Newspaper Page Text
1 v i , v. r, "IT y II eoseomfiF iriaiios: CONFESSES TO ODD LOVE TRAGEDY i The Progressive Store " represent ;tlle)jest rvalaie at comparative cost ever offered 1138 to 114 Main St., from Main to Middle Cts. J XJLIA FLAKE, , HER MOTHER, WHO WASy . :-s SLAI.1T, 'AND HER STEPFATHER, WHO' . . . . ... . . . ,. a . . r ..,v, -- . i,-.. sm. -.S 'h4 at ; $325 to $400 the, public Throughout, case5 work, scale action -and every little detail of construction,' they are positively high class in every particular. , t ' We belifeW them to be. 1 M B ? JWK .....,' , f ' ; ' ' Lrf.L. " ft hi. ' . U -vice GREAT WASTE OF :' FOOD III ;U. S. Hefrigeration : and" r Careful , .Handling the Cure.- Washington, D.v C. Jan ' 26 Dr." M. E. Tentolrtsot of th TJ. S- i Pepartment . of Agriculture la a Tecent , addrefes. at the Food Question Banquet of the ITilladelphia Prbduce ' Exchange spoke as follows: ? A - u- ,.-' "No 'Other civilized country wastes foodstuffs -as we waste i them. If all the crops that the farmers raise were, utilized; all the meat animals, that are tilled eaten; all the fish that come Into the nt mftf-keted,!! IjundTeds of thousands who'-are. now iiimsry nul4 be well -fed and . the agitation en the subject 'of high ' prices .! we uld-.'not at tract much attention. ... "The' toil of the farmer results in the production, of foods.. ' Faulty handling from, the time th apple la ripfe,.. the egg Is laid or-the "Rsfh caught red-uces enormously the amount - .which finally reaches the contaimii?? center; and lowers to even- a greater, extend the qualitv of 'a large proportion of that --hihi is saved from tlie crematory or the 4omp.v .. . "For centuries r -we - have ' conserved meat hy smoking or salting, -fish by smoking and drying, winter vegeta bles by, earth .cellar. Our great can- ' ning industry, has . so Jn-proved ana developed the elemental principles of the housewife's. .."preserving''., thaJt iias . literally resulted .14 altering the face of i the earthy Man- nam ;lives, healthfully, - w,here -'he could not live "To .refrigeration, mor-.than to" any other single factor, must we look for the elimination of decay, the preserva tion of - quality and the conservation of perishable products. Like, "smok ing," or ''canning." refrteoration must te specially and accurately applied If its maximum benefits are to be ob tained. National: and state and - mu nicipal, agencies rare now ndeavorinK to ' inculcate. '. improved. - methods of handling s foodstuffs '-at the source of production, 'an.- frequently refrigera tion, is an absolutely necessary part of such ' methods. ,- : ' - ; ' : ,L. t , "Only one thing, intervenes to-prevent refrigeration as a c conserver of Vjoth quality and quantity of food pro ducts from .being the greatest price equalizing agency that we i at present possess, and that- Js the ignorance of the consumer, -of -, the course and time of the, production. 1h- cupidity of th dishonest tradesmen is fed toy this ignorance." , , - "GUILTY CUT IXSANi:" :f SIAY BE V'ERDICT IX 1 IIOlflCrDE CASE t .-i Buffalo, Jan. 26-rA committee of th SJew York. Bar association at: a meet ing this v month wilt i-ecomnwnd tho enactment' of a law' to provide that a Jury in a murder case in which the Insanity plea has been, used as a de fense, may return a verdict of "guil ty,. but.-1n8ane."rr.Prsoto5 thuai can', victed will be subject to terms of Im prisonment at Matteawan equal to terms provided for . murder. . Emperor '-William ipari that every real man;' ''especially'' soldiers, should wear mustache. Wonder how he regards iTapoleon, Von Moltke, Wash Irjrton, .tesar, Frederick the Great Traliam Sennins8' Bryan? ' ci J - Suit rLses.jOTrow. 7:08 a- yin. Son sets today, i i . . . 5:03 p. m. High water'-.j. -,...,,' 11:44 p. m. , Rioon sets . , . '. . , '. 5:28 p.- m. Jjow wajflv;t;i . . : i . . . . 4:58 a. m. THE PRPTTIKST 'ACE. .. and the 'kmd&Bea-utiful- hands are often disfigured by an. ansightly -.wart. It can easily be removed, in a. tew -days without pain byT using, ,Pj-vs: ..Wart Remover. For 'sate oiiiy - ai The Cyru Pharmacy. 253 Fairfield . aveaue ni jjt Cannon street. ', Guaranteed not to injure the. skin, Instantly removes Stove follah. Rust,' Grease, Ink. Faiqtiand EJJrt. Fpr;.-thj hand or clothings Ia.rge can 10 centa. Manufactured by Wm. It. Winn. 244 Etratford avenne. .... .f: .' - . . ! j- : CALP SPi;ClAA,lT ,' CpeelaJ Treatment for Oily Halr-i . v Manicuring : , -j. HARRIET E. bilKItWOO. " 412 Security Building. !l Mala t, I' hone 137 3. - 8 S J ttiAOVKnTISE JL.TIJS: FAR in piano valu$ Sellfo:them dijcVfronr our factory. warerooms as we do yon are assured of a saving on initial jost'of from $50 to $75 ar$ a lifetime pf .satisfactory ser- tCOI'CZSZTENl! i 4 . :rcad ancl State POLICEMEN MUST . , ,,GO! ON, CARPET-' ' ; - NEXT 3SATUHDAY , Policemen C-'. N. Gorgas, p. JT. . Shee-l nan,, It A.aJLcCullough.,,. and'1 .-, D. ,.. J. Sullivan t have : been .', directed . : .to, appear before " the police board to its ; next meeting f Saturday-, night to, defend the: charges preferred tuy Su-: perlntendent Eugeae ' fifrraingham ar-; leging.; Unseemly oondufit -and; r agkinsti two of them, intoxication. This was decided - at a . special session of the commissioners Saturday' night- folio w-1 ing ; la report fronl ' -Commissioners Kvown and Murphy, who investigated as a discipline committee. jSpecia1!; Policeman Alexander Howell rwas' ex-' onerated from charges of conduct vun-f becoming anofflcerandbeing too . offici-1 ous.- The report was thai the charges were .unfounded and fit.- was recom mended that Policeman Howell be complimented for . his excellent work.; The . work ' of - Policeman John. E. Barton In - -solving : the recently N"ewi MBilford ."flxebug". ; mysteryr was re ported; upon hy '' President George S.' Hill, and- mentioii nade thaj Jthe1 citi-j tens of : that towp had" expressed their appreciation in a . letter, i Polleeman; Barton was assigned there .at the (ex pense Of that town and,, bis first night, arrested ' Howard T3." Lewis astlthe one responsible, and secured , a : confession, Lewis bemgr held-ift-ijall -of' $2,000. ApplicatiQlis-we reeeiveH "ftom the' following.i-to;har,'mad.e :. regular police men:; . Ja-rnes Jl. Farrar ot 76 JBeser voir, avenue; v Gaetana".'TiozW of ' 70 Church- streetf Charles-' Wakeman-of- 141 Linwood avenue; Constantino Maiello, of 586 Boad -street- Andrefr Zuis oC-.c433THyrtlftAvehuefj. x:harJea:H-Waterbur-ys of i35ff jQirand streeet: i.', !. : Special' policemen,', badges vwere turn-1 ed in by SalVatore. Soda' and William Gordon and Frank , Cohen- was given leave to withdraw .his- -application fcr appiintment. as'- a. special..' IT Vsaid that, asl manager- of r a furniture store in East!.:. Bridgeport, . he frequently; meets with,,difnoulty in collecting, bills and thought; that a., special's badge would aid him. materially. , 7 It was re-, ported that there'were 314 arrests dur-. ing .Decemher.nd .stolen property , val ued att$49 trxrvefiq.J'.gZX t WILLETT BRIBE CASE , r ' on TnutTQMoimow iMew Tork, Jan. 26JoseDh Cassidv. former JDemocratic leader f Queeris County, and'LouiaT.,' -Walter will be placed on trial tomorrow before Jus tice Jaycox in? the -saprfme- court oh the chargerof having, accepted money to -.'obtain-- the domination 'of ; William Willett, Jr.. a ' former Congressmam; to he supreme - court ? Justice- in' 191fc Willett .'. ws convicted on'' Saturday night on; a. charge of paying -for his nomination.- Sentence - will ' be pro nounced on him on Friday, -" '' ' ' ' ' - - CHEFf STfEldKEN J?iT CAFE. i . . 11 1 -. -.V'- -.-.I Suffering rromT an- attaek j of ' acute indigestion .5, eind - wconcnssjofji J of the brain resulting- from a -fatl. .Wnh Patmoer, a chef, waa transferred fronH a oaie at 33 Middle street to St. Vir& cent's hospital Saturday night. II was .uncprweioua-for.r.-sqveraj-houra PIMPLY WEEI.. DOK'T BE ! ' ' if..S- "'A People Notice It Drlve .. TliCm Off Wltti Drf Bdw-rds CTive Tablets 1 A . pimply face will not embarrass you much-longer-if you- get ap ptcks-e of Dr. Edwards'' OliVe Tablets. The skin should begin to- clear after you have - taken the tablets a. few nights. .; Cleans the -blood; the bowels.-, and the li-ver -with Olive Tablets.' - .-' ;: Dr. Edwards' Oliye Tablets are the successful subs3tatute .or-'d&16mel--there s never any sjekness or. patn rafter taking thorns . , Dr.- Edwards't.OIiY.-. Tablets Slo' that which- calomel does, and "Just as effec tively, but their aetiHr is gentle ana safe Instead of severe' and; irritating. , No ojie .wb-o. takes OHve.x Tablets .is ever cursed with "ai dark brown taste.;" a bad breath, a. dull,restless, no gooa?.' feeling, constipation, torpid liver,- bat, disposition, oje .pimply fce -. . . , .'c . - Dr. : Edwards' Qliye-;Tahiets . are .'a purely vegetable compound mixed with Olive oil, you will know them by their olive color,, ',- ' Dr. Edwards spfeni years among pa tients afflicted with liver .and bowel complaints .and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective-' result,- Take one -or two nightly for -a week. See how rpueh better you feel and lookj . 10c and 2oc per box.- The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. Adv. f3' TEEMS.'? i r :ero Streets ; REYDAUD IIUH1 mortmy -in ii FALlROrXSI(Y Basse ?Terre,jGaudaloupe, Jau. Jj2 3--Reybaud, -the ,i '-French 4. aviator ' . was probably: mortally .' injured when : he fell. with;- liis .'.aeroplane ;:. jv-hile; -flying her on Saturday.' "Th4 machine cap sized! at ' a height'- of 400-.' f eet" and f el 1 on, an iee- 'factory : - in 4 the ' city.-' Reybaud" was uynconsciousTand suffer iBg'-. from severe hemorrhages : when picked up , and the doctor said there was small vhope for his life. : Earlier ia the; day.JTeypaud-Jia3Li made, suc cessful flights over-. Pointe-A-Pitre and Riviere Sales. .' - " ' JEWISH WEDDING t OI PROMINENCE , .. " -l '- i TOMORROW NIGHT Miss Frances Romm to Become Bride of Alfred Levy , r .1 . f JVevv York., - , 1 ' -- At 7 o'clook tomorrow evening Miss Frances Romm; d&ug-htezf of the late Mi?; and-Mrsr - David, Romn(- erf - 752 Beech-wood avenue, will- become ithe bride -of .lf red Levy of Newv'K'ork,,in the Jark avenue temple. ,Dr. -David Levy will perform , the "ceremony. ; f t -The color scheme of the .wedding Is to be pink and green. ' 1 Mrs. Benjamin Adler . of New. Tork, a: sister of the bride. -is, to toe . matron of honor, while. Miss Sara ? Romm, an other sister, is to maid of.-honor..! Four intimate friends,- Mifs. . Walter ' Loe withs Mrs. 'Abraham ,r Bernstein,!1 Mia Lydia Landsman, and Miss Dora Kin ler - of' -New York; .; are tp- -be . brides-, maids. ' ' " v ' ' The tvest ' -tman -will be Benjamin X3vyf-of ' Seattre;A Washi, fa hrother of the'groom, while the 'ushers include, Walter . Loewith, - Dr." S. ' J.. , Bernstein of JJew York, Dn Abraham Bernstein and Harry Eomm) ' a 'of the bride. , ' - Following the-teremony an elabor ate' oreakfast, reception and, daYice will be held at the Stratfieloy- ' ' " CAinOLI N AS! I x : Mrs. Andrew Eliot Nash, -of Strat field; uRoad, has announced the- en gagement' of Irer. da-gfrter, - Esther Belief Nash, to-, Dr. , Walker Cairolt of this icity.' ; '. Both young ' people " are well skueurn and popular : in- Bridge port iandff. their -nSany friends - will be pleased to learn of.: their engagement. ; .Dr. Cairoli ia-a graduate-' of .. the Untverslty- o' Pewnsyivawiat- and 1s 1 a member of the University club""of this city also of several other1 clubs, - The weiding- ts , solved laled- for' the spring-. - ' i ' LEAVES $50,000 FOR ' FURTHERANCE OF HIS ' :V , DOCTRINE OF PUXCti .v -Boston, Jan i 2 SThe' continuance of the work of-the World Peace -Foundation ? estatlishe4 iJbjB . Edwin GInn In 11 0-- Is - assured in-' a' provlsio-n "-'of ' his wilt :- made ' public today.- 'Mr;- Ginn, who -had contributed- $50,000 annually- for the support of the ; foundation, bequeathed one million dollars for the same purpose, the inepme to be ad ministered 'hy the trustees of the foun dation. The abolition of war through education ,iin the advantage'of peace Is the object of thfe foundation. TtW'U-; PLANNED FOR. . WASHINGTON THE MASON v Alexandria,, Va., Jan.: 2 The mem ory of "Washington the iMason" is to be perpetrated, by the. erection of a permanent temple- here, Plans for the propoeed raeniorial are to be outlined at. a t meeting here February 22. GREER 10 TEARS A BISHOP " New Tork, Jan. : 26--rClergy ' and prominent laymen of the Episcopal church from several states are today celebrating , the. 1 Oth; anniversary of the election - of Bishop . David H. Greer as; head of the diocese of New York Communion service this morn ing in St. Bartholomew's church, was followed -by; a luncheon was held, and speeches delivered. (: . .. - .. . ' n pa r- i ; r:W, :r ,: 1 . v i v nTAULJA FLAKE 2-ftG&ERT hiGi3itt$l- .' 4'' 'W,' '. ' J' 5,;-X ' -A '1 :"r .-- " rfTT--T TT"- . i..,!......;; y4 ; '' Vj' "' '-..I t- ;'" ' -' '"y-- - -T ' t i - ' ' " -v- .: , Galesburg, 111,, Jan. 24 Julia Flake's; tIove-tragedy.s ia ! expectedii4t? proveia sensation 'when .aH the details are brought a out k at ; rt he .-. trial .'.of -. h e stepfather,' Robert' itiggans, jfor 'the murders of her mother. Higgins,' ac cording -to his.' alleged confession,-., is reported' ;to have - fallen ! In,- love ? with the pretty; sixteenyear-oJd child, of -his wife. -' According to ithe reputed- eonr WOMAN WAKES- THE GUESTS JI BURNING HOTEL f i , 1 - - " ; HoiKBtead,-c Pai ! Jan: aWrapJ pins- her head 1& JTblanket, Mrs., Ed ward -Walton, wife .of ithe proprietor of the ! Hotel Walton, this ' morning, made her way through blazing -corriT dors to awaken : 15 guests. They es caped' in'their " nightclothing before the hotel was totally destroyed jwfth a loss of $35000.- BURGLAR-AUTHOR i 1 . NOW SUSPECTED OF SLAYING OFFICER t Boston, Jan. . 26 Witnesises of the killing of . Willi -W. - ...Heatht, a police officer; by an (escaping, burglar at. Salisbury, last .October, were brought here-, today in connection, with an in vestigation 1 of , the - career, of August Kaufman, . arrested .yesterday on"1 a charge of . blowing open a safe. ; : The police, who say Kaufman, confessed to yesterday's safe blowing and to sev eral other recent burglaries "in J this city, obtained information 'which led them- to believe that :.he might have been concernedin -the Salisbury, shoot ing. , , , L ?- Kaufman, who- appears , to . be well educated, said, he had been employed as a -chef , and had been' studying , in ventions. " 'In l-his room in a lodging house were foundji-in -addition to ex plosives and an electric. 'battery many books by . famous authors. .- Kaufman told the police that he was familiar with several languages and , had" pub lished treataeses on Socialism. . -' LINES' -HIS"-.. - , pocket wren YOUR SKIN That Is What An ITnscriipnlOUK Dealer Does If He Sucoectl'j - In Selling: You a Substitute for Resfnol - - Over eighteen years of constant use by. physicians and public have shown that Resinol stops itching?-- Instantly, and quickly heals tormenting, unsight ly, km- eruptions. . . We - have thou sands of unsolicited testimonials that prove 1 1. ' -'. ';;. . ...' Most druggists are only, too glad to sell Resinol to their customers because they know that it will give .satisfac tion. ,But a few unscrupulous deal ers offer; in its place, ointments which resemble Resinol closely enough in name or appearance to deceive- the unwary. . , , c , They claim these are "just the same as Resinol," or "just as good as Resi-, nol." But -they are NOT. They are crude imitations; often cheaply made and of little or no healing power. The dishonest dealer wants-to sell these imitations instead of Resinol because HE can maae a few cents more profit and not because they will do your skin any good.,- - - -' - r':-- - ; "' We publish this to warn " our cus tomers, many of whom write that they have .been deceived by imitations jf Resinol. i. If anyone tries this -trick on you,. Insist on seeing a-jar of genuine Resinol . also. Compare the two oint ments and decide for yourself if the "substitute" IS "just the same as Resi nol." Resinol is never sold; in bulk, only in opal jars with the name blown in the bottom. Each jar1 comes- in a blue carton which it. is unlawful to imitate. . Price 50c and . For trial size, free, "write" to Dept. 42-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. Adv. . . . , -. f ession, he was persuaded by the girl to do away with her mother. Alleged letters L whteh . the girl ,. wrote to her girl chums stating that she hoped her stepfather would skill her mother Tiave been found. After the murder of Mrs, Higgins suspicion did not fall , for , a while upon her husband. It wasthe girl's letters, to her friends that finally furnished, the clue., r - ,' IS KILLED WHILE TRYING' TO , SAVE : DEAF. WOMAN f . - , ' V .' ' -' Amsterdam :Nvr Y."1, -Tanl .2 6-r-Oecar Miles, a gate tender, and Miss Minnie Bauman were instantly killed to,day at a"Wes.t -Shore Railroad crossing in this city- by a ' light engine.i ;The ' gates were1 not in working -order1-and Miles rushed ' to w,aro - Miss- Bauman,-; "who was slightly deaf . when-, (both . were struck. j -. " COMMITTEES ARE PREPARING FOR STATE, CONFERENCE i - v . . -. .- - Committees - are already ,' planning their work for the State Conference of Charities and Correction, which -is to be held In this city on 'April 26th, 27th and' 2Stli. The committee" On social service of hich -(Schuyler -.Merritt- of Stamford - Is chairman, recently held a meeting-; in the .office .of the Hont- Mor ris W; Seymour and . made plans, for their ' part of the -conterence. - ' ? The committee is to have charge of the opening session Sunday- afternoon, April 26th and -In addition fayttio;. usual preSiminary-a'ddresses decided -to pre sent ' two general subjects, one -''The General Field... of ..Social; Service."1 and the other "The. Social Effect of Movingr Picture .theaters." s v - , - The :.commlttee-.on Children's .Work, Mrs; xM. B?.. Ford, - of thias-oity,' . chairman.- held its meeting in the HoteJ Stratfleld and mapped ont a program for. their . session . of the .conference to be held Tuesday afternoon, April j.28th. Three ' leading -subjects will , .foe con-; sidered ,asfollows: 1.- Industrial and vocational train ing of dependent' children. ' .: , ... 2.. v Methods of dealing, with Juvenile delinquents. . , 3.- The:- placing ou system vs. irr stitutiorial care for dependent chil dren. ( " ' ' -As m-the ease- of the other confer ence committees, it is expected that interesting speakers from out of the state, as well - as some of the most active .-. .workers: - in Cprinjsc.tJcutT( i will take 'part- in this program,- ?. - FREE LOAN SOCIETY -FINDS afAN'S WORD IS BEST SECURITY New York,.-Jan. 2 6i--That : most peo ple are honesti, the contention of Julius ; J. Dukas, - president of -the Hebrew .Free ,. Loan Society, of, this city, in his annual ' report today. , In the . 22 'years of its existence, : the siocjety has lost -less .than. 1. .per . cent, of money loaned on character as the only security. .' . - - , . . Anti-Snffrage Campaign To Re Taken Sbuth j :W aahJngtoni Jan. -26. The campaign of the National Association i Opposed to -Womin'si SufHragie- a s. to -be carried 'into 'every ...southern, state,. Biocording to 'Aira? Arthur M. Dodge, 'its presi dent, . who has returned , here from South . Carolina where . tlie . fight- has jiist toeen. started-' - , i Prior ' p the present week, . Mrs. Dodge , states, Virginia was the . only southern state represented in the as sociation. ...... '- - : LTPORD BROTHERS t $16 . CUSTOM STJrT SALE -" East Side-and West End 16 So good were never go iow before --Bed Clolbinn you'll be proud of al Dig Saying in Prices -r r 69c Blankets 98c Blankets $2.25, $2 M & $2.49 Blankets $2.59 "& $2.69 'f5z BlanKcts :iC2J2J BlaMcefs zEj o- oy. c :.;";::AB ?ComforfoMeS' and Blzzl:: at-:the;-liiofest-; Price Loxvarl:; yet ' oflered---See -Tiisse, ULTrrl POLICE DENY its fin THIRD DEGREE GHOST STORY t t j , , - '-r; . ' Los .Angeles, Jan. 2Br-Denial ot charges by - attorneys - fw . John ,H; Grondin, accused of havtngmuiBeie'd his wife Zeiia' that, the police ,had used the. "third degree" with . ,a '.'ghost" aa thckentral . figure , at tempt to extort a -confession, was made by, the district attorneya'o.ffiee today. ' .-.According to W. F. Shannon, deputy district attorney, Grondin occasionally became 'delirious from the use -of a drug. '. Shannon declared. -that "-the "ghost" which, according to Grondin'a attorney -appeared in a darkenea toom where the police had takeri the pris-1 .and-demanded m gloomy tones "Whyi did you murder me?" was a product,Of the-stceused man's, imagina tion j . --v : ' - .".. !', -. ; - ,;. , ' Grondin Ja charged with having poisoned his wife here last. October and .attempted' to establish that . -she killed herself by ' inhaling gas. The police said he wrote a . note explain ing his wif ea alleged suicide. - , MOYER EXPECTED :to meet charge; he conspired v. t , i ,w . v Houghton, Mich., Jan.. . ?6, Ohiarles H'.i Moyer, " jmseident of he Western Federation of Miners, and other labor leaders 'are expected to' come here this week- to arrange to answer to con spiracy charges, O. Ms. Hilton, v of rienver, attorney for the Western. Federation of Labor, eent word yes terday that Ihe-'unlon-iOfrtcials would return voluntarily to answer ,- indict-1 ments returned ' agagst ; them two weeks aigo 4y a epecial grand j-uiry in vestigatinig dlsorderm arising fron ' the strike of the "copper miners. i , Thirty-one strikers who were Indict ed at tche; saane tirne -'and 'on: similar charges,., .were prepared to offer pkias today. It" its doubtful! whether the cases will bereached during the pres ent term ofcourt. J . . . , ORIGINAL "SLUGGER i WILLIAMS'V DEAD i' - '-". :; '""- ' 1 ' - rf . - - London. Jan. 26. Announcement Was made, here today of -the death .in' North Wle of the Rov. BiuJkeley Owen' Jones, chancellor" of tie Calihed'ral of St. .Asaph. ..: ile- -was. -98 years' old.' ; At Rugby the-Re V; Mr. yfones was) a con-'tempwrary-y of Judge Thomas O. C. trugfties ana -was the. original of ."ftlug-. ger WUllams," a character? dr tjjig;herf "Tom Brown's SohooWays." . ' sf t'."- IVtany Colts Eligible v For Kentucky Futurity Lexinigton, Ky.,"' Jan. 26. 'Eight hun dred and forty-'two weanlings were kept eligible for the $26,000 Kentucky Futurity on the second payment. Jan. 1. according - to an-announeement to day from the offices of the (Kentucky.. Trotting' Horse Breeders' association. Walnut Hill Farm as in first position with 70 entries for, the futurity -v v - dmme mm --' u o j governor :te::z:; sAys'iiot o;:z j PLAYER HAS it:: Philadelphia, Jan. 2S Governor 'i' er, of..' the .iNatioaal- BasebalL Lagrue, commented at length, last '-night, on the .Federals .and the players they are said to .have- obtained. . ; '.'.With "t the exception,. of Tinker .and Knabe," he , said,' "the. players oi -tamed by the opposition have let-a either discards" or players of such m i Iocre attainments thatr their t wont ,. hurt the -clubs they deserted. "I am happy to say - that no jroofi prayer In his zenith has been in duced to jump. y, t'This fact," " the governor M , "shows that the players with a fur .ire or; players in their prime, have too much . far-sight to - jeopardize their careers by being moved by -the vision ary .. sohenres of the . outlaw promot ers. "Weeghman; of Chicago, is the live wire of , the Federal ,. League, ' 'tii;i he can't assume all the burdens of the entire' prize himself. I wasn't at all surprised when I read that John', Kar-bour.:;-was going; Jto retire. .as 'pr? siident of the.Plttsirurgh Federal League club. Barbour and I went to school together in Pittsburgh and he is the first boy . can recall ' who ever caught my curves.. His resignation will hurt the Pittsburgh . Federals in .many ways." DEMOCRATIC WOMEN, v REVOLT. . FliOM-I XVIXG OF SUFFRAGE I'AliTY Washington, Jan. 26- Wom,-( n Fuf-fra-e circles were aflutter "heire today over' the action of a little band of 15 recalcitrant members of the Co.icrrt H sional Union For Woman's Suffrage who, led by Miss Russell H. Maclen narv, bolted the parent organ izat ;. m and immediately., formed a. rival or ganization, .because they were not Jn sympathy with the union's policy. As a result hey will 4n -the future al'- filiate with the congressional commit tee of the Rational Woman's Suffr.i .i Association, of which Mrs. Medlll J! ' Cormlck is chairman. ' Preceding the revolt, resolution-; were -adopted condem'ning the allege ! partisan:, pol-icy ?f th -Congimr-lor.:-! Union dn Its avowed, ptirpose to defe . Jemocratie ' members of " Congress f . r re-election if the Iiji ocrati c party falls to pass an amendment to t.ha constitution 4for equal suffrage. Tim resolutions also endorsed the "no: -partisan ' Policy" of the National ' -ma, Suffrage Association. Mrs. M. -fcjormick welcomed the new membet i Into her association and pledged the i s her support. s Miss Paul later issued a stateme; ; declared the policy of the union wp ? rionT partisan' and applied with perf e t impartiality ' to all political '. parti e. The union has just received two Tie allies is claimed, more than offsets for the time, being at least tl-i -i disaffection of Mrs. Mac-Lennan ari her followers. v PORTRAIT Or CARDINAL l f4 GlRBONS i IN, ' VESTMENT', !' ,'., . ,y. - . ' ... . : Washington, Jan. 26. ;A, life-si Zf portrait -of Cardinal GPabons has Jus been completed by Miss Anna K. Shea aa-Ohdo artist. - It -will -le rr 'by the cardinal's friendis. It .'.. the cardinal In his brilliant e ; . :. vestmentiB. ... t