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12 -THE FARMER: DECEMBER 15, 1913 FINANCIAL LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK -THE- Specials for Tuesday! U MEAT DEPARTMENT Lamb Chops 15c lb j , GROCERY RIICI.KTIX ! First Arrival of the V Firsl-BFldpporl National Bank Season: CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS NOTICE For forty-seven years wo have been conducting business at the same olil location, corner of Main and John Streets. Bridsreport, Conn., and our Irivate Bank has been established there continuously. We have received and paid out on demand without no tioe millions of dollars of money de posited with us and we continue t receive money subject to depositor s check; at sight, on which, we allow three per cent, per annum, t-edited to each account monthly. We solicit the accounts of individuals, business men, firms and -corporations, and all who want a bank account where they can deposit money, checks or drafts, and leave it for one week, one month or one year, and draw interest on it for any time it is left with us. We give to the business our careful wuwcinnai ' t a a the oldest firm of private bankers in this state. We wish our patrons and friends a Very Merry Christ mas and thank them for their liberal patronage. Checking Accounts are cor dially invited. JAMES STAPLES & CO. BANKERS f 89 STATE ST., Bridgeport. Conn. T. L. WATSON & CO. fEOPLFS SAVINGS BANK. 924-926 Main Street THE ' DEVELOPMEST OP THE BUSINESS OF THIS BANK DURING THE PAST FEW YEARS HAS BEEN ESPECIAXI-Y GRATIFYING AND WE HOPE for the continuance of this growth by our endeavor to deserve it. We make every effort to be in cor dial, satisfactory relation with our customers and among the personal ac counts on our books we should be much pleased to have yours. ' Samuel W. Baldwin, President. Willis II. Lyon, Treasurer. Members New Tort Stock Exchange TayloiLivingstoit&Co. dealers In " Fractional Lots on Part Paid Plan i m X VAUi STREET, NEW YORK or SO P.O. ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, CT E. X.' CHAPMAN. Manager Telephone 5221, 5233 .iend for Circular Describing Method We offer, subject to sale, the following or similar, Bridgeport, Mortgages: Amt ' 91,000 91,000 91.500 91.600 91,800 92.000 92,000 92,100 92,500 92.600 92.800 93.000 93.400 93.500 Appraisal Rate Insnr. 92,000 8 per cent 92,500 (2,000 6 per cent 91.500 $3,000 6 . per cent 92,000 93,000 6 per cent 92,500 93,500 6 per cent 92,500 94,000 ' 6 per cent 92,500 94.000 6 per cent 3,2,500 93.500 6 per cent 32,000- 35,000 B per cent 93,600 94,500 6 . per cent 93,400 94,500 6 per cent 93,000- 96,500 5 per cent 94,000 96,000 6 per cent 94,500 96,000 6 per - cent $4,000 Burr & ICnapp 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. j Christmas in EUROPE Now is the time to engage accommodation "DON'T DELAY ! SEE US AT ONCE 1 S. Locwilh & Co. 116 BANK STREET Tel. No. 3 u4 o -A. rj is IO UPWARDS can be secured at left than the legal rate of interest by obtaining: our in dorsement of your note. Ask ua what you want to kiiw. Convince us of your ability and hon est intention to live up to vour agree ment and we will satisfy you that yon will be Riven a square deal under all conditions. That's all there Is to It. Just plain, everyday honesty from . you and to you. Satisfaction on both Bides and tx pleasant and perfectly understood agreement. American Guaranty Co. 9 GOLDEN HHilj STREET Rooms S and 4 Over Caesar Mlsch Open Saturday and Monday Evenings Until 8:20 DO BUSINESS IN BRIDGE PORT AND LIVE AT LEVSLEY MANOR, STRATFORD The only desirable prop erty in Stratford for residen tial purposes. Fronts on Main and Elm streets. Ten minutes by motor, fifteen by trolley. Look it oyer and then inquire of J. W. Thompson STRATFORD, CONN. O 24 s 5 40th to 4lst Street on Park Avenue New York ck om Grand Central Station Subway. Express and Local Elevated and Surface Car lines. This widely and favor ably known Hotel c-owos Murray Hill the most desirable of Central . locationt, with . tl- fashionable shopping and theatre districts di rectly at hand. - Popular prices European plan. We request your patronage. B. f M. BATES ) LOUIS P. ROBERTS 5 B"etors i . Tunnaiis. aianajcer. Geo. CHICHESTER S PILLS -7-. THE 1IU.MO.MI BRAND. V Xadlea I Ask jobp Bracelet for , .-m-cbes-ters Vlinond Mi rand IMlia In Bed and Ciold metaJIfc Taho bo other. Cur oT yonr DraiMrliit. Askforriin.rillVA.'r ULAMOXD JsHAnD FILLS, for 5 U As Tor tULCHES-TEK 8 years known as Best, Safest. Alwtvs Reliable SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE FOR CHRISTMAS CARDS Go To oufhworlb's 10 ARCADE Most Complete Line to Select ' From. 8,000 LOSE XMAS FUNDS BY FAILURE OF LOWELL BANK Lowell, Maes.. Deo. 15. Nearly S 000 members of a Christmas savings club most of whom are children of working people or themselves employed, -will be unable to cash their deposits before th,e holidays, it was learned yesterday, owing to the failure of .the Traders' National Bank come two months ago. The club members have small sums due them from weekly deposits, some as low as 5 cents a week. Th,ey were to receive 2 per cent, interest. Westport Smelt Westport Frostfish FR1GK IS FORGED TO AID CITY'S, CHARITY Pittsburgh, rec. 15. As a central lo cation for the municipal Chrietmas tree, the committee asked for' th,e ues of the $2,500,000 downtown lot owned by H. Q. Frick, multi-millionaire coke and steel baron. He refused. This great tract incloses a. small lot owned by G. C. Dellenbacli. , ."Why, certainly," said Mr. Dellen bach. Counmilman Garland, chairmsui, so informed Mr. Frick. -In that case uee MY lot," said Mr. Frick. The committee will use. it. SEIOEL RENOMINATED BY SOCIALIST PARTY HAYES' FISH CO. 629 WATER STREET TEL. 412, 413 f THE . f DAIRY 130 State Street BITTE1 FRESH mOM THE CHTTRIl Tel. I "GEO. A. ROBERTSON B8 AN AID TO HEALTH PURE WATER Highland Spring Water A A healthful. Invigorating drink which Is absolutely oncontamlnaced by Impurities of any kind and has passed the most rigid testa. Bottled Daily Delivered Daily . 'Phone 987 Highland Springs Water Co. 645 WARREN STREET XOTJR BEDSPREADS Tjet ns launder them without stretching them! Then they'll lay perfectly smooth and erven when pot on die bed same with the Sheets and Pillow Oases. We do a lot of work for, a little money. Phone as to send for yoor package today. ; The Crawford Laundry Co. FAXRJPIEXiD AVE. AND COTJKXXAND ST. Phone 4SXO iris rX Famous for German CAIilPORNTA WINKS, large bottles . I ; . .85c, 50o bPECIATj SIX YEARS OLD FOBT AND SHERRT, per bottle..: 75c jnXfTjIOlVAIRES' CTjTTB WHISKEX, full quarts, per bottle .$1.25 BONNIE-SPECIAL PTJRE WHISKET, foil quarts, per bottle. .Sl.OO JOCKEY CLUB RTE "WHISKEY, full quarts, per bottle. ....... 75o 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE On Antomoblie Row The Cozy, Sleeting Place Phone 138 Mil-svaukee, Dec. 15. .Einil Seidel, first Socialist mayor of Milwaukee, again, will leaxl the Social-Democratic forces in the coming- election. The en tire ticket that was In office ihaji been renominated by referendum. Kobe, Japan The battle cruiser Ha runa, a sister ship "of the Kongo, which was built in England for the Japanese navy, was launched. RHEUMATISM AND GOUT 1 t me said :you "FREE : PERFUME . Write today for a testing bottle of0$fr. ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The world's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet as the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. Fine after . shaving. AQ the value is in the perfume you don't rav extra' for a fancv .bottle. - The quality, is wonderful. -The price only 75c (6 oz.). Send 4c for the little bottle enough , for -50 handkerchiefs. PARFUMERIE ED. PINAU Department M. - ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK GIVE A sufferers have been cured for twenty years past by Hill's Rheumatic Reme dy. It gives relief in twenty-four i hours. One bottle will cure most i cases. It is a guaranteed remedy. At all drug stores or direct on receipt of price. One dollar per bottle. Hill Medicine Co., 117 East 24th Street. New Xork. Adv. DAVENPORT or an Upholstered COUCH What a "fund" of comfort ds locked up in a gift of. this nature a few ininutes.' lounge "for any mem ber of the family, at any time of the day. . We have a large assortment of couches of all de signs and invite your inspection. - PRICES RANGE FROM $8.00 UPWARD HAVE YOU SEEJT OUR C'KlAIi HOPE CHESTS? ACORN RANGES The Wentworth Furniture Co. 115 JOHN STREET W17 K. MIX, President (By Lee Pape.) Ma told pop awn me wen he caim hoam today, saying, Willyum, that sun of yures has bin a verry bad boy to day, do you no wat he has bin doing. No, ut nuthing wood serprize me, sed pop. He and that cuzzin Artie of his have bin tramping .erround the streets awl aftirnoon in my noo hat and lawng wite gloves playing sufterajett, eed ma. Wat, thru the streets, sed pop. Yes, thru the streets, eed ma. Ha ha ha, s.ed pop. Well I kant say 1 see enythng funy in It, sed ma. Wat, -duzent the plckture of those 2 fcrazy kids strutting throo the streets with yure big hat and lawng gloves awn make you wunt to laff, eed pop. It sert,eny duz not, sed ma, and wats moar I dont see enything eepeshllly brillynt in you setting there deelibritly Inkurridging him for sumthing he awt to get a good wipping Ifor. put jest think, eed pop, Jest think of how they must of looked perrayding throo the streets pertending to be suf ferajetts in that reedicklus atlre. I have thawt of it moar than wunts, eed ma, and, teh moar. I think of it the less funy it seams to me. Thats bekause it was yure hat and gloves, sed pop, -thate the -way with ypu wimin,' you kant separate the persinil frum the abstrackt, that as, you kant see a joak awn yureselves. Well maybe you can, sed ma. Serteny I can, eed pop. I i Well, then, may be you.ll laff wen I tell you he had awn yure noo ovircote for a dress, dragging awl. ovir the street. ' . Wat, Benny, eed pop, my. noo gray overcote. Yes sir, I sed, it made a peetch of a dress. Well, wy dont you laff, sed ma. Benny, folio me, eed pop. Wy dont you laff, sed ma. You sed that wunts, sed pop, Benny, folio me. Wich I did. GUARDING AGAINST CROUP The best safeguard against croup is a bottle, of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house. P. H. Ginn, Middletown, Ga,," writes: "My chil dren are very susceptible to croup, easily catch cold. I give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and in every instance they get prompt relief and are soon cured. We keep it at home and prevent croup." Hindle's Drug Store. Adv. SELF-DEFENSE IS PLEA OF RICH MAN'S SON FOR SHOOTING Rutland, Vt, Dec. - 15. (Efforts to show that "William Koch shot Charles Gordon in self-defense are expected to form the line of defense In the trial of Koch for murder, beginning today. Gordon was killed at West Haven, on Nftvermber 1, while examining some traps on .the private . game preserye owned by Koch and sis .sister.. .-When arrested, Koch asserted that Gordon had .been a persistent .poacher on . his preserve and . that, when Koch remonstrated with him, Gordon used a club. Koch claimed that his revolver was discharged as he was raising his arm tt ward off the expected fblow. CLOSE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN FATHERS AND SONS IS ADVOCATED , Cleveland, Dec. 15. A "father and son" movement is to be Inaugurated here soon. 'The object "is to promote a closer understanding and a spirit of comradeship between fathers and their sons. Robert E. Lewis, secretary of the Cleveland Young Men's .Chietian Asso ciation, will issue a call some time this week for a meeting at which plans for the movement will be arranged SHELTON DEPUTY SHOOTS AT FUGITIVE - ' V . . ... -SheltOnVV'Dec. 15. Much excitement was caused on the main street here when Deputy .Sheriff Donovan fired several shots at Samuel Kendrick, who is charged with desertion from the ar my and who escaped him. The shoot ing was "witnessed by a large crowd. BLACK HANDjnCTIM DIES Braddpck, Pa, Dee. 15. Frank Cial zaro died in the hospital here today, another victim, ' the police declare, of (black hand feuds that have waged for almost a year. The shooting occurred within a few feet of a similar black hand murder .three months ago. The gunman, like hie predecessor, escaped. Horse' whipped In - Tarrytown for balking ran away and committed sui cide in-Yonkers 'by pushing its ehad through a plate glass window. Plea of, James Kelly, caught raid ing a hencoop in Bedford Village, that he needed hens for a broth for a sick friend, was rejected by Court. Three months. , SEE OUR Christmas Display ' If you want the good quality, the right article and the reasonable price, Inspect our line of diamonds, watches, rings, jewelry, clocks, silverware, cut glass, toilet and manicuring sets and multitude of ' similar attractions, for the right present at the right price come right to us. No trouble to show goods. . J. BUECHLER THE R LIABLE JEWELER S FAIRFIELD AVE. Near Middle St. I! Atmore and None Such Mince Meat, 3 paekanes 2-? r ' Orange and Lemon Peel l.c lu t Del Monte Cluster Raisins in boxes 18c lb j f Popping Corn, 1 lb package 10c, 3 for 2- j j Del Mnnte Rrand New Seeded n nil Sccrllciw Itiin: I ' ' 1fi mince, nnck-afifts Iflr. Cleaned Currants, lb oz. packages MM- j Imported Cluster Raisins ror table, 1 lb pkge. 22c and 25c Atmore Plum Pudding, 1 lb tins 23c; 2 lb tins 40c i Curtice Rrbs. Plum Pudding 1 lb tin 23c; 2 lb tins 40c ', Franco American Plum Pudding, 1 lb tins 28c; 2 lb tins 45c Heinz Plum Pudding 1 lb tins 28c; 2 lb tins 45c ! ! T)if Pi, during Anniversary Week that they have decided to re- ( j main , with us another week. ; ( BAKERY SPECIALS ' j ; 1 " : : ; J Home Made Fruit Cake 25c r - llnme ll'irln ,'llif Fmiil foL-o On,, r "- t Our Bakery Goods will be found to contain the best of 5 ', materialv ; ; : ; : : 1 if r.TOi i en a r s- h ; ; - ( ' , STATE AND BANK STS. EAST MAIN ST. ! ! i Phonca I - - P JlJ FKEE NEXT At All Van Dyk Stores Watch for announcement in this paper NEXT TUESDAY AND FRIDAY JAMES VAN DYK CO. 4 35 MAIN STREET Cor. Elm St, 11 5 I one 1S67- Stores, Selling Agencies auu Wagons Everywhere. DESIRABLE GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS Our stock is generous In variety and Include only goods of apprerr? worth and superiority, You can not help being pleased with or well lected, popular and etoy way desirable line. If you want the good quality, the right article and the. reasonable prices, inspect the line of HOLIDAY .GOO OS ' AT THE POST OFFICE NEWS STORE, 11 P. O. AECADI NOVELTY FUR SETS We call special attention to our muff and collarettes of spe cial designs remodeling from your own Purs, Hats also to match. W. E. HALLIGAN 989 BROAD STREET WILLIAM F. MULLINS BRIDGEPORT SAVINGS BANE BTJZZiDmO, CORNER MAIN AND STATE STREETa PHONZ HI REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Bargains in Cottages and 2 Family Houses Near t .Vla- cent's Hospital. ': ""v. Building Lots near Main St., North End. . IT . " - ON EASY TERMS. - 'y REAIi ESTATE OP AMi KINDS BOUGHT, SOU' -TO- 0.4 D CORNER OF ELM Until we get settled we will continue to sell our v magnificent new line of HOME FURNISHINGS ' AT THE EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS advertised during the past few weeks Gome and Look It'll Do You Goo l; it v. rf i! WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WOIID