Newspaper Page Text
11 i! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 15 WORDS 15c, 3 TIMES. 35c U Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Kent - tsusmess Men s ixcliange HELP WAN TED Many men and women t-ll at The Parmer and took SITUATIONS M you are ont of work. The Farmer Wants Ads on;bt to be of material asglstano to you. Head bem over carefully eacb day. FOR SALE TO LET Tor Sale" Advertisement m The Farmer Mac ready ' purciuiaers. Try osev y mill tee surprised a the Un mecuate results.- , ', ; ',....'... ; v--i tftMfe Ann that potrd placard and ee tenant mm vmomot In tlx mMm way through Vaao otasal St arortlseme li. Cm Rein Wwt4 A "A. u TOO -ro -" 1 THE FARMER: JANUARY 12, 1914 1 F f c over . M Www i r .1 -Today's' Wants : -'. . . .' ,,. '. .. , :, . : , ,-. "Wants Ads "will ha received for this page np to 12 o'clock noon Those sent in at a later hour up to 2:30 will appear on the second or third page of this paper under the-heading "latest-Wants." - f 4 ' ' ' The young lady across the way says she overheard one of the young ' mow say that he' heUened football would he a more open game next season ? bat she sxtppoeed. they'd always have to charge enough to pay expenses. ' '- Twelfth Century". Football. ' In the twelfth century football la England was a game for tha Btreeta. 1 The chronicler of that period tells how. t, after dianer the city youths "address- ed themselves to football,??, and how t the scholars 1 of - each school and the t apprentices of particular trades would each have their peculiar bail, v Tlifpe i were spectators, too, la those days ! enthusiastic Bpectatora. .Fathers would 'come to watch their sons and 'become as youthful as the youngest, their nafc ! Tiral heat seeming to be revised at the : sight of so much ability." : " - " 1 ' ' In later years one recalls a famous ball game played In Hyde park. ? In 3054, then, "there was a hurling, -is a great ball by fifty Cornish gentlemen on one side and Ifty on the other. One party played in red caps, the other In white." And here the historical value ' of the contest Cromwell (was a epec tator and applauded the "great agllit?. of body" displayed. '- :i I ' Aid in Edition." " ; r Tb introduction 6f the sloping Ro Ecan letters which are known to every body as italics ' was made by Aldus Manutius of "Venice In the.lattei?" part of the fifteenth" century: He -was the most famous printer of Italy and per haps of the world.' -The "books he printed,: known as Aldine editions, are jnueh sought af ter by colledtora. .' His first -volume in the new type was a "Vergil published in 1501 at the pride of bout 2 shillings of our money. .Al dus, in fact, was the pioneer of cheap literature. 1h Aldine mark is a dolphin twined about an - anchor with - the . name "Aldys. If any reader, says Mr. J. A. Hill in the' Imprint, finds a cartload of old books with: thid mark ' in his attic or lumber room, be. is duly ad vised no 'to use 'them for lightingthe fire. - They would probably buy hlta a. good annuity for the solace of his de clining years. " ; ; f.- ' How Koreans Advertise. Although the Korean has stubbornly sefuaed to adopt western ideas, he has always recognized the value of adver gssecnent. When a Korean opens a $ew shop or has any particular wares lie is. anxious to dispose of or when nobleman desires to convey a certain piece' of intelligence to the .people 'he seeks the s services of the sandwich men. In the Hermit Kingdom, ' how ever,' these men do not carry boards topon which the desired information is made known to all and sundry, but re sort to the medium of picturesgue I tags, upon which the announcement is inscribed. Anything from one to a dozen flags may be requisitioned,' and these are carried through the streets by boys and men, forming a pictur esque moving advertisement. Wide" . ."World Magazine. . - - - s. "Temperament. He got mad be cause hi name was printed In smaller J'type on ths programme than the name of the piano on which he waa to per form." Chicago Record-Herald. FOR SAIiE--"-Parlor -stove $3.50, par lor table,'$2."60, bath room mirror, French plate, $1.60; two, 6x8 ft. bamboo porch screen 25a each. Call 133 Parrott avenue pr'Phone 126?, after 6:30 p. m. A 12 bp - n., 1 11 WANTED lAdiea, $6 to $8 week ' making plain, aprons at home;-' no ' canvassing; legitimate; we pay you; " particulars and -full : sized' apron ; uent. for 25c. - Domestic ; Supply House, 4 1262 Sohofield Cleveland, Ohio. building, ap LUMBER FOR SALE Maple, 'beech, ? hickory and chestnut, loaded direct , : from' the mill at ' an attractive price. A. Brazos & Sons, Inc., Mid- dletown, Conn. ' - ' A 12 b p '' ;S HELP WANTED nEMAIiE." , " i.t WANTED Assistant fore-women for out of town position. One who un '. derstands all the' details of , Bras Biero making. Address Box W. T., ; Farmer Office. r " ' A 3 s STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ; , DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, ss., 4 , PROBATE COURT. , .'- . . j ' - ' ' December 9, 1913. , Estate of Hannah'A. Cross late of the town of Bridgeport, in said . Dis trict, deceased. ' ' ? ; . ; The Court of Probate for &e Dis trict of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six months from :the - date hereof for Creditors , of said Estate to exhibit their: claims for ' .settlement Those who neglect to present their accounts, ; properly 'attested,-' within said time, will be debarred 'a recov ery. ; All persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make Immedi ate' payment to -ji , ' . -.'!! THOMAS M. CULXdNAN, 2 A 1 sp' - Administrator C. T. A. LOCOMOBILE - Used Car Department 19 12 LOCOMOBILE Six cylinder. 7 passenger. Touring Car' just taken, in Exchange for 1914 Locomobile. Body color, green with white strip ing. Fitted with Continental Q. D. Rims, - lias fore doors, cape top, wind shield, shock absorbers, and Prest-o-lite. Formerly owned by a wealthy Bridgeport lady, who has always owned Locomobiles and whose chauffeur Is an expert and has always handled the car in such a way that they have never had an accident or serious - repair. This car is practically as good a new sand Is guaranteed by The Locomo bile Company of America. -. Original Price $4,800. , Can be bought now for less than : . half. Send Today for our BULLETIN OF tTSED CARS Soma interesting : II. A. MARTIN, Mgr. . Used Car Department Locomobile Co. of America Bridgeport, Conn. , . Reporter (to woman's rights agita tor) And do you honestly believe that a woman should get a man's war geS? - ::. ..,..., I; k . . , ' - . Agitator (grimly humorous) It de pends -upon whether she's married to him or not. Sydney Bulletin., toy $5 DIAMOND RINGS and ptoi in 1 let. ootid old mountings. B. T. Goldbergr, 11S Main St. upstairs. SAFES- New and Second band. JTtoes right. Save events : expenses, buy eiroct from WaUer B. Marsh, dealer 12 Fairneld avenue. Bridgeport, Ct. SFEOIAIi OFFER BOO latest Unprov i ed finished portrait $2 each with frame. to the first Farmer Readers mailing f their small picture t for . copying. Stevensons . .r-Studio, t04 Main St., Bridgeport. H t i 'P GUINEA HENS, pTJCKS, 1 roaaung chickens, broilers, fowl. Uver pud ding bologna. Wa have sausag meat every day. Bomiaoa ft ' Btlta. a is 1 a a : rjTOMOBHiEs roBnarae. sto . Garage.- Pboat S3. 1 ight.y g -b tt 1 f : NEW TORE BOIXK3NA and' frak furters, home made meat loaf, fresh daily. . Peter Hron, I21 Stratford Ave. -. U a8 tf t 4r BOMMOS A BQVT1! MARKET W ' State street will be found best lino :: of meat, w . . Iltto mPHOIiSTERTNCr. rurnltnr Bepal ed and reflnisaed. Prices Jwaf ronablo t Stram's , lu Store. Stat, near Citato. . H Help Wanted AGENTS Canvassers, ' imutsuco .agents, collectors, etc, can b their earnings ten to fifteen dollar per week. Write for particulars, Nos-AU Cow 11 East ath St.. Nr .Tork. - - 2 o tf WANTED A stock alemai for s Connecticut corporation located In - New Haven, where tbe directors have decided to seU $26,000 of pre ferred stock and f who ability a ' uch can get him steady position with bright future. Call or adore Room 604 Cutler Bldg, 111 Church - St.. New Haven. ' Conn, t i . ':--.- - - r. -;. j-s O IS Vt WANTED j For tJ S. Armyj : AM bodied , unmarried men between age of 18 and $; citizen of United - tatea, good character and tem- . perata habits, who: cen apeak, read and writ the English languag. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Cannon St. Bridgeport. . Conn? P' r GOVERNMENT - RAILWAY ' MAIL : clerk 'and other Civil Service "ei ' a ma" : everywhere soon.r : Get pre- pared by former XJ. 9. Civil Service . Secretary-Examiner ' Free Booklet, A 29. -Write now today. Patterson " Civil Service School, Rochester, N. ' e". A 10 spxj printers and Stationers GOOD PRINTING AT fXW PRICES. .-. 1,000 Cards, Statements, Bill Head. Envelopes,. Note Heads, or Circular, - printed for only 32.00. Siksay, 83 ReiUey street. XT 28 1 tf STAR PRESS - RINTS iftJSTPiESS oarus, iBvwpo. dui neaaa, tat- , ' menta,' UoKets. program , how caraa, cirovu.- mw. . low price, first 1 class work. Jacob Schnoliier. ' rrop., 10-xo , &onuu fit, corner kitratxora Ave. . raoo v-a. ' L4 1 GOOD PRINTINQ AT LOW PRICES, 100 cards, . statement. . bill heads, envelopes, note heads, or circular ' printed for only $3.00. Siksay, S3 Rellly Bt - uas STAR PRESS prints business cardu, envelopes, bill heads, .statements, -. tickets, programs, -show cards, clr j- culars. Low prices first class work. Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16-1 Koa- . uth St, corner Stratford Ave Phone 260S-12. Union offlee. Hawley, Wilmot & Reynolds - Undertakers and Gmtahnm No. 168, State St, Bridgeport, Ct. All call, day or night, answer I m irom omce. yeorge B. Haw ley, lis , Washington Terrsom Edward ET. VVlimot. aex iiitnti.n Av.j John Reynolds, pnetao I M. J, GANNON FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER 1031 Broad St, near John . -Phono $498 Residence, 1650 Park Ave." - - ' - 'Phone 1259 ay SslBBllf?9 wm.' Lieherum & Son Emb aimers and Un&ertakeea Office sad Reeldenoe 5t MAINSTBSSBITI Telephone Connection . . John F. Gallagher . Undertakers and Embalmor Margaret : I. Gallagher The Only Graduate and Licensed 3 B71 FAIRFIELD AT. Tel. iSSO I EOTTRKE & R OCTREE Undertakers and Embalmers 1MB MAIN STREET. TeL 1MI - CbUs Answered Day of Night "A new case of typhus developed among quarantined passengers . on m off man island, New TorJr- BEGIN THE NEW TEAR right r usingr Caeca Laxative tablets. . A 1 tf FOR SAIiS: OK TO BENT. 1.0 folding chairs. , 100 whlt table, Geo. F. sminiM. 186 Pembroke St. 1 or 130 Kossuth St Xlal P FOR SAIJEw Perles electric piano, first class condition, alio ) M rolls music." Sold reasonable If sold at abc.; i Call Carf Grill, Cannoa street. FOB SAIiE. Delrable residence, all i Improvement. Price reasonable. ; l,ocatlon Na 1 Blmwood Welt BndS Convenient to Fajrneld avenue trolley. E. F. Hotchkiss, 62 y Clinton Ave. Tel. . ro SALE. Commercial vehicl a'U descriptions. New and eeona ; band. John I Carpenter. Harri i on Court. Phon 138. - , i-if .i v FOB - BAUK Small ' hiand j0' four year ld. with nw d harness; PrfctJy saf for cblidren. tord. -,';-":' ' " " FOB 8ALE' Single ' house. No. 12 ; Elmwood Place, modem improve ment; splendid condition; price rea sonable; easy ter ma; una location, near Clinton and Fairfield Avenue ' and convenient to trolley Him. In : julre ,E. a. Hotrtkl hi Clinton 4; Ave," . Telephone. , v t 1.80 tf BARGAINS m shoes, must make room Ion fall stock. Will sacriflce ,,U stock 1- pric. Palakowich, 65 VHT PAT RENT We tUd houses i anywhei. Small . deposit. haJane ' payaBle monthly: also ihoose now ' ready for occupancy. The Bom Construction Co. (Incorporated), i 1115 Main St. . Securltir Building, ' Bridgeport. Ct. ' - I d irott gAr.TC BuHfling lot comer Con. necticut and 'Carroll Ave., Holland J Avow and Hollister Height. 1 Wm. Brocb, 847 Fairfield Ave. -f -, 8 tf VIRGINIA BITES FARM 1 7 5 acr, 100 rich bottom, room house, good - barn, 1 mile of lectrio Un, t miles v of Richmond. Only f 700; ; terms. Bend for free list. T00 Farm Bar gains. Casselmaa Company. Rich. 5- Bond, Vlrgini. n W. v B - FOR SAXJE Colli puppies, hounds . and watch- dog. Hair ' Boarding . ' Kennels. I4n&ley - and "'Hunting ' : . street. " Phon XI Sl' rD-. : V i It 1 ! U FOLDING CHAIRS For Rent, t bay and sell. Seltenrion. isocpress. iua Orchard St tPhone B49-3. ' t-v '-: '-'f ;--.- T 80- TO RENT -Six room apartment, hot water heat, electric ugnxa, uio Din, No. 27 S5 North .Mala. St. opposite St Vincent' hospital. Inquire on premise. T 1 tf TO RENT 6 room cottage, - Inquire 86 Hanover St T 1 TO RENT Elegant apartment of house, from Clinton avenue. Inquire Mrs.-P. F. West, 647 Clinton avenue. Phon mO-4. I.T TO EKNT-Nicely famished rooms in strictly respaotabl family, sli . " Valrn-d v Phon -. ' .O 14 tfc. FOR RENT Room foe mmirafMtesp in or storage. Gieaniu t Co, 41 water to. sti mvt FCRNISHED ROOM TO RENT, wn ppomua, cueoirio lignts, ' steam heat. kiSt water, private bath, pri vate phone if . desir d - In select nelghboahooa, Clinun Ave ne Maplewood Ave. witl. private fam ily. Can be seen bj' appointment only.' References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 460. ,, U2 tf Situations Wanted POSITION WANTED Br man ? able of taking charge of ontlc and . making himself useful at anything. V Good at figures and writing. - AJ dress C L.. care of Farmer - Pub- WANTED. Sewing machine ' repalr- ,lng. Call or phone 2657-5- tl( & Main St Kxuchkow Bros. if--. - , .- - l 1 d 1 1 MOTOR CYCLES. EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES, Cash or I easy term, second hand cycle all ; kind. : June G. Burroughs, 1 Stat St. -? LI Ball" , ' STORAGE , Unexcelled facilities . for the stor ing of furniture, all kinds of .merchan dise or machinery. : Jarge : room. small rooms, rooms lined with tar pa per. Especially arranged rooms for pianos and silver. Smalt spaces And larger spaces. ' Fur further Informa tion call on C. Rlckard. 634 Howard avenue. H 3 tf LOST AND FOUND LOST Bank Book No. 36954 of Me chanics and Farmer Sayings Bank. Tinder return to Bank. . T 29 1 p PARISIAN TAILORING. A SURPRISB FOR BRIDGEPORT, Ladier spring suits up to 130. auk lining. Parisian Ladir '.Tailoring. A. Adolph, L ! uj BIRD STORE. SINGING CANARIES, parrot. pt animal and gold fish, bird iagr. fish globe and acquarlums, bird seed and foods, dog biscuit and remedies at Courtney's bird store. IIS Wall St Upstairs. L7sl No matter what you want try the Farmer. Want Col Ilerchants' Exchange Edwin Smith Co.. dealer W sporting rood. Ton; can ? et. juur Keyn nn, aw filed, lawn mower Bnarpeoon at Smith' Gun Store. 6 Wall Btr Telephone 4293-8. . .,"'" . " - MILKMEN We make - a speoialty of aluminum milk checks; the clean est and most durable checks to use. Call and--eee oar amjls And get our prices.' The Schwerdtl Stamp Co.; 41 Cannon . St.- "'' '""; a ' -'. - BEFORE SELLING TOUR iCSlt St wiu. pay to see us nrt; also w ell bottles. Bufferd Junk Co- 11 Knowlton St Telephone 2 3 b 6-6. r,x. f:,. -u:,..: .i,..- LH d t - 4 BTERLINO ALE Equal to Bass ale. 75 cents per dozen. . Sottied - by Carr. , Cannon srtreet Phon 13-a. air tf-- gHOE : REPAIRING. at moderat prices. . - . The only- cp-to-dat nop In town. We-call and deliver. Tele phone 1891. ' Goodyear Shoe Re pairing Co- 73 John St K DOOR AND r WINDOW " SCREENS made to order. Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of woo anii ftjy' EsUmates furnished. Henry C HofT man V Co., 856 Water St. v Bl SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, store ana fic fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Bhow Case Co.. 266 Water Bt Wanted To Buy WANTED To bny all kln of secona band furniture.: Geo. F. Town, Redfleld's old stand, 43 Harrison St .Telephone 1016-2. H 12 ajP I BUT : OLD HORSES l to kill.' Re move Head ones free or cnar? any where within 2S miles of Bridge port F. Daniels. 237 Madlaon Road. - Tet BB7. i WTJTF.D T buv all kinds of ec- ond hand furniture. Go. r". rowmj, 'Bedfield's old stano. 43. Harrison bi. Telephone 1015-2. ' B18 al P tOV POTT WANT any old Juok or old thine trouaa your premises, . but we want them a we need them for our business. Bell them to xmi Rma. - w will nay von the i, highest price and get , them out of your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction Is our record. 6 5 Kos suth 8fe Tel. 283. "-V. R S-rrl3 1 BUT AND SELL an kind ofempty barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co, 53 Beardsley St Phon 1I7L - A2C tf Educational MANDOLIN, Banjo. Guitar and Trap Drumming instruction. ; B pedal t 1 tentlon to beginners., - Robert C, Rice, 891 Broad street ; :, Q 4 a I -p. ' TO LET 2Clght room single dwelling, centrally located, rent $30. Full particulars inquire of AridersoriSCo. &3 JOH2X STSEE5 ; WALL PAPER AND PAINTS BEFORE BUYING paint, brush, varnishes, or . window glass, call, on .,. Edward Brook. 882 Stat St : ,r 'j ,,-;'.;:, -t-'-.':-.; , Ll6b . . LADIES' TATLOR AND FURRIER, Suits with material 818 up. Wit h - out material 8 8 up. F. Warren, 668 'Fairfield Ave. 4", L-l-- FURRIER, Julius Teslny, established 1890. W are now taking orders for black and Sitka fox set, repair tag. 1314-1313 .Main St. u petal ra. ; . ' L 14 s I I GET A SUIT that nta. Our suit mrm , 36 dollar ana up. jariow, 60 Can non Bt '.-L t b . ; J. TJAItONEY BOMJC t USDlCRAr. FOR Beer t---.-- $1.00 a cass W JL Hiles Ale $1.00 a caso aereaparilla, Lemoai Bod a, Seltxe Vichy 'Soda, all kind of Bottled Le E,artholomy'a Rochet Lager. u junhw ivtaui There's Money In Them! Farmer want ads are good for the advertiser and good for the READER. Cultivate , the habit of reading them. ' Make . known your wants by USING The Farmer want column. Penny a word and worth it. TXPEWRITEE3 REBUILT TYPEWRITERS L. C. Smith, Underwooo, j&iiJ. Remington . all other '"?,?' mkes. sold, , rented, renaired. Rentals S3 - per montn. . M.cninc sold at 35 . per- month. ' The Plummer Type writer Sxchange. 166 Fairfield Ave.. Bridgeport, Conn. . TAHORS AND FURRIERS. KLINE BROTHERS, Ladies : Tailors and Furrtera, CS Fairneld avneue. Telephone 1015-6. L 14 s i .'tj i nil, mi ' POND PO.WT. ' FOR SALE. A very " -fine cottage at roii "oint 'Beaca, ' Milford. cona Ernest L. Nettleton, Mllford. CLOTfllNG. WANTED To buy men's second, band , clothing., . . Send postal. Will call. Tale Misfit Clolh'ng Co., '6S3 Main Lor .437 Water St "'L 7 tf HOTEL DREW ROOMS, modern Improvements, SOe and 76s per night; 82 to 33.50 per week. All trolley transfer to place. 37 Barnum Square. ' : , y.. 1 L 18 I DRESSMAKING. . WETNGER, Fashionable New Tork .iTresamaking. over Lyrle Theatre. Will aav yoa msney on 'olothe. : "A": v.r.- I '.:"'. L 11 d I SECOND HAND FCRS1TCRE. WANTED To buy n kind of see . ... ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, RedAeld's old stand. 43 Harrison St Telephone 1016-2. L12 ap WE BDT -jANB SELL -eecb&d hand v furniture. We pay, 10 per cent more -. than other dealers. H. A.' Jasmin, '' '266 State. ,r. ; Ls - . ' - ' 6CALLET BROS- 405 Stat St buy s; and: sell j second hand furniture. Fur nltur to red. Free delivery. Phone 1031-8. t.. .."--.; -- -L" CARPENTER WORK, f. LEWITAN, 803 Stratford Av. can v you money en your carpentry .work. Giaslag my specialty. ' :.'''-'-' ' 18 d f FOR SALEw r ' PICTURE FRAMES. . ? Liberal dls- , count In August It pays to anU ia,t your Autumn and holiday needs, wauuns- Art store, 1091 Broad street, opposit Post Office. ; -. L 14 I SECOND BAND FURNITURE, A, . ROTHENBERG, 834 Pembroke street New and second hand fur niture bought and sold. .. Upholster ing neatly dona. 1.141 PAPKHHAKGma FOR PAPERING OR PAINTING , your house or room consult The Empire Painting Co., 809 Stratford Av. Paperbanging my specialty. A. R. DECERBO A SON, City Oarage, repairing, storage, general suDDUea. - 188 Housatonio avenue. . , Telephone 8558-1. ..- '. ') L19s Personal', MADAME BERON, ,628 Main St. Card reading,; business and per sonal, best in the state. . -'Al tf. '-; MRS BLANCH BARNARD, Clalrvoy ant, gives readings dally. 199 South avenue, t Telephone. Bridge port Conn.. A 8 d p PRIVATE DETECTIVE. ? Any kind of legitimate oetecuv worx skillfully AOS, aaarwn, on 004, jity. ,:.'. -P. -r-. L't d ORDER your screen now. antique fur . niture renovated, tin cabinet work. ' Ctrl A, ecbmtdt. 180 Cleveland - venu. . . ,- - ji - r 18 en IvPEWBHCfQ - MtTLXIGRAPinNG. GEO. N. BEARS, Stenographer and Notary Publl. :, 108 Meiga - Bldg. ,. ,moBM- Li J tf. MtrLTI GRAPH ( Perfect ImitaUon' Typewritten Letters, mailing , end trade lists, addressing .and clroular 1 telng; quality work and service, - Price. A Lee Co.. (308). 138 Fair field Avenuey , H 11 a CLEANTNQ AND PRESSING. T- BOSTON CLEANING AND DTEXNG CO 187 Fairfield avenue and 698 Main Street, will keep your clothes In good condition. L16u RESTAURANTS. ADAMS HOUSE 40-43 Fairfield ave nue. Serve meal at all hour at restaurant price. Best cooking In elty. . .... .. , . LiBaj- 6EOSGE P. SAND Formerly the o. p. Rand St Co. INTERIOR MARBLE AND . TILft tSsttmate Cheerfully Given Slate, Marble, Bath Room Tiles, Oar. amio Tile, Fire Place Tile, Fir Place Fixture : The Best of Workmannblp 109 SRANISTAN AVE. Phone S-l J R 39 tf SIDEWALKS Sand and Gravel THE BURNS CO. CITY SAVINGS BANK . 959 Main St., Room S01 BIIOKEN STONE, All Sizes. ROOFING . Telephone . CHIROPODIST. MISS JESSIE It. DeLONG Vlsiyni chiropody and manicuring, corner Fairfield avenue and Harriwa St Olfice hours 1 to 7 P. M. Sunday by appointment , L 7 I ri'PE WIUTEUS A NEW OLIVER Typewriter. Latest moaei. iiaa never been used. Itto 871. Cash only. G It f ' STOVES "REPAIRED STOVES REPAIRED, all kinSa piies, ail makes, pipe, grates, brie, etc Charges reasonable. 1718 MaJa. St. Phone 2349-4. G 8 tf JOB PRINTING. FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING of ail styles, done at reasonable pricea. The Comet Press, 28 State street. Bridgeport Conn. L16el -SHORE PROPEltTV FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 600 buildlnc lots over looking Long Island Sonndj water, gas, trolley service; tZ00 up thirty-, ave waterfront lota,' fine beach; ev " eral new cottagea, modern Improve ments; bargains for quick sale. K, L, Nettleton, Mllford. Con a. , 'r'U . ' . L 4 I HARD WOOD FLOORS. LET ME MAKE AN KSTTMArR r. t teyingr, cleaning end ref.:.-.;r. t floors. W. J. Soper. 110 iCevt 9 , street , L 6 a ftPMBLSa AND JOBBING. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR PLUMB- ' "team Mtting. hot water. nd, Jobbing. A, J. ougherty, l Kossuth street L 6 a FURNITURE UPHOUSTEFIEV S FOR FCHNTTtJEB UaHOLSTERING i Wrtt ?' te'epbon ' 1045-4. Tm New York Upholstering Co.. o Stratford Ave. L 13 d f UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING, Famitr, P.cpjr-i d and refinlshed. Pr.ce alwayi easonabla at S tram's Furniture! stare. bw, near Clinton. II ,f -r , ; recaned upholstering. Cub C. Mtsl- 4Uiai uam itr.t T:.v. 25S7-S. T7 IXCRSMITH AND HARDWARE. KARPILOW 4 ZCCKER, Keyfittlna and lock repairing, electric in stalled and repaiited. 100 FairShj Ave. Telephone 4944. LJ AUTOMOBILC3, HOW ARE your lamps? Repair?-,, glass, parts, all klnda Auto Un; ; Shop. 80 John St - P2l DOES POUR RADIATOR need repai? Ingt ' Why not have It repaired tt M. Gibeau, formerly In charre c ! . , Mayo's Radiator Repair De&t Bridgeport Radiator Repair Co 7 Fairfield avenue. L If of Jti?il, UAJlDX. Doctor of Kiropr&c- "Vi-' l) Fairfield Ave, ' n . -oorrm lIr16-lli Meigs Bldg, l bis Wut-ful mll ern offices. Private adJuUB ,ni' Rest Parlors for Ladies and OeaTiYl. men. Nw 'Phon 346. Con,, Hon free. L7 p .. Storage Warehouses STORAGE OP FURNTTXTir r--. rate -rooms, securely lock-., 1 , , ture and china packing, i arc. - - and pianos removed, larga . careful . handling. Bridgeport age Warehouse Co., 12S5 Itain k.U Cor. Congress St 4 TeL 1014-3. Financial THE CTTT NATIONAL BANK. T-r.i. . States Depository surplus and profits, 3450,000. I-'rar Miller. President: David F. R&a-s, ..Vice President; Charles E. Houjfh Cashier; Henry B. TerrllL A mm. Cashier; ' Robert A. Beera. Aw. , Cashier. ' THE CONNECTICUT NATION'At, BANK, -of. TJrldgeport rornur Main and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin. ' President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L, H. Powe, Cashier; T. C -Cummlng,-, Assistant Cttshler. Cap ital, JSS2.100; Surplus and Profit, Lump, $380,000. Ambuiancej AMBULANCES Invalid cars - ana Limousines. Charges reasonable, James T. Roark. 1295 Mean street Phone 11. J3 T cj Photography DEVELOPING of films ana plate fog: amateurs, first class work guaran-. teed. - Armatrong-Whitman sIu4n, park and Fairfield Ave. T3 at JTKAMBOATS .Bridgeport Line -to Ncw.-Yor ' Fare 60 Cents Steamer KACCATCCK Bridgeport . Pequonnock Whsrt, foot of Union Street, daily except Saturday, at 12 night Return ing leaves New Tork. Pier 2 8. K. R.. daily except Sundays, 11 A.ii. Due Bridgeport. 3:0 P. M. L. B. NICKERSON. Agent Tlic New England Steamship c Farmer Want Ad3 1c a i