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f JPIEASURE AND SHORE fi RESORTS, SEE WEDNESDAY AND SATUR DAY FARMER, THE WEATIIEU: Showers; Variable Winds VOL. 50 NO. 155 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1914 price , two cur; NINETY KILLED BY AMBUSHED REBEL TROOPS I Federal Re-Inf orcements Shot Down By Constitution-' . alist Soldiers. OMBARDO TO ATTEMPT : x PEACE MAKERS' ROLE 'ormer Madero Official Seeks To Reconcile Carranza v And Gen. Villa. I On Board TJ S. S. California, Ij i Fu, Ixwrer California, By Wireless to If San Diego, Cal., July 1 According to L authoritative reports nwlved here to T day, a. detachment of SOO federal t troops that recently arrived at iia "az ; from Gnaymas was ambushed, near j" San Diego, lower California, by con- Btitutionulists. Ninety were killed ! and the remainder routed. Washington. July 1 -Sir XAoacl t Carden, British minister in Mexico r City, has advised- the embassy here j that a special train bearing British i refugees will leave Mexico City to- day. The plan to carry the refugees ' to Puerto Mexico has been abandon ; ed and they will be taken to Vera ' Cruz. The British subjects ai-ej leav t tag the Mexican capital on the advice r of the British minister. F3 Paso, July 1 Miguel Diaz Lom f hardo, constitutionalist representative ' at Paris, cabled today that he would leave at once for El Paso. This was . tafien nere as lnoicauiig uui j would act as an unofficial peace oom- tmissiooer between Generals Carranza j and .Villa . in their yet unsettled' i fstrangement. 1 ' - ; Lombardo was minister of ptfblic instruction in the cabinet of the -late President Madero. He has been friendly with Villa since the Madero revolution, is on good terms with Carranza and is a close friend of Gen eral Felipe Angeles, whose present re lation with Villa has been credited as i occasioning much of ' the ill-feeling between the two factions of the con i stitutionalisAs. " . It was learned today that the pro posed conference between Villa . and representatives of Carranza is far iromi complete. Alfonso . Madero brother of the late president, t Santos Cuocatio, the .Peruvian poet who has been active recently in Mexican af fairs, and Albert Pani, one of Car ranza's younger advisers, some days ago offered their services as media tors in the internal embroilment, it was said.. In the meantime. Villa's heretofore successful campaign with Mexico City as the ultimate, goal is delayed indefinitely. Advices received ' by - mail "from Guadalajara said that the second largest city in Mexico was about to be attacked by General Obregon's troops. The revolutionists, it was stated, had cut off the water supply resulting in depriving the city electric light and power. From the eastern part of Mexico icame reports that the attack on San ilmis Potosi soon would be attempted by the troops under General Pablo Gonzales, Carranza's eastern 'divi sional commander. ' ISLAM ARCHDUKE'S BODY HEARS HOME Spalato, Delmatia, . July 1 The Aus jtrian battleship Vlribus TJnitis with j the bodies of the assassinated Arch 1 duke Francis Ferdinand and the i Duchess of Hbheii'bel'g' on iboard on its yway to Trieste from Metkpvitch.Herze l govina, passed close, to the, harbor 'here at a late hour last evening,' ac companied iby a number of other wir I ships. The civil authorities, the clergy and an enormous crowd assembled on the waterfront to pay homage. Agram, Croatia, July 1 Anti-Servian demonstrations ' continued here today when a .crowd gathered In front of the town hall and demanded that the mayor return a Servian decoration recently conferred on him. Another crowd Went to the house of the speaker of the Croatian Diet, who j is a Servian", and made a noisy demon et ration against him. Several persona 'were arrested "but later released. LASSEN PEAK IS IN ERUPTION AGAIN i Red Bluff, Cal., July 1. After less 'than 24 ' hours' quiescence. Lassen Peak I buret forth early today in a j stupendous eruption the fourteenth I in the series that began May 30. No t flames were seen, but the vast plume Jof blackened, steam tfrom the crater ( waved a mile high in the sky and volt-came ash fell at Macomber Flats, 13 j miles distant. rSfOTORCARS COLLIDE, . OCCUPANTS UNINJURED f ;. TtldgefleM, Conn.. July 1 As First .Selectman E. M. Bailey was driving (his large touring car down West Lane !he collided at Northrup's Corner with an automobile belonging to Mrs. Effingham Maynard, of New. York a summer resident of Rldgefield. Two women, besides the chauffeur, were in the car. No one was injured.. The Bailey car was so badly damaged as ;to be put out of commission. The j Maynard car was only slightly dam-j-aged and proceeded. FIRE CHIEF FATALLY HURT, ONE MAN KILLED i Charlotte, Ttf. CI, July 1 Fire here today resulted in the death of one T"-9n and the injury of four others. ' Wallace of the fire department SEEKS OWNER OF KEY DISCOVERED III MRS. ANGLE'S ROOM New State Prosecutor May Hire Private Detectives To Solve Killing. Stamford, July 1 Among the var ious articles inspected by the police at the rooms of Mrs. Helen M. Angle in an effort to find a solution to the unexplained violent death of 5 Waldo Ballou is a key which opens one of the doors leading into the Angle apart ments. Today the authorities are en deavoring to find the swner of the key and to learn, the reason for its pres ence in the rooms. They say it does not belong to Mrs. Angle. . . ' Leonard Blondel, father of Mr An gle. today gave what hesaid was the explanation of his daughter's exclama tion, "Destroy it-, at once!" during a conversation overheard at $he home Of Mrs. George Eng-Iev'1 where Mrs. Anglo has been, stopping since here release under bonds, after her , detention by the authorities as a material witness. His daughter, ' Blondel said, has re ceived many offers from vaudeville managers during the last few days and it was a letter containing such an of fer that his daughter wished destroy ed -.- - . Homer S Cummings took office to day as state attorney. -He said he had had offers of assistance in solving the mystery from many detective agen cies. He has accepted none of them, he added. It is 'believed here, how ever, that the new state attorney may put a private detective agency to work on the case. WHITE SLAVE ACT CAUSES "TOO ARRESTS ' ''' - ' '''' Government Officers Get Man and Woman In This City ' ; CHARGE LEADS BACK " TO AUSTRIAN CITY Male Prisoner Accused ,: Making Away With Big Estate of cnarged with a violation of the Mann "White Slave" act In bringing Mrs. Marie Jakab, or -Backman. to Bridgeport and living with her, Stefan Perbulescu was arrested at 234 Hallett street, this afternoon, by United States Inspectors George H. Sheehan and Martia J. Leonard of Boston and De tective George F. - Simon of police headquarters. Mrs. Jakab was ar rested oh a government warrant charging that she is an immoral per son. t The officers plan to take their pris oners to Bostbn as soon as arrange ments can be made, " ' M The arrests represent an exhaustive investigation by the government,num erous visits to Bridgeport by the in spectors and an almost constant su pervision of the accused by the loca authorities for nearly two weeks. Of ficers say that it is the first local1 ar rest under the Mann law and one of the first in New England. The Austrian government is said to have started the Investigation after tracing the accused and making a re quest upon the United States govern ment for the arrest of Stefan an Mrs. Jakab. Stefan- is wanted in Austria on charges of having abscond ed from the little, village of ' Kassa with over $30,000 belonging to the Kerekes estate,- of which he was the administrator. . ' According to information received toy the authorities he married into the Kerekes family and was made the ad ministrator of the estate,1 one member of which was particularly wealthy and prominent in Austrian affairs. Shortly afterwards, it is alleged, he met Mrs. Jakato, became infatuated with her and they came' to America together. Stefan is alleged to. have also taken a quantity' of family-relics, papers and iewelry in addition to the money. Ac cording to the authorities, the search for him was. started by the Kerekes family more in the hope of getting back the relics than of recovering the cash. . Mrs. Jakab is said to have -come from a prominent and wealthy Hebrew family in New York and, but a few years ago. to have eloped with a New Yorker, who was representative of a financial house. Her husband and family, according to the information received by the police, were left there by her. The one with whom . she eloped is reported as having -blown out his brains in Austria not a great while before she met Stefan on account of having exhausted his financial re sources in providing for her. Since coming to Bridgeport, it is re ported, Stefan and Mrs. Jakab have 'been living quietly on the Fast Side, both working in a lace factory "nights. Whether the federal charges will be pressed if they agree to return to Aus tria is not stated. BELLE ZEJfDEB GIVEN " DIVORCE FROM ARTHUR. -' : Judge Tuttle in the superior court Uhis afternoon gave Belle Zender of Greenwich a divorce from Arthur Zender of parts unknown. Desertion on October. 16, 1909 was alleged. The couple were married in August, 1907. Mrs. Zender's maiden name was Belle Lange. ' The French steamer Xja Gascogne is stranded on tbe fprtusuesa coast. COUNT KAROLYI WILL TALK TO BRIDGEPORTERS Local Hungarian Bodies Invite .- Congressman Donovan To Meeting. MAGYARS OF CITY PLAN PATRIOTIC GATHERING Parade and Reception To Wel " come Visiting Statesman -And Party. Count Michael Karolyi, who "-is the successor to Ixtuie Kossuth as the leader of the Independent party . in Hungary, will pay a second visit to Bridgeport on Sunday and at a r cent mass-meeting of Magyars In the West End t was unanimously voted. to invite Hon. Jeremiah Donovan,; member of Congress from . this dis trict, to, come to Bridgeport on Sun day to: attend a gathering which is in honor of Count Karolyfs visit.- The invitation which has been sent Congressman Donovan follows: xiuuuiawio - - . -' . "We. the undersigned, representing all the Magyar inhabitants of the city of Bridgeport, having been authorized by a mass-meeting, 'beg to respect fully invite you to be present at a patriotic gathering next Sunday af ternoon. V i "The purpose of this meeting is herewith explained: " i "Count . Michael Karolyi, vthe - leader of the Independent party in the Par liament of Hungary, together with five other members of the same legis lature, will land in New York next Saturday. ' ' "These , gentlemen, representing the most popular political party in Hun gary which sometimes is called the Kossuth' party for short intend- to visit all 'the larger Magyar colonies in this country. The purpose of ' this visit is: To arouse the interest' and moral support ' of the 'American Mag yars towards the most vital point of their political creed, that is, to usaks universal and equal suffrage toy 'eeeret ballot a law of the country, and, be sides, to create the same - democratic spirit In the national life of Hungary which so splendidly manifests ; itself in , these glorious United States,-- "As ' our distinguished ' guests are about to visit Bridgeport next Son day around 3 J- m., where they will be received by the authorities of , our city and over 10,000 local Magyars we sincerely hope that your honor will favor- us with your most desired presence.-. ; ' "With the assurance of highest' es teem, we beg to remain, in the name of The Asociated Magyar Societies, Honorable and Dear Congresanap. i ours very respeciiuny, N "Alex. iAidman, first Magyar Re formed church. "S. F. i Ceernitzky, pastor St. Ste phen's Roman- Catholic Hungarian church. "John Lukaca, pastor of the Holy Trinity Greek Catholic Hungarian church. ' r .. "John Derso, president of the Con fereration of the Sick Benefit, sooie Oes. -.'--' ' "Joan Belanyl, member, of. the press committee." An invitation has also been extend ed to (Mayor Wilson and . City Clerk Robinson to attend. The committee in "charge waited on these officials to day to Invite them. , It is expected the count and his par ty will reach this city about 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The committee and a number of leading Bridgeport citizens of Hungarian birth or descent will meet1 them at the railroad sta tion. - After an; address of welcome, the party will be driven in automo biles to Rjakoczy hall in Bostwick ave nue, where it- is expected Congress man Donovan will ateo speak. The confederation of Hungarian Sick Benefit societies with many banners and brass bands will be drawn up In two lines at State street and (Hancock avenue to receive the party. The au tomobiles will pass through the lines ' and then the members of the societies will act as escorts to Rakoczy . hall, where a maes-meeting will take -place. There, will, be addresses by Count Karolyi- and the members of his par ty. Congressman Donovan, Mayor Wil son and others. A luncheon for the count's party and. invited guests will be served In the evening. The count will leave Bridgeport for New York the same evening. He ie to visit all the larger "Hungarian colonies in the United States in an effort to arouse the in terest of the Hungarians In America In securing for their countrymen in Europe free suffrage and the eecret ballot in the homeland. , PAWNED REVOLVER OFFEREDJil COURT Albany, July 1 Efforts of District Attorney Alexander today were center ed on proving that a revolver similar to the one with which Frank J. Clute was killed was pawned by Malcolm Gifford Jr.. in Northampton, Mass., last winter. The pawned revolver was offered in evidence today. Warren T. Risley, a pawnlbroker of Northampton, testified that he had loaned seven dollars on a revolver some time last winter and that he is sued a ticket to a person who signed it "M. GIfford." He was not asked if Malcolm -Clifford, Jr., was the one who signed the ticket. William J. Kinsley, a New York handwriting expert, then, testified that the person who signed the pawn ticket for the revolver and the one whose signature appeared on a check and a baggag receipt signed toy Gifford were identical.-' - - -: Baroaiss Von Grave, -of Winsted, Conn., ai friend of the Gifford family. Wru a t bg court .today JAIL SENTENCE IS IMPOSED ON AUTOIST New Rritain Man, Sent Up For Five Days and Fined ' t $100, Appeals. Joseph Arbour, an - expressman of 56 Whiting street, 'New Britain, was fined $100 and costs with, five days in Jail by Judge Coughlin at today's city court session for . violation of the mo tor vehicle statute regarding the pa-sa- ing of a stationary trolley car. The, hearing was lengthy and spirited, nu merous witnesses offering contradic tory evidence. But the testimony of 'Policemen Barton and Kane and of J. Rudolph Laubscher, Jr., of 630 Kos suth street, who; were on the trolley car, .. was conclusive. Attorney M. IX Saxe of New Britain appeared for the defense and took an appeal in bonds of $200. " It was charged ' that Arbour, who was driving his automobile on 6tate street shortly after 3 o'clock Sunday, afternoon, failed to heed the warning of - the trolley car conductor as he stepped from the running board to assist an elderly end feeble passenger to alight. 'Despite the warning," It was tesQfied, " Arbour simply ran closer to the curb and ran by the car at from 18 to 20 miles an hour. . .'Policemen Barton and Kane as well as Mr. .Ijaubscher, the latter well ac quainted with the operation of auto mobiles, were positive as to the speed. The number of the car was taken by Policeman Barton. Later he observed it in front of a house Just beyond the Third precinct police, station, where the occupants were calling, and placed Arbour under arrest. . Judge Coughlin took occasion to caustically arraign Arbour, saying that his conduct was a particularly flagrant violation of the state statute and a menace to public safety. -. Ar bour said that he . saw the trolley car slowing down, but did not know that it was going to stop. He denied pass ing the car while it was stationary. He brought 'with him a letter from the mayor of New "Britain testifying to his good character which was read without - comment by Judge Coughlin. . Prosecuting Attorney DeLaney ' in timated that a man's good character did not minimize as -serious an of fense as that with which Arbour waa charged. TWO BURGLARS ARE . CAPTURED AFTER CHASE Newtown Posse : Ignores v Youths' Threat to Use Revolver LADS HAD VALUABLES FROM CLOSED HOME Two Mfle Pursuit Lands Last of Boys Who En tered Residence (Special to the Farmer.) Newtown, Conn., July 1 &irprised while looting the residence of the late Edward E. Clark on the turnpike, about 10 o'clock today, near thtt home of Town Constable C. B. Johnson. Wal lace Smith, 17. of Boston and James Pernaara, 17, of New York, were cap tured after a chase of several miles. They aire in the custody of Town Con stable" Johnson, and win be arranged In town court tomorrow on the charge of breaking and entering: Neighbors living In the vicinity of the house, which baa been dosed for some time awaiting the disposition of the estate, noticed the two men loiter- ln. ohntit t TirAmiftMI. ThftV lmmA- diately notified Constable Johnson who. accompanied by : his son Frank and Selectman William Johnison, went to the house to Investigate. While they' were inspecting the outbuildings, the two men burst out of the rear door, and started running across the fields in back of the house. Chase- was given immediately. Smith was soon captured, but Pernaara led his pursuers nearly "two miles to the farm of J. E. Hoyt, where he hid in a swamp pasture- and threatened to shoot should - any effort be made to capture him. He was surrounded by the three Johnsons and two men that had joined In the chase and- after con siderable parley, gave himself, up. Up on search a number of pieces of val uable Jewelry and coins were found upon the two youths. The Clark home has been closed sinoe the death of Mr. Clark. . Sever al thousand dollairs worth of valuable jewelry, coins and other articles are stored there. The two had gained en trance through a cellar window, and had ransacked the entire house. A quntity of valuables were found near the door. WOMA!! OBJECTS. TO NOISE FROM EAST END FACTORY Alleging that she Is unable ' to sleep because of noise from the Bridgeport Piston Ring factory, Frances. E. Spoer ing of 78 Baldwin street, appeared be fore Judge Tuttle, in the superior court this morning to seek an injunction against the concern. She ' declares when the factory is operated ai night. the noise and tne obnoxious oaors are very disagreeable. In addition to an injunction the plaintiff wants $2,000 damages. The owners of the factory, which Is on Connecticut avenue, deny any nuis ance. They say the factory is not operated the whole night. Judge Tut tle reserved decisiorv CARRYING ARMS IS ALLOWED IN NORTH OF ERIN Ulster Volunteers Carry Rifles And Wear Bayonets - In Streets. DELICATE GAME IS PLAY'ED IN IRELAND Home - Rule Riots in - County Tyrone Suppressed By Police. London, July '1 The Belfast corre spondent of the Daily Mall telegraphs as follows: . "A high authority, Lieut.-Gen. Sir George Richardson,' commander in chief of the Ulster Volunteers, is issu ing a general order permitting volun teers, to carry rifles in the main streets of Belfast. "This means, if the order is carried out, that the 'police, will have to reckon with 30,000 armed and trained' men -who are taking instructions only from their commanders, and, as they are much stronger - than the police the regular troops, when they come, will obviously be powerless to do anything but obey orders 1 and use force for the first time. ' " "The Ulster Volunteers have carried rifles and bayonets In the streets hith erto only for the purpose of drilling on private property, the rifles being conveyed there in covered carts. "The prevailing opinion here is that the bill amending the home rule meas ures, which is - now before Ihe House of Lords and which allows Ulster to decide by vote whether 'or not it will remain outside the provisions of the law for six ' years, will not bring a solution of the tn-ouble. Efforts are being - made to enforce discipline and allay uneasiness but the rank and file Is becoming restless. "A very delicate game Is being play ed by both sides, each hoping that the other will make a false move. The authorities want the Ulster Unionist Council to make a hasty and aggress ive move, but the council intends to take action only to preserve order." Replying to a question In the House of Commons last night, Augustine Bir relL Chief Secretary far Ireland, said that the latest information is to the ef fect that the 7onaIist Volunteers, the armed followers of the Irish -AV tionalist party, numbered 114,000 men. - The Dublin eorresspondent ' of the Daily Mail says that the Irish Secre tary greatly underestimated the num ber of these volunteer- The corres pondent says there a at least 200,- 000 men enrolled under the Nationalist banner in Ireland. v A rather indefinite Fsport .has been received here of a fierce street ' fight between Nationalists and Orangemen at Omagh ,ln the County Tyrone, (Ul ster. Ireland.' It Is alleged that the trouble was started by the Nation alists, who were returning from the special reserve camp of the Inniskill- lng. Regiment, where they had been training. ' , ' tl Is said they assaulted a soldier of the Bedforshire Regiment, when some Ulster Volunteers Intervened and escorted the man who had been at tacked to the barracks. As the Ulster Volunteers were re turning through the Nationalist quar ters of the town they were attacked by the Nationalists. The police charg ed Into themob to stop the fightinie-. The chief constable was injured and another policeman was felled with stones. Several other policemen, as wen as a number of civilians, were se verely injured. DEMOCRATS TO KEEP CONGRESS SITTING UNTIL BILLS PASS Washington, July 1- Senate Demo crats planned to hold a conference here late today when it is expected resolution would be adopted an nouncing to the country Congress in tention to ream in in Washington un. til the administration's anti-trust pro gram hae been enatced into law. The conference was called by Majority Leader Kern to act on a resolution declaring it to be the sense .of the Democrats of the iSenate that trust legislation be enacted at this session. Belief was expressed, here today that the decision to hold a conference was to assure the country that the anti trust program would be passed, to a final conclusion as soon as possible. Wlhile some opposition was expected from Democrats who hold radically different views from tSiose of Presi dent Wilson, administration leaders in the Senate were hopeful that he res olution would be adopted. It was not expected the conference would make an attempt to outline a definite plan for legislation. The reason for this is the fact that two of the measures on the program the Clayton anti-trust and the rail road securities bill are still in com mittee with no prospecte of an early report on either of them. Belief was expressed here today that adoption of the resolution would hasten adjourn ment of Congress. WOMAN WHO AIDED MAN SUPPOSED TO BE POOR COLLECTS FROM ESTATE New Haven, July 1 Believing him to be penniless, Mrs. Emma A. Mer riam provided for James Fielding at her home here for years. Today It was brought out in the probate court that Kielding, who died recently, left $19,330 in cash, a large part of which was found stuffed into an old suit case, which he had kept in his room, while the remainder was in banks as was shown by several bankbooks dis covered with the money in the suit cases. Mrs. Merriam submitted to the court a bill for Fielding's board and -wasJlwed--t276 : ' eport oniracis A TT otection 10 Borough Of Queens Protects Five Year Guarrantee Qn Bituminous Macadam By Withoiding 10 Per x Cent Of Contract Price, In Ac-I:-tion To Bond Panic overtook the Warren ite paving crowd in city hall, today, when it began to be un derstood that Mayor Clifford B. Wilson, in his haste to prove that no "Warrenite" was laid in the Boroughs of Queens, had succeeded mainly in proving that the city of New York will not permit Warrenite paving to be laid, and that the state of New York has a law which for bids the laying of any patented pavement whatever. ; This knowledge, deemed fa tal to, the every claim that it was advantageous to Bridge port to avoid competition and award a. $160,000 contract for Warrenite paving, was mads known here in two letters writ ten to .Mayor. WTil son, one by James A. Dayton, commission er of public works and 7acting president of the Boroughs of Queens and . the other by G. The city 'attorney has said that the common council ' has no authority whatever to make contracts for any kind of new pavement. NeverCheless, the council in Its ac tion did not go to the extent of order ing such a violation of public policy as contracting for a patented pave ment, nor did it provide tfor letting the contract without bidding, or' competition- . The council merely ordered the di- "rector of public works to make a con tract for bituminous macadam. It was the director, and Mayor, Wil son, cooperating, who dispensed with bidding, and wljo made the contract for .the patented pavement, Warren ite, trying thus to dispose of $160,000 of taxpayers' money. , In making these contracts it ap pears that the paving commission was not consulted. It is -usual when contracts for costly public improvements are being made to consult the city engineer. Mr. Ter ry, who is the city engineer, says he was not consulted. . The contract Is far from being as protective to the city as contract made under more auspicious condi tions in other cities. A case in point is the means taken to protest the five year guarantee, taken by the 'Borough of Queens. The protective clause of that contract is as follows: "The contractor shall mam-tain the pavement for five years after the ac ceptance of the work by the borough president. The bond executed by the contractor and . sureties shall remain In full force and effect -until the pres ident shall have been reimbursed, for the totaV expense of any and: all re pairs which hay have been mads by the city during this period, and in ad dition to this surety ten per cent, of the moneys accruing to the contrac- VVM.R RUSSELL WILL BE NAMED FOR ASSESSOR Thomas F. White Reap pointed to Board of 'Relief Mayor Clifford B. Wilson announced today that some time before nightfall he would send to the city clerk the name of William F. Russell as tax assessor for a term of four years, from August 1. Mr. Russell succeeds Law rence J. Gill, whose term expires July 31. The mayor also announced his In tention to reappoint for a term of four years, as a member of the board of Relief, Thomas F. White, Democrat, whose term expires at the same time. The salary of an assessor is $1,800 per year. , Mr. White's salary is $200 per year. RETIRED SEA CAPTAIN OF D ANBURY IS DEAD Danbury, July 1 Captain Charles A. Colcord, for 10 years probation of ficer of the local city court and a retired master mariner, died at his home here this morning after an ill ness of two weeks. He was 68 years of age and was born In Maine. He followed the sea boy and man forty years, 21 of which was as a master Warreiii'.e Rowland Leavitt, dent of highways, of the borough. Ckrrnini s ai oner Ba j t "I will state that no .T7t: -has ever been laid in C'a I ough, as it is a patesi 1 ; merit, and tinder the j - : of the charter of Nw "1 city, no patented pcv-u-. -are to be used." "I might add furih-'.r, i Commissioner Dayton, tl. i the year 1912, 1C3 mEy cf -phaltio concrete - were I J. price b ranging: tram Cl' $1.40 per square yard;" Mr. Leavitt gtws thn ir." esting information ilvit r -miles of bitarnixicra s ct, - -were laid" under the IY7 specifications by the C.r Bitulithic Co., which ia r r alry understood in par;- -7 ' cles to be closely cc r..r. -with Warren Bros. tor shaH be iwtalned an) -' I able to the contractor a 1iZrt - vidlng the pavement shall time In good oomdittori and x" " any defects whieh rcmrf 4t.i , have ' been remedied, or s ;-- i thereof as may remain aftr penses of mafcing repairs 1n r , ner aforesaid shall have be-n , therefrom: "1 per cent, at the erpiraiion second year. "1 per c cr; at the expi-ra.'.V,n rtt third year." . "3 per cent, at the expiration " fourth year. "5 per cent, at the'yn '- fifth year." There were some 103 trtl"! ' f pavement laid during t.hf yw 1 prices ranging from frg trots f tl i square yard, average eot .f 11 11 square yard, including all ca.r'r leveling, croos socttonlpg. and r-. The amount of the 31fTwwr(t company's contracts was as t'A '- Standard Bithmiethio Co. $1.16 per yard, Uvalde Asphalt Co., J. F. Hill Co., 88c to ttX-2 per yard. Borough Asphalt Co., & $1.45, long haul, jBarbor Asphalt Co., Continental Pub. Works, Werner Qtrinlan Co., . TJayton Hedge Co., Newton Favlng Co., 3 Sll, $v- 1". " Tot. Affnt. spent in 1912 on ' AsphaK. Con. Pav. VTV. This is 2 inch on r ttj adam. The cost of laying mrr thwn miles of bituminous errnrr"-1 Queens, mvder a wide rejf of tions, was in 1912 an fi.v e. cjtr of j: per square yard, a gat not an srr5i of at least .?A a fc-jiiare yaj-3 for t Warrenite laid In Bri'lg'wrt. FIRE DEPARTMENT WARNS" PUBLIC DF fourth da;: GIF. Great precautions win be Utkn the fire department to pr-rent f.j on the Fourth of July. Chief Moor, said today that, while the "fire 1 : -s.. merit is In fine shape to hiir' fires that are likely to come up J ;r:. the day, every precaution ifm,-.. would be taken. x Early this week the captain n f various engine houses of the city rr an Inspection of the entire city ov ers of lots upon which rwW.!h i been allowed to accumulate t.o - " notified to remove all ir.flarr.rr.a'' material from the premise. If ! not removed before July 3r. jr'. cution will be started, as Chif Jf'.rv s determined to guard th ci'.y Tt preventable fires. Houses in th r , ' crowded sections were injj-t'!. u. all Inflammable material wha -rC-r removed. The fire department rr'--r.t; that all residents of the city ri their windows on the 4fh a liable to enter. It in a.!ao i) ir best to remove lace curta.ln, w. ignite easily. Celiar win'lf--t be closed, while all inflarrrnar : terial should be stord aw.-, fr'.n danger from sparks. It H r' mended that all fireworks . . at some distance from the h . that none be pointed at any mable material. The usual number of fir- fr- - , careless handling of f'r .- r. - ; pected, but, with th pr en. Chief Mooney be'i--v -will (be red up). xnm, lve Litfe :!-