Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: JULY 6, 1914 tmim.s wew meed J conV forsx ) &t- .re.i- Pcsl ' e.T- wq&E .) , ' r"&" . I 1 2;, com& on of- one op. us fQa Q-R. rROPBftH I lU. NEED AH f OF SoC4S FO.L; '. TSftVEUNt. f yVr- ?W ' - V . -- ve:ii MlSS ' A HAS OTTD c '" , , . ' ...... , . : : ... .' . . , . ," . .. . - . .. ,.. ..... :., . :, . : T" ..... . . - . . , - ' For Sale r C :l SALE One depot warm, pole and shafts, cheap. Enquire Chauf f sr. Garage, Iagleside Place, near est Iranistan awnud P 8 bp TtXS .:SABE Hew 2 house, lfi rooras en Dtvecport tvenue, near S-jtford. fine ' locality. Mortgagew $i, $00., .Will eell at once for- $800 eaaSv. . P. Anderson, 840 Fairfield a -ers.a. F 8 b - T;XR SALS A 10 room -boste and ",:'!" tarn and shed3 for trucking cr livery, business on Arctic St., rnr Noble avenue. Will - sell for " t 7,80-0. Mortgage $5,000 at 5 per e" -.t. BtryaiD. P. Anderson, 840 FsirSeld Ave. " -P b ' i.TTIT F.U""RDiT for ehot-e "banga I:'irj cottages? Tour rent rr.oneyi E9r comes bak. Buy a r :ot 40 by 90, $200 to $240 ; 1 f er- cent down: then. $5 pr month, i'tart building: now. Water, sewer, f as. Oa trolley line. T. A., P. Pr:CIAIi EAX33 $25.00 bicycles onlr ? ; . 3 5 ; $SS.O0 bicycle $29.60; $40 ticnsle ' $S3.&0; safety tread tire S1.S5. City Auto Co.. 439 Fairfieia ATeaiuti Open Eventng-3. ' ' It 8 tf .To Rent ITO I'.ITJTT S pleasant arii Adults, rent Prospect St. . . rooms, sri-'V $15.50. 228 -P 8 bp !IC HEST Furnished rooms ar d rsosM for- lisbt housekeeping:, . gtat and -701 Myrtl Ave. ,,. T'O REXT Two farm nouses, fur nished or unf UTTtisbeila by week or month. Arply. J. H. . Keenan, 12 3 Harmony- St. D 30 !'.. TO I. "XX -ITalf bouse, 510. Colorado t-i s'sniie, rent $35. Inquire 809 Nor vr an L , - . D 0 &f ID R.ETi FTrre rooms, alliimprovtj-, lEents, Inquire 85S Wood Ave. ' i '. ' I 23 tf , TO RETVT 3 furnished rooms, boasek eeptngr; reasonable for nm . mer. Call in forenoon, 605 - War ren -St r 28 a$p , ;;ZTXT FTRMSHED ROOSIS, hit r. i cold water, all newly papered, cn or 2 men. 1243 Sta.' e Ht. - . D 11 tf I OH REjVT $10 flat on Seofield Ave nue. Good yard for -garden . or -chickens. Pease Realty-Co., Ins., Coan. Kational Bank Building. ' - v-- D 4 tt ' IXiT TO REJTT 8 . roorns, steam fcer.t, larga porch, centriil location. write or phone, L- Tel as, 14 IS . Mala fit. Phone 2748-3i:1 " -". ;R 85 tt; TO BEST Eandseme furnished rooms, including electric- light, rteam heat.- hot and col water in rooms. Private family. First floor, 203 Golden Hill St. TJ 2 ,TO 'RENT During- summer:' season t i -;- -;ar,t private residence " all fvr r '. i .ied, beautiful grounda, in Fa:j rjeld. for reasonable Tent. William Griesinger & Son; 48 John strest, Eridgeport. " R 18 tf.:.. , rcr, RENT 300 Golden Hill, eevsn rocrn. apartment $45; 1671 Fairfield t '.-enae.' cottage, $50; 40 Savoy. t, --ivn room apartment, $31. Jo.'ia J. Fisher, 1024 Main Bt. . O aj TO REJTB 8tr room apartment, hot water heat, electric lighta, tile bath. No. 27S5 North Main Bx., opposite t-t. Vincent's hospital. Inquire on premise. : - . Ill tf , jSO RENT Nicely fnmished' 'rooms, in strictly respectable family. UiA S airfield Ave. Phone 838-8. - TJ14 tS ICR REn-Rooin for manufactur r r or storage, GledhiU 4k Co, 42 WWMorfit.,. . . R8 tf TO RENT Second and third floor at 131 Cajicon St. . . Suitable for U,rht martrif acturing and storage." Wal dorf Motor and Machine Co. . .... D 16 , Wall Papers LABGEST AND MOST COlffPIiErU USE ii Bridgeport. Wholesale tinl retailpainters supplies. James J. CoaUn, TO and 72 Eizn St,-Bridgeport. Conn. 8 18 aj 7Vt Jj - PAPER So and 10o the roE. C ULzxitAlB. varnish tiles. 100 Brol . B 20 tt TTAIJi PAPER A -full Una of cew (Faring patterns, blanks, gilts, in frraiaa, oatmeals, tiles and two-tons e.'Iects. Sdvard Brooks, 882 State rJMt B 27 sf -.'.- jnH TWS wo mrrr In artnolr high grade goods, tiffany blends lea.ther effects, grass cloths, etc. Also fancy mouldings, large assort ment. Edward E. Buney, 47 John Et. U 22 a -Typewriters EXSCTLT XYPEWRTTEH3 L. C -. - Smith,. tJnderwoo-,1, ' ? ' T Remington, ail oth snakes. sold, rented, , repaired. Bentis $3 i J per month. liacb inn -- ""Id at $5 per nioati. Igie Plummer Tjpo-w-nter Tricfcsnge, 16 FfclrSeld Aviiw. i:-ri.3r-epQir-t, Cobs. DO YOU KKOV VIIY - - -Tfo f.Iost AniiGiHOfoiiG; ' - '..SiiroGtery Iford APFEBSON B?- OIiDBMOBIIii: iBteet Phone 1235 $1,250 ; K1B &i OAKIiAJTD. ft. C. B. . ,. ' - CUKVOT.Ejr .- - TOSTjirS MOTOH TRTTCIS 8TROMBERG CABBTTRETORS H. M. FOltD, 1S41 MAIN ST. Coras- POPE HARTFOBO , MITCHELL i ETPPERAKFTFt , ;-; MQLnTE-KlTIGIIT . eoorr & M'MtriiiiEJi, jr.jvuto oa ' Z77 ralrfleld Avenue Kf 3400 Cabs , E37ARI T. Stiocl; Albeoi-ber VELVET Phone 3123-3 Bbotte Absot-txsr 17.0 Cannon Ctre at MAXWELL- Case , , ; Motor Co. IMstrlbators. Phone 1555-2. S58 F'sirfleld- Ave.'' -. i i i' ' : - BICYCIjES ,. -'v' ' Resdins ' Standard , Bicycles, , goaraa- -' teed 'three years. -.;'":. ' Second band wheels $5 and tip. .. Ii N. BIAINIERO, 1410 STATE ST. . ;. - . TV.-:. :- . " ' ' U -8 d ? Female Help Wanted . v FEMALK HEIjP WAXTED 2ij?za stitchers, seamers,: one- bone strip pers' and Inspectors to begin work July th. . The Warner Bros. Co., Employment Dept. T2"t Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUT all kinds human hair. J. B. Adams. 149 8 Iranistan avenue, near Alaplewood Ave. WAirTED TO BUY men's second -.. hand clothing and furniture. Mrs. C Meyer, 1447 Main St Tel 2852-2. " - - a' 6 sj V7AJ'TTTI To buy an klndfi cf see- ond hand f urnitture. s Geo. F. To taina, Redfieid's old stand, 48 Har ' risoa few Telephone 1016-2. - i ... . .. U 18 tf rOTT PONT WANT any old Junk or old thingn around your premises, but we want them as we need them ror our Business. Bell them to Jacob Bros.- We will -pay yon the highest price and get them out of , your way Prompt attention and - satisfaction is our record. 55 Koe- Uth St. Tel. 28. . -. -S.-R4 tf EP rOU WANT GOOD BEER in your home, order either "Pilsner" (light) or "Brombacher", (dark). ' It costs 1 no more, because Its pure. Sold in . i ctsee.' The Ambrose Co., 540-544 East Main St., Telephone 1012. " S 6 t2 Unclassified MORTGAGES of all kinds bought and sold. -Notes - discounted. If you wish to convert your real estate . Into cash ' we- can do it tf or you.1 . Zimmer Bros., 179 Golden Hill St. '""' i P 27- tf .; ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING . RINGS; Wedding and 'commence ment gifts. Parker, Jeweler, 8 Ar cada. R 28.a-. SAFES All sizes. Bargains in second hand safes. 'House safes $23. Wal ter E. Msj-sh, 182 Fairfield- Ave. : ' - D 29 tf DANCTNG AT FAIRFTEXD PAVTL ION every Wednesday and Satur ' day evening. ' Director Chaa,' J Col - Una. Bemtley's Orchestra. ! D 4 tf CHICBESTEE S PILLS fJe' J'l BiJUiVy t.-it, I 3 TktQ so lhttr. 33 -y tr V I' I - tf f'raw.. ac - ".Jt-rt sr years fcnown M Best. Safest. Al wfln ti.r.iiu- NOTICE BRIDGEPORT 11 Jt LfliA U JUIU LUIVliri.iJ Y NO. 820-MAIN STREET Water rates' for the qiwrter ending onif in, are v L. i-J and parable at the office of the OomnuiT, No. 82 Main Street. Ail hills must De paid on or before p , JULY 15TH. Z914 BnsInesiS hours Satnrflays from , 8 A. M. to 12 M. ' For the accommodation of the pub lic the office will be kept open from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. t Slondays, July 6th and 13th. 1014 ALBERT E. LAVFJtY. FT t ' Secretary. - Farmer .Want Ads. One, Cent a Woidr bipansre Part of Ilia Trip Is Tha Accessory Laycd ? -TOO AY'S To Ule To FOR SAIiE Electric FSun and bulb. 5 J.- IC. Farmer Office. I P b TO '. RENT 4 desirable rooms, im 1 provementa, "$17 a month. : Adults. s 69 Putnam St. ' P. 6 tp TO EEJiT larse pleasant 'toii upper., flat. I'Lydia,'. Wakelee,"- 6 Bherwbod Ave., near Fairfield. ' ' . ' P 6 d BJIGAIN 8 new ' six ' room bouses all improvements, located near trolley, . $103 easb- will take one." JX F. Watson Co., 117. Warner Buildi ' in. -, "-'(-' ' f : P 6 bp PHONE 82S0, day or nlglit. Autonao- , bll-es for hire. , Aston. Oarag-e. ' ' v: - v R 6 tfo US . $S.50 and $4.C0 Snow Oxfords for men at $2.98. They are Union ' Made and absolutely ' guaranteed.. - D. Greenbaum, 121 Congress St, Opon evenings. ' v "., . : .-. P 3 tfo CIIARLES A EDWARDS, 164 State St., - Real 1 Estate, Fire Insurance, Auto .Liability,: Compensation, Acci dent; Health and all other lines of Insurance. ' -"j... '?P-;.8' tf'; R.JTjFLOA1 firemen, brakemen, $120. Experience unnecessary. Send age. ' ' Postage, B allwa, Care Farmer. - -' . , : I," : P 8 sp WANTED 25 young- men,"' neat', ap pearance every morning. Paid daily. . Stevenson's Store,;1 872 Main St. a. i. v. - X : - P 25 ajp WHAT ARB YOTJR EYES WORTH? Could you hold your Job if tfetey fall? ,You need the proper glasses to en able you to Bee perfectly and com 1 fortahly, i Harry. E. Lee. optometrist, Warner Building- 83 Fairfield Ave. Licensed by examination. : B 7 tf o WANTED Everybody to,' know Mur phy the ' painter ' formerly of 104 Congress fit. has" located at 437 " Berkshire Ave. . Telephone 2782.' . - :-'Tt- - C ,.-..'-' R 20 tf o A SIC TOUR GROCER .f or ; Never . Enough bread. , Your grocer keeps , It. X :-;;' :. X R 6 tfo FOR SAIjE Never-Enough bread at grocers. Call for it. ; R 5 tfo DONT ECONOMIZE at the expense ' of your eyesight. At '. a nominal cost you could enjoy comfortable vl - ston. .Harry E. Lee. optometrist, Warner building, .83 Fairfleld . ave ' nue. Licensed by. examination, to Practice..'- -.:.X R 7 tfo HAVE YOU i TRIED Never-Enough ' bread, if not call, for It. R' 6 XXa PIANOS Buy a piano direct from , the factory aiid save, money. ' Drop r a postal and let . me explain - how it can r be done. ', Factory Salesman, . Box 13, etratford, , Conn. ; -.5 . ',:.-.' D 29 tf GIRLS WANTED ; to sell our cele brated elk head cuff links. We will 'to the girl that sells twelve pair at ; ten cents, a pair, ' a handsome doll ' or vanity case. Call or write, Klb Specialty (Co., Dept. M., 1119 Broad Et. . . i ; D 29 sp " , ... 1111 ' "-'' i " ' ''. ',"' ' "". .',' "'. AUCTION SALE DRUG' STOCK and fixtures. - Bankrupt estate of Jt-i eeph S. MoMahon at 899 Noble ave nue, Tuesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, July 7th.- $1,600 almost new soda fountain, $100 prescription counter, 8 side wall glass door eases, 10 foo plate mirror, scales, safe, glass : stopped bottles, colored window .: bottles, drugs, druggist r sundries, patent medicines and toilet articles, school supplies, etc. Everything i -must .: be ; sold-. ,;: Charles -Hopwood, a.-. - n..J.1 T ITa a a A . U ' 7,7 , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS J-'ji The Board of Education of the City of Bridgeport, Conn., by the Commit tee in charge, hereby Invites bids for furnishing the , necessary -. materials and labor, and constructing and com pleting a brick addition to the Colum bus school, located at -the intersection of North Washington avenue and Commercial St., Bridgeport, Conn., in accordance , -with drawings and specifi cations on file at the office of C T. Beardsley, Architect, Room 2, Bridgeport Savings Bank.Buildlngr . ,". The entire work will .be warded as a single contract, and is to be completed on or before Dec. 7, 1914. It being understood that time will be of the essence of the contract, All bids mujt be .sealed, and must be handed to. the) architect at pr be fore 5 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, July 20, 1914. Each bid, as. an evidence of good faith, must be accompanied by a certified check, in favor of the Board, for an amount equal' to twenty-five (2 5 percent of the amount of the bid. --: '- - - - The rfght Is reserved to reject any or all bids. i By order of 'the Board of Educa tion, 1 W. H. RYAN, D. D. S., Chairman of Committee. C. T. Beardsley. Architect, -Bridgeport, Ct. JXily 6, 1914. P 6 s 1 8 5 -.' " - " . ' ' '-".-'- THE TOAKIEB'S COBriER A Column of Comment on Sporting: i and Athletic Men. nad Events, Physical Culture, Excise,Healtto ' : Measures and Body BuUdlng. (By Mao Levy of Babylon.) (MacLevy, the famous Long Island "health farmer,", has been engaged for eighteen years in the training of athletes and the building up of run down people, and is a recognised au thority on all subjects connected with athletics, ' physical culture, and scien tific .exercise.) - - -. ".. -X3- ' - ' X -'X- ' 'X'y. Now that boxing has- been Included In" the program . of the ' Olympic Games, and an International boxing federation to control the contests of amateurs is to be formed, the. "manly art" may be expected to regain Its bid popularity, as -a "gentlejnan's sport." . The inability of the public to dla tingiilsh between boxing and prize fighting, 'and the dubious- methods of some professionals and promoters, to gether with the popular belief that boxihg-'is dangerous,, have' served to prevent., a-general adoption", of one " of Ahe most interesting sports and health ful forms of exercise known,-to man. The. Olympld Cflngress-ls tp be coj. gxa'tnlated on Its adoption . of the sport, and doubtless Its action will do much toward dissipating the prejudice against the fistic art. ' f '. Amateur boxing, properly condgcl ed, . between... boys and men who "aro evenly matched. Is about as "dan gerous", as cjroquet; and atthe worst the hazards are net as-great- as In football and many other games,' Base-. ball has claimed more victims than modern boxing. ? The possibility of accidents cannot be eliminated from any manly ' sport. For the matter of that, it is dangerous to be alive. ' The arguments in favor of boxing as an exercise for creating and main taining manly vigor and , good bealtn would-, fill a : book.. The " glove game comes j as near -s- any sport to developing- evenly all ,the muscles of the body. -.': It swill not produce big and bunchy muscles like heavy-weight lift ing, but for- the average man such de velopment, is not to be desired. -- . Another reat virtue of boxing Is in developing the : capacity ? for Quipk thinking. The boxer who permits his' wits to go wool-gathering is, like ly to-be awakened , by astlff punch. The 1 co-operation between' mind and body which is onei of the marks of the Buccessfull man. Is encouraged hy box ing' as by few- other sporta , iEv eh baseball Is' Inferior ln this respect, for -few plays In the "national, pastime are pulled off with such startling sud denness as marks the action of acltv-. er -boxer. ,' .-:-' X. , '.- V- . Quickness: in, thought, swiftness in putting the thought into action what would -not any ambitious man give, to attain these qualities? i " Yet both may be accomplished by -.persistent prac tice "with the gloves. ; i . Development of self-control Is ' an other pronounced virtue of the "manly art," The man who files in a rage at the slightest 'provocation, .who finds It impossible to control his. temper, and who realizes that these faults are cal culated to ruin and embitter., his whole life .and. keeps.. him constantly . in hot water, could hot do" better ' than to place himself in the hands of a good teacher of -boxing. . Nothing Is better calculated to impress upon a man the futility, of getting "all het up"; than a few stiff punches to the Jaw. It is a fact . that Indulgence, In the emo tion of. rage Injures the brain cells, poisons, the blood, stops the digestive processes ,and causes such an inter nal .ruction that frequent repetition actually endangers life. .: ; To the man who is -addicted to. such; a .vice, and who- has enough, .horse, eejse to hon- estly seek a-ure,I would sayf v Take up boxing wtth one experienced at the game, and learn to take your med lcina like a man, Many a murder and other violent crime would never be committed If all boys were- taught, in the school of hard knocks, the nec essity for self-control. It Is a note worthy fact that no professional pug ilist who was unable -to control his temper has , ever- been successful at the game. - . . ' :- " ' Another" point in favor of boxing Is that the boy who wants to shine with I" ttlovesv and be a champion among must live, a regular and wholesome life, and avoid late hours and dissi pation, in " order to accomplish - his ambition. Boxing as a sport to be recommend ed to amateurs, does -not mean slug ging. Many of the best professional boxers seldom if ever tPy for a knock out, and the amateur should develop all his attention to skill, cleverness and science rather than to the devel opment of a hard punch, Incidentally this. Sunday marks th 210th, anniversary of the. birthday cT the - father of modern scientific box ing., John Broughton, who was the second champion of England and the first bo introduce a code to govern the game, as well as the first to 1 use boxing gloves or "mufflens'! In teach ins: the art to his noble and famous pupils, was bora in London oxt July, 5. 170 While the early exhibitions of, pro fessional boxing were often brutal, pugilism at Its worst was a triumph for the, .spirit ot numaniry ana civ llization. Jtor; the bouths took the place of the bloody and often fatal combats with swords which disgraced the reign of George I. t It' is noteworthy that when English men substituted fisticuffs -for the duel with ' swords, England first began to manifest . the spirit of fair play and the square deal which has character ized her sportsmen ever since. After : quitting the ring. " Jack Broughton opened' an ampitheatre 'in London, where he staged -: boxing matches and instructed some of the greatest men ot England in the science of self-defence. The Prince of Wales and scores of noblemen and literary lights took lessons from "Professor Broughton,' who advertised that he gave . "proper, .instruction in the art and science of boxing without loss of eye or limb to :the students.", : - . , , Another quaint announcement - of this pioneer, instructor - of . boxing stated that at his gymnasium " "the whole theory and practice of that truly British art, with all the. various Stops, blows, cross-buttocks, etc.. In cident to' combatants, will ' be fully taught and - explained; and that - per sons of quality and distinction may not be barred from entering into a course of these lectures,, they, will be given- wlth the utmost tenderness and re gard to the delicacy of the frame and constitution of the pupil; for which reason i mufflers are provided,, : that will, effectually-secure .them from the Inconvenience of black eyes, ; broken Jaws and bloody" noses." . - ; , ' The "inufflers" invented by Brough ton to protect his titled patrons from the "Inconvenience of broken jaws," and other acci-derats, were but little smaller than pillow cases. They were made or cloth and stuffed with hair. Only the professor wore the glovesr his students being free to! bang away With, the bare fists as much as they pleased.' ",-'';.'' ';,'.' I.:.,'.',;,:. Hundreds of - the greatest men in English history , received instruction In boxing from ' Broughton and hit successors.' Lord Byrotf was among the pupils of a : later -. boxing , cham pion, just as Maeterlinck, the great Belgian man of letters, has been the pupil of ' Georges Carpentier. . Col. Roosevelt and many others ' scarcely less known, have studied boxing .un der the venerable ex-middleweight champion. Prof. Mike Donovan. - , Not everybody can ; have such, famous teachers, but all men can master box ing to an extent that will prove of great benefit ) to the ; health and , te? mental and physical agility.,. '-V ;'RUN& MADE LAST -WEEK -. NATIONAL LEAGUE. , Brooklyn .';'.., . . . New Yorlc i . i .'-.'a . . ; . , i i ;". '. , . Chicago '. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .v . Philadelphia i'J'..,i . .".v . '. . Boston r . .. . .......'-.-, . . 39 34 33 26 23 23 19 9 St. Louia . ... .". . . , . . ......... .' . Cincinnati . . . . .... . ... . . .". . Pittsburgh . ; . J . . '.."i. i X; . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boston .'. . , . , 84 Philadelphia . ....,-. . . . . ; ... . 32 Detroit 31 Washington , ... v. ; . . . . . . ...... ' 27 Cleveland . . . X XI iXir., . 21 Chicago , . .... . . . . . . . ... .-. , 21 New '-York . . ........ . .', , i . . .. 20 St. Louis ' . . . ... .... . . .'. .. 13 4 ?" INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Rochester . Baltimore ,., wr . 51 .27 Toronto . , f - . . . - . -.w.,' .23 Providence . - . ..... 4 ... S3 uT&lo. '.. . .... . . - 2 X Montreal ;. l ; . . ; . . . 20 Newark 1 . . . . ,,,we'U'18 ; . EASTERN ASSOCIATION.' New London . Waterfbury "vl-i . . . Bridgeport ... ... . . . Flttsfleld '.. .'-.. 1 Hartford , . . . '. ..--. -New Haven . . New Britain v.... ........ Springfield . J . . X J:Jr',: FEDERAL LEAGUE.-. -" . ;- .. Brooklyn ' "i'i i.-. . ;. .'i,' . ... .' '. i" 36 Baltimore -- . ."ir.".';' V'.'.'i-. " 29 Chicago- '. . .l. . . . ..... 21 Pittsburgh . . . . -. -.' ... 19 Indianapolis .. . . . . . .. . 19 St. Louis . . . . . . . .."; U. . ..... . ... 13 Kansas Ctty i M 18 Buffalo ..... ... - - . . . 18 NATIONAL 1 LEAGUE ' TESTERDAYS RESULTS. Cincinnati,- 7; St. Louia ,0. 1 Chicago, 5; Plttsbnrgh.4j. i. ..' SATURDAY'S RESULTS. ; - Wew York, 5; Philadelphia, 4 (a-m.) New Tork Philadelphia, 0 (p.m.) Brooklyn, 7; Boston, 5 (a-m.) " . Brooklyn, 4; Boston, 8 (p.m.) ' v' Chhawiv 1; Pittsburgh, 0 (a.m.) ; Chicago. 4; Pittsburgh, 2 (p.m.) St. Louis,. 4;Cinclnnati. 3 . (Ist). 'I St, J-ouis, 8; CAmcinnatl.v 1 (2d). , STANDING OF THE CLUBS., . J - 37 . 25 ... .4 24 . i . . 22 17 17 15 Won. Lost. P.C KwTorlc.i .., 40 24 ,625 Chicago . ,i. - 40 32' .556 St. Louis 37 38 .507 -Cincinnati W 35 36 .,493 Brooklyn .v. . 31 83' .484 Pittsburgh 31 85 J .4T0 Philadelphia ....... 30 ' 34 469 Boston ........... 26 40 .394 GAMES .TODAY. . Philadelphia in New York 2). Brooklyn In Boston (2). ' AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Chicago, 6; Cleveland, 3. St. Louis, 6; Detroit,-5 (1st). f St. Louis, 2; Detroit, 0 (2d). SATURDAY'S RESULTS. . New "Eock, 7PhilAVelpia,-.-a2.) Philadelphia, 6; New York. 2 (p.m.) Boston, 1; Washington, 0 (a.m.) Washln-gton, 3; Boston, 2 (p.m.) Chicago, 4; St. Louis 3 (a.m.) . Chicago, 9; St. Louis, 0 (p.m.), Cleveland, 10; Detroit, 8 (am.) ' Detroit, 3; Cleveland,' 2 (p.m.) STANDING OF THE CLUBS. . Won. Lost. P.C. Philadelphia ...... 42 29 . .592 Detroit 42 . j34 .653 Washington. ....... 38 33 1 .535 Chicago-. ... . . 88 - 33- -.635 Boston ......... .w 39 , 34 .534 St. Louis ....... ... 39 35 .527 New York 24 ' 43 1358 Cleveland ......... . 25 ' 46 .852 GAMES TODAY..i v 'New York in Philadelphia Boston In Washington. , ' - . - - - - , International. Leania i , YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Newark, 8; Jersey City, 0 (lst. Newark, 4; Jersey City, 3 (2d). Providence,' 7; Baltimore, 6. SATURDAY'S RESULTS. s Jersey. City, 2; Newark, 1 (a.m.) ; Jersey City, 6; Newark, 5 (p.m.) . Baltimore, 4; Providence, 3 '(a-m.X ; Providence, 8; Baltimore, 6 (p.m.) "' Toronto, 8; 'Buffalo-, 6s (a.m.) i : " Buffalo, 3; Toronto, 2 s (p.m.) . .' Rochester, 6; Montreal, 4 -(am.) Montreal ,5; Rochester, 2 (p,m.) .' ":'X STANDING OP THE CLUBSU Al --- ';"'.-': . i ';) - Won.. Lost. P.C. Balttmore .X: . '. .- 47, . 24. . .862 Rochester :; ...... .' . 42 ? 28 - .600 Buffalo .i. .89 .- ; 31 .657 Providence . . . . . 88 ' .H 31 '.651 Toronto ...w. , 33 i 35 .- ; .485 Newark .......... 80 , ; 36 , - ' .455 Jersey City iV". . . X. 24 - 46 .343 Montreal . . ..... - 24, ;. 46 ' ".!43 ' -V j GAMES.. TODAY." .' Jersey City In Newark. ' .. . Providence in' Baltimore, ' Toronto in Buffalo. - - ( : Montreal in. Rochester. '-; " FEDERAL LEAGUE . " YISTERDAYS RESULTS.'"' St. Louis, 6; Indianapolis, 3.' ' ; SATURDAY'S RJESULTS, . . - ' Brooklyn, 6; Buffalo, 1 (am.) . Buffalo, 6; Brooklyn, 2 (p.m.) . Pittsburgh, 3; Baltimore, 1 (a.m.) . , Pittsburgh, 8; Baltimore,7 (p.m.) Indianapolis, 12; Chicago, 3 (1st). Chicago, 6; Indianapolis, 3 (2d). St. Louis. 4 ; Kansas City, 0 (1st). St; Louis; 1; .Kansas City, 0 (2d). STANDTNG OF THE CLUES. ".' . ' -: iX.- ; -v..'., . Won. Chicago . -'. . 1 . . .- - ...40 Indianapolis ......'37 Baltimore . . . .s. ... . 35 Buffalo . . .' ... . . . -32 - Brooklyn ....... ,...'" 29 Kansas City ....... 32 Pittsburgh ...... 28 St. LoulS 1 . . .'. ... . 30 ' Lost.' 2tf '29 30 29 33 -." 89 .", 35 ; 1 .v P.G :697 .561 .38 L525 ,463 t451 -444 .423 - GAMES" TODAT, . -;:;"' Baltimore in Brooklyn. , , - : Pittsburgh in Buffalo, (' '. "'"; Kansas CSty In Chicago. " - ' ' EASTERN ASSO CIATION ' ; YESTERDAY'S' RESULTS. ;' Pittsfleld, - 4; Bridgeport, 1. ' Waterlsury, 4 ; Springfield, 2. '- . : New Haven, 3; New Britain -0. ; v SATURDAY'S RESULTS. -Briageport, 4; -Springfield, 0 (a-m.) Springfield, ,2; Bridgeport. 0 (p.m.) f New Britain, 1;, Hartford, 0 (a-m.) - New Britain, 4; Hartford, 1 (pm.) Plttafleld. 8;. Waterbury, 0 (a-m.) Plttsfield, 9; Wateribury. (p.m.) New London. 4; New Haven, 0 (a-m.) New London, 18; New Haven, 0 (p. W- X, - -'.-'-.' ';;,;: 7 STANDING OF THE CLUBS. ., Won. ' Losf. - P.C. ; 88 17 .691 ,33 24 .579 82 . 25 .661 ,27 28 . .491 .28 81 .476 ,.26 29 .473 , 26 28 .472 .J15, 42 , 288 New London . ... Watertmry . . j- -Bridgeport h. Hartford ...... Sprinsgfield . New Haven . ... Plttsfield New Britain. . . . . GAMES TODAY. . Hartford "to New Haven. -. New London In New Britain. Cpriyrigltt. luie. iv UcCln hmfofxt Syndicate IS LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF CONNECTICUT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, fSE, PROBATE COURT. - v . " .. .... July 1, 1914.,, . . Estate of August Mueller, late -cf . the town of Bridgeport, in said Dla trlot, deceased. '-".' ,: The Court of Probate for the -District of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six months from the data hereof for Creditors of said Estats to exhibit their claims for settlement. Those who neglect to presopt iffleir accounts, properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recov ery. , All persons Indebted to tail Estate, are requested to make imme diate payment to, ' , HERMAN . F MTTEUJER, ;.!. .. ; Exeoator. 1017 Madison Ave, Bridgeport, Coca. -...' P 3 ,sp STATE OF COXXTX'J'i ' LT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, E ... PROBATE COURT. , , " .... - JUly. 3, 1914. ' ' Estate ' of Justus Smith lata of Bridgeport, in said District, ce, -- . The Executrix having made srp--cation for an order authorizing to eiell certain real estate belonging to -said estate, as per said application on file duly appearar.t - ,.-;,-.? ' -. Ordered,'. That -the ssdd applies..! : a be heard and determined at the Pro bate' Office in Brtdgeport.on the 8th day of, July, 1914, at 10 o'clock ia the forenoon, and this Court directs said Executrix give notice to all per sons interested in said estate to ap pear, if they see cause, and be heard thereon, by publishing; this order In a newspaper having a circ la In said district, on or before tfca t day of July, '.'A. D., 1914, and retifra make to the Court of notice given. Attest,' - ", a X EDWARD F. -haxxsh;?,- - ;' -T "' . - ', - "' " -. jEi?-. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, PROBATE COURT. i '- ,''i:' ,v- .' July, 6, 5514. , Estate of Caroline Tyrrell, li-d i! Trumbull, in said District, dece- i. -: The administrator having rcac ap plication for an order aut1-' hlrrt to sell Certain real estate be! ing to said estate, as per said - -cation on file duly appears. . Ordered, That the said apr-H' So s be heard and determined at the Pro bate Office in Bridgeport, on the 14i i day of July, 1914, at 10 .o'cic i- the forenoon, ; and this court r said administrator to give n-'.- all persons Interested in ss-li t to appear, if they see cause, sr. S " -heard thereon, by putishinfr n der once in a newspaper hav:- ' circulation In said district, and ty giving personal notice to ail s-"" In interest, all on or before tins V day of July, A. D.,, 1914, and re vrj make to the court of notice given. Attest, - EDWARD F. ' HALLs ap'.. i Xvttl:. PROPOSAL FC: STATE ROAD TTC ." SEALED PROPOSALS wi " e i -ceived by the State Highway Co -sioner. Room 2 7, Capitol, J-.-.rr.. - r Connecticut, until 2 P. M. 1 -July 141914, for the. foIlo-B-1" tions of State Road Work in m.c. .- s ance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the State H's-w?, Commissioner and also at the iw. low ing places:- HUNTINGTOX, r-'-6,750 linear feet; of gravel or native stone macadam construction. A': about 6,760 linear feet of gravl, na tive stone macadam or trap rock m ac adam construction. .. Plans and r . fi cations at Town Clerk's 6ffi-, : ington. CITY OC NORWALK, aeout 6,840 linear feet of warrenlte, amie site, hassam or concrete (plain or re inforced) pavement. Plans and ificattons , at City ' Entrtneer's r r, Norwalk. -.TOWN OF -VE3T:-about 4.050 linear feet of warre amiesite, hassam or concrete t r " or reinforced) pavement " Flax r i specifications at Town CT'-r'k'! r " West port. CITY OF RH.IIX .-.." ' TOWN OF FAIRFIELD, aboct 470 square yards of warrenlte, amie-. site, bituminous concrete or e -fxsut pavement. Plans and s-oecificat -a t, t office of Director of Public l.'orts, City Hall, Bridgeport. All bids muft be accompanied by- a ararety compan-r bond or a certified check not lees 1' ' i one-third of the cost of the work. 1 State Highway Commissioner reserves the right to reject- any and sjl bi .-1. Dated at Hartford, Conn.. Jane ii, 1914. , ' ' ' C. J. BENNETT ' State Highway CoauioieBioner, BOOM 27, Capitol, Hartford, Const. PI A 141 FAIRFIELD : AVTL" The best clirars maa in lnjpor ?. 3 anal domestlo branda Complete I. , a f smokers snppilea, - - . -JAIlESn. ECLL :'-. -,' SOUTIIWORTII ";: 83- YEARS AT ENGRATTNG " lO ARCADE DQN-T IHSS THE 15 c PACKAGE SALE VALUES FROM 85c TO $2.&0 From June 2th to July SOtix . NOTICE If not sattsfiad MOJ3XTZ ' J will bo refunded -' , 1 1 w ' " Farmer Want Acls 1c a xjzi