Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: MAY' 11, 1914 ' 11 Poultry TO RAISE C FUCKS first feed thm grritiess feed, then intermediate and finally scratch feed the kind Park - & Pollards sold toy The Standard Feed Co., 487 Hausatonic Ave. . x COiX TOrR MOMENTS INTO DOt LARS $15 a. week from 12 5 White Orpingtons. Hatching , eggs from these money makers at just a Utile over price of table eggs. If you paid $20 a setting yon could not get better egg's or finer birds. Chicks ,15c each, lots of 50. - Hendricks Poultry Farm, Saugatuck. ' . S s$ - KITS' BABT CHICKS America's, best breeds. White- Wyandottes ' and Rhode Island Reds, largest Wyan dotte hatchery i : In Connecticut. Prize-winners nd heavy . layers Call, write or telephone, ,151-6. Sherwood Burr, Fairfield. . , a as si Practical Horseshoer EPECTAL ATTENTION- to Interfering. ever-reaching, quarter cracks,' eon . fcraeted feet; drop soles, lamnltia, T navicular trouble. , Shop 41 - Elm St., rur.VsD.Dyk Tea store. Tele phone 384-6. , 8 18 d S. H. CLARK. Special attention given to lame Interfering ' horses. 1844 .' Broad SW near John. , - ' EVERY HORSE SHOD guaranteed to travel right. ; Partleular a-; tion paid to gentleman's - driving and trotting horses. J. J. McGluw, coroar Broa.4 said Elm St. ' -t . - - . B 81 9i - Restaurants THE HOME ' RESTAURANT -' ' $ 1.18 t meal) ticket for $1.00. Anna Clancy, 114 Kossuth St.- " . ' S 6 ! - RESTAURANT AND LUNCH room regular dinner 2 0c Special order. Ladiea" tables. e East Main, St. ',. a t s . TTE . SERVK REGULAR dinner ' and supper at 15c Nice clean service, pood cooking'. Open from 6 a. . m. to IS p. m Welcome Restaurant, 617 Water St r ' -;'"-. B 34 HOME RESTAURANT, clean wn1. . home, cooking, regular meals .10 a. 3.66 a week. $00 Mala St. ' . - ' . b a s i i n i i - . Real Estate Wanted (. 10 'ACRES ' WITH OK WrTHOTJl! buildings near trolley lines. et:hr in Milf ord err Stratford. " Bead ds ncription and price, to Drwid B. Booths & Co.. Fire Ins-irance AfH, , Bridgeport, Conn. S IS t" . "Heal Estate For Sale FOR SALE Two family house, : 13 rooms, all Improvements, good siz ed lot on Lewis street, price reai lon able; email amount of cash requir ed. The Bridgeport Land & litis Co. s 14 te JILLETTS CORNERS, lOLPORI), a very desirable 5 acre farm for truck gardening or chieken raising, ban dy to the market, 10 room house, barns, chicken houses, fruit,- .etc, csja,be bought for little cash, bal ance on easy terms. Isaac Newton, - Myrtle Beach, Milf ord. Phone 370. FOR SALE Only two lots left In the restricted section of -the Uncow& Hill Land Association. These will be sold If taken at once at a low figure namely $1,600 and $2,100 respectively. The Bridgeport InA & Title Co. 8 14 tf ; FOR ss.T.y., furnished room " house - wilr be sold cheap if taken at c nce. ? ' 243 State St. "- , B 21 sj FOR BALE East Side, clock of tores and tenements. Rentals $3, 600. Price $65,000. Cash $10 CG0. West End Realty ' Co., ' 98 B itier Ave.' ' '- B 34 ' tl; .' FARifS All sizes, all locations and all prices. ' Extra good bargaiiifs t be had Just now. Stop in and look evor our list. V. Desmison,' IVotej - Man. 314 Warner Building. ; - S 4 tf FOR SALE Brocklawn, 7 room cot tare, all Improvements, lot 6'1 by 100. Furnace heat, price $1,206 Cash $1,800. One minute to trot - ley. West End Realty Co.. 98 But ' ler Ave. B 24 tf t 38 ACRE FARM In Stratford.- fine house, fruit, berries, etc, fine pro position. Price $5,500. Act quick. Den nison. Farm Man. 214 Warner building. . a 18 tf FOR SALE 2 family house. Poplar St.. Rents $73 per month. Lot 40 by 128. Price $7,000. West End Real' ty Co.. 98 Butler Ave. B 84 tf FOR SALE 3 family double "house, Catherine 6t 8 rooms to each side; all improvements, lot B0 toy -188, elate roof house, cost $3;000 i te build. Rents $50 per month. Price $6,800. - Mortgage $1,800. Can get - larger mortgage. West End Realty Co., 98 Butler Ave. . B S4 ti FOR SALE room cottage, all Im provements, furnace heat, . lot 50 by ; 100. Brooklawn, one minute from i trolley. Price $8,000. $1,000 cash. West End Realty Co., 98 Butler Ave. B 24 .tt FOR SALE Main Street property. corner lot 61 by 99-. Twd . family house, twelve rooms. Paved streets. Good . location for business. George W. Finn, IB Arcade. S 13 a $2,100 buys: Nine room cottage on the west pide ttt Iranistan- Ave., one house from corner of State St. Hot water heat and all modern improvements. $3,500 first mortgage with Savings Bank S Pr cent. A bargain, for some one. Owner leaving town. Address . CSAS. A. EDWARDS, J 84 State St. TJ27 d. FOR SALE room cottage, all im provements at 64 Rosedale St., 10 i . w-olv from T"l r,nt 1 i(;flA ininuico w .n. cash will buy It. : Must be sold at Once. " Ijnquire j i irn. , f R 5 tf WAJiTED- For a first mortgage on business property , in the business section, $16,000. Wm. Grieflinger & Son,. 43 John St... S 13 tf rnnci X T? fi T"V' -A 13.000 cot tage to be sold for $2,000 near Savin Rock as owner nas got to, nave money.' " Six rooms all ' Improve ments with gas and furnisheO. Lot 60 by 110. 130T iiowara Ave. Tj 16 tf - . Advertise in Tin Tarni-r " Real Estate For Sale ' 1 "' 1 MARTIN" SOBERG, reai'; estate and building 1 shore , lots, , cottages Tor sale, cottages built to order, 8 Inde pendence Road, Myrtle Beach. ." ... .. . : C t7 d AT MTRTUE BEACH , two six room .bungalows with aH Improvements right on the beach, .snaps if taken " at once, easy payments. Isaac New , ton, Mrytle Beach,, Milf ord. . Phone '. 370. i- : - v : . ',, " R -7 s : - MAIN STREET 'PROPERTY FOR SALE, one ' of the best corners on ' Main street bought with lit tle money.' Particular, inquire John J. Ryburn, . 105. Whitney Ave., ." Phone 8981. ' U 20 tf GOOD DAIRY FARM well ; stocked, poultry farm and farms for all pur poses, "for sale or exchange,: JZim. mer- Bros... 179 Golden; Hill' St., City. Property bargains always on hand. U,- 30' tf MYRTLE BEACHMTLFORD, 5 wa ter front cottages, five rooms each, all improvements, tsmall cash "pay- ' r ment, balance to '' suit -purchaser. ..Isaac Newton. Myrtle - Beach, - MI1-'-' ford. Phone 870. . ' , . R 7 ss WHY PA Y RENT? We build houses ' anywhere. Small ; deposit, -balance payable monthly j also1 houses ' now ready -for occupancy. ! i The s Home , Construction - Co. ,ji Incorporated), v 862 Main St., City .Savings Bank V Building Bridgeport,' Conn, ' : -,'? ..,), . L S dj FOR SAliE Two, family house Strat ford avenue, 12 rooms, all improve ments, recently 'painted and put In f A No. ,1 condition, only s few hun dred dollars needed to secure this ' place. New pavement Just laid. The Bridgeport Land & Title Co. , Wir... "V..':v 14 tf : TWO SELECT BTJIIiDXNG JXTS with restrictions can be bought right for little cash. "The; E. J. Orton Co., , 80S Meigs Building. , U 14 tf THREE FAMILY HOUSE, also ' two ! family house in East End, for sale - cheap. The E. J. Orton' Co., 308 Meigs Bulldinc. V 14 tf ' XF f. YOU WANT Fire - Insurance. , If - you- want your house rented. ' Prop erty sold. Call on us. We want your business. Let us try. ' Chasj-S. Cole, Inc.. 861 State St. TJ 3 as I CAN SEXI OR RENT you furnish ed or unfurnished cottages from 6 to 8 rooms. ' All prices and big as sortment to pick from, terms to Vsult. ' Isaac Newton, 18 Independt ence Road. Myrtle Beach. Milf ord, ' Phon 870." ' R 7 a FOR SALE A valuable piece of bus ' lnees property on Main street be I tween Congress and High, consist ing of four story brick building with ; 'store and tenements in good condi tion. , Under, the present value of Main street property this la a rare bargain. John J. . Ryburn,- Real Es tate and Insurance, 105 . Whitney Ave. FOR SALE Fine : family nouee at ' j very attractive price'and best terms. ' Will make good home or Al .in vestment. Central location, select T, neighborhood. For further 'infor-' mation.; Address . G.,;.W.; H.y Box 450. .v- -f --.v- - S 26 tf FARM Over 200. to 'chooss- . mmi surely wemust, have one to suit yoa and your pocketbook , t.leo. Fine poultry and dairy farm. Now is the time to get them cheap. Stop in and talk It over. Dennlson. Farm Man, 214 Warner Building. . ' . S 7 ' WHY PAY RENT? We build houses anywhere. Small deposit, balance payable monthly; also houses -now . ready , for occupancy, r - The Home ; Construction ' Co. ( Incorporated, ) .952 City Savings Bank Bldg., Bridge-; I port. Ct. . - L 5 d J FARM BARGAINS First " class to bacco or crop farm. 116 acres.. Price very low. Reasonable terms. -Will consider city property in exchange. Other v bargains on hand. , Zimmer Bros.. 178 Golden Hill St. f U 7 tf FOR SALE -3 family house at a bar gain. Owner leaving town. Apply 86 Marlon St. . U 6 tf FOR SALE One family 5 house : ft on Park Avenue, Prospect St., North Ave., Iranistan. Ave., .White St.;. 2 family t houses Cornwall St., Strat ford Ave., Catherine' St., Deacon St,, and Poplar, St. 1 The E. J. Orton C04 306. Meigs Building., U 6 tf . IN STRATFTELD i5 minutes from : city Hall ': en" trolley - line, a large corner lot -;- 132x300, i. beautifully aded, ', fine residential section, ' all j improvements, . Barn on. property. . Robt. G. Whitney, Room 17, Strat field Building. Entrance 142 Gold en HiU St. ... U 6 tf Stoves Repaired STOVES REPAIRED, all kinds snap- piles, all makes, pipe, grates, bricks, etc. Charges reasonable 1 7 1 5 Main St. Phone 3849-4. 5S "tX Shoe Repairing P. O. ARCADE SHOE REPAIRING ' shop, finest workmanship. Ladies and men's shoes made to. order. ....t,,.vj;..'.j';..Ci:"'B 16dS, FAMILY SHOE REPAIRING. 229 Stratford Ave., near Kossuth. 'Ail work done by modern , machinery. Prompt service." v '- S 8 sj,. I TjSE ONLY the' best stock. All hand ' work done while you "wait. . 245 Cannon St. --. -:.'B 26 si..,,. DO YOD TAN GO OR HESITATE Xango Inserts prevent e.pplng. 50c ner nair attached. .Goodyear Shoe Repairing Co., 76 John St., 845 East Main St. Tel 1381, ; We call and ."-deliver.; '.-; H'u;- 'vv'":B, 23 tf' DTJ PLEX RUBBER SOLES- can't be beat for .the tor me see-y iou get nmfrtrt nnt e.a.8G With- constant . wear will last for months, Sansone Bros.: 114 Congress oi. '-'-.- . , U 20 t SHOES REPAIRED while you wait, made to look like, hew shoes, stitch ed by hand; finished by machine. Ladies shoe shine : parlor. Ralph Riola,' 1028 East Main St. V " JOSEPH . DUEATELLI, 1214 East Main St. Shoe shining and repair ing. I use only the best material, superior workmanship and prices the lowest. t 8 sj Shoe Shine Parlors TELEPHONE SHOE SHINE PAR. LOR. Best shine In the city. Ladies and men's hats cleaned and block ed. Best service and best work manship." 191 Fairfield Ave. f ? Speedometers DOES YOIJR SPEEDOMETER need xftAntlnn. . A nnoedometer requires attention Just like a watch does. We are the service station for Stewart Warner Speedometers.' Tell us your troubles. Waldorf Motor and Machine Co. 135 Cannon St. TJ tf Sign Painting WE MAKE SIGNS all kinds, . also graining and lettering estimatee given. H. A. K. Sign Co., J. Q. Knablln. Prop.. 80 John St.. , Phone : 1304-5. r S 18 a Seeond Hand : Furniture WANTED To buy all kinds of sec-. - ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams. Redfleld's old stand. 43 Harrieon St, Telephone 1015-3. L12 4 Smokers' Supplies THE RECOLLECTION of quality re mains long after, the price Is for gotten. Come to me , for-your cl ''i gars,: tobacco and pipes.-,T..a-D. D. Smith. 44 Fairfield Ave. - ' . , , . 8 mC Safes. SAFES Guaranteed safes, all slees right prices. See- my stock before ; purchasing, Bargains In'; desirable second hand safes. s Marsh, 193 Fairfield Ave. . ' U 8 tf Shoes WHY NOT HAVE THE LABEL in your shoes. , They - cost 'no mor than other "Snow" shoes and Ox fords for' particular men, $8, $3.50, ; a.nd $4.00. Congress Shoe Store, T. Greenbaum, .121. Congress St.- Open evenings.' . ' R 4 a Studios CHARLES S. FERRETT, teacher of piano- and harmony, studio, roem 46, 46 Cahnon St.- : S 11 d$ PIANO - . INSTRTJCXIONS given . y - young lady, 'terms reasonable. Call 149 Golden HilL ' B 20 KNSTRT7CTTONS S ; In : r drawing and painting V oil and - water - colors. Cl&ssear or? . rivate lessons, also so licit memben ; for evening -classes. ; M. E. Whiting; 798' Main St. i i , B 20 s PIANO AND - VIOLIN s TNSTRVTC g XIONS Beginners and : advanced pupils. Ellen M. Leverty. 303 Gold en Hill street. U 29 j Storage Warehouses FtJRNTTCRE STORED Separate . - rooms. Prices reasonable. . Glasner ' Furniture -Co., 1192 Main St. : 5,',- i; , S 17 STORAGE OP FOBNlTimE Sep. rate rooms,-- securely locked, furni ture and china packing. . Furniture " and ' pianos . removed, large vans, v cas-efoi handling. Bridgeport Stor age. Warehouse - Co.. 1285 Main fit, s cor. Congress St. - TeL 1938-3. r ;s i .Vij ;' s: - i ' STORAGE ' tTnexoelled facilities for the stor ing of furniture, all ktads of merchan dise or machinery. . - Large - rooms, mall rooms, rooms lined with 'tar pa per,; Especially ; arranged rooms for pianos and silver,' Small spaces and l&rger spaces. ' ?or further Informa tion call on C Riokard. 84 Howard avenue..-.-. jil -.v '.". H tt ' FURNITURE STORED at low rates. Get our prices first. Scalley Bros., 405 State St. Phone 1,031-3. - 'i'S 10 a Tailoring FOUR . SUITS sponged and pressed. per month. $1.04. Called for, deliv ered. Gus, the tailor, 243 Fairfield avenue. jU ,N-v;'-' r.-,Si4. s8, A POXRAS, New York Custom Tail or.' Best workmanship, reasonabl pnees. - ai f au uoia An., upp. wity Court. ; : , , S S sj I AM SHOWING spring styles In the latest -materials.' We guarantee fit and best workmanship. Fine feath ers : make fine birds. Delia VaUe, the Tailor. .672 State St. B 27 sj . TAILOR MADE nurses suits and uni-SI forms, dress suits and skirts made to order. Tears of experience, mod erate charges. : Atherton and Ben Jamin, Room 102, Warner Build ing, 8 3 Fairfield Ave. . -. v v. To Rent 'OJ uaNX Mouse or : 8 rooms on Norman . street, ' hurge sleeping porch. Phone 3047.' . . R '7 s FOR. RENT Nice 6 : room fla with all improvements on Wood ' " Ave.. only $20 aonth; 5 room flat with Improvements, $15. also located .on 'Wood avenue; 4 room rent at Paci fic, street, with improvements,' $12; 6 room'flat, 116 Parallel St, all im provements. $16 a month. See J. F. Selleck, - Jr., &-Co., Room 1,. 1094 Main street Bridgeport,' Conn. - . ' R 8 d TO RENT Handsome furnished rooms,- including- . electric ... light, steam heat, hot-and- eold water in rooms. Private family. First floor 208 Golden Hill St.' .' U C9 sj WANTED A single house in town of : Nichols or Trumbull for the sum mer . months two in family, fur nisneo or uniurnished. Chas. A. - Bflwarda. a 6 4 State St. S 11 a FOR' RENT 360 Golden H1H, seven room apartment $45; 1671 Fairfield . avenue, cottage, . $50;. 40 Savoy St. even room apartment, $83. John J. Fisher. 1034 Main St. 8 t a ' TO RENT Largre front parlor, nioely furnished hot and cold water, very - aesiraoie . lor two gentlemen. $4.00 - week; also smaller rooms well fur nished. 287 State St. ..-' -' B 38 s$ TO RENT Two steam heated tar nished rooms adjoining bath . for light .housekeeping. 747 Main St. B 20 FOLDING CHAIRS for Rent X, boy ana sou. oenenncn juxpress. 10s , orchard St. ."aone 649-3. T80 tt TO RENT Six room apartment, hot . water heat, electric lights, tile bath. No. 2735 North Main St., opposite t. "Vincent's hospltaL - Inquire on premises. - X18 tf TO ' RENT Nicely rnrnished rooms, strictly respectaoie family. 685 Fairfield Ave. Phone 358-8. - - U14 tf FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing' or storage. GledbUl A Co.. 43 WWator St P.8 tf To Latc To Be i Qnssilfcd WANTED to buy some . Barred Rock hens. E. H. Sturdevant, 165 Adams St., City. . , R 11 bp PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, address ing, circularizing - .imitation type--- 'writin. Notarv. Stenhen F. Rah- rlg, 208-A, Newfield building. Phone .1324. ...i.:.: R 11 ajp - ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME that t you can buy at a reasonable price 'on easy terms. - Neighbor hood where all own 'their homes, best location. Call or telephone 32 5 ' or at 2180 North Ave. F. C. Clark;. . . . ..::.. . ap . .. "j ' ' -i f, . ' ' . ' ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOUSE that you can buy at. a reasonable price, on easy terms, neighborhood where all own their homes, best lo cation? , Call, telephone 325 or at 2180 North Ave. K. C. Clark. -.-,.. .... ap . FOR SALE Never-Enough bread at grocers. . Call for- It. ..-' -, R 6 tfo LOST Gold medal with - name "T, Goldstein. 'TS' Suitable reward if re turned to 84 Wallace St ' .. ,; R' 8 bp . 74 RESTRICTED CAMP SITES ; for sale in Fairfield.- Land is high and dry. $10.00 apiece, clear, title., Ap ply to John , Keenan. Scribner Co., 143 Fairfield Avenue. Open Satur day evening 7 to 8 p. m. ;' ': R 7so DONT ECONOMIZE a the 'expense of your eyesight. - At - a- nominal cost you could enjoy comfortable vi sion. Harry E-.' Lee, I optometrist, Warner -building, 8 Fairfield ave nue. Licensed by . examinatioji ' to JPractice., f J ' R..7 -tfo 74 CAMP SITES, 25 by 100 in Fairfield, high dry land. , Clear; title $10 each. Apply to J?hn Keenan, Scrib ner Co., 143 Fairfield Avci . Open Saturday evening 7 to 8 ' p. m. . ., , .'".- R 7 so ' ASK YOUR GROCER for ' NeVer- Enough bread. , Your grocer keeps it ' - R 5 tfo HAVE YOU TRIED Never-Enough bread, if not call for it ' , R 5 tfo 74 CAMP SITES $10 each, clear title. high and- dry in Fairfield. , Apply .-. to John Keenan, ; Scribner Co.. .148 Fairfield Ave. Open Saturday ev i eningB 7 to 8 -p.! m. ! , : R 7. so ; FOR SALE Excelsior motorcycle. 1914 model. Al condition. , i Apply evenings, 1118 Stratford Ave. t " .- R 8 sp , FOR' SALE! 8 room ' house, vines; trees-and barn; large lotfr 696 North Ave. ' R 9 d FOR SALE Elegant Home - located at Beardsley Park, seven rooms and bath. 155 Alpine Ave. : , .;." - -I R 8 aj i FOR SALE-t-1910 Locomobile, baby tonneau; 1910 Packard Phaeton ; 1908 Packard Touring - Cart 1811 Hudson Runabout and 1810 Chal mers Runabout- Nesbits, Garare, 41 High St,--New -Haven, Conn. . - R 9 dp NEW YORK BOLOGNA and frank furters, home made meat loaf, fresh daily.- Peter -Hron, 1218 Stratford Ave. U28 tfo $ 5 AUTOMOBILES : FOR BHRF; Aston Garage. Phone 8298. Day or ' night - ' R6 tfo 18 8 -FOR SALE - . . ' . 1 ' '. Fine bonse, hot . water heat, elee trio ' lifilits and all .' improveonexits. Large lot, in best part of Stratfield Dtetxiot. , , s ; T. B.( WAIUIEN, ' S SANFORD BUILDING. ' RECOLLECTIONS OF SOME - MEMORABLE RING ' BOUTS. Today is the anniversary of several remarkable patties which have helped to make ring history.. It was- on this date in ;1841 that Ben Caunt ' one , 01, the bigg-eat men the game, has ever known, achieved the championship of England by whipping Nick Ward. The giant Caunt won wide applause by det feating Ward, a brother of the famous Jem Ward, who had established a. rec ord by holding the title thirteen years. retiring . undefeated. The, battle was fought ; at Long- Maraen,', Eng., and was the second meeting - between the two men, Caunt having been victorious by a . narrow margin in the . previous bqut. ;Jt took Caunt thirty-five rounds. lasting 1 forty-seven . jninutea, ; to ;dem onstirate that he was the better man. Caunt neld thtf belt, the first transfer able trophy awarded to a tooxer until 1845, until ho, was forced to relinquish It to the smaller1 but more scientific Bendigo. ' This bout lasted about two hours' ... and a - quarter, ninety-three rounds. - - Caunt would probably have won had - h not been attacked : by Bendigo's supporters at a critical mo ment During the- riot Bendigo, who was all but out was able to recover bis-strength. Caunt had a brother, Robert, who was also In the biff business, and on May 11,: 1847, sixty-seven years ago to day, - he fought Yankee- Sullivan near Harper's Ferry. Va. This was the first , big battle ' between an' English man' and an American fought on this side Of the Atlantic, although no title was , involved. Sullivan's real name was James Ambrose. -, Caunt lasted only seven , rounds ' ibefbre the on slaughts -of the Yankee. After this bout Sullivan claimed the American title, but he was vanquished in 1849, by Tom Hyer, who thus became the first recognized American - champion. When Hyer retired, ; Yankee again claimed the title, but lost on a techni cality to John Morrissey. On this date in 1900 Jim Corbett made his . , attempt to ; recover the heavyweight title from Jim Jeffries at Coney Island. Although "Gentleman Jim" toad lost the title to Bob . Fitz simmons in 1897, and Ruby Robert had lost to Jeffries in 1899, Corbett . con tinued to entertain the idea that h could, master Jeffries., In Fits, Cor bett had met a man almost as clever as himself. Jeff was a different sort of proposition, . and . Corbett - believed that his skill would toe more than a match for Jeff's slugging ability and durability. The result proved that be was mistaken for after twenty-thre! rounds of game and scientific -boxing, Corbett felt the weight of Jeff's migh ty fist and went down and oni. . Aufomobilo ! -.- '-DiroGfory Lyford APPERSON . Beach Bros., OLDSMOBHiE Stre Phone 1335 ' 61 ' 5irnj R15 dj ' OAKLAND, R. C. H. CHEVROLET KELLY MOTOR TRUCK : STROMBERG CARBURETORS II. M. FORD, 1841 MAIN ST. COLE . iPOPE HARTFORD MITCHELL v grppEBAKER MOUNE-KNIOHT SCOTT & M'MULLEN, JR.,AUTO CO. 377 Fairfield Atenno 4443 Taxi phone 3400 cabs i , ' i - EDWARD T. BROWN Shock i VRT.VTIT ' 6hocte Abeorhcr ' v JJ v '. Absorber :, - Phone 3125-3 . 170 Ciartnr.-n fttrrfiftt i I MAXWELL Case Motor Co. -. Distributors. - Phone ' 1555-2. - S5B) : Fairfield Ave. , All kinds of ladles and gentle men's bats cleaned and reblooked. t Panamas . especiaily. . E. E. Stone," Hatter, 6 IS State St. S 19 tf Business Opportunities . j. A REAL. BARGAIN Furnished room .. house, in handsome brick residence, . near Fairfield avenue; 16 rooms, i'., nicely furnished;, monthly income . $165; price only $650. Ehipman, '489 Fairfield Ave. t r .... r 8 tf Plating DO ' YOUR stove trimmingrs," chande- liers or silverware -need refinlshing? . We make old things look new. Job--r. bins of all kinds. Connecticut Plat ings. Works. 57 - Golden Hill. i Real Estate For Sale POIt SALE ' 2 family house, ' Baldwin Street "lot 50x150 S9t, ,iuu. . - t. ; 2 fanily -. house Drew . , Place, lot 42x145 feet - , 2- family house Poplar Street - lot 48x135 feet,- $4,700. ',-.. ' Cottage,, seven rooms,HewJ4t Street, reasonable. ' i.s .- Cottage, six rooms, Capitol Avenue, ash trim, all improvements, 3, 250. . - Cottage, six-rooms. Harmony Street, let 60x125. teet. z,au. . -; .-- Two family . houses, cnttaires. and building lots near St Vincent's Hos pital at reasonante prices; terms easy. WILLIAM T. IIULLI1IS Real .' Estate . and Iosnranes 1 BRIDGEPORT SAVINGS RANK . . -, BUILDING - . - Corner State and Mala Streets Second Hand Clothing HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second . hand clothing, also misfit suits, .low prices. 43 ' Crescent Ave. r , S 17 'Trunks and Bags WE MANUFACTURE and repair, also , carry a full stock of trunks, travel : Ing bugs, lattther goods 'and umbrel-. las. s Bridgeport Trunk & Bag Co., Phone- 2304-2. 1049 Broad St, 3t 1 4 $ Typewriters, REBUILT ; . TYPEWRITERS L. C .Smith, ITiderwood, , - Remington, " ail othes LT. nakea - cold. rmtmi. j per cr.onth. Machines sold t $5 per month. The Plummer Type. writer Exchange. ,156 .Fairfield Ark, Bridgeport, Conn. Typewriting-airuitigraphlng GEO. N. SEARS, Stenographer - and Notary Public, ao 8 ' Meigs . BldJ. Phone 922-4.. ' L7 tt . MULTTGRAPHt TYPEWRITTEN let ters, mailing and trade list, addresa : Ing and circuiarizins. Quality work - and : service. ; Price . and Lee ' Co, ' 303 Meigs Bldg.. 136 Fairfield 'Ave. ; 5f 3-; 't-'- ..;;;; ' ;; '-1---;- 5-B 21 Wanted To Buy ' WANTED TO BUY all kinds human hair. J. B. Adams. 1496 Iranistan avenue, near Maplewood Ave. - - . , . -.010 a J WANTED TO BUY ( men's second , hand "clothing and furniture. Mrs. C Meyer, 1447 Main St Tel 2352-3. ' '"l :'- ; S 6 s - WANTED To buy all kindii ef see ond. hand furnitture. Geo. - F. To : tarns, Redneid's old stand, 48 Hu .' rison St, Telephone 1016-2. - ' ;' - ',.- .-.'. u is tf YOU DOST WANT any old Junk or old thingn -around your , premises, - but we want them as we need them for - our business. Sell them to '. Jacob Brqa. We will pay you the , highest price and get them out of . your way. - Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. -55 Kot ; suth St Tel.; 286. - r R tt IF YOU WANT GOOD BEER in your home, order either "Pilsner" (light) or. "Brombacher" (dark), It coats no more, because its pure. Sold in , cases. - The Ambrose Co., 640-544 East Mainf St, Telephone 1012. ' ' - ; - ' ' S 6 tf Wines and IJquors WHEN IN WANT OF - DIAMONDS you go to a-Jeweler, likewise, when .... in need of wines go to wine im - porter. Be, on the safe side of the ' fence. The Ambrose Co., Importers of Wines, 640-644 East Main St Telephone 1012. . s 6 tf PURE BEER is beneficial, bad beer ; is . injurious. , The Ebling's New ; York Brewery bottling beer, is pure , and will be delivered to your home, light ; or dark from The 'Ambrose . Co., 540-544 East Main St Tele phone call 1012. , Cost no more. 8 i tt LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Papc t 1 - Ma gave me 20 sents to get my ;hare cut yestldday aftirnoon, awn akkount of needing it, and I went .arround to the barbirs and he put the . big thing erround my neck for the hare to fall awn, and started ! to cut it, and aftir a wile I sed, Wat do ydu do with awl the hare you cut awf. ' ', , ' "' - vWe sell it for bald peepil to put in Hare reseevirs, sed the barbir. And he kepp awn cutting, paying evvry littel wile. Keep still, will you, and af tir he got awl throo he' sed.. You awt to have a singe, evvyboddy. needs a singe wunts in a wile, shood I give you a singe. ' , -" ; Wat dM it do, I sed. - ' , It keeps the. ends frum sticking up and - catching-cold, ehood I, give you wun, sed the barbir. -' - . Awl rite, I Sed. And , he gave me wun, doing it by liteing a Vax thing and moving It erround ovir my hare and ewry wunts in a wile I cood heer sumthing, bern, beein-g hares, 1 gess, and aftir he got throo, - he sed. Now how aoout a littel t'onick, , - Wat duz that do, , I sed. . V It keeps "the hares happy and' con- tentid and prevents them from fawlink out with eetch . uthir, v sed the barbir,, how about a littel.,',;-. ',--'..-'. '.: '',,., 5 Awl rite, I sed. . And he' shook sum- red stuff out of a ibpttil awn top of my hed and started to rub it in as. hard as he cood. feeling, as if he way try ing to skalp me or sumthing, and aftir he got throo he -combed. my, hare and sed, that'll be. Jest haft a dollar. ' G, -ohe ony gave me 20 sents, -I sed; Wat 'sed the barbir, then wat did you meen by tolling me to gtve' you a singe and a tonick., ' . ; . ' r - " ' . , You asked me,' J sed. . You poor fish,: sed the 'barbir; you give me that "-20 'sents and run hoam and get the rest of' the haft dollar and bring it erround to me Inside of 10 minits or 111 send a patrol . wagon af -tir you. ? ; '-::-. rf,,.-- ;' -.-,-'. Which I, went hoam and" told ma. and ma' sed, Weil, I think he had his nerve with him, that s wat I think; wat duz a meer tioy like you no about singes and tonlcks, . he wont get an other sent out jof me I can tell you that . -. v .-; : ; , . ; -. And I havent wentr past the barbir shop' Bints, thinking he mite, see; me and kum running out and grab me. Clarence B. Bo wen, a wealthy Chi cago etock broker, ; was arrested in Philadelphia, accused of eloping with a f 19 year-old girl, f i He had $15,000 on his person, , The new steamer Aquitania, of. the Cunard Line, starte on her trial trip in the Clyde.' - ;' Her j service - speed - is 23 1-2 knots an hour. , ' . Tomato Plants, 10c ' per dozen. JOHN RECK & SON. ; Plumbing WE'RE READY TO , DO TINNING, ; and; Sanitary Plumbing, from roof i to cellar. , Estimates given. No Job , too Bmall or- large. , W, H. Aiken, ' 1253. Pembroke St' , . R 5 a , WE x GUARANTEE SATISFACTION on all of our plumbing, , tinning. I steam; or gas fitting. , We give you prompt service and prices right. Charles , G; ; Swords, 89 6 Iranistan ' Ave. . - ' U 11 ail" ; OUR SERVICE quick and prices right for plumbing, tinning. Bertllson & . Co., 204 Colorado Ave. Phono 4861-2. 3 24 WHEELER & COOX, 78 State Street, do all kinds, of beating, also tinning. 1 plumbing, gas and - cteam ' fitting. -, Calls promptly attended to. Phone 190. . S 26 a To Rent STORES TO RENT in all parts of the - city. Call, write or phone., L. Weiss, V 1438 Main St Tel 2743-3. :? -V-.'-o. ,. ,;--:";..'-:.;. '-'., w.J-,';-.R .6 "tf-- FLATS TO RENT 6 rooms and bath, . steam, heat and large porch. Cen . tral. location.- Call, write or phone. "L. Weiss, 143S Main St. Tel' 2748-3. . . - . ' R 6 tf, Unclassified FRANK LEONE AND - BROTHER - will conduct the barber business at 300 Harral Ave. , from now on. . 1'.i-.I.-;; -'. --v rsvifr -'-,-, R 7 dp NO JOB LOTS we carry in stock, only ; high, grade goods, tiffany' blends, ' leather effects. grass cloths, etc ! Also fancy mouldings, large assort ment i Edward ET Bursey, 47 John St-- '.'';;'-: '-'V '::'r-- ;v:;;.u.aj .iJ Upholstering ; UPHOLSTERING SPECIALIST, best - workmanship at the very lowest -prices.. i. Work ' " guaranteed . -A Frankel, 866 East -Main St S 25 sj OLD FURNITURE RENEWED.chalr - recaned; upholstering. G-oa C. Mol- lino, 826 East Madn street Phone m 8667-3. '.:.; - - TIM Wall Papers LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE in Bridgeport Wholesale and ' retail painters suppliea James J. Conlin, 70 and 73 Elm" St, Bridge-; 5 port. Conn. S 18 a ' WALL PAPER Ce and 10o the roil. . Oatmeals, varnish tiles. 1001 Broad ' St. . . --;;, jW'-"-';-: . ' B 20 tl V WALL PAPER A fuU line of . spring patterns, blanks, gilts, in- grains, oatmeals, tiles, and two-tone effects. . Edward Brooks. 333 State street ' B 27 sj Welding MELLOR WELDING CO., 81 Kossuth ? St.;" ' repair ' all broken castings, stoves, sewing machines, etc. ' Window Cleaning LET US DO TOUR CLEANIN. Cleaning of all description at the borne, buildings, stores and factor ies, i Satisfaction guaranteed. Conn. Window Cleaning Co.. 1220 Main 3-281 ouoqj -jgt 3 7 a; 1 An Exclusive Refined Bachel ors' Apartment House THE WE S T In an aristocratic neighborhood 252 WEST AVENUE - " NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING OF ELECTORS .WARNING Is hereby given to the electors of the City of Bridgeport that a special meeting of the electors of said City will be held on SATURDAY, M-AY jsth, .1914, for the purpose of voting ' upon the following questions, each of which shall be separately answered, "YES" or "NO," to wit: Shall an issue of bonds be author ized to . be known - as . "Sewer Bonds, Series A." to an amount not exceed ing three hundred thousand ($300,-. 000.00) dollars, in accordance with a resolution of : the. common council adopted February 16, 1914 an duly approved by the mayor, -February 24. 1914, providing for the Issuance of such bonds, setting forth their specific purpose, and stating their - gen ore.! terms, description, and. time or tlnees of maturity? . Shall an Issue of bonds be authoriz ed to be known as "Stratford Avenue Bridge Bonds,", to an amount not sp eeding four "hundred thousand . ($40!, 000.00) dollars, in accordance with a. resolution of the common, council adopted February 16, 1914, and duly approved toy -the mayor, February 2. 1914' providing for the issuance of such bonds, setting forth their speci fic purpose, and Bt2.iing their general terms, description, and time cr times of ; maturity? .IV ', .-.: .. ; ; , Shall an issue of bonds be author ized to be known as "School Bonds" for 'the completion i of the High School, - to- an amount not exceedtn eighty thousand f $80,000.00) dollars, in accordance 'with a resolution of the common council adopted February 1 5. 1914, and duly approved by the may or, February 24, 1914, .providing for the Issuance of such bonds, setting forth their specific purpose, and stati ing their general terms, description, and time or times of maturity? . Shall an issue of bonds be authoris ed to be known as "High School Equipment Bonds," to an amount not exceeding forty-five thousand' $(45, 000.00) dollars, in accordance witli a resolution of the ' common council adopted February 16, 1914, and Gulv approved by the mayor, February 2 4, 1914,"" providing for the issuance of such bonds," setting forth their sti fle purpose, and stating their gem.rt terms, , description, and time or t---- of maturity? , - - ShaW an issue of bonds be author! . ed to be known as "School Bcmcs. Series A," to an amount not exeeei lng two hundred thousand ,($200,000. -00) dollars, in accordance with a res olution of the common council adopt ed February 16, 1914, and tfuly s.p proved by the mayor, "February 2 3, 1914, providing for the issuance or such bonds, setting forth their a-peel l '1 purpose, : and ."Stating their general terms, description,; and time or times of maturity? , . . - : ' V. ' ;;, . - ' " - ; . : - 'Eball an issue of bonds be authoriz ed to be known as "Pavement Bonc; 3eris A,", to an 'amount not eiwi Ing' two inridred thousand $200,000. ;00) dollars, in accordance wHh a rr-f-olution of the common council abort ed February 16, 1914, and duly an proved by the mayor, ' -February 2 4, S9 14,' providing for the issuance of such bonds, and setting forth their specific purpose, stating their terms, description and time or times tf ma turity?. '.-- :..'-.'- "; "'... Shall an issue of bonds be authors ed to be known as -"East Wash'nptiri Avenue Bridge Bonds, " to an an no exceeding one hundred and tl- ri thousand ($130,000.00) dollars, in ac cordance '-..'with a resolution of t i common council adopted Februsrv 1914, and duly approved by the r c. - -or, February 23, 1914. providing: for the issruB-nce of such bonds. c r i , forth their specific purpose, and str ing their general terms, - deerript:r - , and time -or times of -maturity? - Voting machines will Vvs open t. r 6 o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p. m. ' the registration of the votes of the electors' of said city, entitled to vote s '. said meeting, at the following places, to wit; - ,' . - . , . . f- "' - ' FIRST DISTRICT Court Street SECOND DISTRICT 498 Broad Street. . - , ; I THIRD DISTRICT Auburn Street and Fairfield Ava. FOURTH ; DISTRICT . .1035-87 State Street .V FIFTH DISTRICT ; 6 82 Norman Street SI33PH " PISTRICT , ' . . ' 625 Catherine Street , f 4 SEVENTH DISTRICT , . - . . 1389 Main Street. EIGHTH DISTRICT . , 2044 Main Street. , , ' NINTH DISTRICT ' -' 1126 East Main Street. - . ' TENTH DISTRICT ' " - - 42 Beach Street . , Ul ' ' ELEVENTH DISTRICT ' , ' 416 East Main Street v TWELFTH DISTRICT 1532 Seaview Avenue, (1st Pi-ecinc Lincoln School, Stratford Avenue, (2 i Precinct) Given under ny hand thia 9th day of May, A. D-, 1814, . CLIFFORD B. WILSON, d-' -'-.--''.' Mayor. CHICriESTEi PIL1J fills in us4 j44 anc'A boxes, aealecl wiUft f nM riva, 'i iko 4uer- Anr r yr$ Jrnfr.ft. Ask fort -i 1- t - years knownas Best, Safest. Alwftv-s Kmion.nii SGLO BY CRL'CGJSTS LXUiXZ LI' 1 1 EAT PIE MORE PIE BUT USE PRISE IE ' 0 For Purity and Quality AS WELL AXTD AS I "JC No merchant ever fc.'l if he advertised as T:. Z and as I IUCH as I12 c. 1&y