Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: DECEMBER 15, 1916 ! N V f- Copyright, 1915, by LippincoU's .Magazine Copyright, 115. by McBride, Nast & Co, r hTlp. Paris' continued the visitor. "I tyn a member of a select and. cozy lit tle club pear the Boulevard Beaumar ' chais." l' . . "t have heard of It," Interjected Mal-pas--"on the Rue StJ Claude?",- -' "That Indeed la its situation.? replied the other, .with surprise. lYou' know , one who-1 a, member?" .C Sir Brian Malpas hesitated .for ten seconds pt more;- then, crossing s Ihe, room" anct reclosing . the . window,: he turned; - f acjng" v his ' visitor v across ? the large room. , r (, , . , "I Was 'a, member myself during: the time that, I lived In Paris," he said tn a hurried manner,1 "which did hot en tirety gej?vTB,'tO coyer his confusion, . "My ydear Sir Brian! : We ; have "at least one taste In common.'! . ' ' 'f v Sir Brian - Malpas passed his hand across his brow with a wear;- gesture well Jmbwn to fellow members of par liament, j'for it s often ..." presaged ' the abrupt germination of a - promising speech.' 'j, ' i cwnk ihQ Cf that I was appoiat ed to Peking," he said, Vf or it was in, Peking that 1 acquired the opium hab it.' I thought to make it my servant; it has made me" '.-',-:V ; -.W'-V. : ''What!iAyour would give it up?" , Sir Brian surveyed" the speaker with surprise again; ; "Do you doubt ltr , ; : , VMjr AdeajvSlr Brian!" 'crie4 the Frenchman,'' now', completely restored, ;!My real illfe is lived in the lpnd of the popples; my other life is but ' a shadow! Morbleul an outcast from that garden of bliss is to me' tor ture excruciating. ; For the past three ihffhtht t have regularly met" in my trances"-- - t Sir Brian shuddered coldly. In my. explorations of that wonder land, eohtmued Frenchman, I ; "a most '.fasclRating eastern girl. Ah, , 1, cannot describe her, for when, at a time like this,-, I seek to conjure up her iimage nom d'un nom! do you know, I can thinks of nothing but a serpentT'rtf -; :r:"::r -.i-'C -'serpratt?;;; v;'': "A serpent; exactly. Yet, when I actually meet her In the land of ; the poppies 'she is a dusky Cleopatra , In whose arms I forget the world even the world of the poppy. We float down the stream together, '-'always' in an In dian bark' canoe,' and this stream runs through orange groies.' ; Numbef less apes-T-iblllions of apes Inhabit these , groves,. and as .we two float along they hurl orange blossoms-orange bios poms,' you understand- until the canoe Is filled with them. I assure you, mon sieur. ' that I perform these delightful journeys regularly, and to be deprived of the key; which opens the gate of thli . wonderland , is to me like being exiled rom a loved , one. Pardfeu! That grove of the apes! Morbleu!My witch Of the dusky eyes! Yet. as 1 have told you, owing, to some trick of my, brain, while I ican experience an intense longing for that companion of my : dreams; my,' waking attempts to visualize her provide nothing but. the image' v , ; ; . v V ! ( "Of a serpent," concluded Sir Brian. ' smiling pathetically You are, indeed, an enthusiast. M. Gaston, and to mc a new type. I had supposed that ev ery slave of the drug cursed his serv itude and, loathed and. despised v him- v monsieur, to me those words sound almost like a sacrilege!" "But," continued Sir Brian, "your remarks interest me strangely for two reasons. - First, they confirm your as sertion that you are or were a habitue of the Rue St. Claude,; and, Secondly, they revive in my mind ah old fancy, a superstition."' .- ' ' " 4What is that, SIT Brian?", Inquired M. Max, whose opium vision was a faithful imitation of one related to him by an actual -frequenter of the es tablishment near, the Boulevard Beau jnarchaiff. , ; . "Only once (before, M. Gaston, have I compared notes with a fellow opl , urn smoker, and he also was a patron ,of Mme. ' Jean; he also, met in his ' dreams that eastern Circe in the grove of apesV Just as 1" ' ' , 'j v "Morbleu!, Yesr ' ' i , : ' "As I meet her!";', ;'.'"""-' s " "But this' is astounding !" cried Max who actuallythought it so. "Your fancy, your '"superstition, was. this that only, habitues of Rue St. Claude jnetrinpoppylahd this vision? And in : your fancy you are now confirmed?" ; "It is singular at least." "It is more than that. Sir Brian! Can, It; be that some intelligence pre sides over that establishment and ex ercisesshall I call It a hypnotic ln-fluencar-upon the inmates?" M. Max put the question, with sin -; cere interest. -vV-r . ' ' -' $ "One., does not always meet her," murmured Sir Brian. , "But yes, it is possibly for .1 have since renewed those experiences in London." ' - "What! In London?" ' C - Are you remaining for, some ilme longer la. London?" '. ).,': "Alas, ;f or several Aweeks yet!" " f "Then I will introduce you to a gen tleman who can secure you admission toari establishment lu London when you may even hope sometimes to finO the orange grove tci meet your dream bride." ,; '.',- :"Whatr; cried M. Gaston, rising t MS feet, i' his eyes bright with grati tude. "You win do that?" V f - MWitVpledsure."; said Sir Brian Mai . nasi wearilv. f'Nor am I jealous. Bm no; do not thank me, for j do not share ; your1 views upon the subject, monsieur. You are a devout worship ar, I an unhappy slavej" - ; - j -. 1 it; '. CHAPTER XlU. ; , , Tho Opium Agent. y ; I IN to the Palm court of the I I Hotel Astoria Mr. GlanapoUs I '-Mil came, radiant and bowing. V 'M: - Gaston rose to greet his visitor. M. Gaston was arrayed in p light gray suit and wore a violet tie k very 5 chaste ! design. His complexion had assumed a quality of sallowness. and the pupils of his eyes had acquired, as on J the occasion of his visit 16 the chambers of Sir - Brian Malpas, a chatoyant quality; iThey alternately dilated; anil contracted In a most e- markable manner in a planner which attracted . the) immediate attention of Mr. Gianapolis. :'-'. '', "My dear sir,,v he said, speaking in French, "you suffer. I perceive how grievously - you suffer, and yon have been denied hat panacea which benefi cent nature designed f ox the service, of mankind. ' A certain tjeSitleman known to both of us (we brethren of the poppy are all' nameless) has advised me of your requirements, and here I am." "You are welcome!"; declared . M. Gaston. ' - ' ' , . He rose and grasped - eagerly the hand ' o'f the Greek, at the same tinie looking about! the Palm court suspi ciously. ;"You can relieve my suffer ings?;'; ;f f-r : - -; X;' . .-j-v.1 ; , Mru drlanapolis seated i hJmselfibe- ide the- Frpnchma n-V ' i 7 :it:'' ; To b Continued.) ,- V'-:i; ; s. V HOUSES EOR KALE BROOKIAWN, ' 2 family 12 rooms, tiled vestibules, all t improvements, hardwood 'floors . and. finish, lot 40 xl 30, garage driveway,' $6,600;.easy terms. McAulay, Meigs - building, ,;;'-; -U' -.''-." T 11 -tf ," RESIDENCE' DE IiUXE, Bridgeport's most exclusive residential, location, . 8 large rooms,' hot water' heat, ga 1 rage, driveway, hardwood floors, price. $7,100; easy terms. McAulay, Meigs building. v . !,r' ';;'V '- -.v:v t 11 tf WEST END Bargains In one, two" or three family houses, prices from $3,800,to $12,500; easry terms. Mc - Aulay, Meigs building. ' " V . . ' : .' J ... '- T 11 tf. NORTH MAIN STREET Beautiful , new 2 family house, ,13 , rooms, shower, baths, electricity, hot water . heat, hardwood floors and trim lot 50x198. $1,000 cash buys it. Mc ' Aulay, Meigs building. -,.''.'. - : , V- -' 'I : .::;-. T;,ll:tf LOOK $3,100, $500 down buys fam ily, 10 rooms, 2 baths. best tfargain 4n town, . McAulay, Meigs build lng. w :.. :'. '. '' " ' V? .--.--' ., '."';-'?.'''," V" '':' T il tf EAST SIDE5 2 family on William St. j also one 6n Arctic street, 12 'rooms, v 2 baths, ,; all improvements, easy terms. ' McAulay, Meigs building. , ' ' "::.;: ,:;-' V ...' r T 11 . tf - STRATFORD . ; AVENUE 2 famllv brick house, 15 "rooms," all improve 'ments, lot 66x100, sell cheap 'on . easy ' terms, McAulay, Meigs build- ; Jng. ' ; " i f :-r- '. ' ' T ll:tf . EAST END -Bargains In 3 and 4 v family houses. McAulay, t ' Meigs , building. , - . Til tf CATHERINE STREET, 3 family; kl , -rooms,1 hot water heat, all improve '.; ; ments, sell cheap, very easy terms. , McAulay, Meigs building. , : , v-r. : t 11 tf CENTRE STREET, 2 family house, '.'.'all - improvements, 12 rooms, price $4,600; little cash required. Mc j Aulay, lelgs building. " - : V. . T 11 tf - - ' - IHJC UN1VKRSUY KCIIOOL. $$J ' Fairfield Ave. College preparatory; . terhnical and prcfesslonal schools, civil service. Hotchkiss, Hill, etc Elementary and advanced subjects personal work wilii every stu dent. Enrollment now the best preparation for September examlna tlons or next year' work. Bum mer sestslon. private tutorlnx. dur ing July. August, and September. ' P S tf foot e?peciai 1st DTI. MANSFIELD. : FOOT SPECIAL IST, 1107 Main -trect. over Dillon's. Cure, bunions, callouses pared. 50 cents. I still practice the famous ' Mancfleld Method which cures. Ope.i afternoon and Sundays. D18 C Girl Wanted? Read The Farmer Want Ads. T..-. : ; wj i vv i: HIGH WAOE3 PAID TO " ; houe shop .:.x v yr Clothes Washer BAIili'S SELiF-ACTTING GERMICIDE , CliOTHES-WASHER. Acts on ' stove., 'incomparable for all wash able goods. No : chemicals, scrub bing, wringing or drudgery. Price V moderate. Address Gideon K. Hall, ' Devon..'. -'i.' -'S i - H 29 tf MEN'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S VINDEX SHIRTS 85c and 79c. Reis1 underwear.' Best flan- ' nel shirts and sweaters. Lion Brand collars 10 c. Hats and ; caps. Christmas! gifts for every man. ; Goldenberg, 935; East . Main Sti ' ; . ' V- : T 1 alp ; "a ' HOUSES FOli, SAJUE; ..; ,i.' ' 1 ! ' ' - mi i . IjOOK! 5' room cottage in 'Stratford, v' . lot 75x105 with garage, price only $2,000. Piatt, 299 Nichols St. :;r'-V : .-': -' T, aH - II ' I ' I ' I I! I I M I I . 2 : FAMILY houses in East Side . ; and , West find, $400 cash, balance easy ; terms. " j Schnee & Schnee, 609 Se ( curity bldg.' ;.'''.,'' - ' ' , i v.;:; ; .r;:!,-. ::.,r':: . T 12 ajp . COTTAGE, 7 rooms, tile, but . ler's pantry, electric lights and ev v ery modern imptovemerit, now un , '''der, - eonStruCtionV in North ' End. Completed in about 6 weeks, $500 . cash required. 1 Address Cottage, V Care of Farmer. ; T 6 d HAND IiAUNDRY. NO SOILED or damaged goods by our work. Specialty in ladles washing. Dyeing and cleaning. French Hand Laundry, 12 Middle St. V- '".;' T. 11 aj Watch Repairing FOR SATISFACTION in watch and clock repairing go to Henry C. Reid and Son, "Watchmakers, Room 210 Conn. National Bank Bldg. 1024 Main St. H 23 tt Printing WILLIAM B. REED, printer. Book lets, folders ana cor..mercial sta tionery. Prices rights 207 Warner building, . 83 , Fairfield avenue. . " : H 28 tf . I . " ENUUAVED Wedding Anoounoe . menU. 100 complete with two ts ef envelopes for Kouth vorth'a, 10 Arcade. . . L it tf ' Stoves ilepairtu BIO VICS KblPAlKED. all kinds eap plies, all makes, , pipes, gratia, . bricks. etc .' Charges i . easoiiable. 1715 Main t. Phonr tS4-. O t tt Upholsterers i WE WILL. COVEii and lur alah aU material Xor 5 piece parlor suit guarantee all vorkm -othip as flrtt class, ten pttcrnii to eelect from ; for Zlt to 416. tecal- 3ro 4d& ' State street j WANTED Invei.ors to send for one a my booklet in U. S. and Foreign Ment. Mercff" u. Blondel, Patent Solicitor. Couu. Nattnnal Bank building. B Ml 'tt Safes fiAb'HS Ne- jnt, second hand: of fice and house sixes. Walter l Harsh. FalrHeld Ave. u7 tl Jfeiiue Kenuiriug bOODVEAit hUUK KEf AJ1C1N O CO 7 John St.. and 94i East Idaln street. No connection with other so-called Goodyear Shops. We tall and deliver. TeL -1191. Win field a Black. Pro VI tf Advertise in The Farmer 1 Furniture 50 VAN tiOADS of storage furniture . for sale at storage prices. Scalleys .Wareaouse, 266 Gilbert' St.,, Tele phone Barnum' 2638. f p z ;:''" '; . h 29 tf . Meat Market i .FRESH MEATS AND groceries; .vegetables in season. Green and ; ' moving ' picture stamps. Michael Robstock, i 1S?4 Sea view Ave John '' Meyer, manager.' . ;''' .'',' .'' ; V; :.i :''' ; ' ' ,,H 2$ tf Real Estate COMPARATIVELY NEW 2 famil;- 12 . room, house, all Improvements ln- ctudin eleotriclty, double floors, large lot, price $5,500 Part cash. M. B. Loller, 196 Fairfield Avenue, City and Farm property. .'. .v: ,'-,..,. ; p. H 29 tf ' FOR SALE--Cottage, near new, 6 rooms, $2,300. Easy - terms. L. j Hayne, 214 Warner Building. All kinds real estate. . . T.i .' H 29 tf ' .Wanted to Buy WANTED to buy old false teeth, any ; condition, Goldberg, . 146 FalrfieJ,d ' Ave., over Royal Lunch. ; ..:-: lH 29 tf Waists and Skirts LADIES SILK, crepe waists $2.25, $3.25; wool poplin skirts $3.98 and $4.98. J. E. Walsh, East Main and . Barnum Ave. Insurance DAMAGE IS ABOUT ALL fire can do to your property. Insurance oost las So s) y protects you. All the particulars r.t D. B. Boothe a " Co.. Conn. Bank Building. ' 1 II tt Flivskltii IreaUueut Louis r. NUTTING, physical treat ments by heat, electricity or manl pulation. Rooms 309310. City . Bavlngt Bank, 952 Main street. Of fice hou-s: week day 9 a. m. to p. m. R 1 DIAMONDS on credit Diamonds, watehe and solid golu. Exolusive ly designed Jewelr.. Weekly pay menta. Will calL Ruthbium 42$ tate St. downstairs. i - ' ' R t t CORSET 3TORE 1 i QUEEN LOUISE and Lady Betty corsets $1.25 to $5. Unbreakable pliant bone sides. ' The Riker Cor set store,' 189 Fairfield Ave. ; . T 4 tf INSTRUCTION COMPETENT INSTRUCTION in Shop , Mathematics and Mechanical Draft ing. May be taken separ.' tely or In combination. Tuesday and Thurs day" evenings.' Class now forming. Educational Department, Y. M. C. A. . ' . T 4 tf . LILLIAN HARTIGAN DANCING STUDIO, City Savings Bank Bldg. Learn "London Taps," latest dances; exercises for reducing. Phone Bar num, 2994. T7 tf .WANTED TO BUY TWO FAMILY HOUSE, any section of the city. Also good Investment property, any price. Stato Realty Co., PS 5 Main St. . T 8 tf 1 CHIROPRACTOR. L. C. IDUTON, D. C., Chlropractls BpeettJiat, .Sewfield ouUdlng, lltt Mat street, Briugepcrt, Coan. Houses 9:30 to 12 M.. 1 to 4 p. nx, except Sundays and holidays. Mon day Wednesday and Friday even ing f to t p. in. P6 tf ciia.j I For Sale. FOR SALE-Tl 2 room 2 family house . centrai;y located with all improve ments, has room for garage, $5,0fr0. $1,000 cash., Phone Barnum 7485. ... V ' ' , ;;'',... T 7 tf FOR SALE- Business property, Main St., pays 15 per cent. Philip Glaa ner, 810 Conn. National Bank Bldg., ' phone Barnum 6369 or 6286-4. ' T 4 tf - , j ... -. -. ., $100 CASH and $30 per month buys a beautiful new Stratford 4 cottage. Enquire Arthur Dennlson, 383 State St. . ! , '" T 1 tf '. i ii i ! i in i i CENTRALLY v LOCATED 8 room bouse with garage for 2 cars, $3,200. r Small amount cash.4 Phone Barnum " 7485. ' ' y H 18 ' $3,950, $800 cash buys a 13 room 2 family house with Improvements. r This is the bigest bargain in .the city. . Must be seen to be appreci ated. L. Weiss, 975 Howard Ave, TeL 7485. G 80 6tf - PRACTICALLY netr 9 room house, all modern improvements, extra large V. lot, with a very little extra can be made into 2 family house, $4500; $500 cash. Box E." B., Phone Bar- ' num 7485. ). . G 27 I HAVE a number of first class new winter cottages , on Oak Avenue, , Myrtle Beach, having from five to eight rooms, water, gas, complete with bath room, on good street with street lights. . Ready to occupy. Small payment Down, monthly payments. Telephone 150 Mllford, Address - Owner George ' Haskln, Mllford. 1 ' . ;, , T 9 t ! THREE FINE two family houses lot . sale all with modern improve ments; room for drive, one with garage; locatei in excellent resi dential sections. They must be sold at once and are therefore to be had at a sacrifice. Investment $1,000 to $1,300, balance on terms to suit Phone 2743-3 or Box No. yto suit. Phone 2743-5 or Bos I W.. care Farmer. R2 ajup FOR SALE CHEAP Double, ; single, two family houses, lots and the best shore hotel on the sound. Estab lished twenty-five years; land with out the houses worth more than 1 ask for the whole plant. Easy terms. C. H. Fleming, 953 Main Street. Phone. Bridgeport. Conn. p 10 SHOE REPAIRING P. MARCHESE, first class shoe mak er, repairing, shoes made to order. 2367 North Main St. T 5 tf . ; : . . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VIOLINS CELLOS, Bones, Mando lins, Orpheum Banjo-mandolins, Ukuleles'. Everything for musicians at Gilman's Musio Studio. 99 Gold en Hill Corner. Main. , ' T 1 tf SIDEWALKS TAR AND CEMENT : hi DE WALKS and roofing;, blue sione and cement curbs, sand and graveL Estimates cheerfully given. Thomas Brodertck contractor. Phone 7139. 1101 North Ave. 1 j R 11 ni 4 Clairvoyant MRS. 1EVY, radlngj 26c and e. Telephone 6562. 1151 Madison avenue, formerly of AT 4 Madison avenue. D CHIROPRACTIC - NATUREOPATHS Dr. H. F. Pope; Dr. E. T. Wetherbe, Chlropractic-Natureopath, Meigs building, Room 107, entrance 13G Fairfield avenue. Office hours 9 to : 12 a. m., 1:30 to 6 p. m., 7 to 8 p. ' m Closed Thursday and Saturday evenings. Bridgeport. Conn.. Tel. 8374. ' T 4 tf f AJriJiUIiANCKS InvaUd cars and UmouBines. 'Charges' reasonable. James T. Rourke. 12 9S Main street Phone, Barn urn 6409. D 7 di Aulomobileji AlTTOMOCTTE OJVNKRS ATTKN TIOJV: We can eav rou money on Tour' automobile, fire and ltablllty osnrance. Give us a shftrca to ft rure btfore you insure elcewhere. Zalmon Goodsell Co., No. 104 Main street. Phone No. 11. 8 1 V Avvnlncfs end Sail Maker SAILS. AWINGS. COAI BAGS. Fpra Hoods, Canvas Covers. .Hope H'pliclngf. Geo. JU HaTinrton. 171 i:aat Main street. TeL B94S. It C Docto 1TTR MODKRW nn" eoieotifle metb .: ds, employed H my practice eucli as electric lisrht rays, neuropathy, t.lropractic. ass"9Ke. hyiriene, are ' to accord wMh nature and will 1m 1 yreve and restore your t ealth.1 Dr. Adolf .O: Pte!nfr.dt, Douglas prao tltfoner. Security Build!n. TeL tltt: eonsultatl n frj '.'.., r tt it rurnituro CALLY i BR08 105 STATE ST. Largest (Sealers of second hand t ur . nlture in the state. We pay more . than ethers: we have no rent to . sty. s it !! Merchants Exchange " Edwin Smith. A Co. tealeru In guns, Mshlng tackle and tporting goods. Revs, fitted, looks repaired, saws riled, door check put cn , and repaired talking machine, steel tape, and light repairing of all kind at Smith's Oan Store, tl Wall SL. TeL 4291-3. RUBBER STAMPS mad by us ar reliable, we carry a complete line y ef stamps, supplie. ink pads; dat r, rubber type, eto. .: The Schwerd Ue Stamp , Co.. 41 Cannon BL ' -. O 11 d ; POULTRY . ' CHICKENS sold alive and killed and dressed while you. .'wait. Lowest market prices. Morris Tobias, 1795 Main St. K ), - : . T 11 aj AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRING of every descrip tion. No job too difficult. Mag neto and bearing work a specialty. Expert Motor Car Repair Co., 324 Charles St., Barnum 4939. T 13 a . Unclassified WANTED -Everybody looking for a good time to attend the General Teamsters'. Local No. 32, Smoker and Social Session, ' at Fraternity HalL Housatonic Ave., (near Mead ow St.), Thursday evening, Dec. 21. s4613 I WOULD LIKE washing and ironing to take home or would go out. One in need of work. S. E. B., 1594 , Main St. T 13 d LEAKING ROOFS repaired; also carpenter work attended to; prices reasonable. George O'Brien, 157 Hamilton St. i . - . , T 12 a, ' SUBURBAN EXPRESS & Parcel De livery- 574 ,Stillman St. TeL Bar num 1509-4. Li. A. Desautels. ' . , T 7 tf NEW AND SECOND HAND FUKNI j TURE for sale; also carpets and stoves, etc O. J. Cram, 862 Broad ' Street. H 22 tf WANTED Files of the Rural New Yorker, American Agriculturist or Tribune Farmer for 1915 or 1914, bound or unbound. Must be cheap. R., Care Farmer. . II 25 p ' BUYER AND SELLER of new and second hand furniture, stoves, car pets, eta LVH. Theyer, 261 State . St., Barnum 1084. H 22 tf DO YOU WISH to engage in a profit able c business. I have several stores and hocses to dispose of at moderate prices. L. F. Owen, 1861 Main St. H 21 tf IF YOU WANT Fire Insurance. If you want your house rented. Pro perty sold. Call on us. WVwant your business. Let us try. Chas. S. Cole, Inc. 261 State St. H 16 tf gTORAGE Furniture &c; clean sep arate rooms; . careful men. City Storage Co. 1295 Main St., TeL Bar num 6409. G 25 tf CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD, silver platter? and dentist scrap. Gold berg, 146 Fairfield avenue. ' . , U 17 a WANTED TO BUY all kinds ct sec ond hand furniture. ' Geo. F.. To tarns, Redfleld' old stand, 43 Har rison street Phone 1015-1. ", . ., : D-il .u CARPETS cleaned, and up : to date cleaning, ready for business now. Fluff rugs made . from old carpets any size you want and made right Bridgeport Steam Carpet Cleaning Co., 280 Fafrflald Ave.. TeL Barium 1585. Call us by phone. lit1 Mechano-Therapist I TREAT RHEUMATISM, Lumbago. Nephritis, Cholelithiasis, Bronchitis, Constipation, Gastritis, Gastralgia, ' Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Torticol lis or. all pains and aches of the hu man body. James H. Daevis, M. T, 60 Colorado Avenue. ' H 29 tf DRAFTSMEN Apply Office of Electrical , Ensrineer 1 Lake Torpedo , Boat Co.j Architects HUGH BEGLY, Architect, ptens, specifications, and superintendence. 83 Fairfield Ave., Room 804, Phonv Barnum C3S0. 1 H 2S tf Hair dressing HAIR DRESSING Marlnello Toll? Goods, Sarah Raycroft, Shampoo ing and Manicure, 23 Fairfield Ave., 20 6 Warner Bldg. Phone 963. Hit tf , ffemale Help Wanted WANTED Stenographer. State eal-( ary and experience. Address Care Farmer. : . T 14 bp WANTED Cook. Apply GanaJt , Restaurant, 485 Barnum Ave. " T 14 b WANTED Girls! for light work. Steady work and good pay. Apply Employment Office, The fialt'a Textile Mfg. Co. , , ' -to T 13 d YOUNG LADIEb, it to 13, education 8 th grade grammar school or eaulv- alent, to learn telephone operaUn DoIIat a day for, 4 week. -Rapid advancement thereafter. Pirma; tent poslUou. App at 214 Fair! field Ave. Ask for Mum Wnoelor. ?he Southerr Njv England Vim phone Co. D tt ; ' , MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Profile, milling machine and drill press adjusters, and set-up men. Only experienced men need apply. Address Profile, Care of Farmer. , T 14dV WANTED First' 'class , machinist,, i also turret machine operator. Am erican & British Mfg.'- Co. T 6 t ' GOVERNMENT WANTS Railway Mall Clerks, $76 month. Schedule Bridgeport, examinations free Franklin Institute, i Dept. Rochester, N. Y. - T 6 b WANTED Boys about 16 years old. Steady work and good pay. Apply Employment Office, The 'Salt's Tex tile Mfg. Co. . i r Till WANTED Jig and Fixture Designers. American and British Mfg. Com pany. , , ' Gllw BOYS WANTED With bicycle's, ovej fifteen years of age. Permanent position, good pay, and advance ment, 87 Fairfield avenue. , . III tt ; LABORERS WANTED at the Wheel er & Howes Co., steady employment and good wages. : .''... : p if,ng,v BOYS WANTED Who want to ad vance themselves and learn trad while earning money Apply IT Fairfield avenno. .. ( - ' 111 tt For Sale Or Exchange LET US exchange something yon want for some thing you don't want. Mllford Realty Co., Room 207 Conn. National Bank Building. Phono Barnum 1086.' H 25 tf REAL ESTATE HOUSE ONLY $2.000, 'North End. V Looking for rents or furnished rooms? We have them,, all parts ." of city. Bower room, 104 Warner , Bldg. Phone 7488 a. m.. 6380 p. m ; . .' . 1 T 9 aj TWO FAMILY HOUSE, East Side, Bunnell St, 5 room flats, bath, laun- ; dry tubs, furnace A bargain. $4,600. M. B. Warner, I0J. Warner Bldg. Barnum 2558. ' . T 9' al' ;..'; FORCED SALE Owner needs cash. modern two family house, large lot, central location; price1 $4,800; house alone cost more; easy terms. Cos Realty. Co., Phone Barnum 1617; 302 Warner Bldg. T 11 a; TRUCKING LIGHT EXPRESSING and trucking by hour or job. package, delivery. Zallngers Auto Express. Phone Bar num 1083, Office 178 Wood Ave. T I t To Rent DESIRABLE ROOM to rent, 67 Franklin street. ' TUi' TO RENT 5 room 'flat, also two small furnished flats, J. H. BTee nan, 125 Harmony St. or 800 War- ner building. ' ' T 14 ap . TO RENT Residence on Geld en Hill , recently renovated.1 Store on Main St Store on East Main. Edwin ', Frauenberger, 164 State St.. Bar ' num 2549. H 21 tf WANTED partment three to Five Rooms, Heated and Lighted, Fur nished or unfurnished, with or with out board. Reply H. L S., Car Farmer. ' 1 16 ROOM, doubS house, excellent lo cation for rooming house, $4,1003 $500 cash. 8 room, 1 family house, ' $3,300; $500 cash. 1 room, 1 fam ily house, $2,500 $500 cosh. L Weiss. 1418 Main St. Tel lf- Barnum.. . ' I tl JEWELER BUY YOUR WIFE or best girl their Christmas Jewelry, watches, dia monds, ring of Parker the Jeweler, 9 P. O. Arcade. , . T U .ail ''