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THE PARMER : JULY 14," 1914 -f EAi I ASK. FOR GOLDEN RTTLfc CTERTIFIOATES ASK FOR GOLDEN RULE CERTIFICATES -lkfl 02 Profit SHaring GOl-,EElSr RULE rt"ti t )!".. .71 seiEtf. 10 j .'.-'. PIlD 161 ijll rail ! in s K F O R G O L D E 'II R U L E ,-c:. E ItV T I , , F I C A T E S It is the intention of The Golden Rule Profit Sharing Association to place in operation a plan which will make it possible, for the Consumer v thev snend an interest ecruivalent to . that which a Savings Bank, pays theSm for the money that they save (Namely xr our rer iciiu; is--, i , , , s ; - , , With this view in mind we have established in various" sections ot the city among the merchants in their respective lines of business, fa number of what will be known as Profit. Sharing Stations. ' We have also established among a number of merchants what will be known as Redeeming Stations. ' ; "-' ' : ' ' For you to receive this Four Per Cent Interest on; the money you spend it is necessary for you to do your trading at' the different Profit Sharing Stations. r' r, ' - ; ' '. " ': - :' ' C." You will receive for each cash purchase you make1 a Certificate de noting the amount of said purchase. ! -; . . ; ' All our Certificates you save from trading .with the various Profit Sharing Stations you bring to our office for redemption. .... ' - t: --We- give to you a cash order for Four Per Cent' of the" total amount of Certificates you bring for redemption, which entitles you to go to any Redeeming Station which you may choose and buyany article or arti cles of merchandise in 'said Redeeming Station. To explain more thoroughly, we will take for example that Mrs. Jones brings to our office One Hundred Dollars worth of our Certifi cates for redemption. MrsJ Jpnes -should like to receive for our Certifi cates some article in the Jewelry line... ,; : . - '. '. V. We give Mrs. Jones a cash order on the Jewelry Store that is act ing assour Redeeming Station for-Four Dollars. This. is Four Per Gent of the Hundred Dollars worth of Certificates she' brought in for redemp tion. .'. '. . 7.'--'?- ''' -;v :; ' ' : . ; '" Mrs. Jones takes our order to said Redeeming Station and buys any article she desires. - 1; " ' i. " ' ; "'C' '.'- . ' ' ' If said article has a retail value of Four Dollars Mrs' Jones -receives same by presenting our cash order. ; , ' ' ; k-cJ'. ' ..: . If the article Mrs. Jones desir'es to. purchase has $. higher retail value than the amount of our cash order, she may-purchase. same by paying ;lhe difference in cash. , We have used the foregoing illustration ior,ex-. -planation purposes. ' -' . ,i v , ' - '; 1 It is not necessarr that you should save-.One Hundred Dollars wortji of our Certificates before bringing them to our office for redemption. ; ' We wilf issue cash orders of One Dollar dn every; Twentv-five Dol lars worth of our Certificates brought to- us for redemption. Cash or ders of One Dollar and One -Half on every Thirty-Seven and; One Half Dollars worth of our Certificates, Cash orders of Two ' Dollars on every Fifty Dollars worth of our Certificates and so on. Each Certificate that we issue will also'have a cash value of Three and One Half Per Centr " s V - ' ; 'J: " 1 .fc ' We realize that a number of pe rsons' wouj.d prefer cash rather than cash orders, so we will pay to any person saving our' Certificates who prefers the Three and One Half Per Gent in cash. , By this plan we,ar.e making it possible for the Consumer by trading .at the various Profft Sharing Stations to receivefor ; the money they vspend Four Vee- Cent interest in cash orders, or Three and One' Half Per Cent interest in cash. - , 1 , , .. " . : . ' We will keep before you at all times the various merchants who have adopted our Profit Sharing Plan for ydur'benefit. ' - v , .. , We: will do this so as to. tnake it possible for you. to know where vou can receive our cash or cash .redeeming, Certificates. . A S K F O R 3r O L D E N R IT L E C E R T F I C A T E S THE ARCADE BARBER SHOP TEN BARBERS D. 3. O'Connor, Proprietor. 26 P O. Arcade ATLANTIC PHARMACY Prescription Specialists ' 900 Main Street. ; BRUNSWICK CIGAR STORE Cigars and Tobaccos I 28-0 Fairfield Avenue. s LEON'S BARGAIN STORE Dry Goods, -Etc . ' 1404 Main Street. W ' S. L. BERNSTEIN ' Shoe Dealer 1576 Main Street v SAM LEVI , '"-i; - - ,Grocer . ' 4780 Main Street i ' BENNETT & KABLE Grocers and Butchers' : 1321 North Avenue THE CANNON PHARMACY : Druggists J349 State Street GEORGE SCHRADER Cigars and Tobaccos - . 1303 Stratford Avenue R. M. LEONARD Optemetrist 991 Main Street ' - S. VVEISSMAN N r t Trunks and Leather Goods 1161 Main Street IDEAL LAUNDRY I -Wet Wash and Mangle Work 57 Commercial Street . A. MUSANTE - ; Fruit Dealer j 1667 Main Street, ' BRINKERHOFF BROS. iv Druggists; 1890 Main Street V--.i::V E.; SNYDER ' "Grocer 423 Catherine Street J. CARAHER . Cigars, and Tobaccos '' 428 Barnum Avenufe. . ' Av N .S. ROSE . . ' v -Baker and Grocer 1319 Stratford Avenue. WILLIAM R. HURLEY & COMPANY . Clothiers. - ' s 1154 Main Street J. HORAN & SON Florists .a 943 Main Street SMITH'S SHOE SHOP Shoe Repairing" . . 25 Cannon Street JAMES J. SHANNON' v Cigars and Tobaccos 1570 Main. Street 1 .r. . 1 EMILE STEHLE v Shoe Repairing , 1751 Main Street - ' II. G. THOMAS Baker . ' : 2004 Main Street . ' McDONOUGH & DAILEY Grocers - ; y 22 Oak Street E. J. KINGSTON Shoes, Hats and Furnishings : 964 East Main Street , OLDERSHAWS, ' ' Dry Goods, Etc. . 1337 Stratford Avenue M. J, BUECIHjER . Jeweler 48 Fairfield Avenue . DR. DOW R. BEEBE 114 Meigs Building . 'P. FORTE ' ' Barber Shop 1572 Main Street -i.... i i ,iru,i,i . I,,, i I,, . i i . ., JOSEPH C. KEPPLE Collar and Harness Maker 1771 Main Street FRANK HEEDS . . Cigars and Tobaccos 2021 Main Street ,;" FRANK LEONE , Barber 360 Harral Avenue W. I. NICHOLS Druggist 1244 Stratford Avenue . ' EAGLE LAUNDRY ' ' ' Coats, Aprons, Shirts, Collars - 394 Frank Street -Starts- ie Effect Tomorrow-" Start tomorrow saving Golden Rule Certificates and reeei ve THAT FOUR PER CENT INTEREST on the money you spend. Thx various Merchants who have adopted our .Profit Sharing Plan will give you for each cash purchase a Golden Rule Certi ficate denoting the amount of your purchase. Tney have adopted our plan for your benefit; show them you appreciate it by giving them your trade. , It will surprise you the short time it will take to save a number of dollars' worth Of Golden Rule Certificates Whenvyou have saved what you think is a sufficient number, bring them to our office for redemption and we will give you THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT In .cash for them, or FOUR PER CENT in cash orders. . Our cash ordersj'will be kcceptedas cash in buying any article or articles of merchandise in the following stores: Geo. B. Clark & Co.; J. Samuels & Co., Atlantic, Pharmacy, M. J. Buechler, W. Ri Huey & Co-S. Weissman, W. I. Nichols, Brinker hofl 'Bros:, Leon's Bargain .Store, and at Oldersnaw's. , Any hi formation concerning the Golden Rule Plan of Profit Sharing will be gladly furnished by calling at our office. "''" ' 1 . . ' THE GOLDEN RULE PROFIT SHARING ASSOCIATION Room 211 Meigs Building, Bridgeport,. Conn. Telephone 5SS8. u o T G O It D - j.4 u L H G E T I n I C m u tjUJK, FOR GOLDEN RULE 'CERTIFICATES ASK FOR GOLDEN RULE CERTIFICATES iNatiorial Galleintry 4 America ForBids Men to Begradge Women Success Eb Miss ELLA HEPWOEf H DIXON, Enimsli Writer lllARD WORK GIVEN STATE 1HFAHTRY 1 H KtfW. is no country in which ' the btisiness wtman-miiiiiig expert, ' contractor or whatever eJio may be has such a fair fieW for her enterprise as in America. NATIONAL GAL7LANTRY FOR BIDS MEN TO BEGRUDGE- HER SUCCESS,, and instead of put ting Bp.&es in hex -vrheel and prejudicing people against this kind of f erminiBe enterprise, as uorconately old fashioned men "still do in Snglsnd, every jnaaculioe hand seems stretched out to help her in her difficult careen I think the American, woman is, like the Frenchwoman, eminently vriees in not resigning certain feminine privileges, and, I may add, farts." She-iatrariably dresses wenand her Parisian frocks; in an oice add greatly to her prestige and authority. . ' n . , r ONE READS-OF A FEMALE MASTER BUILDER IN NEW YORK WHO HAd IN HAND ONE MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH OF CONTRACTS AND WHO, ATTIRED IN A PLAIN LITTLE FROCK FRESH FROM THE RUE ,DE LA PAIX, SIT8 AT, HER DESK AND RECEIVES A CONTINUOUS STREAM OF MASCULINE PERSONS BRINGINQ: SAMPLES OF NEW BICKS, WATERPROOFING AND - ALL. THINGS APPERTAtNING TO BUILDING. ATA MOMENTS NOTICE SHE MUST MAKE HER DECISION, AfTO HER REPLY MAY INVOLVE THE SPENDING OF ENORMOUS SUMS OF MONEY. YET SHE ALWAYS KEEPS PLACID. COOL AND QUIET. f ' The cruiser South Dakota,' which has Mbeen stationed. In Mexican -waters for several nifonths, returned to San Fran- Cisco. ' , The -International LonirhoreTnienJs "Association opened its annu;i' conven tion at Milwaukee.' NlioaragTUt 'oustoiai receipts . for April amounted ( to $115,078, against Riobert P. SWnner,.'. United States Consul-General. - at Berlin , received orders to, report at his new post in London July 21. INlantic, Conn, July 14 (More bard work was given the . infantrymen of the Oonnecticut National Guard today. two hours "of . the morning, being ' spent in -tactics and the , afternoon being given over, to company -and battalion handling.. 'tThe First regiment was first put on parade. ' ' Jt was march ed outside for skirmishing and bat tle attack formation. After an hour of this, the. regiment' came back 'upon the parade ground and had another period of drilling." 1 1 ' , . The Second peglrifent was on the march at 9 o'clock'ahd, after carrying out Its field worki came -back and com pleted tbe morning stunt on the par ade. t The mounted scouts were drill ed on the " parade ground " at pitching tents ana then Sergeant Kelly, U. S. A., took over the command and gave. In struction in squad formation.;, single trooper and ' trotting and galloping. Later v the scouts went outside for map-making and patrol duty. ; The health of the camp remains ex cellent. Some men complained of sore feet but otherwise they are; becoming hardened to the work. - . - . . for an opportjyiity for relaxation and rest after yesterday's long and un decisive drifting match.. It', was . a source of disappointment, ' however, that there, should be the best racing weather in a week off Brenton's JLeef Lightship, for a snappy southeaster was puffing in from off shore, while the sky was. very clear. ' ; , Late in th forenoon, the Resolute started . on a spin in , the ibay. .'- It was stated that she .might run to Bristol for slight- changes 'before Thursday's contest.- , ' . . . . .' The .Vanitie and Defiance had made no mctfre up to noon to follow the Resolute. ; ' , ' - First Good Wind Finds k Yachtsmen at Best Newport, , K. , I., July 14 Owners, mana-gers, y officers and crews of the three cup defenders Defiance, Reso lute and Vanitie were grateful today Pure Food Experts Rule V On Real Fruit Jelly - - , . Washington, July ,14 Real fruil jlly must "jell" ibecause of the fruit juice In it and noti because gelatine has 'been added to it,' the pure food board announced in a ruling today. The board also ruled today that, when ever salts are added to a natural wa ter, the label must show that the wa ter has 'been artificially treated. Great Britain's Team to Meet Winner In Boston Wimbledon, July 14 Great Britain today - won the third of the singles matches in the preliminary round against France in the Dwlght F. Davis, international lawn tennis trophy tour-' nameht. The British team will cpnse Quently meet at Boston the winning team of. the Australasian-Canadian- Germ'an matches. T. M. Mavrogorda to, of Great -Britain, won a compara tively easy victory over Max Decugia1. of France, in three otvaight sets, 7-5, r-s. ' The British team had on Saturday won the first two singles matches but were beaten yesterday in the ' doubles by the French pair.', - . ; Cruiser Brooklyn to Become Receiving Ship CPhlladelphia, July 14. The armored cruiser Brooklyn, which took -a prom inent part in the operations off Cuba in the Spanish-American war,, left the Philadelphia navy yard today for Bos ton where the old fighter will become a' receiving ehip. It is the. first time in seven years that. the Brooklyn has put to sea; Jiaving been laid up at the navy yard here since ,her return from the Jamestown, fair- in 1907. a : -V' ; Woman's Attack Fails to Kill Mystic Lay Monk ' - St. (Petersburg, July 14. The report that Gregory Raspulin, the mystic lay monk and adviser -of the emperor of Russia, had died from' the wounds inflicted on him recently toy a woman . in pokrovlsky, his native village in Toklk, Siberia, was unfounded. -The monk was conveyed (by steamer to Tyrumen, accompanied -by the gov ernor of the province, the bishop of Tobolsk and two doctors. Miss Anne Morgan issaid to be seri ously thinking ofbuying an aeroplane following her flrSt- flight with Fanl Schmidt- at ChartreB, France. Absurd That Women ; Shouldn't Wall: Streets at Iight Without Elsccrt j.v Bn Mrs. G. VERE TYLER. Aalhor THIS is an age bent on dealing knockout blows to abs-cr;!'".-: ? ? inconsistencies. ..Let women clear tlie street of prof -i-fci.. iniquity by appropriating them to healthful and belief j- r; c . THERE ARE LADIE3 IN NEW YORK WHO WOULD NO MOftE DREAH OF WALKING TWO BLOCKS ON BROADWAY AT NIGHT THAN THEY WoULD THINK OF CR08SINO THE OCEAN IN A ROWBOAT. BOTH PROCEDURES SUGGEST TO THEM THE IDEA OF PERIL I MYSELF WAS ONE OF THESE WOMEN UNTIL I MADE AH EXPERIMENT. I FOUND IT HARMLESS, ENTERTAINING"", EXHILARATING. MY MIS 8 AGE TODAY IS TO ALL LIKE PRISONERS. LET THEM 8TART FORTH TO EWOY THE.8IJLENDOR8 OF A GREAT CITY REGARDLESS CF HOURS. WHEN IT IS A RECOGNIZED FACT THAT THEY INTEND THUS TO UTILIZE THE CITY BY NIGHT, AS MEN DO, THEY WILL E" JU8T AS SAFE AS MEN ARE. THAT FINICKY, TRIFLING WMD "S3 CORT" SHOULD BECOME OBSOLETE. Women are fighting for the vote who must pay taxes on property they are only permitted to use, independent of man, part of the twenty four hours. Man has established for himself personal liberty for tweaty four hours out of the twenty-four. Woman should do the same. Tfr. William J. Denno, of New York, and rr." Charles w." Berry, of Brooklyn -were appointed sanitary -supervisors in the State Health Service,. The salary is $4,000 a year. . . Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. The Prohibition State Convention at Springfield, 111., nominated Oeorga TV". Woolsey for United States Senator. The Cedar Grove hotel at Cedar Grove, N. J., was struck by ligrhtninsr. Twenty guests were stunned but none injured. If You ant o Ment h "IT T : If ; Yoii Wish to Hire - ' " , - : " . . If Yoii Wisli to Buy. rrn . ti -t w- - - our P- - - a Cottage f ore Gottage or . : trie Season Sell It 15 rings i'-'t ne;'::1'-oest or -Excharige Property Farmer Classified esults . ' rS a it'll ma 4--. tti.-ft A.jft. ifaW 11