Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: NOVEMBER 22, 1913 BANDMASTER CAME, GOT CASfyNOW G0I1E Musician To "Royal Family" Promoted Music Trust. Assistant State's Attorney Galen A. Carter has been asked to look Into the conduct of Giovanni Curtis, said now to be enroute to France. It Is claimed he obtained $3,000 from Ital ians In Bridgeport, Norwalk and. Tor rington for the purpose of organizing Italian bands. In their words, he changed the fa mous saying of his illustrious ancestor Veni. -vidl, vici," (I came, I saw, I Conquered) to "Veni, recepi, ivi," (I came, I got, I went). According to his story he formerly lived in tne Venician town of Verona, was made a Chevalier of the Italian Crown, March 14, 1908, and afterwards, on account of his musical ability, was made Instructor to members of the royal family. Then, last July, bs accepted a position with the Imperial Band of Philadelphia at $50 a week but soon gave it up as he though that there were better opportunities. His mind settled on the organisation of bands, beginning In Conecticut. The plan met with favor and soon he had numerous prominent citizens of his countrymen working in behalf of the cause. Numerous signed cards and bearing a photograph of him clad in band costume were distributed. He is said tohave advanced the argu ment that there would be glory and money - in the various bands, if led and instructed by such an accomplish ed musician as himself. According ' to the story told to the police, there was about $1,300 collect ed from Bridgeport prospective mem ber's. $1,000 in Norwalk and the same amount In Torrington. Maxiy are said to have put all of their spare money Into the venture. Then came the question of uniforms and instruments and it Is said that Giovanni insisted that the best would only be satisfactory. On account of his experience, it was admitted, he was retained to secure them. Since then, they said, they have ' waited and watched but without success. Drems that the bands would be a reality for the holidays faded. Then came the report that he had -called "Wednesday for ' France. The appeal to the authorities quickly followed. AMATEUR FOOTBAIJU We accept the challenge of Austin. Chippies to play x"ost Reserves ' Thanksgiving morning at M. A. C. lot at 10 a. m Captain, Peter Dunn; manager, H. C.' Bunten, 221 Moun tain Grove street. . . f. CRAZY MAN" ARRESTED. An unidentified crazy man was ar rested by Officer J. Keeley at the cor ner of Main street and Fairfield ave nue shortly before 2 o'clock this after- BOOn-- - - - sflaaHPt BENEFIT Win ST AND PINOCHLE, Tuesday evening, - 62 Cannon St. Whist Wednesday afternoon. Score cards 16 cents, Mrs. Ward. H 2! b ' p-- - FRESH FLO WEBS FOR THANKSGIVING- JOHN RECK & SON HARVARD" CHRYSANTHEMUMS "YALE" VIOLETS JAMES HORAN & SON. Florists. v MARRIED. FINCH-BONNER In Norwalk, Nov. 15, James I. Finch of .Waterbury and- Miss LillianM. Bonner. KEARXET - HENNEBERGEB In Stamford, "Siov. 19, Frank P. Kear ney and Miss Frances Henneberger, SrKAl-WEIB In Port Chester,. Nov. 18, John V. McKay and Miss Anna C. Weir. . YOST-STARK I N'S In Greenwich.Nov. i7, Claude Yost and Miss Jane Stark ins. DIED. RETLXiY There will be a month's mind mass at St. Mary's church, -Monday morning, Nov. 24th, 1913, at 7:30 for the repose, of the soul of the late Catherine Reilly. a' p HcGIRR In this city, Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 1913. Henry McG-irr, aged 74 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his nephew, John McGirr, 1327 State street on Monday, Nov. 24th, at 7:45 a. m. and from-Saint ' Peter's church at 8 o'clock. Interment at New Calvary cemetery, Boston. Boston papers pleaee copy. ' a BEIUX'K In - Banbury, Nov. 13, Martha Ann. widow of William B. Selleck, aged 91 years. GEROW In New Fairfield, Nov. 11, Phoebe H. Gerow, aged 78 years. ELAUSON In Dan bury, Nov. 17, Jas. , H. Slauson, aged 72 year.B FOLEY At Stamford, Nov. 17, Mar garet Foley. MOHAN At Glenbrook, Nov. 18, Sar ah P., widow of Andrew J. Moran. COJfWAT In Norwalk, Nov. 17. Mrs. William If. Conway, aged 49 years. WELCH In Torrington, Nov. 7, Mrs. James Welch, aged 5 4 years. BMTTH In No. Wilton, Nov. 15, Mrs. Truman Smith, aged 46 years. Boston Ferns AT HAWKINS, Stratfield Bldg S2T Monuments ARTISTIC LASTING Flams pwftcil by pnsomatle cutting aad DOllshlaar tool HUGHES & CHAPMAN IN BTRAtFOBD AVENUK 1 tf ACCIDENT AT COS COB DELAYS FOOTBALL TRAIN Owing to an accident at the power house of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad company at Cos Cob shortly after 8:30 o'clock this morning, traffic was tied up for some time. All trains running into this city from New York and Harlem River were from 13 to 37 minutes late. The fault was located shortly before noon and repaired while engines from the roundhouse at Stamford were used to pull the trainsf rom Harlem River to Stamford. The tielng up of the road at this time caused twos peeial trains of the Harvard club, who were on their way to the Yale-Harvard game at Cambridge, to be delayed 35 min utes. iStamford, Nov. 22 Train traffic on the edlectrified zone of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad be tween Stamford- and Wood lawn was temporarily suspended from 8:54 to 8:4 2th la morning and all trains in the zone were detained until they could be drawn off by. locomotives. ' The cause of (suspension was lack of current from the Cos Cob power hounse, but the pri mary cause had not been determined up till noon. ' It is believed, however, that there was a generator trouble In the . power house. About. 10 o'clock some current was available and from that time trains in this zone moved, but as the current was husbanded the usual speed was not maintained by the trains. The Stamford, division of the Connecticut company was also out of business for a time. , The stalled trains bore hundreds of prospective spectators at the Tale- Harvard . game at Cambridge. Many of the ticket holders will be late at the game. The railroad company sent lo comotives into the zone and with these drew out the expresses so that delaya did not exceed an hour. : General Manager SBardo was rushed on a special train from New Haven. It Is expected that traffic would be nop. mal during the afternoon. (Passenger, traffic is reported as exceedingly heavy. DELANEY ILL; MERRITT ACTS On account of the absence of Prose cuting Attorney Alexander - L. De Laney and Assistant Prosecuting At torney John P, Gray, Liquor Prose cutor Albert J. Merritt acted as pros ecuting attorney in city court ' this morning. BOY TARGET MENDED Sylvester Gueera of' 334 Benham avenue, seven years old, called at the emergency hospital last night Buffer ing from a lacerated scalp, resulting, when another boy made him a target for a . stone. One stitch was -taken. O'SULLIVAN HOPES TO SUCCEED JUDGE THOMAS Derby, Conn., Nov. 22 Patrick B. O'Sullivan, corporation counsel today announced his candidacy for secre tary and treasurer of the Democratic state central committee upon accept ance of the resignation of Mr. Thom as. Proprietor Shea Returns John A. Shea, proprietor of Shea's hotel and Charles Mclean, proprietor of the Seaside hotel have just return ed from an automobile trip through the . Naugatuck valley "during which they visited Waterbury and saw the Packey McFarland and Kid Alberts boxing match. . '.- ' - DR. CLARK DEAD Winsted. Conn.. Nov. - fi2 .Wot- came here today of the death in Bos ton of Dr. John E. Clarke, a member of the faculty of Boston University ana nrst principal of the Gilbert school here. '-, At the latter institution he was the head for 13 years from 1895. . .;. '. . HONEST JACK TAR WALKS TILL EXHAUSTED Exhausted - in . an attempt to walk from New York to his home in Paw tucket, R. I., so as to i be in time for Thanksgiving, John Smith, 20 - years old and able seaman, applied . for as sistance . at the Bridgeport Christian Union, yesterday. He explained to Superintendent C. W. Simpson that he would not try and "beat his way." Accustomed to sailing on the largest of the Atlantic liners, he 'found trav elling on foot somewhat strange and wearisome. The fascinations, of New York extracted even his railroad 'fare money, before he . got started. - - . OBITUARY Funeral services for John Thornton were held this morning from the fu neral parols of Cullinan & Mullins at 8:30 and o'clock from St. Augustine's church where Rev. Fr. Kennedy per formed a requiem high mass. A dele gation of Grand Army members at tended. Interment was in St. 'Michael's cemetery. After a lingering illness, August Eb erlein, one of the oldest and most re spected Germans of this city, died yes terday afternoon at his residence, 200 Holly street, aged 1. Born in Stein bach, Germany, the deceased early came to this country where he readily made friends and had a large circle of acquaintances upon his demise. Be sides a widow he leaves to mourn his loss three daughters, Hattie, wife of Pelice Sergeant Edward Wagner; Rose, wife of Henry Fohriioltz; Harm a, wife of William T rinks, and one son, ; Ed ward, of this city. There are also two grandchildren. Interment of the body of John Con- ley, who died in the Bridgeport hos pital, Thursday last, was made yester day at the town farm, after being pre pared for burial by Undertakers Wal ker & Banks. Henry McGirr, 74 years old, a resi dent of this city for the past year, died at the home of his nephew Ser geant John McGirr, 1327 State street this morning after a short illness. Deceased was well known In Boston where he resided up to, the time he made his home with his nephew. He leaves to mourn his loss, one niece. Mrs. Dan Walker and one nephew. Sergeant. John McGirr. . ' i ' Farmer Want Ads.- One Cent a Word. MEASLES MAKE MANY . MOTHERS MOURN Over 11,000 Deaths From It in 100 Disease Should Not Be Fought, As Formerly. Washington, Nov. 23 In the older days nearly every mother thought It her duty to see that her youngsters "caught" the measles and got over It as a sort of "Immunization." Measles infection was often actually sought, bo that mothers coudd know that their children were "getting" it, could take care of the sufferers, and, when the child was cured, the pa rents could feel that the youngster was immune from further attacks. Modem science has poinited -out the grave danger of such a practice. Ma lignant measles annually takes fear ful toll of children's lives. Every pre caution should be exercised to prevent infection. The following article tell ing of the dangers of iraaliigiroant measles was specially prepared toy the assistant surgeon general of the U. S. Public Health Service: v (By Dr. W. O. Rucker.) . ' ' Little Johnnie has the measles, what a cough and reddened nose ! . . He la cross and. mean and peevish and he's redder than a -rose. Cooped' up in the sunless parlor, little Johnmie w-Mnes about. Everyone of you will catch, it, tf you don't we.tch out ! ! ! Little Mary's mother thought it wise to .have the measles o'er, so she took her little daughter in to play witft John next door. Two weeks lat er, Mary sickened and her little life went ouit. Everyone of you will catch it, if you don't wiatcti. oat ! ! ! Over eleven thousand American ' chil dren died of meiasles in the: year 1910. This did not include a large number who died of broncho-pneumonia, a great number of cases of which, in children, are caused by measles. Sixty-eight and two-tenthi3 per cent, of all deaths from broncho-pneumonia occur to. children ' iMwSer fiv! years of age, a time of life -when measles is most apt to occur. But the story of the ravages of this disease is not complete without the mention of the large numlber of cases of tuberculosis which follow an atack of it. Less fre quently inflammation of the ear or the eye may toe left behind as a mark of visitation of this common disease. Krom a publla health standpoint, then, measles is a disease of prims tmiportaaxce. MiaU-gnant measles make many mothers mourn. Johnnie1 was invited, to a birthday party one Saturday afternoon, and he had a fine time playing ''post-office' Bind similar games. He did not no tice that two of the little girls with whom he had played had reddened eyes, a cough, and a "runny" nose. Even- if too had: seen it toe would not have known that they were in the be ginning stages of measles. One af ternoon two weeks later, around about recess time, Johnnie noticed that his head did not feel right and he lost interest in the "Nick Carter" which he was reading between the pages of his geography. When little Johnnie gets the mea sles, his mother is not long In finding It out. . In the first place, she -knows It is in tine neighborhood, and sec-, ondly she realizes that when Johnnie comes home from school, ' and Instead of eating his supper, hudd-les- up close to the base burner in the sitting room and has chill, that Johnnie is prob ably beginning to have the measles. That night Johnnie's little cheeks and head are hot and dry. .He Is thirsty. His face is red. .. There is a slight swelling about bis eyes and nose. The whites of the eye-balls show little red lines upon them, and poor Johnnie looks as though he was going to cry. He sneezes a. good deal, and has a tfiarp dry cough. , The next morning Johnnie's mother gets him in front of the window, put up the curtain, and bids him to 'open hds mouth, while she holds the han dle of a silver teaspoon on his tongue, and with Johnnie gagging and strug gling, proceeds to make an examina tion of his throat. All the back of his throat and hard palate are a dull angry red. Perhaps there are a few little red spots on the 'hard, palate and If Johnnie's mother " had looked close at the lining membrane of the cheeks, she would have1 seen some small white-tipped reddish spots. These are called "Koplik's" spots, and. When seen are sure signs of measles. Johnnie stays home from school that day, and. that night' his fever is high er than it was the night before. He rolls and tosses about tine bed. and wakes up his mother a good imany times to ask lor a annic or water, inis sort of thing continues for three or four days, then one morning when Johnnie's mother Is showing him how to wash back: of his ears, she sees some little dusky red spots along the hatr line. They look a good. deal like flea bites. WitlfLn. twenty-four hours that rash is spread all over his body, arid little Johnnie looks very much bespeckled and swollen. In from five to seven days, the rash begins to fade and within three or four days, is en tirely gone away, leaving behind it' a faint, mottling of the skin. Then Johnnie begins to scale. There is a peeling off of the outer layers of the skin in little bran like pieces. This proceeds, desquamation, as - it is call ed, lasts about a week or ten days. In the meantime the fever has gone away, as soon as Johnnie has com pletely finished scaling, he Is permit ted to go out and play with the other boys, and before long is back at his desk in school. Johnnie had a mild Little Mary lived right --next door to Johnnie: She was a pretty little girl, but not -very robust. Her mother considered r measles as Inevitable as Teeming. ne xnougnc t.l wwuu xjb - a goo time to. let Mary have , the mea sles aad get ail over . It before the "bridge season" began, so she took Mary over to play with Johnnie Just as soon as she heard ' that he had tihie measles. - This was 'not very long af ter Johnnie was .-first taken sick, be cause the ..electric telegraph . is a tor-f toise compared with . the way that news" travels in a small community. Just two weeks tenter Mary was taken ill. Her case was not like Johnnie's. Instead of moping around somewhat out of sorts, little lary had a con vulsion, her fever was very high, and the eruption when it came out, instead- of being a good healthy look ing red, was a bluish, black discolor ation v which looked like a recent bruise. " She had' such a hard time breathing that she had to be propped up- in the bed, and very time she coughed she cried out with the pain that racked her poor little chest. Little Mary's blue eyes were no longer bright, and one morning all the pain and suffer ing went away only, Mary never awoke. Mary had a severe case of xneaslea. The two cases which have just been recited are in no way exaggerated. lUnfortuinately they are far too com mon occurrences. Johnnie received the infection direct from the little girls in the harmless games at the party. Mary came to play with John nie at a time when, according to the researches of Anderson and Goldber ger in the Hygeimic Laboratory of the United States Public Health Ser vice at Washington, D. C, the infect ing virus is most active. Their work seems to demonstrate that the infec tion does not persist after the fever has gone away. Johnnie's mother was more fortunate than Mary's. Her child was spared to her. Malignant measles make many mothers mourn. This is one of the oldest aliments with whioht man has been afflicted. In fact -the word "measles" traces its COMMANDERS OF CARRANZA'S ARMY, YAQUI INDIAN ALLIES v . AND PIECE OF HUERTA'S ARTILLERY dit .fit tt r;Jf. tf, I "' 7 lit IK YAQUI IMP1AH LEA PEPS -trr-wgT 'J mSTn 'vgr- ? fit r, Ap283" Cullacan, Mexico, Nov. 22 The re bel troops, which have won control of much of the west'coast of Mexico, are recrultin"g actively, and a: large -army will, it 13. said, move on General Obregoh and his chief aid. General Itrube, are in charge of the rebel army which was formed by Gen eral Carranza' and - is his largest de tachment. Carranza's men control the genealogy back through the German measles and "masem ' to the San skrit "mamira," a word meaning "spots." The writings of the ancient Arabian physicians are replete with mention of this disease. The Romans, woo evidently regard It no more- seri ously than we do, called It Vmorbille," which. means "little sickness.'? Time and again - measles was widely dif fused on - Asiatic and European soil, and . shortly after the colonization of America . it appeared In our colonies. liany egee "the quaint records .sf US visitaitions, not the least interesting of which is a letter which appeared in the Boston Evening Post, November 12, 1759, entitled, "A Letter about Good Management Under tne Dlstem per of Measles at this time Spreading in the Country, Here putollsoed loa the Benefit and the Poor and such as rraav want help of Able Physicians. It is signed "Tour Hearty Friend and Servant," and the autttoramp is at tributed to Cotton -Mather, it is stat ed that this letter is a reprint of one which Dr. Mather wrote prior so his deatfc in 1728. : At present' the .disease is distributed over the entire habitable globe, from Iceland on the north. bo Terre del Fuego on the south. It occurs most often and more severely m the colder months, probably because at such : times people are more closely crowded together under more unsanitary con ditions. When mtrod'uced into a peo ple who have never suffered from it before, its ra veneres are frightful, as In the case of the inhabitants -of certain of the Fiji Islamdis, who upon being exposed to the infection tell m ana died by thousands, so hat it is esti mated that 20.000 deaths occurred in four -months. The epidemic ceased only when every person on the lslanos had been infected. 9 During ihe year- lfliO, the death rates from this disease in the states of Rhode Island and -North Carolina were 32.6 and 07.1 per cent, per 100,000. In the same year the death rate per 100,000 from measles in Pittsburgh, Pa,, was 33.1; Providence, R. I., S1.9; Kansas City, Mo, 28.4; Lowell, Mass., 28.1; Albany, N. 23.9; Columbus, Ohio, 23.6; Buffalo, N". Y., 22.1; and Richmond, Ta., 21.1. The death rate among those at tacked varies from 5 to 35 per cent. If it is estimated that the death rate is 10 per cent and the number of deaths from it In the United States during the year 1910 was 11,000, then it would follow that daring the year" at least 110,000 children suffered from the disease. - When it is considered that perhaps 30 per cent, of these chil dren were of school age, andi that-the disease occurs most often during the months of school attendance, " then it will b seen that 83,000 children were kept from school from six weeks to two months on' account of the measles. Leaving out of consideration the death and suffering which, was produced in this way, 'tails is a . serious . economic lOSS.' - - . . -r . Measles is a frequent accompani ment of war, or any other occasion. which, brings large numbers or per sons together under - unhygienic ooor ditions. In 186b there were 38,000 oases with 1,900 deaths from measles In the Confederate army. It is reported that during 'the Brazil-Paraguayan war an epidemic of measles swept off nearly a fifth of the Paraguayan army., in three -months. It is thus seen' that measles is many times a very severe disease, one which cannot be dealt with lightly, one to which ,we should not expose our chil dren. A child with measles should toe put to bed and! kept there as long as it has any fever or cough. The room should toe airy, but it should be darkened, because children with mea sles are very sensitive to light. The bed clothes should toe light . because the child is apt to get too warm, kick off the covers and suffer from the cold. A chilling in this way may pre dispose to pneumonia. Food should be light and should consist chiefly of nu tritious broths, pasteurized milk, soft boiled eggs and the like. Ice-lemonade will 'bring comfort to the inflamed throat. The child's eyes should be kept clean, and should the fever get high, the comfort of . the little suf ferer may be increased by sponging with tepid water and alcohol. Some times it is necessary to put an ice bag to the head, but if the child is sick enough to require this, skilled- assist ance should be summoned. Wiien the fever and cough have gone, the child may be allowed to be up and about the room, but for a time should not indulge In violent ex ercise, because there is often some weakening of the heart muscles by the disease. The aim is to allow the heart muscle to regain its normal con dition before putting to much of a whole state of Cinaloa. They bays secured a large troop of Taqui In dians, who are celebrated fighters and horsemen. These aborigines have been of great service against the fed erals, most of them being mounted men. In the accompanying picture Generals Ob-re go n and Itrube are shown sitting, with the three leaders of the Taqui Indian division standing behind them, , strain upon it. The diet should! be In creased when the fever is gone away, and should include good, plain, strong foods. If there is a tendency to re gain weight and strength slowlyv the child may be given an incrdafed amount of pasteurized 'cream or good butter. If the child prefers cod liver oil this may toe substituted. The Important point about the pre vention of the disease is the fact that, Judging from, the experiments of An derson ' and . Goldtoerger above referred to, measles Is not transmitted after the fever- has gone down. . Experi menting with- monkeys, they - found that they were unatoie to transmit measles from monkey to monkey af ter the stage of fever had ceased. It used to toe thought that the germs of measles were In the scales of skin which were shed at the close of the disease. It is thought by some that there might be -ohronio carriers of mea sles, tout this is not at all proven. It ia also believed that a discharging ear following measles may be the means of continuing the transmission of the disease. This is not proven. - There are on record large numbers of in stances whloh seem to point to the fact that under . certain conditions a third person may carry the infection from the sick to the well. Transmis sion of measles to human beings by the lower animals is still unproven. " It is not known what the cause of measles is. A great many scientists have described germs which, they be lieved to toe the casual agents, but up to date these have not been posi tively proven as the cause of mea sles. We do, however, know 'that the infection of measles"' Is found in the secretions from the nose and. throat during the first stages of the disease, therefore, person's suffering with mea sles should not be allowed to come In contact with well persons until the period of fever is well passed. Since the disease is known to be spread . by the i sputum, the prime measure in the prevention of this dls- I ease is to prevent the sputum- of the sick toeing taken into the system on well persons. Children with" measles should bo provided with a quantity of sort paper na-pmns, anq as soon as the napkins become soiled they should be burned. Children should be . taught tbcut they must always hold a hand kerchief in front of the mouth while coughing. This Is a measure which tends- to control the spread: of a good many diseases besides measles, be cause during coughing, and sneesinar. sputum may be thrown several feet. Everything which tne come in contact with measles patients should be ster ilized before It is allowed to come In conact with other people or other things Which may be handled or used by other people. Bedclothes, napkins, table linen, toweds and the like may be sterilized by boiling. When it is known that measles exist In a community, no shild having a toad cough should- be allowed to come in contact with other children dinning the nrst three or aays or tne cough. It Is little less than criminal to -per mit children known to have measles to come in contact with well children. In this connection it may be remarked that while It Is generally considered that one attack of measles confers Im munity, there are many oases on rec ord of second and third attacks. It is true that the second attacks are generally very trvildj, tout too great re liance should not be placed on this immunity. Children should be discour aged as far as possible from playing games which will permit of an in terchange of nasal or mouth secre tions. It is the duty of every parent having measles In the home to see to it that it is reported to the public health authoritien. It Is equally the duty of parents to see to it that their children do not come in contact with spread of this disease. Y oii can't kill a child any deader with smailpox than you can with measles. Is is the duty of private citizens and municipalities to take every known measure for the prevention- of the well children during the time when the infection may be , transmitted. Measles kills more people in the Unit ed -States every, year than smallpox. Malignant -measles make many mothers mourn. Close The short Interest built up recently gave stability to the market and prices stiffened after an early de cline. , The effect of this Improve ment, however, was nullified by late selling of Union Pacific and Read ing. Bonds were easy. Girl Wanted? Read tne Farmer Want Ada, HOWLAND'S entrances tn Main Street, lYUrlMd A venae. Cannon Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Saturday, Not. 22, 191S. Coats to order, making-charge $ 5. Prom any of the handsome fabrics for coats, we havei arranged to have coats made to measure by expert tailors r at a charge for this service of but $5. There is a delightful collection , of appropriate andh newer-style and warm fabrics all ready. From it,one may"5 choose any liked sort, purchase the required linings, and; f coat will be made without additional charge except thef one of five dollars. This sum, added to regular price of coating and of; . lining, covers entire cost of coat. .There is no charge J6r' findings. We count this an opportunity of special interest to,'r, the woman who wishes a coat that is "different," to the - ? woman who is "hard , to fit." Here are, the fabrics to be chosen from: Chinchilla in light and dark gray, in rich black, deep brown and blue and such brilliant, shades as pink, light! , blue, cardinal,mahogany and Kelly green, $2.50 to $3 yd.-'. ' Zibeline of plain weave or in attractive striped effect navy black brown and Copenhagen, $2 and $2.50 yd. : , Boucle of excellent effect and delightfully stylbli, navy brown and black, $1.50 to $2.50 yd. . Black astrakhan that is marked by much luster, $3 and $3.75 yd. Persian lamb that is wonderfully like the genuine, deep and rich black, $5 $6 and to. $14 yd. -Dogskin in black and in taupe, attractive and hand some, $2 to $3.50 yd. 1 Moleskin, very soft and fine of quality and wonder fully rich of effect, plain or fancy, $7 yd Seal .plush, delightfully-deep of pile and beautiful of: color, and effect, $3 to $5 yd. , - . Melton for " coats designed especially for service, sturdy and warm and makes up very effectivelv, $2 and $2.50 yd. . Right aisle, .rear. .... THE MOWLAM D THE BRIDGEPORT TRUST COMPANY Receives ' fonda as ayent, makes invest ments and re-investments if requested or auth orized, pays tne Income at stated intervals, and when desired by the owner, turns over to him the fund as It then stands. TWO PER CENT. PAID ON DAILY OF $5 0 0 AMERICAN WHO FIGURES L EFFORT TO SAVE MEXICAN OIL PROPERTIES -3 mmm v. Washington, Nov. 22 The British oil Interests are' vitally concerned in the Mexican situation, and Lord Cow dray, the London millionaire and oil magnate, has solicited the aid of both the English and the American govern ments in protecting his property in Mexico and the lives of his employes. The British oil Interests in Mexico un der the control of Lord Cowdray are centered at Tampico under the name of the Compania Mexico de Petrolea of Asuila. better known as the Mexi J The Weather Unsettled; probablr rain. DRY GOODS CO. INTEREST BALANCES AND OVER can Eagle Oil company, which alam : has refineries at Tuxpan. The leader , of the revolutionists marching on Tuxpan , has stated, according to re ports here, that he would "run out every gallon of British owned oil tank, j ed In Tuxpan" and set Are .to it. Whli these' interests are British owned, most of the employes of the company at Tampico and Tuxpan, it I said here, are Americans. Dr. Charles Willard Hayes, well known In Wash ington by reason of his twenty-four years service with the United 8tt geological survey, is first vice prowl - . dent and general manager of the . Auglla company at Tampico. Ir. Hayes was chief geologist of th United States geological survey on Oct. , 18, 1911, when he resigned his poit under the government to become th general manager in charge of the Cowdray oil interests, with headquax- -ters at Tampico. KIELY FAMILY REUNION A reunion of the Klely family and a party for their guests took p"lace last evening at the home of Mrs. M. O'Neill, . 107 Linen avenue. The party was In honor of John Kiely, brother of Mrs. O'Neill, who had not seen each other for 23 years -before. Songs and dancing were enjoyed by those present, ran cher's siring orchestra fusnlshed ran- "' sic. Messrs. Ryan and Maher playel the bagpipes. The Remick quartet": sang. At a late hour a supper mam , served. Among those present were:,- Maurice, and William Kiely, Thomas Buckiey, John Fordeli, Roy Williams, Harry Rhino, John O'Neill, Maurice 0'Nei:i, Mrs. Mary Kiely, John Kiely, Mr. ar.d Mrs. M. Kiely and family, Mr. and. Mrs. R, Kiely and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kiely and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Neill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. J. Plun kett, W. Coe, C. Francher, W. Hav land, J. Spain, W. Duff, C. McLaughlin. George Simons, Catherine Linane, May -Leahy, May Linane, Catherine How-, ard. Rose, May, Loretta and Llil Kiely ; and Mary O'Neill. J -( I f .'.I T1 1