Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER : DECEMBER 15, 1913 ! -... - iMimmwtfttv-imimmtm-ri :vj.rTtf p 90-102 GOLDEN HILL STREET Extra Specials in All Depart ments for Tuesday & Wednesday BEEF Fresh Plate 10c lb Sausage Fresh Pork 13c lb SPECIAL FROM 3:30 TO PORTERHOUSE smiorv AND ROUND Steele CUT FROM CORN Fresh Sliced LIVER .... Qrt I ffOL J Gomponnd Best White 10c lb Butter Mohican Creamery Better Than Elgin 30c-Pound -30c PEANUTS, Fresh r0 I ORANGES, Sweet f m 0 Roasted, ... .quart wl I Florida's, 18 for All, DROP CAKES CRULLERS BISCUITS Fresh Made Home Made Cream Tartar 7c doz 7c doz 7c doz Mohican ; 'Asstdrtr Pumpkin ifZg Teas ... lb pkg &0j Large cans, 2 cans-lell Mohican Condensed c r Mohican Pancake ftp Milk. , .3 cans Flour. . . . . .3 pkgs Mohican Buck- New Packed 9Co wheat Flour, pkg 2y Oats:'. . .. . .3 pkgs m&Xj Old Vintage -r, Monogram Rye - gQp Port Wine. . .bottle uOIj Whiskey . . . .bottle UtftL ,. ju ii mm y in in. ii mi m iii win p ii ip 11 nun i n i ' ii ii i "nn t 'Til r i I rnnnrn n n mi urn iiiiiiniiiiiiiin Italy jVexedJver -Return Of" Ponia Liza;" Crowds See Painting Florence, Italy, Dec. 15 So great the crowd of people striving- to obtain a view of Da Vinci's ipainrting-, "Mona Lisa," that the authorities have been oblged to remove many of the atatues from the TJfflzi Gallery to prevent from toeing overturned; and. broken during the struggle to get near the picture. Resentment to expressed in many Quarte at the action of ,the (Italian government -in retuplngt the .picture to France. , .mw,, SOOCT21 (FOOtEBAUU Yesterday about 1.000 eoccer tans turned out to Bee the clash between the Bridgeport and Wew Haven clubs. JJ-acb side Hrvexi up in good shape for the battle, the iNerw Havens to aerena their unbeaten record, and the local boys determined to te the victors. . The game ended with thelocal boys winning try 2 goals to 0. RETIRING CHIEF OF AND MAN WHO MAY SUCCED HIM i r 1 ':' s y i , CvB ,, - & - " 1 I I " if & 'H5SJ0R GENERAL JbARRY 2 fOkdQK ERftL WOOD Short Legs 12ic lb 4:30 P. M. EACH DAY FED STKIvllS Fresh Ground HAMBURG . 14c lb EGGS Fancy Selected 31c dz J Sad. Welcome Awaits Immigrant Family Joy in the hearts of Mrs. Stephen Nagg and two little children, who, now in mid-ocean, are anticipating a reunion with husband and father for the Christmastide, will give way to srrief when they reach Ellis Island and learn of the fate of their dear one. Nagg died at St. Vincent's hospital vesterday afternoon from terrible burns received Saturday night, when, in lierhtins: a fire, he saturated the kindling with kerosene, to such an ex tent that an explosion enveloped him in flames. Literally a human torch he ran from the little flat he had prepared for the rnnentinn of his wif and children, in Columbia court, and screaming in ter ror, he fell exhausted while neighbors noured water on hi3 blazing cioinea He was taken to St. Vincent's hospital. where he sank steadily until late yes tprflav when death ended his suffer- ing.s He was about 30, and employ ed at the Crane Valve Co. Montclair. N. J. Residence of C. S. Johnson partly destroyed by fire. ARMY STAFF HOWLAND'S . Entrance In Main Street, FnlrfleM AveroM, ZM Cumoa ("tree, Bridgeport, Conn. Monday, Dec 15, 1013 A sale of cut glass. Fine pieces, good. $5 and to $15 VARIETY Punch bowls, 2 sorts. Baskets, 3 patterns. ; 8- inch bowls, 12 sorts. Butter dishes. 9- inch bowls, 3 patterns. Water bottles, tall or squat Celery trays, 5 patterns, Fern dishes, " Ice tubs, .,.- Mayonnaise sets, 7 styles. - "Vases, 8 patterns. Nappies 17 patterns. Of some larger patterns, much larger number. But body may share at good saving. . . Onsale Tuesday morning with-the opening of the store at . Fourth Little bows and. fancy collars are ii i i equally styiisn. Almost every style ,of waist or diess of the .season calls for. bow or faney collar to make it just complete. ".Delightful variety of such bows and collars. Plenty of other articles for wear at neck or about shoulders that add to attire's beauty. Scarfs of lace and crepe- de-cmne and cmrton, some beaded, all of genuine good effect, 75c to $12. Marabout scarfs and muffs, light and stylish and warm,: $3.50 to $18. Collars of Venise and Real Irish laces, of crepe de chine, and of net'or embrodery dr organdy, 50c and more. Fichus and guimpes give distinction to dress. Guimpes are ' of good styles for wear with either high or low neck. Fichus range from narrow to broad. 2oc to $4.50. Fancy bows and jabots, of velvet and of enibroidery and oi many sorts, 2pc to $1.50. Right "aisle, front. THE MOWUAND Decides On Clements Washington, Dec. 13. President Wil son has practically decided .o reap point Judson C. Clements, of -Georgia, as a member of the interstate com merce commission. He soon will an nounce the names of those to succeed the late John M. Marble and Charles A. Prouty. The latter will become di rector of physical valuation. JONES COMMITTED. John Jones, a tuberculosis patient who has twice eluded the authorities in state sanatoriums, has been sent to the Hartford sanatqriu.m , from the Bridgeport hospital. Burglar who entered photograph studio in Haverstraw stole overcoat and photos of pretty giris and left an alarm clock. The winds. Weather: Fair, westerly quantity. worth S4 $2.95 A splendid lot bf cut glass from one of best' American cutters. and America pro duces, finest cut glass in the world. New and graceful shapes. Good heavy quality. Cut in patterns that are pleasing and cut ' so expertly that patterns are clear. In -good variety of designs one can even choose 12 bowls and have them all different! VALUE . Electroliers worth $12. Candelabra, worth $6. Punch bowls,worth $8 & $15. Ice-cream trays,worth $7.50. Sandwich trays, worth $10. Pitchers, worth $(5. Decanters, worth $5. V., Tumblers, worth $4. Sugar and creams, worth $5.50. . . Vases, worth $4 to $10. Punch bowls, with stand, worth $8. but 2 or5 3 pieces. Of some so generally good that every . , $2.95 floor. Stocking suggestion. . Pair 'of good black silk- lisle stockings equipped with stop-run garter loops is sold in a special box at 55 cents". -Women will b'e interested; stockings are especially good of quality and Stop-run loops are valuable. These loops, fixed, in place, prevent the garter from tearing or pull ing hole in stocking. They may be easilv transferred from one pair of stockings to another. On silk or fine lisle stockings, they are jdoubly valuable. Stockings and loops, 55c. ' . Nice stockings with boot of silk and remainder of lisle ---50c: . Pure silk stockings and all silk, "there's luxurious feel ing in wearng them,- $1 and $1.50. Nice medium-weight lisle stockings, will give good wear, white tan or black, packed either all of a kind or assorted, 3 pairs irrbox, $1. Href t aisle, rear. DRY QOODi CO. X. W. C. A. NOTES. East Side Branch. On Tuesday afternoon and evening of this week, December 16th, the Philo mathian club will hold a sale. . There will be useful as well as" fancy arti cles, cards, booklets, home-made can dy and cake. Come in and get one of the beautiful roses and have a cup of tea or an ice cream cone. On Saturday afternoon the annual Christmas entertainment and treat will be held for the 200 juniors. U. M. C. Branch. At 12:30 o'clock, Tuesday noon, sev eral young ladies will sing Christmas carols and also impersonate the songs. Ail the girls in the factory are invited to hear them. Wednesday and Thursday at the noon hour, a sale of home-made cakes and pie will be held. Every one is asked to come in and get some of the good things which will be there. HOWLANDS For tlie puzzled; Handkerchiefs. Who could think of a bet ter solution of the puzzle? Men and women alike may be pleased by gift of 'ker chief. Giver may choose it for daintiness or utility, as is desired. Fine handkerchiefs for women are finished with dec oration of Valenciennes or Venise lace or Madeira em broidery. Some have em broidered corner combined with lace edge. Particularly good gam ing at 25c to $1. One little lot in colors with lace edge and embroidery in corner, 3. for 50c. . Boxes of dainty handker chiefs, some plain and very fine, some embroidered, and some lace trimmed; 3 or 6 in box, 59c 69c $1 and $1.50. Initial handkerchiefs of pure linen, half dozen in three styles of initial packed in box 75c. Initial handkerchiefs for women fancy or hand-embroidered initial, 25c and 50c. Nice plain linen handker chiefs for women, graceful initial, 123. x Men's fine handkerchiefs of linen with manly initial, 25c and 50c. - Pure linen initial hand kerchiefs for men, 6 in a box, 50c and 75c. ; Novelty for men fine ab sorbent silk handkerchiefs in white and attractive col ors distinguished My corded stripe 50c. . Main floor, rear. Good gloves and 'kercniefs for children, There's as good style in tnese . tor little tones as ii such furmshings for Mother, True value, too. Girls and boys appreciate 'em too. - Boy Scout gauntlets, lined with fleece, make boy feel like real scout, 50c. Washable leatherette gloves for erirls. Look like chamois but are tough dura ble cloth. Fleece lined and good fitting, 50c. ' Boys' gauntlets of tan kid or gray mocha, have a manly any 50c. Girls' kid and mocha gloves of nice appearance some lined with either kid or silk, $1. Handkerchiefs of correct size and nice quality ,1a wn or linen, and some m pretty col ored designs, boxes of 3. 15c to 25c. . Main floor, rear. , THE HOWLAKD DRY GOODS CO. FINE LAUREL ROPING JAMES IIORAN & SON. - Florists. TABLE XMAS TREES 50c JOHN RECK & SON Boston Ferns AT HAWKINS, Stratfield Bldg Monuments fimt aparated by pnnuBitle cutting and noUablac toola HUGHES & CHAPMAN SOO STRATFORD AVKNTTM HOWLAND'S Entrances in Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street. Furs are wise purchase. Woman who buys fur coat or scarf or muff, makes a wise investment. That fur piece will yield her good re turns in comfort and warmth. It will give good long ser vice; for fur styles are slow to change and a coat or scarf may be worn several seasons. It is wise for a woman 4arl't choose with knowledge, vfeiut "any one can choose from and then hold that dealer responsible for the quality and durability of the purchase. Here are furs the store that each shall give good honest service. FUR Hudson seal, $150. Caracul, $85 to $135. Marmot, 1$55 to $85. MUFFS to $35 . to $37.50 $10 Black fox ,Red & gray fox Black wolf ' Skunk Skunk coon Black lynx Mole v Hudson seal Raccoon $10 $20 $32.50 to $40 $30 and $32.50 $35 $35 and $45 $25 to $32.50 $20 to $32."50 FUR SETS, MUFF AND SCARF: Coney, $10 " . , Raccoon, $27.50 Red fox, Natural wolf, $25 Second floor. Men like 1 C 1 .1 socks gloves. Giver runs no risk when gift is of either socks and gloves. . Man likes plenty of each; variety makes them doubly worthy. , . r ,t Gloves: Tan cape,long or short fin- gers,--$1.10 and $1.50. Gray mocha, plain or silk lined, $1.50. Fine tan or gray mocha with lining of fur,- $3 and $5. Wool-lined gloves of gray or tan mocha $2 ; with cam el 's-hair lining, $2.50. Dent's English walking gloves still stand right up at the front, to critical men. Tan cape in wanted sizes, $2. ' . Socks of lisle in deep black and good colors, box of 6 pair, $1.50. Silk v thread socks with double toe - and sole, colors and black,-50c. Handsome pure silk socks of heavy weight and rich col or, $1. Fine black silk socks, un usual weight and strength, $1 and $1.50. BJ&ht of Main street door. THE HOWUAN0 Aeroplanes, Vicious Wasps of War, Likeio to Limit the Duration and Scope of Hostile Operations By JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Secretary of the Navy i N- my opinion, the newly developed art of aviation will not only tend to limit the duration and nnne of hostile operations, but also aid in the CONTEOI OF THE SEAS, one of the elements contributing materially to the power and prosperity of a nation. THE POTENTIALITIES OF THE AEROPLANE WHEN APPLIED TO THE ART OF WAR AR-E EXTREMELY GREAT, AND ITS PROPER USE WILL UNDOUBTEDLY BE A DOMINATING FAC TOR IN THE SUCCESS OF FUTURE CAMPAIGNS. THE PRINCIPAL ROLES OF THE AEROPLANE IN NAVAL WARFARE WILL BE FOR SCOUT ING AND RECONNOISSANCE WORK AND FOR STRUCTIVE OPERATIONS AGAINST HOSTILE FICATION8. Kash indeed will be the commander of an opposing fleet who worn J head his vessels against the fleet or coast of an enemy possessing a num ber of these VICIOUS WASPS OF WAR, and unfortunate mdce would be a commander who did not have ready at his call this means o obtaining supremacy in the air. - to choose with care. Most for only experts know furs. a dealer of dependability stands back of with a promise COATS Nearseal, $60 to $150. Ponyskin $32.50 to $125. . Wildcat, $150. SCARFS $10 to $35 $10 and $15 ' $18 $35 $12.50 to $27.50 $45 $20 and $25 $25 and $30 $18' and $25 Yorkc skirts are safe. A Yorke shirt will suit a particular man;so it's a good gift. Man doesn't feel afraid that color in Yorke shirt will fade;-the maker guarantees it won't. t Yorke shirt fits; its cut over " the shoulders and around the body so it shapes to the f6rni without binding and so it allows ample room without any b'agginess. Plain negliges, white or colors, separate or attached cuffs $1. Short-bosom semi-neglige style, of madras; look like bosom shirt but give comfort of neglige, $1 and $2.50. -Pleated negliges and fine plain ones, white or colors, $1.50 and $2. White silk with soft French cuffs,true aristocrats of the family, $5. Mushroom pleated . shirts are newest. Every man ought to have at least one m his stock! Linen or silk front with, cuffs to match,- $1.50. Right aisle, front. DRY GOODS CO. 19IJ. br tnne Press Assocltto- OFFENSIVE DE- FLEETS AND FORTI-