II CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS is words i5c 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell --- Furnished Rooms to Rent - Business Men's Exchange FOR SALE HELP WANTED SITUATIONS For Sale' Ad'Wtoi.iiiiumB In The bring ready at -the in. Sake low chat ePHted plsoard aatt HlMy men and women 11 at The farmer and look If you are oat of work, Xbe Farmer Wants Ads ought to be of material assistance to yon. Read (item over Try. me, joa -m-Tt. or roomer in tb the Mete WIWMl Afli. U you neea mm THE FARMER: NOVEMBER 24, 1913 1 1 ...... 1 ....... JT xo let ; ecuee a tcimt J ' f a SWkmt cilni. I C ver i carefully each day. mediate results. A V verdae. J r ) Today's Wants "Wants Ada -will be, received for thl3 page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those-sent in at a-later hour up .to 230 rill uppeaT'oatha second or tttoi lagO' tJtiia pa,pertmdeT-tlie- heading, ''Latest Wants.' ' Z ii Caw, 'STATE FARMERS FEAR NEW LIABILITY LAW Putnam, Conn,, Not. 24 Not only t-the thousands of Connecticut farmers that hire help, but horsemen as -well, Ihava -enddenly - been- brought faoe to if ace with the fact that the new Em ployers Inability act as teeth, and very sharp , ones. Every farm hand injured in any way ican hold the farmer responsible and the work girl, the farmer's wife, for 310,000, unless a contract is entered into before the employe goes to work. In the latter case the farmer is freed from the new law's requirements. Granges and other farm orders are f aking- tip the matter and every town I clerk In Connecticut-will be applied 'with legally drawn trp contracts that jwill free the farmer from the teeth tot the law. Labor unions may combat this move 1 On the ground that loopholes will be I arranged to free mill operators also. I FOB CHILDREir THERE 18 ( NOTHING BETTER A cough medicine for children j mast help their coughs and colds ! without bad effects on their little i stomachs and bowels. Foley's Horfey and Tar exactly fills this need. No I opiates, no sour stomach, no consti I patlon follows its use. Stxrffy colds, iwheesy breathing, coughs and croup I are all quickly -helped. Hindle's drug ! store. Adv. (MONTANA BISHOP t AT CHRIST CHURCH ; Bishop Brewer of Montana, who originated the apportionment assess ment plan of the Episcopal church, preached before a large congregation at Christ church last evening discuss-, Ing the finances of the church and dwelling particularly on the need for 'funds for the furtherance of foreign Ynlaslonary work. NOTHNA3LES BTNAL SALE. ' Nothnagles final cut In prices end-' 9ng their great removal sale begins today and will last only for a few, 3aya. It Is your last opportunity to tony part of one of the most mag nificent stocks of home furnishings rer shown in this city at prices be fore unheard of on quality goods.. This entire beautiful new stock was pur--chased to rell in their new store but must be sold at the old place quickly on account of the delay in getting the :ew store ready. No matter what it la you need, you will find the same' low scale of prices inf every depart ment of thl big store. Nothing is to be moved that can be sold quick and cheap. It surpasses all January and August sales and comes right in the heart of the season. It is a very Tin usual chance for Thanksgiving and Christmas shoppers. Purchases will be reserved In their big storehouse for later delivery if necessary. ' Read particulars of the detailed reductions in advertisement on last page- - ' pain ix rack and rheumatism Torment thousands of people daily. Don't, be one of these sufferers when for so little cost you can get well rid of the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin their good work from the very first dose. They exert so direct an action on the kidneys and bladder that the pain and torment of back ache, rheumatism and kidney trouble is soon dispelled. Hindle's drug store. , Adv. 5 ROOMS with gas $12. 122 Arch St. H 24 s p FDBNTTTBB UPHOLSTERING FOR FUCMTL'KB UPHOL6TEREVG write or telephone 1046-4. The New 'York Upholstering Co., 809 ; Stratford Ave. L 13 d J SEDEWALH3 .'.'-'Band and Graves THE BURNS CO. ' . FAIRFIELD AVKNUs? E2.0KEN STONE, aU sissa HOOFING 14 el!" PRIVATE GREET ING CARDS FOR YOUR INSPECTION FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S AT : SOUTBWORTH'S 10 ARCADE. Hawley, VVilraot & Reynolds Undertakers and Embalmers No. 18 State St., Bridgeport, Ot. All calls, day. or night, answer ed from office. George B. Haw ley, lis Washington Terrace; Edward H. WUmot, 865 Clinton A.j John B. Reynolds, 49 Pacific St. M. J. GANNON FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER lOSf Broad St. near John 'Phone B408 Residence, Park Ave. Phone 12S 9 Wm. Ideberum , & Son Embalmers and Undertakers Office and? Residence 631 MAIN STREET Telephone Connection John F. Gallagher Undertakers and Bmbabnera Margaret L. Gallagher The Only Graduate and Licensed Woman in the City RT1 EAIRFIELD AV. Tel. 1S90 BOUBKE & BOURKE Undertakers and Embalmers IMS MAIN STREET. Tel. 1SS1 Calls Answered Day or Iftght For the women who must economize the tlnree-piece suit is best. It is suitable for indoors, dressy affairs and for street wear, , , SAFES New and second handt Prices right. Save agents expenses, buy direct from Walter E. Marsh, dealer 1S3 Fairfield avenue, Bridgeport, Ct O 15 tf BENEFIT WHIST AND PINOCHLE, Tuesday evening, 62 Cannon St. Whist Wednesday afternoon. Score cards 15 cents, Mrs. Ward. H 28 b P EXCHANGE 900 Lots a boom Southern Texas Coast Town. Guar anteed profit on every lot, and ex change for other clear property. J. B. Cramer, Wichita Kansas. . H 21 b ' p FARM WANTED, also house on Main - St., Bridgeport, Conn., to trade for a house in New Tork. Also large traots of land and road houses. Brlonne, 23 Duane St., New Xork. H 22 s p SPECIAL OFFER BOO latest Improv ed embossed portraits $2 each to the first Farmer Readers presenting their small picture for copying. Ste vensons Studio, 704 Main St., Bridgeport. H 6 b 8 p WANTED. Those 178 3 who voted the Socialist ticket to Join the Socialist Party. Regular meetings held ev ery Saturday evening. For infor mation apply to any ; member or Louis A. Harvey, Box 779, City. H W t' YOO CANT BEAT Casca-Caxine a lta far eonatiy ation. Try them. o a Garage. rnwne - jT night. aium . -. , n (1 n t Yj w NEW YORK BOLOGNA and ' frank furters, home made meat loaf, fresh dally. Peter Hron, 1218 Stratford Ave. U28tf 3Bo GUINEA HENS, DUCKS, roasting chickens, broilers, fowl, liver pud ding bologna. We have sausage meat every day. Bommoa & Biltz. G 16 1 3 6 o AT BOMM09 & BILTZ MARKW tn State street will be found best line of meats. 1 18 tf o OTHOLSTERTNCr, Furniture Repair ad and rennish.' T PTicea always reaaonable at Stram's Furniture ' Store, State, near Clinton. HS tfe STORAGE Unexcelled facilities for the stor ing of furniture, all kinds of merchan- ji 1 A hl-n AV-tr TAr?A rOORlS. small rooms, rooms lined with tar pa per. .Especially arranseu rwmn pianos and silver, csmaii epaw larger spaces. Fur further informa- - M . - r n j -1 r tion call on u. iticnara, o noivai j avenue. , ' f H 8 tf Help Wanted WANTED A " Stock salesman for a Connecticut corporation jocaieu ta New Haven, where the directors have decided to sell $26,000 of pre ferred stock and whose ability as such can get him a steady position with bright future. Call or address Room 604 Cutler Bldg., 118 Church St. New Haven, Conn. . ; G 18 tf WANTED. For TJ. 8. Army; Able bodied unmarried men' between ' ages of 18 and 86; citizens of United States, of good character and tem 'perate habits, who can speak.' read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 68 Cannon St.. Bridgeport Conn. I -To Best - itetssfeiSfJ TO RENT Desirable flat, 6 rooms. all Improvements. Call 116 Sher wood avenue. H 20 sp TO? RENT Elegant apartment of seven rooms, 679 Maplewood. first house from Clinton avenue; Inquire Mrs. P.'F. West 647 Clinton avenue. Phone 8810-4. L 7 a I TO RENT Nicely furnished rooms. In strictly respectable family. ' 62 Fairfield Ave. Phone 868-8. TJ 14 tfc FOR RENT Rooms for manufacture Ing or storage. GledhUl 4k Co.. 411 Water St R8 tf FURJVTSHKD ROOM TO RENT, well appointed. electric lights, steam heat. lt water, private, bath, pri vate phbn" if "desired"- In' - select neighborhood. Clinton Ave., near Maplewood Ave. with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 460. . U26 tf Situations Wanted MAN WANTS POSITION as Janitor or work around private place. . Ex perienced, 9 years at -one place. In quire Thos. Sweeny, Care Boyle Pharmacy, Fairfield, H 21 u POSITION WANTED By man cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C L., care of Farmer Pub Co. T17 tf WASTED Sewing machine repair ing. Call or phone 2667-5, 824 S. Main St Kruchkow Bros. L 8 d I Woman Is interested and soottld koov about the wonderful Marvel uoucne Ask your orngrslst t or it. If be oannot sup ply the MARVEL.. accept no other, but send stamp for book. Marvel Co., 44 E. 23d St.. H.T. For sale by Ailing Rubber Co., 1127 Main Street Mail orders solicited. Every For Sal FOR SALE? Colonization proposition. New Mexico, near railroad, contain ing 9Q.000 acres. Smooth prarle land. Will sell 10,000 acre tracts. J. B. Cramer, Wichita, Kansas. H 22 b P REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Rox bury Center. Conn. Two "tory. house, 12 rooms, barn. 6 acres ime land, all in good condition. Re"fn- i able prices. Terms. Write airs. j. ; Thomas, 469 Washington Ave., West Haven, Conn. H 18 t FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 1.000 folding chairs. 100 whist tables. Geo. F. Stillman, 136 Pembroke St. or 180 Kossuth St 1 18 JT FOR SALE. Peerless electric piano, f first class condition, also' 20 rolls music Sold reasonable if sold at once. Call Can's Grill. Cannon street. 1 1 t p FOR SALE. Desirable residence, aU improvements. Price reasonable. Location No. 1 120 Elmwood Place. - West End. Convenient to FairneM " avenue trolley. E. F. Hotchkiss, 628 , Clinton Ave. Tel. X 13 tf FOR SALE. Commercial vehicles of ail descriptions. New and second - hand. John L. Carpenter, Harri son Court . Phone 1888. I 1 el FOR SALE. Small Sheland pony, . four years old, with new cart and harness; perfectly safe for children, i Price 81- Grge B. Clark Mjl-. tord. L1,t FOR SALE Single house. No. 126 Elmwood Place, modern Improve i ments; splendid condition; price rea - sonable; easy terms; fine location, near Clinton and Fairfield Avenues ' and convenient to trolley line. In , quire E. S. Hotchkiss, 628 Clinton Ave. Telephone. 3-2.0 tf FOR fiATilg. One 8 room cottage on " water front, all modern improve ' 'ments; also 6 room cottage, all mod ern improvements,10 per cent, down and balance monthly. - E. L. Nettle ; ton. Mllford. L n FOR SALE. SB water front. lots, fine bathing beach, overlooking Long Island Sound, on trolley line. Prices reasonable. - E. L. Nettteton. .Mil ford. 1.8 al BARGAINS in shoes, must make room , for fall stock. WiU sacrifice all stock 1-8 price. Palakewich, 668 & Main. L 8 WHY PAT RENT We build houses anywhere. Small deposit, Balance navaBle monthly: also houses now ready for ofecupancy. The Home Construction Co. (Incorporated), 1116 Main St, Security Building, Bridgeport Ct I d FOR SALES Building lots corner Con necticut and Carroll Avea., Holland a -a -HnWiutBr Heiahts. Wm. Broch. 347 Fairfield Ave. S 20 tf im3TWT H.TVER FARM 176 acres. 100 rich bottom, 6 room house, good barn, 1 mile of electric line, miies 7 of Richmond. Only. 87,600; terms. Send for free list 700 Farm Bar gains. Casselman A Company, Rich, mond, Virginia. , , B 8 aSp FOR SALE. ColHe puppies, hounds and watch ' dogs. , Hair Boarding Kennels, Undley and Hunting streets. Phone 3l61. LlaS t ' FOR SALE. ' . , Fine residence with all Improve ments, large lot stable or garage, beautiful - shade- trees and shrubbery. Large portion of price can remain pn mortgage. T. B. WARREN, 89 Sanford Building. ' PARISIAN TAILORING. . A SURPRISE FOR BRIDGEPORT, i Ladles' spring suits up to 830. silk ;i lining. Parisian LUdles' Tailoring. A. Adolph. L 16 u8 Printers and Stationers PRINTING and Fac-Simile Letters. DpUUU lionu uiier iiciiUH f o.ou, j.,- 000 Fac-Simile Letters 33.00. Spe cial prices in quantities. Siksay, 83 Rellley street U26tf5 STAR PRESS PRINTS BUSINESS cards, envelopes, bill heads, state ments, tickets, programs show cards, circulars, etc. Low prices, first class work. - Jacob Schnei.ier, Prop., 16-18 Kossuth St, corner Stratford Ave. Phone 908-8. L4 aS GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, 100 cards, statements, bill heads, envelopes, note heads, or circulars printed for only 12.00. Siksay, 83 Reilly St U22 tf STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, -circulars. Low prices first class work, Jacob Schneider. Prop., 3 6-18 Kos suth St, corner Stratford Ave, Phone 2503-12. Union office. TS tf CHIROPODIST. MISS JESSIE H. DeLONG Vial tins chiropody and manicuring, corner Fairfield avenue and Harrison St Office hours 1 to 7 P. M. Sundays by appointment L 7 s i MOTOR OTCLE8. EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES, Cash or easy terms, second hand cycles all kinds. James G. Burroughs. 615 State St L16aI BIRD STORE. SINGING CANARIES, parrots, pet animals and gold fish, bird cages, fish globes and acquarlums, bird seeds and foods, dog biscuit and remedtes at Courtney's bird store, 116 Wall St. Upstair. L 7 si Farmer Want Ads lea word Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith Co.. dealers to guns, tinln sporting good saws filed, lawn mowers sharpeneo. and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 5 WU Street. Telephone 4298-3. ' . WE MARp DOOR numbers, door plates. Notary seals, rubber stamps, daters, and numbering ..machines, check protecters, signs and ' stamp supplies. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon street. H 20d BEFORE SELLING TOUR rfUNK it will pay to see us first; also buy aad sell bottles. Bufferd Junk Co., 118 Knowlton St. Telephone 2366-6. L 12 d I STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale. 75 cents per dozen. Bottied by Carr, 96 Cannon street.! Phone 19-3. GIT "tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop In town. We call and deliver. Tele- phone 1391. Goodyear Shoe Re v pairing Co., 76 John St. R2 tf BOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS made to order. Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man & Co., 366 Water St. R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination flee fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co.. 266 Water St. R14 tf WantedTo Buy WANTED To buy all kinds of second hand furniture. Geo. F. Totems, Eedfleld's old stand, 48 Harrison St. Telephone 1015-2. H 12 aP x nrrv old horstsi t kin. , iiove dead ones free of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port F. H. Daniels, 2867 Madison . Road. Tel. 4637. Lit I WANTED Te buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams. Redfteld's old stand, 48 Harrison 8t Telephone 1016-2. B12 a p XOU DON'T WANT any old Junk or old things around your premises, but we want them, as we need them for our - business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay yon the highest price and get them out of . your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 65 Kos suth St Tel. 286. R6 tf Barrels BUT AND SELL all kinds of empty barrels. Sawdust for sale. . Bridge port Barrel Co.. 68 Beardsley St Phone 1371. A26 tf Educational' MANDOLIN, Banjo, Guitar and Trap Drumming instruction. Special at tention to ' beginners. Robert C. Rice, 991 Broad street ' G 4 a- p TO LET Eight room single dwelling, centrally located, rent $30. Full particulars inquire '.of J Anderson cSCo. 63 JOHN STREET WALL PAPER AND PAINTS BEFORE BUTING paints, brushes, varnishes or window glass, call on ns. Edward Brooks. 883 State St LADIES' TAILOR AND FURRIER. Suits with ; material $18 up. With out material $8 up. F. Warren, 666 Fairfield. Ave. Lis FURRIER, Julius Tesiny, established 1890. We are now taking orders , tor Diaca ana ciuta xox sets, repair ing. 1814-1816 Main St. upstairs. L 14 s I GET A SUIT that fits. bur suits are 26 dollars and up. Carlow, 60 Can non St L 1 bf EX. J. ZrlAZfONE? FOR BOMB OR MEDICINAL USB Beer irnvv . $1.00 a casa W .A. Miles Ale $1.00 a casa earsaparUia, Lemon Boda. Seltaaa. Vtcfayoda, afl kinds of Bottled Legea. Bartbolomay's Kochestce Lager, as iOXEM aVKNCX Xei. SeSv-a TJicrc's Money In Them! Farmer want ads are good for the advertiser and good for the BEADEB. Cultivate the habit of reading them. Make known your wants by USING The Farmer want column. Penny a worth it. word and 111 TYPEWRITERS REBUILT TYPEWRITERS L. C. Smith, Underwood, 'Remington all other makes, sold, rented, repaired. Rentals $3 per month. Machines sold at $5 per month. The Plummer Type writer Exchange, 156 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport Conn. , TAILORS AND FURRIERS. KLINE BROTHERS, Ladies Tailors and Furriers. 886 Fairfield avneus. ' Telephone 1016-5. L 14 s I POND POINT. FOR SALE. A very fine cottage at , Pond Point Beach, Mllford. Conn, Ernest L. Nettleton. Mllford. : ' L 8 a I CLOTHING. WANTED To buy men's seeend hand clothing. Send postal. Will call. Tale Misfit Clothing Co. 688 Main or 437 Water St L 7 tf HOTEL DREW BO RpOMS, modern improvements, BOo and 76e per night "i 83 to 83.60 per week. All trolleys transfer to place. 67 Barnum Square. L 13 a I " DRESSMAKING. J. WETNGERyf Fashionable New Tork Dressmaking, over Lyric Theatre, Will save you money on clothes. L 11 d 1 SECOND HAND FURNITURE, WAN TED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, ' Redfield's old stand, 48 Harrison St Telephone 1015-8. L18ap WE BUT AND SELL second hanu . furniture. We pay 10 per cent more than other dealers. H. A. Jasmin, 268 State. ; LIU SCALLET BROS., 405 State St. buy . and sell second hand furniture. Fur- niture stored. Free delivery. Phone 1081-3. Llll CARPENTER WORK. J. LEWITAN, 809 Stratford Ave. can ' save you money on your carpentry work. Glazing my specialty. L 18 d I FOR SALE. PICTURE - FRAMES. Liberal dis counts in -August. It pays to anti cipate your Autumn and- holiday needs.. Watkins Art Store, 1091 Broad street- opposite Post Office. v" L, 14 S i SECOND HAND FURNITURE. A. ROTHENBERG, - 834 . Pembroke street New and second hand fur niture bought and sold. Upholster- ing neatly done. L 14 s I PAPERHANGING. FOR PAPERING OR ' PAINTING your house or room consult The Empire fainting Co., 809 Stratford Ave. Paperhanging my specialty. L 18 d GARAGES. A. R. DECERBO & SON, City Garage, ' repairing, storage, general supplies. 183 Housatonic avenue. Telephone 2653-13. Ll si Personal MADAME BERON, 638 Main St Card reading, business and personal. . A .1. . , T 4 . Beat ui bu x - PRIVATE DETEOTTVB. Any kind of legitimate detective work skillfully done. Address Box 887, City. 7 a " p ORDER your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. Carl A. Schmidt 180 Cleveland avenue- . S It a(p TTPEWRITING - MULTIGRAPHING, GEO. N. SEARS, Stenographer and Notary Public. 108 Meigs Bldg. Phone 923-4. L 7 tf . MULTIGRAPH (Perfect' Imitation) Typewritten Letters, mailing and . trade lists, addressing and circular izing; 'quality work and service. Price & Lee Co., (808), 181 Fair field avenue. H 11 a5 CLEANING AND PRESSING. BOSTON CLEANING AND DYEING CO., 187 Fairfield avenue and 696 Main Street will keep your clothes In good condition. L15uf MACHINERY. MACHINE WORK AND JOBBING, welding and brasing of cast Iron, brass, bronze, steel and aluminum, etc. We buy and sell second hand machinery, engines, . belting, shaft ery, -etc. Waldorf Motor & Machine Co.. 138 Cannon St. Ll9a RESTAURANTS. ADAMS HOUSE 40,48 Fairfield ave nue. Serve meals at all hours at restaurant prices. Best ' cooking in city. LI 6a J GEORGE P. BAND Formerly the G. P. Rand Co. INTERIOR MARBLE AND TILE Estimates Cheerfully Given Slate, Marble, Bath Room Tiles, Oer. amio Tile, Fire Place Tile, Fire Place Fixtures The Best of Workmanship s 1369 IRANISTAN AVE. Phone 8418 R 39 tf No matter what you want try the Farmer Want Col umn, , , TYPEWRITERS A NEW OLIVER Typewriter. Leteet model. Has never been used. Price 876. Cash only. Q 18 a STOVES REPAIRED STOVES REPAIRED, all kinds SQ9 plies, all makes, pipe, grates, brloka, etc Charges reasonable. 1718 Mais St Phone 2849-4. G 8 tf JOB PRINTING. FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING of all styles, done at reasonable prloea. ' The Comet Press, 286 State street. .' Bridgeport. Conn. LlSet SHORE PROPERTY FOR MtJ, FOR SALE. 666 building Jets evr- i looking Long Island Sound; water. " trolley service; $200 up; thirty five waterfront lots, fine beach; sev ral new cottages, modern improve ments: bargains for quick sales. BL I NetUetoa. Mllford. Cobb. . L 4 a I HARD WOOD FLOORS. tXTT ME MAKE AN ESTIMATE n laying, cleaning and reflnlshiag floors. W. J. Sopor. 11 Kossuth treet. Liar PLUMBING AND JOBBING. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR PLUMB ing. steam fitting, hot water, gas end lobbing. A. jr. Dougherty, 139 Kossuth street L 6 f OLP GOLD AND SILVER HIGHEST PRICES PAIT FOB OLSJ ' gold, silver, dental and plater's ' crap. E. T. Goldberg. 1134 Mu freet. upstaira. Lii UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING. Furniture Repair ed and reflnished. Fneee always seasonable at Stram's Furniture ; Store. State, near Clinton. H tf OLD FURNITURE RENE VVED.ch airs recaned upholstering. Gnu c Mul. i1? 5" Ea"t str Phons 2557-8. T7 a LOCKSMITH AND HARDWARE. KARPTLOW A ZUCKER, Keyfltting and lock repairing, electrie belle in stalled and repaired. 300 Fairfield Ave. Telephone 4944. L d AUTOMOBILES. HOW ARE your lamp,? Repairing, glass, parts, all kinds. Auto Lams Shop, 80 John St P 31 U DOES POUR RADIATOR need repair Jing? Why not have it repaired by M. Glbeau. formerly in charge o Mayo's Radiator Repair Dept Bridgeport Radiator Repair Co., 4 78 Fairfield avenue. L 16 u 0SN,, """vD Dtor of Kiroprao lK.d Fairfield Ave, now located at Rooma lsl-laa-ii? , Meigs Bidg.. ,n hi.0';6!;!" ern offices. Private adjusting and - Rest Parlor, for Ladies and men. New 'phone 6348. Consult! tion free. LTtf Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE- epa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large vans. ' careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1286 Mala St Cor. Congrem St Tel. 1034-3. Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, Unit-- States Depository Capltal.325n.000- v surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President; David F. Head Vice President; Charles E. Kouirh' Cashier; Henry R Terriu, JumC Cashlei; Robert A. Beers, Asst. Cashier. THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport corner Main - and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin. President; H. S- Shelton. Vice Pres ident; L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C Cummin;, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $832,100; Surplus and Profits, Lump. $380,000. Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid ears and Limousines. Charges reasonable.' James T. Rourke. 1296 Mam street Phone 1661. D 7 d Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates foe amateurs, first class work guaran teed Armstrong-Whitman Stndi Park and Fairfield Ayes., T3 at Bridgeport Line to New York Fare 60 Cents Steamer NAUGATUCK leaves Bridgeport Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union Street daily except Saturday, at 12 night. Return ing leaves New York. Pier 2 8. E. R., dally except Sundays, 11 A.M. Due Bridgeport, 3:20' P. M. L. B. NICKERSON, Agent The New England Steamship Co. MERCOANrSLIFJE Daily Except Sunday Leaves New York, pier 19, fas River, 8 p. m. Due at Bridgeport. T:0 p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Joy Line Dock. 2 a. m. Arrive New York a. go. For further Information mn-i KmtMK auol 4, R, 'towoard, Asfct.J