Newspaper Page Text
B THE .FARMER : MARCH 6, 19 W HQr.lE HEALTH GLIB (Edited by Dr. David H. Reader, Chi cago, Illinois.) FASTITG. The great majority of physicians end perhaps 95 per cent of the laity of this country have a very ; vague and indefinite idea of tjf month of December last amounted to r . i, i ri.Dl4,a aoiens, or more thani in tne I am going to- tell yon ,v,,. Ji with ECK3S IN FOREIGN COMMERCE. The growing dependence of" the United States upon foreign countries for a part of its food supply lends interest to a special statement regard ing imports and exports of eggs, pre pared toy the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Department of i Imports of eggs in the called "the - the reason something about it. Practical every- T , la- t, day happenings are the mfl f irtports amounted to 368.000 dozens: in and impressive, and, thererore, I win 1Qln 01a(uw,. , 1(119 1 07 fkTirk lAfAiO- tell you of three Home Health cases, I d' ln 'the' flrst th;ee ' montns under ana wwat lasting uiu y,- tne new tariff , law October, Novem- Bn- . . ,. Iber. and December last during which me nrst was a woman oi period eggs were admitted free of health ehe weighed 160 poontia aao oia duty the . imports aggregated 1,701,153 au oi me nouseww l-jl a. u.., dozens, most of them arriving in De- slx on a farm. 1 do not recau tne ue- cembeT 1 Recent consular advices taflfes of her first illness, out , ao re- , rnii., Fmnn norta in- member that within six months she aicate continued large increases in the was reOJuced to a 101 "i ira,-wy '"""shipments of eggs to this country and bones that weihI SO pounds. Efcgs other than those in the natural She had. a srood apoetite and -ate as I much as ever .but gained neither flesh though at - reduced rates, and these nor strength. X , ordered a. chaaage of show increasing imports in the brief diet and as the. tongue was heavily perioa for which the monthly figures coated' told her to fast for tore or are at , hand. Frozen or preserved four days, until the tongue cleared. h rtnf.v on which is now two She paid attention only to the latter I cents per pound, show for the last Tia.rt of the suiggestion ana lasveci i three mnntka nf its a. total imnorta- days Ijefono the tongue was clear.- I tion of about 1,000,000 pounds, valued hod given oarefiua instruction tn re- at. approximately $115,000. Egg yolks. gard to the method of (breaking th dutiable at' 10 per cent, ad valorem fast and She obeyed religiously. . unr- I a-arernt td nbnut 200.000 sounds, and inff the three weeks fast she lost but dried eggs, 8,534 pounds for the three lit We wwtsb.t, felt well, was bright, months ended with . December. In active and cheerful. ' Olf course, her each, case the imports were considera- t amaly all thought she would die sure, I tiy larger .. than those for the corres birt within 90 days after breaking the I ponding period of 1912. fast she wieighed 128 pounds and. was Thet countries contributing the eggs " doing the housework as of oM. I j imported into" : the United States are hear from her frequently and always few in number. Our imported eggs thn same story at how she keeps wen are chiefly the product of China. Si- . v an occassional iast of a few days beria, Russia and ..Southern Europe. arid a return, to the specSfiic diet which I those- arriving from England and Ger T had HCMmnenfleg.. many-having been for the most part Tbs second case was that of .a for- shipped into those countries for resale mT--t wife in Iowa. She was only five to foreign markets, 'Of eggs imported fee three baches tall and weighed-206 in " the natural state, England is the pounds. . She had not been able to go chief nominal source, next in.: order upstairs to ber . own. house for over being China (Including Hongkong) and twr years ani could not walk forther Canada. Frozen eggs are chiefly front than two or three city blocks. . After England, with smaller quantities from . Am, vtbx-si aatr about five if . I re- Hongkong, r Egg yolks come almost mender correctly I changed her diet I exclusively from Germany, which , im- ivmTte1r. !Neighbor told her sne ports large quantities -of eggs from the -would surely dSe if she ate what ' 1 1 producing centers of Europe and Asia ltnmnrl tmt nit the end of three or 1 and re-exports them, in this form to four months she was not only sleep- the United States and other parts '." of . ,mtarm- doinz her own nouee-1 me wona. ; , -wosik, w4lah. : before she was unable Exports - of H eggs . during the year - . jirv niinri on ond one-half I ended with December, 1 1913 amounted -. miles daily 'to a, place where she ob- Ito seventeen and two-third ralllidn doz- tained a portion f Mr ipeclal diet compareo wim practically nme- and then walked; back home.; During teen million in 1912. five and two-third ,-. ninths she loet' ust sixty- I million in 1910, and one-half million in t, nmmas ln weight aad was then 11903, a decade ago. While exports of . v, o tKr, in erfect health, I eggs are still much greater than im- Jhfcush as a measure of protection, j Ports, the closing months of the year she fasts alew days oeoassaoraauy. . - :U"utuj : uuim ven- Th. tMnl w is more : recent. A aency, in exports and an upward tren . city Sat dtwieHer, age 60, weight 217 1-2 ' imports of that. conTmoity,, poumds. ; 6he dtobed one -flight oS iTnniT,-. , stairs to the Home . Health offlces and AUTOMOBILES AND ind to stt for five mdntntes before she . - ; DANGER QUKSTIOM . could talfe. meantime'her breatb om- Automobiles and motor trucks are i-ng in little ,'gaefpsi ; How- wiell lre- not nearly so- dangerous as is gener- ' mHe her next yteit, at the end of allv believed: in fa nt. tbV Bi- ni her ftart f .ofseven djys - First Jf any, Woriaiirtf jts-hlr3borses 1 however, bear in. ' mhid tttif she had and wagons, as .statistical reports on for several years been, an invalid, -with tne subject are gradually proving. Re three tripe to the hospital and," each cent reports on street and' highway time an ooersoon. one naa uwu ui- i accidents and fatalities sra mialea.d. m, -rm jitij5 ithe onlv reason thatl Ino'tln. th( VfitnArtr fn 4Var' 4hsi -Tall could be flound for another operation I to . take Into account several factora was the sict that er nmsoania ,aaa that' are of the utmost; importance In several buxydred dollars in the bank. I arriving at ' accurate estimates of the The . plans had already been; laid! fto I comparative .danger of different kinds make another trto . to the . hospital I of vehicular traffics 3 where they would amputate," 'let me - . In the first place, while giving bare seevwhat was it Hejr were to ampa- I figures, - showing ,:. the ; comparative ! tats, oh yvf. the ibanik baoanoe. , iter i numbers of -persons killed and injured husband still has It' however,- and j by . motor vehicles, trolley, cars and nhn ' she came - in afteul the seven I horse-drawn vehicles year bv"vea.rl re. ria.-vai fast she cmibed! the stairo .with I ports-, do. not . show-: the ' relative in- the utmost ease' amd old me that "in creases or . decreases in the numbers I ' spite of iherbnisbandrs ana neighbors 1 of such vehicles' in nae: On their face, TM-adictions that she - wotnld be bed-J the figures show -that the increase in faet, Bhe had not'.felt ' so well and j accidents is due, almost entirely . to : mna- - several years. Her friends 1 motor vehicles.'but the simnlest ankl- - hardly know the woman now, .shells ysis showsthat this is due to -the fact ' well, strong and happy, y. : 1 ? . that the number of vehicles is increas- j , " Yes, there is -danger in fasting .'wto'en ing very rapidly, while the number of v it is not done InteE'lgentlyji ' .There are horse-drawn vehicles and trolley- cars - no two cases exactly alike and unless have remained , almost stationary' for one knows iust what the . seosiwe re- I several years -past. rime is . and c just how to break ;.the .'Accepting- at their face - value the fast, be it ehort "or long,' more harm J reports of accidents as cempiled,- an- j than rood majy. posoibiy De ovone, mil aiysis proves mai tne ratio or raxail- '' if good (practical common sense is used ties to the" number of motor" vehicles and the .breaking 'of the fast is prop- is not increasing. ; , v Thus, a report re ' irli'iarraiieed. : aiothinK'- bTit.the best cently sent- out and published' in- New of results will fpjlowv ' ' . 1 York and otheri newspapers give the t .ui c-lkrlTtw en Tvto d4ails for the I total fatalities in New York state due benefiit of anyv - specific case ' If yoxt to automobiles for the last three "years ' wish to know how to treat youirself i as - ioiiowsj . v, i9ii,; 2i4; Z12, ;?4S; inrwiKr the iflasting cure. : - ; . I 1313, 451-.. 3 :.: : I Dividing the number of fatalities Dear' Docor--Tbe following wWch I into thef number of cars in use, it is cut from s, newspaper -regarding (he I i -iju tnere were : i rum nf bed wetting I thouight would i deaths, or slightly more than . 1-3 . r . irunwt .tnuttlfmr- I for . every .1,000 motor vehicles reerls- . My lfttle girV five years old, has -been 1 tered, hot includihg the cars of non " owhr . A arrwa dea.1 In the dovtline I residents -driven into' the state from as well - as nights. A' ftteni of mine other states, of which there are many told me that her eon -was afflicted thousands during the year. , In 1912 'that way nntfl he was IT years old, the ratio was only S per 1,000 and in -twt tbenrr tried, all feiuds of medicine 19", it was 3.4 or practically the -. m- rnt,. Ar. i same as m 1911. : . Zr L mA, t ' This proves that, while there! are way to cure him. Tt Is this Wien more accidents the increase, in. making the child's bed pit one or two ui ,.u sieaieir num- pillows under bis. ihipe. Xy 4t slant- ber of , motor vehicles ,used and Is in iTtlet the patient s not unworn-: no wise the result of greater reckless- . fortable. The head should: be a trifle ess ' 'r indifference to -the laws on - lower than tbe blpe. when the bed is hf p0t the automobile owners and , - properly made tbe .ohflld Is cjutte com ' r fdrtable.v1 1 find that my child Is en ! tirely ae'sathonigh I stiTl- maike her bed,,t!hats,way.! I have" made It,- that '; i way for three months. My' friend said i.jKhe.'dSd Mfor sixpioniths..- -r - ''-. MRS. Mv D. fill iMME m TIE- EKE 'S WGS IRJ TISS. Out Factory's entire surplus winter stock of. Suits and Overcoats is offered in this sale at less than actual wholesale cost to make. All of our own .stock of' and boys' Clothing, Hats and Furnishings has been greatly reduced In 'price.7 Prices' have been cut deeper than-ever before, f Not an item has been ,reservHC thin? must so: 1 Emptr tables and shelves Is our' only aim. Every article in' this sale is guaranteed to Ik; .of The- Surprise Store's usual high quality.aiid if, any, purchase for any reason should fail to please, we will cheerfully exenange tne goods or retuna tne loll purchase price. ,n- . ' . ,;..., men's 'Every Ask Your Friends About This jSale. Come Now. Don't Dslny . i J drivers of automobiles and - motor trucks: Another -side of the matter that la overlooked altogether is the 'relation that the number of accidents bears to the-, miles - traveled " in a - day .-or : year by motor vehicles and by horses. ' in inriiiliiiiiif j- limn muMssfiirn 'inrrr n- irni-' i ir --tf 3.95 ALL REMAINING ODD SUITS . FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN THAT FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $7.50 NOW " We won't carry over single suits. All sizes from 31 to 42 are represent ed. Tbis line proves the wonderful reductions in tills sale. . ' ' ' """"'' . ' .. -,. ' CHOOSE FROM A BIG VARIETY . (Ti OF SMART SUITS THAT WERE GREAT Jft ) . VALUES AT $3.60 AND $10 185 The "heavy selling from this line has caused 10O more suits that sold up to $10. a further rednctlon of over . EVERY SUIT IN THIS LOT : WILL BE PROPER IN WEIGHT AND COLOR FOR SPRING WEAR : Mostly medium! avedghts In advance Spring models. All must go at big reductions. . Big values now at $7.35. . . f . r $7.B5 $9.85 ' . MANY OF OUR "$16.50 SPECIALS,!' i SUITS i OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE, i ARE NOW INCLUDED, AT V Hlgb grade all-wool pure worsteds, suitable 'for all. year round wear, in neat dark effects . .All sizes.-,. .-. . f V: -.?;--" THIS IS THE FIRST TIME 'ON SALE FOR THIS LOT OF CUSTOM QUALITY SUITS Our policy, "not to carry over'-suits is responsible for the redaction of these $20) and $32.5 suits to $11.85. v ' ' . ( 11.85 i J w j -w YOU TOO WILL SAY "HOW CAN YOU SELL THESE .' . OVERCOATS AT . . Qnr answer is "we Just do." Onr1 profit in them is your good will and clean? tables. They are going -quickly, so hurry. - , . . . LITTLE ' ' S ALESLIANSHIP ' ' IS REQUIRED TO SELL THESE FINE OVERCOATS AT PR i 'V5? sTheysell themselves. Fine cheviot overcoats. In boxaml convertible models.:. Formerly ' sold up to $10. Now $4.85. v BARGAINS ITT OVERCOATS ; - FOR MEN WHO HAVE WAITED FOR 1 . T " - S v mam . . 7 1 11 ; ' Here is your reward for waiting. Double this price 1j less? tlian ttiese overcoats formerly sold lor.; All now $1.35. EXACT DUPLICATES OF. , i THESE OVERCOATS WERE SOU IN OXiilOUil ill 9IU.1IU XlltU ipj.w ; 89.85 ' Every coat cost more than this amount to make. Onr Factory's lo "means-a: big saving for you. i A lull assortment at $8.85.' ' NOW, OUR FINEST OVERCOATS HAVE AGAIN BEEN ' REDUCED TO SijI miJU- -'' 1T0 state their original prices would seem like exaggeratioin.. equal the best $25 overcoat ever made. , Now, $11.85, - - J Rat tbey Extra Serviceable Pants or dally wear I 1 fancr worsteds li attern's. Sizes 28 to $1.00 '""'' Suitable for diress or dally weari Blue variety of neat dark, patterns. 42 waist measuro sraents ; .- in , all lengths '. -' - i - -.' Inxruiries ori this subject icive been re- eerred v lately. The core , certainly sounds simple andt could do- no harm. thougSa further measures may be nee- essary in some cases. time. " By way of illustration, a de livery- horse. will not average more than ; twenty miles a day the year around,' whereas a motor wagon does two and . one-half times as -: many. With the passenger.-car the difference is; even -greater, -:??When-touring, the I automobile-commonly averages about 100 miles- a day;.'; This "is four5 or nye ; times the d'.staneei a? horse and buggy r or span of carriage horses would .; ' The chances . r,t acci dent over 100 miles of road are nat urally, four times as great as on twen ty-live ' milts. f Although there certainly are many . Dear Doctor: Please tell me what to do for the mumps? 'There ds onite an eoMemto 'enrand vts ' how can. I prevent taMng the disease? .. V.-C- ' . - :-: : TJ. A;. In ttlu (BSosnie . HeaJ-bh CAub book, Vowme S - are quite --extensive . in- strnctixms Cor. ttie treatment of that trouble. The ddet must be light and easily digested, and te bowels kept free. Tbe paitient should be kept - in doors unless tbe weartilKH- is unusnaliy j Ma?W!achusevt than are motor warn and pleasant- Place a bandage f vehicles, a most elaborate census of around the swollen gaatmfs and head j traffic on all the principal state high after having appiiea a tiimment t I ways, taken under the direction ot ttpxai cjaantittes of extract of onnlleim I the state highway commission, last and JobeUa. Both of these jnow,can year shows that two-thirds of all siich get at roar tEruggwt. Et s edso valua- I traffic was motor-driven. This bears ble to take hot baths morning: -.and I eut i officiallv the observations made night, followed with .-brisk rubbings, i herein, and indicates clearly that if Take also InternaUry ginger itea ' and the number of t other such mUd , drinks. JJeKcate1 tomohiles :wcre double thosis caused children gienerSiily' jget i quite nervous by horses, the proposition would ' bf after an attack of mumps, and need 00 greater-in relation to the amount something to buffld thorn uip. 'An in- of traffic or travel fusion of soullcaip wouOid be most ex cellent Dor the purpose. , The stork visited the New Hebrides the other day, leaving a new little is land as a reminder of his trip. There is but little race suicide among the islands of the world in this age. : That New' Tork millionaire who married a telephone girl is not obliged to lift the receiver now whenever he I do not even know or care, 1 "Whether the clergy ought to wear In church a black or white dress. f have a grievance of my own," A wife who preaches in her gown,-: ;And lectures in her night dress. . The author of the foregoing verse 1 Is unknown to the writer, but he evi dently has beeni a constant attendant at a life series of Caudle lectures Parits bl Exceptional Value id"1 fancy worsteds in a le- .designs. Also plain Well tailored . through- -' ' T"ahcy Cheviots and fancy worsteds in a 1 big variety of desirable designs. Also plain - black ana blue sergeu v 011 iwiwiCTi unw" ont. . Sizes up -to 50 rwaist. . , See ..; these values at . t.':'j'. ! r Paiits o! Every Material .Corduroys, t hi bets,' serges, -worsteds,, cheviots v and enssimeres.- Pattenis: to match well with any coat and vest. - Kyery j?T pair 4 worth v. a . -dollar irtorer than ads reduced g.J price ... . A.-. . Pants For Dress Uecr "Fine pnre all-wool worsteds In -stripe cf-' lects in blue, brown andray.' : Positively $5 values in every respect. More proof til the big' values ("f'S ST 1 F" i n sale li 1 . tt Pants in English ?L'dt?Z3 In line worsted and pnre all-wool' wWsuk1 heavy weight blue.serpre. JExcf llensiy tailored and perfect fitUng. "T4f ff ' ! m :-Jr Slzcss for' all builda of men Russian Blouse ' Suits for Little . Fellows Made in new-military style with braided standing collar and embroidered emblems. ; imrable fabrics in grays, browns 'and blues. Pretty patent leather belt with each suit. Sizes 3 to 8. r See them on.' display in the windows, (Now....... Smart Bulgarian Norf oiks $1.29 Ijatest Tien-folk style. for boys of 6 to 16. 5 Made with stitched down belt and box plaits." A variety of $2.50 and $2 suits in dark effects; suit-7' able for school wear. All reduced to ' Boys Stockings : Regular" 15c quality. , Heavy corduroy weave: Iast ' . ? Q ; black and full seam- 'fllj less, reduced ; to . . . ..... Boys' Sweaters c 29c Heavy Oxford grey, coat jstyle. v J Kegular 50c ' grade- reduced The 'Schoolmate" Label in, JBoys'.. pothes means' style," durability and fullest value. Now you can buy this famous line ."'at greatly -reduced prices.. Read these special sale values. , ' Stylish Blue Serge Norf oiks For boys of to 17. The coats are perfect fitting and t!te knickerbockers are - cut ' big and - frr r" 4" L full. Formerly sold - for $3. Ite- " j M "J 7"l duced to ' r' " $4 Suits and Overcoats "'For boys of v all ages. Fine chinciiillas and all wool cheviot overcoats-, and - Norf olf and Jtus- ? rT gTk t" f sian blouse suits. " All reduced . 0f eyJ Boys' Flannel 1 Blouses re light le with iS .to 18c Heavy weight flannel In light and dark effects., iie witn new style collar., ; Sizes 16. Regular 39c grade, j now rednced to . . - Boys' Wool Bloomers Fabrics . in - dark colors to stand hard wear. . Sizes 5- to full - and well made. Rednced to ....... . Men's, Coat Shirts Flannel Shirts '; Men's Suspenders M i Men's Fine Shirt3 Excellent quaUty percale in neat de ':- Never sold less , than $1. Heavy 1 Heavy police braces and fancy lisles. High grade shirts In a big varietj. signs. Made coat style with, attached grey flannel with attached f- Q , An fresh webs. Usually sold . f- - Formerly sold for 51 and iA cuffs. - Ferrect fitting, sizes. f)P - collars. All sizes. Reduced iQC for 25e. , Reiaoed igP, ''$1.25.' Big values now 4, 14 to 17. . Reduced to S-.for ! AjjP ' to .. .,. . . i i .-1, - Ito . . a . $1, each! ...... i.-.i . -' - ; i" awaaBaaaaava mmm ' ' . ",I,,,,"""'",T,,"" , TvTpti ' Smr - , . Men's Sweaters Men's Handkerchiefs I Men s box v :,(j Pad Garters ; wit. ... . - ' -- ' - -, . , t. . Bfedium weight. Black and colors. . .-' "' ", V. 1 -'V ' With big rough neck collars. JZx- u Soft finish .white cambric. Full size ' , n(1 f-steoior rm " No metal , can touch you. rm - tra heavy in grey only. For- - f and nicely hemstitched. Reg- Q SK Id'- ' C merly sold for ,.50. Re- ular 10c grade. Reduced , -ir , I v . Reduced to .......... . -Z- duced to J , ; - A t . " -0. .-- . Va.. a . -'i-. -"' trji : - , - ' . tO immWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmwtmammm--. v '. mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmtm mmmmmmmmwmtmmmmwmmmmwmmmmmmMmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam Heavy Ribbed Underwear t '"'Men's Collars : ' ? Mens Wc Shirts " Domet Night Shirts 1 strictly first quality, heavy weight ' Every popular shape. Accurate Fast color blue Amoskeag chambray. ; I Soft Domet flannel, cut big and II sbirts and drawers. Perfect quarter sizes, guaranteed 4 flA- Fan sizes. Made with at- full.. All sizes. Formerly f) 1 fitting and nicely made. 59o Air 1 ply- AU fresh and clean. A tached collar and open enffs. AJfl sold for 69c. Rednced jjy ft erade. Reduced to... Box of 6 reduced to.....;..;wwv Reduced to , to . Wl ' .. .- MaMMpiMaaaBMallBaaMi!! fwmtm"rmirm. 1119-1123 MAIN ; ST. Security Building 1119-1123 MAIN ST. Security Building Open Saturday Night jl Open Saturday Night j ; - - - ; - - - M-aa----------M-----v-WanM N R R h fliM W5j M (n u 1 Mir. ,rrt. iinriiTllliTfn""",'J'"!i'"'atfi Tj fciaaT-ir.'i'nrC'-riiin-" niiittiitrlir '-n-iwi-nifite-Hiiii'iiirifii 'Y'r '" ---' HBPaBBnnHHH-HHa-HaSEBaBHalaHBBK . -ayjafMaaagagirMMaWaaHinHHflW I tm w featls to bar. .all married men have. fi