Newspaper Page Text
10 THE FARMER : MARCH 7, 1914 TT i news', litems STRATFORD The regular monthly meeting, of the Stratford Board of Trade will be held, next Thursday in the town hall. The meeUng will he an open one and ev eryone is invited to attend, including the ladaes. A!t the meeting' a, wonder-, fti.t n rv Jn-teresting demonstration wiH be given by Mr. Mhirphy of the Na tional Electro Process company, oif a new ' (simple and complete rxaetlMd, t of purifying water, liquors, miUc, emgar, etc., toy an electrical process, Also an inexpensive method, of sewage puri fication will too demonstrated which should prove most intereetttng of all, as Stratford ha brought WP the -sewage Question 1 several . times. 6cl?b" uao and medical men are especially Invited to the meeting: which iw4H. sart at 8 o'otoolt. . .' - .- v'.'" -f Sn2SATFOR3 M. IB.. CXWJiaCiS. , Rot. Sirnest C Carpenter, .2ie pas tor, wd preach morntag end evwata. In the morxatag- tbo -topic wail toff Am usmr to ,he question of the lawyer ss to what he must Jo to fahertt eter i t-. Tti tl evening Mr. Carpen ter - nriM oreach to the young people upon rrtriHing -Babte Storiee." The Screw r-rroruss choir will einsp. ' . ,. , There win toe morning anrt evening - rtarrrea.tioaial church md . the FBtor wtfU preach. Morning subject, "Personal Evangelism - Our First Keed in the Jhurohesv In he 'evenSwe b WS1 apeak on toe Mystery of the Bodily ResuB-isjgtior" -from the warder, Behod! X show! yon a w ; Aery; we shall not all sieep tout ywe oiia h. ow(l" On fMUOfWing he will spwaSc ob ia myerDery " off the -incarnation; CStMftrt 'both God and. man, oo tts. mystery of God's plan of the ages as revealed n- the STL J AMES' a. O, CKOtBOSi. A St. -James IS. O. 5hawtitoraor wv fhrn will txo iraiTa.r maflsos at 8 ami -10:20 o'clock. Bv. Ml J. COcaaiow - ' 3B13BX,miA.T! FARCT52'- ., ' , ' A.;-ecy enJoyotote fcfcsOday party wo. krfrt (LmW afternoon a U home of M&w Froderieis: Egt on Souiih, Main street la honor of brar thirteenth JMrth tSar Tfce house was very prettily 1 tfecoraiecl for tha alBadar and games were oi&yed and sobwb stms ,after vtifcli the youxief people enjoyed Ue-ht itmAROii wtidcb wa sewed. , 11oso who jttaKtea Stae Iry were the MtaKfl Efather Wflean, jproUiy ft-iHikL Baa- Baldwin, Xray Baldwin, .TjQoiUe Hsknas and, W&b JooesphUiO Etugtitoa, who erpeo. to atrasw gaowrana ao&ss for the mtfaa nw , .. . CBlAiTr . OCX- !; s f Tim aumtoyea of ie Asnerlcaq -3iajn : in that An-liltl-walHIl. CUtto a ' tnaziibec' were present: t lo &U the new dsztoea as well as old - fasraoi miiniiB oaoea. which. . furnished I mooh enjoymecd: for-ytia the-yoomg' and old. IUsleys orchesa. or tsnnaievxio. nibbed the tauBBe ifbrthe a-cjaar.,, . . f i-.-- PBB9(l!AI& . . George Batteman s entertalnns his ! sister from SSrijf leiii for a, few days . ViKsi . "Fta-ra Beard, who teaches ast rvirfTTi ' xmcA. is ill w4 Eh meajsles jd Ms Paterno is filling' her plaoa. Mies MargaerJte BJufbtoard was a re-. . cent vlsHor to town. Mr. PTjrter of the' ibowHng aSeys io mrmrtrnfr "fmi- "Floriklau. where he wta spend a. few weefei He will also visit Hjavaaaa. and iMexico Oty. , ' . MESN3 CXiOiB MEC3T. ' j Cn Monday of iMHct wefe, the Men's cloi of the Congregational cbmncfh wdlX meet at tii home of B. EL BbJiemfla ' in OrcuxKHJO. A. epeaiwr will be pres f ent ' to deOver a talfe to Che memtoera " who are 5ertatn o have a 3ne tana' at Mr. BMmman'gii ' - ' , : .' : TO FBXSSSim POUA-IXUT. On Friday, March. 15th. the seventh grade of the Center school will .' pre sent a tatie playlet taierx f rom IicK ens well known story, TKie Carksket on the Bfeartli. The" different schol ars iix this room will Interpret the ahaxBeters -and a fine wen trig's enter tainment is sore to be the result of t-TiJi- RfTmrtfiL i a 8maJ3 adcnission. 'will ' be charged aod the affair Tvflil he given 121 mo 'ffiEr Bcuuw muu ' s ' ' ! TOXUBHIAHMBEIWI? jC03K.'. 'VJ;' The oop which is being !?lfd 'for , in the plnoohle tournament between 1 Kianckajpotana'uh tribe of Bed Mien from Bridgeport; asodp.OKenuofc tribe v from 6tzLtford, te on exhSlatiwn in the window of fit. .John's drag store at the CJentec The cap im of silver and ' stands aboot ten Inches hegfa it bedzie a. Tory handsome one, which the local trifce has hopes of. winmng. bay oomptatned reoentiy about bot - ties bemg retormed and are wondering what? hsoomes of them. They axe sup posed to be returned of course by the . ' oosunner ih kuih iwt. lunnja happen. . One of the aniilTt dealezs're-. cemtTy reoelved a retJim . bottle on whtoh be said was a. s!tp of paper bearing . Use words, ; Jhow-Chow ' 1911. -which accounts for one 'bottle at : least. ' .-t- BOA?Kiy OB TxtAXfiS BLaNQTJSr. -On. Friday everang. Mfauich 20th, the OUHUVIU.UWW UU J. irw 'n Mil uviu xua , fourth BtnumJ fbanxruet, which wiQ.1 tales plaice att the AXZauniia hotel in Bnkdgeport. Several fine speafcers wdl ' fee present and a bamd win be en- ik)n, which is in. charge of a- oom . mlttee eomposed of Fred , iNtettle ton, R. IX Sanrrwnfla and Clayton . Biakeslee. - Tiickets may be bought from any of these gentlemen for $1.50 apiece. A large crowd sCiouad attend;' ' as the affair wil? surely be an enjoy- - , . - po vJKai'r eou'CH, ; Ted'. Lewis of Blast Broadway wsll leave soon (for "Virginia, where he will visit one of t hie college frienias. -Hu will be gone for. quite a little while and whiHe on tfhe trtp eixiptxils to do quite a good deal of hutortirug and. fish- log. ' " . -. ' While he was worfeing atout the grounds of Sheriff D. ' J. , Russell's home on Elm street about half past three o'clock, Qustav ' A. s Castelot -. dropped dead, being suddenly taken with convulsions. - Mr. Castelot who is a well known landscape gardener, is employed by Sheriff Russell and was engaged In raking up some leaves - and twigs when he toppled over with out warning. , ' . ' . Aid was Quickly summoned but too late to save his life. 4He was appar ently in the best of health as he . was at the centre about noo a after eating a hearty dinner. ' : Deceased was a native of Norman- die, France, coming to this country in but a boy. He has had charge TXT Prom Adjacent Tow of some very fine estates including Grevstone." the. beautiful home of Samuel Tilden in Yonkers, N. Y., also several of the fine grounds near Sea side Park in Bridgeport. lie also had charge of laying out St. Michael's cemetery and Lordship. ' He came to Stratford in 1884, ras ing charge of the. laying put of the Bunnell ' property on Main stBeet. Mr. Castelot '.was 69 years of age and is survived by six sons, Joseph, Paul. Matthew, William, Francis and -John arid three daughters, Mary, Anna and Mrs. William Gintz of Bridgeport, also his wife.- Arrangements have not yet been made for the funeral. " ' - Public Whist. . On Monday- evening. Evening Star Rebekah Sewing circle will hold a public whist at the home of Mrs. Ju lian Clinton on North Main street. Several fine prizes have been donat ed for the affair and It is hoped that a large number will attend. , NEWTOWN V."-- SV' - ' ' y :..,.;:'! Sheriff A. It. Blakeman has notified Frank BL Ives and Elliott .M. Peck that they had , been drawn ' for- Jury dutv for the remainder of this term of the civil superior court at Canfetiry. A. W. Reynolds has purchased 14 cows. ' .and two calves of the Registered Aberdeen-Angus' breed i of . beef pro- discirig ; cattle, and - put them on fcis Currituck , farm. -.- Ha expects, even-. tually to establish a large herd from which progressive farmers In, Connec ticut may secure stock and ' go Into the beef business. Instead of sticking to milk.- ' ' . , ' . . James H. Boyson- la the purchaser of a mew automobile. ... f Preliminary to going' away the Bor den ' people - through Manager ' C ; C. Rlon . axe offering their , icehouse j' for e. ' ' The raih-oad, sompany jowds the creamery, but the Bordens ; built tne refrigerator on, the railroad property, and thfa reverts, If the byiilders do not cause. t to ,be removea , eiore . tne terminaion ,1 of the : iease. , An. ."ef fort is being made- by Prof." Leonard M. Johnson , of the High school and certain influential agriculturalists to arouse Interest in a co-operative milk depot or creamery ' to take the place of the Borden- plant, A meeting Is proposed at.i which the matter 'will be discussed.: . A lUniteii States represen tative ' of ttiev department r of agricul ture and also a gentleman "from the Connect! cut Agrfcuiltuiral i college will be present and counsel.' with he milk producers. ., . ' Rev. P. I. Eolan, curate of St Rose's -preached the -sermon, Wednes day evening, at the lentem devotion In St. Joseph's church, . nantrary., . Rev; James Hi. George attendeij - the funeral of Rev.- N. B. . Cornwall at Stratford-, Thursday. 'a ' ' The New Milford basketball team played the local team Thursday night at town hall. V The , latter were de feated J by. '.the visitors . by the score of 18 to 23. : The New town boys claim a professional, Stark of the' Ramblers of Stratford, was rung in upon them and that his superb playing won the game , for their opponents. - He. won 20 points out of a possible &3. : A goodly number watched the game. Mr. ana , . Mrs - Arthur lieard were vlsit-ed recently " by their .son ' Charles Beard of Monroe, who is feeling bet ter.- EASTON The Dorcas . society of the' Baptist church held a meeting at the hall on Thursday afternoon. , The ladies tack ed -a Quilt, and made . aprons, after which a fine supper was served. One new member was added to the society, Mrs. Ernest Ferry. Those present were - Mrs. John H . Wheeler, Mrs. Clarence -- By Andrews, Miss Edna Clark, Miss Hilda McCauley, Mrs. Ed ward S. -Williams, Mrs. James Tyler, Miss Mary Tyler, Miss Marion Tyler, Mrs. F. S. Clark, Miss Minnie O. Sher wood and Mrs. - Ernest Ferry. , Mrs. Bancs of Stratford is ill at the home of her nephew, George B. Beers, near Sport HilL ... ' Miss Minnie O. Sherwood entertain ed at her home on Thursday evening Miss Hazel E. Sherwood, Dwight Fan ton of .. Weston, Miss Lillian Krohmer of Tashna, Frank ' Edwards.' Jr.. of Bridgeport and , Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence B. Andrews of Rock 'House. , Mr. and , Mrs. J.- Arthur Sherwood have returned to their , home, having spent a few days In Boston and Hart ford, i : ( . All schools in town x were closed on Thursday afternoon as the teachers held a meeting at the Center Primary school...,, '..; , Howard- Andrews, son of Mr. Elmer S. , Andrews, la ill' wltfe the whooping cough. Mrs. Lydia Beers, ,who had the Tnia- fortune a few days ago, to -slip on the ice and fan. Is new confined to her bed. Although no bones -were brok en she was badly shaken up and bruls- ea. ' ' :;r' i "' The Misses Mary Gillette and Dor othy Gillette of Bridgeport, are spend. ing a few days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Gillette at Adams Corners.' . Mabel Edwards, who has been con fined to her- home with the measles. has npw recovered so as to be able to attend to her duties at the Bridge port High school. . - -Bishop Thomas Bowman of the Methodist-Episcopal church, who warned President Lincoln of threat ened assassination five days before the tragedy, is dead at. his home in Orange N. J., aged 96 years. - ' a hill v iii w wi hiiiii i iwn It U at pathetic mistake to accept drug or alcoholic mixtures when nature craves nourishment to repair the wasted body anH restore the rigor of health. ' ' For forty years the best physicians have relied on the wholesome predigested nourishment in SCOTT'S EMULSION which is totally free from alcohol or opiates. Scott's Emulsion sharpens the appetite renews blood nourishes nerves-1 strengthens bones and restores the courage of health to maks life bright. J Scott's Emulsion seta in action ums very rorcea health. It -parity. richness and strength J has stood the test' - of forty year. as FAIRFIELD Fairfield, March 7 James Hardy, who handles voting machines for the city of Bridgeport, spent today in town demonstrating a sample joaachlne sent' her for the inspection . of ' the electors. The yote;-on-the purchase of the voting machines is one of the most widely discussed issues of the special town meeting which will be held at 7:30 Monday evening.v to levy the tax and discuss other matters. Mr. Hardy will 'be here Monday for the i same purpose. Another, proposition ' to be submitted to the, meeting is" the pro posed borrowing of money -not to ex ceed ' $25,000, by the ibdard of select men.v Still another project that is apt to ibe widely discussed) is the tentative proposition of the Country Clu.l of Fairfield ito takeiover from the town what interest it may have in the salt meadows between Sasco Hill and Mill river. The voters will discuss the ad visability i of installing a fire alarm system; will talk over, the road wonk, melmding the state highway work, and will debate the question of bonding the town: -tcp TX $75,000.' :-. A -meeting of the Fairfield Improve ment ;soe5etv will, bs held duirtmr the week; of .March, 15. The oondition of Miss H. Nichols, vho was injured whole coasting some time ago is .-.much.'-.. lmpro"red.s . Mi Nichols received a fracture of the left knee capt ' .-' ':,;.-t ' --" "'fy: : ' The case of FraJk Morack of Nl-ch- ols . Terrace ; was, 'tried before; Judge Worthy; in the town court yesterday morning, i - The accused ' was charged with breach of the peace for which he. was fined $1 and costs and sent to Jail for 30 days.. Morack went to his -home last Sunday and. put his family out In the cold. . without anything to eat. Rev. Frank. &. - Chi Ids is spending several days at Atlantic City, N. J. MSss Mae Dunn who has been ill at -her home for some time is so much improved tat she is able to get oat for a short time each day. Tashua and Long Hill Born, Tuesday, March 3, a. baby girl' to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler of Jersey , City. N. J... Mrs. Winkler was formerly Miss Anna Heimlich of Tashua.i Thomas . Bradley, has re turned to Newtown after, a visit to his aunt, Mrs. Kate Kohler. Ell Godfrey, of Tannersvi lie. N. .has been a recent guest at the home of William' Randall.- Granville Dun ning who was taken ill Wednesday is better-r Howard ".Peck of Tashua Is aKHtstinar atf the errocerv store of ' Wil son N. Hurd, while Mr. Hurd la In the South. Mr. and Mrs. ," A. y Berger.'were surprised ' by a party of friends in honor , of their 80th ; wed ding anniversary. Musical selections were enjoyed and a fine supper serv ed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Botsf ord, Mr." and Mrs. t A. J. Brown, Lieut. J. ; A. Hazel . and Mrs. Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Berger, Mr. and y- Mrs., . F. A. Berger land many more. . George Smith -was operated on Thursday at Bridgeport - hospital. --Mrs. J. - Coley Fields of Shelton has been, a1 recent guest of Mrs. ,W. B. Cutler. -Word has been (received here that William Lyon's .mother, Mrs. .wpi!am Lyon, Sr., Is in a yery low condition "at ' the r home of ..her son In Bridgeport. The children of Mr. " and ; Mrs. Henry Hayden are re covering from the measles. ; The first Lenten service and sewing so ciety of Tashua was held 1 Wednes day at the home of Mrs. John Tread well. Those present were ? Rev. L. Robert Sheffield; Mrs. Robert , Shef field, Mrs. William Mallette, Mrs. Seth Hill, . Mrs. ; Howard Peck, Mrs. Joseph Treadwell," Mrs. - John Tread well and Mrs. Frank Kadric- Miss Rebecca Jones was taken to Bridge port Thursday and will be treated by an ear specialist. FIRE ALARM BELL TO CONTINUE TO RING D?. CHIEF'S WISHES PREVAIL . TheV proposal to discontinue .the ringing of the fire alarm from the big bells. In the four signal 'alarm towers in the city ia not meeting with much favor, r At present ss the fire alarm is sounded from tower on No. 1 engine house, t John ' street; , No. ,- 2, Crescent place; No. 3, Norman street and No. 4, Madison - avenue. - ' The - bells serve little or no purpose, to the firemen as an "alarm isv registered in every ,flre bouse Iby means of the fire alarm tele graph system. ;: '. s- w - . Members of the board of "education want the ringing-"of the fire- bells to indicate "no school' on stxrmy days continue dj ,:; Chief Mooney 'also favors the continuance of the alarms from the bell towers. 5 A. crowd usually follows-the fire 'apparatus and Chief Moon&y says that policemen hearing the tower alarm locate the fire and then go at once to the scene if It is near their beat,' aiding the firemen by keeping curious sightseers from In terfering with the work of the fire fighters. t WILSON SEES OCULIST Washington, March , T -President Wilson took . the day off. for a trip to Philadelphia to see his oculist. The President , has been accustomed) for many years to have his eyes examined once annually to determine if te lenses in his glasses require a change. r1 1 tiiai prumuic Jj fill iLUUJ ALDERMEN WOULD STOP TICKET SPECULATION New York, March 7 The committee on amusements on the board of alder men has unanimously, voted to recotm- mend the passage of , two measures designed to do away with ticket spec ulation. One of the proposed ordin ances would require theaters to. print the price of the - tickets on the face and to agree that they would not be a party to their sale above the face value. - - Another ordinance would give the police commissioner power to revoke licenses, of all , places that connived at ticket speculation. v ' . TORPEDO BOAT SAFE : AFTER FIGHT WITH GALE New Orleans, March f With -her decks swept clean of nearly everything movable, the torpedo boat destroyer "WaJke, two days overdue, arrived to day from Key West after pushing- her way through a severe humicane. En sign W. A. Edwards said he was forc ed to remain at the wheel 86 hours without rest. - ' . t Uneoda Olccuft 1 ' u - , Nourishment fine fla vor purity crispness wholesomeness. All for s cents in the' - moisture-proof package.j " m, ny Ihiif-m m J . . ' Round, thin, tender - with a delightful flavor - appropriate for lunch- i eon, tea and ' dinner. , xo cents. Crahari Crackers . ;A food' for every day.'.-, Crisp,- ; tasty ;5 and strengthening Fresh baked and fresh de- ' livered. 10 cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL - BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name J, MARSTERS TOURS ' TJnder Escort and independent ' Florida,Bermuda,Panama, Washington, D. C. - . ; Popular Priced Tours EVEET . ntlD AY, including j s . Philadelphia, Mt-; v ernon, Historic Anhapolis Jtnd ' :'f:;':T.New York :Mit. 7 Days, ExPeMes' $260 Send for Complete Itinerary ' GEO. E. MARSTERS 248 WASHINGTON" ST., BOSTON 31 WEST SOTH ST., NEW YORK E3 S3 PH I LAD E LPH I A, 13 and filbert Streets. DPNVaVI V1NI4 m & g-iiuuhW9 I i V wiitiw i fc.vr- i mr-i IS and PHILADELPHIA READ1MC- NEAR TO EVERYWHERE. Popxil ar Cafe, Orill - and Restaur an.t JaMK C.WALS H. TTiaAer CHICHESTER 8 FILLS --- THE IIAMN BUND. X in K.4 and Sold Bet boxes, seal with Blu KibtMm. Tko a atker. Bar of rrar vujawnw kiukiv riLLH, fee a rH- Jcaown as Best, Safest, Al tn ktetle SOU CT Cul'QQlSTS EY8Ylc3sER : 5 t t' I Financial X irLf First-Bridgeport CORNER -MAIN AND BANK STREETS Will Sell Cheap ,'A fine two-family house on . Central 1 Avenue, five rooms for each family. Im provements. Lot 40x115. S. Lcewiili ."fi Co. . 116 Bank Street, TeL 99 ; ill FI'IANCIAL CIRCLES . 'New' Tork, March :7. In the flurry that followed the annoumcemenit of the ttnusuail provdasions of the sale of $83, 000,000 flveryear 6 per cent, notes of the f Chesapeake & Ohfow there were some important ' side lights on the transaction that escaped general no tice. : The indenture eecuiing the notes,' covering the provisions that require- the total 'payment of 117,000,000 for capital expenditures dTiring the life of the notes before dividends may be paid, states, quoting the letter from the company to the bankers!'-"No div idends are to be paid or, declared on the KStook' of ' the company unless its net income after jVptiI 1, 1914, shall be in excess of all mattired installments of said fundi and Of the dividends paid for the ' nscal year , or years subse querat to 3aid, date.". In effect . tliis means that the 'company will measure dividend surpluses by itlhe nscal year and not (by each quarter, although the company win pay the yearly stums for capital expenditures in quarterly in- staililmerata. It also means, for exam ple, that , to the- fiscal year June 30, 1915, when $2,000,000. must be spent for capdtsai purposes that- the company could, if it wished, pay tihe present 4 per cent, dividend rate, even If St were not earned. For instance, in' the fiscal year , ended' Jime;, 30,, ,115,;-to pay, the trustee 12,000,000 for capital' expendi tures and. pay the 4 per cent.,: dividend would require earnings ctf about, 14,- E00.O0O. . . If actual earnings were but $4,000,000 the company oouild. If direc tors 'deemed, fct advbaable, pay the fuH 4 per cent, taking the $600,000 needed to make up tihe entire axnouinrt out of profit audi loss. " r-. Cr:-A:- - Union Pacific ' Xtaflroad X?o.' ;- profit and loss'aooount as ;of . Nov SO J913, shows' unappropriated eurpluB of. 3129,- 647.985, as .. follows: Oredit - on. , bond conversions, t $15,868,200; , surpatis, in come $150,732,199, approprintiiotaei , for bectentnenrtie, .', etc.i - written, off, , $3,660, 242 . nreserve - for ; maintenaince written off, $3,766,837; sniscellaneous icred4tis in excess of miscellaneO'US debata, $7,186, 978. - Total - debits are $81,456,271, con- eiatineof dAscounte andpremluimB, $14,- 660, 8S; depreciation t on eepmpment. $880,077; approprdaiUOins- for , . betser- menita; improvements and equipment, $5,967,651; reserved- for renewal or' re placement of , rolling stocSk, $9,939,647C -rhrectorB of the Pennsylvania Rail road, it can be stated on high author ity,, are , more than willing that the question of the legality or propriety of' Femnsy-Kvaniia ownership in Tflorfolk & Western be settled fby the U. S. Su preme Court. ' They If eel that proeeedi tnge to this end -would resudt in - vin dication ' . for ttoe: road, - ipointing out that on any reasonable interpretation of the Sherman' ; act, ' the Norfolk & Western is not a parallel ; and com peting line. The two roaiaTs collect their freight in different fields and do not compete for it. The IN, & W.'s eeaport ds at Nbrfolk, and those of thS Pennsylvania are ait Baltkmore.-k Phi adelphiarand' New - Yorlc. The fact that, the ' two - roads reach j the same markete in - the- west, Norfolk by the Patnlhandile and "Pemnsylvama by the Fort Wayne, Is not conei'dered : com petitive "unless the ' courts say what thw have never held beaore1 truaJt the same markets constitute com-petition in' spite of the different freight creat- mg area. - ' - For vjanuiary the Western Placiflc Railroad reported a deficit after taxes amounting to $124,305,' comparing with a deficit of $2,889 in he corresponding month a year ago. For ' the seven months ended -with January net after taxes totalled $578,107, against $925,670 a year ago. - .-'- u - Stockholders of s the XSoodyear Tire & Rubber Oo. have unamimouely ap proved the plan for . the sale of $2,000,- 000 preferred and $2,000,000 oommoa stocki. Stockholders have until March 14 to , exercise right of . subscription. and most of ..the stock; has , already been siibscrSjbedr for-.. The sale off this Btodk aoes'not increase' the capital, as it had been held lif the treasury. . Xferge ipercenitiage of the steel now being turned out by the'TTnited' States Steel Corporation is toeing exiported This accounts for the fact that the Pittsburgh mills are operating a larg er percentage of their capacity than the mills further west. , - Henry .Clewe.) 'V'1' Generally speaking, tihe business sit uation Is eouziid, and the outlook is for Improvement .when spring approaches. The declining tendency of money has been checked, and . there is the possi bility ; of temporarily firmer rates as the- first of April approaches. Bank reserves have fallen, from $40,000,000 in theflnst' week, of February to below $27,000,000 a week ago, loans mean while having steadily increased' from $1,849,000,000 December 13 (to $2,059,754,- 000 a week ago. The reserves, however, will soon be aided by the return of Oanfaddiain funds to this market, which will serve to compensate for the fur ther-outflow off gold to Paris. The western credit situation still attracts some attention in view of the real tate situation out there, eumdi the fact that the farmers are In debt more heavily ' than usual, although not to any embarrassing extent The crop situation is now a matter of inoreased interest, and the heavy precipitation of enow amd rain during the -winter months should leave the soil in gener ally good condiltiiioTL. The railroad' sit uation it still somewhat embarrassing owing to decHntag earnings. ' A special election for a lUnited States Senator from Alabama will be held May 11. National NOTICE For forty-seven years we have been conducting business at the same old location, corner of Main and John Streets, Bridgeport, Conn., and our Private Bank has been established there continuously. ' We have received and paid ont on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money de posited with -as and we continue to receive 'money subject to depositor's check at sight, on which we allow three per cent, per annum, credited to each account monthly. We solicit the accounts of individuals, business men, firms and corporations, and all who wast a bank account, where tihey can deposit money, checks or drafts, and leave it for one week, one month- or one year, and draw Interest on ft for any time It Is left with us. We give to the business our careful personal attention as the oldest firm of private bankers In this state.- . T. Is. WATSON, & CO. A- INSPECTION" of our equip ment demonstrates the In stallation of every modern facility "for - safety and prompt, efficient service. ' y Accounts subject to clieck, large or small, are Invited. JAI.IES STAPLES Is CO. ... BAZTKBRS 8TATB T, BridgeporS. 18 Ctooos, Aiiierlccii ; oaranly Co. Rooms 3 cr-'J 4 99'Golden Dill St Members Nevr York Stock Sxchangs Taylor, Livingston & Co. i',' . i - . if dealers in ' '. Fractional Lots on Part Paid Plan a wAijij strekt, new yore - or 20 P.O. ARCADE, BRIDGEPORT, OT. B. I. CHAPMAN, Manager Telephone B321, 5222 ' Send for Circular Describing Method OVVN .YOUR OWN IIOME HOUSES WE CAN- SELL FOR ' . $3,500 To $7,000 Carlton Ave., 2 family $4,500 Cottage St, 2 family $6,000 Poplar St., 2 family $4,700 Keeler Ave., cottage, $3,500 Main St, 2 family, $5,500 Orchard St, 2 family, $5,500 Park Ave., 2 family, $4,500 Union Ave.', 2 family, $4,500 Washington Terrace, 2 : family, . ' $7,000 Norman St, cottage, $4,000 Laurel Ave., 2 family, $7,000 Ask For Our New List Compensation Insurance BURR & KNAPP - Furnished 923 MAIN STREET Bridgeport, Conn. TO LE T Eight room single dwelling, centrally located, rent $30. Full' particulars , inquire of ANDERSOM cS CO. J53 JOHN STREET . The City National Bank United States Depository , Capital 2So.OOO. Surplus $550,000. CHARLES, HQUGH;, Cashier THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK ' ' OF " '.. i BRIDGEPORT Cor. Main and Wall Streets Girl Wanted? Read The Farmer Want Ads. 'SflLE' Last pairs of different lines of WOMEN n FINE BOOTS -a it r- LOW SHOES at bargain price 3 BOY TAN AND BLACII HIGHCUT3 medium and extra higii , ATI sizes are included " in mark down sals Lie ' UliJmxLilJkl ' 1023 tXAUI CT. 40 th to 41st StMsot ' ' oa Pea-k Avems) New YorJt "3 l-"KM!k ora OtrmMi C" Statioa BBtnrir. 1 1 - '- ' )o- and Local Elevated and p - . j -Car lines. This widely a-i i j - -ably known Hotel i-osnw ? " ::rr--Hill the moat deaira.fcie of locstioiu, with tL fa. . i',i. bopping sad tfoeatrs i-wfcr r t c. recti y at. hand. Pwpaiar f -. European plan. W request yew ipatreaa e. Geo. 'i. ba ' XI. J. LIAIrOITET rort itoik on rEricT- u - Beer . . i . $1X;j a c W. A. I.Iile3' AIq $1X3 c c SarsaiMirllla. ' Ixrryion P .v" - , ' Vichy ,SoUa. all Jcinda of fj j Rartliolomsys lioerjeapter I r r S JONES AVENUE. '. .. .' Keiley's Oji 141-.PAIIIFIELD ATI "The best cisrars made In I' and domestic brands. . Con j of smokers' supplies. james n. hhlitj SIDEWA1JCS Band and CraTfl ' THE BUILW'i c ', errs; eavisos r ' BltUiLLM STO.: All ROOFLNG ' -.' Teh ibs rRoTFTsn roir.... .- Tbs T'XjAT'FTSH tOll FREH CODFISH ' POr.IXKSC FRESH mCHRINO i FRESH SALMON ' ' ESCAIOPS . - : W. D. COOIl & 13.-:, 628 WATER STREET 1 ' L i. BACfDlAWS ErMT ,10". ri V . . MTXTiniE A splendid Female Rf iml.! 'mr i -of supprewsd menniU'in, duo to colds. 111 ftnami, or t batural causes; SI. 75 for t. s . outfit. Made only t tins WOMAN'S- DRtO f-Tr 870 Main Street, liri-: r '(i. ' jblAj Attendants Alwajr J --a Ifullins Typewriter lis.' Cor. Main and State Sis. ' All Makes, for Sale, Kent er Jf.-j. Supplies and Kxpalrfnr ' Workmen's Conpi Best and Purest Quail'; At Your Grocers GREETING CAPJDI3 f cr , Easter, St. Patrick's r -Congratulation .8 fit. r, Son Voyapre r ! liirt.n ' day Cards, Wrrt-.lni Ae- mtversary ivl-1 ad Booklets tn giat vr4-F , Post Office ITevrz Ctcm HP. ARCADE Steamboat'? Bridgeport LI:; - fo Her Ycrl: fare eo orvn:. Steamer NABGAIXT't .-r Bridgeport, Feoaonnwk V r - foot of Union fetriwrt, di'r Saturday, at 12 night. . -' leaves New York, Mer St -daily except Sundays, 11 . -Bridgeport 8:2 p. m. Ij. B. NICKUISOS. A " ' ThB Nw Vr!glar'-1 S"fu.;