THE- FARMER: MAY 28, 1914 I'munnnnimsmmuuiumnwunnnttii III .Tine "Motor World. Activities of Bridgeport and State Autoists Latest News From the Automobile World ilianiimmuiuniMiitriiimtimium 12 i I THE CAR THAT WILL GET YOU THERE , AH.U UAUJSt AvrAJLIJ . , RTTCK MODEL 31 ' '. " v ARTHUR L. CLARK AUTO STATION ALSO DISTRIBUTOR OF TPE PRAJfKIilN " Phone 121 1 I 107). IIAI1I STREET -- ... ... I . .IH.tlnl OniilA llji ifcnlBWl WIMIi) '"1.. 3E"cwt . serrw know the trne exhilaration of motorcycllne until you ride ftofFcpe, especially the IBIS model. - There are rnanr now fea ture that make It the. perfect motorcycle. Step. In and set prcti eal demonstration, -i ' . : .. ; - , . " ' .. - , - Don't throw your th-es away until they aire actually worn out Bring Uku hero and let. ns vulcanize the cats and tears. 'Oar work never fails t please in J mj Ji quality and price. , ELLIS OIT VULCANIZING COIIPAITY PHONE 1036 8T1 FAIKFI&LD AVENUE II 2 FCr.II1 '-'SERVICE - STATEOJI"; ; Te make a iJrtojty of repairing and- renovating Ford cars. Ksts your car thoroughly ovc rlmuled, repaired arid placed in first claaa condition. Looks and act 3 Sko a new car. " ' " i ' AT MODERATE COST i '.-'' '' ';. ESI LMATZS catEErSFEXJDY FURNI SIIKXS . v UOBSllT M. ALS01T, Mgr. w ' : A:.A- . C23 Fairfield Avenua , -' - .' ..Phone 4919 1 1 11 1 I If EXTINGUISHER Is. Belter To UmemM Iliaii' Tg,-17MivYii IIaailt::: " Insurance Pre niums Reduced, J5 Per Cent, on 'Automobiles and IVucks Equipped with PYRENE FIRES EXTEsTGUlSHERS. ' PYOEFJ SAL2S COMPANY 404-4C3 Caciirity Iiuilding :. . Bridgeport, Conn - 1TJTE OR TET.EPHOJTE FOR LITERATURE , '" a ' !!-!"--" !v.;.0-:-' i Automobile Hews Any car which is not equipped with a two-speed axle does not embody the most progressive develop ment of the day. : ". r " f , There is only one .way by which you can obtain ' the delightful luxuries of travel as afforded by the I Cadillac: v . . - r That is by driving a Cadillac. ' - Dsfroil Cadillac Motor Car Co. TEL. 214 . - 367 FAIRFIELD AVE. i-ja ifimMt ''Mil 14 SWIFT SERVICE BY THE PLATT COMPANY . h. ' S. riiArr, Manager . Collections and niatribatJ on of Parcels and Express to all Sections ot the City and Vicinity Prompt Parcel Delivery Telephone 3834 ADVERTISE III THE EVEIJTNG FARMER ' XiONG AND WIDE SPRIXGS. , 'Automobile ', owners i all over ; the country are coming to a: keener real ization, than ever before, of the value of properi spring equipment on their cars," says C. B. Rose, engineer of the Moline Motor Vehicle Company, Meline, IllB. . - 'l : wide springs so designed that they have a . wide throw is " the only equipment that is , being accepted ; by careful buyers.- , "The reason is' easy to find. Shock absorbers have failed . to give the re sults they -were supposed to give. Short springs have already proved their in efficiency. . . .. ' : - "Full elliptic springs have afforded certain objections to proper body sus pension 'and the long wide spring has been found to be the only one whicth la satisfactory from - every pointy of view.. ' ;. ''With the long wide spring with a long throw the actual road , shocks are taken : up In the flexure of the spring leaves, and because of the wide t.T and the resultant, distance which the blows have to " travel before - they reach the chassis the' force, of shocks from travelling over the road is great ly reduced. This- is the only solu tion of '-hard riding."!.'. ". i ".7 ,. ... "At present the . spring : equipment of the Moline cari Is-longer and wider than that of any other car of , its else that we know- of, and all Moline own ers ; are loud ? in " their praise of , the easy riding thev obtain." " t : . DOJiT NEED A DREfK,' : If vour bulb horn sounds like it . had a " sore throat, unscrew it and shake the water .out of it- . The last' fellow who washed your car probably thought the horn needed a drink. - . :. : ' f A CUT OF 4400. v.. Vi : Owing to the demand for the Moline. Knight. President W. H. Van Dervoort of the Moiine Automobile Company, makes a sensational mid-selling sea son announcement that he is -compell-, ed to offer the latest model Moline 40 horsepower, five passenger, touring oa? at $1,550, to make room, for- increased Mollne-Knlght production. ' ' : -i , "Never in the history of the auto mobile Industry has a new, fully equip ed, 40 horsepower, 124 inch wheel-base, electrically lighted, electrically started car been offered at such a low price," says President W. H. r Van Dervoort.' . "This is the identical ; car' ' that - for three 'successive years, won 'the Chi cago Club trophy, . perfect scores in grinding Olidden: tour and other well known endurance contests. "As is well knowii ; the Moline M-40 has heretofore been sold 'for $1,950, but we are face to face with a prob lem beyond- our control, inasmuch as the demand for the , Mollne-Knight has gone eo. far beyond our fondest ex pectations that, it is abeojutely -Imperative cthat, this Mt40 model be - gotten out of . the factory, so that every square foot of floor space In our plant can be utilized for th manufacture of thS Moline-Knight. ' ' . ,'This car .is backed by the guaran tee of a manufacturer . with 11. years successful motor car . manufacturing' experience, tiiianciaily responsible and whose permanency . Is assured. : . This luxurious, comfortable car is -fmished in 'blue-black, hand buffed leather, up holstering, with - easy riding - springs, long stroke motor 4 1-8x6, cone leath er faced clutch with cork 'Inserts, ull floating rear' axle, : 3fix 4 Inch Goodrich or Blrestone tires,. "Mohair top, . rain vision wind ' shield, ' gasoline gauge on dash, Stewart 60-mile speedometer FlTestone demountable rims with one rim extra, and other Standard equip ment. 1 , VAnr man . who is a Judges of "motor car values cannot help but admit that it' is the largest car ever offered at J1.550." - BUYERS . SHOULD ' INVESTIGATE. , "At the present time there are so many cars on the market ' that!.' the buyer, has - considerable difficulty in choosing the , car that is best suited to his needs," - said George H. . Peck of The Peck & Xines Co., distributors for the Haynes, America's first car, in this territory. ' "Auto purchasers may be divided In to two general classes: those who are buying1 their first car and those who have owned a car before. , The first class , is generally interested in ap pearance and speed while the experi enced automobilist is anxious to know the details ' ot the construction, the quality of th materials, the facilities of the manufacturer for - giving ser vice and the age and stability of the organization, i; ' j . "The automobile is not an expert1 meet It is the fruit of long and un tiring effort. This ,is the day of mo tor refinement, of accuracy and pre cision. '. The diameter of the valves Is just, as important as the size ot the cylinder. Great, stress should be. laid upon -balancing' the -connectingy roos ana pistons, not oniy in me en gineering department "but In each In dividual motor as It is being built.' The bore and stroke of a motor, for In stance, does not mean everything: the design must be well balanced and the workmanship accurate. Performance is the best evidence , by wIch . to be guided. - "The intake manifold must "be de signed ' to give an -equal distribution of gas to every cylinder, and must be constructed In euch a manner . that the gas ; will have no chance to. con dense bef ore reaching the combustion chamber. The - fact that gaaollne is of a poorer quality now than formerly makes carburatlon a. very, important factor in design. The .gasoline tank should be located where dit will not tbe subjected to any heat, as" vaporiza tion takes off the very feest , part .of the gas and leaves a- liq-uid which, is only a little better than kerosene. , ' A, strainer, provided in . the pipe line Just before the ; gasoline reaches the canburetor to f remove, all foreign matter and to insure , clean pure gas. ,".-;.. . s ,'.... . "The . ideal motor is the motor that has been reflned - to such an extent that it develops more than Sts rated horsepower. The Ideal car Se the ear whose weight consistent with the horespower of the motor. - That is- p say, the ratio of (horsepower to weight must be sateat enough to meet any contingency. . , "Finish and equipment are very im portant and, on the Haynes,; receive proper consideration, -tout the .Haynes company frankly .etaxes - that ' such qualities are ' incomparable' with de eign, woi-kmanshLp and efa-cieney. .The motor car buyer should investigateM lt is . his right to know eVery detail of the car before buying, and this the Haynes , company ' gladly furnishes him. -Frankness on the part of ' the manufacturer is undoubtedly , evidence of sincerity, quality, dependability." THE RJEAI iUPPERJENCB f- r ' . ' , BETWEEN" IJEFT AND , t RIGHT HASTD 30RTVE. f. W. .Bate, general: factory manager and chief engineer of the Mitchell Lewis Motor Coi( may write "Q .B. D." upon his discussion . of the rela tive merits of the left and right-hand drive without f ear' of having any en gineer of his world-wide .reputation successful dispute him. The Mitchell Ijewis company Wakes motor cars with both types of drive, because it annual ly disposes , of a number of cars in vlef t-drive" countries where ; the ma chine ; with the right-hand . drive , is demanded 'by the laws, Jia comes but unequivocally with his expert advice to the, American purchaser in favor of the left-hand drive; About ; the only place where the matter of the position of the steering wheer 'becomes a factor for- little consideration, in the opinion of Mr. Bate, is out on-country roads, and. there the - driver encountered nearly always is as eager to pass you as you are to pilot your oar past his machine, the result - being the same whether left or right-hand drive-' be used. , ' 1 , By applying the rules of the. road to the operation of the car, in turning corners, to the right, , you. have- the benefit - of the- rule against any -car passlng-you to the right between you and the -curb. In turning to Hhe left, however, the car coming' from the rear must pass to the left. -When the driver of the car following: sits at the left side he is aided in making a quicker decision-as to" your, probable direc tion. Should hla car have its top up and a load of passengers, , he unques tionably is handicapped if he be seated on the . right-hand side, thinks Mr. Bate., "Besides, it is palpable to any ear nest: critic,", says the Mitchell engi neer, that v with the: left-hand drive your right hand "s available for the operation of the gear shift lever and the. emergency. Center - - control is very desirable In an up-to-date car, as 1 It does away with a lot of link age. The latter means : lost motion and consequent 'Imperfect gear mesh ing. Judgment, in driving up to curbs inclines the " driver . to keep far enough away from the stone to obvi ate curb cutting tires. . Besides the passenger may alight more gracefully and with a greater amount, of free dom, as he does not have to do any climbing over lexers or , ducking un der steering wheel. -Hinged steering wheels are not new they . were ex ploited and generally discarded long ago. J . Designers and builders realized that the one place where rigidity and strength were important factors was in the steering gear. The American lady is self-reliant and has ' cast ; her ballot . in i general , public sentiment in favor, of the, plan ; which permits her to leave the car on the right-hand side without, i encountering ; ( the.? steering -heel..". ''. .. -. : '4 .'If -Ii may he permitted, there 1 is a great mechanical, reason., in. favor of ; the left ' drive. 1 In this country automobile - engines ;y revolve ," in. ; the same direction as the i--hands of a clock. ( '-The power Xf the; engine be ing .resisted by the , final drive , gears iievelops a tendency . to ,' throw the frame of the car heavily -r on the springs of the right hand side -of the machine. I V If the driver sits on. the right 1 hand side when alone, as he frequently is,: his . weight, added to the thrust of the motor, causes the springs on the right hand side of the car. to settle very-- quickly. ' ' Should he ,drlve from, the left hand side, his weight ' riding ; the "thrust overcomes the spring sag to a great measure. r . "My firm belief, after exhaustive In vestigation, is that the only ones mak ing a stand for the right hand side steering wheel are some ; engineers whose engine design will not permit of using the left drive." .;. v.. t 1 ' 24 MIXES PER GAtLOX O.V A SEC The - - ever - present . fuel question among motorists has probably never received a better answer than In the showing" made -by the new Rayfield carburetor on Chandler Sixes in differ ent "parts of the country. - , : . v , - The first teat was, made toy the Chandler people where tbe ear not -only showed speed, power on hills and throttling down ability, ut made-the remarkable record of 24.4 miles to one gallon;' of gaeoline. The test was, of course, -official. - .', .:- . , - Now -cornea the news that in a teat supervised by Herbert Chase of the Automobile. Club of America 'a Chand ler car' on Long Island roads, New York, has just run 24.8 miles to a gal lon of gasoltne. ' . It was equipped with the- new Rayfield carburetor. . Here also the car performed with out adjustment, of the carburetor for Bpeed, hill . climbing and . - throttling down.. ' - . ,.- 1 .- ' ;,', .'. -' :. --And Just to show that these -performances were no flukes another test made on theT Chandler car with the new Rayfield carburetor in Phila delphia has given the remarkable rec ord of 24.2 miles to a gallon of gas oline. - :. r .-' -- ., - It is remarkable that three cars in such widely Separate localities, with varied " weather -. conditions. should ' To the motorist whose fuel bills are a constant irritation, the news of such results from a six cylinder car will come ;as..a jrery- welcome- promise.; of relief ;from?the excessive . cost of the past. - , '. ' . CHANGING THE TIRES. . A very small percentage of drivers Changs the tires around at ' frequent intervals. It is ' a - well known fact that ' considerably greater mileage . is obtained from the tires .when this is done. . The driving-wheels are.harde on tires and thes tires should not be allowed to wear too much. If changed to the , front before - too much wear takes place they will serve a long pe riod on the front wheels, r CANNED REMARKS , x - From the Washington Star.) i , "I'll never speak to you again: as long as I live!" exclalme1 the temper amental girl. , , , . ' "Haw! Haw! rejoined" the practical youth. "You can't help yourself. I've got some of your songs and recitations on my" The United States . supreme court will adjourn on June 15. ? v Commander Lazarua x. Reamey, U. S. ?f ., retired, died , in Washington, aged 65. ... - - HEAD QUARTERS FOR ILl,02323Ii PLEASURE CARS lULKLEFS AUTO SfmM - DISTRIBUTORS If S23 FAITirTEXiD AVE., BRIDGEPORT 9 1 3--. 9 N .'Vv .REPAIRED .111111. YOU WAIT ' Windshield Glass, all sizes and kinds, set in $2.00 to $5.00 Bent Glass ,3 inch to 12 inch diameter . . ......... . :. . v. 25c to $2.00 Plain Glass, 2 inch' to 12 inch diameter : . ............. . 15c to 50c Kent Glass Reflectors, all sizes .......... .J ............ . 25c to $1.25 Lens Mirror Reflectors, 4 inch to 9 inch diameter i . . . 85e to $4.50 THE AUTO LAMP REPAIR CO. t Work Called For and Delivered. 80 JOHN STREET PHONE 1304-2. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. OAKLAND CAR MODEL 30, & PASSENGER TOURING-CAR .............. 1,200 , ; DISTRIBUTOR " '' 'V " - STROMBERG SERVICE STATION lSTi MAIN STREET. 48 HCED AVE. ... PHONE 1278, 4004 NOW THEN, Altogether, ' you Ladles and Gentlemen Trlth the atitos, trtrn yort'f gaze npon-tho BLUB.BIBBON GARAGE. - Follow op- that gase w: a. visit tusldo ot Its portals. ,.-.'- '. . InduJpro yourself in that restful feellnsr of stability tnl T-u ' eeM solidity which compels your attention in all of Itm departmport. Go no farther, go home and think it over and its a week c.i 1 do up li mit to a spread eagle, that the next time. you need , ...p. . yow car, - you will say to yourself, "I better go to tho BJT-ii 1.1. BON GARAGE for that.' , ' ' ' " Ton get service there, ho It a washand polish, a rcj.a'r ic-'i t -the purchase of tire and accessories. - tde . ' blue meson GAOiis . ; 283 FAIRFIELD AVE2HJE ....'.' A -. .... - PACKARD AGENT FOR PAIHFIBXD AND NEW HAVEN COOTH ;'',:,"X ; 1 :?MWt:al&t i :; J I L 'i iirin '-'5:- - 7T& (V'iTw . AUTOMOBILE AND COACH PAIITTIITC Now is the time to get your Limousine and Electric Coupe 1-n m Hon for Fail and Wintesv We us Uarlanrt's Ilih Grade J r.; a Varnish, whicli we frarnntv. to stand up in all kinds of weather, x a tlmates cheerfully furnisheonpon request. , 706 Howard Ave., Bridgeport, ConnCVPIiona Zlb7-Z THOR MOTOR GYG. THE ' IIACHIISn THAT LEADS THE We have on hand several Motor Gjtlzz xzJ: j . price $35.00 and up . ' - JJ ! 1 . y 1 11 1 mi ii. , every machine is in perfeot SHAFTS, TNciLrDirn rrr:: TALES, EXCELSIORS AND LEADING STANDARD ZZJL..7.i FULIi LINE SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIE3 OPEN SUNDAYS EMPIRE CYCLE CO. 517 Lie::: i n M. c. LABIBERG, Prop. W. STKZ? f7 . , Careful Inspection of the Selden Truck and detailed com par . of lt9 apeciflcatlons with those of other trucks of like capacity w, i show the fact that tho Selden Tract ia a sturdy, powerfully fc-oilt a ?-. every part of which Is constructed with a large factor of safety a-i . with due regard for, the rigid rexjuis-emeat of liigh duty commer . cial service. V The Selden Truck Is built to render the highest degree ' of service at a minimum of cost. ' ' - Standard Chassis in either" short or long wheel has-. Model 3 or Jfh respectively! in priming coat with driver's neat and eq.ulpnxent $5,0 ,i. TeECOBJSOLIDAfEP; HIOT 00 C" . : Ompi 1047 BROAD BT. Tel. S83. Garaee: ies JOHN S. Tel. 3.2 ,Ci.rr ;GRAGE siinic: Automobiles bought, sold and exchanged. We have for salo tit ' bargain prices several used cars of standard makers. If you wish to dispose of your car call us up. Buying and scJlng is our epecialty. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT jg THE BEST IN THE CITT GASOLINE, SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES OPEN EVERY DAY IN THIS WEEK 13 3 'Hon satonic :A NEAR CONGRESS STREET Phone 2563-12 BRIDGEPORT want Ads. Oenf- a wo; 1