Newspaper Page Text
: 10 THE - FARMER : MAT 11, 1913 (Til $?v Leave your WANTS ADS. with E. B. Inglis, 730 Noble Avenue. -' Architect ' : IiEONABD ASHEM, 305 Court Ex - change building, No. 211 State St, ' Bridgeport, Conn. S 23 a Ambulances ( AMBULANCES Invalid .- car and T limousines. Charges reasonable. . James T. Rourke, 1395 Main' street Phone 1661. - D7 Automobiles HOW IRE your lamps? Repairing, glass, parts, all kinds. Auto lamp Shoo.! 80 John St. T -r tr PJ1 tf ; AUTOMOBILE OWNERS ATTEN- jrmir automobile fire and llabilitr In. rurance. Give vis- a chance to figure before you Insure elsewhere. '. Zal rnon Goodsell & Co.. No. 1094 Main St. Phone No. $1- S 2 I AUTOMOBILE OWNERS ATTEN ; XI ON Tires at Tint rates on firsts ad seconds. Sample prices $0x3 1-S, $10.60; 32x8 1-2. $11.50. Key stone Tire Co., GSolden Hill St. -- S lla FOR' SAIiE "Mitchell Taxlcab, 0 h. p. $300; also 20 h. p. Mitchell de. livery Just overhauled and .painted, guaranteed. Auto Owners Repair Shop. 4 00S Main,- Phone 2264. . - , - . V 22 dS. . MITCHELL BmABOCTT $260; Bulclr one ton truck $260: Tiley Touring $800; 6 h. p. Bridgeport Motor $100, two cylinder 5' h. p. Racine, reverse grea-r. Wi lima. nn Garage, . Stratford Avenue,' opposite Cemetery. Phone 1415-2. -.. -- ' U 4. aj MATHESOS SIX ' ATLAS .FOUR CYLI NDEH touring, -Inter-State four touring, two. 'commercial cars, two ton and . 1,500 Ihs , capacity," .cheap. Chase Garage, 1185 State - st.. . v . p l tg WE 10 AtTOMOBlLE PAEmNG, ivlmmln. Tnt m-nA RHn Covers. , First class work at reasonable I prices. Auto Bodies our Specialty. Metropolitan. Autd. .Carriage Co., 430 Grand St , U l:tf Awnings' AWNINGS, tents, canvas goods etc., , high grade tinted and - translucent . awning goods. " Satisfactory work assured. Estimates" submitted. John A. Schneider, 1047 Broad St, Phone 2304-4. B 25 bS Barber Shop OLTMPIA BARBER SHOP and shoe shine parlor, quick ; service, best ehine in city. We also clean and re - block ladles' and gentlemen's hats. -23 Fairfield Ave. 8 2 a j-- Carrels- Pl T AND SELL all kinds of empty "sorrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co., 68 Beardsley St Phone 1371. A25 tf. Beer ASHEUSER BUSCH BUDWEISER beer always on . draught ' People walk out of their way to get this particular - brew. Stapletons Cafe, Main and Congress St v Poll's Building. V - ; R 5 a ' Bicycles EXCELSIOR AUTO C CUES Cash : or easy terms; second band cycles, '. all kinds. James G. Burroughs,' 6 It ; State St LI 5 a. MOTORCTCLE BARGAINS ,5 - h. p. - Indian, perfect order $50; others $25 np. 105 Gilbert St . , 1 - : v b '26' sj" : BICYCIiES $17.89 to $29.00. Tver - Johnson $30.00 to $40.00; tires : $1.89 to $4.09; combination basket and stajtid for wheel $2.85. O'Neill's Rubber Store, 1211 Main St near - Etratfleld Hotel. f - S 21 a WANTED 100 riders for 'the Pope, Pierce, Flying Merkle and Yale bi- - cycles. Cheapest prices- in Bridge port two ' stores. 127 -Stratford 1 Avenue, 328$ State St - 8 6 d RnJ end Standard Apmcy. Also Seoondi Hand Wheeits, $5 and up. Your Credit Is Good Ii H. MAINIERO, 1410 STATE ST. " . - - U8 dj t , Billiards HETROPOLE BILLIARD ROOMS, ; 119 Wall street Fast cushions, lat . ,et style" of gutter tables. Edwin Stearns. 8 11 a Bread BREAD THAT IS MADE under the most sanitary conditions is the only kind of bread to eat. Never-Enough bread is that kind, at all grocers. R 5 a. Builders and -Contractors THE - HpME CONSTRUCTION CO, Inc., Build houses complete, draw your plans and assist in securing loans. 952 Main St City Savings Bank building. Bridgeport, Ct - S 11 all Building Materials GIANT" PIiASTER - BOARD Made in Bridgeport The highest grade plaster board made Superior to, and substitute for -wood lath Of- flee 1115 Main St. Mill, Admiral St S 4 dj ; Chiropractic EF YOU HAVE; Dizziness, constipa tion, stomach trouble, indigestion, headaches, sleeplessness, rheums tijsm, heart burn, -backache, kidney trouble as well as all nervous trou bles. Dr. J. J. Hardy, chiroprac tor, room 107-111 Meigs building. Phone 624B. B 21 tf NOTICE OF REMOVAL, Prof. II. O. Holt Masseur, has removed tp 191 Meigs Building. Special .appoint i. and outside calls at all times. 3 8 sj GOT CORNS? DR. .MANSFIELD'S Plniess Method will cure. No- cut tfnr. . 1187 Main . street, over Dil lon's. B 21 il Parmer Wajst Ads. One Cent a Wcrd. Carpet Cleaning RUGS AND CARPETS cleaned and steamed. Rugs made , out of old carpets. Rag : carpets woven. Bridgeport Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.. Phone 964, 236 Stratford Ave. ' . S 5 si Oeaning and Pressing : M. MICSKELSON, 949 Main St can save you real money on cleaning and pressing. ' - S 12.. sg Oairvoyants MADAME DEACON, Clairvoyant and Palmist ' Ladies only. 167 Golden Hill St " . U 14 dl MADAME BERON, 621 Main street . Card reading, business and per sonal, - best In the state. - - : B 38 at. MRS BLANCH' BARNARD, clalrvoy ant la reading daily, 199 South AtbI, f none nea-a. awuni every irrt dT p.. to.. .... B -26vtf '' FORTUNE TELLING and card reftd- ing. advice on aH subjects of life, love, marriage, business, lawsuits. etc; : Call early. :-25o to $1.00, " Madame Karl 127 Gilbert St - a - B 20 J Corsets VERY STOUT WOMEN who. cannot be fitted anywhere else will find cor sets up to size 50 at Hastings' Corset Shop, m Corsets fitted ana aiterea while you wait 1398 Main. - -v . - s 13 tt Custom Tailors TRY US AT OUR EXPENSE Best made suits $30. Some more, some 1 lees. Raincoats to measure $9 up. ; Satisfaction guaranteed Abet & Co., 39 Fairfield Ave. S 18 a$ WE ARE NOW SHOWING our spring and summer- cloths, f it guaranteed. Pokraa & Pellegrino. 626 East Main St ' '.-".- 5 sS Petective Agency CONNECTICUT DETECTIVE Agency : does all classes of work, civil and 1 criminal. 3". M. Hawes, Manager, (formerly with Pinker-ton Detective Agency), 88 Fairfield Ave. Tele phone 2370. House 4134. w - ; . B 26 sj ; Dentistry DRS., JONES & KUMFTTSCH. Pain lessv dentists, . Main,. And Fairfi4.d, : . over D. M, Read's, Open evenings, Sundays. -;V -" ' ' - ;-; B 28 sS NEW YORK DEfT All Parlors, cor. Ma in and Golden Hill. ' Over- Caesar Misch. Phone 5415, B 19 sj ; Dermatologist HAIR DESTROYED permanently by use of the electric needle. ' I, guar-, . aiiteo hairs will never return, warts, moles,, facial masage and scalp - treatment. . Jennie A.7 Ball, 1116 Main St.. Room 612, Security Build ing. ' , i, .'- B 26 ajr SUPERFLUOUS HAJtR removed per . manently "by electric needle, ; warts, and moles.. IB years in Bridgeport Elizabeth Fenner, specialist. 300 Conn.. National Bank. 1024 Main, Phone 2261. ) B 36 sj Dog Kennels 6ENERAX- DEIMAR registered Bos , ion. terrier stud, dark brfndle. white markings, screw tail,- 13 pounds by . Major. Delmar. "Fee V $10. . Hair's Boarding Kennels, Llndley St... Bridgeport, Conn. . ' '.;. 8 1$ a Dolls' Hospital LET r US FIX ' YOUR , DOLL Parts supplied for all makes, , , real : hair wigs, shoes, - stockings, :: character babies for Bale. Meymarian Doll Hospital, 143 Golden Hill. ' --:..! '-i B 28 s Dressmaking DRESSMAKER Sews out satisfac tion assured. Send postal, will jcall or phone. Harriet Dexter, 1264 State St., corner Colorado. - J' " "-:- ' ! ;'--: S 19 s$ CITIO AMERICAN DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING ... SHOP. Tailor made suits, afternoon and evening gowns; advanced styles in street costumes at low terms. Taylor Building, 46 Cannon St. - "' ."-' ' sji8sj J:' Dustless Mops HOUSE MOSS GROWS in every home A. C. B. dustless mop picks this 'up quickly, is guaranteed for one year and makes housework easy,$1.00j , New England Specialty Co., 451 Brooks St., Phone 4920. ' : - S 28 a! Dyeing and Cleaning BOSTON CLEANING ANDf DYEING CO.. 18 7 Fairfield Ave. are experts on ladles and men's garments, silks, laces, curtains, gloves and feathers. Men's suits sponged -pressed 50c. ' - - S 16 a o Gloves Cleaned any length Be Cleaning and dyeing all kinds. American Dyeing and Cleaning Co., Tel 982-4. Office 69 Cannon St ' - . ." B 26 all - ' H. LYNGE STEAM DYEING AND Cleaning Co., (Formerly the Bridge jort Dyeing and Cleaning Co.) Works and office. 293 State St., H. Lynge. Prop. B 25 a Electrical' Contractors 13 "OUR HOUSE SAFE? Keep it so. Have it wired by one who does only .first class work. Itwill pay you in the end. $2.60 per outlet. B. H. . . Conger, 46 Pleasant St Telephone 837-3. ' u 10 S Engraved, Calling Cards WHEN YOU MARRY start right by having your wedding r invitations and announcements bear the ax print of Southworth's, 10 Arcade. I - . . B 21 ) , Wants, To Rent, For Sale, &c 1 cent a word in Farrier J Want Column, N Employment Agency WHEN IN NEED of any' kind of help, . both men and women, call us. . We furnish household help. Bridge port Employment Bureau, 670 State treat Telephone 4111-3. - ' ' B 27 dj ' Employment Registry WANT SUPPLY REGISTRY, now lo cated IS Fairfield Ave., offices 107; Employment of better class - for men and women, -first class parties on list hour, day, week or month. Domestic and trained nurses. Phone 1888. - S 14 a Eye Glasses OUR CUSTOMERS: are pur best ad vertisements. Every pair fitted . sells others.; We grind our glasses, do repairing; frames and mount ings furnished, no waiting. Sa-tis- - faction guaranteed, r T. H. Basse, 305 Colorado Ave. i t . . , B 26 sj Furnished Rooms WANTED Boarders and . -roomers, Scandinavian boarding house. 349 " East Main St. ': ,' R S. s$ TO RENT Furnished . room in pri vate family, centrally' located. Gen tleman. , V Reference. Inquire, '; 533 Warren St. R 7 d BOARD AND ROOM at reasonable rate,' nicely furnished rooms - 6 minutes from Main and Fairfield Avenue. - 417 East Main St. " - "" R 8 1 5 3FURNTSHED ROOMS; both-large and . small; one large front room . suit able for two persons; will, rent very reasonable; respectable family. 194 ' Gilbert St. ' R 8 sj ROOMS' WITH BOARD, nicely f ur- nished ; rooms with r without ; board, excellent board. , S7 Strat 7 ford Ave. S.12 s ' LARGE FRONT ROOM, steam heat ed suitable for two gentlemen, aris tocratic neighborhood, .850 Laf ay ette Street S 7 eS LARGE'- AND SMALL well furnished . rooms also two for light house keeping. 768 'Broad street - 'H- :. - S 7 sj -.. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS at moderate prices, centrally located. i two blocks from City' Hall., 75 Lib-- erty St.- . S 7 sj BOARD WITH ROOMS I furnish board ",and nlceJy furnished rooms at 56. lsi soutn Ave.. is i sj- 711 LAFAYETTE STREET 'Newly . furnished rooms, large - and small. ' all- conveniences, use of -bath and telephone. . " -: S 7 s8 -- FURNISHED ROOMS in very best - ' neighborhood from - $1.6A--to $3. a frk. .790 Lafayette St --', " . - . . S 7 If ' HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS, also new ly furnished rooms by day or week. 97 Broad St S 7 sl ' BOARD AND ROOMS, table board by the day or week, also rooms. 1 639 East Main. St - S 5 s . LAB GE FURNISHED ROOM, gas and heat on bath room floor.. $2.00 week. 1100 State St S '84 sS" LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, suits $3 a week and up. 436 and 438 Main St. ; - , U 6 s$V FURNISHED ROOMS, both large and small, nicely with heat and light from $1.25 to 13 s week.. , ' Mrs, Doran, 894 Main St ' U 6 s8 LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, steam heat electric light, also oth er rooms. 250 Fairfield Ave. - ..v -.,.r-y B 25 sj- WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, one block, west of Main St Mrs. A. L. Menedick. 185 Fairfield Ave. .', 7 .:-:-,.S 3 M,;.'- TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS for light .housekeeping, range, elec trie flights, all 'Improvements. 1242 State St . .' S 19 a FURNISHED ROOMS, all improve ments well furnished from $1.25 up to $3.60. 385 State St S 19 sj - . ONE : LARGE FURNISHED 'ROOM, suitable for. man and wife, also hall bedroom, . S40v State St j ,.-v:'j . . S 19 s FURNISHED" ROOMS, best location in city, steam heat al modern im provements. . home comforts,' 628 State St . s 19- sj" , THE GILBERT,, 49 Gilbert St. nicely appointed furnished rooms by the day or week.. Phone 4817. ' " ' .: v: - .. -. S 18 all FURNISHED ROOMS, large and small. Good location. 428 Main St ' . . .. B 20 s - FURNISHED ROOM, steam heat running water. all improvements, 331 Fairfield avenue. B 21 s FURNISHED ROOMS, steam heated, from $1.60 up; also rooms for light housekeeping; 663 Fairfield Ave. . ,v- : B 21 sj THE HELEN, 240 Fairfield avenue, large, newly furnished rooms, with steam heat electricity and hot wa- - ter. B SO sj UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT I am renting furnished rooms at 187 Gil bert street to men only, centrally located.- Rooms $1.25 to $4 a week with all Improvements. , S 7 sj FURNISHED ROOMS All. Improve ments, hot and : Cold water, also rooms for light housekeeping, spectable residential district, 44 and 35 Courtland St B 20 s THE LA BROAD, newly furnished rooms, steam heat, hot water, cen trally located. 1177 Broad St B 20 si : NICELY FURNISHED, well heated rooms; strictly ' respectable family. 627 Fairfield Ave. ,. B 19 s TWO OONNECTING ROOMS for 8 1 or 4 gentlemen in private family, : rent very reasonable or will rent separately. Cor Cottage and Iran v lstan avenue. Phone 2984. U 11 si Girl Wanted? Bead The Farmer Wan Ads, 1 : "Tv i : We observed to the young lady pounds avoirdupois and she said she Furnished Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS with all ' Im provements, large and small. Ex cellent location. 509 Fairfield Ave. : B 19 s8 - SINGLE AND DOUBLE 'ROOMS, all . light rooms, running hot and cold water on every floor; 3 baths, cen- ; trally located. 362 East Main St. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS,' all : ; light and airy at - very reasonable ' rates, home comforts, , two . doors . from , Poll's theatre.; 1250 . Main St. top floor; - ,:" . , R 8 s y HOTEL ASTOR, 52 John Street, All . rooms light and airy, fli-Bt class cafe ; connected j rates $1.50 per day; best modern priced hotel in New England. John E. Downing, ' R 8 a)t ; FURNISHED ; SUITES . with , private -bath, three and four rooms fully ; furnished for housekeeping, . . very ' complete, also single rooms, 61$ Fairfield Ave. B 19 sj - FURNISHED ROOMS with restaurant In connection, regular dinner 20c. Meal tickets at $3.00 and $3.50 per - week.: John Petrucello, 94 Wall St -.V. . -' i-,B'2 s - -' FURNISHED ROOMS ilg-ht House keeping, ' $2, $2.50 and $3.50 per week, 80-88-90 Courtland St :. J. ' . , B 19 Sj ' FURNISHED ROOMS AND ROOMS for light housekeepVng. $1.60. . 167 Golden Hill and 888 Broad. ':. . : ' - B 19 aS ROOMS, steam heat, 'gas, bath $1.50 to $5. 807 Fairfield Ave. ' . . "7B- 19 sj.v FURNISHED ROOMS. ' two blocks west Main St . Respectable location,. 317 Fairfield Ave, ; ; B 19 S ROOMS AND BOARD, prices moder ate, also rooms for1 light housekeep ing, 199 Golden HilL . -B 19 s- Furniture SCALLY BROS, - 405 ' STATE ST Largest dealers or second hand fur niture in the state. We pay ' more than others, we have no : rent to pay. . - : S 10 a . YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. You can save 20 per cent on every article by trading with us.- Come and be con vinced. N. X. Furniture Co.. 489 East Main St ; -. S 14 aij - For Sale AUTOMOBILES, FOR SALE Hudson 2Z. IToreooor light touring car. $400. Maxwell Runabout $200; Metz $50. Inquire 848 Connecticut Ave. ' ' - ' - A . , : - R;7 Up FOR SALE First class serviceable black .horse neighing 1,050 pounds. Apply at 3 5 outh Ave., R.4 A - FOR SALE Wurlitxer Pianini. also Wurlitzer 88 note piano andFlute . player combined. Te" 2617 Bridge port or 88-8, Milford. R 6 rD FOR SALE- New .cottage, 20 sold, fine lot, $160 cash; $18 monthly. "House," Care. Farmer. " R 7 a FOR SALE Ford automobile at a bargain. 1423 North' Ave, ' r -- . " R 7 sp FOR SALE 5 horsepower gasolene Fairbanks engine , in first class con dition will sell cheap. Paterson Forge Co.. 176 East Main' St S 20 s " SACRIFICE - OWING TO ILL HEALTH, I will sacrifice my good paying market buildings and every thing complete. Easy terms, make an offer. I mean business. Ad dress Box B, O.. Care of Farmer. 8- 10 tf FOR SALE Several second hand Ed ison phonographs. Great bargains $5 up. Also records, cabinets, etc. Victor, Edison and Columbia dealer. F.-E. Beach, 962 Main St FOR SALE 12 room well furnish ed rooming house. Centrally lo cated, reasonable. Address P. O. Box 887. City. - R 2 dp Advertise in The Farmer across the way that we weighed . 172 weighed 113 with all her clothes on. Furniture and Piano Moving P; J. MURPHY, general trucking, fur niture and piano moving. : Tel 4449. ' . ' ' - R 8 sj t MAKE A SPECIALTY of moving pianos; have moved pianos 18 yrs., without a. mishap; furniture, mov ing solicited also. Maurice Lyon, 297 East Main, St- ; - R 8 all ,.' LARrVEK & REDIN; furniture and piano - moving a. specia.lty, general' trucking, 137 . Deacon St. Phone 4011-2. ; .- U 23 a POWERFUL .AUTQ TRUCK, for out of ' town moving' rates reasonable, ' also piano moving. We . have large and ' small trucks. .' H. x Hanson,'. 3560 Main St i Phone 3451. -'-;' ' 'v u n a T . I ' 1 . . ' EDWARD BROCH," automobile vans for furniture anc. piarto moving. 1184 Park Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., Phone 8804-12. . U 11 a ' Furrier FURRIER Julius Tesiny. established 1880. . We are now taking orders for black and Sitka fox sets- repair ing. 1314-1316 Main St, upstairs. . . ....- .?.. ' L14 sS Glazing THE BRIDGEPORT GLASS CO, re- silver mirrors, equal to new, carry in stock French and ' American Plate -Glass. Real estate and car penter trade solicited. ; 26 Middle St. V 15 tf . Guns and Fishing Tackle v WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT of lasting quality at : i a . " very low price. -'Come and , examine ' our stock. D. D. Smith. 44 Fairfield Ave. ', - S 3 sj i Hatter OLD PANAMA HATS cleaned and bleached; naturally as In Ecuador, South America, No acids used to , destroy fiber. All ': kinds. Ladles' ' hats 'made into latest - shapes. All work looks like new. Meath's Hat Shop, 949 Main St., upstairs, near. ;Bank. Look for Red Hat Sign. -, . . B 26 u ANNEX BARBER SHOI , . 0 3 6 " Main St. All kinds of ladies' and gentle men's hats , cleaned ' and blocked Reasonable prices and excellent work. -; - .; :' -. U 26 sS Hair Work ALL KINDS ; HAIR AND COTTON FELT MATTRESSE . made to or- der. Also : remade overv equal ) to ' newf $150 and.. up -feather. beds and second hand furniture ' hough t and K sold.-. CQ.'Evans; 546- Newfleld Ave. Telephone 1316-4 , - S 28 sj Hair Specialties MY SPECIALTY is treating the hair. my hair food guaranteed to stop hair from coming out M. T. Me-' G rath, 49 Sanford Building.-"'" -' ;. , S 9 sj ' SWITCHES From combings, $1.00.' Old ones dyed and made like new. Best workmanship . guaranteed. Send card or call at J. B. Adams, 1496 Iranis tan Ave., near Maple wood, v U 80 a Horses For Sale HORSES, HORSES few draught and business horses, one pacer, good all ' around saddle mare and Shetland pony. Reasonable prices. Blu Front Stables, Kossuth and Evitta Lane. S 6 dj Hot Water Heating. GET A BRIDGEPORT WATER heater for your kitchen boiler for the forthcoming summer. Very convenient and a money saver. Cun ningham & Schwerdtle, 560 Fairfield Ave. - U 10 at Inventors WANTED Inventors to send for one of my booklets on U. S. and Foreign patents. Mercer. D. Blondel, Pa tent Solicitor. Conn. National Bank ' building. 37 Help Wanted WANTED Men to learn the auto i mobile business; special rates given to secure chauffeurs to fill these ' positions offered. We guarantee to qualify you to make . good. 455 Stratfordi avenue. Phone 4046. ' U 1 dS - EXPERIENCED COOK WANTED. Apply at 285 Park Ave. R 4 s WANTED-Position on farm ,ty-mn and . wife. Thoroughly comsetent Call 374 Pine street ; Phone 193 Fairfield. - . R 4 dp WANTED Bright young man for Janitor work and to make himself generally useful in store. ' Good op portunity to learn the business. i . Must be able to furnish best of ref erences. . The Surprise Store. R 4 tf WANTED--Housekeeper by an, old soldier. . Widow 65 yearg not pver 70 years. Soldier's wfUow preferred. . No incumbrance, good home. Ad dress Herbert' E. Jones, Danbury, Ct., or Bridgeport, Ct." R 7 Hp WANTED Elderly lady who can operate old fashioned spinning wheel. Apply" English Woolen Mills Co., 1134 Main St. ' -'v ..- ' - '-..- ,)-.-..--' , V 23' tf WANTED Young , Men. . ' The largest Auto school in the state. . Full course $25 at easy terms; No Urn ' ited, time Willmann Garage, opp. cemetery, Stratford Ave; ; ' - '' XT 4 all - WANTED A stock salesman for a Connecticut corporation located In ' New. Haven, where the directors have decided to' sell $26,000 of pre ferred stock and,-whose ability as . such can get him a steady position iwith bright future. Call or address Room 504, Cutler Bldg.. lis Churoh v' 6t, "New Haven. Conn. ... - ' CIS tf WANTED FEW MEN TO LEARN repairing and driving. Pyramid Re pair Co., 651 State street rear. ...,. -,-S4 Si"'-, t Hotels COURTNEY'S 116 ' Wall street. All y outside, pleasantly furnished rooms . . . for ' gentlemen. Center of City. Moderate; R 4 a ADAMS HOUSE meals at all hours. moderate - rates, European ' plan. Ernst, C Adams, 40 Fairfield Ave. HOME HOTEL Furnished rooms, all .-, Improvements, 25c to 60c per night Rooms by week $1.50 to $2.60. Baths to steady v roomers. Frank Iacnucci, 96 State. $3 Bank St V:'-v ' B 25 si HOTEL DREW 50 Rooms, modern improvements, 60o ' . and -7'5a, per -night $2 to $3.50 -per week. All . trolleys - transfer- to place, 67 Bar. .' hum Square; - , L 12 a: SPRINGFIELD HOUSE,' newly ' fur nished, excellent- table, rooms E0o , and up. ". Rates very reasonable. - American - plan. Joseph Bouniol. j Prop., 29-35 Middle st - - c- - . .u. -.'- B St s MECHANICS HOTELS caters to - workingmen particularly. ' Meals at "'. all hours, - nicely furnished rooms; also bar in connection. Rates rea sonable. , 78-79 State St, ' YORKSHIRE HOUSE ROOMS to , let for gentlemen only; steam heat. hot water and bath, prices reason able, 99 Wall St B 23 sj GOLDEN HILL HOTEL, will open , March . 1st, thoroughly renovated, . running hot and cold water, steam heat .' Transients-' accommodated. 63 fiarrison m. corner narruon ac -'- Elm Sts. . B 21 e ROYAL HOTEL, State, Courtland, i Lafayette and Warren Sts. Under new management Rooms 50c to $1.50 per day; $2 to $5 per week. ' Bar restaurant and lunch. A-La-Carte at .moderate prices. 1 ' - V ,; - U 29 tf ; Ladles' Tailoring NEW YORK ARTISTIC . LADEES TAILORS to make ladies suits sad furnish goods for $14.00: without goods- $7. Fit guaranteed. 1259 . Stratford Vve., corner Central. LADIES SUITS made to order, clean sing and pressing a specialty. - 5. Pickman, 2097 Main St. 2 Lenox BuUdlng, Phone 2589-4. " B 28 s -1 NOTICE TO LADIES, Our $6.50 Suits - made to order Is. the talk of the town. People say ths fit and work " manship is as good as any $20 suit made. FIshelberg, 89 Fairfield Ave. Entrance Plaza Theatre. Send pos tal, our representative will call. : ' ' U 23 tf LADIES' WANTED to wear the newest-styles in suits, coats, . skirts, waists. , New spring styles now ready, , popular prices, easy pay jnents. F. Jacoby, 1081 Broad St ' - S 9 a . S. DOMAGALSKY.lcustom ladies' and ; gents tailor; also cleaning, press ing and repairing. 869 State St -v. - u i aii- Landscape Architects DEVELOPMENT OF ESTATES, planting, grading, treei specialists pruning,- spraying, cavity .work. Dealers in cut flowers, seeds, hedges, trees, fertilizers. . Funeral work a specialty. Mallett- Cock field & Co., 341 Fairfield Ave. Tel. 2506-12. ' . U 25 a Laundry WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY makes a specialty of wet washing, rough dried. Work called. for and deliv ered all parts of the city.; 15 .Ben ham Ave. Telephone 1339-4. - ,. " U 11 a t LAUNDRY DONE BY HAND saves your linen. A, trial will convince . . you that. our. work is superior to other laundries. Work -called for and delivered. Hygrade, Hand Laundry. 564 Park Ave. Phono 985-13. ,. ; f". U 11 sj Girl Wanted? Read The Farrner Want Ads. Machinists WE WILL MAKE or repair anythrn ' in metal machine work, autlgenoua welding, brazing, etc Waldorf Mo. . tor and Macblna Co., 135 Cannon St 8 4 tf- Milllnery SPECIAL for month of March. I will design and trim any bat free of ' charge when material and frame ' are bought hers. Dowllng, Meigs building. . B 27 sS Ostrich Feathers DYEING, CLEANING, CURLING and , repairing ' ostrich feathers at man ufacturer's prices in all the latest shades. L. Cassella, 1042 Main St., Upstairs, opp. Howland's. - R 6 a! ' Mattress Making SEVAN S & GERTZ, '169 Park St.. , Upholstering, refinlshing. furnituro repairing " of every description, chair caning, reasonable prices for first class work. We call for and . -deliver.' - . R 5 aji . Locksmith and Hardware KARPIXOW & Z TO CHER, Keyfittinsf and lock repairing, electrio bells In stalled and repaired.- zoo Fairfield Ave. Telephone 4944. . . . B 21-dJ Merchants' Exchanr: -- Edwin Smith & fCo.. dealers In guns, (lihlir tack el and -v- get your keys ffttad, locks rerpa.ire5. saws filed, lawn . mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done . at Smith's Gun Store. $9 Wail Street Telephone 4293-3. . v ' MACHINISTS We make steel stamp - for stamping tools, etc., also carry full line of stamp supplies. Call ' any Saturday night. The Schwerd tle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St. - R 7 d STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ""! . 75, cents per doieen. Bottled Zy Caxr, 86 Cannon street Phone 19-3. G17 .tf DOOR, AND WINDOW 6CB2"K3 . made to-order. Odd screen re pair ' ed in all kinds of wood and finish. ' Estimates furnished. Henry C. Koff- man & Co., 256 Water St K16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination!! and ' silent salesman, store and of- ' flee fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co., 256 Water St Mineral Waters DIAMOND ROCK MINERAL WA. TER'is.One Of th 'beet ever dls ' covered, will be sold at cost ft bot - tling 60o dozen quart bottles. Phoas '"-8001. ."'! ' . 8 11 a v- Musical Merchandise JEROME MAY I handle all kinds of - musical merchandise, at all prices, also repair any kind of instrument No. 6. Arcade. S 4 al Miscellaneous ALL OWNERS raise the rent - $2 a ' month. J. W. Drew. , R 7 dp LADLES, GIRLS, BOYS, mail " your ;name, address and 12o will send you ' valuable -, combination horns work instructions good for $2. Ste ' venson's Store, 672 Main St;. CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD, silver platters and dentist scrap. Gold berg, 1186 Main St. upstairs. , ... - V 17 a WONDROUS RESULTS OBTAINED " ' by using Caeca. Laxlns. Tablets for constipation. U 4 tt EVERYBODY INTERESTED in lib eral and ' scientific lectures invited to join new 'club now forming with that purpose. Mors than 60s per sons interested. For particulars ad- N dress Dr.' J. B. Blume, P. O. Ar cane, ji f. Areaae. K D "P Nurses Registry NURSES CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME supplies graduates under graduates and domestlo nurses. Phone 884. 1088 Fairfield Ave. - . , , ' a 31 si . Patent Attorneys PATENTS secured promptly by At torneys Chamberlain A Newman, lf Cannon St, Sanford Building. Con sultation free. 8 16 s Painting and Paper Hanging NORTH END PAINTING CO., paper your room, $3.59 tap, Pa.inf.lns. . workmanship' guaranteed,' 63 'Tom Thumb, Phone 484. 8 S s Piano Moving MOVING PAY WILL SOON be hers. Engage your . van now. don't wait until last moment . Call Edward Butler, Care Wlssner Piano Co., Phone 2626. 8 11 4i Pianos For Sale WANTED To place a beautiful up right piano in home of reliable, family who would consider purchae- ' ing same if satisfactory.. , J. I. T., Care Farmer Office. S 11 all NEW PIANOS $7 50; used pianos 575 up, Wissner Upright - $100, used short time; Keller upright $90,' one .dollar a week; square piano $10. Fotch. 844 Noble Ave. S 28 a. Pool and Billiards YOU'LL MEET THE BOYS at out parlors, 21 pool, 5 .billiard tables. We are" running under new man agement' 1052 Broad; few doors south of postoffice. U 4 a ' Printers and Stationers STAR PRESS, High gwide commercial and club printing. '22 5 Stratford Ave., corner Kossuth St. Phone 908-3. S3 di GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PHIO- 1,000 cards.statements, bill fce -Ar, A envelopes, note heads, or etrcul.r printed for only $2-00. P'kwy, S3 Reilly St UJi tf ! Ufy-