Newspaper Page Text
. - V 10 THE FARMER : APKEL 29, 1914 15 Words I5c -:- JFiPBTintip CflsissiLiijfe tone 12CC WANTS Leave" your WANTS ADS. with E. B. Inglis, 730 Noble Avenue. Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid cars and limousines. - CTharffes reasonable. James T. Eourke, 12 95 Main street Piion 1S6U I7 dg .Automobiles REMOVAL The City Auto Co. have . : removed to their new store at 439 " Fairfield Ave. near ' Courtland St. Bargains'in tires and supplies. BOW ARE your lamps? Repairing, glass, parts, all kinds. Auto Lamp Shop, 80 John St. P21 tf automobile owners atten - HON: We can. save you money on your automobile fire and liability in. surance. Give us a chance to figure before you insure elsewhere. Sal mon Ooodsell & Co.. No. 1094 Main ... St Phone No. 81. S2sg automobile owners atten tion Tires at cut rates on firsts "and seconds. Sample prices .80x3 1-2. $10.50; 32x3 1-2, 811.50. Key stone Tire Co., 161 Oolden Hill St. S 11 all ' Awnings AWNINGS, tents, canvas goods, etc., " high grade tinted and translucent awning goods. Satisfactory work assured. - - Estimates submitted. " John A. Schneider. 1047 Broad St.. Phone 2304-4. B25a, Barber Shop OLYMPL. BARBER SHOP and shoe nhine parlor, quick' service, best shins in city. We also clean and re block ladies' and gentlemen's hats. 28 Fairfield Ave. S 2 s g Barrels PFf AND SELL 'alt kinds of empty '" barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co., 58 -Beardsley St. Phone 1371. ' - A36 tf Bicycles BICYCLES $17.89 to $29.00. k .Iver Johnson 830.00 to $40.00; ;tires $1.8 td" $4.00; combination basket v and stand for wheel i$2. 85. O'Neill's. Rubber Store, .1211 Main ' St. ' near Etratfield Hotel. , , S 21 a WANTED 100 riders for the - Pope, Pierce, .Flying Merkle and Tale bi cycftes. - Cheapest prices in Bridge port, -"two- stores. 127 Stratford t Avenue. 1283 State St. S 6 d BICYCLES, we have the largest stock . in Bridgeport to select from and bur prices are the lowest. Bridgeport Cycle Co., 105 Gilbert St. i ': . - - . b 26 sg . Billiards METBOPOLE BILLIARD .BROOMS, 119 Wall street. Fast cushions, lat est style of gutter tables. Edwin Stearna. . - S lla Builders and Contractors : THE. HOME CONSTRUCTION CO, Inc.. ,Build houses complete, . draw your plans and assist in securing loans. 958 Main St. . City -. Savings Bank building.' Bridgeport, Ct ... - . . ' S 12 ad Building Materials GIANT PLASTER BOARD Made in Bridgeport. The highest "grade plaster board made. Superior to, and substitute for wood lath. Of fice 1115 Main St., Mill. Admiral St. . s 4 ag . Carpet Cleaning . TUGS AND CARPETS cleaned and steamed. Rugs made out of old carpets. Rag carpets 'woven. . Bridgeport Steam Carpe Cleaning . Co., Phone 954, 286 Stratford Ave. -S 6 mi Chiropractic IF IOTJ HAVE Dizziness, constipa tion, stomach trouble, indigestion, headaches, sleeplessness, rheuma tism, heart burn, backache, kidney trouble as well as all nervous trou- bles. Dr. J. J. Hardy,, chiroprac ' tor, room 107-111 Meigs building. Phone 5245. B 21 tf NOTICE OF REMOVAL, Prof. H. C. Holt, Masseur, has removed to 101 - Meigs Building. Special appoint ments and Outside calls at all times. S 6 mi GOT CORNS? DR. MANSFIELD'S Painless Method will cure. No cut ' ting. 1107 Main street, over Dil lon's. B 28 m Cleaning and Pressing 51. MICKELSON, 949 Main St. can save you .real money on cleaning and" pressing. S 12 sg Clairvoyants MADAME DEACON, Clairvoyant and Palmist. Ladies only. 167 Golden Hill St. . TJ 14 dg MADAME BERON, 628 Main street Card reading, business and per sonal, best in. 'the state. - ' . B 28 sg MRS BLANCH BARNARD, clairvoy ant is reading daily, 199 South Ave. Phone 869-2. Meeting every Fri-. day 8 p. m. B 20 tf FORTUNE TELLING and card read ing, advice on all subjects of life, love, marriage, business, lawsuits, etc Call early. 25c to $1.00. Madame Karl. 127 Gilbert St. B 20 - ' Corsets VERY STOUT WOMEN who cannot be fitted anywhere else will find cor sets up to size 6 0 at Hastings Corset .. Shop. Corsets fitted and altered . while you wait." 1398 Main. ' ' ' S 18 tf Dolls' Hospital LET US FIX YOUR DOLL Parts supplied for all makes, real hair wigs, shoes, stockings, character babies for sale. Meymarian Doll Hospital, 143 Golden Hi! I. - B 28 s WANTS Detective Agency CONNECTICUT DETECTIVE Agency does all classes of Work, civil and criminal. 0 M. Hawes, Manager, (formerly with, Pinkerton Detective Agency). 83 Fairfield Ave. Tele- . phone 2370. House 4184.: . B 26 mi'. Dentistry DBS. JONES & KTJMPITSCH. Pain' less dentists. Main and Fairfield, over D. M. Read's. Open evenings. Sundays. ' B 28 sg VEW YORK DENT AD Parlors, cor. Main and Golden Hill. Over Caesar Misch. Phone 5415.. B 1 mi'- Dermatologist HAIR DESTROYED permanently toy use of the electric needle. I guar- ':. antee hairs- will never return, warts, moles, facial masage and scalp treatment. Jennie A.' Ball, 1115 Main St., Room 612, Security Build ing. .- ' B 26 a SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed permanently- by electric needle, warts, arid moles. 15 years in Bridgeport. Elizabeth Fenner, specialist, 300 Conn. National Bank, 1024 Main. Phone 2261. B 26 m Dressmaking . DRESSMAKER Sews out, satisfac - tion assured. Send postal, will call or phone. ' Harriet Dexter, 1264 '' State St., corner Colorado. . v ; S 19 Sg ' CHIC AMERICAN DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING . SHOP. Tailor made suits, afternoon and evening gowns; advanced styles in street ; costumes at low terma Taylor Building, 46 Cannon St. ; S 18 ml- Dog Kennels GENERAL DELMAR registered Bos ton terrier stud, dark brindle, "white ; markings, screw tail, 13 pounds by Major Delmar. Fee $10. Hair's Boarding Kennels.; Llndley St, Bridgeport. Conn. SI a Dyeing and Cleaning BOSTON CLEANING AND DYEING CO., 187 Fairfield- Ave., are experts on ladies (and men's garments, silks, laces,, curtains,' gloves and feathers. Men's suits sponged -pressed 50c -- . i. . - - ' S 16 a 5c Gloves Cleaned any . length Bo. Cleaning and dyeing ' all kinds American Dyeing and Cleaning Co., Tel 982-4. 'Office 69 Cannon St. . .- . :v 1 . B 26 a H. LTNGE STEAM DYEING AND Cleaning Co., CFormerly the Bridge , : port Dyeing and Cleaning :.Co.J i Works and office, 298 State St., H. Lynge, Prop. B 2S a .; ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTORS. . IS YOUR HOUSE SAFE? Keep it eo. Have it wired by one who-does only firajt class work."r -It will pay- you in the end. $2.6 ' per outlet. B. H. ' 'Conger, 46 Pleasant St. Telephone I 837-2. , uiosg-. Engraved Calling Cards WHEN YOU MARRY start right by 4 having your wedding y Invitations asd announcements bear the tea print of Southworth's. 10 -Arcade, " .- B 21' Employment Agency WHEN IN NEED of any kind of help, both men and women, call . us. We furnish household help. Brldge port Employment Bureau, 670 State street. Telephone 41 11-S. - . . - ' . B 27 .! Eye Glasses OUR CUSTOMERS are our best ad? vertisements. -.- Every pair fitted sells others. . We grind our glasses, do repairing; frames and mount ings furnished, . no waiting. - Satis faction guaranteed. T. H. Bess, 305 Colorado Ave. . B 26 s5 Employment Registry WANT SUPPLY REGISTRY, now lo- cated 16 Fairfield Ave.,voffices 107; Employment of better - class for men vand women, first class parties on list hour, day, week or month. Domestic and trained nurses. Phone 1888. . ' . S 14 al Furnished Booms ROOMS WITH BOARD, nicely fur .. nishedv, rooms -with , or without board, excellent board. 376 Strat ford Ave. S 12. sj A LARGE FRONT ROOM, nicely fur nished, fine location, $3. DO a week. 194 Gilbert St, ; S 7 si LARGE FRONT ROOM, steam heat ed suitable for two gentlemen, aris tocratic neighborhood, 850 Lafay ette Street. - S 7 ,s LARGE AND SSffALL well furnished rooms -also two for light house keeping. 768 Broa'd street. S 7 s NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS at moderate, prices, centrally located, two blocks from City Hall. 75 Lib erty St. S 7 sj BOARD WITH ROOMS I furnish board and nicely furnished rooms . at $6. 181 South Ave. , . S 7 ml 711 LAFAYETTE STREET Newly furnished- rooms, large and small, all conveniences, use of bath and telephone. S 7 s FURNISHED ROOMS in very best neighborhood from $1.50 to $3. a week. 730 Lafayette St. ; - - s 7 sj! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, also new ly furnished rooms-by day or week. 947 Broad St. . .... S 7 sj BOARD AND ROOMS, table board by the day or week, also rooms, 539 East Main St. S 5 s$ LARGE. FURNISHED ROOM, gas and - heat on bath room floor. $2.00 week. 1100 State St. , S 4 s Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word, WANTS Furnished c Rooms LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, suits $3 a week and up. 436 and 438 Main St. U sj FURNISHED ROOMS, both, large and . small,' - nicely -with heat and - light from - $1.25 to $3 a week. - Mrs. Doran, 894 Main St. TJ 6 ml LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, , steam heat, electric light, also oth er rooms. 250 Fairfield Ave. . v S sj WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, One ' block west of Main St. - Mrs. A. L. Menedick, 185 Fairfield Ave. ' 8 8 a . FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, reasonable rates, hot and cold wa t ter, steam heat, 652 'State Stv ' . '" B 27 sj TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS' for; light housekeepings range, elec tric lights, all improvements. 1242 State St. ..... . S 19 sj FURNISHED ROOMS, all Improve ments weir furnished from $1.25 up to $8.60. 385 State St. S 19 sj ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, ' suitable for man and wife, also hall ' bedroom. 340 State St., . " : . S 19 s - FURNISHED ROOMS, best locaUon in city, steam heat, all modern im provements, ' home comforts, 528 State St. " S 19 sS THE GILBERT, 49 Gilbert St., nicely appointed furnished rooms by the day or week. Phone 4817. IS 18 afl ROOMS WITH BOARD, good house for worklngmen. Call. and see ua. Fowler, 108 South Ave. .v. B 20, sj ; FURNISHED ROOMS, large and small. Good location. 628 Main St. B 20 ml FURNISHED ROOM, steam , heat, running water, all Improvements, ; 831 Fairfield avenue. B 21 s FURNISHED ROOMS, . steam heated, . from $1.50 up; also, rooms for light ' housekeeping. 563 Fairfield Ave. ' i - " .'- B 21 si FURNISHED ROOMS, both large and small, well furnished for light housekeeping.. 95 -Elm and 762 Broadest 1 . S 18 ml l'H v, HELEN, 240 Fairfield avenue, large, newly furnished rooms, with - - steam beat electricity and hot . ter. B 20 s TO RENT Two connecting furnished rooms for housekeeping. , Nice lo cality. No. 611 Fairfield avenue. ' v - -, - .- B 19 ml :- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT- I am . , renting furnished rooms at 187 Gil bert street to men. only, centrally located. s Rooms $1.25 to $4 a week' : with all improvements. . . S 7 ml FURNISHED - ROOMS AH improve ments, hot and colli water, also rooms for light housekeeping, re epectable residential district, 44 and ' 85 Courtlaikd St B 20 ml THE LA BROAD, newly furnished rooms, steam heat, hot' water, cen trally located, 1177 Broad St. r - - B JO sj v FURNISHED ROOMS witH all lm .. proveaents, large, and small. Ex cellent location. ' 609. Fairfield Ave. B 19 sj.' FURNISHED SUITES with private bath, three and four rooms fully furnished for housekeeping, very complete, also' single rooms. 615 Fairfield Ave. . B 1 si NICELY FURNISHED, .well heated rooms; -strictly- respectable family. 627 Fairfield-Ave. "" B 19 mi FURNISHED ROOMS with restaurant v in connection, regular dinner 20c Meal tickets at $3.00 and $3.60 per . . week, : John Petrueello, 94 Wall St. -B 26 ml FURNISHED ROOMS Light House keeping, $2, $2.50 and $3.50 per week. 80-88-90 Courtland St. '" - B 19 sj '.' FURNISHED "ROOMS AND ROOMS for light housekeeping..!. 50. 167 Golden Hill and 888 Broad. B 19 ml ROOMS, steam heat, gas, bath $1.50 to $6. SOT Fairfield Ave. B 19 sS. FURNISHED ROOMS, two blocks west Main St. Respectable location. 817 Fairfield Ave. B 19 ml ROOMS AND BOARD, prices moder ate, also rooms for light housekeep ing, 199 Golden Hill. B 19 s$ For Sale FOR SALE 5 horsepower gasolene Fairbanks engine in first class con dition will sell cheap. Paterson Forge Co., 175 East Main St. S 20 sj SACRIFICE OWING TO HJD HEALTH, I will sacrifice' my good paying xharket, buildings and every thing complete. Easy terms, make an offer. I mean business. ' Ad dress' Box B. O., Care of Farmer. S.10 tf FOR SALE Several second hand Ed ison phonographs. Great bargains $5 up. Also records, cabinets, etc Victor, Edison and Columbia dealer. F. E. Beach, 962 Main St. S 8 sj , Furrier FURRIER-Julius Teslny, established -1890. ' We are now taking orders . for black and Sitka fox sets-, repair ing, 1314-1316 Main St.. upstair. L14 sj Furnifeure SCALLY BROS., 403 STATE ST, Largest dealers of second hand fur niture in the state. We pay more . than others we have no rent to pay. - . S 10 a YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. You can save 20 per cent on every article by ' trading with ua -Come and be con vinced. N. Y. Furniture Co., 489 East Main St. 14 a w ..... 0 , We asked the young lady across the tive faculty 'and she said she guessed not as he was so busy making money that he didn't have much time for- development along .other- lines. Custom Tailors TRY US AT OUR EXPENSE B est . made suits $80. Some more, some less. Raincoats to measure $ 9 up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Abet & Co., 89 Fairfield Ave. S 18 sf WE ARE NOW SHOWING our spring and summer cloths, fit guaranteed. Pokras & Fellegrino. 626 East Main St. :. 9 5 ml -.. Hatter . OLD PANAMA HATS cleaned and .bleached naturally as in Ecuador, South America. No acids used to . destroy fiber. All kinds. Ladies hats made into latest shapes. All work looks like new. Meath's Hat ' Shopy 949 Main St., upstairs, near ''-. Bank. Lookr for Red Hat Sign. '- -- - . - - B 25 uj - WANTED A Stock salesman for a Connecticut corporation - located In New: Haven, where ,the - directors have decided to sell $25,000 of pre ferred stock and whose ability ae 'such can get him- & steady , position with bright future. Call or address Room 504, Cutler Bldg., 113 diurofi ' St, New Haven. Conn. G18 tf Hair Specialties MY SPECIALTY is treating the hair. . my -hair food guaranteed to stop hair from coming out. M. T. Mc ; Grath, ' 49 " Sanf ord Building.,, '- s 9 si- Hotels ADAMS HOUSE meals at all hours, moderate rates. European plan. Ernst C Adams. 40 Fairfield Ave. i S 3 s HOME HOTEL Furnished -rooms, all Improvements, 25o to 50c per night. Rooms by week $1.60 , to $2.50. Baths to steady ' roomers. Frank lannucci, 86 State. 88 Bank St. ' - ' .-.'- .' .-." -- B 25 s HOTEL DREW 60 Rooms, modern improvements, 50c and . 76c per night. JJ to $3.50 per week. All trolleys transfer to place, 67 Bar " num Square. L 1 a! v SPRINGFIELD HOUSE, newly, fur nished, excellent table, rooms 60o and up. Hates very reasonable American plan. Joseph BounioL Prop.j-i29-5-Middle t. . - - - r . - B 26 s MECHANICS HOTEL caters to worklngmen particularly. Meals at all hours, nicely- furnished rooms; also bar in connection. Rates rea sonable. 73-79 .State St. - B 24 a . YORKSHIRE HOUSE: ROOMS to let for gentlemen only; steam heat, hot water -and bath, : Prices reason able, 99 Wall St. . B 28 g GOLDEN HILL HOTEL, will open March 1st, thoroughly renovated, running hot and cold water, steam heat.. Transients accommodated, 68 Harrison St, -corner Harrison & Elm Sts. . B 81 s Ladles" Tailoring NEW YORK ARTISTIC - LADIES' TAILORS to make ladies suits and furnish goods for $14.00; without goods $7. Fit guaranteed. 1259 Stratford Ave., corner Central. S 20 s LADIES SUITS made to "order,' cleah . ing and. pressing a specialty,- S. Pick man. 2097 Main St., Lenox Building. Phone 2589-4. B 28 s READ THIS sensible hint at this sea sonable time. Ladies' look over your wardrobes, furs, etc, all work done at reduced rates. Athington & Benjamin, Room 102, . Warner Building. 88 Fairfield Ave. ' B 27 s NOTICE TO LADIES, Our $6.60 Suits r made to . order is the talk of the town. People say the fit and work . manship is as good as any $20 suit made. Fishelberg, 39 Fairfield Ave. Entrance Plaza Theatre. Send pos tal, our representative will call. U.23 tf Motor Cycles EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES Cash or easy terms; second hand cycles, all kinds. James G. Burroughs. 616 State St. L15 a. way if hear father had the acquisl-. Hair Work ALL -KINDS HAIR. AND . COTTON FELT MATTRESSES -made to or der. Also remade over equal to new, $1.50 and up, feather beds and second hand furniture, bought and sold.,.: p. Evans, 546 Newfield Ave 1 Telephone. 131 6-4. ; S 28 sj Male Help Wanted WANTED-" Young Men.'. The largest , - Auto school in the . state. r Full ' course $25 at easy terms.. No lim ited time. - Willmann Garage, opp. cemetery, Stratford Ave. - ' --. - T . TJ 4 a . WANTED FEW MEN TO LEARN repairing and driving. Pyramid Re pair Co, 651 State street, rear. . .-:T L.;. - .- i - s 4 eg Locksmith and Hardware KARP1LOW & ZTJCKER, Keyflttlng and lock repairing, electric bells in stalled and repaired. -200 Fairfield -! Ave.- Telephone 4944. . ' B 31 dg Machinists WE WTLIj MATTE or repair anything In metal machine work, autigenous welding. 'brazing, etc Waldorf" Mo . tor and "Machine Co., ' 185 Cannon K St 8 4 tf - ' Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith Co.. dealers In funs, fishing and . j i B sporting sporting goods. You can also get your keys fitted, locks repaired, saws filed, lawn mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 96 Wall Street. Telephone 4298-3. -' ."i L . -- CALL ON US when 'in need of sou venir badges, gold and silver, med als, name plates, stencils, seals and stamp supplies. Metal, glass and enamel signs. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St. . U"28 d STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale, 75 cents per dozen. Bottled by Carr, 96 ' Cannon street. Phone 19-8. ' G17 .tf . 1 i DOOR AND 1 WINDOW SCREENS made to order. Odd screens repair- l ea - J ix .clxx &muj9 ui w uyu uua nnisn. MumauB J- uruiBupyu xienry vj. i-ioir-xnan & Co., 255 Water St. Rl tf SHOW CASES Cigar combinations and leilent salesman, store, and of ' flee fittings. Cabinet - work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co., 255 Water St. Millinery 8PEOIAL"f or months of ' March, X will design "and trim any hat" -free of , - charge when maiterlat-and frame are -bought- here. Cowling,- Meigs building. ' B 27 sg . Mineral Waters DIAMOND ROCK MINERAL, WA TER is one of the best ever dis covered, will be sold at cost of bot tling 50c dozen quart bottles. Phone 8001. " S 12 au Musical Merchandise JEROME MAY I handle all kinds of musical merchandise, at all prices, also repair any kind of instrument No." 6, Arcade. ;; " r- S 4 a. .Nurses Registry NURSES CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME supplies graduated under graduates and domestic f nurses." Phone 834. 1088 Fairfield Ave. S 21 sg Miscellaneous LADIES, GIRLS, BOYS, . mail your name, address and 12c will send ypu valuable combination "home work instructions good for $2. Ste venson's Store, 672 Main St .8 24 tp WALL PAPER 6c and 10c the roll. Oatmeals, varnish tiles.' 1001 .Broad st -" : B; 20 tf . SCALLEY BROS, 405 State St buy and sell second hand furniture Furniture stored. Free delivery. Phone 1031-3. B 21 tf Patent Attorneys PATENTS secured promptly by At torneys Chamberlain & Newman, 16 , Cannon St., Sanf ord Building. Con- sultation free. " S H Painting and Paper Hanging NORTH END PAINTING CO., paper your room, $2.60 up. Painting, - workmanship guaranteed, 63 Tom . Thumb, Phone 484. S 8 sg Practical Horseshoer SPECIAL ATTENTION to interfering, over-reaching, quarter cracks, con tracted feet, drop soles, lamnitls, . navicular trouble. Shop 41 Elm St, rear Van Dyk Tea store. Tele- N phone 2294-6. S 18 dg 9. H. CLARK. Special attention fejlven to lame interfering horses., 1V44 1 Broad St, near John. S 8 a ' EVERY HORSE SHOD guaranteed I - to travel rigjit. Particular atten- and trotting horses. J. J. McGahay, corner Broad and Elm Sts. , ' JB 21 Piano Moving MOVING DAY WILL SOON be here. Engage your, van now, don't wait until last moment Call Edward Butler, Care Wissner Piano Co., Phene 2526. ' 8 11 a Plumbing OUR SERVICE Quick and. prices right for plumbing, tinning. Bertllson & Co., 204 . Colorado Ave. Phone 4961-2. B 24 sg. Printers and Stationers (STAR PRESS, High gxade commercial and club printing. 225 Stratford Ave., corner Kossuth - St Phone . 908-8. -.. V ' S di lioOO CARDS, ENVELOPES, state ments, bill heads, note heads, or cir culars printed for only $2.00. Sik ,,say, 83 ReiHey street i TT22 tf 2 Restaurants. THE HOME RESTAURANT $1.10 meal ticket for $1.00. Anna Clancy, 114 Kossuth St S 6 sg RESTAURANT AND LUNCH room - regular dinner 20c. Special order. , Ladies' tables. 606 East Main St ' as ml WE SERVE REGULAR dinner and . supper- at 16c - Nice clean service, good cooking. Open from r 5 a. m. to 12 p. m. Welcome Restaurant,' 617 Water St B 24 sg HOME RESTAURANT, clean service, home cooking, regular meals 20c 88.50 a week. 600- Main St ' - .-- B 20 sg . Stoves Repaired STOVES REPAIRED, all kinds sup plies, all makes,, pipe, grates, bricks, etc Charges reasonable. 1715 Main ' St Phone 2349-4. G8 tf Shoe Repairing P. O. ARCADE SHOE REPAIRING shop, finest -workmanship. Ladies , and mens shoes. made to order.. S 16 dg FAMILY ' SHOE ' REPAIRING,. 229 Stratford Ave., near Kossuth. All work .done by modern ' machinery. - Prompt service.- S S g I USE ONLY the best stock. All band work done while you wait. 24S Cannon St , B 26 sgv DO YOU TANGO OR HESITATE Tango Inserts prevent sjpplng. 50o per pair attached. Goodyear Shoe ' Repairing Co., 76 John St., 945 East ... Main St Tel 1891. We call and deliver. - B 28 tf " Second Hand Furniture WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfleld's old stand. 43 Harrison St, Telephone 1016-2. LI 2 aiP Shoe Shine Parlors TELEPHONE SHOE SHINE PAR LOR. Best shine in the city. Ladles :and men's hats cleaned and block ed. . Best service and best work manship. 191 Fairfield Ave. '? . . ' S 18 a Sign Painting WE MAKE SIGNS all kinds, also graining and lettering estimates given. -H. &. K. Sign Co J. G. Knablin, Prop., 80 John St., Phone 1804-5. S 19 all- Studios CHARLES S. FERRETT, teacher of piano and harmony, studio, room 46, 46 Cannon St S 11 dg PIANO INSTRUCTIONS given by young lady, terms reasonable. Call 149 Golden Hill. B 20 sg 7NSTRUCTIONS In drawing and painting V. oil and water colors. Classes or private lessons, also so licit membeire for evening classes. M. E. Whiting. 798 Main St B 20 sg Upholstering UPHOLSTERING SPECIALIST, best workmanship at the very lowest prices. Work guaranteed . A Frankel, 965 East Main St S 26 sg OLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs recaned, upholstering. Gus C. Mul . 11ns, 826 East Main street Fhohe 2657-3. T7 ? Real Estate Wanted lO ACRES WITH OR WITHOUT buildings near trolley lines, either in Milford or Stratford. Send de scription and price to David i3. Boothe & Co., Fire InsuT&nce Agts., Bridgeport, Conn. S 13 a Welding -r- MELLOR WELDING CO.. 31 Kossuth ' St., repair all broken castings, stoves, sewing machines, etc. Real Estate For Sale FOR" SALE. Valuable date r property near Park vena, l family house, 42 feet fronMi;. Ws Grlesinger & Son, 43 John scrwat. 8 II tt FOR SALE Two family house. It rooms, all improvements, good aa ed lot on Lewis street price reaeo ' able; small amount ot easB r kt: r ed. The Bridgeport L.nd A T;'i Co. . ' - B 14 tf FOR SALE Two family house Strat ford avenue, 12 rooms, all Impror ments, recently jalnted and put ! A No. 1 condition, only a few bsb dred dollars needed to secure this place. New pavement )nt IaM. The Bridgeport Land Title Co. S 14 tt FOR SALE Only two lots left in th restricted section of thm Unco we Hill Land Association. These wt.i be sold if taken at once at a I-vw , figure namely $1,509 and 1.1 respectively. The Bridgeport L A Title Co. S ti tt FOR SALE, furnished foom bo-;tr will be sold cheap if taken at or.? 248 State St B 21 FOR SALE East Side, ' Bio!k of 4 stores and tenements. Rentals 600. Price $65,000. Cash $1 ,. West End Realty Co., 98 Butwf Ave. . B 24 tf FARMS All sizes, all locations an -J ail prices. Extra good TmmgmJtnm t be had Just now. Stop in aal loo over our list DennicoB. fim Man, 214; Warner Building. S 4 tt FOR SALE 6 Room eottas Etrt ford avenue, Improvements, f yrr, heat lot 64 by 100, extra lot it hr 152 with barn and hen house. Prte $3,000. Cash $900. West J-n Realty Co.. 99 .Butler Ave. '"'-.- B 24 tf FOR SALE Brook lawn. 7 room ei tage, all improvements, lot fl t r 100. Furnace heat price $,2 Cash $1,000. One minute to trot ley. West End Realty Co., SS 1: i ler Ave B 24 tf 88 ACRE FARM In StratSord. fin house, fruit, berries, etc, fine pyo posltlon. Price $5,500. Act eule. Dennison, Farm Man, 214 Wurnw building. 8 1 tf FOR SALE 2 family house, TozAzt St., Rents $72 per month. Lot 4-'t r 128. Price $7,000. West End Kl ty Co., 98 Butler Ave. li 24 ff FOR SALE 2 family double how. Catherine St, 8 rooms to each n' i-r all improvements, lot 6 by lit, slate roof house, cost to build. Rents .$50 per month. I-T'.r-.m $6,800. Mortgage 31.800). Can ( larger mortgage. West End Ra,r Co., 98 Butler Ave. B 2 l FOR SALE ( room cottage, ail Im provements, xurnace heat, lot &9 by 100. Brooklawn, one minute from trolley. Price $8,000. $1,000 ch. West End Realty Co., SS Eur.v Ave. B 24 tf FOR SALE Mara Street prorrr. corner lot 61 by 99. Two famr house, twelve rooms. Paved ttr.. . Good location for business. O W. Finn, 16 Arcade. S 18 a $2,100 BUYS ' Nine room cottage on the w. m'.-",m of Iranistan Ave., one hons fror- corner of State St Hot water h . and all mod err im proven errts. $ 8 . 5 0 first mortgage with Savings Banlr S per cent A bargain for some or, . Owner leaving town. Ad'fr-s CHAS. A. EDWARDS, 164 State St TTt7d Storage Warehouses FURNITURE STORED Separate rooma Prices reasonable. Olanner Furniture Co.. 1192 Mala ft S IT tf STORAGE OF FTmNTTURE eia- rate rooms, securely locked, f rr, ture and china packing. Fumitw and pianos removed, larte mm, careful handling. Brldrpir- age Warehouse Co.. 12 & a Main ht, cor. Congress St TeL 1988-8. STORAGE Unexcelled facilities for the ing of furniture, all kinds of meretis dise or machinery. Largs rwm, small rooms, rooms lined with tar p per. Especially arranged rooms tor pianos and silver. Small ipte and larger spaces. For further informa tion call on C Rlckard. 634 liowwi avenues - It 8 tf Tailoring FOUR SUITS sponged and ' pr- per month $1.00. CaUed for, ered. Gus, the tailor,' 243 rlr'-) avenue. S 4 A. POKRAS, New 'York Custom T fl- or. Best workmanship, reasotiafai prices. 897 Fairfield Ave.. Opp. : Court S3 I AM SHOWING spring styles in the latest materials. We guarantee fit and best workmanship. Fine feath ers make fine birds. Delia Vaii, the Tailor. 673 State St B 27 si Typewriting-ajrultigraphini GEO. N. SEARS, Stenographer - Notary Public 108 yMelgs l.i ! Phone 922-4. ' L7 mit MULTIGRAPH, TYPEWRITTEN let ters, mailing and trade list, addre- lng and circularizing. Quality wore and service. Price and Lee Co., 808 Meigs Bldg.. 136 Fairfield At. B 31 tf Typewriters REBUILT TY PE WB ITERS L. C Smith, lnrws, xjeiy.. Remington. ail etn r J, IXakes, sold, renterf. V repaired. itn'al 1 1 V1 J Per month. MstninM -iT sold at IS per ir.'.r. The Plnmmer Ty writer Exchange, 166 Fairfield Afi, Bridgeport, Conn. Window Cleaning LET US DO YOUR CLEANING- Cleaning of all description at th home, buildings, stores and fa-t',r-iea. Satisfaction guaranted. Cina, Window Cleaning Co., 1220 i ''- St Phone 1342-2. 3 7 a., Farmer Want Adz lea trcr 1