Newspaper Page Text
n DO aOU 1 10 10W ViiY - - - Or How The Present Styles Might Be Improvel? Drawn far tfiis papsr By FiStlSF ( the. oocrofei SVO ID OHUN TO VHEftB- . .Mill'..' w fl UFET is THE FABMER: JULY 25 1914 : 7 ' T ; r L ib CHOKE ) U-. V f FftSHlON I r X n J" , win NOT WT' For Sale .FOR. 6AJLE Handsome spotted pony, 52 inches for saddle or harness. 801 Hancock avenue. P 18 tp FOE SALE -Piano boxes, P. J. Mur 'phy"s express, 75 Henry St. . P 11 sj To Rent TO REN T Furnished room and rooms for light housekeeping", 4S9 State and 701 Myrtle Ave. PI aft TO KENT Five rooms, all Improve ments Inquire 853 Wood Ave. " D 2 3 tf . lll.ll, . ' i ' TO RENT 3 furnished rooms, housekeeping; reasonable . for sun roer. Cali in forenoon, 60 5 War ren St. I 23a8P XEWLY FURXISHED ROOMS, hot and cold water, all newly papered, one or 2 men. 1242 Etate St. r n tf n r TO RENT 8 rooms, steam iseat, large porch, central location. Call, wrix or phone, L. Weiss, 1413 Main. St. Phone 2743-3. . R 23 tt TO REST Handsome furnished rooms, including ' electric : ligHt, (team heat, hot and cold water , ia rooms. Private family. First floor. 203 Golden Hill St. U 39 TO RENT Em'ring summer aeasoa elegant private residence all fur nished, beautiful grounds, in Falr field. for reasonable rent. William Orieeinger db Son. . 43 John street. Bridgeport. R 18 tf. ; , . . FOR RENT 8 Golden Hill, seven room apartment $45; 1671 Fairfield avenue, cottage, 350; 40 Savoy Ht.. even room apartment,: 383. .John J. Fishier, 1024 IXais St, 8 t aj Tl.- I132?n Btx room ajrtment, !iot w,ter faos. lectri lights tile toathu Ifo. - f T3S North MsJa tit..- oppotdt fct. V!neiir nocrpiiAJ. antuire. o:a premlsea. Tl tf 3?0 ESTV Kieely ftarnie !4ed roo-Bi In k j-j'.-tly respertable Jamily. it2l Fairfield Ave. -oone SS8-8. TJ14 tl i-- or artorago. GleohiH A CoM 421 TO RESET Second and ti !rd floor at 131 Caoaon St. , Sultahle for li?r t ' manufacturing and storage. Wal dorf Motor and Machine Co. , - ' . ;- d tt - Waaiefl To Bay TT ANTED To buy ail kinds of aec ; ond hand furniture. Geo. F. To tams, Redfleld's old stand. 43 Ear risen. St, Telephone 1015-2. : , ., F 10 tf j WANTED TO BT3T all kinds hotiiai i . hair. J. B. Ad&ma. 149 6 Irani taa avenue. Bear Jiaplewooti Ave. i U 30 aI f WASTED TO . BTJX men's second ! imml clothing; and furniture. lira. : 12. Merer. 1447 Main St. Tel 2 36 -i a ! f WAJSTETD To boy an klndat neo- xn& band frrrnitturo. Oeo. B. To-:Kecj-iid'e eld stand. 48 I-.Ifur-Md i4. 3.ttiepb.oaa 1016-3. U II 'tt I TOTT DON'T WANT any eld Jnak or i . old things around your ppemlstvi but we wadat them aa we seed tiecu for our bastnesa. Sell . them to Jacob Bros. We will pay yon th ) highest price and get them out of yottr way. Prompt attention tvl eatisractioB Is our record. 6 5 ICc I amth St. Tel. 233. ' RS "U XF XOTJ WANT GOOD RISER In yoiw home, order either "Pil3nert lifrht er "Brombacher" dark). - It coats so more, because Its pure. Bol 1 la eases. The Ambrose Co., 540-S44 I t-ajrt Mala St. Telephone 1012. 8 fi Typewriters RJUUUZ TKPK WRITERS L. C Smith. Underwood, --!.. r Remington, .all etoea j okea, sold. rented. ninurni. xteniaua per month. M&ct.ioea sold at 33 per znxmJOm xne nummer irt wrfter exetiange, 113 7airfleld Ava, E: rid report. Conn. Wall Papers IiARGEST AND MOST COMPU5TR ' LINE to Bridgeport. Wholesale and retail painters supplies. James J. Conlln, 70 and 72 Elm St., Bridge . port. Conn. 8 18 a ' VTALIj PAPER Eo and lOo the roll. Oatmeala. vamish tiles. 1001 Broad , St B 80 tt i WALIj PAPER A full line vt sew spring patterns, blanks, gilts, in ' graina. oatmeals, tiles and two-tons effects. XSdward Brooks, 382 State street. B 37 ! NO JOB LOTS we carry In stock, only high grade goods, tiffany blends, leather effects, grass cloths, to. . Also fancy mouldings, large assort ment. Edward E. Bursey, 47 John Et. U 23 all The American battleship Maine ar rived at Gibraltar on her way to Vel lefranche to pick up the crew of the tattlesh:p Idaho, recently soil to Greece. 11 - 4UV WfWNr T WEftR. Tt&KT CtOTHESrSEWEM ON HIM 'Iiiitoiiibbild -. SSiroGvory Lyford APPERS0N Beacta Phone 3285 ($1,350 K15 CS OAKIiANT, R, O. ft, CHETROIET KEXM MOTOR - TRTTCK STR"UBERO CARBtmi3TORS H. M. FORD, 1843 MAIN ST. COTJBJ . POPE HARTFORD i MTTCllELTi ' STUD E BAKER MOUITE-KNIGHT SCOTT & WMtnkEiEN, JR-ATTTO CXX 87T Fairfield Avenue 443 T&sl i'HoirB 34.00 Chilis , ' EDWARD T. BSOW5I g;hocfc . VPT.VT'T 1 ' stxck Abeorbov " AjJJ v Absorocr Phons 31CS-3 170 Cannon Street MAXWELL. Sik Phone 1555-2. . S59 Fairfield Ave. ; r " . bicxcIjES , Reading ; Standard Bicycles, gaanin. ..." teed three years. Second ha,nd wheels , $5 and np. Im N. MAXNIEBO, 1410 STATE ST. " ; ; . v . U -8 d Unclassified ' . WANTED 2 5 yosrag men, neat ap pearance every "morning. Paid daily. . Stevenson's . Store, 672 Main Sc. : J:. . .. T 25 ajp CORNS, BTJNTONS, CAIJXTJSES cur ed not pared like a ., potato.- Dr. Mansfleld, 1107 Main over Dillon's. - ' :' " ' P 18 dj - - , LEGAL NOTICES STATE OI? CONNECTICrCT, . DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, aa,'" PRdBATJ! COtlRT. : r July 21. 1914. , Estate of Margaret - Burns, late of the, town of Bridgeport, in said Dis trict, deceased. , s ! ' , The Court of Probate for the Dis trict of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six months from the ' date hereof for Creditors of said' Estate I to exhibit their claims for settlement. a. nose wno neglect to present their ac counts, properly attested, within, said time, will be debarred a, recovery. All persons ' Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment tO v ! PATRICK LAMB. s ., Executor. ' P 23 sp . 5 607 Park Ave.' 3REETrN3 CARDS FOR ALL Oougratulatlon, Sympatby, Bon Voy age, Birthday, Graduation n3 Condolence Cards Wedding Anniversary Folders ' and i Booklets in Great Variety Post Office Slews Stora - 11 P. O. ARCADE raOefl'WSH FOR. v.-s-s-i v.ZSa lbs FliATFISH FOR. . . . FBJESH CODFISH...... ....... Be n ,H IKiSH TOUXKIR .......... Be T FM5SH HERRING Bo I FF.FSH SALMON...... loo E.CALOIS ........ ........ .2io W. D. COOK & SON," 6ai WATER STREET ' Tel., S89e RACHMAJT8 EMMEXAGOGtrH MIXTURE , . A splendid Female Regulator in oases of suppressed mengtroannn, delays Vae to colds. 111 bealtli, or otber sua. taatnjal causes; 41.75 for urn wbols outfit. Made only at the WOMAN'S DRUG STORE 79 Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn, Lsuly Attendants Always Here : Sf uTIlns' Typewriter Exchange Cor. Main and State Sts. Tel. IT r ..A.Tx: k .LkiU...i.lS....nXi:t.Ait;i: : 4. All Makes, for Sale, Rent or Exchange Supplies and ZLepetlrfn HOLIDAY FARM, BANTAM, CONN. - Away from the heat of summer. Near beautiful, placid Bantam Lake. Boating, fishing, bathing. Accommo dates 60. $8 to 312. Write for cir- uiar. MRS. M. H. GLOVER, Prop. P17 t To Late to Classified WANTET Iady traveler, experience ' unnecessary. Salary,.' Commission . and expense allowance to right party. . McBrady fc Co., Chicago. . ,J- ' : i 1 ' ap FOR SAXiE Two family house with building lot, -carpenter shop, pow er and .machinery, hen Rouse, barn,' . grapes anil berries. eight., lots ' in . all, reasonably .cheap. Jas. P. Doray, 6S7 Llndley St. . s P'25 bp WTLIj PAY . RELIABLE MAN OR WOSIAN $12.60 to distribute ' 100 free packages Perfumed : Borax Soap Powder among friends. . No money required. : Ward Borax Co.. 216 Institute Place, Chicago. , ' . 'v. - ;' "!'.. - aP FORD OWNERS Have you seen the new "Temco" Shock " Absorbers? Unequalled comfort. Only 315 for set of 'four. . City Auto Co., 439 Fairneld Ave.'; Open evenings. ' . . R 8 tfo -' THE LITTLE SHOE STORE around . the corner "Snow". $3.50 and 34.00 oxfords for men , at 32.98, union made and - every pair guaranteed. - D. Greenbaum, ., 121 Congress .St., Open evenings. P 24 tfo THE PRICE" QUESTION should not be considered when the eyesight Is ' involved, but my prices for, glasses are reasonable. Harry E. - Lee, ;voptometrist, Warner Building, , S3 , ' Fairfield Ave. Licensed .by exam ination. R 7tfo WANTED IDEASWrite for ilat of' inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prizes , offered for inven-; tlons. Our four : books sent- free. Patents secured or ' Fee returned. Victor J. Evan & Co., Washington, D. C. ' D 4 d 6 6 6 6 6 6 WANTED Everybody to know Mur phy the painter' formerly of 104 Congress St. has located ; at 487 Berkshire Ave. Telephone 2788. R 20 tf o ASK TOUR GROCER for Never- Enough bread. Tour grocer keeps it. R 6 ,tfo FOR SALE Never-Enough bread at grocers. Call for it. R 6 tfo HAVE IOC TRIED ; Never-Enough bread, If not call for It, ' R fe.nto We Should Worry When Such Delicious PIES v Can Be Had In Frisbie's Fresh Cherry, Huckleberry, I Blackberry, RaspDerry 7 t:. FRISBIE'S HOT PIES Delivered to Your Grocers .-'J:' "v EACH .MORNING. v ; ; f;.; Blackberry Huckleberry, Strawberry, ... ' Cherry. ' v Try 'them.- ' V sronnvALiiS- - , v-. . . Sand and Gravel ,,-'.'v TOE BURNS CO. ; . CITY SAVINGS BANK .:. saa Main 6t Room . Sol ' BROKEN STONE, AU Sizes, ROOFING - Telephons . NOTICE Bartenders Union-will hold regular meeting.. at -their .ball. 37Bank St., Sunday, July 26 at 8:0 o'clock. In stallation of officers 'and other mat ter of importance to be taken up. Re freshments served. J. T. CARNEY, Fin. Secy.v ' P 24 bV ' ' v . BOOK ON Dog Diseases AND HOW TO FEED Maaiad Wmm to or H. CXAY CLOVER. V- S. 1X8 West 31st Street New York DISCREET - "Our oratorical friend . quotes - a great deal of poetry." "Yes. And I don't blame him. The most discreet thing he can do is to put as much responsibility as pos sible for what he says on somebody else. r Washington Star. - - GOOD GUESS. Physician This man's condition is not due to drink. He's been drugged. Policeman (turning pale and speak ing timidly) I'm afraid ye're right sir. I drugged him all the way matter of a hundred yards or more, -i Pearson's Weekly. Celery Plants, 15e Per Dozen ' " JOHN RECK & SON r3 why rdr V -' - -' ' . LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK Bjr Lee Pape, 'I ate supplr tt 'toy cuaalii Arties house last nite, having kewcumber salad with it ' a ' I dont alio Artie to est kewcumbers sed Ant Gladdls. I think thaxe 'bad for him, but, if yure motbir aUows you to eet them. III let yon have, sum. - , Tea mam, Im allowed to .eet. them, I- sed, they newir . hert me eny. Wich Ant Gladdis gave , me sum, and Artie sed Well if they dont hert him eny, why, shpbd ttbey hert me eny. : r t , r "... :"l ' ', - Artie, eet yure svlppirk sed Aht Glad dis. Wich Artie kepp awn doing, and they, had strawberry shortcake;- for dezaert, and Artie, sed, well I can "have 2 peeces of dezzert, I no,bekause Tve ate erround thare. .' , ArUe is that pullite, sed Aht Glad dis. .',- rJ ' ; 'I' !''''; v y F No mam, but Its 'trP sel Artie. Wich- it was, 'and Artie ate his peece of strawberry shortcftke 'fast and I ate mine slo awn akkount of thinking I wasent going, to get eny moar, -and . Artie' was - eetihg his 2nd peece wen I finished my f erst peece. Id glve: you moar, Benny,; sed Ant Gladdis, ony I ,dont wunt to give you enything yure , not alloed to have at hoam, wen yure faeer ; I wunt e wry- thing to be jest the way it is at hoam, j I dont wunt to spoil you. .,,.:. 2 peeces of strawberry . shoartcake woodent spoil me, I sed. Wich they woodent of, but Ant Gladdis sed, per haps not, but its best not to take a. chanse. And I kepp awn. watching Artie eeting his ' 2nd peece. wich he ate' it pritty slo own akkount of t Do ing he coodent have 8 peeces, and af tir a wile I sed, well wunts I got 2 peeces of pie. : - ' 1 i, :. :- r ' ; .; .''-" ' .O, then ,1 gess I can give you an uthir peece of - shortcake, ; .sad.. Ant Gladdis. .'And she gave me anuthir peece and'-1 had it awlmost - ate and Unkel Tom. being Arties father; sed, awn Jest wat grate occayshin was it, Benny, that you had 2 feeces of pie, ,It was last Sunday, I sed, ma.wai giving me vrtin big peece and. , Wile she was awn my plate it'broakl into 2 little peeces. . Ha, ha, ha, sed Unkel Tom. . . Benny, give me back that 2nd bee1e of cake, sed Ant Gladdis, V . : Its awl rite, I sed. ' . .- . V Wich it was. ' Z. ' ' -"': ., f PORTO RICO. The first American flag was set up in Porto Rico sixteen years ago today,- July 25,' 1808, by a small force of men' from the. U S. S.. Gloucester, commanded vby '. Lieut. -Commander Richard Walnwright.. : The, village of Quanica, fifteen miles west of Ponce. was' the' scene - of the historic flag raising, y The Gloucester opened the festivities of the first Porto Rican flag day by throwing a few shells into the1 hills back of . the : town. Two boats' crews were then sent ashore. under Lieutenants - Huse, Wood and Norman and Paymaster-Brown.-They were armed with an automatic gun," but the natives made only slight re sistance, and the whole affair was bloodless,, save for the j accidental shooting of two Pprto Ricans and a cow. .A (wmaii, . named Lacey and Chief ; Quartermaster Bechtold were entrusted with , the task' of -, hauling down the red and yellow banner i of Spain and hoisting, the Stars and Stripes. " A rock barricade, - named Fort Walnwright, was thrown up to protect the flag, and two ; men were appointed to sit on A poultry coop and guard the banner, v Later in the day a part of the army-was landed, and soon the whole force of 16,973, comprising the Porto' Ricari army of occupation, ; was ready,fojr,.-b.usiness. Gen.. Miles was in command, but Geo. Wilson was the first army officer to land, and he was welcomed with cheers - by the natives, . -4 . CHOCTAW'S WANT ,TO DISBAND. v More than 200 leading members of the Choctaw Indian tribe met in Smithvilie, Oklahoma, to " prepare a memorial to Congress, asking that the tribe be dissolved and the funds held In trust by the f ederal government dis tributed among the tribesmen. . , The action is in line ' with that, taken by the' Cherokee nation, which already has been disbanded.. - .- CHANGE IN COMMAND. "Before ' Simpson got? married used to command a good, salary.. "And now?" . he "Now, he only earns it; his wife commanads it." Boston Transcript. ... i, . . . A PARADOX. . "It takes a long, strong climb to reach success." ' . , . ; . "Tea,; and the" only way to reach it 'is by keeping on thev leveL" Hous ton Post. i , ; BELYING ITS NAME. ; "Samanatha, what's thet cfriune the orchestry's a-playin' . now ?" ," . The program says 'it's Choppin". Hiram." ; - '; ' "Waal -mebbe but ter me it sounds a deal more like sawin." Penn. State Froth. 1 . xv NAMES TO MATCH. Old beau When I was a tiny bov with long golden curls they "called me Archie. Mrs. Golightly And now tney" call you Archibald ? Judge. Celery Plants, 15c Per Dozen JOHN RECK & SON THEV HAKE THE OftVteS 1IAI1T ST.PROPERTY a p6r sale Central location;- must, be sold soon. No rea sonable J; offer refused. , ' ENQUIRE Edward Broch .. . V .-.-i ;. .. .-!. .. . ...... i - . 1184 PAEE AVE. Phone 28Q4-12 3 ROOFING .: v V -V' -'; New' Roofs Laid and Old - ;.; i 'Ones :Repaired; fi. - i ' PIPE COVERING ' Asbestos , Goods V; '!' Poultry Supplies !'; v . Dairymen's Outfits, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc. Farmers' Supply & 256 MIDDLE STREET. MARSTERS TOURS Tours Under Escort and Independent to Niagara Falls ' ' Irfike George Thousand Islands Ausable Chasm St. Lawrence River Hudson River Montreal , , Greet Lakes ' Quebec f ' y , Yellowstone Park The Sagnenay - Glacier Nat. Park Nova- Scotia . , White Mountains And 10O other resorts, all . described In Our TT? A VT!T.' ' Hlustrated 80-Pagt Magazine, Sent Free Upon Application GEO; E. MARSTERS 348 Washington Street, Boston 1248 Broadway,' New York . ' PHILADELPHIA. 13 and FILBERT STREETS. 1 2 Minutes From PEMNSTLVAni. i and PHILACELPMIA .b HfeADlNO TERMINALS NEAR TO EVEF3YWHERL Pbpul ar G af , Or il 1 and. Restatjran.t Jame-3 C.WalS H. Tfenaer H rww,WM1BUWauW,,,MM,W,,tf,,aiW 40th to 41st Street on Park Avenue New York OiiK LTock -' om Grand Central Station Subway. Express and Local Elevated and Surface Car lines. This widely- and favor' ably known Hotel cowns Murray HOI the most desirable of "Central locations, with -tl- fashionable shopping and theatre districts di-. recti y at hand. Popular- prfces-r' European plan. j ' .' Wt request your patronage. Ebtjis1!? ROBERTS PropHetot. Geo. T. Saadalls. Uuns. CHICHESTER S PIUS r wa lrnfjrlBt- AsV for Oil I-CITES-TEE S DIAMOND BRAND PILLA. far S3 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERWHERF , 'The 'Defiance, one of the sloops built jfor the defense of America's cup, has withdrawn from the competition and will not take part in any of the trials scheduled by the cup committee. i )IMjj I XaieI ask rtir aTrBtiBt for A C h i-cbe-ter s llamoaid utatX 1M1U ia Red od xot wcttUicS. boxs, sealed frith Fue Ktuboa. W Tsmkn nt Athfto. Tln af wAn V mm is. a 41 ftfD TWE war NAWE Financial CQIiKHl FJAirJ AM) CAT3 SIuHlS A, PROFITABLE r INVEST11E1IT nTCOME PAYING REAL ' ESTATE We offer for sale th'e follow- , - 'ing Cottages': 6HERWOOD A V KN UK " CLEVELAND AVENUES ;' . IRANI STAN AVENUES ' , NORMAN STREET . IjEWTS STREET '. " -- -:1.'-. COTTAGE STREET ' 7' :V '. PARK' AVENUE V ADAMS STREET v BEACH STREET , ,' -. : ; BOND STREET -. " , "-' .. CENTRAL AVENTJE '.. MAPLE STREET ' , 'Also have desirable two- family houses for sale, best sections of city. List fur nished on application. . 023 MAIN STREET Bridgeport, Conn. ; ;;r,ioiiAN's SuminerSale Closing out the "BROHEN LOTS and . . ENDS OF LUrES" , of Spring and Surn . mer Pumps, Colon ials, Oxford3, etc., " -i for Women ALL OF EXCELLENT " ' - - ' QUAIiTTYi AT VERY .., .. .LOW-TRICES .. . - ' V ... - si -. G.r,IoIIan 1020 MAIN ST. OOEiPATlGP TilEDIONE FREE We. want the name or every per son everywhere who is suffering with rheuanatism, so we can serd him a free sample bottle of Hiii's Rheu matic Remedy.' We don't care bow lotan; or how severe he baa had It, aa there are very few eaaea that have not yielded and been thoroughly cur ed with it. It works at once. Ia twenty-four hours it stops the pain. Don't take our word for It test it at our expense. This is not a' new un tried thing. For twenty-five "years it bas been regarded by physicians as practically the only certain treatment for thls1terribl disease. Over 10,t0O Testimonials Like These! .r. 1 '. .. - - - . . I Mr. E. M. Khlers, Secty. Grand Lodge of Mason of New ..York City writes that, "Although - a sufferer from rheumatism for .many years, two doses frtopped all pain and one bottle cured me," . ' .Mr. A. Goldman, Victoria, Texas, says: "I am very well pleased with your medicine; am recommending it very highly. It has dona mora for me than anything I have ever tried.'4 Marshall P. W. Geraty, of 70 Man hattan St., New- York, says: T have suffered with rheumatism for many years, have tried almost every known remedy but got no relief or cure un til I took yours. In forty-eight hours, I was entirely cured and free from all pain. I send this unsolicited." Hill's Rheumatic Remedy Is on sale at most drug stores at JM0 per bot tle. One bottle onerally effects a complete cure. Ci.ll or send for free sample bottle and booklet at once. There Is no gnectter eirvtca you can perform for hucaanity than to tell any rheumatic anifferer about this .wonderful preparation. Address: Hill Medicine Co.. Ill Eas3 24th St New York. N. Y. j - - -: - ' .' " " AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Good Men Make $10 a Day on Our Preparations. WRITE NOW. Adv. THOSE N&W FftNiLE.D THE . . IIOTICU ' r forty aotcit years vm tmvm Tfct- onduetitnar Tbostnew! a trie msm-am 1 t(OB, coroes of. BTfUa nd Ji ' i fftrpota,- Brtdireport, Conea wfl r J" Bank, ttaa trst s--t. "e oontlnuofaely. Ve harve receive Jid paid on on demand witlioist ro ne znlUions of dollars of money c Pwted wltii ns and we ennuai " i feoelvo money snbjec tn orrt- w sltrbt, on- wliieh ' ' hree per eon, per sarassfajsa, ae 1 o eetclt aeoosnt awmfr nr. Tm sjoeoonts ' of f ndrrlcasaals, Iwn1 11 en, firms sasd corpora., orA an 1 w"o want a bani accoor-t wi ' depostt money, -h- r-e -sand leave tt for tmm von ., . month or one year, turn I r-w 1 It for any time l la left v. j give to tlie bwtin o5 ft- personal sMentloa sns t' x i of private bankers Im teas sn. , T. L. T7ATC0H D C2. YOU 1IAEE 'STJi: tha.t your valuables name t' 2 l Protection wTheii yon rdao-tltesrt t our vault. It is lire and Bouxitsr proof. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. .'JAKES CTAPLZS Cj . C D. '. ;' . BAK3XXUi . , 189 - STATE ST., BrldgrfMyrb Cr Members New' York-Stock Eret Taylor, Uv! if ' Frcctlqnd Lets c::' i 'Pcrt'Pda PIo . a watjIi street, snr.T recs ' 80 P.O. AiicAKa Esrocrx-c"-, C " E, L .CHAPMAN, IXasuB,. STelepIione SX2t, BZta Send to Ctronlar PosxsrMgus -In ':nTrr-r.' '-'-' , To Rent For the season, S i room house, fully furr.! !, largo, grounds. 13 jonii crnnrj FIVE WEEKS ' ' ' DUX!. 4- TION CAN BE TAHI FOR $200.00 THIS price iitclud: Steamship Fare Railroad Fare and . '' '''' Hotel Expenses ' ' ' PULL PARTICULARS AT T S. ; loewilli ; & 116 BANK STREET The City National Rank United States Depository Capital $250,000. Surplus $550,000. CHARLES E. HOUGH, Cashier THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK of " ' ."BRIDGEPORT. Cor. Main and Wall 'Street: '" Wants, To:Ren, For Cat: &c, 1 cent a word in rr.r::. Want Column.