OCR Interpretation

The Bridgeport evening farmer. [volume] (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1866-1917, May 07, 1915, Image 2

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Entrances in Main Street, Fairfield Atcdiv, and Gannon Street.
Bronx Courthouse
Entrances-In Mtein Street, FalxfleKt Aveune, and Cannon "SUoet.
Entrances in Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Streets.
Bridgeport, Conn.
The Weather :
Saturday rain.
-IjoorI . rains tonight,
Friday, May T, 1915.
11- -
ICew York, T Between JSuck
: IJio Shipper mysteries, bomb xilott
ion?? and ordinary murders thu Jfew
"Cork police are kept .on.. Ui jamp
the'o 5ays. . Opinion is dlvid.ec. as to
those who . wcrs to blame for. the
dynaixiittrLS? r of the . Bronx r county
courthouse. Sams say that anar
cblsts placed tho bom' while others
declare that wb4te slavers are -to
"Mara. Bronx county o facial a b&ve
been very vigroroua in their pi-oaeou
lion of: whlta slavers. . The. vt men
pictured 'hereJ,'' Antonio del Q-ardio
shoemaker, and Alphonse ?Marettt
stonemason, '.-weis f arrested in- the
crowd, that gathered to . the vicinity
of the courthouse Just-after the ex-
plosion. ' ;. i. i ,
. .Special to the Fanner.) .
TTairfield ' May" 7 Uttle - hope . is
I-teia for "The recovery' of ' Patrick
O'Kara," -who; -was afflicted with. . a
Violent nervousness several days aso
here. Ho la ill with, another wial
ady and he- will bo. operated- upon-in
' an attempt to save his lie.
O'Hara was taken to the MacPar
lancl 1 ErMiltarl-am after ihe first .be
came ill.;- ' There- be developed, an
other illness and ha was takenthis
morning tty ,tlie GaJen- 'hoGiitar In
23ri3grepori,rfi3r an 9PeiratioiL -, .
There is . a widespread belief , that
operating a. lawn mower Is a glprious
form of athletic exercise for every
one else. .. .. ; :
" , - DIED '
SUTZrXTTT-In thi :ity, May 6, 191
Elizabeth " -A Sweeney.
lriends are invited to attend -the
funersil at the residence of her Bis
ter, Mrs. Mf McCloskey, No, 100
Ciregory street on Monday, May 10,
at 8:30 a. m., and from Sacred
. Heart church at 9 a. m., with sol-
'emn high mass. ., Interment St.
Michael's-cemetery. , i R 7 b
JvEXNET In this5 city, May' 6, 1915,
John H. Kenney, asred 57 years.
Friends are itfvited to attend the
. fnneral from the m6rtuaiy cbapel
of .August G. Baker, 1297 Stratford
" avenue, on Saturday ' morning- .at
- 8:30 and mass at St : i Charles;
church . at ' 9 a. m. ' Interment in
family plot i Sti- Michael s , ceme
tery. " v, , . a .
O DOMfELL In thia city, : May 8,
1915, Julia -A,"- widow of David
OTonnell. , '
Friends are invited to. attend the
funeral at ber late residence No. 84
James street, -on Saturday, May 8
at 8:30 a. m.. and from St. ,-A.u-
erustme's church at 9 a. ;.nw with
-solemn high mass.-. Intfrment St.
Michael's cemetery; , v . E. .6 b 1
TTREPf OH-i-In Stepney, CniuL; May
S, 1 915,' : Frances- - SVeneh,- . aged 7 0
years, " 4 months. ' " -.'
f . Friends are invited to attend the
funeral at her late homo, ' Stepney,
on Saturday, 8th inst., at - ,2:30
o'clock p. m. Burial in Stepney
, cemetery, -- Ti 6 bp
' TO RJCNT Upper 6 room flat with
electricity. Enquire. . 1172 -. Park
Ave.' Phone 2931. ) R- 7 d
PJjATTEKt FiAXO . $1B0, uaed pianos.
Mansfield, Bayer; Chopm, $60 up,
S, Ea Iee- Piano Ca, 84 Gannon
. . St.- -' ' ' , ' ' " R 7 bp
MATHU&HKK- . A3TGETil 7S , player
piano, ' bench, rolls, at 1 . sacrifice,
can be seen anytime.'1 j3ox M. A.
Care of Farmer. . , it 7 bp
FOR SAIJE Nina room .house on
Lenox avenue. Lot ,80x100. . - R
. Whitney,-102 5 Main St.
'- ' ' , l . R 6 bo
FOR SAIiF Eight room house with
four acres of land in Milflorfl, $5,
" 500. : IX R.-,Whitney, 1C25 Main St.
R 6 bo.
FOR SALE A good piece of Main
, vSt. property i!"Well - located ' for im-
prbvement; IXRr-Whitheyr' 1025.
Main-TSt. , : - - ; " - R 6 -bo
BARTENDER, Irish, 28 years, wish
es position, six months city experi
; ence, - good city references. Irish
. 711 East Main St. ' R 6 d
FOR SALE Four, room house: with
lot 125x135, in Stratford, large
ohecken house and i incubators,
$2,000. D. R. s Whitney, 1025 Main
St- R 6 bo
FOR RENT .New high class sfngl
residence, hall,, eight rooms, bath
Wood avenue, next N'orth Aye. . Jo
sepit WrfKaafthrj'P. 805a JJorth Ave.
Court iExehaarjj-Bldg. , . -:
- . R 6 s
FOR " SALE High grade upright
piano,, Al condition. Low price
Several pieces of furniture. Cook
stove, -with hot -water back. Good
baker. Side board, steel bed, springs
and mattress. Call 6 to .9. 76 Sum
mer St. v R " dp
Sprang has brought !in woolen suits is included. Plenty
of Efussian greens and Belgian blues'. Plenty of the smart
black-and-white checks. And; those ever-correct blacks
and navy bliies are numbered in much variety of effect.
- $20 to $27.50 suits $30 to $35 suits
' $18.50 $23.50 : "
, ; ; , $37.50 $40 and better suits V-'
- ' ' ;':.:, i : k : ,-. ' . Second . floor. -
. , Hake your Kodak
keep its own record.
C'utographic'Sddak.- ':is" a
picture taker and a record
keeper. - . . .
Right' on the negative it
self one v mdicates when
where, and o what or whom
it was taken ! . , ,
So simple that it can'ttail to. do its
work. So sure that there is no chance
for mistake, -.- ' i.. t- . - i
Evew the JBmaJlest 'Kodak,, the Vet
Pocket, is equipped with thia auto
graphic device - . Sells tor $3.
Three special autographic i -Kodaks,
taking pictures from 2. 1-2 by 4 1-4 to
1-4 by 5 i-2,$17.50 320 and S22.B0.
Front basement. - ': v
Boys new wash suits ;
of clever style. (
A; Palm B,each suit for lit
tle, boys is made in Russian
style, of the genuine Palm
Beach cloth. ,
'Tls very firm, almost like 'mohair,
coolt and-light. . And It will wear well.
Russian Korf pUc etyle with two pairs
of .trousers, $3. -. ' - ' -;
A cool tasteful sailor suit
has , typical blouse and tvfo
pairs of trouaera- one pair the Regu
lar long sailor , sort ,with bell bottom.
Pure white, $2.' . '
A'dozen other, clever new styles:
Tommy .Tucker, and . Russian and so on
Linen suits of white and color too,- .
; Front basement., v ':
- Strong, comfortatle
couct tammock $5 !
Don't want to boast-r-But you may look a long tune
without finding such a hammock at the price'.
The spring, ; set in a
spring webbing: It has
give too much and it's flexible enough "to be comfortable.
The mattress is covered
shield are of stout duck.
Chains for hanaing it
complete is $5. '.
' Third
i1ewt0wi1 . borough
affairs still are
badly involved
Officials Disclaim Individual
Responsibility for Failure
to Call fleeting.
(Special' to the Farmer.)
Newtown, May 1' pOfficials of the
Newtown borough government are
disclaiming responsibility for the un
usual situation which has grown out
of the ffact that the annual borough
meeting, which under the borough
charter should have been held on
May , 4, has nbt been convened.
Failure to have the . meeting was
due to the neglect of someone- and
Pick: from many
suits at saving. ' - .
x '! " .Takes more than one busy day
' to make a big reduction in -the
lot of' suits that got a new
price this morning.
There1 were dozens of them;
dozens and dozens.
No woman need fear 'disap
pointment, if she comes to, make
choice now. . " ' , ' :
v -t All are this Spring 's '. suits ;
from the store 's regular stock ;
thoroughly tailored; handsome in
trimming or else rich with beauty
of flue fabric made up with, no
' Every rich and liked" hue that
Nice union suits, 69c.
, Soft fine light union suits
that women will, find a guar
antee of comfort. . . . , .
Mercerised cotton, tight knee, yoke
finished with silk ribbon.
Of extra Jnterest because of extra
value, eye
'Black, fiber sUfe "stockings have very
much the appearance of genuine silk,
even to luster. They wear well, 35c.
. V ' Left aisle, rear.
Light gloves
but serviceable
Kid gloves of light weight
fit very nicely and may be
wasbed when soiled with no
danger of injury,--$1.25
- Soft flexible cape gloves that are
washable jare in tan gray and sand
shades. - . Black embroidered backs,
if you .wish, $1 and $1150.
- Handsome gauntlets of kid fasten at
wrist with strap- and. rich pearl clasp.
White or tan, '$1.60
Splendid, silk gloves have
their durability assured by
double-tip fingers. Right
where most wear comes,they
are double-strength.."
. Pure white, with embroidery in dif
ferent shades, $1.. -v
. Queen Elizabeth gloves, short, with
fancy pleated trimming .at wrist.
White pongee or. black,-r $ 1... . Similar
style in full length for formal wear,
$2. ' .
- Some of the long gloves are richly
embroidered, -$1.50 -to $3...;
' Center aisle; rear.. . ! -- -
wooden frame, is of National
enough 'strength so it doesn't
with denim; ends and wind
, ;-
are part of the outfit. Price
floor. . '
who is to blame is disputed to post
flip 1 cit 7 wnrrtlno- rt -i a mactinv TVifi
fact that the 1 tax- rate ordinarily is
(nxed at the annual borough meet
ing means that probably a special
meeting will be .called soon to handle
this detail of the borough business.
Yet there are some voters who main
tain that this procedure will not be
strictly legal.
i Charles P. Beardsley, the borough
clerk, disclaims responsibility for the i
lack of notice for the annual meet
ing. He says it is unjust to tax him
with negligence, for the charter di
vides the responsibility for the post
ing of the notice among a number of
the officials, and in no way directly
puts it up to him. ;
Mr. Beardsley resents the implica
tion that he absented - himself from
his usual haunts when the voters, on
the morning of May 4," sought him.
He claims to have been at his home.
Want Ads. lc a
' . -.. It takes mighty-good woolen and mighty-expert tail- usually goes only into $5 cor
oring to make a suit with cut-out liningthat will stand up. sets, and selling at $3.
Theyre here. ' 'Tis a self -reducing model
- Some are quarter-lined, some are made with so little
lining it seems as though they didn't have any.
v Just a narrow lining acrossNthe shouldersi and every
other part finished so coat
without creating a riot.
Wonderful comfort insurers ! Sure victors in the
fight with hot weather I
Light weight, of course.
color. .
x In Varsity and the other
a nit witn isriageport men.
Main floor,
give men ease.
' There's more than their
sle shoes to young men. They give ease and comfort. " A
man ieels that he can walk miles and never, get tired.
Red rubber and white
- , Low shoes and regular,
buckrr-, -
Near , Fairfield
No stirt at $1.50
j quite equals Yorke.
Yorke' shirts are clever -pattern.
They are fine cloth.
They are tailored so they
of extra cloth to bunch up and
Splendid white madras, :
Fine white madras with combination stripes in ?olor,
Faney patterns with either soft or stiff cuffs, $1.50
- Right of Main street door. - . ...
Portable Bandstand Order-
ed" That Music May Be v.
" Played Where Appre- ,
ciated. ,
Poor attendance at "the public band
concerts -in - Seaside and Beardsley
narks last year will mean fewer' con
certs there this summer, according
to the program now being arranged
bv the Board of Park Commissioners
There will te a greater . numDer or
concerts in the smaller parks o the
city. , ... ..'-"I : i
Because of the reduction in the ap
propriation from ;, $3,500 to $3,000
there will be a curtailment in the
program this summer... The majority
of ihe concerts -will be held at OldJ
Mill Green, ; Wood park. Yellow Mill
park and in the West End.. The con
certs at these places have drawn
much-larger crowds ' than: have-these
could be turned inside out
' ,
- . .
Either light or dark of
- -
models that are making such
$20 to $25.
snap to recommend rubbter-
with tne white a little tne
, .
tan and black leather or white
,$3 $4 and $5
avenue doro.
fit but they haven't a bit
bother a man
plain or with woven stripe,
at Beardsley and Seaside parks and
the Park Boad feels that the public
wants the change.
The increase in -trolley aaad vehicular I
traffic in the neighborhood has made
Washington ' park ' less . desirable or
holding concerts there. -
To carry out this program, 'the
Park Board has ordered from the
Hodgson Brothers Company, in Re
vere, Mass., a portable bandstand
that will arrive in the city soon. The
bandstand is of such construction that
it can be put together and taken down
at short notice. .It will accommo
date 25 musicians.
It is planned to haul it around on
the-- new auto truck the; department
has just purchased." i .- V
The first concert this year probably
will be held about the middle of next
month: - ; !-.
- The fark tsoarct is arranging . or a
fireworks display at Seaside park on
July 4, similar to the exhibition last
year, which drew thousands of people
and was the subject of general fa
vorable comment.
i Slam's ' pavilion, wh'ch " was trans
ported In 150,000 separate pieces - from
Bangkok was ..dedicated, at, the Pan T
ama-Pacific Exposition.. .., T
' All lines placed on the sunken sub
marine F-4 in Honolulu again part
ed. - ' .
Smart new
$2.50 $3.50
i . ; Found one of our dealers this week cwxth
quite a stock of good tn minings -and a few
clever hats. K v .
lie was in a hurry to clear them all out.
They came here ; our eager folks have
: been busily at work with them ; Saturday
they hurry forth ' to meet folks who know
special millinery value.
' I White-and-blaek or black-and-white: the
favorite of the hour.
Every shade of color that Spring has !
brought liking for.
Mudh variety. of shapes both large and medium and
smalt for we added some of our own hats to those wei
picked up. J -
1 $2.50 $3.50
Second floor.
Nemo Week : I
Special corset, $3.
Nemo Week is celebrated
by the offering of a special
corseta Nemo thoroughly
iin tune with the fashions of
with no outside straps, light
but very firm r. and comfort j
It is claimed to be a great
restorer . of the figure which
has 'been changed through
the wearing of low-bust or
topless corsets
- This is Nemo Week.- It
ends Saturday
t second floor.
are new and dainty.
Around the little square of
fine voile is a narrow dainty
edge of color.
-Good taste; novelty;
three are present i ' . . v
One's favorite color is almost -surely
Included among the various borders,
25c ,..,,-.(
vjviiLLA- Lieu, t ear,
l. Guaranteed wringers
at saving or si.-
One of the items among the Home Needs -at special
price is fairly representative of all. ; . '
Guaranteed wringers; strong, firm and new pattern; f
These are wringers that sell usually at $4.50. Could;
a saving be plainer than this one of a dollar1? , -
"Bissel $2.25 carpet sweepers are $1.85; 60c tumblers
at''36c a dozen; wire-wound 12c garden hose is 9c a foot;.
yellow 50c mixing bowls are
suhthmgs: . '
time for the house-keeper.
- . Fourth
n - sea
By Lcke McLcke
Copyrimil9I4 thCinotnnttl
Luke McLuke Sayii
' The man who says he never has-any
fights with his wife is not always a
liar. He may be a bachelor.
A woman will put in ten years in
cussing out an ornery thirty cent hus
band. But the day a trolley car or an
automobile hits him and kills him she
discovers that he was a paragon of vir
tue and values him at $30,000.
Nobody loves a fat man. But at that
he is as popular as a skinny woman.
When daughter has company for din
ner she tries to impress the company
with her refinement by saying "cawn't"
and "shawn't." But -father keeps right
on giving" a sword swallowing exhibi
tion with his knife and winds up by
drinking his coffee out. of his paucer
just as if there was no such animal as
No man objects to being chased by a ;
woman unless she happens to be ms
wife." - -i- - ... .
An orator can spout for four hours
and imagine that he had said a lot.
and $5.
Blue serge is
boys favorite
All seasons are alike to i
the boy with a blue serge
suit; he knows that his suit
is OK. J l
Ready this minute serges of sum
mer weight that boys will .get into "
with speed and satisfaction. '
True Blue serge, Norfolk coats with i
patch pockets.
Being Double-Service'- suits, they i
have two pairs of trousers,
$5 and to $10.
.One special member of the family
has one pair blue and one pair white '
serge trousers, $6. ,
For wear with any of the
blue serge coats on special 1
occasions , . of . summer : -;
white duck trousers, 50c and!
75c; white serge, $1.50.
. , . Front basement. - j
' LaGrecque drawers V
of new models. i
They've succeeded . inj
making these new drawers!
even prettier than the beau-
ties of last season. N
Simple linef,"
fine tailoring.
oalnty '
The trimming is often imported em
broidery or lace. Sometimes embroid
ered medallions are used with real ar
tistic taste. i
Sizes 28 to 36 waist, $1 to $3. '
- Second floor. .
-::: . '
30c- there are many many
' . ,
But an angry woman can say more "
than-that with one glance of her eyes.
A fat woman always-explains it by .
saying that the girls in. her f asffly are ;
inclined to be a little tout.
After : daughter has manicured her
nails and washed her -hair she is so fa- i
tigued that mother-has to wait on her j
the rest of the day.
The same man who tosses a dollar at
the waiter when he Is down town i3 of
ten the same lad who smacks one of
the children because the child, didn't j
bring back 4 cents change out of a
nickel. - - - i
' The qrnery men may chew tobacco
and hang around saloons. But "dey
never borrow each other's hair when.
they want to go to the theater.
A man hates to admit it. But he isn't
as polite to his wife as he is to other
Any time three females - happen t.
meet for a chat the word "awful' gets
real workout.
There was a time when friend wif a
would go home to mother when she got
tired of friend husband. But nowa
days she goes out and buys a gun.
v Before she gets him she trusts him
with her soul. After she gets Mai sha
won't even trust him with his pay en
velope. : I
And-before-he gets her he swears ty
her. After he gets her he swears st
fcer. . -
Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Wot

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