OCR Interpretation

The Bridgeport evening farmer. [volume] (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1866-1917, March 13, 1914, FIRST SECTION, Image 3

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022472/1914-03-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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We Give Stamps
First Saturday of Our
Children's 1 ' Stepinto ' '
Union Suits with buttons
at the waist line for boys
and girls, spring weight,
ages 4 to 14,
9:30 TO 10:30 A. M;
Your choice of 40 La
dies and Misses Fall
Long Coats,
Stylish Suits, Misses'
and Ladies' sizes, the
most wanted v materials
are here.
mM $12.98, $14.98
Alterations free , ot
charge and we assure
you a saving from $3.50
to $8.00-
10:S0 TO 11:30 A. M.
'Men's Blue Chambry
Work Shirts, placket
sleeves, 50c values, !
35 each
Serge Iresses, Ladies'
and Misses sizes, dressy
and snappy models,
$198, $7;98, $8.98
2:30 TO 3:30 P, M.
50c Mercerized Striped
Work Waists, light col
ors, sizes 34 to 42,
Chamoisette Short
Gloves, .self color and
black stitcning,wJQite and
natural color; new im-v
7:30 P. 1. TO 8:30 P. M.
Ladies' Plain and Fan
cy Handkerchiefs,
1105 Main SL
OO UAUff ST., Bartferd. Conn. 10 IMJE ST. OECHJB
Wholesale and Retail Leading Milliners
Saturday As Usual Will Be
We are displaying an unusual large stock of -Spring hats
trimmed and untrimmed, priced at least one-third less than
elsewhere. -
$1.25 Black; and Colored Chip Straw Hats
$2.00 Black and Colored Hemp : Straw . Hats . . .
$2.75 Black and Colored. Hemp Straw Hats ... .,
$2.25 Trimmed Ready to Wear Hats .......... .
$2.75 Trimmed Beady toPWear Hats (7-. . ....
$4.00 Trimmed Ready .to Wear Hats
Great values in Trimmed Dress Hats from
Flower Sprays ... ................ i ...... . 10c, 16c, 25c to $5.00
Exceptional -values In Black and Colored Ostrich Flames .... 98c to $10.00
! Ostrich Fancy feathers .............. ............... . 48c to $7.S
! Veilings . . . - - - . -................... 10c yard to 50c
................ $1.48
. .. ...... $1.98
................ $1.9$
$3.00 to $50
25c pair
3:30 TO 40 P. M.
50c Brassieres, sizes 42
to 48 ordy. -Your choice
for this hour only,
Newest Spring shapes
and color , combinations
in Ladies' and Misses
Spring Hats, . s
$1.98 and $2.98
Ladies-' Crepe Chemise,
Combinations and Night
aowns,very special value
Very pretty Batten
berg and Linen Mexican
Drawn "Work Scarfs an&4
Squares. During this
sale your choice.. 1
We desire to call your
attention to our. big as
sortment of Rope Por
tieres and ask you to
compare our price and
qualities with others,
then you'll see why we
sell so many portieres
S9c $1.29, $1.93, $2.39
10c yd.
15o yd.
25c yd.
20o All Silk Fancy Ribbons .........
SOc All Silk Fancy Ribbons .........
50c All Silk Fancy Ribbons ..........
$8.50 New Spring Balmacaan Coats . . .
$10.00 New Spring Balmacaan Coate .
$12.00 New Spring Balmacaan Coats .
We are exhibiting a' splendid assortment of popular priced Spring Coats
from $5.98 to $16.00.
Rain Coats .... i .... -v ...... $2.98 to $15.00
All our winter millinery goods at given away prices.
$8.00rand $9.00 Xiong Cloth Winter Coats ................. . . . . . . . $2.98
$10.00 to $15.00 lHng Cloth Winter Coats ............... 4 ........ . 3.8S
$20.00 Black Cloth Caracul Coats ....y.. ...... $.98
SSO.Oo Black Arabian launb Cloth Coats $9.98
Fur scarfs and fur muffs formerly priced from $2.50 to $50 now less
thn half these Prices. It will pay you to buy your furs and long cloth
coats for next year. ,
- i ; - SEE THE
Last of our Fall stock
Bullard Points
Out the Danger .
In Poor Fire Laws
lost to the United States through fires
which could have been avoided with
adequate fire preventative and de-v
prevated . the lack of interest in tha
community when agitation began..
Many other members of the asso
ciation spoke during the-evening-upon
credit subjects.. : . . -. . t - .'r .'
- 'EST&BXJBBED 1$$$ f--
ftp alway full ef Interest and beautifully illustrative of what Diamond suprem
acy fmmmmm. The high qualities, exceptional designs and reasonable prices,, as
well mm car vast assortment have contributed much In making this store so
.ttractv to lovers of fine JHsraoEUi Jewelry.
It la fsnpeasible for you to accurately Jadfse the value of a Diamond
from at prhw printed In a newspaper, 'on must gee the gm itself, then
yon eaa appreciate tha low price we ask. Come to and let us show you our
wonderfal collection of fine, pure gems.
L' At thm Ghja of fhe Chimes
Slsnres Of C A. C For Year
Easg Oct. 31, Last Are
i Blade Public
t merit for the Connecticut
Katlonal Guard, just made public at
Hartford, dww that for the year end
Ins Oct. 1st, last, the 11th oorapany,
C. A. C, of this city, under Gap-tain
T- R. AUflTUet, iraa second in the
- deaea campaoles included In tha
. ew y; and that the hospital corps here
: led the list in Ita division.
Ftolloivtog- are the flrureg:
'XlaAeal Corps Fifcld hospital, 89.74;
uttwlaiwe, tl.46; hospital corps, C. A.
C., ; hxiepttal corps. First Infan
tnr. ?C.fS; hospital corps, 2nd Infan
try. 4..
Signal Corps First company, 79,02,
Ca.vaulry Troop A, 79.69; Troop B,
Field Artillery Battery A, 55.61.
Coast Artillery Corps Headquart
ers. 86.67;' Company l; 65.96; Com
pany 8, 73,17; Company 4. 72.67; Com
pany S, 78.40; Company 6, 65.88; sCom
paisy t, 70.67; Company 8, 74.67; Com
pany t. 72.89; Company 10, 64.22;
Company 11, .78.67; Company 12,
27.89 tni company -was absorbed in
to Other companies on account of low
membership during field maneuvers) ;
Company 13, 73.44; Company, 14,
Infantry First regiment: Head
quarters, 63.03 ; Companies A, 86.13;
S, 65.22; C, 77.86; T, 66.08; E, 74.66;
81.47J a. 7;55; H, T7.6;il, 8C.-88;
K. 79.71; I 70.47; M, 68.9 5.
Second Regiment Headquarters,
AAJUU CmmrmMia A, S5.3; B. 7.10;
C, 80.36; P, 78,64; E, 78.76; F, 89.12;
O. 79.29; H, 82.94; J, 82.94; JE, 80.38;
Xi, 79.94; M, 92.10. - ,
Separate company, 79.11.
Company 8, C. A, -C., which leads
the corps, ie stationed in Panbury.
"Worcester, Mass., - March " 13. Miss
Agrnes iBission, of Mystic, who was
shot on Friday, March 6, toy Mrs.
Mary EX Power in the . latter'e home
on Chandler, atreet where ehe was em
ployed as housekeeper, was reported
f rore the city hospital today to ba
dying. -
Pneumonia haa developed and tha
physiciana say her death is only a
matter of hours.
, Extensive preparations have been
mada bv the Martha Washington
' lodge, No. 26, Order Daug-bters t St.
Georg-e, for the celebration t& even
ing of the twenty-fifth anniverpary
of - their- orgranlssation, -..i , r. --
A concert and daaee are tha prin
cipal features of the program. " The
Masonic Ttemple on Broad street,
where the - celebration is to be held,
wih be prettily decorated with white
and silver and banked with palms.
A number of visiting" lodg-es from
neig-hborins" cities are planning t
attend. - Among" these will be the
"Hose pf New England," from New
HaVen, "Liberty LiOdge," from Nau
gatucjt,, . and r VietorW vytoneersf,
and 'Magna Charta" - lodges of this
city.' There will also be gruests from
Boston present.
The officers of the Martha Washing
ton lodge are; . President, Sister P.
Price; vice president, Bister fiat, ut
ton: financial secretary, also oldest
'. past, president. Sister Harriett " Dowl.
! ing; treasurer, Sister E, Knight; first
i conductor, Sister A. palter; second
t conductor, Sister EJ. Youngs; worthy
' Inside guard, Sister M: A- Wilson,
worthy outside guard. Sister H. ; ,Sker.
ritt; chaplain Sister A- AJlibone; pian
ist, Sister M. A- Wheway; trustee. Sis
ter A, Nevins, and district deputy,
Sister M. Martin.
The committee of arrangements Is
comprised of the following; asters
R, Cooper, M. A. Wheway, F. Audley,
A. McGuire, A. Burnes and their as
sistants, Sisters M, Orton, S. Orton,
Wllkens, M. A. Wilson, Sv Dowling, A.
Pfiffer and A. Henaghan. . -r
After the concert there will be dano- -
ing until a late hour. Following is i
the coneert program: , .
Piano Solo, Salut a Pesth
Sister C. Beers., : j
Qoening Ode Etotire Audience i
Address of Welcome, .- .. !
....... V Our Worthy President
Sister P. Priee.
Remarks, !
...Our Worthy Financial Secretary
Sister H. Dowling.
Comie Song, .'.
..When Father Paperefl the Parlor
Brother P. Burns.
Remarks. Magna Charta No. 163
Softs of St, George, ,
Bass "Solo, ..,,....,,.,,,....,,
The Song of the Foam is BTonie
- Sweet Home . -r
Brother J, Walker.
Soprano Solo Rose in the Bud
a':. :K Sister 'C:;Nevmsc:-: -ri
RemaTks, Pioneer No. 79
Sons-pf St. Oeorge.
miiunng puiw, ....,.,.. ...
........ Sweet Home of the, Angels
(In loving memory of our de
parted Sisters)'
Sister M. A. Wheway
Contralto Solo, A Winter Story
Sister F. , Mason.
Remarks ...... Victoria No. 1
IndependentrDaughters of St. ?feorge
Seng and Danes, .............. Selected
i Brother C. Cooper.--:
Pnet, ,
Heard a Voice In the Tranquil
Night, - . - .
; Sisters Wilkans and Wheway.
Tenor Solo,--The jjnd of a Perfect Day
Brother T. Price,. , ,
Mixed Quartet... ....Southern Melodies
SUitere Mason, Wheway
" Brothers Price, Walker. ,
Almost predicting loss of human life
in a speech upon the danger threat
ening tbi city from lack of fire laws
and one-man dominion curtailed by
politics. A, H. BuUard, former presi
dent of. the Ore commission, addressed
the newly formed branch of the Na
tional , Credjt Men's Association; at the
Algonquin club last night, concluding
his remarks but a few hours before
three were burned to death and
score more brought to safety only by
the efforts of the police. :
Mr, Bullard said Bridgeport's escape
from larger fire loss was' marvelous.
He said there were no laws governing
buildings and that the fire chief was
in sole authority. It was intimated
that his efforts towards having rub
Men cleaned up and other improve
ments made were curtailed : by po
litics,! influence, - ' - ,
said that milUons annually wui
Road Expenditures In State
Have Been Allowed
- to Drag v
When a copy of 3ov, Baldwin's.' Jet-r.
ter was shown. to State Highway Coin.
mission er .- Chaules - J.j. Bennett jhe, -de
clared that he endorsed the senti
ments of the governor regarding, road
expenditures mast L heartily. .-He .fur
ther agreed that the practice of issu.-
ing long-time- highway bonda on tem
porary work is one of the worst .prac-!
tices that the state has. Indulged in,
and said - he , believed . the time has
passed when this- is , necessary. Re
ferring to the figures given on the ex
penditures of the department" tor tae I err tro-
(past three years, he declared - that It ZJ J 7 '"
was not the a.uit ' of the -present ad
ministration -that they had risen- so. -
'When'' I came Into office on Fetoru-'
ary 26, 1913,' he s said, '1 - found that
there were liabilities outstanding
amounting to - (1,716,638, ; all of which
.was not -the-fault of the present 'ad-
done but 'hot completed- or paid, for;
This I stated in my -report
ernor of last November.- ' When you
add to this am the (800,090 n.
spent for ordinary and necessary re
pair work, it can be eeen that the de
partment had- the spending of - learn
than 51,000,000 of that J?, 473, 000 -for
mew work during the summer of 1913.
And practically all' o? the -work of con
etructing new " roads is done In the
summer.'- By the end 1 of ' "1913 ; I Itad
reduced the Iraibilitie of-the State to'
$1,100,000, Which is a decrease of about
(600,000 ifrom the year before.: About
(600,000 of the (3,483,000 that was
charged up for 1913 was for Warrenite
contracts from the. year before that
had not been paid. It seemed to be a
practice to let contracts elide over
, from year td year in order to keep the
expenditures seemingly . lower ' than
they really were.
"The opinion or the governor, as
' expressed in his message, is thorough
ly sound, and I have dfecuesed the
question of cutting down on highway
expenses often with him. JNext year
the attains of the department will bo
'cleared up, or almost so, and the fig
ures will drop back to a - reasonable
proportion.' , -
i Goats of Chinchilla and Zibi
line that were .$S.95, sale price
$3.95. --;.:- J. , ,
1 Sport Goats' that were $7.50
and $10.00, sale price $3.95.
: $15XK3 coats -of Chinchilla,
Boucle and Zibilinc, sale price
' ''''.
Blaclc Arabian Lamb worth
$25.00, sale 'price $15.00.
Black, r Boucle Coats worth
$20.00,' sale price $12.50.' t
' Suits that were $10.00 to
$12.50,' sale price $5.00.
Siitt?;:that were; $l5.uu saie
An Italian child conductor, only
7 1-3 years old, has conducted the'
imperial orchestra at a command per
formance fcefore the Czar of Russia.
The; Czarina was bo delighted that she
promised .to send the boy a box of
chocolates. Evidently they take , mu
sic seriously in court circles in St.
Suits that were $20.00, sale
m-ice $12.50." ' ' ; :.
SrAifll nnrchase- ,;of 100
skirts ' worth $2.00, sale- pnc
:$LO0-i , . :
i50 . black, and white,, . check
skirts were $2.50, sale price
S1.50. ' . . ; . -
. 5R4 .95 Irouse dresses, ' sale
price 89c. - - - - ' ;
Gingham house dresses, ' -all
sizes $1.00. Z"'r J
Seersucker J mhd , - percale
house dresses, all sizes for
$1.50 ;
SILKS--6liACK' ':. - : - :
19 inch Black Eeau-de Cygne,
value 75c, sale price 39c
r 27 inch Black Peaude Cygne,
value 89c, sale price wc.
30 inch Black Peau-de Cygne,
value $1.25, sale price $i.UU.
36 inch Black Messaline,
value $15, sale price $i.uu.
36 inch Black Messaline,
value $1.00, sale price 89c.
Black striped and brocaded
silk, value $1.00 to . $1.50, sale
price 69c yard. , V
Bead chains, assorted colors,
10c each worth 19c -. ,
rVvllaT and cuff pins, value
5c nair, 3 pair for 5c.
run. dollar buttons. 1' dozen
on a card 3c card, ; !
Joe What is the easiest way to
drive a , nail without ' smashfag my
Angers?'" -;r-"-: ,-" . ',
Josephine Hold the hammer In
Dotn nana gpw gu5 4-oiai,
Heatherbloom netticoats with
fehirred ruffles, erood auality,
value $1.25, sale price 95c.
Messaline silk petticoats with
pleated flounce in all the latest
colors, also changeable, value
$3.50, sale price $2.50.
Boys'" Fleece lined prlovw,
Mocha, Kid, Tan 48c, worth 69c.
2 clasD excellent kid loves
black, white, tan, 50c worth 79c.
tan, brown, grey 90c, worth $1.
Jouvin kid . crloves,- black.
white, tan, brown, grey, mode,
$1.35 worth $10.
Chamoisette arloves, black.
white, natural, white, black
stitchiner, black-white stitcning
25c worth 39c.
Velvet and crochet bags,
blaclc, brown' blue, value $1.00
for 75c.
Leather bags with manicure
fittings, sale price 39e each.
Oxford bags, 14 inch, tan
only, value $2.50, special at
Fancy striped crepe - petti-?
coats, good quality of . crepe,
value 89c, sale price 63e each.
" Seersucker gingham petti
coats in fancy stripes and also
plain white, value '89c, sale
price 69c each.
Black Sateen petticoats, with
plain and fancy ruffles, good
assortment, value $1.25, sale
price 95c each.
Heatherbloom petticoats in'
fancy tucked flounce good
quality, value $1.25, sale price
95c eacji. ;
: Cotton Charmeuse petticoats -in
cerise,' navy, green, brown,
king blue and black, value $1.0a
sale price $1.50 each.
I ' i I Tm"- f
i : ;
' not a harness with) buckles , and
straps, " Hygienic, clean and com
fortable a truss that does not
stretch or weaken by using, that
Is the kind! of truss we recom
mend. Perfect fit and satfsfac-
. tiou guaranteed,
The Cyrus Pharmacy
Fairfield Ave. and Conrtland St.
C. of I of A.
Ka tries' Hall
Music by Moloney
Admission &5 Cents
' v ' . - SIS s.
Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word.
. .Nsnjir ,-. Tqrfe; v JJarcfe J3. Opening- A
decline in stocks which have been
weak recently continued in the early
trading today . The volume of busi
ness was abnormally email and the
speculative favorite barely moved.
Canadian Pacific was again sensi
tive to .pressure and yielded a point to
the lowest since 1911. Another low
record was made in IXenver and Rio.
Grande preferred, which fell 1 1-4 to
19 3-4.
latere were losses of one or more in
Atlantic Coast Wne, uivnie. United
States Express, Rum el y and Texan
Company. The list stiffened after half
an hour's tradingr, Canadian Pacific
made up its lose and Chesapeake &
Ohio rose 1. . ..:
Trimmed Hats. Smart
trimmed hats. Striking
colors, trimmed with flow
er, gtick-ups, ribbons or
feathers, . S fi no
Very special U&i.Jjg
Women's 2 Clasp Kid
Gloves, In white, tan, gray
and black'.- Every pair,
guaranteed. , , rjf
Value $1.00. : lHC
Our Price J pAm
Women's 2 Clasp Kid
Gloves, in white, tan, gray
and black. Every pair
guaranteed. Extra fine
Value $1.25.
Uur Price
. . , . . J PAIR
; The Store that Pte
fnnds Your Money
Without Asians yuesi
1 1 THE
We deliver r reo 10
Any Part of - Brtdge
porf, Fairfleld or Strat
ford. ' 1
Corner Main and GoMcn Hill Streets
" 5 r " Etridgeport, Conn, v ;
Our Price
tn Shapes according to the latest fashion "iOTa
Values up to 50c. - 7 -. uO'
3rice . . 'I ..... v . . ....... tiacw
Silk Braid for millinery, in attractive
10, yard lengtns. vame oc. --Our
Price ,
; colors- 59C
Flower and Feather Fancies to trim -nr.
the spring hat. ' Most beautiful as- yJ V
sortment.' Prices from, )
Untrimmed Hats new shapes and attractive
colors. Value $1.25. .
Our Price
.t - t
Reads in all lengths and
most desirable colors anda
combinations. Must be ex
amined to S
Neckwear, large assort
ment of the very popular
fichu, in net and shadow
laces.' b ,. . 5 Cfl n
Value 69o.' UtlU
Our Price J each
Collar and Cuff Sets, of
fine Swiss embroidery, in
many attractive patterns.
Value )
69c. Our , , : i-tlwi
Price sex
J i. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmm wmmmmmmm
iVomen's Cotton Hose, me- Women's Burson Hose, ex-
dium weight, fast black, tra fine lisle, high spliced
double heel and toe- AA heel and toe, garter tops
Value 12o. w "C ' on regular and out sizes,
ur Price ....... j PAIR .-Value l91tf
FAJR 39c. Our i&lls
Price ............ ) iatr
ilurson Hose, medium --. n
weight, fast black, high Women's Silk Lisle Hose
spliced heel, double sole high spliced heel, double
and toe.- Regular sizes sole and toe, reiriforped,
have garter tops. , garter tops, in black only
Run of mills. Tir Value l9Cf
Value 25e. llDC 39c, Our 1401
Our Price pair- Price j jatr
Men's Silk Hose, high spliced heel, double sole and toe,
assorted colors, black ijncluded, slight
imperfections, Value' 25e,
Our Price ......... , , . . . ,
'Women's Silk Hose, high Women's Lisle Hose, out
spliced heel, double sole , size, ribbed top, medium
and ipe, lisle garter tops. weight, double heel and
New spring colors, includ- toe, fast black- 4 9XT
ing black. " lOC; j Value 15c. I JLU 2
Value 39c. ' i-Alif Our Price .....J pahi
Our- Price J path. . , .: -
Men's Lisle -. Hose, fast Silk Usle nose, me-
bsS'wiTsp?iet :side.h ru7t?&dATl
Our Price J A Our Price J pair
iii) " " .
.. :
Women's Silk Hose, full fashioned, high spliced heel, dou
ble sole and toe, lisle garter tops ; all the new 1 - H
. colors for spring, black included. Run of mill.
Value 50c. Our Price ... . ...j path
The Senate passed the Townsehd hill
to create a coast guard service by
consolidating the revenue cutter and
life-saving service
Men's Cotton Hose, medi
um weight, 'fast black,
three-ply heel and toe,
double soles. - AA
Value 12i2o. I tfC
Our Price J vAm .,
Petticoats, fine muslin
with deep embroidery
flounce. With or without
under ruffles.-
Value 69c.
Our Price . . . .
V 9c
Children's Hose, line riu
bed. fast black, double
heel and toe.
Value 12V2c.
Our price
Women's Drawers, fine
muslin, trimmed with as
.sortment of embroidery
trimming. i FAn
Value 69c. l?)IIC
Our price ....... .j pair
Children's Jack and Jill
Hose, fine and heavy, rib
bed, fast black, double heel
and toe. . 4 "1
Value 15c. LB.1C
Our price . j pato
Large assortment of splen
did Hand Bags, including
wrist and
prices . . . . J ' eac h
Men's Siik Hose, -with fan
ey colored embroidery,
double sole, spliced heel,
in black v and assorted
colors. . ' - 1 0o
Value 50c. , flU V
Our price J pair
27 inch Ratine and Bro
fftded Ponaee in variety
of colors and patterns for
spring dresses.- -fl
Value 25c. -Our
price . J vat;

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