THE FARMER: APRIL 24, 1914 EIGHT DAYS OF UNPRECEDENTED VALUE GIVING IN CELEBRATION OP OUR TWENTY-THIRD BIRTHDAY- -CHARGE ACCOUNTS OPENED DURING THE SALE CASH (I f ( )) OR CREDIT iet" 4 maim a 13 AAQMOS . PKQMtierow,, Sale Starts Saturday, April 25th, and Con tinues Until. May 2nd Inclusive -,ISAAC, MOS3. PHOWtlCTOa, From Saturday,April 25th,to Saturday.May 2nd Inclusive, for These Big Money Savers MAIN 7 on CREDIT Our Charge Account Plan This is a CASH Store, which extends to all the "Chargo" convenience " . That is, instead of paying spot casff for the wearing necessities of life which you or your family require,- you pay in small amounts, at convenient intervals; There is NO MYSTERY about opening a Charge Account at this store. ' -' " No less for Cash no more for Credit. Our stocks are larger assortments greater, and our prices as low,' and in many cases lower than cash houses ask for goods of equal quality? . Why' not purchase your Spring wearing' apparel; our way? See what a big'" help it is! Secure the added advantage of LOW UNUSUAIX.Y ' LOW ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES KOWl O IJ TE3b: 3 ' IR. ED A VI MEM: MOW jF'OIR. t . - .... TUP The PRICES Below Are Their Own Orators-and you know from Experience that Moss & Krieger QUALITY is Always Staunch and True. Read Every Item below Carefully INVESTIGATE PR07.IP11Y. " . The Greatest Values This Store Ever Offered The Biggest, Bargains Bridgeport Has Ever Known! GREAT, GRAND and GLORIOUS MONEY SAVING in Every Department! Our 23rd Birtriday How- for Eight , Days of Birthdaj , Celebration! Good service has kept our busiiiesi growing for twenty-three years and shall keep it growing. Stocks are greater and better than ever. Everything every member of the family wears and House-Furnishings in our Basement Salesroom. Hie remarkable MONEY SAVING is ot tered as the Store's personal handshake to its many friends and patrons just a s! r.t our thankfulness of your appreciation. These eight days will present rr. - . that is a pleasure to look upon much V. '.. is good to know about many -( things v, buying. Please consider this as YOUK in vitation to be present every day I 1 ITDTU) DUTlINGr Tins SALE AN EXTRA DISCOUNT Oil Altli GOODS HOT ADVERTISED AS SPECIALS i U I r in fit! mxm. . i mm b It as MB I J M M i juLlUL n (C-SiKI-- OIK.- CIKE , BOOT , ' Vvl&AXEM ' ' . - ISAAC MOSS. PROPRIETOR ' El UJVLrUjiJi ii L fp' :EDmr AT PURCHASE TIM $1.00 WEEKLY PAYMENTS DUSIira THIS SAIiE ANEXTHA OISCOUN1 ON ALL GOODS NOT ADVEHTICUD ' AS SPECIALS ill nvrn iiidL LjLiUyVJLb J I lb on Bill I'll liliJiUhJ Dorflains Great -;Money; Sating' Coiiseqeeoce in Every Seclion of : This Big Credit leporlmeol Store TAILORED SUITS . . . ; : ' . ; Vcn.crn's, Hisses' and Juniors' suitis, newest raodels, , most fashionable materials, the nearest sliadcsof Copenhagen;, helio, green, tango, black1 and navy, All the Nnew ana-up-to-aate modei3. . iceal .value 510 to 5i. , - . ni i ,7- .-. 7 -. 1 - ' ;f"i 1 V . . V (; -- . I " ' ANiaVERSART SPECIAL TUGH GRADE TAILORED SUITS , v , " ' . , ' Women's and TiOssesJ liigh grade and novelty suits. Every suit cut ' in the, very . latest styles and newest materials of crepe,' moire and novelty ' materials in the newest shades. ,. Real value $22 to $25. . ' .'-.. ' r J V ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $14.95 - Chiffon Taffeta Dresses ' (Women's and Misses' yery pretty and fashionable macie olilffon taO'eta dresses, tfae newest models. pre -titr trimmed witH all toe. new sprins sbadesL Seal value 18.00. w -' , ;-. ., . AXJiTTERSVRY SPECIAI. Silk Crepe, and Serga'Dresses. Womfii'a and Misses new model dresses made oT fanry &ilk Crepe, trimmed with shadow lace ' and all wool serge dresses, prettily 'made. All in . the latest spring styles, all new anxi popular .shales. Real -valne $9.00.' - .. 7 - ; ' ANNUTERSABt BPUBCZAI, $4,95, ,Fan3y Serge and Crepo Dresses. On al the newest 'and up to Hie minute models, , stylishly trimmed In all the new shades of Tango, ' . Coin3hagen, Tan, NaTy and Black. These dress es are regularly worth from $12 to $15.00. - ANTSrVERSARY SPEJOIAIi, jjjy Qg Balmacaan Coats Women's and Misses Balmacaan 'Coats," all the new. i " patterns, fancy mixtures, cut in' the newest models. ' Ileal Jfrahie $10.00. . ( ANNITEBSARY SPECIAIj $5.93 Coats for Women and Hisses Fancy top coats made of -pbtin and novelty mater . laid in all the newest models for Spring. Some plain.others strictly tailored. Real -ralne $12 to $15 ' t: ANNIVERSARY SFECIAJtJ $7.98 Misses' Coats ' - l..:. 7. . . 1 ' ' 7!" . , Pnll length coats for -Misses, large variety , of fancy materials." -Real value $8 to $10. - , - y ANNIVERSARY SFEOIATj $4.95 58.93 lhfjso:y . ' TTamcn's trlmmefl hats miWle In the new- 1 ' et shapes, prettily trimmed. Bxoep-'1 tional valne $3.S. C " AimnrERSARY sfectiatj $1.93 ) Trimmed -Fiiminery Verr nattv' and stylishlT trimmed, hats,- In all th newest shapes. . Real value ' $& and $ ' 1 ABTNTVERSARTT SlTECTAIi $3.80 Girls' Hals i t -' ) Gtr trimmed ready-to-wenw-liats." $1.88 valrae. AlfWIVERSART SPECTAL 98c Infants' Beimels'' 25o and &5a valnesL '. - - .- A N !V I V I . IiS A RY SPECTAIj QC Silk Ruffle Petticoats. Made of mercerised material with silk , mmmaline ruffle of same ' shade to match. Real" value $1.75. AJijS IVERSABY SI'ECJIAXj, QQq Girls' Coats, 6 to 3.2 Years 'Made of all wool serines and Taney -ma-,erils, trimmed with jvretty combina tions to match. Real value $8. ' AlfNIVERSAKY SPI3CIA1. $2.98 Yomen's Dress Gkirts' Made of grood (fraality sew. fancy ma terial and sicillian. ntfwest Sprtng . model. Keal valne $4.50. ANTM I VEflSA RT SFECTTATj $J 0g 'Women's Dress Skirts. . Made of all Wool Serares, and fancy materials, in- all the newest spring 7 models. ; Real va.ue $.50. ' : . i ANNITBKSARY SPECUL, $4 39 Silk Mess aline Petticoats . ,Tgnic Messaline Petticoats in all the new. ,: - Spring shades prettily .made. Real ' -value $3.. - 7 ANNIVERSARY SPECJIAIi, $ gQ Sateen Petticoats Sateen Petttcoats. Real value 75c. . ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIi gQg Chiluren's colored percale dresses; value 751 Children's Colored Dresses ' Real : A'.CNIVERSARY SPECIAIi q Children's Dresses Children's white and colored dresses. Real value $1.50. ; - ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 89c' Women's Summer Dresses Made of percale, sinham, tUsue, "lawns and linene. Real value SS.SOi to $4.50. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ( $1.98 Women's House Dresses - Of new Spring styles prettily made. Real value $1. - ANNIVERSARY SPECTAIj, QQq Women's Raincoats : Ruoherised material,' guaranteed water-. proof. Real value $6. . ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIi $3.5Q Silk and Lace Waists , f -Ior Women amd Misses, newest models, Exceptional valne, worth $3.50, -:. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj $1.98 Voile -and Net Waists ' Eor .Women and Misses. Regular $1.50 to $2.00 value. v . ANNIVERSARY SPECTAIj 93 C Colored and White Waists Vt)T "Women and- Mses. Regular . 79o - values. .-. 7 . v ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 45q Children's Cloaks.' Cloaks for - the little girls ages 3 to 6 years. Made of serges,' fancy, checks and novelty cloths. Some prettily trimmed - with combination collars, oufl's , and belts. Real value ' $3 to $3.50, 7 - - .-- " ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj, $1.95" White Muslin Underwear - Gowns, skirts, corset covers and draw ers. Real value 98c . . , ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj '45q Combination Suits ' Ribbed - combination suits. Real 'value ., osc - ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj Qq Children's Hose Children's ribbed hose," 15c value. - ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL gc Men's Raincoats materials. Stylish - models. SUITS ' . , f ' men's ana x ounsr xaen's Diue seree anaiancy mixture suits, xnese. suns H-are well made and perfect fitting. Serge lined. All sizes. , ( sell for $12 to $15. AliTJTVEHSAIiY SPECIAL V HIGH GRADE SUITS ' . Men's and Youijg Men's high grade suits. In medium and light, shades for Spring and Summer wear. An exceptional offering. JZ Worth $18 to 020 , . .ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL MEN'S SUITS $25.00 VALUES $16.75 ' . If you have $25 "to spend on a Spring suit, we advise you to call and select one of these high grade, hand tailored suit3 and save $8.25. They in clude -pure worsted and fancy cassimeres in all the newesf "patterns. Are made with close fitting collar. Hand made button holes and d cannot be duplicated under $25. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL vlU.I e? MEN'S TOP COATS Made of black and Oxford thibet, silk faced to. the edge. Made to ' ' sell at $17.50. ' ANNIVERSARY ftC , SPECIAL MEN'S' BALMACAAN COATS Newest model, all sizes. , Real ; value $18. Snappy styles. Pret ty materials. , -. . ANNIVERSARY QC PST1i!f!T AT. Men's Regular $1.00 Shirts , Made with French soft cuffs or laun- , dered cuffs. New patterns , - , ANNIVERSARY ! SPECIAIi fQQ Men's Fine .Dress Shirts New patterns, made with . laundered or soft French cuffs. Regular $1.50 values . ANNIVERSARY . SPECIAI 95, Men's Nainsook Union Suite Regular $1 values. , ANNIVERSARY SPECtAti Men's Balbriggan Underwear Iong and sbort sleeves, 89c values. 7 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj jgc Loxiton Nainsook Underwear Athletic stle. 1 5o values. , ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj q Men's Hose In blaclc and tan. 'Regular 10c values ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIi fc Men's 15c Black Hose ( Kegular value 1 5c . ,v ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj Hc- Men's Silk Neckwear ' . In the season's snappiest patterns. Reg ular 89c values. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 23c MEN'S HAT DEPARTMENT Men's Soft Felt Hats Tn the season's newest styles. Regular prices $2, $2.50, $3. ANNIVERSARY special ... $1.45, $1.95, $2.45 Men's and Boys' Caps Tn new and snappy patterns. - Regular 75c values. - . ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIi 39c Double texture Worth 9.00. 1 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj $4.89 Men's Trousers , Made of blue serge and fancy Cotton Worsted material. All sizes. Worth $1.75, - . ' ANNIVERSARY SPECTAIj QQq Men's High Grade Trousers , Neat and stylish patterns. Real value $4.90 . - ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj $2.79 Men's Khaki Trousers ' . $1.50 values. . - ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj QQq Children's Washable Suits Sizes 2 to r Pretty patterns, new styles. 8 years, value l.zr. v ANNIVERSARY SPECTAIj gg 3 Boys' Khaki Knickerbocker Trousers ' Sixes 6 to 16 years. Regula.i 75c values. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj , 39 c Boys' Wool Knicker Trousers New Springs patterns. Sixes 6 to II : years. Value 6c to 75c. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 39q ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj jgc Boys' Balbriggan Underwear Boys' balbriggan and porous knit under. wear, sac values. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 21C Boys' Felt Hats 50c to 75c values. ANNIVERSAR Boys' Blouse Waists 85c values. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj YJqi Boys' K & E. Blouse Waists Neat patterns. ' Sizes 6 to 15 yea,rs. 50c to 75o values. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 39Q Soisette Soft Shirts Collar attached. 75c values. . 1 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 39Q Men's" Work Shirts Chambray, black twill and khaki. Reg ular 50o values. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 3gc Boys' Long Pant Suite Made of fancy materials, aJso in Wai and blue cheviots. Sizes 13 to 20 -tw . .-ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj 2S,Z Boys' ITorfoJk Suits Fancy materials, new Sprlnsr -: . Sizes 6 to 18. Real value $3. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 1 Boys'Blue Serge Norfolk Guil.:. . Newest models, patch podteta. Il'-f's value $4.50. Sizes 6 to 1. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL, ' Boys? High Grade Norfolk Suits Made of all wool fancy materiaia m.n- pure worsted Wue serp. Hlem to 17 years. Real value $ ,SO. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj X'3 Children's Russian Suits Blue serge witih sailor collar, t7-f?v,- 1 with braid. Biases 2 to 7 years. Vala $3.60. . ANNIVERSARY SPECIAIj" 1.3 Boys' Indian & Cowboy Suitn $1.0O values. ANNIVERSARY, SPECIAIi 7-,;-. Boys' Baseball Suits Witt cap and belt. Value Si. ANNIVERSARY SPIX IAL O-, Children's Washable Suits Sailor and Eton styles in larjre tuttmrt ment of patents. Siaes. 2 to 8 ye. Value 75c ANNIVERSARY SPECIATj J" CCrilLI LACE CURTAINS Wow patterns. Real lvalue $1.50. anniversary speciaij, 8&c COLLAPSIBLE GO-CARTS Black leather with steel frame Value $7.50. anniversary special $489 COUCH COVES,'3 Neat Persian stripes. -Regular I $1.00 values. anniversary special, jS A AO M OSS, fROPRIE.TOR 'Attend Our Twenty-third Birthday Bargain Jubilee and Save Money MEN'S SHOES-Gun metal blucher, one piece up per, solid leather, a shoe that will wear. Re.- value $3.60. anniversary special l2.L ) GIRLS' SHOES Patent tip, button and lace. r.c;-j-lar price $1.50. anniversary speciau . BOYS' SHOES Gun metal and satin calf, blue:.:? cut. Regularly worth $2.50 ANNIVERSARY SPBCIAIj, if 1