Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: NOVEMBER 7, 1913 19 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS is words isc, 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Fumislied Rooms to Rent Hvisiriess Ivlerrs Excliangre FOR SALE Sale Advertisements lm The Former tiring ready ' TO LET HELP WANTED Staaji men and women ull at The Parmer and ' look ; aver tie : Help .Wanted Ads. If you eed help Ad- - SITUATIONS Take down that spotted placard sad secure tenant : If yon are out of work. The Farmer Wants Ads ongbt Try one, you jr besurprlsed at i the im- or roomer in the tooAjma -way through a. wier cUssl-X IU - - - - - ; . l to oe ox mtitcraii bbhsuhhs to you. Read tbezn over carefully each day. For I piitmseg's. I aaedtatevrai Today's Wants Wants -Ads -will be received for-this page up to 12 o dock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 2XV ill-appear on the second or third page of this, paper -tinder-the heading, "Latest Wants." 'fcapgSgSSSUi. fejr KcIure TTewspiper "SriascaJe, ANT Intelligent person may- earn 9 steady Income corresponding - for . newspapers. Experience unneces sary. Address Press Correspond-' enee Bureau, Washington, 1. C H 7 a p 1 FALL STJITSt Say men, we'll gently urge SSU and say, "How about yours?" No extra price for credit here. Bradshaw Clothing Co., 143Z Main St. : ap FOR SALE CHEAP At Beard's Cor ner three nice houses, 6 and 8 rooms, all improvements. At a bargain if sold at once. Inquire' of Newton, 18 Independence - Road, Myrtle Beach, Milford, Tel. 1884. FOR RENT Fine . room apart ments on West Broad St, near Bar nam avenue trolleys in Stratford, electric lights and gas, steam heat, double hardwood floors, rents $30 1st floor and garage, $25 2nd floor. The Scribners Co., Inc., 148 Fair- , field avenue, or John W. Thompson, - Church street, Stratford. H 7 b p ; MEN' -WANTED?' e twmm a nmin-a nnmoer or men to come for a small lot of made-to measure Suits and . Overcoats . for wbicii we are asking HALF PRICE, FIRST come, first served. All sizes and and fabrics and styles ' SSO Made-to-Order Suits and- Overcoats at ............ 15QQ 25 Made-to-Order Snlte and Overcoats at $12.50 SZO Made-to-Order Suits and Cecoets at $10.00 45, 99 and 97 Trousers at $1.0 to $3 Regnlar and Fancy Vests a... 50c an1 75c We haren't many of any one size or style, but mostly an men who come early enough can be suited. - English Woolen Mills Co. 1134 MAIN STREET ; Near' Hiker's GXTEC SINKS BOAT, TWO DIE. Cuba, N. Y., Kov. 7 The accidental olscharge of a shotgun caused the drowning of John Coates, 70 years old, of Wellsville, and Lloyd Gardner, 29 years old, of Hornell In Cuba Lake, yesterday. The men were fishing and hunting' from a boat when the charge Bf heavy shot tore a hole in the bot tom at the craft and it sank Neither man could swim Five men have been drowned In the lake within a few months SUES ROAD FOB LONCF HOURS Providence, R. I., Nov. 7 Alleging that an engineer on the New York, INew Haven A Hartford Railroad was l allowed to work more than sixteen hours out of twenty-four, United States i District Attorney Walter R. Stines brought suit against the company. The writ alleges that the engineer's run Is said to be between this city and Wk-kf ord. The suit Is the first of the kind ever P"Wt this jurisdiction. WANTED A strong unmarried man, , as attendant for "lady, and make himself useful about the place. En quire at "280 Park Place.,-- H 6 b p SPECIAL OFFER 600 latest Improv ed embossed portraits $2 each to the first Farmer Readers presenting their small picture for copying. Ste vensons Studio, 704 Main , St., Bridgeport. - H 6 b p CHIROPODIST. BOSS JESSIE H. DeLONG Visiting - chiropody and manicuring, corner Fairfield avenue and Harrison St. l Office hours 1 to 7 P. M. Sundays , by appointment- h 171' MOTOR CYCLES. EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES, Cash or easy terms, second hand cycles all kinds. James G. Burroughs, 615 - State St. - L15a PARISIAN TAILORING. A SURPRISE FOR BRIDGEPORT, Ladles' spring suits up, to $80. auk lining. Parisian .Ladies' Tailoring. A. Aaoipn. ' Lm 16 ui LOST AND FOUND LOST 20 guage Liferse shot gun and case in .Bridgeport or Stratford. . Reward If returned to R. D. Cate. ; Telephone or P. O. Box 47. HB sp BIRD STORE. SINGING CANARIES, parrots, pet animals ana goia nsn, bird oagea, .'fish globes and acquariums, bird seeds and foods, dog -biscuit and remeifes at Courtney's bird store, 116 Wall St. Upstairs. X, ? s STATE OF CONNECTICUT 1 BOND SALE. ..I offer for sale $4,000,000 State of Connecticut bonds, bearing Interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, dated July 1, 1911, and due July 1 193 6. Semi-annual Interest, January and July. Sale November 10, 1918 at 11 a. m. Payment Nov. 12th. Circular giving full particulars mailed on re quest. : EDWARD S. ROBERTS, Treas. Hartford, Conn. G 23 t s ACHMAlm KHMEHAGOGOa SUXTURB A splendid Fesaale Regulate ia eases ef suppressed menstruation, delays to eolds, ill health, ec other a manual senses: w ika eatflK sfade enly at the WOMAN'S DRUG MORS S7Q Mam btreec, isnageporc. Keliey's Cigar Store 111 FAIRFIELD AVE. The and domeetlo breads. wt smokers' supplies. JAMKS DIFFERENT PHOTOGRAPHY Something yon cannot g3 elsewhere. That's ont kind ARMSTRONG'S WHITMAN STUDIO Park and Fairfield Aves. Win Armstrong of Boston, Proprietor WEST END AMATEURS' Farmer Want Ads.. One Cent a Word. PIANO FOR SALE High grade up right piano, mahogany case, splen did condition. Must be seen to ba appreciated. Liberal discount for a little use. . . Steinert's, 915 Main St. near State. H 6 b o WANTED Party with from $500 to $1,000 to take active interest in a good paying- business. Call 809 Meigs Building! H5 d SATURDAY SPECIAL Wo have a good Haines Bros. Upright, thor oughly repaired -which we will sell at the low price of $146. Cash or easy payments. Steinert's, 915 Main St. near State. H 6 b o SAFES New and second hand. Prices right. Save agents expenses, buy direct from Walter E. Marsh, dealer 192 Fairfield avenue, Bridgeport, Ct O. 16 tf PIANOLA FOR SALE Pianola at tachment, mahogany case, will fit any piano. See this before you ex change your old piano. Steinert's, 915 Main St. near State.. EC 6 bo TOTJ CAN'T BEAT Casca-Caine ta. lets tor constipation. Try them. a i AT BOMMOS & BIITZ HABKET In State street will ba found best line of meats. . 1 18 tf a PIANO FOR SALE Another used Henry F. Miller upright, splendid condition for $150. An unusual op portunity to secure a good instru ment at a very low figure. Stein ert's, 915 Main St. near State. H 6 b o AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. Aston Oarage. Phone 829 2.. Day or night. Bt'tfolU NEW YORK BOLOGNA and frank furters, home made meat loaf, fresh daily. Peter Hron, 1216 Stratford Ave. TJ28tf3Bo GUINEA HENS, DUCKS, roasting chickens, broilers, fowl, liver pud '; ding bologna. We have sausage meat every day. Bommos & Blitz. G 15 1 8 5 o PIANO FOR SAIjE Slightly used Jewett piano, latest model. This in strument cannot be told from new. We have priced this piano unusu ally low. Steinert's, 915 Main St. near State. - . - H 6 bo UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ad and reflnlahed. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store, State, near cuntoo. n ue ' - STORAGE Unexcelled facilities for the stor ing of furniture, all kinds of. merchan dise or machinery. ' Large rooms. small rooms, rooms lined with tar pa per. Especially arranged rooms for pianos and silver. Small spaces and larger spaces. Fur further informa tion call on C. Rickard, 534 Howard avenue. H 8 tf To Ren. TO RENT 5 or 6 rooms, new house. all improvements, 836 Willow St., near Birdsey-Somers University of Corsets. H6 sp TO RENT. Elegant apartment of seven rooms, - 6 7 9 ' Maplewood. first ' house from Clinton avenue. Inquire Mrs. P. F. West, 647 Clinton avenue. Phone 8810-4. L 7 a I TO RENT. Nicely furnished rooms. in strictly respectable family., 62 1 Fairfield Ave, Pnene 868-8. . , U 14 tt FOR RENT Rooms for mannfaetoy lng or storage. Gledhlll A Co.. 421 Water St. Rs f FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, electric lights, steam heat, Uft. water, private bath, pri vate phone i if desired. In select .. neighborhood, Clinton Ave., near Maplewood Ave. with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. , References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 450. IT26 tf Help Wanted WANTED Young men for Saturday work. Students preferred. - Apply at once the Surprise Store. - H 6 b OPERATORS WANTED Flossers, ; Makers and machine shapers. The Warner Bros. Co., Employment de partment. . Had WANTED -A Stock salesman for a Connecticut corporation located in New Haven, where the directors have decided to sell $25,000 of pre ferred stock and whose ability as such can get him a steady position with bright future. Call or address Room 504 Cutler Bldg.. 118 Church St. New Haven, Conn. G IS tf WANTED, For TJ. S. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 62 Cannon St. Bridgeport, Conn. PI' Situations Wanted WANTED Position by a reliable young man, 24 years old, as a col lector, salesman, or any outside po sition. References. Address R. H. C, care of Evening Farmer or Phone 368-2. , A20 tf POSITION WANTED By man. cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C. L., care of Farmer Pub Co. T17 tf WANTED. Sewing machine repair ing. Call or phone 2667-5, 224 H. Main St Kruchkow Bros. L 8 d I ADVERTISE IN THE FARMER. For Sals FOR SAX.E On ton, 1913 Model, Federal truck; bargain for cash. Box 665, City. Hs 8p 7 ROOM OTTAGE, BrooKlawn, lot 50x100 feet, all improvements, one minute's walk from trolley; price $3,000, $1,000 cash. Room 309 Meigs. H5d FINE MILLINEBY wall case and Borne millinery stock for sale. In quire 639 Water street or 204 Spruce St., from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ., II 4 r FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 1.000 folding chairs. 100 whist tables. Geo. F. Stillman, 12 8 Pembroke .St. or ISO Kossuth St. ' 1 18 a 8 P 6 ROOM COTTAGE Brooklawn, lot 45x100 feot- all improvements; price $3,000, cash $1,000, one min ute's walk from trolley. Room 309, Meigs building. . ,H6 d FOR SALE. Peerless electric piano, first class condition, also 20' rolls music Sold reasonable If sold at once. Call Carr-s . Grill, Cannon street I16tp FOR SALE. Desirable residence, all Improvements, Price reasonable. ' Location No. 126 Elmwood Pace, West End. Convenient to Fairfield avenue trolley. E. V. Hctchkiss. 628 Clinton Ave. Tel. I - 6 ROOM COTTAGE Brooklawn. lot S3 1-3x100 feet, all improvements; price $2,400, cash $1,000, one min ute from trolley. Room 309 Meigs building. H5 FOR SALE, Commercial vehicles of a!ll descriptions. New and second hand. John I Carpenter. Harri son Court. Phone 1382. - 1 L 1 a8 FOR SALE. Small Bneland J0' four years old, with new cart and harness; perfectly safe for -chUdrea. Price $176. George B. Clark, M tord. L.i. t ROOM COTTAGE Brooklawn, lot 33 1-8x100 feet; price $2,000. cash $800,one minute from trolley. Room 309, "Meigs building. " H5 d FOR SALE Single house. No. 126 Elmwood Place, modern improve' ments; splendid condition; price rea sonable; easy terms;, fino location, near Clinton and Fairfield Avenues and convenient to trolley line. In nulre K. S. Hotchkiss, 528 Clinton Ave. Telephone. . - KVYR SAT, U". fin ft room. COttagO Oil water front all modern improve ments: also 5 room cottage, all mod ern improvements,! 0 per cent down . and balance monimy. xj. ji.uc ton. Milford. Li8al FOR SAJiEL 85 water front lots. Ana luthlnv bMuvh- overlooking Long Island Sound, on trolley line. Prices reasonable. XL JL neraeion,- au ford. L. 8 a I BARGAINS In shoes, must make room for fall stock. Will sacrifice all stock 1-2 price. Palakewich, 658 E. Main. ai- WHY PAY KENTT We build houses uiTwhtn. Small deoosit balance payable monthly: also houses now ready for occupancy. ine Bonn Construction CO. iineorporaieoj, 1115 Main St, Security Building, Bridgeport, Ct - . iini FOR SALE: Building lots corner Con necticut and Carroll Aves., Holland Ave., and Hollister Heights. Win. Broch. 847 Fairfield Ave. S 20 tf iTTllfSTWTA RIVER FARM 175 acres. 100 rich bottom, 6 room house, good barn, 1 mile of electric line,- 8 miles . of Richmond. Only 'i,buu; term a Send :for free list 700 Farm Bar gains. Casselman & Company, Rich. mond, Virginia. ' S s aj-p FOR SALE. Collie puppies, bounds and watoh dogs. Hair Boarding Kennels, Lindley and Hunting streets. Phone 3151. LilaS' FOR SALE. Fine residence with all Improve ments, large lot stable or garage, beautiful shade trees and shrubbery. Large portion of price can remain on mortgage. v T. B. WARREN, 29 Sanford Building. FOR SALE Taken under liquidation, five Crafts man's double houses, tiled bath, rooms, bard wood trim, heated. Big bargain and easy terms. . JOSHUA T. BUTLER, H6 p 291 Baseick Ave. Printers and Stationers PRINTING and Fac-Simile Letters. 6,000 Bond Letter Heads $8:60, 1 -000 Fac-Simile Letters $3.00. Spe cial prices in quantities. Siksay, 88 Rellley street U 25 tf 5 STAR PRESS PRINTS BUSINESS car a 3, envelopes, am neaas, state ments, tickets, programs show cards, circulars, etc. Low prices, first class work. Jacob SchneMer, Prop., 16-18 Kossuth St.. corner Stratford Ave. Phone 908-8. . L4 a$ GOOD PRINTING AT LOW . PRICES, ivu caruB, Biawiucuw, oni neaas, envelopes, note heads, or ' circulars printed for only $2.00. Siksay, 83 Reilly St U22 tf STAR PRESS prints busmess cardb. envelopes, uiu iioaua,, statements, '' tickets, programs, .show cards, cir culars. X-iOW Jjntes lira i. class work, Jacob Schneider, Prop., 3 6-18 Kos suth, St.- corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2503-12. Union office. T3 tf Farmer WantAds lea, woxjiJL Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith & Co., dealers In guns, fishing tackle and sporting good. also get your keys fitted, locks repaired. saws filed, lawn mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store. 86 Wall Street Telephone 4293-3. SECRETARIES OF LODGES, save a lot of work by using ; our 'rubber stamps, daters and seals. Call and let us show you all the latest labor and time savers. The Schwerdtle ! Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St. H 6 d BEFORE SELLING YOUR JUNK it will pay to see us first; also buy and sell bottles. BufCerd Junk Co, 116 Knowlton St Telephone 2355-6. . L. 12 d STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale, 75 cents per dozen. Bottled by Carr. 96 Cannon street Phone 19-8. G17 tf . SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391. Goodyear Shoe Re pairing Co., 76 John St - R2 tf DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS made to order. Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. HofT man & Co., 255 Water St R16 "tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, "store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all binds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co., 255 Water St " R14 ti r Wanted To Buy WANTED To buy aU kinds of second . hand furniture. .Geo. F. To tarns, Redfleld's old stand, 48 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. O 13 p I BUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any where within 2 5 miles of Bridge . port F. H. Daniels. 2 387 Madison ' Road. Tel. 4637. Lll 1 WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfleld's. old stand. 43 Harrison St ' Telephone 1016-2. B12 nf p YOU DONT WANT any old Jusfc or old things around your premises, but We want them as we need them for ' our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you tne , highest price and feet them out of your way. - Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. , 6 5 Kos suth St Tel. 236. R tf Barrels BUY AND SELXi all kinds of empty barrela - Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co, 68 Beardsley 8t Phone 1871. At 6 tf Educational MANDOLIN, Banjo. Guitar and Trap Drumming Instruction. Special at tention to beginners. .Robert C Rice. 991 Broad street . - ' G 4 a p IF YOU HAVE $100 to invest, where you wish to double your income on a first class two family house,come in and see us. ' . ; . Anderson Co. 63 JOHN STREET WALL PAPER AND PAINTS BEFORE BUX1SG paints, brushes, varnishes or window glass, call cn us. tkawara jsrooKs. 882 State St L16b LADIES' TAILOR AND FURRIER, BU11S Willi maienu 18 up. With out material o up. tr. Warren, 666 jrairneia Ave. L lsJ FURRIER. Julius TeslnV. hn.i..j vv a are now taxing orders lor Diaca ana oJtKa rox sets, repair ing, liii-nio ixiain st, upstairs. L 14 i ) GET A SUIT that fits. Our suits are . xi aoiiars ana up. .canow, 60 Can non tit LI b4 fJL J. MALONE? FOR BOMS OR MEDICINAL TMn Beer -,.$1.00 a case W A. Miles' Ale $1.00 a cas asrsapsrilla, Lernm Soda, Seltser VJchy.Soda. all kinds of Bottled Laces, Bartbolomay's ' Rochester Lager. SS SOXiHM AVKNUJfi Set S4SS-S -There's Money In Them! Farmer want ads are good for the advertiser and good for the READER. Cultivate the habit of reading them. Make known your wants by USING The Farmer want column. Penny a word- and worth it. TYPEWRITERS L. O SMITH,'' Underwood, Monarch, Remington, Smith Premier, Type writers factory ; rebuilt. Sold, rent ed, repaired, $8 per month rents a visible typewriter. Plummer Type writer Exchange, 166 Fairfield Ave. O 11 tf TAILORS AND FURRIERS. KLINE BROTHERS, Ladies' Tailors and Furriers, 386; Fairfield avneue. Telephone 1015-5. L14s POND POINT.' FOR SALE. A very fine cottage at Pond Point Beach, Milford, Conn. Ernest L. Nettleton. Milford. L 8 a I CLOTHING. WANTED To buy men's second band clothing. .Send postal. Will call. Yale Misfit Clothing Co 688 Main or 487 Water St L7tf HOTEL DREW 50 ROOMS, modern improvements, 60c and 76o per night . $2 to $8.50 per week. All trolleys transfer to place. 67 Barnum Square. . L12 a I DRESSMAKING. . WJCLVGER, Fashionable New York JJressmakins;. over Lyric Theatre. Will save you money on clothes. L 11 d 1 SECOND HAND FURNITURE. WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfleld's old stand. 43 Harrison St Telephone 1016-2. L 12 al'p WE BUY AND SELL second hand furniture. We pay 10 per cent more than other dealers. EC A: Jasmin, 266 State. L 6 s 6CALLEY BROS, 406 State St buy . and sell second hand furniture. Fur . niture stored. Free delivery. Phone1 1081-8. L 4 s I CARPENTER WORK. J. LEW IT AN, 309 Stratford Ave. can save you' money oh your carpentry work. Glazing my specialty, .- Li IS d f . FOR SALE. PICTURE FRAMES. Liberal dis counts In August It pays to anti cipate your Autumn and holiday needs. ' Watkina' Art Store, 1091 Broad street opposite Post Office, L 14 i ' SECOND HAND FURNITURE. A. ROTHENBERG, 834 Pembroke street New and second hand fur niture bought and sold. Upholster ing neatly done. L 14 s PAPER-HANGING. FOR PAPERING OR PAINTING your house or room consult The ' Empire Painting Co.. 809 Stratford Ave, Paperhanglng my specialty. L 18 d I GARAGES. A. R. DECERBO A SON, City Garage, repairing, storage, general supplies. 133 Houeatonlo avenue. Telephone 2653-12. La 19 s I Personal MADAME BERON, 628 Main St Card reading, business and personal, best In the state. Lll PRIVATE DETECTIVE. Any kind of legitimate detective work skillfully done. Address .box as , city. -X, 2 d p ORDER your screen now, antique fur-' niture renovated, tine, cabinet work. . Carl A. Schmidt 120 Cleveland avenue. - t R 13 agp TYPEWRITING - MULTIGRAPHTNa. GEO. N. SEARS, Stenographer and Notary Public. 108 Meigs Bldg. Phone 922-4. L 7 tf . MULTTGRAPH (Perfect Imitation) Typewritten Letters, mailing and trade lists, addressing and circular izing; quality work and service. Price & Lee Co., (303) 136 Falr ' field avenue. L 29 a CLEANING AND PRESSING. BOSTON CLEANING AND DYEING CO., 187 Fairneld avenue and 59S Main Street will keep your clothe, in good condition. L15u MACHINERY. MACHINE WORK AND JOBBING, welding ana nrazing or cast Iron, brass, bronze, steel and aluminum. . etc. We buy and sell second hand machinery, engines, belting, shaft ery. etc. Waldorf Motor & Machine Co., 185 Cannon St L 19 a RESTAURANTS. ADAMS HOUSE 40-42 Fairfield ave-fiT-v me&ta at sJl tut,,... restaurant prices. Best cooking In city. L15s5 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FOR FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING write or xeiepnone 1045-4. The New York Upholstering Co., 309 Stratford Ave. L 12 d GEORGE P. RAND Formerly the G. P. Rand ft Co. INTERIOR MARBLE AND TILE Estimates tjlieei 1 uny otven Slate, Marble, Bath Room Tiles, Oer- amio 'xue, i-ire naee tue, Fire Place Fixtures The Best of Workmanship 13C0 IKANISTAN AVE. Phone 3413 TYPEWRITERS A NEW OLIVER Typewriter. Latest model. Has never been used. Price $75. Cash only. O 10 g STOVES REPAIRED STOVES REPAIRED, all kinds sup plies, all makes, pipe, grates, bricks, etc Charges reasonable. 1716 Main St Phone 905-4.' i O 8 tf JOB PRINTING. ffTRST CLASS JOB PRINTING of all - styles, done at reasonable prices.' The Comet Press, 284 State street Bridgeport Conn. LIS" SHORE PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 600 building lota over-' ,,1, uiana sonna; water. gas, trolley service; $200 up; thirty ' five waterfront lots, fins beach: sev eral new cottages, modern Improve ments; bargains for quick sales. A. " Nettleton. Milford. Conn. '" L 4 a I HARD WOOD FLOORS. IET ME MAKE AN ESTIMATE OJ """ cleaning and reflnlshins floors. W. J. Soper. 210 KowitH street x. 8 si PLUMBING AND- JOBBING. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR PLUMB- 1V10' n ... . j . "lung, no; water, gas and jobbing. A. J. Dougherty. 139 Kossuth street' L sf " GOLD AND SILVER mGHEST PRICES PAXr FOR OLD , oenuLi ana plater's scrap. E. T. Goldberg. 1136 Mais! street upstairs. L 6 u UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING, Furnitare Rcpalr- u u,u ruinuoea rneei always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H 6 tf EUSTTEJPI:,rEWKI.chir ! litis 825 East Main street Phone Z567-8. T7 a LOCKSMITH AND HARDWARE. KARPTLOW A ZUCKER, Keyflttins and lock repairing, electric bells in stalled and -repaired. 200 Fairfield i Ave. Telephone 4944." - L6dl ' ' ' ' ACTOMOBIIjES. HOW ARE your lamps? Repairing glass, parts, an kin da Auto Larny Shop, 80 John St P 21 tf DOES POUR RADIATOR need repair ing? Why not have it repaired by M. Gibeau, formerly In charge o Mayo's Radiator Repair DepS Bridgeport Radiator Repair Co., 678 Fairfield avenue. L II uj JOHN J. HARDY Doctor of Klroprac tic formerly of 8io Fairflolrt now located at Hom, SlHtll'i Meigs Bldg.; In hi. beaut ul mod ern offices. Private adjusting and Rest Parlor, for Ladies and Gentle men. New 'Phone 626. Consulta tlon. free. L7.ap Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa -rats rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor- ' age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St.. i Cor. Congrets St Tel. 1034-2. Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital,250.O00- surplus and profits, $450,009. Frank Miller, President: David" F. Read. Vice President; Charles E. Hough' Cashfer; - Henry B. Terrill, Aswtl Cashier; Robert A. Beers, Asst Cashier. - THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport corner Main and . Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin. President; H. S. Shelton, Vice President;.- L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C Cumming, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $882,100; Surplus and Profits. Lump, $880,000. Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid car. and Limousine.. Charges reasonable, ; James T. Rourke. 1296 Main street Phone 1661. D 7 d Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates fos ; amateurs, first class work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio .' Park and Fairfield Aves. T2 e STEAMBOATS Bridgeport Line lo New Yorli ' Fare 60 Cents Steamer NAUGATUCK leaves Bridgeport Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union Street dally except Saturday, at 12 night Return ing leaves New York, Pier 2 8, E. R-, daily except Sundays, 11 A.M. Due Bridgeport 8:20 P. M. L. B. NTCKERSON, Agent The New England Steamship Co. MERCHANT'S LIN JLi Dally Except Sunday Leaves ev York. Pier IS, Blver, 8 p. m. Due at Bridgeport. 7 :SO p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Hof Line Dock, 2 a. m. Arrive New York 1 a, Ba. For further Information and i assay mmm imH. .AJit 'ihepaed, Ajret-