Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: JULY 14, 1914 15 tJMV TO:W Everyone KIgfit -s!7is'' ue 5Hduuo not " - j HftVG BEEN V- OST 'Eft i ' )jOOR FIELDING For Sale FOB SAXiE Piano boxes, P. J. Mur jhya express, 75 Henry St. P 11 i FOR Four etory brtclc build- in r-, 42-4S Middle St,k adaptable lor ttr Mud of - business. . Terms rea enable.--. B. F. ..Cooney, Security buildinsr- P 11 dp 6r"CIAI SAXJE J25.00 bicycieo only 119.96: ISS.00 bicycles J29.50; $40 1:1 cycles $S2.50;- safety- tread tires . I.S5. City Auto Co.. 439 Fairfield Aveaaue. Open Eveninars. ' ' ' - E 8 - ' - To Rent - ' ,- ., TOf.EVT A barn at 50 Newflelfl ave cue, large enough for two automoJ - tiies, 16 a. month. . P 11 Bp SIIOKH FROST Cottage to rent, city water and gas. No. , 432 Silver Beach, Mrs. H. Cooper, . Mllford, Conn. ; I 10 dp TO FvENT Furnished room and, looses for light housekeeping, 49 State and 701 Myrtle Ave. P 1 aj ' 11 w TO " TZTiT F1 ve rooms, all improve meats. Inquire 853 Wood Ave. D 2 3 tt TO REST 8' furnished rooms, housekeeping; reasonable for sum mer. Call in forenoon, 6 05 War ren St. 1 D 28 a)'p; ' ,xx Ft PvXisirrn rooms, hot cold water, all newly papered, one or 2 men. 1242 State St. r ii tf , 1 J"! i. r TO RENT rooms, steam lieat, large porch, central location. Call, write or phone, L. Weiss, 1433 Uiia SL Phone 2748-8. '. R 25 tf TO RENT Handsome furnished rooms,- including electric light, ftesm heat. ot and cold water in nirni Private family. First floor. IC3 Gcideri Hill St. ' " ' U29 TO RENT During summer season c'pgTint private residence all fur Eisaed, . beautiful grounds, in Falr f e'.i. for reasonable rent. William Ornesinger Je Son. 48 John street, Bridgeport. . i R 1! tf. ' FOrt RENT Gold am H!H, even room apartment $48; 1671 Fairfield avenue, cottage, $60: 40 Savoy St, (even room apartment. $3 It. 'Jolta J. Fisher. 1024 Mala St. Bl aj Tf) RENT 8Lx room apartment, hot 4ter heat, electric ligats, tile bath, ' IV o. S7S5 North Main St., oppof li ist.- Vincent's hoepltal. Inquire on p"reni'il. T18 tf TO RENT Nleely furnished room in strictly respectable family. , , l2& jtaixneid Ave. Phone 8S8-8. ' - U14 t FOR RENT Room for msaufactur r or storage. Gledhill A Co, 4ZZ. V, .Vatnr St. . R8 t TO RENT Second and third flooi at 131 Cannon St. Suitable for light manufacturing and storage. , Wal dorf Motor and Machine Co. , . . d i : . Wall -Papers LARGEST AND MOST COTiCPIiKTS! LINE In Bridgeport. Wholesale and retail painters supplies. James. J. ' Conlin, 70 and 72 Elm St.. Bridge port. Conn. S IS . a WAJLL PAPER Eo and 10c the rolt OaXmeaJa. vamiah tiles. 1041 Broad St. B 20 tf WALL PAPER A f nlf line of :new cp ring patterns, blanks, gilts, - in grains, oatmeals, tiles and two-tone -effects. Edward Uroeka, 232 State street. - B 27 KO JOB' LOTS we carry in stock, only r.iirh grade goods, tiffany blends, leather effects. grass cloths, etc AJso fancy mouldings, large assort ment. Edward E. Bursey, 47 John St. - U 22 a Wanted T-o Buy WASTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F, To tarns. Redfield's old stand. 43 Har rison St. Telephone 1015-2. P 10 tf WANTED TO BUT all kinds human hair. J. B. Adams. 149 6 Iranistaa . avenue, near Maplewood Ave. U 80 a WANTED . TO BUT ra erf's second band clothing and furniture. Mrs. C Meyer. 1447 Main St. Tel 2352-2. 8 6 s WANTED To buy all klndr f see cud hand furnitture. Geo. F. To (uu, Redfleld's eld stand, 42 Har- , twea &(.. telephone 1016-2. U 18 tf T017 " POTT WANT any old Junk or old thingn around your premises, tut we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the highest price and get them out of your way. Prompt attention aad sausf action is our record. 66 Kos nth St Tel. Its. R6 1 i IP TOTJ WANT GOOD BEER In your home, order either "Pilsner' (Light) or "Brombacher" (dark). It costs no rrLgrf-e, because Its pure. Sold la rase The Ambrose Co.. 640-644 East Main St Telephone 1012. S 6 ti . rsmer "Want Ads. lc a "VTcrd. McniotiSo on u Lyford' AEPEKSON i BecU b',-( ; OLDSMOBILtE ( Phone 1235 $lf350 ' R1 a OAKLAND. R. J. ft ' CHEVROLET F:FT.TT MOTOR TRTTCTK ISTTtOMRERG CAR BTJRETOR3 XL M. FORD, 1841 MAIN ST. - '.-' i - cole; POPE HARTFORD' ' '" . ' ' MTTC11ELL - ; STUDERAKER' IIOLIITE-ENIGHT : fiCOTT & srMTTLLEN, JR-JltTTO CO. 877 Fairfield Avenue : 4443 Taki , phonies 3400 cabs' .". v 4 EDWARD T. BROWN" : ' shock ' 1 ; -VTITVTIT - stkmsIk Aboorber v XjX v ,J Absorber Phone 3120-3 ;y 170 Cannon Street It ft A 1 1 Motor Cow - Distrtbntora.- , Phone 1555-$, SS9 Fairfield . Avev BICIXUiES ' :'; Reading . Standard Bicycles, . sruaran . ' . teed three years. Second hand wheels $5 and trp. L. N. MAINIERO, 1410 STATE ST. ; -.- U 8 dS l"ypewrlters '. JSBXnMJ TXPEWRITERS , L. C . -Smith,' s Underwood, .Remington, all ' othes cmKes, Hutu, rexixea r-pairea. xeiimiB t per month. Maottlnel sold at $6 per month, Pliimtn.? Tim. writer "BTrcriange. 166, Fairfield Avaj Bridgeport. Conn.. i Sand and Grave - THE BURNS i , CO."' . oiTST SAVINGS 'BANK ' ' I , ' 53 Main St ' Boom Ml BiiUIOJV STONE, AU Sizes, 'j ROOFING 'v- .', NOTICE . BRIDGEPORT : ITYDRATJLIC COMPANY v s NO. 820 MAIN STREET . - Water rates for the qnarter ending July 1st, 1914, aa-e NOW DUE and payable at the offloe of ttoe Company, No. S'.JO Main Street. All hills must be paid on or before ' J, t5 JUI-Y 15TH.1914: v ;. . Business hours Saturdays from S A. M- to 12 M. For the accommodation of the pxrb Iic the office will be kept open from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. ' 1 Mondays, July 6th and 13th, 1914 ALBERT E. LA VERT, PI t . Secretary. , NOTICE ' c t. Taken by virtue of an execution to me directed, and will be sold at pub lie vendue to . the highest bidder, at the public sign post in the Town pf Bridgeport, 14 days after date which will be on Friday, the 24th day of July; 1914, at 10 o'clock In, the foree noon to satisfy said -execution and my fees thereon, the following ... de scribed property, to wit: - All the stock and fixtures in the store at 177 Fairfield avenue, Bridger port,' Conn. The stock, consists of millinery goods and glass cases. Dated at Bridgeport this 10th day of July,. 1914, , CHARLES B. MARA, Deputy Sheriff of the County ,of Fair-, field. P 13 s" ON i ArtJmr George Jonea ' ' WHY SUFFER? Toothache Cured In One Minnte, Teetn Positively Extracted With out Pain if You Take the; NAP-A-MINUTE . No Pain No High Prices OUR PATENT SUCTION TEETH FIT, FEEL AND LOOK 5 A SET AND UP ArtliTJsr George J ones Dr. p. A. Kumpitsch dentist; ' Corner Main and Falrrield Avenue Over D. M. Read's OTn EveniTisi end Sut-1vh 7171 Mi ;etr VSr Tats TeBtli Write Deteifc Of Their Business Uke Basete!! I ruf: RftNNtft wl BE INTERESTED I TO KrMoiAJ TVWir MEYC rf.c me-W Wiov. . ) TOOW OM THE TODAY S WANT13' ' To Late To Hz ? .l(vi.asssiflcd.-:..'.:-v. MADAM MERTZ reliable clairvoyant, medium advises and helps AIL' Spe ijiai, Jadies 2 5o next ; 3 ; days. . 383 State. St. . , : . ', V . aP'.'. LOST 'At Walnut Beach,- lady's gold 1 watch.- Valued for its associations. r Flnder' please' return to Jas. Staple ton. State ' St. Reward, .: FOR SAL1G .2 family house, large yard for chickens, etc. Easy terms. ease- Realty jxiain est., Room 504. P 14 r FOR SALE New 2, family houses, all Improvements, Davenport ,. avenue, -near Stratford avenue $800 In cash. will buy one. Bargain. Percy P. Anderson,'-340 Fairfield Ave. . I P. 14 PROPERTY, bought, ; sold, and ex changed. . Beautiful houses, splen--did Investments,, ideal building lots for homes or - business. Bargains,' ." easy terms, . mortgages. Telephone 21, Morofng, Perry. P 14 r AUCTION SALE RESTAURANT anu .; 1 uiic ri T roum, .l 1 1 ui ouaj bljllvit . noon, 2 b' clock, 'July v' 16th, at 741 East Main street. . Cash ; register, large ice box, gas, range, Perfeot range, tables, " chairs, lunch . coati- . ter, stools, clock, electric fan, ; cof-. fee urn, arm chairs, etc." Daniel P. Keane,! Auctieneier. .- 1 . ' , ap TO CLOSE AN ESTATE the following pieces of property are offered for sale at bargain prices,, consisting of t. anements and stores always oocu- pied:, Walter ,and Pembroke -Sts.; , .Crescent Ave. ;: Bunnell St. and Og- ' den St. also lots on Grand Avenue and Boston, Ave. , - Paul F. Beeta, Real Estate! New Haven, Conn. '-. . V--.... :fr.. P 14 dp , WANTED Girl ' wants position' as housekeeper for wl dower or nouse- work, in small family. ' . Address J. P., 29 James St., Danbury, Oonn. : V ' . ' ,."' P 13' bp PHONE S290, day or night. Automo biles for hre. Aston Garage. . r e tfQ i- 3 5.., NEW, f TWO FAMTLT HOUSE on . Capitol Ave., for sale. Delightrul Burrotmdlngs,. fe.ll improvements in cluding sewer,, electric lights, gas and bath. ; Ideal Investment. G. W, Knight & Co. 9,52 Main St. . - -:-- .- V ' - P 11 d'O WANTED Experienced corset or brassier - cutters. Apply Warner ' Bros. -Co.,:-Employment Office. - ' .. - , ' P 10 "itf S3.&0 and $4.00 Snow Oxfords for men at$2.98. , They;, are ... Union Made and absolutely guaranteed. D. Greenbaum 121 Congress's. Open evenings.' ; r.'r- ". t : P.' S tfo:-,'- W ANTED Everybody to know Mur - phyvthe painter; formerly of 1 04 ' : Congress St.. Jias located at J 487 Berkshire Ave. Telephone 2788. ' - - R 20 tf o ASK "STOtTR GROCER ior Never - - Enough bread. : Tour grocer keeps It. - - R 6 tf , FOR: SALE Never-Enough oread at grocers. Call for ttl v ? - It 6 :tfa DONT ECONOMIZE at the expense tl of your eyesight. , At a nominal : cost you could enjoy comfortable vl- . Fion. Harry E. Lee,' optometrist, - Warner building, 83 Fairfield ave nue. , Licensed by examination : to Practice. . R 7 tf o HAVE YOU TRIED Never-Enough-bread, tf, not call for It " R 6 tfo WANTED . 2.5 ypungc,.men, . neat ap pearance every mo'rning.,.Pald,aily, Stevenson's Store; 6 7 2 Main " St. ' v. - D 25 at p WW" Ml Milletts, ; u Hungarian Grass, Turnip Seed, : Mowing Machines, ',, t j i: Hay -Rakes, : -,f-, : Tedders, . " ' ; Grain Cradles, Dahlia Poles, Tree Guards at - Farmer srSopply& 5 256 MIDDLE STREET The Paris Bourse will remain closed until Wednesday because ol the cele bration of the fall of the Bastlle. Another ease of bufbonio plague has been discovered in New Orleans and a quarantine has "been- placed on all 7 """"""-'- 1 iLl ' ri ru i JO ST" " ' v . . ' .".- rrp.e . tv-s.S towN, T - NOTICE AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH ' PUBLIC M ARKET PLACES W 1 114 1 Df.THB CrrY OF BRIDGEPORT-; 'In compliance with votes taken at the meeting of the CoraBoon Council of the City of Bridgeport, held July 6i 1914, the following ordinance was adopted, to wit: T'.'t Be It Ordained by the Common Coun cil of the City of Bridgreport: i , ' 1 Section 1. Three certain tracts of land situated In. the City of Bridge port aud i severally bounded and, de scribed as follows: The triangular plot of ground on Crescent avenue ini front of the fac tory of The Bridgeport Brass com pany, bounded . i J ; ' ., . North, by Crescent Avenue; . i East, by Pembroke Street; . ,v Bouth, by Church Street; , , . "West, by a point. - 1 The vacant lot; at the Bouthwest corner .o'f, Main . and Grand streets, bounded ' - - North by Grand street, 108.84 feet. East by Main, street,. 166.47: feet; : South by land of Sloan Estate, 106. 95 feet. . - . West by land of Goldstein, 156 feetf Both ' sides ;of Ridge avenue from IranlBtan Avenue to . Walnut street, easterly; are hereby declared to be public market places, and shall' here after be kept and maintained for the use of farmer and market gardeners and for the sale of -beef, pork, .veal, mutton, lamb, poultry, butter, cheese, vegetables and such other articles as are usually Bold in ' public markets, except as hereinafter limited and ex cepted. . . .vt ,- - ; . . i ,. ,r:; - Section - 2, Said i public ' "market places shall be, under the supervision of the .City Sealer of ; Weights "; and Measure - - .. i : Section 8. ' No person shall ' sell or expose for sale any goods, articles or thing whatsoever upon the sidewalks or in. the streets Immediately adjoin In sr such public market places. . .-. . . . Section 4. 'Ail meats and. other, ar ticles sold by weight or, measure at said markets hall be weighed : or measured at the market by weights. 'scales or measures previously sealed by the City Sealer . of Weights and Measures, and any - person using for such purpose any , scale, weights - or measures not so sealed shall . upon conviction be fined not more than one hundred dollars. ----- Section- 6.. If shall be the duty -of the City Sealer rot Weights and Measures,- onoe in every three months to inspect all weights, scales and meas ures iused In weighing or 'measuring in the said markets ; .and if any person-shall neglect or refuse to exhibit his or her weights, . scales, or ; meas ures, or any of them, for the. purpose or sucn inspection, or shall obstruct or hinder t said officer in, the ... per formance of the duties Imposed upon him 'by thle section, such person shall upon conviction. be fined , not more than twenty-five dollars; becoon 6. isvery person using . said market places shall immediately . up on the close or each market day, re move from said market places all ar ticles of meat, ' vegetable and other merchandise brought or sent oy. him Into Baid market places, or -In his charge therein, and all refuse ot, every description connected with . thtf busi ness transacted, by him in said market places. : Any person refusing .or neg lecting to comply with the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not more, than twenty-five dollars." ,'-;,;- - . .-v.,",:. Section 7. Persons desiring to, use said market ' places for the . purposes defined In this ordinance may drive upon said market places for the pur pose of taking a position thereon for the transaction of business,- but no horse or- other .animal drawing the samaTshall be detached from such cart or wagon ; while in the . market place unless he be -forthwith- Jed therefrom ;- nor . shall ; any : . person drive or push any cart, wagon or oth er vehicle. In or upon said . market place except for the purpose of se curing a position for the transaction of business ' under this ordinance or for the purpose of leaviner such mar-. ,Ket piace.. Any person violating the provisions or this section shall, upon conviction, be,- fined -not more than one hundred dollars." . ", " m Section" 8. No persbn shair' buy any provisions or articles of food in said market for the . purpose, of selling again in the market; nor shall any fish or other sea food be sold orof feredt for sale in such markets, Section 9. No meat shall be sold or offered for sale in any of said market places unless the carcass from which it is taken shall have been in spected, passed and stamped by an agent of the Board of Health as re quired by an ordinance of the City of- Bridgeport entitled "An Ordinance Relative .to . Slaughtering" adopted January X Oth, ' 1911 Nothing con tained in this ordinance shall be con strued as permitting the sale, or of fering for sale, of any article of food contrary to the ordinances and by laws of the . City relative to the pre paration, handling or sale thereof.. Section 10. Said market places are hereby set apart for the exclusive use of farmers and market gardeners, to wit: those persons,, and- those persons only, who obtain a living by. agricul tural pursuits, including the feeding and raising of live: stock. . And. no person shall Bell or ovrer for sale in said market places, any . meat, vege tables or other articles of food or merchandise unless the same were raised or produced by him in the reg ular course of such agricultural pur suits. But this shall no be construed to prevent farmers and market gar deners from selling their produce in said markets through their servants or employes. -! Section 11. Every day in the week, except Sunday shall be a public mar ket day in such public markets. Pro vided, however, that said markets jthall close at one o'clock p. m., of each day, and- all property, articles and refuse shall forthwith be remov ed as hereinbefore provided. Section 12. All persons using- said market places shall procure a license therefor from the superintendent of police. The fee for such license shall be five dollars. Such license shall run from the 10th day of July in each year and shall be renewed annually. Such license shall bear the name of the person, to whom it Is issued and -shall be non-assignable. Such license shall entitle the holder thereof to oc cupy a space In any of the designat ed market places for one stand, eart, wagon or other vehicle either Tinder, his own - charge' or that of his ser vant or emnlcye Every person using- ? said market places shall , at all times during market hours be prepared to display, on demand, his license or the license of his employer to the sealer of weights and measures or to any police officer in uniform. Any person selling' or offering for sale in said market - places any .trticle of ; mer chandise without such license, or who shall refuse to produce, and display his license on- demand, as aforesaid, or j who shalL assign or transfer such license- or otherwise "violate ' the pro visions ; of I this section, shall, upon conviction, be fined : not more than one hundred dollars. J , - Section 13- -The superintendent of police may revoke the license of any person who by himself, bis servants or employes, shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, and when notice in writing shall have been giv en to the' person whose license has been revoked, all rights thereunder shall terminate and cease. --.( - Section 14. ; Copies of this ordi nance shall, ae often as required, be fastened up in conspicuous places in and aboct such public market places, and any. person who shall deface de stroy or take down- any of said copies without legal authority . shall npon conviction be fined not more than ten dollars. - ' ' ' Section "15. Any person violating any of the - provisions of -"this ordi nance for which no other- punishment is prescribed,, shall, upon, conviction be fined not more . than -one , hundred dollars. ) - . :. ; ' i , " Section ".O. " The! ordinance relative to Bales by peddlers and vendors shall hot apply to sales in said public mar ket places. ' - : . Adopted', July 6, 1914. . Approved, July 7, 1814. ' jALEX. H. ROBINSON, . .-:--.V- r .- City Clerk. NOTICE AN ORDINAOE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE -REGARDING THE ' SALE OF NEWSPAPERS ON THE STREETS. ", . In compliance with votes taken at the meeting: of . the Common Council, or -the City or, Bridgeport, held July 6. 1914. . the following ordinance. amending- an "Ordinance regarding Newsboys and the Sale of Newspapers on the Streets," -adopted June 1, 1914, was unanimously adopted, -to wit: - Be It Ordained by the Common Coun- , eu or tue Jity 'or Mrtageporti Section 2 of an Ordinance entitled An Ordinance regarding 'Newsboys" is hereby amended by striking out the words 'iSr o'clock a. m." and inserting in their stead the words "5 o'clock-a. m." so that said section r aa amend ed shall read as follows: - Section 2. No minor under six teen shall upon the streets, highways, alleys or any other public places with in the corporate limits of the city of Bridgeport, sell, attempt to sell, exhi bit for sale, or have in his posses sion with intent to s sell, newspapers, magazines, periodicals or similar mer chandise of any kind between the hours of-8 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock a. m., except , from , April 1 6th until October rsth, when said hours shall : read between fl o'clock p. m.. and 5 o clock a. m.. nor during the hours that the public schools of this city are in - session." -.-;,- ..-..'- ; Section - 3 of- the same ordinance Is hereby amended by striking out the word "twelve" and .. inserting in f its stead the word "ten." so that said sec tion as amended shall read as follows: "Section 8. A license shall not be issued to girls nor to boys under the age of ten years." x Adopted, juiy , 114. Approved. ..July 7, 1914. , . Attest: , . - S. ALEX. H. ROBINSON, '.' , -A-.-- - City Clerk. NOTICE AN ORDINANCE PROHTBITTNG : AUCTION SALES IN RETAIL STORES AFTER .6 P. M. - In compliance with votes taken at the meeting of the Common Council of the City . of Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, the following ordinance was adopted, to wit: Be It Ordained By the Common Coun cil' of the City of Bridgeport' -. Section 1. No person, firm, part nership, association or corporation, other than those doing a regularly constituted auctioneer business in the City of Bridgeport, shall sell or dis pose of ; any. goods, wares or mer chandise at public auction within the city of Bridgeport after six o'clock In the afternoon of any day. Section 2. ' Any violations of section one of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of fifty (60) dollars for each offense. Adopted, July 6, 1914. . Approved. July 7, 1914. Attest: - , . . , . ' J. ALEX . H. ROBINSON. City Clerk., NOTICE .-ASSESSMENTS'. "'"'" Perntanent Pavement Singer Avenue, From Klefer to Whiting Sts. -. ' In compliance with votes taken at the meeting of the Common- Council of the City of Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, the following report -of the Board of Appraisal of Benefits and Damages was adopted relative to the construction of permanent pavement on Singer avenue from Kiefer Street to Whiting street: v i - STATEMENT . .. , Contract price of said ' work is $2,843 61 One half paid by the City . . of Bridgeport $1,421 76- Amount assessed $1,421 75 -. " : ASSESSMENT '- John E. Porter -. : - ., $ 207 78 Priecilla L. Lines ''-r $454.' 69 New York, New Haven. St. . . - Hartford R.' R. Co. . " $759 28 . $1,421 75 And recommended for adoption the following resolution: Resolved, That Howard F. Smith be and la hereby appointed Collector of benefits for the construction- of said pavement. Adopted, July 6, 1914. Approved,. July 8, 1914 Attest: " -- ,''-; J. ALEX. H. ROBINSON, . . , City Clerk. Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. Players ? Mm fcr this p:;st By FisftSf AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE , OFFICE OF A FOURTH ASSIST ANT ENGINEER IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. s . In compliance with Votes taken at the meeting of the Common Council of the City , of Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, the following ordinance was adopted, to wit: -- ' . Be It Ordained by the Common Coun--;cil of the City of Bridgeport. Section a. The office of Fourth Assistant Engineer is hereby created in the Fire Department, and the Fire Commissioners are hereby empower ed to appoint some suitable person to this office who shall also act as per manent clerk of the Board Of :Fire Commissioners and hall receive a salary at the rate, of Seventeen Hun dred Dollars ($1700) per year. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect from its passage. ' Adopted, July" 6, 1914... - : -: -Approved, July 7, 1914. A.ttest: 1 i j -J." ALEX. H.,: ROBINSON, - City Clerk. NOTICE ' ASSESSMENTS im permanent Paving of Whiting Street, From Main Street East. . In compliance with 'votes taken at the meeting of the Common Council of the City of - Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, the following report of the Board of -Appraisal of - Benefits and Damages was adopted, relative to the construction of permanent paving on Whiting Street, from Main street. . '.-" STATEMENT Contract- price of said "work is "$3,074 67 One half paid by the City ., of i Bridgeport , $1,627 84 Amount assessed $1,637 33 Priscilla Xj. Lines'- ' $188 80 Eliza F. Jenkins , ,, 83 20 Lee-S. Smith l (166 40 Lydia Wintter, Wllhelm ..A. Cora and Pauline K. Wintter ; ; . : '800 '80 William J. Heaphy :- ' ".- 224 83, Warner Bros., Co. - ' 7 673 80 :'-. ---A: , : --';;- --,' ' . $i,53"7 33 -.And recommended for adoption the following resolution: ,r Resolved. - That "Howard F.' Smith be and Is hereby appointed Collector of i benefits for the construction of said pavement. , . , 'Adopted, Jury 6, 1914. Approved, July 8, '1914. ' -Attest:-- : J. ALEX H. ROBINSON, ."' -', "'" " City Clerk, r NOTICE ' '. ' ASSESSMENTS Permanent Paving of Atlantic Street ; Fran Main ; Street to Russell St. , ' In compliance with votes taken " at the meeting of the Common Counci" of the -City of Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, the following report of .the Board of Appraisal ef (Benefits and Damages was adopted relative to the construction of permanent pavement, of Atlantic street, from Main street to Russell street: -' - - . - - - , ' , : - STATEMENT . Contract price of said work $5,091 04 One half paid by the-City - of Bridgeport ' $2,645 53 Amount assessed . $2,545 62 ' ASSESSMENT ; .'-:' '. Philip P. Mitchell ' $ Katie -Robbins -,. , ' .4 i Amelia "Bertram : , ' Stanislous & Martno ' Sabarks William O. .Burr , . . ... Frederick Somers .v ' ,- George Finn and David : Oborne ' -. . : Warner Brothers Co. ' ' -New York, New Haven & ' Hartford R. R. Co. Antonio "Molinousky ; , ' 260 82 96 60 171 66 135 24 167 44 173 88 318 78 418 60 615 72 186 76 "- .' ' -' ' - , , ' $2,545 52 " And recommended for adoption the following resolution: Resolved, That Howard F. Smith be, and is hereby appointed collector of benefits for the construction of said pavement,' . , Adopted, July 6, 1914. .' Approved, July ,8, 1914. " ' -" Attest: ' ' , , ' ''' ' , J. ALEX. H. ROBINSON. . , City Clerk. NOTICE . assessments Permanent Pavement of Fairfield . - Avexrae From State Street to, - . i Railroad Avenue. In compllaaee with votes taken at the meeting of the Common Council of the City of Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, the following report of the Board of Appraisal of Benefits and Damages was adopted relative to the construction of permanent pavement on Fairfield avenue from State street to Railroad avenue. . - f.r " STATEMENT Contract price of said . ,: i - work is - 0 , $3,262 68 Amount assessed against - - the city. I .- t ,, , $2,027 1 . ' Amount assessed against property . owners . $1,235 42 ASSESSMENT , Patrick J. Dowling '$ 277 44 James Horan Estate, 13 86 N. Y., N. H. & H. B- R. Co. 881 12 Patrick J. ponovah estate- 63 00 1 $1,285 42 And recommended for adoption the following resolution: Resolved., That Howard F. Smith be and is hereby appointed Collector of benefits for the construction or said pavement Adopted, July 6, 1914. Approved, July 8, 1 9 14. 1 Attest: J. ALEX. H. ROBINSON, - i City Clerk. THE SPIRIT WILLING. ' (London Tattler.) "I say, old boy, have you got suffi cient confidence to lend me five bob V "Oh, yes, old chap, a Tvo got the con fidence, . but T haven't trot the five bob." THESE ARE KITTENS ". OF VERY' HIGH BXB.TH i Mrs. ,Tabby, Climbing a . Tree, Gives ,', . v - Then a Chance to Start Up i . . : :'.'-...' In the World. -, , So that a little Joy might shed its sunshine on much troubled Tarry town, along, came a black cat named Mary to supply news from the Sleepy J Hollow country. - The cat is owned by "Morris New- j man of Washington street, Tarrytown. j He heard: kittens, meowing- above fciu j porch Sunday, but could not find theirs j until a kitten fell from the tree to ! the ground It may, have lost one of j its nine lives but it was able to stand - up -on the other eight. "Brand-new kittens don't grow on I trees," said Newman. So, getting a j ladder, he climbed up. In a crotch of the tree, snuggled under the mother, he. found, six. other kittens. The cat had climbed the tree in the night to j bring .her seven -babies into the world. ( Newman got a , basket, put cat and j kittens in it' and brought them down. ! No; the kittens will not be drowned, i BUNCOED AGAIN. "1 would like to get a warrant fir a man ' for obtaining money under ; false pretenses," announced the ar. ; -; : man. - , : - "What "is the trouble?" asked the 1 clerk.' i V '- --,-'.'..';.'- "A fellow sold me a half interest iri f a petticoat factory," replied the angry ma.n. , , ,-, ,-,',-:'. -, , i ' ; "Well, what is the matter with pet- ; ticoats?" asked the clerk. ( "There ain't no such animals," re plied the' angry man. - . , "Are you selling many seata for tJila show?" asked the stranger In the me- : tropolis. ' -i : ,. , . , "Selling Beats!" replied, the haug'ity ; young man at the window. "1 ajxt the treasurer of the theatre, hot a, ticket speculator." Waehington Star. Celery Plants, 15c Per Dcze:iy ' : JOHN RECK :& SON I NOTICE ASSESSMENTS Permanent Pavement ,of 5sLie?er i :.. From Main Street, East. In compliance ?lth votes .taken at j the meeting of the Common Council . Of the City of Bridgeport, held July 6, 1914, -the following report of the j Board - of Appraisal of" Benefits and j Damages was adopted relative to the , construction of - permanent .pavement on Kiefer street, from Main Street, "'pl; STATEMENT- . Contract price of said ; ' .--work - -.' $2,614 S2 ! One half paid by the City i of Bridgeport $1,307 16 L r ' Amount assessed $1,307 16 : ASSESSMENT Kaietana Andurskewec .j 314 7 0 Harris Rahn 127 88, John E. Porter 155 63 ! N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co. 94 52 .' Ellen C Lombard . 319 7 0 John E. Porter , - 294 63; . . ' , , $1,S07- 16 And recommended for adoption .the '. following resolution: Resolved, That Howard F. Smith be and is hereby appointed Collector ; of benefits assessed for the construc tion of said pavement , Adopted, July 6, 1914. , ' Approved, July 8, 1914. r; i .- ' ' - J. 'ALEX. H, ROBINSON, ,t - City C?rk. NOTICE " - -- - -. ASSESSMENTS Permanent Paving of Barnnn Ave nue, From Central Avenue to -,-. . . Sea-view' Avenue. , In compliance with votes taken at i the meeting of the Common Counci V, of the City of Bridgeport, held Jus; 6, 1914, the following report of , tne BoardofAppraisal ' of Benefits andi Damages was adopted relative to t !-, construction of permanent pavemect1 on , Barnum Avenue t from Central , Avenue to Sea view avenue. t .'' j. STATEMENT . Contract price of said work is i $4,800 E5 One half paid by the City of Bridgeport , ' $2,409 28 . n , ,ii : "- Amount assessed $2,400 27 .'. ASSESSMENT : . : Charles, Emma and George P. Pflomm $ 2 5 8 8 4 Frederick and Barbara Kettner 93 68 , Carrie A. Botsf ord ' ., 1010 2; Harris Munson 8 3 60, George E. Scofield . 17 3 6 S I A. Lavinia Bradley 88 61; John E. Owens 8 6 8 4' Julius Nussenfeld 230 48 City of Bridgeport ' - 918 5 Frederick A. Cooper 65 IS Beatrice , Bradley 66 80 Charles H. and Ida F. .' Porter . 181 25 Peter and Anna Brady , 11 66. Frances Adoph and Lil lian Adolph . 102 87 Iver C. Iverson ' - ' 103 64 H. G. Cu-nw - ' 181 26 John A- Dusch , ' s 83 60 Minnie J Hayes ' ' 83 6 0 -Charles Erie r- ,.;, . . 1 68 : Eliza M.'Paul ' u ?J 4? Henry Seibel " 8 3 6 0 $2,400 27 And recommended for adoption the following resolution: ,- Resolved, That Howard F. Smith be and. is Hereby appointed Collector of benefits for the construction of said pavement.. Adopted, July 6, 1914. Approved, July 8, 1914. Attest: - .- - J. ALEX. H. ROBINSON, y City Clerk. Farmer Want Ads. One Cexne a