Newspaper Page Text
a-4. " " ' ' THE FARMEK: MAT 7, 1915 ' Y Mrs. Carman. Hopeful '., At Second Trial For Slaying Mrs. Bailey Army Officer To IMM & CO. "05 MAIN ST. Act As General Red Cross Manager 1 ' ' tsu. Read-our ads every day. You'll find many opportunities to v save, money. I SOS Slain St., Hartford. 10 Rue St. Cecile, Paris. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEADING MILLINERS r- . - - T7a Give Staxapa EICr SATURDAY I ' ? ' Ytim ft inTVf iij"ii OF iiii 'in FECI TM1 i vino DON'T MISS IT! DON'T LIISSITl DONIT IIIC3IT! 16c to 29c Extra Fine Cur tain Scrims. White and Ecru . . . : ... 1 11 C yd. 72 x 90 Bleached Sheets. Pretty ' good muslin : , liOc 42 x 36 Pillow Cases of good muslin 75C each Ladies' and Misses? Spring Suits.' -i 16-.'A of them. j . . : : 52.25 50c Muslin Night, -Gowns ..: '. J'. vy-v 29c $1.50 Silk and "Waists ScTim Curtains 'Novelty --93c 59c to S1-S9 Men's Silk Sox 2 for 2Sc 1 Boys 2 Pants Suits ; Ladies' House Dresses Big lot of $1.00 and $1.25 -. Waists . . .... y- USC Girls ' Hats . . 20 C each $1.00 Brassieres .'. . .2Sc $1.00-Girls' Dresses (59 C 25c Paris Garters . - IS C Ladies Long Esilk Gloves . 49 c 50c Handbags. . . Lkdies 50c , and? Union Suits .V. . :39C $1.00 .39c Men's Work Sox Gc pair Ladies' Extra Size Vests Still time to ;v get , that $5.C0 gold piece. TelP iis why' this sale is" such a good Sale. - These are only, a few of the items. You sim- ply, must come to this Basket Picnic Sale for it is a Big Bargain Pic nic for those who want good value for their money.. . y SMOKER AND ENTERTAINMENT given by..; ,Y v' CASINO ATHXmO CX.CB. at the- CJS5IN0, STATE ST. y MOIfDAY EVE., MAY 10 '8 o'clock. . Tibbie's Orchestra STAR, BOUT - A L K E TO HELL .. .. - - vs.- ' ' B U D RALMJ Bv TOCNG BROWN of Bridseport, vs. mvins or mew XI avpn ryOl.XG MONROE of Bridgeport, vs. .? . Jfc. o.lljJXJJt or jNew laven T. HAWTHORN of BridgepM vs. -auc;s:-oi. Bridgeport . IX . GIUi of Bridgeport, vs. : KID PEBRONE of Bridgeport " ' ' And One Oilier Bout AXITV PABKElt. Referee TERRY IjE!E . Annuncer IJATTUtNG IiBVTNSKy Timekeeper - . mntistuK, 7&c RESERVED, 50c; BAIiOONY, S5C ,R7 a v.- .. Seismographs at Georgetown Uni rversity recorded earth shocks of mod erate intensity, estimated' to have- been about 1,800 miles from Washington. Two menj.nd a woman were held in West Side New York police court - on a charge of being implicated in a, "burglary in which more than $3,000 -worth of jewelry was stolen. Chicago will have, a complete hos pital unit at the front . with the Brit ish army. The organization is ex pected to be in readiness to sail for Jiaglaad. within, .five,c ix, ,wek.,. Margaret Joyce, aged 6, died at her home in Pittsburgh as a result of (drinking whiskey- she found in the l&oum. maim 5 : ifitii f r iliiill V New Xork May "7. Was Mrs. Louise Tk Bailey, the Hempstead wo man shot to "death in the office of Dr. Edwin Carman on the. evening of June ' SO last, - a .victim of mistaken identity ? ' Was there a woman known to Dr. Carman as 'Hael Eyes". and who caused the person who fired the shot to become- maddened by Jtealousy? . Did Mrs. Florence Conklin Carman, the physician's good looking wife know, of the existence, of -"Hazel Eyes?" Ijew& J.Smlth.disfcrict attorney of Nassau county, - is trying to find out. The. jury selected and a hariy lot of Long Island country f oik; they ar? Mr. Smith set out in a hard, de liberate ; manner that . predicted a ruthless I 'fight to convict Mrs. Car man of the. murder of Mrs. Bailey. This second trial of the . statuesque Freeport woman is to be a bitter one. All. the sympathy the .furore and vtea chance, atmospher of the first trial is gone. This is to be a battle. Mrs. Carman has told her friends that she is supremerjreonfident of an acquittal. What Has the Church to , Offer to Men Tqday?, . t r- ' . The , Bridgeport Pastors' , association has engaged Rev.. GAius Glenn Atkins, D, XX, : minister .'of the Central Congre gational church, in Providence, R. L, to deliver an address Monday evening on. WTsat Has the Church to Offer Men Today?" Y The meeting will be of a somewhat informal gathering, for men only, and will be held in the chapel of, the First Congregational ehurcn. The associa tion invites men. of all -churches or: no church. ', .;- , Dr. Atkins has been well known for the last fifteen years -to northern -and eastern New England as one of the leading speakers of the Congregational church. . . , . . . v DARDANELLES ARTILLERY" BATTLE IS CONTINUED Dardanelles. May T The artillerv exchangesV-between the warships of the allies and the shore positions of the' Turks continue. Some vesselsare firing from ithe"Gulf of Saros, making use : of. r inflammatory 'shells. The town of Maidos was set on fire yes terday.r 1 CORONER INVESTIGATES . IIARWINTON SHOOTING Torrington,. 1 Conn.," May ' 7. Andrew Smolin died ' during" the night at the Ldtchfleld county hospital, Winsted from aVbuIlet wound received Sunday at his hoarding house in: Harwinton, Just over the Torrington line.. The shooting, at - first said to have been done accidentally by Sinolin. himself, has .' been, under Investigation by Cor oner Sv A. ' Herman for several days, Peter J. York' and Mrs. Mary Sugarek, who were under detention in connec tion wth the. case, were released on bonds by - the coroner "Wednesday Bight. . r. -. STOCK MARKET New -York, May 7.- Opening- Price changes at the outset of today's market operations reflected, further irregularity and confusion due in part to London, where Americans were heavy. War specialties were not es pecially prominent, except Bethlehem Steel, which rose six points to 154, one. under its retxy-d price. Reading was the" heaviest of 'the : -railroad shares although.? coppers, particular ly Amalgamated and Anaconda, re acted sharply. United States Steel j was barely steady while other promi nent issues moved variably. ,, The list steadied later and trading became dull.'. ';, i Noon. The morning session was almost the dullest of any day for a fortnight. . with a continuance of the uncertain undertone. -Standard stocks denoted further selling, Reading, Un ion , pacific and Coppers yielding to mild pressure. Bethlehem Steel lost a very small ' part of its gain and other, specialties of this class rose 1 to 2 ' points, with similar improve ment in motors and oils. " Mexican Petroleum rising four points. Lon don's gloomy view of the war and .conditions in the far . east, were again deterrent factors. Bonds were ir regular.; -. ' -' iY uY.i Wonderful values will" be here for you tp profit by. Great money sav ing opportunities in every department. Un trimmed, hats, trimmed tailored hats trimmed dress hats,, children's trimmed outing and dress hats. Flow ers, ribbons, ostrich plumes, wings, veilings, shirt waists, cloth coats and rain coats at U H. Dillon & Co.'s, 1105 Main street. Adv. ' r Y- ALMANAC FOR. TODAY Sun rises Sun sets . . High water Moon rises -., Low water . 4:43 a. m. . 6:56 p. ni. . . . 6:22 a. m. . 1:39 a. m. . 12:35 p. m. MAY CLEARANCE SALE. 1 Tomorrow, Saturday, will lie the. first May clearance bargain day. Won derful values here for you to portunities in every department. TJntrimmed bats, trimmed tailored hats, trimmed dress hats, children's trimmed outing and drees hats, flowers. ribbons; ostrich plumes, wings, veilings, 50c and 75c satin covered trubans 16c 75c and $1.00 satin covered tur bans . . ...... z&c 7 5o colored straw hats' ..'..'. .'..v 25c $1.00 and $1.25 colored straw hats 48c $1.50 colored straw hats .'1 75c S2.00 colored .straw hats . .... . 8c $1.25 corduroy velvet tamoshant- ers 99C $1.50 leghorn hats . .Y . . c $1.50 white and black hemp com- bination hats . 98c $2.25 Panama hats $3.00 Panama hats $4.00 Panama hats $4.50 natural leghorn hats . . . $5.00 natural leghorn hats . . . $1.50 children's trimmed hats $2.50 children's trimmed hats,, $3.00 children's trimmed- hats $1.48 $1.98 $2.98 $2.98 $3.48 . 98c . $1.48 . $1.98 . 98c $1.48 $1.98 $2.48 $3.48 $2.00 trimmed dresw hats $3.00 trimmed dress hats . $4.0Q trimmed dress hats . $5.00 trimmed dress hats. $o.OO trimmed dress hats Extraordinary values in trimmed dress hats from $5.00 to $15.00 - $1.50 black and , white .ostrich" ' plumes '." -'i : . 75c $2.00 black and white- ostrich - plumes ............ 98c $3.00 black and - white ostrich plumes .... Y- $1.48 $4.00 black and ' white ostrich plumes . . . - . -. $1.98 $5.00 black and white, ostrich plumes . . $2.48 $7.00 black and white . . ostrich plumes .. ............ $3.08 We are offering great . values in white and black wings, fancy, feath ers, flower sprays. ' -Y Flower sprays . . .... . . 15c, 25c, 48c Flower wreaths . . . . 25c, 48c, 75c, 98c All silk ribbons 1 for hat trim- ming...i... 15c,"" 25c, 38c, 48c, yd PARK BOARD BUYS SEW MOTOR TRUCK Three Ton Vehicle Will Be Equipped . With Special : Dumping Apparatus. The Park ' Department has bought a three-ton automobile truck, Fol-s lowing the prevailing mode for muni cipal motors here this year, the truck is a Packard bought from the' Blue Ribbon garage. William Ei Seeley," of the Board of Contract and Supply and town treasurer of the Republican party, is-secretary and treasurer of the Blue. Ribbon garage which has supplied the city with several motor cars in the past year or so. t According to President ' George M. Eames, the truck was 'bought by the park board direct, and ,not through the Board of , Contract 'and SuddIv. There were several ' bidders, and the award was made to the Blue Ribbon Company for $3,400, it is reported. - Mr. Eames said today that a spe cial body would be built for the truck chassis. Because of the uses to which the truck will be put, it is probable that the body Will be ;equipped with a special dumping apparatus. - Owing to pressure of work, the In terstate Commerce Commission post poned its hearings into the proposed increase in passenger rates on the western railroads- from May 17, to July 1. .:.- ' ! In Obliging, dignified credit stores like the Jacoby Store are the pillar of American retailing to-day, enabling' worthy people to buy what they want when they, want it at a trifling weekly expense. The quality of ou goods is standard and not influ enced by thejterms., The growth of our business is founded on the confidence of an ever-increasing list of satisfied customers. JT IF'IRy.IM IPC l AGO IB profit-by. Great money saving op shirt waists, cloth coats, raincoats. Colored and black velvet rib bons . . 15c, to $1.00 yd Marabout feather boas at half prices. $l.eo slightly soiled white lawn waists . - 48c $1.25 slightly soiled white lawn waists 75c $1.25 new white embrolrered lawn waists Y. 98c $1.60. white 'silk embroidered waists, 98c $1.88 new white embroidered lawn waists $1.12 $2.50 new white embroidered lawn - waists : . $1.98 $2.50 white, black and sand color silk waists $1.98 $3.00 white, black and sand color silk waists .... . . . . i $2.48 $4.50" white, black' and sand color crepe de chine waists ...... $3.69 75c percaline petticoats ........ 48c $1.00 percaline petticoats 75c $1.25 patent top percaline petti- - coats ........ T 98c Excellent . values In taffeta and' messaline silk petticoats from $1.48 to $3.75., 50o ready made face veils ..... . 25c 75c ready made face veils 48c 35c veilings by the yard .... 25c yd 75o straw braid 10 yd pieces . .. 25o $1.00 chiffon auto veils 75c $1.50 chiffon auto veils Y ....... .- 98c $2.00 chiffon auto veils . $1.48 Medium weight cloth ccgits at half former prices. -New spring cloth coats ' black and white checks n. . . . . $5i98 to $12.00 Guaranteed raincoats $2.98 to $10.00 We have about 75 medium weight and heavy weight long cloth coats, regular prices from $10.00 to $20.00, you can have your choice for $3.98. - This is ( your opportunity to buy t good serviceable coat for a redieulous ly small price. V LOCAL DERATERS WIN FROM WATERRURY H. S. Some 2 60. attended the debate; last evening in ' the assembly . hall of the High school between the Bridgeport High school and Crosby High school of Waterbury. "Resolved, That wo men Should Have Equal Suffrage With . Man in the State of Connecti cut," was the subject of the hot con test of which the decision was finally awarded in favor of, the local boys who spoke on the affirmative side. -'. The affirmative speakers were Ell wood .Weise, Emil Schwartz and Ed ward Leary of thi city, and of the negative, May-Rubry, Joseph Kinney and Richard Dowling of the Crosby High school. Arguments " on both sides were strongly given. The judges: G. C. Bowman, superintendent of schools of Westport, Miss I. M. Grim- shaw, teacher of English of Stratford, and Judge j.' B. Dillon bf Shelton, Prof. J. M. . Rlcker - was: s moderator, Edward , L. Casey, chairman of the meeting, and James Murphy acted as timer. T: Y " Y, WHiUAM BURKE. The funeral of William Burke' was held from his jlate home, 55 Poplar street, at 8:30 o'clock,- yesterdjay morning, and from St. ' Peter's church a half hour, later, where a matss of requiem was sung by. he Rev. -Thos, Kelly. The bearers were Patrlok J. Maguire, John H. McMurray, Jaa. Tesky James " E. -Nugent, Carl C, Kier, and .Frank Kelly. A delegation of the American tent of the Order of Maccabees were present. Interment will be at the convenience of the- fam ily. OUR WAY IS THE EASY WAY : enabling you to get what you want quickly J to pick from the beet assortments with the feeling that as great an effort lis being made to satisfy you as to merely sell you the goods. - ' ' ' -v ,., -- ' ' - Jaooby Clothes stand up under the add test every day wear and hold their shape always. They are Up-to-the-minute in style and fahrics. Just take your-dollar and take your pick. Not these values and you'll know why so many Bridgeporters clothe their families here: Y Ladies' Suits -510 to S32.SO Ladies' Coats SS to S20-00 Ladies' Dresses S2.98 to S25 Girls' Coats ' S2.9S up ' Men's Suits 1 S9 to S25 Union Made Men's Top Coats 312 to S27.SO ' Union Slade - Boys1 Sl.SB i? ' -.:.- '? - v y t y Mf?tGflDJf GMEP)L DCVO: Washington. May 7 Brigadier Gen eral Carroll a. Devoi of me quarter master corps has agreed to serve as ; general manager of the American Red Cross. He has had wide experience and is now the head of the transpor tation division of the quartermaster department. v He was the depot quar termaster in ' the reliex work in San Francisco after the earthquake and fire. while he was the army quar termaster at Panama' he organized a Red , Cross chapter. ; After the , Mis sissippi " cyclone in 1908 he was in charge ojj the government relief work there. SOCIAL. AND PERSON Ali Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B -Ellis were' signally honored last evening when an informal dinner and dance was given for them, at the Seaside club, by a score or more of their friends. Covers were laid for twenty-six, at a long ta ble in the ball room, ' which was taste fully decorated. 1 The table center piece, a large oval pan of scarlet ger aniums, was a. work of art. Dancing and cards', formed the -entertainment of the evening,- those carrying off hon ors in the game of bridge being' Mrs. Walter Goddard, Mrs. Vapstone and Mrs. W. McCoombs for the ladies, and for the men, G.H. Lee, G, Mills and Fred Braitling, while Mr. Ellis . carried' off the consolation. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. JEJ. B. "Hlis, Mr. and Mrs, William Chew, Mr, and Mrs. Roderick McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. r. Quilty, Mr. andMrs. W. Bishop, Mrs. W. E. "Grant, F.' Braitling, Mr. and . Mrs. W. Mc Coombs, ' Mr. , and Mrs. Clarence Mills of New Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goddard and Mr., and. Mrs. T. Crane. President Wilson went to Massa chusetts to attend Baby Sayre.'s chris tening. Now it remains to be seen whether he can hold the child m a rway to suit the infant's mother.. . . It is pretty hard for some people to remain cheerful in view of the awful destruction of life, and proper ty by the war, and the spread of pro hibition in the United States. ' .. The ' June bride would better take all the automobile rides she, can get now.f Afterward she is- "more likely to travel by Jitney bus. ' . Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. Suits to SIO Y , 1081-83 Broad St Opp. Post Office ' Lot of New Summer Dresses at Little Prices Here's another unlooked f or opportunity for, combin ing style and economy. We purchased these dresses from a manufacturer who had many yards of materials left over after making up his orders. These he made up into lovely summer frocks and sold the. lot to us at a low price. Y , ' . y - y . Many fine sheer fabrics are used including plain and fancy crepes, lace cloth, linen, chambray and gingham. . ; . . . There are only a few of one kind, depending on the amount of material left over and there are so.many different styles we couldn't begin to describe each -one plain - skirts", and ruffled skirts, new tier dresses, suspender styles, arid many other attractive models are included and the cost isiabout half of what they're really worth. " ' :YY. Priced at ,.. . . .5 J, .29 and S 1 -70 ' Second Floor. Two Silk Specials $ Silk and Wool Poplins for 75c 41 inches wide. Beautiful lus trous quality. In moss green, navy, plum, Belgian and Copen hagen blue, Wistaria" and hlack- . Regular xrice $1.00, now 75c yd ' . - - at Main - Another Lot of Women's Fibre - Silk Hose JatiJLSc pr.v Black arid colors. - Rose Dwarf yBaby ramblers. x!Oc THE SMITH - T HE VACU-VASE 1 This flower holder is of old-rose silk that is' in beautiful contrast to its clever trimming of shirred ribbon in French blue' and little pink silk roses. Gold braid is atthe top and bottom and --the little tassel at the end is of gold threads. Many other color combinations. Also of beautifully etched glass tHis' flower holder is most appro priate for the' automobile, whose owners are especially proud of the decoration of its interior. It is shown with heawy ', gilt bands and silver ones that afford pleasing contrast with the crystal. , $1.00 to $10.00 , ' GL W. Fairchild & Sons, Ine ; "At the Sign of The Chimes." . N 997 MAIN STREET. Corner P. O. ARCADE ' ' ESTABUSELED I3f 1865. ' , Jewelers & Opticians. Retailers. Q EO. B. Aarents Crawford 1057-1073 BBOAD STREET ..; - - v--. - ' - : ' OPPOSITE POST QITFIOSB IRAIR.K: THEATRE MATTNEB SATUKPAT . ' ixnilisiTn A. Ttradv Announces the Engagement of Robert In Shakespearian TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK y iuima .-.r onn sjr- ?5n. UPON "REQUESTS TTROM Professors H. ! Simonds of the High School, H. G. Streetcar of the Maplewood School, E. E. Cortright of the Shelton School, Robert K. Zink -of linooto School,. and many other prominent educators of the city the management announces that at the MATIN-RE SATURO.YY . . , - . "THE-, MEE OB A N T O F V E NIC E " Y Will Be Given Instead of "ROMEO AM JUUET" as Previously1" Advertised MONDAY, MAY 10 SEATS NOW SELLING CHARIJES FKOHJIAN PRESENTS THE TRIPLE STAR ALIJ AXCK , P0K THIS SEASON ONTiY V ' WIUilAM BliAPfCHE JVIARIE GILLETT E ' B ATE S T OBO rN VICTORIES SMI r0 I S BIASTERPIECE .-". ; y. "DIPLOMACY", PRirES 500 to $ioO. -- Positively No Reservation hy Telephone I POSITIVBLT ."Not Many Store-Sales f; Are Uninfluenced by Store-Advertising 1 The store-sales to-day Uiat are uninfluenced, directly or Indirect. ' ly, by store-advertising will not have amounted to ten per cent. t the total business of the day. By the direct influence of advertising Is meant the sales of articles specifically advertised. By the tndirwi Influence of advertising is meant "the articles sold that are not speci.N ; lie-ally advertised, but are displayed to the customers who ewe flrawa to the store BY THE ADVERTISED ARTICLES.' In the latter cas. as surely- aa im the first, the advertising must be credited with U;,m ale. " ' . OtteaattftBaerchanta tmwi that tlila to, true. They should gala courage tram the knowledge to strengthen their advertising cam. palgus-,the-,po4nt of matching; their store-hopes and plana. ''IW,WW'''WI, of Unusual Interest 50c Silk Crepe de .Chine Y y' for 39C 7:-':k Y ."" ' 3Q inches wide. Shown in 25 lovc . ly street 'and evening shades, in cluding white, ylvory and 39c black. Value 50c yard for 9 Floor. Men's Union Suits Summer Weight Balbriggans Short and 3-4 length sleeves. 50c JJ5g . quality. Slight imperfections ( Bushes y y Will bloom all 'summer. " each MURRAY CO, Mann f actnrers, , Importers, ARK & CO. B. Mantell and Classic Plays . . . l ii Lj l". a n MAOBETn Sl.oo and Sl.SO: Mats., 25c to $1.00 NO xvEjcj JUl&'i' J H'lTfir ;: 't-r--lj'"'"-'-'-' -&.jSTirr' 1.7." ' " """ ""r""lf 3 For v -