plainly evidenced by the large number of en tries already promised from all' parts of Connecticut, and from - several poultry breeders and fanciers in Mas sachusetts and New York. The poultry exhibit to be given on December 16, 17 and 18 Is not for the purpose of making money, but rather for the purpose of education, and of inducing people to become poultry raisers; but it will be necessary that the people of the city lend to the big project their hearty co-operation in order that it may' be a success. The merchants and business men of the city are to be called on in a few days by the solicitors of the associa tion for advertising and for gifts to be used as prizes, and it is the hope of the members of the association that these solicitors may be handsomely treated "by the business men of Bridgejjiffc METHODS OF ERADI CATION FOR THE" CIMEX LECTULARIUS GENUINE INTEREST - Thg-ia fa tfc It lengty atr aborat onr Baah that BMksj yen feel at home. Xt Isn't dose for ef fect, Ira genuine Interest we take in all our ' "" customers. Xhefr welfare Is of vital Interest to V w, because onrs depends on ft. We are always .. " ready to be of servioo when we can. Don't vv, Imagine becmse jxmr aoooiuit Is mrtaTI wo con- alder It of small xaluo. lie n help yoni build " It bA. .- - ' THE BRIDGEPORT TRUST COMPANY ' . ... . . - FOE SATURDAY NATIVE FOWL, . . .... ...... ... ... ... 22c lb ' LEGS OF SPRING LAMB . . . . . , . . ... . . . . 16c lb LENOX BEST FLOUR ........ ...... ,65c 1382 MAIN STREET AND LENOX MARKET, MAIN ST. AND NORTH AVE. v 1 THE ORPHEUM BANJO MANDOLINS V li UifelBjSBhMO'P TTneaualled for quality, resonance, carryinsr power, easv action and construc tion. Heavy birdseye maple, rim and neck with triple reinforced strip tttrqugrh center to prevent warping. Kim fitted with (patented) vibrating clftmbsr (the secret of the big tone). Model of absolute perfection. Your inspection is invited at my studio. Pupils now received for the Fall term. Private lessons to beginners and advanced students of the . Violin, Mandolin and Banjo. Mandolin terms reasonable. OILMAN MUSIC STUDIO " 1116 Main Street, Next to Hiker's Workingmen PATONTZE THE ONLY BAKER IN BRIDGE PORT MAKING UNION LABEL BREAD Cfe ra usenmaii 647 PEMBROKE STREET . . Bakers' and Confectioners' Internationa? Union of America LOCAL 38, BRIDGEPORT John f. wjrr 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE - furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, Super loir Fabrics for Fund tors and Draperies. Tel. 74 Washington, Nov. 7 A pest that is dreaded,- by all housewives, but whose presence is not necessarily an indication" of : -carelessness,' is the Cimex lectularius. This insect is call ed by many names in different locali ties. An bid English name Js "wall louse." . In Boston tnese parasites are called "chintzes" or "chinches?' - In Baltimore one hears them called "ma hogany flats,"? and in New' Tork they are styled "red coats". "Cimex" is a name given to the bug by the Romans who were well . acquainted , with, it; "lectularius" refers to Its habits, be ing a derivative of "lectus" meaning "bed" or "couch." v ' The Cimex lectularius is not likely to tee very active in winter in a cold room; and ordinarily hibernates in its place of concealment, but in warm rooms 'it may continue, its activities the year around. It is an animal that displays a cer tain degree of wariness And intelli gence from its long association with man. like nearly all insects parasitic on animals, having had slight neces sity for extensive locomotion, it has, after many ages, lost its wings. The absence of wings, is a most fortunate circumstance, since otherwise . there would be no safety from this pest. even for the most careful - and thor ough housekeeper. Another characteristic, feature of this insect is , the very distinct odor which it exhales, an odor characteris tic of many -plant insects as well. The 'possession of this . odor, . disagreeable as it is. Is also a fortunate circum stance, as it is of considerable assist ance" in detecting the presence of its owner. This characteristic ; odor is supposed to haive been originally the means of protection against birds that feed on insects, but it has. long lost this especial value for the Cimex Lec tularius. .. The natural enemies that might be kept away by, the odor are already kept away by thee onditions under which the "Clmgex". lives, and the roach and house ant, which some times feed on these vermin, - are not evidently deterred by this characterls- The "Cimex", though normally feeding on human blood, may subsist on much simpler food. No other ex planation would seem to account for the fact that houses long unoccupied still are infested with this pest. The insect, however, is quite capable of leaving any quarters where it is un able to thrive,7 and will often migrate to an adjoining house if the residents leave its present - habitation vacant. It displays such apparent intelligence in using every means of escape, as windows, walls, water pipes and gut ters, that it may be the misfortune of any housewife to have her premises-Invaded, despite he best of care. The insect also displays a surprising facility for concealment, and will abnndoh beds before daylight and go to distant . quarters for protection far beyond -the reach of the most dili gent search. - ' Brimstone An Inexpensive and Suc cessful Remedy. Prom Its habits -of concealment this pest is usually, beyond the reach of powders, and the ordinary Insect pow ders such as pyrethrum are of prac- PIMPLY? WELL, : DON'T BE ! People Notice It Drive Tbem Off With, Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin- should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the liver with Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets are the successful substitute for calomel there's never any sickness or pain after taking them. Ir. Ekiwards" Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and Just as effec tively, but their action is - gentle anu safe instead of severe and irritating. No . one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull-,restless,'no good" feeling, constipation, torpid "liver, bati disposition or pimply face.' Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are . a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil, you will know them by their olive color. - Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints and Olive Tablets are the Immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look. "10c and 25c per box.- The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. K&r. LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK (By. Lee Pape) This aftirnoon we' inisheated Puds Simkinses sissey cuzzin Persey Into the G-ote Klub, the gote belawnglng to Reddy Merfy and 'beeing a traned goto awn akkount of if you' say to it. Butt eezy, it will butt eezy, and if you say Butt hard it will butt hard, Reddy Merfy bringing it efround this aftir noon and telling us about It, beeing a regular gote with whiskers, saying maa, and wanting to eet everything. Wats its naim, Reddy, sed Puds Simkins, and Reddy sed, Algy, and' Puds Simkins eed, G. thats. a funny naim for a gote, and Reddy sed, So is Puds sed. Puds aint my rite name, and Reddy. sed, ' Neethlr is Algy his rite naim. iWat Is his rite naim, I sed. Algftmon, sed .Reddy Merfy. Enyhow, sed Puds Simkins, I dont bleeve Itll butt eny way you tell it to. Pou tern erround a minlt and 111 ho you,. sed Reddy Merfy, Wieh Puds Simkins woodent do, being afrayed, 1 gess, and jest then who startld to kum up the streat but Persey, and Reddy Merfy sed, ' kwlck run down and stop him bef oar he sees . Algy, lets try it awn him. And he kwlck pulled the gote erround the kornir, having a rope erround ita neck, and .the rest of us ran down and stopped Persey, saying, Wajte a mintt, Persey, we wunt to sho you sumthlng, wate a mlnit. , We. wunt to inisheato you into our klub, sed my cuzzin Artie. t I dident no you had a " klub, sed Persey, wats the naim of it. The Gote Klub, 'sed Artie, kum awn. And we awl. ran down to the kornlcl, Persey running to, beeing the bny wun that didnt no wat he was running for, awn akkount of by the looks of the kornir'. you codent tell Reddy Merfy and a' gote was erround it. , ". This is far enuff, sed Artie, wen we got awlmost to the kornir. And we tyed i Bert Watkine kankerchlff er round his eyes, Sid Hunt having wun to, but Bert Watkins beeing the big gest, Persey saying. It wont hurt, will it, and us awl saying, No. Ony we did- if '-''l'liUiWJ.-'W,'mnuiy -'j-f r,. V'rv '-"".;' ent know whethir it wood or not, and we terned Persey erround 3 times so he woodent no wlch part of him was terned tords the kornir, beeing the last part of him, and Reddy Merfy calm erround with the gote and took it by the wiskers and pointed it at Persey, saying, get reddy for ' the first degree, but eezy Algy. And he gave the gote a push and the gote kept awn going and butted Persey pretty eezy but not verry. Persey say ing Hay, and awlmost falling over, and we awl pulled the gote back to Reddy Murtfy agen. Get reddy for the second and last degree, eed Reddy, and he pointed the gote agen, saying. Butt hard, Al gy. And he- gave it a push and the gote butted, Persey so hard you mite think it dident like him, Persey going up in the air so far he cairn down awn the next pavement yelling like eny thing, and now hes a membir of the Gote Klub, beeing the ony member awn akkount of nobody elts beeing willing to bo lnlsheated. tically no value. The .eradication of the insect is comparatively easy from iron and brass bedsteads, but wooden bedsteads offer a much more difficult problem. Very liberal applications of benzine or kerosene, or any petroleum oil, is the most practical way to meet this difficulty. This must be intro duced into all crevices with small brushes or feathers, or by injecting with small syringes.'- Corrosive subli mate is also of value, and oil of tur pentine may be used In the same way. The liberal use of boiling hot water, wherever it may be employed without danger to furniture, etc., " is also an effectual method of destroying both eggs and active adults. . Various remedies and mixtures for this pest are for sale, most of them containing one or another of the in gredients "mentioned, and these are frequently of value. A daily inspec tion of beds and bedding and all crev ices and locations about the premises is the best method to nse. A vigorous campaign should, in -the course of a week or so at the outside, result in the extermination of this very obnox ious and embarrassing pest- In the case of rooms containing books, or where liquid applications are inadvisable, a thorough fumiga tion with brimstone is an effective means of destruction.' The method is as follows:. - Place in the center of the room a dish containing about , 4 ounces of brimstone, within a larger vessel, so that the possible overflowing of the burning mass may not injure the car pet or set fire to the floor. After removing from the room all such me tallic surfaces as -might be affected by the fumes,' close every aperture, even the keyholes, and set fire to the brimstone. . When four or five hours have elapsed the room may be en tered and the windows opened for a thorough airing. . A. MAKER OF HEAITH A good honest medicine like Foley Kidney Pills gives health to many families. Mrs. O." Palmer, 636 Willow St., Green Bay, Wis., was seriously ill with kidney and bladder trouble. Mr. Palmer writes: "My wife is rapidly recovering her health and strength due solely to the use of Foley Kid ney Pills." Hindle's drug store. Adv. TAMMANY NO OGRE, - SAYS METZ Defeated Candidate fop Con troller Wants Educational Campaign- Started New . York, Nov. 7. Congressman Herman A. Metz, the defeated Demo cratic candidate for Controller, sailed for Europe on the Kronprinzessin Ce cil ie from Hoboken yesterday. Before leaving he issued a defence of Tam many Hall, in the course of which he suggested that the organization should organize an educational campaign ,to protect its fair name. "We are not all crooks and thieves and grafters in Tammany Hall, as some New York newspapers eeem to want to make us out," said Mr. Metz. "There seems to be a feeling that Tam many Hall is an ogre and bugaboo and steps ought to be taken to. dispel this Idea. - "Charles F. Murphy never asked me for anything" and he never asked me , to do anything. This same bunch of reformers that .beat us on Tuesday has been working up sentiment for some time past against Tammany Hall by use of the words 'thieves,' 'crooks,' and 'grafters.' " - This remark had no reference to any election' returns, as might have been suspected, but to an attempt to pan handle the congressman through the ship's chief steward. The promoter of the scheme, which proved an entire failure, gave his name as Harry Camp bell. He was held by the police on a charge of disorderly conduct. Campbell appeared at the effiee of the chief steward on the Cecelie a short time before she sailed and hand ed him a card with the name Her bert J. Collins, of Grand Rapids. He said he wanted to see Mr. Metz. ,The man in the steward's, office said that the only Metz listed was the congress man. .To this the stranger replied that he was a friend of Mr. Metz, and that Mr. Metz owed him 150 marks. Camp bell held out a watch which he said was valuable, and asked that the mon ey be paid him. He said that Mr. Metz, on seeing the watch, would rec ognize It and pay the money and take the watch. Just then Mr. Metz hap pened to pass by., on his way to his stateroom, heard his name mentioned, , and asked who wanted him, . The man made a movemeta to get away, but was seized' and turned over to the po lice, i ' ' MORE BOTTLES SOLD EACH YEAR It is easy to understand why an in creasing number of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is sold yearly. Thos. Verran, 2S6 Edward Street, Houghton, Mich., gives an ex cellent reason when he writes: "Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound has always proven an effective remedy, quickly relieving tickling in the throat, and stopping the cough with no . bad after effects. Hindle's drug store. Adv. SEIZE OVER 1,000 FIVE-GALLON CANS OF FILTHY TOMATO PULP Catsup and Canned Peaches Also Seized by Agents of The U. S. Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C, Nov. 7 Five gallon cans of tomato pulp to the number of 1,135 were seized on Oct 1J, on the recommendation of the De partment of Agriculture, in Cincinna ti, Ohio. They were shipped by the Frankfort Canning Co., of Frankfort, Ky., and it was charged that in viola tion of the Food and Drugs Act an adulterated product was , shipped In interstate commerce. The charge that the goods are adulterated is bas ed on the results of an examination in the Bureau of Chemistry, of the Department of Agriculture, showed that the goods consist In whole or in part of a filthy, putrid or decomposed vegetable substance. Shipments of a barrel of catsup and of 114 cases of canned peaches have also been seized recently on the rec ommendation of the department, the catsup having been shipped by the National Pickle and ' Canning Co., from St. Louis, Missouri, to New Or leans where it was. seized on Oct. 18, and the canned peaches having been shipped - by the Wenatches Ice Cold Storage and Canning Co., of Wenatchee, Washington, to New Or leans, where it was seized on Oct. .24, It Is charged that these products are adulterated in that the goods consist in whole or in part" of a filthy, putrid or decomposed vegetable substance. These cases have not yet come up before the court, but they will be tried in due course when it will be determined whether the charges are justifiable. r-- "Correct Dress" for Women and Misses 1108 MAIN STREET I Dressy Coals Thai Show Value Beyond The Price We have just received new distinctive Coats in Dnvetjn, ' Wool Plush, Boucle, Faille de Laine and Persian Draped and Tailored Effects $15.00, $19.50, $25.00, $29.50 TAFT HAS $150,000 BONDS. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 7. Ex-Fres-ident William H. Taft holds securities valued at $150,000, according to lists filed with the State Treasurer in re sponse to the demand that Govern ment, State, municipal, and miscella neous bonds subject to a State tax, and therefore exempt from local tax ation, be registered. This list is whol ly outside the Federal income tax reg istration. The State receives a 2 per cent, tax on this list of securities. Gov. Baldwin's list indicates that he possesses' bonds valued at $94,875. Dan iel Veades, treasurer of the Winches ter Repeating Arms company, filed a list totaling $1,500,000. FangaEay Will Stop It is not an easy thing to-day to con vince some people of the value of a proprietary medicine, unless it is pre scribed by their physicians. If it is ad vertised, which is the quickest way of telling all the people of its merits, many people will condemn it just because it is adTertised. If, however, you KNEW a. thing was wonderfully healing, that it would act quickly, would drive almost any kind of an ache or pain out of your system,- and that this same article was recommended and used daily by the best physicians,' eren though, it was advertised, then' would you question its value? This is just what PANGALAT will do.' It is a new preparation for all kinds of aches and pains. For rheumatism sciatica, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, etc., and our advice to you is to try it and learn of its great worth. Don't be preju diced because you read this d. Just re member that we want you to know about it, and how else could we reach you quickly? Get a metal tube at any drug store for 25c, or from Curts Chemical Company, No. 117 East Twenty-fourth, street. New York City. Lalest Models in Misses Suits Made from Velvet, Cloth or Corduroy after smart foreign models at specially attractive prices ? $25.00, $29.50, $39.50, $49.50 L serosa iUii For Commercial and Residential Purposes " The well flighted store attracts trade. It is the aim of -the merchant" to locate his store as near the traffic center as possible, hut a poorly lighted store in the city's busy thoroughfare is, ' to say the least, poor economy, and shows a lack of civic pride. The aggressive business man is making every, effort both by day and night to attract the eye to his windows and interest to Ma wares, through advertising of various kinds. The live merchant keeps his windows bril liantly lighted every night in the week, because he knows that although his store may be closed, selections are made from the displayed stock and many times the SALE is made before the customer enters the store. , : . The electric sign is the greatest advertising adjunct to the business, "because it flashes upon the mind in a more definite way than any other, 'LOCATION and the LINE carried. This company has emphasized this point and. is ready to advise and co-operate with the merchants in the matter of light arrangement and sign selection for effective night nlurnina tion and advertising purposes. The same careful attention to illumination in the home is given, for both comfort and con venience as well as economy are the issues to be met. . , LLEJfiiSEM READ THIS TWICE FOR TAUIxE, FOB COOKING, KIOH, DEUaoUS, FRKSH-CHCRNED fn) ran S f no r ini w b Ira E ffl liii t it a faiinYYmoMr Si 11 El Ei II la tiT-i II I 111 i H Si u L;a (Official Name Oleomargarine) nn urn OS rich golden yellow, like new grass Tnttr; as unlike the ordinary old-fashioned kind as good Java coffee is different from a cheap mixture of chiclcory. J Ton will never know how good it is until yon try a pound. We do not sell dealers. 'Wisconsin can only be bought in Wisconsin Creamery Stores. BRIDGEPORT STORE 45 CANNON STREET Next Door to Evening Post Si J WANT ADVS. ONE CENT A WORD.