Newspaper Page Text
9 is THE FARMER: MAY 28, 1914 TWWi -11 'HP """'"J" "Iff" BLUE SERGES and' other Summer Suits STRAW HATS v " in all the new styles and effects SUMMER UNDERWEAR Union Suits or single gar ments in a wide range of Sum mery fabrics, SUMMER SHIRTS " New , patterns, - new colorings, new effects. ' " , ALSO ' ' Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, L Belts Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. Things You Need For Menibrial D ay The First Summer'Holiday Store Open Friday Evening and Closed All Day Saturday! Summer Clothing must give service as the result of real quality. No question of the goods standing up . under wear ' and keeping their shape because of the weight or heaviness of the fabric. No Sir! ? Our Summer Clothing, al- though of the thinnest and coolest practical fabrics, gives a service you cannot .overlook because it' is quality clothing in every detail. i Our Summer Clothing Is ol the . Kind You Can Wear WllthouOTorry or Apprehension it responds to every practical quality test before it was considered good enough to offer you. Our requirements are rrigid all clothing offered us can't pass our civil service, examination for, quality. Your interests are protected at everv point. - .. -- a . . ' . , - - SS? -$i 0, 12.50, 15, $16.50 So L. System Clothing $15 up; Rogers Peet & Co. Clothing $18.50 to $35; Society '. v Brand Clothing $18.50 to $35 . , . ' $35 I ;: :l ' K t :, a LABOR MEN SUSPICIOUS OF TRADE EDUCATION IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rain and wind added to by the down pour of water last nig-tit, seemed only to add to the interest which is taking: a grood healthy growth on the mem bers . of . organized labor In - the big demonstration on next Liabbr Iay. With months yet In which to pre pare for the coming' convention In this city of the State Federation of Jabpr with, its opening by a monster parade and festivities Bridgeport is assured of a big time. ' The big meeting of Central .Labor union-last night proved of much Interest.', Reportsfrom prac tically every " local represented .guar anteed that the goal of labor men .all over the state on Labor Day next will be the Park City. ,: "' While "as yet the time is somewhat early the labor organizations of this city are working to the end of success for their. efforts in behalf of the State Federation convention during the week of Labor Day., x ...... v Much- comment, 'rather adverse to the scheme of trade education in the public schools, was aired at last night's meet. Otherwise than adverse to bet tering the education of our growing youth, : the labor organizations of the city "can see an ulterior motive in the teaching of trades - in our ' public schools. Giving the subject a thorpugh dissection the labor men seem to put their stamp of disapproval on the in-, novation of trade education" in - our public schools. Opinions expressed- by leaders in the labor movement' seem' to have a lead, and. It Is towards the end of selfishness on the part of some one not wholly In sympathy with ' bet tering conditions of the toilers in our factories and kindred callings. ' A prominent labor man " asked- this morning why organized labor opposed tne teaching of trades in our public schools replied: - - "Does it not stand to reason-, that . the knowledge gained by our school " youths In the. 'dlffereTit- branches of industrial 1 callings in our TRUM Mrs-. Burr T. Beach is entertaining her aunt, Mrs. Wlllifm Smith of Strat ford, for a few days. - f Miss . Minnie Pike, Miss Bessie Wright and W. Wright of Bridgeport, were recent guests of . Mrs. Jennie Bowker at her home in the center. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore J. Hawley, of 27 Hough avenue, Bridgeport, " re turned home Sunday evening from a motor trip through Southington, 'New Britain and Meriden. 'Mr. - Hawley is the owner of the "Elriore" fruit and poultry farm of this placer Miss Pauline Warmke recently spent the day in Fairfield. v Miss Minerva Lounsbury of Port Chester. N. Y.; is spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Flint, of Daniels Farm. Hon. and Mrs. Morris, Beari3ley and Miss Amelia Beardsley, were visitors at the Congregational church Sunday morning. ;',- " T Sylvester Flock, of Vine, street, Bridgeport, is moving his family into the Lund place, which he '.recently purchased in Daniels carmn. Milton Decker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Decker of Bridgeport, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs.- Plumb B. "Kichols of this place, had the mlsfor whilK at nlav to fall from a rock. breaking his arm above the elbow. Elbert S. Brinsmade is spending a few days in Shelton doing' carpenter -. . , - . i rtwotfl!i will teiach in ill I n.ii m.. . .T-i t white Pla.in9 school. again next year. - Miss Dorothr MaJ-l-tte's place ' in Room. No. 1 will be taken by Miss Louisa Cozier of Nor walk " - " ' " Mrs. Willard . S. Plumb f of " White Plains, attended the annual luncheon of tho Bridgeport Ax-y ?fue, held, Monday afternoon at the' Brooklawn J ctu ATFOR D i damage -was done-lout the town yesterday by the violent wind norm which blew for ; some time in the afternoon. Several of tho smaller boats which are -moored in the river and creek, broke loose and many were tossed about, doing a great deal of damage to them. Branches and limbs of trees were blown off, endangering those who happened to be near in em. A large maple tree was blown com pletely dow.i in front of the property owned toy Walter Hanford on Linden avenue.- At Hard's comer a trolley car caught Are and for some time the, -passengers were greatly frightened. The storm was the hardest in some years.. ,. . . K'BW TRACKS fLAID. , : The trolley tracks at Hard's corner been taken up and new ones willte laid. The curve, however, will te made mueh larger than formerly, as there were many objectionable fea7 turea in the fcharp curves. The real dents of the vicinity will no douibt be triad to hear of the change, as it -will mean much less noise especially at night when it disturbed every one, , PERSONALS. Dr. Elizabeth Peck of Philadelphia 5s - visiting Mrs. William B. Peek of Peck's- Mill. - - Harry Barrrum hacs accepted a post tion with the Stratford Auto -Leather Goods Co. on Linden avenue. Robert Brandt of Warwick .avenue Is spending . several weeks in Massa . chusetts. ' ' Fred and Marcus' Garry of South Elm street, both of -whom are em pjoyed in New Haven, have decided to live in that city so as to be nearer their work. - They will leave town next week. . - Miss Catherine Falls of Baston has been visiting friends In town. ; WHIST AND SOCIAL. Tomorrow evening there will he a whist and social- at Hibernian hall on Hamilton street. The a train will be held under the auspices of the local division of A. O. 31. After the whist, dancing will be enjoyed. The pro ceeds of the evening will help toward .paying- for one of the windows in the new St. James church. . CHURCH eUPPTJR. . A large number are expected to be p recent at the supper to toe held this : evening in the Congregational church chapel by the Ladies Altar society, of the ' church. Supper cWill foe served from 5:30 until 7:30 and the proceeds will toe added - to the parish . bouse fund. . ' - - V RED MEN" TO HOLD SERVICE. ' On next Monday. ; evening the - local tribe of .Red Men will .liold a Memo rial day service in their new hall on Church street. The meeting will be open to the pulblic and It is earnestly hoped that a large number will - be present. Musical selections and eev eral fine , addresses- will make up the program. ;. . ; - . . , - . -- ; SENIOR. OLASS DAT. :-: Senior class day-will be held soon in the local Hlgn ' sdhool, : Th,e class is preparing- for this day and plans to have a very-fine program. At a. re cent meeting of the class the follow ing were chosen to write the different papers read on class day: Class his tory,. Maurice Baker; class will, Myra Curtis; class poem, Vincent Sexton; claias prophecy, Grace Aufford, i NEWTOWN ; V (Special td The Farmer.) , ' Newtown, May 28 -Elizabeth Wheel er, wife, of Homer G-. Clark of. G-ray's Plain district, died Tuesday night af ter an illness of .some months. The deceased - was i a successful school teacher in town toef ore ' her niarr iage to Mr. Clark. -Tihe late Silas Wheeler of Hanover, a renowned educator and long a member of -Newtown's educa tional board, was her, father. Besides her husoand, she is survived, toy one son, ... George,, a youth .of t sixteen. A daughter died about-, eight months ago and the decline in toealth of the moth er followed. ' i FUNERAL OP 'MARGUERITE!1 I , . , CAVANAUGH The . funeral of - Marguerite . R. - Oav anangh - ocourred from her mother's home : Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock and from St. Rose's church at 10:30 with ahlgh mass of requiem ceU ebrated by Rev. Father Slnnott. The casket was embowered in a wealth of flowers, both set pieces and .bouquets, the affectionate offerings of the sodal ity of the Children of Mary, the High School Alumni, association, the teach., era and - students of. the High school, the Newtown Bee start and of per sonal and family friends of Newtown and" (Btrfdgeyort. A delegation from the Children, of Mary acted as a guard of honor, and. the' pall 'bearers were cousins, -Ctharles and George Carroll,' Gordon and Harry Monahan and, Frank Don Ion of Bridgeport. The flower . bearers were Robert T. Brad ley and MHohael Cavanaugh of New town. At the .conclusion of the mass .Miss Mbd-y Callahan sang the favorite hymn of the deceased, and at her re-,, quest. In" her. dying moments, "Some" Sweet Day." "Nearer . My God to TJwsef " was . sung .toy the choir, as the funeral cortege moved . out of . the church. Among the outrof-town mourners and relatives attending the-' obeseojuies were Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Dawe, Mir. and Mrs. D. C. Carroll, Charles and George Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Monahan, Gordon, Carroll and Harry Monahan, Miss Helen Mon ahan, Mr. and Mlrs. Thomas Farrell, Frank Donlon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lecky, Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty, Mrs. Patrick Curtin and - the Jitlisses Julia and Mary Moran of -Bridgeport.' The Interment was -in the family plot In St. Rose's cemetery. Funeral Di rector B. W. Troy had the arrange ments in charge. MR. AND MRS. T. F. BREIW BNiTBRTAIN Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Brew entertained the members of the 'Newtown basket ball team and friends and promoters of. the pastime, including ex-Representative A. J. Gallagher,- at their pleasant home last night. Music, songs and games were indulged in and refreshments -were served, all re porting an excellent time. 1 NHwsrr PTEiMs. Sray Plain baseball team (have a date with the Long Hill baseball team next Saturday on the school house grounds In Gray's Plain. Dougless Painting Co., of Bridge port, have -contracted ' for .the interior decoration of the summer home of. Dwdght Wheler in the borough which work they expect to have completed 'by next Saturday. Mr. Wheeler's fam ily will arrive next week. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Corbett of Dan- bury were in town '. this week, guests of Mj. A. Corbett. -. Many Newtown friends will be sorry to know- that 'Mrs. J. W. Gordon -while on - a ' vacation in New Haven " was taken ill, and sent to the New- Haven hospital this week, threatened 'with typhoid fever. ' ' .v.. -5-A -'--v - J- .. -. , A, EL White of Sandy Hook Is em ployed on : the - Bridgeport and New town state road, driving to work and returning daily. ' . -, .-' . - -e Mrs. Eld son Sanford has returned to her home in Sandy Hook for the sum mer. .r Mrs. John H. Nash of Shelton is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. James Egan near, the borough' line. i Mrs. C M. (Smith was a visitor in the Park City- Wednesday. ;-.' ; Miss Clara C. Lockwood of Southf bury wdll graduate as trained nurse from Che "Bridgeport -Hospital Train ing school today. She is well known in town. - ' STEPNEY . Mr. ' and Mrs. D. E.. -psborne enter tained as guests at their home on Sun day Mrs. ' Harriet , Feck" and1 Miss Marion . Peck of Bridgeport and Mr Charles Wilcoxson of Stratford.. .-.-. .- The Sunday school of the Methodist church isjr. practicing for a children's day concert to -be given1. In the early part of June. - " Mrs; Sylvester Nichols and children of Bridgeport' have been the guests this week ol Mrs. Albert Fairchild.-: i Mrs. Carrie Elwell is spending this week in Norwalk where she is at tending a convention of the King's Daughters of which she is county sec retary. ' '. - ' . ' ' - - Miss Marjorie Connors has enter tained as her guest for a few days her brother, Harry Connors of Waterbury. .Miss Alice' Sammis who has been confined to the . house for several weeks' past-.-with scarlet fever is ' con valescing "and is now able to he out again., - . r - . - Miss Emma Mellenc who recently re-, turned from Easten is spending a few days with Mrs. - Eveline Kasson. Joseph Duvak who resides '. in the Miller place . while' returning from Bridgeport last Saturday was thrown f om his-' wagon, his horse becoming badly frightened: Mr. Duvak was taken to the Bridgeport hospital for treatment. ' . -" Flowers for .Memorial - Day. . .The ..- custom of placing flowers on the graves ' of the departed has in creased each year and now most every one does something in the wayvof dec Orating the graves, either with a bou quet . of, flowers, "Or- some flowering plants. 1 John Reck, & Son have made extra preparations for this oc casion and , their flower shop, at 985 Main street ;. Is certainly, a bower of beauty and well worth a visit from all. flower lovers. Adv.' . Open Friday Night. V Seelys women's waist shop. Security building, will toe open Friday nigiht nntil 9 o'clock and closed all day as usual Memorial - day. See adv. in to day's issue tfor many exceptional val ues in women's waists, summer dress es, coats and wash skirts. Adv. Vases and Window Boxes Filled JOHN RECK & SON. TIMELY v, SUGGESTIONS COMMENCEMENT rOT FAR A WAV ' How about your gift? Better come here and let us help you. We would suggest jewelry as the most accepta ble and always appropriate. We have now many novelties and a complete line of the latest creations in all that's Jewelry: - Diamonds, Watches, Brooches, LaVal tteres, Necklaces, Tins, Lockets,Brace lets. Oat Glass, Silverware, eta. Ton willl find in our line everything that's nifty and tasty. We would suggest a birthday ring as a very ap propriate commencement gift. Don't forget the June bride. Soon time to think of her. We have the gift that she will appreciate.-. Come In and we will assist 3ou in. choosing.- . , ' , J. BUECDLER THE RJEKJABTjS: jkwkler 48 FAIRFIELD ATB, Near Middle Stfe public schools is negative? The place to teach the youth the knowledge he must have to make a good craftsman is right where that particular kind of work is being done and being paid for. Let a man know that he Is fereing paid for doing something that requires first class work and he is more apt to give that particular work all that is in him to the end of a good Job. Then, 'it fol lows that the apprentice under super vision by the ..mechanic': will absorb knowledge first hand. This knowledge will be of the best and is bound to toe of the practical kind." , ! Tour help, and advice is solicited to the end of 'giving our mutual'- city a big demonstration of labor . men and their - friends next September. Organ- iezd labor say they, solicit your help to the, common end of municipal bet terment and: public interest. . POINTS OF- INTEREST. Radford "B. Smith -has lots of goods that people -want for Memorial Day and to accommodate them will - keep the store open until 8 p. - m., Friday. Best place to get hammocks,: awnings. tents, bathing . suits, underwear,- boat lights and life . preservers, electric bat teries, flags, decoration goods and many other, -articles people-, have to have. Go to the - sale Friday. Adv. , Big .arrival of fresh fish to be sold at very low prices. W. D. Cook & Son Just received a fine, lot of bluefish, weakfish, yellowfln, sea trout, ' harbor blues, .butterflsh, carp, porgles, fresh mackerel, ; eels, . flatfish, steak codfish, hallbutj' fresh haddock, pollock, roe shad, - cut shad, 1 Long , Island - round clams, little " neck clams, soft shell live : lobsters,' old fashion salt codfish, salt mackerel and all other kinds of fresh 'fish, which they will sell at very low prices. Plenty lemons and, limes, to. be. .sold .at .very low prices. .; W. D. Oook & Son, 523 Water street.-Adv. Following a street fight at " Co manche, Texas, between Congressman Oscar Gallaway and Judge Sam Hun ter,: who Is opposing him for.renomina tlon. Callaway was arrested for as .sault and Hunter for' carrying . con cealed weapons. - . ': SREC HADDOCK . . . i . . . . . -........... ... ...... . . ...... 5e lb LIVE COD, ....... . , 5c lb BUTTKKFISH 5c lb PORGIES T .s 5c lb NATIVE FLATFISH '. . . .v. . : . .... . . 1 . . 5c lb LARGE BLOATER MACKEREL . . . ,. . . . . : . . . . . . 25c each BLUEFISH . ; 8c lb LARGE PRIME SOFT SHELL CRABS . . . . . . 50c per doz. HAYES' FISH CO. 629 WATER STREET, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. i 4 - . "- c: . . a i f. I ',a'''M''"W",',Su''r'"W'" -tMn 1 . ..OPENING Newi Summer Trimmed Hats New Model Pattern Hats just received at Popular Prices All' for Summer Wear W. E. HALLIGAN 989 BROAD STREET. - -"-T-lit j-r-T . , TOUH BEDSPREADS Zict M, launder diem without streUilas tliem! Then .they'll lay perfectly amootb and even when pnt on the bed flame with the Sheets and Pillow Cases. We do, m tot . of work for. a little money. Phone as - to end for your package today' . . - The Crawford Laundry j Co. FATRHELD AVE. AND. OOCRTXiAND- SX - '' -.t X'hone 4320 -",..."-'''. ' -.- -, P TRADE MARK t It takes a very good oow to produce one pound of batter each day. Would yon milk a cow twice every day for the price of a pound of butter? .-.-. Buy the KEYSTONE BRAND and supply your table with f resb chwned butter, and save the disagreeable labor connected with playing the part of a "Gentleman farmer." V - frank:' c. gernert, " ...... ( Wholepale Dealer. . r r"1 Jnmltg Sua Ill ffi t . M M M i: resh Caught 60 i J Specials For Friday Large Bloater Mackerel i7. . . . . ... ... 23c each I Fancy White Steak Halibut ........ . . . ... 12 l-2c lb Porgies .'.y. . - - ..... ... ... 5c lb I Butterfish . . .... . ....... . .... .-." ... 5c lb i Large Cocktail Bluefish r ... . 9c lb Native Flatfish ........... -s-. .-. ... : 5c' lb j Sea" Bass . . . t. 5c lb Steak Cod :. 8c lb Fresh Shore Haddock - . oc lb Soft Shell Crabs . , . 40c doz l Live Lobsters, Direct from Maine 22c lb i Fancy" Connecticut River Roe, Cut and Buck Shad, I Eels, Little Necks, Bakers, Steamers, Opened Long and; Round Clams, Blue Points, Salt, Pickled and Canned Fish ; of all kinds. , . ; . . 7X' : i .MT DEPARTMENT ' J ; Legs of Mutton . v . ..V. v. .v. . i . . . . . . . . . 14c lb Legs of Spring Lamb . ... ... . 18c lb Good Chuck Rib -Roasts of Beef ....... . . 14c lb Good Pot Roasts of Beef J .12c to 14c lb Small Lean Fresh Shoulers ... .'. ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 14c lb Native Fresh Hams 20c Ih Small Lean Pork Roasts . . . . . 16c lb AH the fresh Pork Cuts, Hocks, Heads, Feet, Tails, Ribs, Bones and Leaf Lard.. ' . "NATIVEt DRESSED VEAL ' '. 1 Legs of Veal '". ' . . . . ... ...... ......... 20c lb j Shoulders to Roast . , . . .......... . ... .'.; ..... . lGc lb Rumps and Loins . ........... .'? . . : 20c lb i Choice. Pot Pie pieces V. ..... . . ....... y, 12c to 14c lb ; s! :-v' ' SMOKED MEATS Plate Corned Beef . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . ...... . 8c lb Sugar Cured Hams , 17c lb Smoked Shoulders . . i ....... . .' ...... 14c lb Sugar Cured Bacon . . '. 1 . . 18e lb Bean Salt Pork l. ............ .. . ........... . 11c lb : 1 : : QUALITY "POULTRY -,- . .,' ' "J " Stewing Fowl 1 ... . ... ... . :, . . J. . 14c 'lb Fancy Roasting Chickens ... ... . . ... . . . . 23c and 25c Turkeys . . . . . 28c to 30c 11) Choice Western Fowl .......... . ...... 22c lb Fancy Long Island Spring Ducks v. . . . 22c lb Home Dressed Broilers, Native Squabs, ' Guinea Squabs, Guinea Hens, Etc. . FRESH NATIVE VEGETABLES Finest display in the city Everything for the taL, y GROCERY BULLETIN ' Armours Grape Juice, large bottle 45c; pints 25c: small 10c Apple Juice, bottles . ... , . ..... . 15c and 25c Marshmallow Whip for preparing delicious Marshm&llow desserts .... . . . . . . .' . . . -i lOc and 15c Ceylon Tea for making Iced Drinks 49c lb Williams Root Beer Extract . v ........... . 2 bottles 25c Orange and Lemon Sugar for making delicious drinks ..v. I .......... : 10c and 5c Robinson Marmalade, 1 lb Jars 14c; 2 lb Jars 25e; 4 lb tins 45c: 7-lb tins in iars $1.25. . A full line of Canned Meats, Baked Beans, Roasted Meats, Salads, Etc. ; BAKERY DEPARTMENT Wine Cakes, Duchess and Ice Cream Cakes . . . . lCc each Angel, Sunshine and Tutti Fruitti Cakes . 15c Twisted Crullers '. . i.. . 123 doz Coffee Cakes . . . . , . . . ... ..... 5c and 10c each Cheese Cakes'-, i ."'.- . . . ." ' -... .:. . . . . 15c ;. Pound, Raisin and Dark FruiJk Cakes . ... . . ...... 10c Mocha Layer Cakes ..... 25"c and S5e Graham, Entire, Sweet Rye and Raisin Bread 5c each All kinds of Bread, Rolls, Buns and Biscuits. ' ''. " FRUITS Pineapples"'..' .... - 15c and 18c Navel Oranges 25c, 30' and 35o-doz ; Grape Fruits, medium . . . - 4 ipr-2,c i Grape Fruits, large . ... .... . . . . . . . . .;. .j. . . --- ! 3 fo'2ic ; ' -r, ' NOTICE "; Our Store will close Saturday at 12 o'clock, Noon Opened Friday evening, orders taken up to 10 o'clock : Saturday morning. ' ; 4 I f'r PUBLIC MA STATE A1ID BAHH STS. . BAOT ITAHT-CT . Phcnea. -- -fTALti PAPERS. 1M4 BESIGNS BETTEB THAK ETTEH : ' . ALSO THE BEST PAINTS. OEUS, VARNIKECES, ETC tjaeesrde rx7g border better, than hardwood f1kl2ij . . , easy to keep clean , . ., ';".,'-: .caljuat' THE JOS. P. COUGHUN COn T88 EAST MAIN" STREET ' . . . y PHONE 43 B j 34a-One is a Iktht nore oil com- Tjonnd that never omma. XinUin lnbricates nerfectlr sewine machine, tv uowriters.bicvcles.lock3. clocks. aa. la wnmovwrs rrvtbiae that ever needs oilinor in -tout home r. Ka erreaae. No acid. A little X-in-CYnt mi a soft cloth cleans mnA Ttr1?slwi -nerf4r7 all Ttflmud tar iram'aTi.rl nrnltnre and woodwork. Snrlnkled on a vard of black cheesecloth it makes an ideal DustUts Dvettmt CtaCft. 3-in-One absolutely jiravnts rust on run barrels, auto fixtures, bath room fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat which stays on. Frwe Write today for generous frm bottle and the 3-inrOne Dictionary of hundreds of uses. 3-tn-On old im all fod ttures in 3-size bottles: 10c (1 oz.), 25c (3 ox.). 50c (o 7 VaAf. Also in new patented Handy Oil Can, 25c (JJX at.). 55.TTff.Cl TV TC flTT. f.niWS A "W V a 42 D A Bmm)r Haw -STark CU fV .T..)1 (lO V ': Of. - THE PEOPLE'S i DAIRY 130 State Street r as IID.11.-T1jjES FKBSH FROM THE HT7ISN GEO. "A. ROBERTSON RS 3 QEO. B. CLARK & CO.: Agents For 1057-1073 BROAD STREET OTrTOSXTJS TTOVX OXVSOM '..