Newspaper Page Text
s THE FARMER; JANUARY 26, 1914 M ffOJIES'S. EECTICHr V : Qcarcnce of Separate ; Skills 'at At tractive. Reductions. This is asaM'many women will delight in, for the clearance brings forward a lot of very pretty skirts in late syleSy sit a price that' makes possible that ex tra ; skirt every woman, should'have.'l The choosing is particularly good now, i" At ' $2.95 A group, of odd .'skirts-taken- ', from our Regular stocks thathave been sell ing readily at $4.00 and $500. ! ; ' At $4.75 Another ' group of ' fetching skirts o corduroy; poplin, and serge, fri,p'6pu- lar -colors such as taupe, navytwo-tone effects and black, brown and modish stripes In. all of the season t most asked f or stylesJ c Have you visited bur, January White Sale vyet? ) The ' variety is less of "course, but the values in dainty lingerie are as great in the i : beginning, of the sale. , - , . ' ' i 'r' . . (gS . INCORPORATED - ' ' ' J ' CUTFITTERSTO MEN WOMEN & CHILDREN , , BRIDGEPORT, CONN. J CENTRAL FIGURES IN $150,000 GRAFT :V" ) STORY WHICH MAY START ANOTO POLITICAL UPHEAVAL IN NEW YORK CHINESE CELEBRATE j NEW YEARS, 4,863, ; THROUGHOUT WORLD WIELBR 13 RECEJrVERJ . Tho year 4,865 o being celebrated i -today in the Chinese -era. of reckon- ingr, in 4he fax away Chinese .repute He aa well, as by native born sons of that 'coantry jh-ere and over' the world." To '4hn 'MVner.l,1aji race Sin. Neen. or new 3 year, nmss much t is he tiin of r the year like outs when, the nana or r brotherly- ove ts extended and Tteidal v war oroitteii , . . -: ., ; The o4&rvanceef th-day to -the . uninitiated. In CShinese mystery la to i tice&bie chiefly byL the qaiantity of r -pinSt paper? slips nptch --are pronitaw-. -ously hTSded' tf frienda und appear- in.' 1 the stores and home. , . Bridgejuort . CJhinese, to the number iof -83; wfil -celebrate for " three - days, visiting and exchanging greeting. V ? WOSCESChA3I- VVJs-T - FEKE - "--rCold and -wet feet- are a dangerous combination,- especially to women, and congested Sidneys often result. Back ' .ache, BTfn'ary irregTilarities and riiea .matio fevers vara not unusual . eulsj 'Foley Kidney Iills restore the rei3,-ua.r and normal -action of ' kidneys and " bladder and remove the cause of the troiiblo, i Uontala no habit, forming '. drcgi-iEladJe's 3rug store. Adv FtRE TST R. SOCTHEVS HOME. -"A. porticr on fire at the home of Dr.- E. Gfc Southey,' -821 John street, " Bhortly after 1' o'clock last night re sulted in a still alarm for Engine Co. 1 and Chemical Co. I. "The damage -was confined to the loss of the por tier. . ,'T Joaepll i WWer has ibeen appodnied temporarjr receiver for the Main" Cloak rupt; nomas tvas fixed at $20,000 " by trr(ree John W; - Banks - and first meeting- of creditors wll be held On February 3rd. A. schedrale places lia- ibrjitis at' $7,525 and assets t: $8,835. f - rf Z : ' - ISMEftGEXOr' HOSTTTAIj. -M Seven et itches were needed at, .the emergency hospital ; yesterday after noon to repair the damage -when Con- salva iJlBasqua, a trackwortcer, was hit near the right ey 'by the end of: a cable that "was -being pulled up on one of tha pole of the railroad electrifica tion system- Cornelius F'owler. asred 66, suffered what was diagnosed as -an attack, of apoplexy,; near city hall last nighty' refused hospital -treatment and was taken to- his home, ; Zit State street, .,-. '. Tnel 'ArnsurEmlf. clu'b have issued in- yHaitdons for an . tntarmai dance- for Wednesday, .Fetoraiajry llthl in iSktouirt gymrnaslunx bTfh Misses Aignesa XAght; ElizaJbeth MojauighHn andi -Jessie G-reeorwtood 'comuprtee the doflmraittee of arrairagiexnienits. . , '. Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale at H.i jDillon Co.'s, 1105 Main street. Extraordinary low prices on all . eea- sohable merchandise, cost not consid ered. Tt twill pay you i to' Tluy your furs now for next year. Adv. 1 . A girl in- Mlasouiri wants $5,000 for being kissed on the impulse of the moment" ty an im.puden.t young man Ije should have kissed her ' on the rosy li-ps.' ' f: ' "V ' r : . t, I.I -m.o.v S r- , ? 4 I -s ' ,. 1 ZTf ;- l 7J K -:v:e' J-"'- GREAT VATERLA2JD, NEWEST AND " BIGGEST OF OCEAN UNERS, NEARIITG COMPLETION FOR SPRING SAILI1TG v i It - . 21 k- "O1 -fci "'v; :'--&r! 'New York Jan. 2 4. Sensational de- velopments are expected- in New;Tork political : life owing to. the searching investigation conducted by Districts At torney Charles Whitman, ' who has instituted John: Doe proceedings be fore Justice1 . McAdoo.. Ex-Governor Sulzer under a grilling cross examina- party. of having a "bagman" to "shake down" contractors doing state work for financial . contributions. Mr. Sulzer, now;, an assemblyman, - testified that United States Senator. O'Gorman .told him that James E. Gaff ney.the' wealthy owner of the poston National baseball club - and long a power .in - New .York politics, was Murphy's- collector. Sen ator O'Gorman' charge arose over the attempt of a man who described him- tion by Mr.Whitman has revealed that self as "James E. Gaffney" to obtain Charles s F. Murphy, the " dominant $150,000 from James Stewart, head of power in the Democratic party in the a construction company,: at - a time state, has been 'accused in his -own ' when contracts for which Stewart had bid . were pending before -the state authorities. Stewart -was a client of Senator O'Gorman, and O'Gorman is said to have protested not only to Sul zer, but to C. F. Murphy as well, re garding "Gaffney s" action. . Senator O'Gorman, r Murphy and Gaffney are expected - to - go on -the jtness stanu as-' th ressttof Sulzers disclosures, and .action by the' grand jury is deem ed probable by those . familiar , with the characteristically thorough meth ods of District' Attorney Whitman, who has made a nation wide reputation as a graft prober: The photo of ex-Gov ernor Sulzer was snapped while he was on the witness stand Under cross examination by Mr.1 Whitman... or '! f- v . I i t I- i - TV's; ! :r &.' ill 44 . The liner Vaterland of . the Hamburg-American line, which is now the largest ship in the world, surpassing her sister 'ship Imperator in every di mension, is rapidly nearing- comple tion. Some Idea of her enormous size may be gained from her three great funnels recently placed in -position, which rise to a height of 146 feet above "the fwater. ? The stacks, which are sixty-two feet -in height, are pval In shape,- measuring 20 by SO feet. Each funnel consists, of two parts, an inner funnel, and an outer tube which serves for cooling off. In the accom panying illustration' one of the outer funnels is shown being slipped over the inner tube. - The most powerful derrick ever constructed is required to handle these enormous cylinders. The Vaterland measures 950 feet in length, 100 feet in width and is of 58,000 tons burden. - She will sail on her maldeir trip to New York early In the spring NOVELTY FUR SETS ; v We call special attention our muff and'collarettes of spe cial designs remodeling from your own Furs. Hats also to matcb. W. E. HALLIGAN , 39 BROAD STREET - :No hand 4 " has touched J L H . r" ili'mii ' in i w EMMS From churn ,tq its protect ing package, to dealer, to your, butter jplate nohuman ha&d Ins touched - BtrtTTER ; But you pay no more: for Gold Medal's delicious flavor, for its abso lute purity, the full weight; or sanitary package than you- do for butter that's rot guaranteed. Bug It At Your -Dealer's Today 'Dillon Sc Douglass Nw Han ; . rWidane SprinsfieUl Wo IS EMW1E! ' SALE; . ; ENTIRE STOCK OF TILE MAIN CLOAK AND SUIT COMPANY, 1200 MAIN STREET. , BRIDGEPORT, :" Must be sold at onee and turned into cash. ' 1 iiOuies'GGalis, Suits, Dresses ' . Furs; Muifs,;Etc. !::r-12O0 i'Mate 'Street- 4 ENTRANCE AT THE MAIN SILK STORE, 1200 Main St. JOSEPH F. WTELER," Receiver Temporary. . STRATFORD . Final arrangements (have "been made for. the minstrel, show to toe given un der direction of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Denuson ifor . the 'benefit of the new St. James ehmrch, at the And fctariuni; to morrow evening. inere nave oeen a number . of rehearsal and the hall should be filled to its full, capacity. A number of the memtoers of the Taxpayers' Improvement - club will take pant' in the show as well as tal ent, from Urldgeiport.' Among them are the .following: - Interlocutor, " Rich ard Stanton; end men, John Albright, Teeter Veai de i-Bogairt, G-eorwe Peace and P-eter Alibrig-ht;; soloistSj Henry Peace,. - John - Peace, . Albefrt Bedell and Albert Wa inwrigh t ; chorus, Os car Swanson,. raniel CJarten,. George Woodford, S'rank Smith,, William Hee and Fred Albright. Others who will appear .are John Oalvin, ibaritone; Miss" Jessie Mumay, " soprano, and Wil liam Toomey, impersonator, -v. Jerome May, the :w-ell known tan jo expert, will he heard in several selections, also Roy Koch, one of his pupils. The performance wH fltegln at eight o'clock, dancing to follow. : . MRS. MATEEIH3RS DUES. Mrs. C. B. - Mathers died early- Sun day morning at her home on North Parade after a prolonged, illness. Mrs. Mather, who has not resided in Strata ford long, was 79 years of agey but would have been 80 had jshe lived un til -April. She - made .many friends duffing the short time" ehe lived here, who will be grieved to hear the" news of her death. . - - INJURES HAND. ' V Roger Brig-gei, who is employed on construction ' work In connection, with the nw electric railway, had the mis fortune recently to 1 'break his index finger .on the right band. The young man was in' . the act of -boarding a train; when- his hand caught, the 'brok en Ungear resulting. Dr. HLowIand at tended' to the hand and Roger - will soon rbe able to use it again. v - ; - BASKETBALL. . Tonight the Rambler Juniors will play the team of the First Presbyte rian church in Bridgeport at , the church hall. ' A num'ber of people from town expect to attend. On Fri day the Stratford five will play ' the ordinals at OlivSt cnutrch. The. team Is one of six 'belonging to the Inter Cluto league of Bridgeport. Iiast Fri day, they defeated the Olivets 42 to 4. The young men comprising the team are Robert Wheeler, Edmund Wheeler, George , Hale, Hairold Hall and Iee Clinton. SUPPER qpWORROW NOCQiHlT. Tmhoitow n-Sgfei, Evening SKir UG.g, of Retoekahe wilt hold a clam chow der supper in Odd Fellows halt Sup per will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock and 8:30 whists will toe played A num'ber of fine dishes have ibeen promised for the supper and all who can should ibe present. PERSONAL, ITEMS. Emmet Beardeley -has returned to Sharon after a. short visit with his parents on J3eairdsley avenue. - Miss Constance Fairchild of 'New Tork is visiting Miss Myrtis Fair- child at her home on Broad street.! ' ' Miss Oarnelia Thompson, spentf the week ecud sa the home of hetr pareints, Mr. end Mrs. : John - Thompson, on Church street. ; . ' i . Tomorrow i afternoon tnie . Women's Home ' Missionary Of the Oongvega tional chinrch will meetv in the chapel, the topic 'being, "Romance 'and Real ism 'of the South. Ijand." Miss Gertruide Batty pent the week end with friends In Wallinigford. - Miss Julia Savage has returned to toer duties at the ,Franklin school af ter a few days' Illness.- : :. THE "MISCHIEF QUARTETTE'' -; . " : AM) ITS WORK , Each year the -month of January numbers its list of victims from in fluenza, la grippe, .hronchitis and pneumonia. . The prompt use of Fo ley's Honey and Tar 'Compound will check the onset of a cold and stop a cough, preventing its development to more serious conditions. Keep it' on hand. Hindle's. Drug store.- Adv. '- E ASTON .Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. ' J. Arthur Sherwood and daughter, Miss' Hazel ifl.' jsiierwooa. Mr.' and Mrs: Aurel Ruman, Jr., . at tended the 25th anniversary 'celebra tion of Monroe grange on Thursday evening. Robert Wi - Marsh sang a vocal solo.- -State Master J.- Arthur Sherwood and wife installed the - offi cers 'of the,Meriden grange on Friday evening. . Saturday evening, waia Master. J. Arthur Sherwood and daugh ter. Miss Hazel E. Sherwood, installed the officers ot Stratford grange at Stratford.-; -Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'A. Jennings, Edgar Jennings and Rev-. A. M. Davidson attended, the funeral of . Mrs. Wilbur Jennings in Greenfield on Wednesday afternoon. A meeting of the Fairfield County Pomona grange will be held on Wednesday ' at New Canaan. The regular - meeting of Easton grange, No. 149," will be held on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Coley Fields of Shelton, "were enter tained recently at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. " Charles . F. Nichols. Mrs. Elhert Nichols was a-r'recent guest of her - sister, Mrs. . John Broadbin of Union avenue, Bridgeport. Williaxn Slater, having spent a few days at his place which he recently purchased. formerlv owned- by Uolev Fields, has returned - to his homel at LoBgr Island Mr. Slater and his oldest daughter ex pect to soon return and. start the work about the place which is much needed. The remainder of the fam ily will come about April 1. Mr. 5ranklin Mallette of Tashua, has been at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Staples of Sport Hill. During the absence of her mother , while she was with her niece, " Miss Alice Seeley of Plattsvdlle. r-Miss Evelyn Starks of Boston, Mass., will be in town on Friday evening, January- 30th, at the Baptist church and will give one of her entertainments. . After the enter tainment the ladies will serve an oys ter stew in the hall. The Ladies' a Aid society of- the Congregational church will hold an afternoon sociable at the' home of Miss Louie Twiney at the Center . on Thursday. The Ladies' 'Aid' Society - of the Congregational church' will give an entertainment -in the grange hall.- February 6, and will serve a clam chowder supper.- Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Ferry were guests on Fridav of friends in Hattertown. Charles- S. ' Ehuerette is- busy .getting his ,ice. -Edson - Hall of TStratford, spent Sunday with Ms sister, - Mrs. Charles Blakeman. Miss "'Emily Lew is has been spending- a few -days as guest of friends in Bridgeport.- The Misses Mary and -Dorothy Gillette of Bridgeport, have returned having spent the week-end with . their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Gillette at Adams , ComerSi ' . TRUMBULL ! At the . installation : -of officers . of TrumTull grange, ..- Friday evening, Alexander .. ... . Sinclair of Harmony grange, Monroe, was presented with a grange emblem watch . fob. Mrs. Her bert Joyce, his assistant, received a hat.; pin. r The board of relief '.will 4 meet at the- town hall on Monday, February 2, - from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. There will toe two other meetings of the: board to be announced later. The regular order of service was fol lowed: at v the Congregational church Sunday evening as the - pastor was unable to - secure : the slides f or ' the steroptiteon lectures. Mr. and Mrs.' Samuel Ward of this place, -Mr. , and Mrs. John Hurd and Orvdlle B. Burton of Long Hill , spent Sunday, in Bridge. port attending the mass meeting at Poli's' theater in the afternoon, ser vices at 'the South church and the -patriotic services, at the First Presbyterian- church, : . Sunday , evening. The funeral of Sarah J. Dilliston, wife of Wilbur Dilliston Of Long Hill, whose death occurred on Thursday after ' a shorti-Illness with hronchial pneumonia was held-- on Sunday from her late home.r The - - Trumbull basket-ball team has joined the Inter-cluto basket ball league and 1;he . entire six teams consisting . of the Olivet Knights, Stratford's - Laurels, "Cardinals and the Barnum Independents and lost by one point, the score "being 16 to 15, which the 'boys consider very- good as they have had , little practice and as - their practice gro-unds are very small, they are at a disadvantage on a larger floor. Those playing on the local team y were Fitch., , rf.; E. - Thorn ton. If.: R. Thornton, c. : Linley. rsr. : Beach lg. Baskets, E. Thornton 4; - Fitch. 3. Goal from foul. Beach. . The league has made plans for eames on ' Friday evening of each week. ., IDE WlBULD ALMANAC FOH 1914 In addition to the usual 50,000 facts and figures, the 1914 Almanac cok tains features of unusual Interest to the purchasing public. The achievements of the first Democratic Congress and Administration since the time of Cleve land, more- than sixteen years, Is carefully reviewed in this edition. Copies of the World Almanac Is on sale at the ' POST'OFFICE ITEWS STORE, 11 P. O. AHCADI3 OLD COMPANY'S T TT f? LEHIGH, THE BEST (I KAjJ JLL GASH PRICE STOVE A1TD EGO- tZ.CO ft n", BUY NOW WHILE U,IY PRICES ARE LOW PATRICK McGEE 269 EAST VASII. AV: Phone 3323 ErEBT HOUSK PRESENTS, A DIFFERENT HEATTNG PROBLKB1 1 ; No House Beyond the Heating Possibilities of Absolutely Clean Cos! '' IT PKODlTCfBS FTJXiIi HEAT-VAITTE IK STEAM, HOT-AIR s . OR HOT. WATER HOUSE-HEATERS : STOVE AND EGG ."."..I... .$8.75 NUT SIZE J ,...$7.03 25 CENTS OFF PER TON FOR CASH THE WHEELER & HOWES CO. ' ' " Phone 344 i A DIFFEKENCK Iff . . ,: WORKING HOURS A man's working day is 8 hour's. His body organs must work perfectly 24. hours to keep him fit for" 8 hours work. Weak, sore, inactive kidneys can not do , it. They must be sound and healthily active all the time. Fo ley Kidney Pills will make them so. You cannot take them into your sys tem without ' good results following. Hindle's Drug store. -Adv. Sprague Ice & Coal Go. G. A T stove.... :.-..$s.5o C 3 V I J EGG;.......::........ $8.50 , V JB NUT I. $6.75 EAST END,' EAST WASHINGTON AVE. BRIDGE, Tel. 4673-4G74 IRA GREGORY 8c CO. Branch OSce . pwwwwo jz&m ozlts r?jdn street fCOALl , Girl Wanted? Read tha Farmer Want Ada. . COAL, HAY BE HIGHER AGAIN THIS WINTEIi BUY NOW PRICE BARE LOW i , The Naugafuck Valky !ee Co. MAIN OmCE AND MjANT 421 HOUSATONIC AVENUE TELu NOS. 891,- 5B8 , w it