Newspaper Page Text
;THE FARMER: MAY 28, 1914 : : '- - : Closed Saturday .All Day Open Friday Until io p. m. Black and white effects are strdng for spring, practical too and there's no place outside of this store where you can see a better assortment. , Prices range from" $15.00 to $25.00. . Many different patterns. ' We have a wide range in grays and fancy mixtures from $10 up to $25.00. 5 v Blue serge suits for .$12, $15, $18 $20 and $25. , 'Special 'values in gray and blue, suits for $15.00. Shirts, soft or laundered cuffs; $1.00,. $1.50; others in soft cuffs, $2.00 and up to $5.00. 'New neckwear, underwear, soft collars, belts, invisible suspenders, flannel or duck trousers. Arrow combination shirt suits, $2.60 to $4.00. SMART CLOTHES AND FURNISHINGS" ' ,1227-1223 MAIIT STREET - Stratileld Hotel Building v - AIRFIELD The storm which swept .over this town yesterday did much . damage to property. ; A large tree infrontof the Morris home on areenfleld Hill was blown down and damaged he house. Tbe roof ,on the barn -of Wfl liara Dixon was -blown away while much damage was done to the crops. The. peach, orchard of George Wake mar was badly damaged while several trees in his yard were also Mown down. Trees along the trolley line were blovn down and- had; o be re moved by the wrecking crew of the Connecticut company. ' ' .' 4.asa Warp and Bessie Vanschife were before Justice "Worthy yesterday morning-. The women were wreeted charged with breach of .the peace. In each case the : women were 'fined $3 and costs. ' .' ! ; - ' " . A meeting of Fire District N 1 wilt be held about the middle of the "month a-t whiois time a repprjt will be read i a i egards to -the n ew a"u t amob lie, chemical which is to 1e purchased.; ., , , Mrs. John Worthy, wife of Justice "W orthy, la visiting- at the home Of her SOU' in 2?rwlfc ; - .!. : C; '--' r I " ' '-' ":- George Pease, who has been ill Tor came time, Is much improved in health. William Curry and ron are spending- a few days' at the home of lnends in Danbury. .,,' . , Miss Anna Morgan has returned to iser home from a short visit with rela tives In New York. . . ' v ... . Walter Thomas and John Burke of Kew Britain are Spending a few. days with -Mr. . ttnd Mrs. George Gould.' : . Miss Anna. Sishop has returned home from' a visit with friends in New Tork. - Frank Chase la visiting at the home of friends in prange, N.' J.. '. '.; . Judge S. . A. Purdy returned yester day from, a business trip to New York- - - , . WESTPORT A large number . gathered at. Hotel Square last evening and enjoyed the rst open air concert of the season by the Wheeler & Wilson band. Lor,en Ielbridge of Bridgeport was 4 beard in a number of selections. A special trolley car conveyed the band from efts d to Bridgeport.' v ' - 1 : Several large ' trees on the. trolley line between this place and Norwali were blown 'dowrf during the itorm yesterday afternoon Traffic was tied up until the trees could be removt ed. ' f '-. ' . -;-..,':; v The regular meeting of the Benefi cent society of' the Congregational church was held yesterday afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. E. U. Ktibbell.. Sewing was enjoyed until a late hour T5-ht tea ,was served.' : t '." The Kemper tannery Is, to. have 4 new boiler put into their factory. ; Miss Ruth MacFarland . left y yester day morning for a, trip to New- Jer sey. : - - -' ,- .. ' ' .'...; .; The annual meeting of the Willow Brook Cemetery association wes held winjs. yesterday . afternoon" at the- aDle building-.'1 - ,' Dr. and MrS.pj?.JacFarland 'have re turned to their home after ' spending a. few days at their place at 'Hastings-en-The-Hudson. , :. -..J -... . ' IN MEMORY OF - - V. W. PORTER, FORMER ' SHELTON SOHOOt PRINCIPAL . ' Exercises are to be held tomorrow at Shelton school, Wheeler avenue and Alice streetr at the i unveiling of beautiful . stained ' glass window. In. memory of the late W. W. .Porter, for many years principal of the school The window is being paid for by school teachers , from the whole city. The two programs will consist of recitations and . musical numbers by the pupils of the different grades in the school, with! appropriate remarks by Principal E. E. Cortrlght. Visitors wiu, De welcome anytime between -the hours of 9 in the morning and 3:30 in the afternoon. , ' - ' The. rooms oir the lower floor will hold their: exercises at 11 o'clock-and those oh '.the upper' floors at 2:30 o'clock. . ;.''..': Among those who will participate In the programs- will be Madeline Harri man, Catherine s . Flynn, Emmy Lou Havens, Florence ; Schana. Elizabeth Havens, Margaret Cisko,t Marjorie Adams, Mary Kelley, Elsie Raab, Lil lian 'Klein, Caryl Lange, James Cram. William Dick, Russell Buckingham, Isadore Eonopky, Vincent -Holmes, Lorrie "Meyer, Rollin Clark, Jean Geissler, George Haggerty, Benjamin Leipner,. Theodore Randall, Raymond Pardy, Hedwig Schweizer, , Eugene Rau, Frank Clark, and others. , - ; THE WEATHER FORECAST GENERAL. ( Severe local thunderstorms have oc curred during- the last 24 .hours in the southern portion of the , 'lake region and along .the- coast from Virginia to Massachusetts. Showers Were , also reported from Colorado eastward s to Illinois and from' Texas northward', to South Dakota. ,: There has been a CLe cided fall' In temperature in tbe lake region and the. northern, portion of New England. A trough of low- press ure' extends from - Colorado northward to Canada.;. ; .- -",:-..:.'.. '-.- . v" NEW HAVEN. Forecast: Fair and cooler .- tonight; Friday fair. . - : v - . ' STATE., . , ' '-. r Fair and somewhat cooler tonight; Friday, cloudy moderate ,i northwest ... Automobile drivers' should light their lamps at .7:46 o'clock tonight. There are 21 cases of scarlet fever at the state prison- In Auburn. 1ST. Y. if: J0 Slioes for ' Men ;. These shoes please arid fit. i If you wear them once you'll be a constant wearer. Easy on the feet and"asv on the pocketbook. ? All leathers. High 6r low cut $4.00. A1TD UPWARD Store Open Friday Evening. Closed All bay Saturday No Charges or Ap provals During This Sale ' " Store Open Friday ' . Evening Closed Scturd-y Friday will, toe a ay oS-Rlew lairi - A UUlL o anM mi. Eira V&Mm m C:2 ? . Outstanding indebtedness and a r retiring partner must be paid. That's why we make such sacrifices.- , : : Wearables for Decoration Day will be bpught tomorrow in this Big Sale at prices that will astound for their lowness. Much money saving is made possible for . all Pro-Holiday Shoppers Friday. Read carefully, this Bargain Bulletin: ' . , Thousands of. dollars CACII must be raised at once to tclra care of matters incident to dico-lutioh--that's the reason for this enormous price cutting. .-. . . Friday, in Time For Decoration Day Buying, Unusual Dress Bargains in tbe Dissolution Sale Every sort of a dress that isT smart in style and mostly wanted for summer wear will be found among these rare bargains, begin; ning tomorrow.. In all these dresses will be found the new long tunic effects that have.met with such remarkable favor, among the truly' fashionable folk. , ' ' . ' , - - ONE SAMPLE LOT of crepe voile dresses, ' a delightfully styled, new washable dresss in white and colors. Values $15 to $20.- 1 . 1 .' - SPECIAL AT $8.75 CREPE VOILE DRESSES with the new long tunic effect, all col 1 ors, including maize, heliotrope, pink and Copenhagen. Values $15 , . ... w 1 . .SPECIAL AT $9.75 WHITE STRIPED CREPE DRESSES with new; lonpr tunic and' : - stylish IAlv ' collar SPECIAL AT . $5.75 FOLKADOT VOILE -DRESSES in many pretty models, aU pos sessing thenew long.'tunie i . .' SPECIAL AT $5.00' A LOT OF STRIPED 1 CREPE - voile dresses, new models . : . ..... i . - .SPECIAL AT $1.93 EYELET EMBROIDERY- dresses in Copenhagen, rose and helio- trope and with new long tunic . . .SPECIAL AT $5.00 ; FRENCH LINEN DRESSES with long tunics in all colors. " Value . $9 . 1 . . , . ... : . . .SPECIAL AT $6.45 RATINE DRESSES in 'all colors and white, with new lone: tunic effect .SPECIAL AT $4.95 EVENING- DRESSES of. inessaline and taff eta.striking models and beautifullv adorned ' Values $15. 1 . .'. J . . , SPECIAL AT $6,75 CREPE METEOR DRESSES for street wear in a err eat variety of best styles and .colors. -Vaiiies $25. . . . .SPECIAL AT $12.95' " HOUSE DRESSES, new lot of good percales in pleasing patterns. V Values 75e. SPECIAL- AT 45c; Others, values $1.00 . ....... . . SPECIAL AT 69c Another Deep Cut in Suit Prices FILLS DAY PRIOR TO DECORATION PAY WITH FUL SUIT-BUYING OPPORTUNITIES Our entire stock of ultra-fashionable " suits" divided into two lots and tagged at prices which make these', ihe greatest wearing apparel values ever offered. in the city at this season of the year , these underpricings have only for their cause the great monev-i a " -ing purposes of the DISSOLUTION SALE.'- . LOT NO. 1 , ALL SUITS All colors and materials, includ : ing silks formerly priced at $30,, $35. and $40 , NOW LOT NO. 2 ALL SUITS All colors and materials of th , . :. season - -' Formerly priced up to C25 NOV CRINHLED CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS ;:- J $5 VAIiTTES AT These , beautif ul - crinkled crepe de chine waists are in malzv, flesh and white, and have - tbe ixew 141 y collars. . Tliey're sptendld examples of the new, - -altra-faeiiionable waists tl lat smart . dressers will wear this summer. - ; $2 VOILE WAISTS It ail i rr All of oar -very pretty and altogether stylish jiew voile waists are offered In tbe Dis solution Sale-, at $1.45 they sell regularly for $2.00. A LARGE QUANTITY OF NEW $1.00 WAICTS AT 7Cc CREPE DE C ; .WAISTS '$5, VAXiUKS AT . 7 psm . These crepe do dijn- waintn aXso txire in the far- ionable colors of mize ful white. The. 11 v - collars on th!e modnlD aro emhroldertl bm also are t cufls. dinmtnx stvli ot this lot of waiwts. . - Select from these new, cotton voile waists in the Dissolution at 78c. They're flmlv styled and In a variety of the best models. They're also genuine dollar Ti-aisia markeri Jn this busy, value-giving event at 7c .-,.. .. II MUSLIN UNDERWEAR . IN THE f , DISSOLUTION SALE PETTICOATS "Ladies'- petticoats made of soft muslin and ' nainsook, some with embroidery flounces and insertions to match. Others with llounces - of solid val and shadow laces, nice- ' ly finished with ribbon run- inser- tions. ! i - ' ' : -- ,'-- ' Formerly sold at $3.00. Sale price . . ; . . . . . ; -. . .-. , ... $2.35 Formerly sold at $2.25. : Sale price ;' : '. . -.......... . - . . i. .$1.79 Formerly sold at $2.00. Sale price , u . . . i ;. . ........ $1.5 Formerly sold at $1.00 and , $1.26. """ Sale price . . i . . 87o Formerly sold rat 79c 'and . $1.00. ' Sale price . . 7c DRAWERS i ."v. ' i . - : i. : '' .'-' - . toadies' drawers of good quality i muslin, , crepe, batiste , and nain sook with ruffles of lace and em broidery. These , are circular,, - .straight, Helena and bloomer styles. -Formerly sold at $1.00 and $1.25. - Sale price . .-. . . ,87c Formerly sold at 50c r Sale price ' ' . . . ... . ; . . . .'. . 42c Women's Summer, weight Union Suits fancy tops, sleeveless, lace or tight knee, in all sizes,. Sale price ......... . 44c . Extra sizes, only, in Women's shap ed vests,, low neck, sleeveless or short sleeves. Price 21c ... Women's snaped vests, sleeveless or short sleeves. Regular , sizes 12 l-2c; extra size 15c. Comfy cut vests for women with . he hold fast shoulder strap, reg . "ular sines only 12 l-2c Ask to see our reduced woolen i garments, also heavy and medium . weight cotton. All reductions be ing?, below' cost. . ... COMBINATIONS Iadies'. Combinations, made of ' fine nainsook, - batiste and crepe; drawers circular and straight with ,: ruffles - of Swiss embroidery and lace. Covers prettily trimmed with vaL edgings and ribbon run head ings, also some made of all over embroideries. . Formerly sold at $3.00. ' Sale. price ; . . . ......... . . . : $2.85 Formerly sold at $2.00. Sale price ...... . i .- ..... . ... .-. $1.79 Formerly sold at $1.25. Sale price . . . . . 98c Formerly sold at $1.00. Sale price .1 . . . .'. . :., 67C NIGHT GOWNS Jjadies' night gowns.made of fine nainsook, silk mull and crepe with yokes and sleeves, nicely trimmed with lace and "Swiss embroideries; some empire, others with high ana V necks. ' : -- ", . Formerly sold at $2.25.. Sale price ..... . $1.79 Formerly sold at $2.00. Sale-price .,.-..' , . . . .-. $1.59 Formerly sold at $1.00 and $1.25. Sale price ! .... .'. . . .a-. . .87c Formerly sold at $1.00 and 79c. Sale price ....... 67c PRINCESS SLIPS Ladies' fine, nainsook and mus lin . princess slips -withw flounces of embroidery, val and linen laces, tops prettily trimmed with val.lace and ribbon run beadings. Formerly sold at $3.00. Sale pric, . ....... $2.35 New lot of Princess Slip made of ..fine nainsook covers, prettily - trimmed back and front, with genuine val. Skirts with solid val '. lace flounces, these slips are made to button in front, all sizes, ..Regular $.00 value. Sale price . ... ; . . . . . . J... . . . $1.98 Formerly sold at $2.00 and $2.25. Sale price ................ $1.59 Formerly sold at $1.50. Sale price - 7C Embroidery SFIoiiiilii:f i JUST ARRIVED -ABOUT 2,000 YDS. A lot of 27 inch Swiss, embroideries,' f louncings, lace effects, with an ex ceptional good finish ' of scroll and flower : designs and other patterns at less than half their actual prices. Ranging from 29c to 69c a yard. These goods will be sold at these prices as long as - they last, are adoptable for the latest spring v dresses, and r the swiss and cambric of which they are worked are of the highest quality. 29c to 69c A YARD. REI.IARKABLE REDUCTIONS IK RAINCOATS , $15 Cravenette Coats ! for tAdles, ' reduced to ............ . $9.75 $10 Tweed Coats for ladies, reduc- i ed to . .jt . . . . . . i $6.75 $5.00 Raincoat for ladies, reduced to . . .......... . .$3.75 ALIi GXTARASTTEED TO BE -. RAINPROOF. :Greatly"?;;; Rediic THAT WE WILL SELL AT THE REDUCED PRICES AS ' LONG AS THEY LAST. SHIRTS Our Ouaranteed Nerfolk Shirts in all the newest patterns. Regular $1.00. Sale price .....87c Nofade Soft Shirts, regular price ' $1.B0. Sale price ........ $1.19 Princely negligeei - shirts, regular price 6 9 c. Sale price . ... 64c t . i- : : " . ' ' ' V ... ' NECKWEAR All our 25o and 29c Neckwear. .19c BOYS' -BATHING TRUNKS 2c per pair. .. , MEN'S HOSE Men's Lisle-Hose, 12 Vic values, in ' black, gray, navy, tan and white .. .-.i... .10c Men' Silk .lisle Hose. 25c values, all colors.' Sale price ....'.'.19c B.V.D. 'UNDERWEAR ' 'Men's genuine B. V, T. tr -lir. wear In athletic shirts ad i1 ',w. ers. Sold all otw for 5 Jo. . Sale price " ' -, MEN'S b. i. r.i ,v f ."I. : Regular $1.00, Garments, Sale price 7c ,AU our 50c Balbrlgg-an fndor- r ; 41- .All our men's 25c Underwear In : Balbriggan,, Nainsook , and Ath. letlc. Sale price ........ I9c Balbriggan Underwear.. ' r's-il-r price 88c. Sale price 4 . - Striped soisette Pajamas,' fast col ors, regular' price '98c. Sale Price . , s ... ....... ... 59C h. Berkshire Conch Hammock, complete with chains, nation al . i spridg, wind shield and mattress. Regular $6.50. Spe cial for Friday Only (DO n 1127 LIAIIT SECURITY BUILDING GREEN FRAME SCREEN DOORS hartiii 3iSnrir 'as, 113 1 1 i.. Heavy frajno, with panel entire length of door. All sizes, complete with fixtures at M 10 ;080lPieccs bl Maimniiiii & Ware ; on Sale Tomorrow Only N Among the lot are wood handle fry pans, double hollers, covered kettles, sauce pans, tea pots, preserving, kettles, etc No one Item worth leas than $1.00 .All at one price 69c each. YOUR CHOICE AT 69c YOUR CHOICE 69c it, .i V"' .-. :-"T?mm I Hi ALUMlNUin THREE BURNER GAS COOKERS nnii'.iii.jiiiip With broiling and bale- 4 5; J:t '-jjm inS burner in the oven, g , T complete with, pan, tray, f Jj meat rest at 3 Burner Nickel Plated Gas Stoves. Special at S2.49 3 qnart Anne Ice Cream Freezer, t and durable, absoluu ly sanitary. Regular 98c, Sale price HARD WOOD FRAME 24 inch high, opens to S3 ln .: ' 21c. 24 inch high, opens to 37 lnc 28c ' PERFECTION BLUE FLAME OIL 'STOVES WITH LEGS.- : i Two burners at . -Three' Burners at $. iS. SEEKS 3C