Newspaper Page Text
THE PARMER: APRIL 21, 1915 11C5 I.IAHT STREET TTt Bridgeport, Conn. 1 1 Y) 1105 MAIN STREET CARRANZA TROOPS, OUTNUMBERING 3 i 1 I Bridgeport, Conn. PERSHING, ON ALL SIDES OF HIM 6 dlfi 10 Rue St. Cecile, Paris. Wholesale and Retail Leading Milliners. BRIDGEPORT'S BUSY CASH STORE. Th Co iiin-ifiunnni TOMORROW SATURDAY VVILL BE EASTER BARGAIN DAY 'We are offering the largest and most select stocks of choice Millinery goods ever . before seen in Bridgeport to choose from. More than two thousand handsome Trimmed Hats for your selection. Moneyi saving opportunities on every article, in our store. $1.50 Trimmed children's hats $2.00 Trimmed children's hats . $2.50 Trimmed children's hkts . $3.50 Trimmed children's hats . Better grades in children's hats 98c $1.48 $1.98 $2.48 from $2.50 Ladies' Ladies' Ldies Ladies Ladies' $3.00 to $7.00 .... $1.48 $3.00 $4.00 $5.50 $7.00 trimmed hats trimmed hats . . I . . . trimmed hats . .,. ..... . trimmed hats . r:. 1. .1.". trimmed hats . . . . JR10.00 Ladies' trimmed hats ..... Splendid values in trimmed dress . I hats from . , . . . . J . . . . . . $8.00 to $20.00 $1.23 Untrimmed straw, hats . . . . , - $1.50 Untrimmed, straw' hats .-. .' JR2.00 Untrimmed straw hats . . . . . . Handsome values in untrimmed " hats fromw. . 4 . -.......... $2.00 to $5.00 "75c White . lingerie shirtwaists . . . .. . J- 48c $i.00 White, lingerie ; shirtwaists 75c $1.25 White lingerie shirtwaists -.,. . sr , 98c $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $7.48 75c 98c $1.48 $2.00 White lingerie shirtwaists $1.48 $2.50 White lingerie shirtwaists $1.98 $2.75 White, black, flesh silk blouses $2.25 $3.50 White, black, flesh silk blouses $2.98 $4.00 White, black, flesh crepe de chine blouses $3.38 $4.50 Colored and black silk petticoats $3.75 $5.50 Colored and black silk petticoats $4.48 Excellent values in black percaline petticoats ................. 48c, 75c, 98c Black and colored maline neck ruff a -v -. . . ..:48c to $3.50 Black and colored ostrich neck boas ... . , , $1.98 to $10.00 White' Iceland fox fur neck boas -. , J. $2.48 to $7.50 New Spring cloth coats $4.98 to $15.00 were $7,511 to SpSiU.UU. .. ' -Bargains in Raincoats . . . . Bargains in flower sprays Bargains in fancy feathers Bargains in face veiling . . ;$2.98 to. $15.00 . 19c to $ 1.00 . . 25c to $ 5.00 . 19e to 50c yd COLLEGE DORMITORY ) DESTROYED BY FIRE Iowa 3y, April 2:t ire "broke out arly today In the Iowa Union, a. por mitory building- for men students of Via TTnfTraralfv 44 Tmxm rl Ajctrvrved that structure and sprea.d to the .business-! .district, causing: a total loss 01 ou, 000. Only a few of the rooms In the union were occupied. . "the Easter W cation being in progress. V Those in the Urafiding-, so far as knownk had barely time to make their way dowj the -fire escapes.: , 1 ; ,. SUIDA X, , SU1UUL Ml 1 H. BOXES WELL FILLED ' Bt. John's Episcopal church Sunday school will have a. unique 'service at jl o'clock Easter Day. , ,TJie members wta deliver their mite boxesy "which have been well filled' thus year through .per sonal effort. Earning money fkr -taesei boxes has been , accomplished ' by the eale of salted peanuts, making- of tab orets and needlework. . The Boy Scoots coiieoted old rubbers. It is believed J that the contributions from the "little ones this year will be large. , ' t GERMAN MILITARY , A AUTHORnTES BAN . TELLING FORTUNES s ..'Berlin, April 21- The- military au thorities have placed a .. ban on for tune telling. It appears that women and girls with husbands and .- sweet hearts at the front have been mulct ed .by crystal -gazers, palmists i and card - readers who claimed to be able to tell when the war would end, whether men would be killed, lose an arm or a leg, gain, the Iron lCrxsa or suffer other fates. 1 To Discuss New Policies ' ;. : , , v. . ' Shanghai,- April 21 Dr. Wu Ting fang ' has. despatched a long message to the central government urging that a conference should be held in Shang hai for the purpose of discussing the form of government of China. , Dr. Wu's message says -the government's claim that it is carrying out the true will of the -people in its present course. Is not based on a thorough kTinnrioiics nf what the actual opin ion js in the south. ' He urges a peace ful, rather; than a warlike settlement of the differences between.the. north and the south. r ' FIRST THUNDERSTORM STARTLES RESIDENTS ' The first thunderstorm of the sea son was announced! at midnight and early this morning to startled resi dents who were awakened and forced to close the windows of their sleeping rooms. For a time telephone, commu nication with some ' of the nearby towns was interrupted. Stamford and Norwalk, Fairfield and D anbury were visited. The heavy rain aided mate rially in laying the dust in the city's streets. '.. - ' ' ' - ,' '- t Two memberships to the-New Tork Stock Exchange were, sold for $61,000 each. '' -. . '- ' . -,- ;' ALMANAC TOR TODAY , Son rises .......... 5:46 a. m. Sun sets ,. . . . . . i. ..... 8:39 p. m. High water- . ... . i 1:13 p., m. Moon rises . .: "A. .. . . . 11:16 a m. Ixw water 7 :03 p. m- PvOLLS BUNS BISCUITS DOZ. (19 3j . - of the liig Sale is Saturday. Jit is your last opportunity to buy food stuffs at rock bottom prices. Don't fail to call on ns. x It will pay you. LAYER CAKES Reg. 12c Size A EA 9 TO io 1a. m. 6nly , ROUND SIRLOIII PORTERHOUSE 1(0 ALL DAY SPECIAL 1 lb. Best Cr'S Butter ' 1 lb; Milfi Cheese ' 1 lb. Best Pure Lard 1 Doz. Native Eggs ALL FOR 95c 20c 20c h, 10c Small Fresh " Hams '. . . . .'.'.IB Squire's Fresh Shoulders ... i . Lean ; X ; Port Roasts . I . Youngr' ;v;. ; -f ;v Mutton Legs . Lamb i'r-: Loin Roast ;i . V . Ib Lean )'- - : -; 4 ':A Pot Roast Beef lb r Chuck' lb'. Hj C-"f Roast Beef , I QT Prime 1 iC Rump Roast .'. l lb Boneless Rolled Off To Puf Tt m00 Whole Legs v Mild Fed Veal , lb Veal pfr Loin Roast . . -J. lb Shoulder v 1 fl O Veal Roast. ; Jb 1 V Veal : -v k:-: -1g Pot Pie ........ Ib)1, Fresh 0 Fresh -; " ;; Pisr Hocks . ... lb Golden West Pf5f Fowl V ... i . -. b tal u Choice Stewing Chickens . .; Fresh Western Fowl MEADOWBBOOK. CRT LtC 33 c 20c GOLDEN SMOKED MS DIAMOND C UEADOWBROOK AR MOUR'S SIJGAR CURED MORREUS supreme 1. n SQUIRE'S SUGAR SURED MORRELL'S IOWA PRIDE .... . . . . L. lb 20c trftnaffemr If " .. ' ( SSIk SS VStferriS .g.TWiwU- ToRRnrwwfc,i Jimenez. MEXICAN SOL.DiEZS SURROUND PEKSHtrtG'S MEM The map herewith shows the location of. General Pershing's forces in Mexico and how they are entirely surrounded by Carranza troops and out numbered three to one. The heavy black line indicates the line of communi cations of the United States troops. The American forces number about 13,000 on a 375 mile line of communication. There are Carranza garrisons north, south; east and west of Pershing, the principal one being at Torreon, where General Trevino has aboutt 4,000 men. - The numerals on the map indicate the number of Carranza troops in garrisons situated at various points in Chihua hua and Sonora, extending as faras the international border, as follows: Gen. Gutierrez, ChihuabuEf,1 5,000; General Calles, northern Sonora, 12,000 ;vGeneral Herrera, Satevo, -1,200; General Gavira, Juarez, 1,800; General Bertani, Ma dero. 800: General Cano, Namiquipa, 600; General Cavason, Guerrero, 500; General Davilla, Cacas Grandes, 1,200. . Besides these the Arrieta : brothers are south of the American forces in the state of Durango with a following estimate at about 3,000. , ; SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The ihome of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Morris "will be the ' scene of a social gathering - Tuesday, May 2, when the annual Donation Day . sale of the Widows society will be held. Many tables will display , the .handiwork and a generous V supply of cake, candy, tea and sandwiches will be provided. Mrs. DeVer H. Warner, of, Fairfleldy will entertain Saturday . morning a,t a luncheon in honor .of Miss Marion Paige, one of the Easter brides. Among those who will attend aire Mrs. Horace B. Merwin, Mrs. John sField, Mrs. De Ver C. "Warmer, Mrs. Maturln B. Waldo,' Mrs. John p. Ramsay, Mrs. Carleton Sterling, Miss Barbara ' Wal do, Mies'. Alice Pierce, Miss Edith Ri-4 ker, Misa Dorothy Delxiss and Miss Henrietta Bishop. ; f 1 - jVet M. .Warren Cowles. of Fairfield, a graduate of 1 the Massachusetts Insti- tue'of Technology and assistant in the sanitary ehemlca: laboratory, has been released to accept appointment In Springfield, Tl., as assistant sanitary engineer of that state. He was grad-v uated from Bridgepc- High school in 1911... : ,i " ; Miss i Mary Brit tin, .258 Ellsworth street, will spend the Easter holidays with relatives in Newark, N. J. - The Connecticut Froetiel Normal school closed yesterday for Easten hol idays which will extend to' 3lay 1. Aiany of the " pupils have returned to their homes for the recess, j . BACON T Meadowbrook . . . . . . .-J Morrell's Sugar Cured J Speiry & Barnes . . . v . . Swift's Premium . . - lb 2bc - K 23c . Ib 26c V- K 23 c rt::.:-:'r'9::T0-10 A. m. STRICTLY FRESH v CELL000' ' Corn Flakes and ,ELrumbles . . pkg. 2C lb 1 ib 1 Be rs 22 c lb Our Purchasing- Department baa made an extremely advantageous purchase of Kellogg's Krumbles and KeAogg's Corn Flakes. We are abfe-during this sale to sell these at a price which is considerably less than the largest wholesalers pay for them. - ' vVJ' 3 TO 5 P. M.V !(j -.-v:-'. ,- " SWEET FLORIDA ORANGES or BUTTER GOOD TUB , . -BUTTER ,....-.. BEST -.,;.-' Lrt PURE IiARD ...... Ib WRITE t COMPOUND . . WHOLE MTTiK CHEESE PREMIUM - oijEo k ...... :' 22 d BEST BREAD EA q ' SHORT CAKES. . .:. EA j0 Q CREAM ROUiS JU.. DOZ. J Q 15c SUNKIST ORANGES , f - DOZ- 39c BO S2.40 IiARGE : 1 . .. " PINEAPPMS EA STRAWBERRIES.. Box 3Jq GRAPE . " OC FRUIT . . . ,SFOR FANCY 20C TABIjE APPIiES. . DOZ. w HAULOWEE j ; Oet DATES ...I ... 8 ls. TOMATOES ...... 3 lbs. 5 Q ASPARAGUS ..... Bnn."2gg PIE PLANT . . . . Ib CEIiERY .... . 3 Bun. 25 C GREEN BEANS . . . . qt. GREEN PEPPERS Doz. 25 C CUCUMBERS ... L EA gjj Monogram Rye e'Q m Whiskey . .. Bot. RUMFORD BAKING POWDER Can RED ALASKA SALMON . ... . . Can Can Pkg. SPANISH PIMENTOES . . WISTERIA SHAKER SALT. . , ROLLED OATS , S pkgs. MOHICAN SOUP 2 Cans ROYAL SEAL CORN . 3 Cans ,'25c 17c 10c 9c 25 c 15c 25c KUMMEL' . . Bot. g J QQ V. DARE WINE Bot. OLD HERMIT f if BOURBON . Bot. CALA. GRAPE 'S.-CZT 1 WINES BOT. N. Y. STATE . L"7 WINES BOT. ' GENEVA 7C-, GIN BOT. Rest Eflatoe MTATOES S Another Fake Hit ' - By Government. " : ' . ' , , ' ... ' " The department of Agriculture has landed on another fake. The addi tion of "Saponin" to food mixtures as a substitute for white of eggs has been declared officially "adulteration" under the Food & Drugs Act by the Bureau of Chemistry. This means prosecu tion of the people who use Saponin. Sajonin Is a substance that when dissolved in water foams like soap. It is extracted from plants known as soapbark and soaproot, and a . few other plants, by boilingjthem in watei. Its name; is derived from the Latin word sapo, which means soap. When saponin is added to the so-calfed sub stitutes for white of eggs it produces a foam similar m appearance to tne foam : produced by genuine white 1 of egg! ' 1 : i England Invites Her . Colonies' Opinions , of Progress of War ' London, ApHl 20. England has in vited the Parliaments of the various Oversea Dominions to vsend represen tatives to visit Great Britain in July to see the efforts that are being made in'the prosecution Of the war and to exchange opinions on war questions. The numbers invited are. Australia, '10; Canada, 10; South Africa, 6; New Zealand, 4; Newfoundland, 2. Tigers Plentiful In , , Province of Kwangsi Wuchow, Kwangsi Province, China, April !20. Tigers are very plentiful this season. , Last week five tigers were carried through this city in bam boo cages by native trappers. y All the tigers were at least half grown, and were offered for sale. Tiger meat is especially relished by the natives because of their belief that it will con fer upon them untold strength and bravery. . ; GAS FROM WATER; MAN SEEKS MORE SECRET CHEMICALS Col. Enricht Disappears To Buy Chemicals For New Motor Fuel." .8 I I BLOUSES We have an unusually attractive lot of Blouses, fresh new goods, suitable for Easter, latest styles, it is possible to make when quality and workman- p snip are considered. Silk Crepe de Chine. Blouses White, Rose, Flesh and Maize, hemstitched, pleated and. frilled revers, $2.00. ' , Silk Striped Blouses. Very, pretty with narrow stripes. Blue,JR,ose, Brown and Nile Green, $2.00. . . ; Black and White Silk Blouses. Extra sizes (for large, women) in two becoming mod els, not too elaborate but suitable for any-occas jon, $2.75. Fancy Voile Blouses White, Rose, Green and Flesh, combination cuffs and collars, pleated, ruffled or handkerchief front, $1.00. , i I 1 q I i J n3 i fn Special Sample Suits in all the up-tc-the-minute N x i 1 t : l l j 1 11 i rn t l styit?s, guuu xntLi-eiiaia, iia.iiuuixic uuiur,'wcii mauc, $, f $iu.du ana $ia.uu. ; . Fancy Stout Suits, f ( Wool Poplin and Serge good style with silk" collar and revers, $22.50. . , --, Great Values in Suits AH Wool Poplin Coats. M l t I I. With detachable Silk Collar, loose flare back", Navy, ii Blue and Bladb $9.95 Second Flool'. Glove Special r 1!; 11; full Long, sixteen button Tricot Silk (gloves, cut length, white, with double tip fingers, 64c( pair.. Washable Chamois Gloves, white and natural colors, sizes 5 3-4 to 7 1-2; a good wearing glove, $1.00 per pair. ' Milanese Silk Gloves, white with black stitched back, j ana biacic witn wnite surcnea nacK, oc per pair. Milanese Silk Gloves, very handsome . in black and white with fancy backs or all white with,' kid point-backs, double tip fingers, 42c per pair. - . . Main Entrance, Left. ; ' rl 1 THE SMITH-MURRAY GO. il 1 1 ! HOLLAND TO PROBE TUBANTIA ATTACK '.: - London. April 21 The follow ing statement issued by the Dutch foreign office comes from Reuters correspondent at The Hague: "The German government acting in accordance with a request of the Neth erlands government has consented to collaborate with the Netherlands gov ernment in order to ascertain the iden tity of the torpedo which struck the Tu'bantia." Farmingdale, L. I.. April 21. Col. Louis Enricht. the man who says that he is going to .revolutionize the' auto mobile by showing the world how to run cars with plain water plus a little of his magic "green fluid," has left this town in .his high powered car for some point or points known only to him anft his son. ' He has gone to buy- two chemicals . which he lacks in or der to compound a few quarts more of what the natives call "automobile dope" and other names. Th$ inventor; believing that his ev ery step is. being watched, has run out' iof the necessary chemicals with which to make more of the .fluid which is puzzling the public and experts. He is afraid to go info any drug store to purchase the needed chemicals for fear that a spy will go in after he leaves, get the same substance, and. then by the process of elimination. learn me secret. . . . Col. .Enricht declares that all the stories of his merely going ', into., the village here and purchasing the sub stances which go to make up his ma gic fluid are absolutely untrue. Ac cording to Mm, he has been ,so care-. ful about his secret that whenever he goes to New . York or other cities he buys but one chemical in a store. ''The secret is mine, and, until somebody gives me a fair reward and promises to make the substance a public bene nt,' I'll guard my. rights to it even if I have to use this," he said, putting his .hand to hiship pocket, in which he carries a big automatic pistol. This he claims, the local magistrate gave him a license to have. The' much spoken of invention is spoken of with respect in the man's own ' town, alone. Here the natives believe in Enricht, first as an honor able and educated man who should command ' the respect of , everybody. Besides, several of the taxi- men have tried the "water gas" and seem to be delighted at the results that they get from it." But scientific men are baffled. Sorrie of them believe' that the inventor's in vention is not a real one, and even if he has something to substitute for the gasolene, it Is . not commercialy prac tical, they argue. Others are-spending their nights trying to , work out what the new fluid can be and what its properties are. f "The Colonel merely laughs at all these people, and at all their Conclu sions,; which, , he says, ' are "dead wrong" and "way off." In fact judging by appearance, the Colonel is not at all annoyed about the success of the fluid itself. Of that he says he is as sured, i Besides, 'he points out that "situated as comfortably" as he is, his large well furnished home, where he has his laboratory and a house full of books and paintings, he is not worrying about the financial success of his invention. , "Yet I want to get what is by all justice my reward," he repeated. The Colonel claims that the water acts as a catalysis for his fluid rather than that the fluid catalysis the water. "But this is not the whole real story of what chemical action goes on when the secret liquid . and the water are mixed together," he informed a re porter for The livening Sun in the next breath. In fact, Mr. Enricht is as secretive about the chemical reaction that goes on in the mixture as he is about the substance that go, to make up his magic fluid. When this subject is ap proached he turns to the topic which apparently troubles most the people who are watching him and threatening his very personal safety. ESTABLISHED 1865"""""","'"""",, Let the Fairchild Store I be YOUR Easter Store. This Invitation Is particularly addressed to the newcomers in our i midst. .-.- - ' : ' Especially at this PreEaster season, the Fairchild Store can render -a helpful service In the' selection of 1 Easter gifts -of supreme quality enduring- gifts. U 'A7 . Yon will "be Impressed with the extensive and complete variety ' : of first quality Diamonds. "Watches, Silverware, etc. which i . are priced as low as goods of equal merit are sold for any- t where. . '-' ' , " ' . - j. . '. '; "Seeing is Believing." Will you come and see? . . " ' . Exceptional pfferings in Cuff Links the non- , breakable kind. Solid 14 carat Gold, $4 to, $20, G. W. FAIRCHILD & S Inc. , ; ' "At The Sign of The Chimis." -'- '; 997 Main Street. Arcade Corner- EASTER FLOWERS Dan Tipple, the Yankee's $9,000 pitcher, has been turned over to the Baltimore club of the International League. A Wonderful Array of Easter Flowers and: Plants' Await Your Selection STRATFIELD HOTEL BLDG. PHONE 4055 D. A. R. TO CELEBRATE MEMORIAL SERVICE Washington, April 21 The conti nental congress pf the Daughters of the American Revolution, .following long established custom, held no ses sions today but observed Good .friday. A memorial meeting, however,-, will be held tonight for Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, of Massachusetts, one of the founders of the organization, and other members who have died in re cent years. At the same time the Illinois dele gation will present the Congress with a portrait "of the late Mrs. Adlae Stev enson, widow of the late vice-presi dent of the United States. Mrs. Stevenson was active in the society and at the 'time of her death was one of the honorary presidents-general. - DEJfXIS TO LECTURE IX ' ' BOTSPORD OX MOOSE C. L. Dennis, dictator of 'Bridgeport lodge. Loyal 6rder of MoOse, will deliver a lecture on the principles and work of the Moose at a meeting in Botsford next Friday evening. A large delegation of members of Bridgeport lodge will accompany him. Seven thousand printers have join ed the British army since the begin ning of the war. .