OCR Interpretation

The Bridgeport evening farmer. [volume] (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1866-1917, April 24, 1914, FIRST SECTION, Image 13

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022472/1914-04-24/ed-1/seq-13/

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It has 'been j found : necessary to
make a change in. the school "program
for next year that . will effect the
present Junior and. ciophomore classes.
On the senior program thero is to be
no U. E. history review, the only his
tory to be taken up by the members
of thia class being Ancient History.
The Juniors as well as the seniors will
have to take English five days a weels,
one of the days to.be unprepared., tin
both the English and College Prepara
tory courses - Medieval and -Modern
History will toe dropped in tae sopho
more work and will be placed inthe
junior program. The sophomore will
Instead" all take English history.
Courses of study may toe procured at
the office and the programs' of work
lo be taken up next year are to foe
handed to the teachers a weeH from
Monday, . ' , I - ,
Try outs for the freshman .debating
w-n.m were held at, the sc'nool thia
Tardiness at the close of recess ,1s
to count. the same as tardinsss at. the
beginning; school, that is five will
lw deducted from the day's recitation
of the period following recess. , ,.:
Selden Tracy, "1 5,' will have charge
of the sstereopticon at the lecture to
rivpn Sunday evening- at "Warner
-n tev Dr. Thomas A Dar iegton of
New York, at the annual conference
of -Charities and Correction;:
- Tomorrow ' afternoon at.. . Seaside;
park the freshman baseball team will
line up against the fStillman A. C. Play
will To-egin at 2 o'clock. .
If the ' gunboat STachiaa Is , detailed
to Mexican waters, Louis Joyce of the
jus-lor class, will go to the front. Louis
is th wifeless operator on t ae boat. c
TV e, minstrel show scored a decided
hit last evening at Warner , lia.ll. It
wni . nroduoed egain this evening
ta ttidrcfttlons point to : a- crowded
hmiM.' Still there are many good seats
left, ana these may be secured .before
the performance. . , '
.. Tnrt ' Aoril 23: Ctia. man El
I.ott of New Haven was in Wall
street yesterday in an effort to close
a final agreement on the plan to meet
h. t.wrsso.ooo note which mature
5ay 18," and, tHe : 7,5fl-,0C5 additional
notes which mature prior t ,JuJy 28.
nr.juir hm iiiaa a confer-
ence of Kw (Haven interests and rep-
m .. ,Tf - Tfet fc-Ar- laciTfir five
tumm The ' financial c la;i , to te
atJocted must he freed! If. f possible
from complications such would en
. .mi ir the seceurities of a trusteed
compa ny were - placed. behln any or
tire T"oposd subsidiary com pany note
issues.-' The dIfacustrKm centers h,wul
the list of collateral and available
u'osUtTjtes in case any of the collat
t-ral placed Tentnd. a -no1e ttsue were
Cross earnings of . Lehigh Valley In
March increased t3S,S4 com pared with
Marrh a. veax ago. the. f tsi g-ain in
prt:.. sre'i .rted liy-tne ro is i ut"e last
.rune. Ooeratinc expenses, : I account
3j therdita-cvilties ejcperiencd in the
stormy aleo . increased, tlioui rh slight
ly, for the. first tim since J inly, -. Net
operating income declined 13 per cent.,
-which is a good eb. owing compared
; with the result of recent mcnthsi and
compared .with a. 26 iper cent decrease
for the eight months period, up to the
"end of February. "- The end" ef. -March
finds the"Toad with net operating in
! come of .$3y314,637 behind the .figure of
- last - year.--'- ., i . :: ..:,.-,
Oeneral Hiectrio Co.'s aiinoal re
port for the year ended Ierober 31,
ISlTv, shows net profit of 511.849,537,
equal to 1X3 per cent, on ths S10a,3Sl,
3iO capital stock, ae compiurod with
12 4" per ' cent. ; earned on tS'XL,202,0'W
e tool in-1913. Profit .and lo-9s surplus
at the end of the year stood at $16,-'!93.8l9,-againet'
12,031,145 in , the pre
ceding year. - '." - . . -, -i f .
1 pr Stock EJxchange 'governors, wnlch
Was held a fe-sr .days a0; President
M'abon ' presided- for the last; time, - as
at the next regular meeting in May
.,' the, new president'-wll assume the du
ties. At the meeting the f-oyern'ors
aa(rpxe-l reeorutions psvynig ia v.iriii
tribute to the president whi is retir
ing after' two years of service.'
.-Wall shreet was "not surprised - at
the passing of H" MEssouri, :aisas &
Texas preferred -dividend, notwith
standing the hopef ul ' stateir ent . made
by President Sohaff" a, month or six
weffts figo. The road is now negotiat
ion: for the sale of ejuipntent . trust
certificates which .will ' proTabIy
amount to ; about IWO.OOO. , The com
pany recently ordered locomotives and
freight cars for summer delivery, and
"it Is' for the payment of t ate equip
ment that the equipment - trusts . will,
; he sold,,' . . ' ;, , ;-,
Miss Helen OsTjorne has btn gpend
- lag her Easter vacation with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. -Or lando ' Os
borne t "Aspetuck' Valley lJ"arm.'
Mrs. Frederick Haeublein of Adams
Corners has been spending a few days
as Sliest of friends in Bridgeport,:
J. Arthur Sherwood has commenced
to ami tor a weu wnicn n is going
. to have north f the bam.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sil fman and
family of -Bridgeport were very , re
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs- Frederick
'-. Ellllman. r ' ' " - k .
- irah Alger, school supervlnor; was
in town visiting the schools oiti Mon
day. '
' Miss- Myrtle -Hughes of Nw Bruns
wick; N." J., was a guest of friends in
"town' recently. ', .
Isevi Edwards has been soending a
-"fW' days' "as suest -of. his niece,-Mrs.
Jame -Tyler:
' Miss Maud aiiiraan, havir.g spent a
fw days visiting in Weatport,. New
Tort and New Jersey, has ' returned
horns. ' """''. - '
" Mrs.-T,' Frank Brothwell, the Misses
Ktta arioi Lois B-rothwell, IIrs. John
Broth well, and Mrs. Bprague Broth
well were entertained on Sunday at
'Aspetuck .Valley Farm." . . ..: ,
f The entertainment which Miss ilva
Ri4th , King, of Fairfield gave at the
, Methodist chureh on Wednesday even
ing proved to be a . grand success.
-There, were people : present ; from
.Bridgeport, Fairfield, Green Farms,
and , Westport., After the Entertain
nent the ladies of : the Ail society
nerved ice cream and cake in their
hn nearby. ,
Mrs. Wliiiam Msrifon and two chil
dren who have been ppendiig a few
rlays as guests of Mrs. Mannon's par
mt,. have rturusl b U.ut Uu Id
BxMSVJMWd " '.:-' .'"'-'-
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I't AMOUS CHfCHSHUiTf . Bgl6E ,- Z
Vera - Crnz, r April The j two rail
roads from Vera Cruz to Mexico City
are of vital . importance to the United
States forcesii for they provide the only
means of communication between this
seaport and the capital.. ..The, .Ameri
cans' . are particularly anxious . s.bout
preserving the. many bridges on ihese.
-.Vith telephonea'ana automobiles,'
said the economist, "the farmer "rwill
soon" he ' entirely independent of - the
city." - 1 - - "
:" '."Never, replied Mrs: Oorntossel.
We'll always have to be going to town
- unless ' they - discover some way - of
sending' moving pictures 'by mail."
Washington Star.' ' :
fT iHF ". ' . ......... J L '. f , , '(. I
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PEWEY -3i 6?7. CROZIERL 4- 6c??.
Li(36mr- .5-ge3r4rfwwZ FtSKt- '
( Washington The regular ,. Joint
board on strategy, which embraces the
general board of the navy and the
army, .is meeting daily at Admiral
Dewey's office in the new navy de
partment annex. There are present
at the meetings the general, board of
Zr RrTCRUlTS for U.5;ARMY-
roads.! If .the one shown in the : illus
tration, r for S example; was ': destroyed,
six Jinonths would be required, to, re
build it. j The structure', is .. at Chichi
huite, between Vera Cruz and Mexico
City, and is one of the higheej bridges
in . the world. The ' wreck picture
shows a Mexican Cerrtral train-' de
'Oh, Clara; '.'we wili' have to sajr
gtod-'bye. I : am : called out. of ;own
n; urgent business." ".- --y - v .
"Oil, George "
'- 1 "Itut 'before I1 go,; dear, I .want to
take a lock of your hair with me." --
"Why, of course, George here is a
lock from rny new green wig." -Florida
Times Union. - ; -- , . '
Vx vi-'tv. ; ?:xj
- yy-' i bs'
Rear Admiral W. -.. H. H. ' Southerland,
Rear Admiral" Bradley A. Fiske and
Captain Harvey S. Knapp, and - the
members of the army general board,",
consisting of Major General Leonard
Wood, Major General W. W.. Wlther
spoon. Brigadier -General . liiggett;
prettidant of the war college; and Brir
b-it;:. ' J;,
railed and ' destroyed' by ; Huerta's mean.
New York, April 24 Recruiting oper
ations for the armyand navy axe pro
grossing rapidly here : and 4n other
eastern cities. The - illustration . shows
a ' detachment ; of army ' recruits en
route to Fort - Slocom, on- Long Isl
and Sound, where they will be drilled
and sent' totthe Mexican. -border.i 4 ,.
, . "Wesley S, -.Guff e, prominent operator
in the oil fields, of West Virginia and
Texas, died in. Pittsburgh.
The business section of Brysoh, Que-ibec.-'the
county seat (or Pontiac,., waa
wiped .out" by fire. A hotel and 28
small stores in Main . street were de
stroyed. ' . ' " - ,
gadier General William Crozier, chief
of ordinance.; .The sessions., are .lehlnd
closed doors. The nature of the delib
erations is not disclosed. This board
will determine the general plan of the
campaign in Mexico , and in Mexican
waters..., -. :'.'.'. ' ' '. ' r v
Oar' Entire 'Sfoeii 17ill b
NO p. O. D.
on . all ' -Suits
- ,
20 . OFF
Shoes '
20 OFF
on Hats
and Caps
- ? Xr
- -
(.. ,
20 OFF
on Bags &
1 New York. ' April - 2-rOpening Press
ure .was direct "in' ; the : stock market
at the outset today:-'- Leading specula--tive
stocks, particularly Reading and
Union, "Pacific, were sold f in large
amounts and there' was a general re
cession in prices. In .many instances
the lowest quotations of the present
decline were reported. i . - '
The depressing influence of the Mex
ican situation was. the - principal ' un
settling factor, which' was augmented
bv a drop of American stocks in the
London market toefore the . opening
here. - Canadian - Pacific sold down
2 1-2 !to 191' 1-4. iz-.-Mexican Petroleum
lost - 5. -,A xdosen s other issues fell
about a point each.' -. -
. It is reported, that CoU Theodore
Hoosevelt Is anxious to "lead a regit
itiant against Msxioo. - .;- ..
il gcuSt
"Correct ress" for Women ffiui Misses
"' Extensive alterations will be made to inorea' t ovxr sell
.ingl" Hpace. ,.Stoeks must be lowered quickly to facili
: tate liandling. We : Will offer . f .
: 20 Per Cent KediiCalcn
Suits, Sliwls cr.il Drecc 2
iO.'Per-'CeEt Keiics'ilc c:i
v Oil t lTf!'n
INOTiC : Oiiginal price tags remain on all niercliandi'j,
'reductions will be figured on each sale: viz:
' ' ' $25.03 garments .Jess 20 20.00
, '. 18.50 garments .less 20c 14.80
. ; V 1500 garments '.less 20' 12.00
5.00 Balmacaan Coats less 20 4.00
, 2.D5 Waists . . less 10 fr 2X3
- ' - l.5 Waists .less 10 1.7G
r -m
r i n "
j M tj k fci
v Just tomorrow day and everLirr; you c:x
select, f rein our magnificent stocks of lien's and
Children's Clothing, Furnishings, IIat3, Caps and
Shoe3 at a
Ptix ' (for" 1
ED S s I2 cn r ji i n
-Evervthins marked in plain figures
enough to be a good bargain any time, but
TOnOHIlOVyou get an extra 23 clipped oft
from every price. ' x
20 OFF
. , The Bio New.- Store
Atlantic Hotel Scoal
Judge Tuttle in the superior court
yesterday ! afteriioon denied a divorce
decree -to'' Ada. Altenbrandt of. Nor
walk, the milliner, wfio sued Abram
Altenbrandt of. that' place. Mrs. Altenbrandt-
claimed -' cruelty - but the
court said the evidence didn't prove
this charge. He said the trouble look
ed like a mere squabble about money
matters and he gave his decision from
the bench. '.' :: " ,' ' . .
- Electricity s universally used in the
Stavanger district of Norway, as are
sult of the cheap hydroelectric power,
made possible by many waterfalls.
Even i the peasants and fishermen
dwelling on the herd islands have
electric lighting' in' their homes. 1
Neighbor Is your' daddy? getting
better? .
.-W"illle Tep: mam's stopped calling
him down. Kansas City Btar. .
tb m
- " 7
. "fc, - JO-
on ...
Cm-, -j
and lov
ir.-; f
rir- f
20 OFF
on Lien's
' Trousers
Block -
' .One of "th r.-'-r ' "
has produf:fd a hj-lr
powerful that it. in r---t ...
I thaa a flying J ' "at.

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