Newspaper Page Text
THE FABMEK: JULY ZD, iyj. 10 PEnne 'I2CC ! 11- 1 ' Co & '1 fw ' ViFlr, Leave vour WANTS ADS. with E. B. Inglis, TilQ Noblo Avenue. . , . - i ' ? Architect .... IEONARD ASHEIM, 805 Court Ex change building. No. 811 State St, Bridgeport, Conn. S-,2 8 a"" Ambulances;- ' ajmSTTHAJTCES Tnvalld cars and limousines. Chtrire reasonable. James T. Rourko. 1295 Main street. Phono 1661. D7 d" Automobiles HOW AR!5 your larr-pe" Repairing. , r'sB. parts, all kinds. Auto Lamp fctiop. go John St. P8t ;"tf AUTOMOBILE OWNERS ATTENJ ".ION: We can save you money on your automobUa fire and liability In nranc. Give tra a chance to A?1" before you Insure elsew&ere. 2al mon Goodsell, A Co.. No. 1094 Main St Phone No.ll. ' ' : S2a"- arroMoriiiE owxerh ATTEN TION Tires at cut ratss on firsts fcnd eeon(t. Sample -prices 8Sx8 " I-." !.!, rr 1-H, $11.50. Key-Woo- ten'6o.,' Hi "violilorj Hill St. 8 11 all ' FOR SALE Mitchell Tasicab, 80 h. p. $300; also 20 h. p. Mitchell de livery Just, overhauled and painted, ruaranteed. Auto Owners Repair Shop, 4008 Main. Phoa 2264. ! nrcrrrrLL nra hbobt 'mro? Buick one. ton truck 2B0; Tiler Touring S300; 6 h. p. Br 3goport Ml.itor $100, two cylinder 6 1, p.- KacUi. reveres gear. Wlllmann Garago. Stratford Avenue, opposite. Cemetery. Phone 1415-8. xr " , TV- DO AtTOMOBlLE PTXTIMO, Tlmmlnir. Topi, and SUn Covers. First class work ' at reasonable price Auto I odies our Specialty. Metropolita- Auto. - CaJTlign 'C.i ' 4310 Grand Et. . ' ' TJ l tf : .... 1 , Awningi and Sail "Maker v. SAILS, i AWNINGS, , ,COAt -.BAGS, Spray ITooris. Canvas Covers,. Hope Splicing. Geo. t. IFnrrln Tton.' 175 East Main street. -Tel 1045-14. .,r . R 18 d8" I DatTClS BUY AND PTTTj all dtis of swrtT fcarrel?i. Pf.w!i-t for m.le. ttrMF - rir Barret Co., Bs Hc.r1 pv 8u PHm 1S71. , "tf fliJCP vrtFA PT-n nuscii Bfnwi'is'KR "beer alwayi on. drn.uirllt. -, People walk out of their way to r't this particular rrev. StapiCtntTs Cftfn. Mair and Congress Pi.. Poll's Building. ', : . . ; R S, ' Rlcycles ' : ; -.; ? i i - ' .111.1,1 .. ' irXCEI.SIOR ATJW CTfaVF Ch or -sv terms; leoonii .. H cycl. sitl kiwis. JaniM O. I'luirt'tmrhs.' 81 S Stats St. , ... .' LIB a. . BICYCLES '-817.89 to' 81!)' 00. ,Iver Johnson f S0.0" to I4D.C8J tiros $1.89 to 84 00: combination basket and stand for h1 ,82. f 6. O'Neill's -Rubber Store, 1211 Main St. near fe -.rat-field Hotel. ...... B 21 a , i WASTED 100 r'ders for the Pope. Pierce, Flyihfr Merkle and Tale bl eycles. Cheapest prices lii lirldsre port. twi etor-ee. I J7 Ftratf rd A ven a e. 1288 St.te Bt. 8 6 dj Creai BREAD THAT IS.StAKE tinder .the rnont sanitary conditions Is. the only kind of tread to eat. Never-Enough bread Is that kind, at all xocer. Fi 6 " ; Builders and Contractors 5TH3B HOSfl! CONSTRUCTION CO, ; - Inc.. '. rt'iH.-i .home com 3ote, draw your plans and assist n securing loans. 147 Stratford Avenue, Lower Bridge. Bridgeport, Ct. : : - a i a" ; Building Materials GXAX" . PLASTER BOAJt D Made tn Bridgeport. The . nlgrhest gr&de plaster board made. Superior-, to, and substitute for wood lath. Of tlce lll6 Main St..' Mill. Admiral St. B 4 d S '" aairt'oyants UADAJIE DE1ACON, ClaOrvt yaat (ind Palmist. Ladies only. 167 i3ollem Hill St. U 14 & ' .UR8 BLANOR BARtfARU, cUitrvoy aist !a reading dally, 199 South Ave. Phone 8 8 8-S. . Meeting every IVi A&y 8 p. m. B ! tf . Co resets VERT STOTJT WOMEN who cannot be fitted anywhnre else -n-111 find cor 9ets up to sizo SO at Hastinrs' Corset Shop. Corsets fitted and altered ' while you wait. 1898 iliUn. .. 8 IS "tf Dermcitologlst BA.IR DESTKOTKD permanently by ns of the electrlo needle. . I guar antee hairs will never r :um, warts, moles, facial' maaax and scalp treatment. Jennie A. Ball. 1118 Main St.. Room (12. Security Build leg. :,B!I a" Furrl?r 'if ; 1TKRIER Julius Teslny, entabltahexl 1S90. We are now taking orders for black and B tka fox tiete repair ing, 1814-18 IS Main fct., upstair. - L14 a Slusieal 52erchandise i.EOfE MAT I handle all kinds of musical merchandise, at all prices, Io repair any kind of instrument. Banjo taught. No. 8. Aj' B 4 a" . Pfj Slcrutls ti EVrRAIi DEIMAB reglittrred Bos-tc-s terrier Hue, dark Drindle, white laarking-s, screw tail. 1 3 pounds by Major Dflmar. Fee 810. Hair's Boarding Kennels. -. Lln lley , St, Bridgeport. Cona. ' a 18 a". , f Dressmakinfl For Sale CHIO AITO'RICAN DKESSMAKINfl FOR. SALE Hotel right In factory ' Attn TAILORING SJKOP. Tailor section; on account of sickness of made suits, afternoon and evening Proprietor. Inquire. H.J Farmer gowns; advanced styles In street offlce- ' . P IS d'P ' RlV'..tCnnotS'1,-':'-1lr,0f: POR SALE New cottage, 20 sold. Building. 46 Cannon Bfi. fjne ,ot ,150 caSn. U8 monthly. ' ' - ' ' "House' Care Farmer. Jtt 7 a5" DustleSS AIopS for SALE 5 horsepower gasolene HOUSE MOSS GROWS every home "wTU :2S.? erTn A. C. B. durtless mop Ricks this up j e Co 1?6 Ea8t Maln Bu . quickly. Is guaranteed for one year . S 20 ! and makes housework easy. $1.00. ' Brook St.. Phone 4920 HEALTH. I will sacrifice my good t ; ,. ' . - ' paying market,, buildings and every- . ' ' tn ' tiling complete. Easy terms, make Pyelng ana Cleaning ..- ,;ma offer. I mean buslnesa. A4- ' 1 " . resa Box S. O., Care of Farmer. BOSTON CLEANING AND DIKING : 1 - . . S 10 "t CO., 187 Fairfield Ave. are experts . : , on ladles and men's garments, silks, ., . ; . : : laces, curtains, gloves and feathers. .-' !. Hatter " - Men's suits sponged pressed 60c. . 1 . a 18 a" - ANNEX BARBER SHOP 1016 Mala i ' i j 6t. All kinds of ladles' and gentle So GLOVES 'CLEAlNED, ANT ' men's hats cleaned ; and blocked. . LENGTH 5c.' . Cleaning and dye- ; Reasonable prices and excellent Ung all kinds. American Dyeing work. v u 25 si" .and Cleaning Co., Tel 982-4. Offi-ce r'cf Cannon St.-. ' .Befall; -. ; ,; f HairvlVorft ' BCcfToV,LJ ALT, KTNDS HAm AND COTTON portnDyefng STcIeanlng Co ' T BLATTRESSES made to or- Works and office. 898 State St.. er. Also remade over equal to ' ''" Lynge Prop 1 1 B JS aew. 81.B0 and -up, feather beds and , 'second hand furniture bought and Engraved Calling Cards f-Stpk'V4' Kew WHEN TOTJ MABKT start rijrht by -V . : , . ' '. : :" . .. ., , having your wedding Invitations , 4 ; T', Ildp Wanted - ' and announcements bear the tea t , i ; , ;i,"m' print of Southwcrth's. 10 Arc;3w5e. s WANTED At once shoe ! salesmen ' ' : -',; ''". ; : -.. B H i . . -with 2 or 8 years experience. Write . . .'.' or telephone,, giving references to. '. EmplOJTnent rteIlStr;r Kartwell Delat Co. 40 Main St.. " 1 ' ' 1 ' Stamford. Conn; 7 B 8 b WANT 8TJPPLY REGISTRT. now lo- . j-m : ; . cated 15 Fairfield Ave., offices 107j WANTED Ladles, gents sell por- TpltDm ftrfar ti-alts; coupon work for boys and men and women,- first class parties 0f ... on list hour, day, week or month. : "s. Steve nson, Studio, 7J Main Domestic and trained nvrses. Phosa : .St., " ,. R SB a"p . 1888. '...'-...:.. 8 14 all" - - ' " 1 , : ; ' ' . . "' ' ".' " -.,., WANTED Men ' to learn the. a.uto- f A . Furnished IloOnlS mobile business; speelal rates given ' " 1 i ' , to secure chauffeurs to fill these FURNISHED ROOM and room for positions offered. We guarantee to. light housekeeping-.' - 864 .-Stratford - Qualify y - to(.aMtk good. 46S Ave i , B 17 "tf Etratford avenue. .Phone 4046. ,. " .' ; V, ' ', ; - ; ' , . . - - tr i d WANTED Boarders" and ' -roomers. - ', , . " , Scandinavian boarding house. 849 WAJOTD Toang Men. 'The largest East Main St.i . !" 1 R 8 sj" Auto school In . the - state.' Full 1 ' '. 1 '- 1 'course $25 at easy terms, v No 11m- FURNISHED ROOMSi both lartre and lied time, Wlllmann Garage, pp. small; one large, front room ' suit- , cemetery. Stratford Ave. Sable for two persons, will rent very - ; . ' " '. ' T7 4 all ' reasonable! respectable family. 194 Gilbert St. .., R 8 5" Wfl TT:i A Stock atiasmu for a i " i i i j i Connecticut corporation located In LARGE PLEASANT FRONT 11 OOM. ' 'w faT?'n' lwher,? . J?lr?ctor steam heat, electrlo Hsjfct, also oth- Zl't IZZ'L yfJT tr-i.?!,. a . - fsrred . Btock and whose ability a er rooms. 260 Falrftalt' Ave. lttCh can get him a steady position ; - . ' as : -lth bright future. Call or address 1 ' 1 ' , X:oom 804: Cutler Bldg.. 11$ Church FURNISHED ROOMS, bast location ' (w KiV Hvtr ttni - ' In city, steam , heat, all modern tin- -a. . .. .; , i. . . G18 tf provemeets. tMm ooriif ortu, Hi , ' .' , " ; ,Btat8t 1 ' ; aimi' : ; - , Hot ' Water neating.-' - ;;- TWO CO NNECTESrG , ROOMS for S : 1 1 1 , or 4 gentlemen In private "family, GT35r , A . BRIDGEPORT WATER rent very, reasonable or will rent beater for your kitchen boUer for f separately. - Cor Coiu c- and Iran- ? tie forthcoming summer. -Very latan. avenue. Phone 2 34. ' 1 convenient and -.a money saver. Cun- :, :" V H sf"' - aiagbam & SsbwerdUe, 680 Fairfield ' 1 ' . '--Ave.: r.V : DlOaM- SINGLE AND DOUBLE : ROOMS, all , 1 , . flight rooms, running, hot and cold ; : .-, ';;' jT .'.v:; : water on every floor; 8 baths, cen- ; - r ",- tiOlelS ) - .-'j;. -., trally located. 862.Kast Main St. : 1 ..." i s .' R 8 l" OOtJETSETS 118 Wall street. AH ii " .' r outside, pleasantly furnished rooms NEWLY FURNISHED lUOBi:S."all for gentlemen. , ' Center of City. light and airy :&t very reasonable kloderats.- - B 4 a , ' rates, home comforts, 1 two doors 1 1 from Polls, theatre. 1250 Mala St. "M3CHANIC8 HOTEL" - caters to - top floor.' ' . Elil vorklngmea particularly. Mals at : ' a a hours,, nicely . furnished rooms; ITiiiti Imitv also bar in connection. Rates rea- .-. 1'limiWlre sonabie ,78-78 State St. . ; , ' , , ' ' , ''..:..-... .i-... B it a BOALLTT BROS, 405 STATE ; ST ' . Largest dealers of second hand fur- HOTEL ASTOH,1 8-John-JStreet, -All i aiture In the state. W pay more rooms light and airy, first class cafe than others we have no rent to coflnected rates $1.60 per day; best. ' ' Pa-y- - '-'. . ; ' " S 0 a"., modern priced hotel in New Enjrlaad, ' . ' . , . ., . ' John &. Downing. R 8 aTf" ' TOUR. CREDIT IS GOOD. Tou can , . , .. save 20 per cent on every article, by ROYAL HOTEL, State, ' .Courtlaad, trading with us. Come apd be con- Lafayette and Warren Sta . Under vinced. . N. Y. FurUture Co, 48$ invw jnanagement. . Rooms 60o to t East Main St. 8 14 air W - , 81-60. per day;' $2 to $B per week.. ... , Bar, .restaurant "anol! lunch.; j A-I-&- Furniture aud iMano MoviDq Carte at moderate pricea " " : : ' ;.; -.'. U 89 "tf P. J. MURPHY, general, trucking, fur- '. J ' niture , and piano moving. t Piano . ; Invprrrnrv V 1 ' j Boies for sale, 75 Henry St. 7el J" " , - 4449. - , ; R 8 s WANTED Inventors to wend for one I MAKE A SPECIALTY ' of moving litl0lL JXSS watnruvmlrvedfpno" 18 tsriZurcZn?,? rngsoUcrteT1: 'Ma" "uUdlng. , B 87 "tf 148 Hough Ave. Phone 8.' - . -. . ... . ! . ' s a - Landscape Architects -.: LARITEB & RED IN 'fui-nlture and DETELOPMENt , -OF'-. .-0ESTATESw , piano moving a . specialty, general planting, grading, tree specialists trucking, 137 , Deacon St. Phone -pruning, spraying,' cavity -work. V 4011-8. i- ; -. , i; . U 88 a" . Dealers i in .cut .'-flowers,; seeds, . ' "- - hedges, trees. fertilizers, i Funeral POWERFUL AUTO TRUCJB for out work a specialty. Mallett Cook- ;;- of town moving, rates reasonable, ' field & Co.. 841 Fairfield Ave. TeL' also piano moving. We have 8606-12. ' U 25 a" large and - small , trucka H. ' 1 - ' j ... . i Hanson. 3560 Main st, rhone 845L Locksmith and Hardware ; EDWARD BROCH, automobile van 15LARP1IXW & ZUCKER, Keyfittlng S6r ' furniture and V piano ih1m. and' Jock repairing, electrlo bells in- "1184 Park, Ave, Bridgeport, Conn., stalled and repaired. 2 09 Fairfield Phone 3804-12. H 11 a Ave. Telephone 4944. : : j".' -:. : B 4 Laundry. - ; : " .-, ... . : - : Ladles Tailoring v WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY makes , '" , a specialty of wet washing, rough jyoTICE TO LADIES, Our $6.60 Suits dried. Work called for and deliv- ma(Je to order from your own ma- ered all parts of the eitylS Ben- terlaj iB th. talk ot tne town, ham Ave. Telephone 1889-4. ' ' people say- the fit and work- '"''-' ' ' ' ' u, 11 a 1 manship is as good as any $20 suit i v . . .made. Fishelberg, 89 Fairfield Ave. LAUNDRY DONE BY HAND save Entrance Plaza Theatre.; Phone . your linon. A trial will convince 972-4 t ; ; . .. U- 22 "tf you that our work Is superior to ; . ' ' ' ;'' ''".' 1 ' 1 other laundries. Work called for ' : - - .-- .. . ' land delivered, 'Hygrade Hand LADIES WANTED to wear the new Laundry. 664 Park Ave..' Phone eat styles.. In suits, coats, . skirts, 985-1S. . ' U 11 s" ' waists. New spring styles now i ' 1 ' " .' . 1 . ; . ready, popular prices, , easy pay . . ; , Glazlna end. i F. Jacoby, 1081 Broad StJ 1 ' ' ." ' " ' i-' - r J a" THE BRIDGEPORT GLASS CO re- ' ., . ; , , silver mirrors, equal to new, carry 'k" " " . :' An kinds ' In stock French and American . f ' ' ladies Plate Glass. Real estate and. car- J 1 Bnd gentle- penter trade solicited. 26 Middle 1 men's btm ' : Vlftt ?ewSckeTd Hair Specialties ZT1,Jtt' Panamas - , , especially. E. Stone, Hatter, 618 MY SPECIALTY Is treating the hair. rState St- t S 19 "tf my,' hair food guaranteed to stop Grath.r safofd0Bidngy" Kcllsy's Cigar Store SWITCHES-Fromomblngs.. Il.OO. 141 FAIRFIIILD AVE. ' t - Old ones dyed and made like new. alio best cigars made In Imported Best workmanship guaranteed. and domestic brands. Complete tlrzm Send card or call at J. B. Adams, of-smokers snrpltea. .Xrptan Ave, near Maple- JAMES H. ZOILY .. , r t: II il.,.i i v z r. . . h ? 1 .; . ' Lutein , i. .- leJUiLOAA. -- f' ' ) ' - LLit: ' We asked the young lady across tlie way if she had been doing any dining- al fresco this season and she s?il it had been too hot to- go to any thing so formal and she thought picnics were lots more fun in hot weather : ; ' A r 1 .... .. - Urattress Alaking BKVANS Sf GERTZ, ; 169 Park St, Upholstering, refinishing. furniture repairing of every description. : chair caning, -reasonable prices tor first class work. We call for and .deliver. Phone 1847-4., . R-5 aJ" ESercnants Exchange Edwin Smith Co, dealers In guns, fishing tack el and porting - goods. I tou . can ' also locks repaired. filed, lawn mowers sharpened. and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, S Wail Street. Telephone 4298-8. v WE .MAKE J Rubber stamps, steel stamps, . stencils, notary .and lodge eals, badges, braes, and enamel signs, .'and carry a' .most complete , line of Stamp supplies. .Call: and see us. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co, i '41 Cannon St. P 28 d 6TKRLXNG ALE Equal to Bass ale, 7 5 cents per dosen. Bottled by ' Carr. 96 Cannon street. Phone -1-S. ;.-.-.' . GIT -tf , DOOR AND WINDOW : SCREENS - made to order. Odd screens repair- ' ed ia all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man & Co.. 255 Water St,1 R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combinations - and silent salesman, store and of- flee fittings. Cabinet work of an : .kinds designed and made. Hoffman - Show Case Co, 66 Water St. Miscellaneous LADIES, GIRLS, BOYS, mall your name, address and 12o will send f you, valuable ' combination home work Instructions good for $2. Ste venson's Store, 672 Main St. ' - CASH PAID FOR OLD- GOLD,, silver platters ' and dentist 1 sorap.l Gold berg, 1186 Main St," upstairs. Y " .'-' ' U 17 al" WONDROUS RESULTS OBTAINED by .using Casca -Laxine Tablets tor . constipation.. -.V;U 4 tf EVERYBODY .INTERESTED la lib eral and scientific lectures invited to join new club now forming with that purpose. More than 60 per sons interested.- ?Fer artlcularsiadi dress TDr.' J. 'tS." Bluraer'P. " O." Ari cade. 21 P. ". Arcade. R 6 ajp Moto-Meters PROTECTION . that' saves money in repair bills is secured by using this : scientific ; device. - Every ; user , becomes an endorser. Fits any car and put on in , 6 ., minutes. H. H. Jackson, agent, Sagaai. Building. : - '' . D 22 "tf Machinists WE WILL MAKE or repair anything , : in metal machine work, autigenoua welding, brazing, etc Waldorf Mo. - tor and Machine Co, - 185 Cannon 8C "'.-. .- ' ': S 4 .."tf - Mineral .Waters DIAMOND ROCK MINERAL ,WA TER is one ot the best ever dls- covered, will be sold at cost of bot tling 5 Oo dozen quart bottlea Phone 8001.' -.-8 12 -'a" - Patent Attorneys PATENTS secured promptly by At torneys Chamberlain & Newman, 16 . Cannon St, Sanford Building. Con sultation free. ; S 16 s" Piano Moving MOVING DAY WILL SOON be here. Engage your van now, don't wait until last moment Call Edward - Butler, ' Care Wlssner Piano Co, Phone 2626. 8 n a An Exclusive Refined Baehel- I ors' Aparrmcxit House I THE WEST I In an aristocratic neighborhood I 252 WEST AVENUE f ii get your keys' etted t3 Ostrich F eathers DYEING, CLEANING, CURLING and repairing ostrich feathers at man uf acturer's prices in all the . latest shaoea I Cassella, 1042 Main St, 1 Upstairs, opp. Holland's. 1 R 6 a'J" Pianos For Sale PIANO, NEW,1 FOR SALE Used - only, four months, cost $350. wll sell , f or $165. Guaranteed for twenty ' years. Italian ; Violin,-- valued - at $10i) for $25. iCash or- easy pay ments. ! 844 Noble Ave ' 1. ... v S 88 a" : Pool and Billiards YOU'LL MEET THE BOYS at bur parlors, 21 pool, 6 billiard tables. We are running under new man agement. 1052 Broad, few door . south of poatofflce. - XJ 4 ajj" j Poultry WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS for ; sale, eight weeks -old, half Barron stock, raised on free rangei- Pequot ' Poultry Farms, Soutbport, Genre r. - ' - .,.','. v .:, P 17 t TO RAISE1 CHICKS first feedthera ' gritlesa feed, then' intermediate and finally scratch feed the kind ' Park : & Pollards sold by The Standard Feed Co.. 487 Housatonlo Ave. -.:. ' '. ,' V 22 all" ' ' BUY BABY CHICKS America's best breeds. White Wyandottes and : Rhode, Island Reds, largest , Wyan , , dotte hatqhery In - Connecticut. Prize winners and heavy- layers. Call, write or telephone. 1 161-5. Sherwood Burr, Fairfield. S 28 sj" , Prumblng- WERE READY TO DO , TINNING, : and Sanitary Plumbing, from roof ; to cellar. Estimates given. No Job " too small; or large. W, , H. Aiken. 1253 Pembroke St. R 5 a" WE ' GUARANTEE " SATISFACTION - on all of our plumbing, tinning, steam or gas fitting. We give you " prompt ' service and prices ' right . Charles G- Swords, 8 9 6 Iranlstaa Ave.-., '.' .'.-' -U-ll:a" . OUR SERVTlCE quisk and. prices right for plumbing, tinning. Bertilson k Co., 204 Colorado Ave. -Phone 4961-2. ' B 24 el" WHEELER & COOtC 76 State Street, ; dd al kinds ot hrtting, also tinning, plumbing, gas aud - teem fitting. Calls promptly attended to. Phone .!. . S 26 aj" , Plating DO YOUR stove trimmings, chande liers or silverware need reflnlahingr We make old things look new. Job bing of all kind-r. Connecticut Plat ings Works. 6 X- Golden Hili Practical Horseshoer SPECIAL ATTENTION to interfering, over-reaching, quarter cracks, con tracted feet, drop soles, lamnltts, t navicular trouble. Shop 41, Elm ' St. rear Van Dyk Tea store. Tele phone 224-5. - 8 t! 4! J. H. CLARK. Special attention given to lame Interfering f horses. 1044 : Broad. St, near John. - s a n- -' EVERY HORSE SHOD guaranteed to travel right. -Particular atten tion paid to gentleman's driving and trotting horses. J. J. McGahay. corner Broad and Elm Sts. B 21 " Real state Wanted WANTED To sell, or care for your property. George' T. Hatheway, Real Estate, Insurance, 104 Meigk Building. D 20 "tf 10 ACRES WITH OR WITHOUT ' buildings near trolley lines, either in Milford or Stratford. Send de scription and price to David 13. Boothe & Co, Fire Insurance Agts, Bridgeport. Conn. S 13 a" Farrier Want Ads lc a word Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT at' Fairfield beach, 8 room ' single cottage. E. "W. S,: Pickett, Phone 210, Fairfield, Conn. D 17 8" PROP AROUND AND SEE ME. Real Estate advertisements look alike. I can offer the home or other invest ment you want Prices, terms and values right. McAvoy, Security Building. Tel. 4939. R 12 "tf FOR SALE Two family house. 12 , .rooms, all Improvements, good slz . ed lot on Lewis street, price reason able; sms.ll amount of cash requlr 1 ed. The Bridgeport-Land Sc. Title Co. '.;. 8 H "tf ' FOR SAsas Only two lots left la the restricted sectloa ot -the Uncowa . Hill Land Association. These will . be sold if taken at once at a low . figure namely $1,500 and $2,100 respectively. The Bridgeport Land . . & Title Co. , . . 8 14 "tt FOR SALE Mala - Street . property, . corner lot 61 by ,99. Two family house, twelve rooms. Paved streets. Good location . for business. George W. Finn. -16' Arcade. - -" -S 13 a" JtARTls . BOBERK, real estate and building shore - lots. cottages for sale, cottages built to order, 8- Inde pendence Road, Myrtle Beach. - . U 27 d" 4 1 : FOR SAIjE -Two f& miry house Strat ford avenue, 12 rooms, all improve menta, recently painted and put la A No. 1 condition, only a. few hun- . dred dollars noeded to secure this place. - New pavement Just laid. The Bridgeport Land & Title Co. .'--,.-. .- ! -.-" '.- 8 14 "t V THREE FAMILY HOUSE, also two family house in East End, for sale 'cheap. The E. -J. -Orton Co., 304 Meigs Building. ; - U 14 "tf SHORE COTTAGES $l,00v to $4,500; shore lots $50 to $1,500; New lia , . ven cottages; tenements, also farms, - sale and exchange. Yarrlngton. 89 '. Center St, New Haven, Conn. :: -:' : : ;. .' i- ;.. ; , - r 16 "tf WHY PAY jcCENT? We build houses anywhere. Small deposit, balance ; payable monthly; ' also houses now ready , for ocoupaacr; The Home Construction ., Co., .-147 Stratford Avenue, . (Incorporated). Bridge 1 port. -Ct '''.?. , - . TJ B d 5 FORSALE One family house a Park AVenue. Prospect St, North Ave, Iranistan , Ave., ; White Et; 2 family ' houses ' Cornwall St., Strat- ford Ave.,1 Catherine St,- Deacon St and Poplar St The E. J. Orton Co, 306 Meigs Building. U 6 "if TWO SELECT BUILDING LOTS with . restrictions bought-right for little cash, i The E. J. ' Orton Co,' 806 Meiga Building. . U 14 "tf IF .YOU WANT. Fire Insurance. ' If . you want your bouse rented. Prop- V erty- sold. CalI r" We want . your business. Let us try- Chas. S. Cole.. Inc. 361 State St, ,''D Ju , SHORE PLOTS Select a place for . your summer home in the most beautiful shore property, in Con 1 1 necticut, high and dry, . pure air, sewerage system and i everything in -? sanitary condition; all city improve menta, . beautiful water, frontage - and woodland. : Prices most reason able along the sljore and terms as low as $10 down and $5 per month. Address Y, Farmer Office. P 7 d" FOR SALT! 2 family house, Baldwin Street, lot 60x150 trrnt, $6,500.- - 2 fajy.ily : house Xrew Place, lot 42x145 feet , y : - - 2 family house Poplar Street, lot 43x185 feet 84,700.' 1 Cottage, seven rooms.Hewltt Street reasonable.-: -v---- - .- -.. . Cottage, 1 six rooms, Capitol Avenue, ash trim, all .improvements, $3,250. . Cottage, six rooms. Harmony Street; lot 60x125 feet $2,200. Two family houses, cottages, and building lots near St Vincent's Hos pital at easonabl- prices; terms easv. WIT.I,TAJ1 T. I-TTLl-IIIS -.' Real Estate ' and Insuraoce " ' BRIDGEPORT SAVINGS BANK ' BUILDING -..',..-', - " Corner Et&vo and Main . Streesa 1 i ' Fine bonse, hot water' heat, 'dee trio lighta and - all Unpwvementa. Largre lot, .. In .best ' part of Stratflelif District..-' - 1-,; - ) v --. .-. - C j. 'f' ; V. T. B..,WAHIII!IT, 29 SANFORD BUILDING. Shoe TShlne Parlors TELEPHONE SHOE SHINE PAR. ', LOR. Best shine in the city. Ladles ' 'and men's bats cleaned and block '.ed. Best service and best, work manship. 191 Fairfield Ave. Printers and Stationers BXAR PRESS. High gsade commercial and club printing. 225 Stratford Ave., corner Kossuth 6t . Phone 908-3. , 8 2 d PRINTING and Fac-Simile Letters . 5,000 Bond Letter Heads. $8.50; 1. , 000 Fac-Simile, Letters, $3.00. Spe cial prices in quantities. Siksay, 88 Reniey street U25 "tf 6 Studio; STEVENSON'S PORTRAIT FRAME STUDIO Artistic pastels, crayons. Sepias stylish metalio frames cash. - - Weekly payments. Agents photo graphers supplied. 672 Mala St -j. D 25 a5p CHARLES 8. FERRKTT, teacher ' ot piano and harmony, studio, room 46. 46 Cannon St . , 8 11 d' PIANO AND VtOLIN . INSTRUC- I'lOftl uegmnen ana aavancea pupils. , Ellen M. Leverty. 263 Gold en Hill street 1 '-' V 29 s" Speedometers DOES YOUR SPEEDOMETER need attention. A- speedometer requires ' rittentiotn Just like a watch does. We . are the service station for Stewart Warner . Speedometers. Tell us your troubles. Waldorf Motor and Machine Co. 135 Cannon 8t ', : U 6 "tf Advertise in The Fanner Second Hand CI. HIGHEST PRICKS PAI.i r band clothing, also min,' . 1 prices. 48 Crescent Ave. ... . U 17 Sign Pain tin;i WE MAKE SIGNS all k'n' t graining and lettering ?. . i - - . riven. II. Sr. K. 151 srn Co, J. - Knablln, Prop,-80 John t,i., J , 1 1304-6. , ' G I) ( ,! Stoves HepTifw I STOVES REPAIR I -, : . plies, all makes, pipe, etc Charges reaiorx.i. . 8t. Phone 2849-4. t - 5"hoe Repairing-' WHOLE RUBBER SOL55 A" - HEELS will Increaae your t Men's $1; Woman's 9 0c. C -,- -Shoe Repairing Co, 76 Jr. 1 945 East Main St. Tel. -3 23 1. " call and deliver. Ii S t ! JOSEPH PECETTELLI. Shoe re: j ' ing in all branches; only fosst 1 i terial used; superior- workman! Prices the lowest Shoe efairi 1214 East Main St JD 17 fc DU FLEX RUBBER BOLES w r; months. Sansone Bros, 114 V gress St Shoe Repair Eaox. 1 s workmanship and aatisfactic - R 20 " SHOES.. REPAIRED while you t t, made to look like new shoes, - 1 ed by hand; finished by m.i - Ladies shoe shine parlor. 2 Rlola, 1028 East Main St. - ,1 It 8 ' SHOE REPAIRING In ail its ..- el - Baseball shoes a epecia;.-". P. O. Arcade. , R 14 , . -Storags WareLcn FURNITURE STORIED at 17 r Get our prices first Sep.; !-;,' X 405 State Bt Phone 1S31-.B. ' ' 1 - . ' . S 1 t - Second ' Hand' F... "1: .W ANTED Tf by all liin s "T n end hand furniture. C" mk T Redfleld's id stand. A 1 ' -?. Telephone 1015-2. LI 3 Typewriting- l'u PUBLIC STENOCRJJ': ing, oircularia.c ,i i writing. Notary, rig, 208-A. Kewfleiti b 1324. GEO.' N. SEARS, Fteac -Notary Public, 103 .t Phone 922-4. HTJLTIGRAPH. TTPE1 . ters, mailing and trade 1 t, . ing and ciiculajrialas. , ? and service. Price sri I. 208 Meigs Bldg, 126 I' l !-.;'.:.: . ... - lit "Wines and Ii WHEN ' IN WANT OF I ' you go to a Jeweler, likev in need of wine's 5 porter. Be on trie n') I fence. The Aml""-s '-,-of Wines, 640-64 : Telephone 1012. PURE BEER Is rrf - , ' is injurious. 1r-,e i. 3Tork Brewery bet- -and will be delivrea - light or dark from . Co, .640-544 East : phone call 1012. - Cots. Li; IEELLOR WELDING CO, i 1 : " St, repair . all . broken c stoves, sewing raachiaej, ete. -Unci": CHARLES A" ED WAKE 3, 111 . St. . Real Estate, , Fire "r - - Auto Liability. Com pens'- - dent. Health and aii oirtr i Insurance. . P o PIANOS Buy a piano direct frc the factory and save moaey. Dr : a postal and let me explain how can- be dee. Factory ' Box 18, r?ratford. Conn. - ,. D 23 "tf MORTGAGES of all VA?.; : ..and sold. Notes discounted. , you wish to convert your H.ii into cash we can do it for j Zlmmer Bros, 179 Goldo i - E 27 "t ENGAGEMENT AND - VST' I . RINGS; Wedding and c- r .re .' merit gifta Parker, Jew-:!, a , . cade. ' P. 2 1 .' SAFES All eizea. Barralns in - hand safes. House safes $23. i . ter E. Marsh. 182 Fairfield Ave. , ; ... - r 2 tt DANCINf ' AT FAIT.Firi.D r - . . ION every Wednesday ar.d day evening. IMreetor CI- Una. Bentleys Orchestra. D 4 ': Steambcals ;.;BiiIXai-tu;J., To 2TX . C-I fare go c::: Steamer II AUG All Weekdays: Leave PrJ' Fairfield Avenue Whrf. 8 Returning, leave New Yorn 28. E. R, foot of Catherine 8 p. m, foot of East 2 2nd 8:80 p. m. SPECIAL SUNDAY FrTl Leave Bridgeport Fairfl! nue Wharf, 9 a. rn. Bti leave New York, foot of i: u Street 4:45 P. rn. 4 Horns iv new r"T"' STEAIICU WO- FOR FREIGHT 0 Leave Pequonnock Wharf. Union Street, dailv exef-rt -et 12 night Returning. New York. Pier 2 8. K. ii, except Rund-vw. 10 a. rn. 4L. B. NICKER erV. A TT yr-it T'-ti-1t1 1 J irr t 2 AS WELL A1TD az : No merchant c if he advertised r ; and as IIUCII r I