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XiHi Jf AKM1GK : MJUXXJH li5, J.yj.4 SIC 7C No Need to Neglect Your Teeth Now For Fear of Pain - Pprfect Dentistry without the slightest inconvenience. '.- The cost is no more,- and- often less than the old way. - . . ' - . " ,; ' This broad claim is made possible only because our -modern dental equipmer "includes the new Scientific Discovery, t . , . . . "-..-- , j . .,..- . , . USED IN ALL THE LEADING HOSPITALS -i qmmanmimmiimmmmmtm iiw.iiiwhh.ii w$rrmam vmjmmjmm. fya-- HAVE THOSlS OLD BROKEN DEGAYED TEETH TAKEN OUT -IT WQNTV If you wish' yon need pot lose consciousness. .' Tou may read, talk, laugh, -ad in fact have perfect control of your faculties, but . no .matter how hard you try you cannot feel any pain whatsoever, v ' , 1 Should you prefer to take a delightful nap you may do so. as naturally as a tired child. : No dreams, no af ter effects. Your family physician will tell you it is one . of the greatest helps to suffering: mankind of tliis gen eration. .. :-: NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED. PAY NO MONEY UNTIL" WOBK IS COMPLETED. , ; SPECIAL 100 Sets of $15.00 ; 8t7 tT(f TEETH To the first 100 persons -who visit this office for. sets of .'teeth we will maVe them the. regular lS.-sota - for $7.50 per. -set . Here's -a- chance -for. you. to . save money and at the same time escape all 'pain through the use' of 1 "Nap-a-Minit" Other sets as low v as $5." We 'give- our written -g-narantee with H work - for 10 -years. 1c r' . i ,,. . Old Harsh Method, Fain and Dread to the Patient. DR. HAROLD Gi WEIDLIGH ' - " l Proprietor, Porcelain Dentists. 5 CITIZENS' BUILDINJG, ' . . , ' : MAIN AND CANNON STflEETS; Open Sundays, Holidays,-and Evenings. ; ,,-" :- V i I is I l H I : The ?Nap-a-Minit" a Delight 'to . the Patient. CQIIFESSED SLAYER OF HUSBAND HELD 'Woman '.Who' Claims She" Was 1 Driven To Shooting To Be ; ?.m - Tried In June New Britain, ilarch 13 Theresa. Sato ' tlnSfino was bound over to. the ' Jtine teJOT-of the superior court on a charge of nsurder in the first degree in police court, 'It being alleged: that she ahot and killed her husband, Luciano, R-uftl-io, on the morning ' of. March 5, . at their home in this ; city. ..'.; ;iv. Ofily three witnesses ; testified, - : A ' fteighbort told j of hearjng the dis turbance: in the-Huffliiio' tenement, of ''going", there and of forcing -the woman to go.' to' his homeL " .-. When v.she was , permitted to return to her, own tene ment, h said,- siie pointed the revolv er at, her husband who was lying C -ad : on - trfe floor and attempted to explode 'several ; more cartridges. Fhe was unable to -do so as he had cd Justed the mechanism of the gun so I that it was harmless. . t-,- . - -Other wtE es were ' Medieal Ex aminer T. Q. "Wright and Chief of Police "William J.' Rawtogs. No testimony, was oEerd by the de fense, r Mrs. Ruffina will be lodged In the Hartford county' jail until her trial as the court ( could not allow her releasfe under, a .bond. .- POPE MAY RECEIVE ' AMERICAN SUFFRAGETTE New. TorK, March -13 The Rev. Dr. Anna Shaw, president of the 'Nation al American. "Women's Suffrage Asso ciation, will-Bald on. April 16 for Rome. There she , will make only "one speech and- that oii suffrage, returning imme diately. ?? Er,' Shaw expects - an au dience with-the Pope and she - will be, it is said,: the 'first suffragist .to be granted " such an honor. . Mrs., Shaw, who" broke her leg some weeks ' ago, ' went out yesterday for an automobile ride for 'the- first time since her ' accident. n .- i . " PLEADS SELF-DEFENSE; TO JUSTIFY KILLi:i3 migliette, 18, was put to trial &n -, the city (' court, her this morning, charg ed with murder in the ffirst degree. -. Famigliette was charged with hav ing murdered Guiseppl Benedetto' on Railroad ,Hill street last- Sunday night by firing ; two ' . shots - into - his body. Medical Examiner Crane testified that either of the two bullets would have caused instant death. ; . " Famigliette- entered a plea, ft not guilty. He "admits - the killins but says he acted in self-defense, "r f; JAPANESE NAVY BUDGET : Si REDUCED OlEQllARTB Toklo, March ,13.--Tlie appropriation for the construction of new ehips for the . Japanese nayy was .reduced by the House of Peers today by $15,000,000, bringing the figure down to $45,080,000. The . reduction was adopted - by 240. to 44 votes. ' In the ; discussion ' that pre ceded1 the-' vote, thfr rcaJbinet . was se- erely condemned j in v, eonsection . wtth the recent naval armament scandal in which -eeveral 'prominent iiavai .offi cers were -allege"a to have accepted il licit commissions for : influencing the allotment -or contracts. ' , Benjamin RosewMeith,of .New. Tork. la facing life sentence under the' babj tual criminal act.". He is chargedwith the theft of 16 cents.- - . : ' - SEGREG JIOII PLAN fcAY FALL THOGH Further, Delay By ; New Haven 'O ' May. Start Anti-Trust' Cv5 -':':; t'-"lf" Action iXiC Washington, -t'Maxch 19 pfflciaJa';" of the department of justice and, the New Haven -road "resumed "-conferences ;';tb- day in an effort tovfind a plan kocep table to ' both sides - for the diss'ofution of the system.;.'': ;,.f ; v.V' ;'t'L"'i :',''"-' -.Although ', : Attorney General " McRey nolds . and his ; assistants v were-, -still hopeful that the New Haven repre enta$ive would see their ,way;: clear to meet the demands of the depai'tment, It. was, conceded that the negotiations had reached-" critical4 atagTe that further delay on the part -of the-road might lead to the filing of -an - anti trust suit for dissolution by a, court's decree.- ,:. .- ,v-... .' The principal point of difference,-, it was said, involved th length of ser vice of the trustees who are to 'take over - and dispose of the -Boston - & Maine stock now owned by Jha -New Haven and the .disposition of some of the Nw . Haven trolley lines.- Mr. ' McReynolds preferred . that the trustees- sha.1!. serve- not more than two years' with a. possibility . of . a two year continuation If a; court shall find the first period Insutficlent.- - - ' ; , NewHaven-.representativ were' in clined to - insist upon a--three year trusteeship with the option of a three year-'extension if found necessary. Inability - to get together on that point may lead:' to a breach. . The financial condition of both the" New Haven and the Boston & Maine fig ured -largely irv the attitude -of both sides in- the conference. ' 1 fBS F. E. PECK GREETED S0N. TAL ANNIVERSARY j ' In Jhonor ;f ' herr natal anniversary, Mrs. EHa-M. Peck, wife of Frank ,E.' Peck,; "employe ;of ' the New . Haven road, -was the' guest at a reception and party yesterday ' afternoon and last night at her home, 85 Parrott avenue. Mrs. Peck 'was given numerous appro priate and beautiful gifts, including a bouquet of carnations from the Re beccas, candy, cards of" congratula tion, handkerchiefs and pictures. A bracelet was received from her sister and Mr. Peck gave her a beautiful brooch As the" guests - entered the dining " rooip at jiight, led -by Mr. and Mrs.- Peck, "Sliver, , Threads Among the Gold" was . played. -orf. a phono graph. The table -and root i -were ap propriately decorated with flowens and .plants".,!' A menu of 'extraordinary, ex cellence , was -served, --.Amorig ,- those Tresent - were' Mrs." ,Ida Baldwip and Mrs. Frank Baldwin of rerby; Mrs. Ida Sherman of Fairfield, and the fol lowing from Bridgeport; s Mr. Duche, Mrs. Brehm, Mrs. Mansfield, Mm. H. Meller, Mr. . and Mr. Wiknder, Miss Eliztbeth Meller, Miss Minnie Meller, Mrs. B. G. Robiilard,- Miss -Martha Mo ser and Mass Katheryn Palmar. BATTLESHIP LX TO VISIT NAMESAKE STATE Washington, March 13 The largest and . newest vessel In the navy, the super-areadn-aught Texas, which , was pla-ced ,in- commission yesterday at Norfolk, "Vsu,"" will pay a visit f in.4 the next' few -weeks to the state in whose honor she-was named. After dropping in first at her home navy yard, which .will be New Tork, the ' big battleship will steam away for Galveston where a t silver service from the state of Texas is to be pre sented to the fighting ship. While no official announcement has been made It is believ-ed here that ad vantage may be taken of this trij to have the Texas loin the American fieet bn Mexican waters or replace one ox -.he'-- battleships now there, i . bucket oI3adeg::c::s FIRE AT XOYT.O S' F.::i New Canaan, March, 13. Only the strenuous efforts of a bucket brigade prevented a serious fire at the nursery farm of Stephen Hoyt Sons when a small sleeping shack used by a por tion otf1 the help took fire A. number of nearby buildings were endangered, btit a bucket larigade, carrying th water from some distance, kept th tvuildings wet down and prevented tha spread- of the flames. The money loea is not heavy. . The irrepressible dean of Durham, formerly Canon Henson, is not satis fied! with the archbishop ft Canter bury's tactful solution of the Kikuyu controversy. It Is to bo i-o red that the dean of Durham la , rather fond ot airing his opinions in print, thoui.;'i his sincerity seems never to have b-n questioned -by-even his bitterest r.s mies. ' , ,1 I!1' js$M-" rr mm - ' i . Jfc tA II Ah .i.UL WMw If lift i" Si'ii! of; - ,'Le'X- I v' -ft? St1 A-J. " JSTfertl,Oc- OF TTl-IE-r j - NOW EFJ IRIr2.0GlFESS Buckram Frames in the. very latest ' 1 French styles at ( the wholesale PJ price of . . . . . . tSlJ . -r Ty'E take the keenest pleasure in extending to you la-j :N..v -dies of Bridgeport and vicinity, this cordial invita tion to be present at our opening this week. ; Yhu will find ; us awaiting" your visit with not only our word of sincere wel-1 come but with a Spring Millinery stock that is sure to meet with your.instiant favor and delight. -We have scoured .every : known millinery source of authority to produce these thou sands of hats, knowing that variety alone is the j means of pleasing all. . . ' . UT we have looked 'even further than to please your taste or fancy -we have gone deeply into the matter of pleasing you' as to price. We have tried to do our own ; WHOLtESALB PRICES whieh are ever" available here one better. .Weihaye chosen with, infinite care in order to give you a bigsrer dollar's worth than even that of the WHOLE SALE POL-LAB Tvhicb has -made for this WHOLESALE MILLINERY STORE so many staunch Bridgeport friends. The results of all of these efforts we, want you to witness for yourselves' at this store. . ; : - ; Home Millinery Supplies of every description at WHOLE SALE PRICES. We make a specialty of tis line. - : Jf "rr ': UNTRIMMED DATS TS)cS to 5S.I50 From the rich, conservative styles to th; most fantastic and daring. Irenes shapes Is the range represented in this nn trimmed head wear. Hun dreda and hundreds of styles all at W tOUESAXJE PRICES. ; " MAWKISH SAILOR BATS .: '-at v' Tlie swagger new style that has made an in stant hit in the style center of the Vvorld. y " FULL LINE OF NEW RIBBONS AT WHOLESALE ! f 4bB?V.' ii-.v K Stunning Spring Styles In TTKIfflMEP - To a rreft extent these bats are Hnip and of a vtt fine qnUty, skfllfnlly made and nltra-fash'o'-able shaped. "Paristin designs are rampant In this lot of exqnisite head gear. "You'll 'find YOirit style and It will PLEASE and BEOOMK YOC. It Is snrely here and It may he trimmed "f-ith Paradise F'aneies, Algret e , Ostrich Plumes, bands or fancies, or it may "be fWiorne- vrtti' flo'rers. ri lx"S. maiines. Jet, et. And again it ma be one of our many hic styles In silk hats tr'mmed with maline or fancies. And remember that it is here at a low WHOLQSAIiE PRICE incomparable In size with what you would faav to pay elsewhere. THE MOST WONDERFUL - CON CEPTIONS IN EVERY SORT OF MILLINERY ' TRIMMINGS lit f 15X0 --- Tou'n be reaflv snrprlsed with what a dollar or even a ha'f w'll do in piirchestnsr trlmnfiun when yon bay at WIIOTjFTSAIE m you are able to do here. And when you go hinder you will be overwhelmed with tl'e rare neanty and richness of your purchase. Kvervthlnjr tliat's new is here awaiting; you Paradise fa cies. A'grettes, Ostrich Plumes. Ostrich Hands. Ostrich Fancies, Flowers. Malines, jiibhons,Jet, etc, and line of Fancfe of every sorv that coul 1 only be carried by a WHOLESALE HOUSE at WHOLESALE PRICKS EASTERN" WHOLESALE.. MILLINERY CO. UP ONE FLIGHT "It Pays to Climb" 1124 MAIN STREET . OVTIR ALLING-'S 'Every Step Saves You Money"