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IX IFSETiairiicccs o FINANCIAL THE FARMER : DECEMBER 21, 1916 : O ,v;0 s 1A. , ' f . . 'World of p inance STOCK MARKET DEMORALIZED; BREAKS SEVERE President's Note Given As Cause for General Sell- ing at All Points New -,k York, ; Dec. 21 Extreme weakness bordering on demoralization marked the opening dealings, on the stock Exchange today. The so-called war shares' broke from 2 to 11 points, these being extended in the course pt the flreit -10 minutes. - -v The mdst sensational feature was tne offeriiig; of 50,000 shares of United States Steel at. 104, to 105 against , yesterday's closing of 168. Never be fore itt the history of the ; exchange has a Single blocks ' Of such volume been 're'corded. ; ' ' .' ! 1" 1 Stocks which broke sharply includ ed Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies,, Iu dustriiarf Alcohol; Crucible Steel, . In ternational Paper, Republic Iron & StVeli."! Steel, - American Car, Central Leather,; Pittsburgh Coal (and Utah Copper. : ; , The" sellihg seemed to come , from all quarters and represented furthe v unloading of impaired margins.. Ae renewal t of liquidation was - largely ascribed ts President "Wilsons note ' jto 'the belligerent nations. . i Transactions "in y Steel continued ? on J an''erirnQu.sscaie; the total' amount ing to fii.OOO shares- within the first half hour.' at between " 104 :;f and f , The lots ,s6ld. ranged from 1,000 to ' 6000, .shares, with onQ lot ' of 1.5,000 .. shares,', ' .' N . J'V,:?. V, Even, rails, which have peen gen erally string. Uv the midst of the rer . cent liquidation, gaV'e, way in the ..first rush of selling today,;' Reading selling off oV.era point and Union Pacific 1. ' . Although the .market, continued f e: vejrish rallies were registered in the flret'hatf hour -of ffom 2 to 7 points:' i ' Recoveries proved, of brief duration Steel fa3ilng'to.l04 sObn after 11 -o'clock with similar 1 recessions vih other Indus trials.' 'Sales: Of' the first -hour' aggre ' ftated SSO.OOO shares, r liquidation n thecotia' setbackVwa' less -general 4 nut seemingly -010 iessimpera.nv-tiiaii a that which attended the-opening. ; Sales of all. stOjJKs Ifl this btlef , ptJ. Hod , approximated ' 400,000 . shares. There-.was 'qiiiet accutnuTatIon of sea innd, stocks, notably .rails, where the initial losses were soon changed to gains.: ; ' -"Yv'.w: ' - - -'' ; V'-: tWith the market still extremely ner yrvus and. much infusion. in the irreg ular recoveries, brokers were reported J ';', urging .their . customers to refrain ' from,, further trading until conditions &e"ame: for rsettled, k, i.-r , . . Commission houses' discouraged buy- j n t-, of -the mere volatile.; specialties --' r.ept for, cash..,; Increased margin, as" muojj as - 50 ;pr oent.i was demanded In some , instances, ,: even for standard! . Shares. J .;; ' ;'. s ).v . i - WIIBAT PRXCES SHAKY. : . Chicagd-'; "Dec: 2 1- A; maximum de cline 'of sefen cents was registered' in the wheat market at? the opening to- 1 day on President Wilson's peace notes. 'Wheat' f or 'ftJay ' delivery closed yesr terday.-Af-'$1V6 l-i-2 to $$2. ' open ted today with sales ranging from S1.55 .to $1:68.', July at 1.30 to SI. 31 open ed 4 ,$-,8 to 5iZ"i lower. Pit brokers were loaded with selling orders - and a huge buslnestf was done. -:v . There was ; a. stormy - time in 1 the wheat pit during the first 15 minutes. vBuylng on the part . of strong houses quickie -brought about a semblance itt steadiness, hbwevfer, and in less f 'than half an hour the selling stam pfede appeared to, be , at -; an end With i the market about five cents" under . yesterday's , closing. " ' 'The Up-swingN that followed the in itial - descent ; of the market assy med matt ihd rnwe Impetus when traders had gained tffhe; t6'( breathe freely. , Rgns;;.er6''..notedr;tha.ti.s6me of . the living - of future deliveries .was on Fluropean ' account and that exporters were among the active bidders .for rash wieat..;4 At this stage the "mar pt had, climbed more- than four cents .yr, from the bottom level touched at ?the , outset. : ,-. 1 ; - : , ' .. cotton makes advance. : New York, Dec. 21 Cottoh1 opened at an advance of from 26 to 38 points "here today the upturn from yester day's closing prices beings -attributed largely to Overnight developments in Washington relative to peace. ' ( Man contracts early sold up to 42 points abovf yesterday's closing quo tations.j Reports, were in. circulation in'tthe 'cotton "market that "a prominent German steamship line was planning ! -to; resumevsenrice as early as Febru-'-ary first and buyers" had the further ertcouragem'enf of higher Liverpool cables 'and !an advance of one penny reported ' for Egyptian cotton. ! . Noon Rallies gave way under fresh selling after the first hour, carrying Steel and equipment Issues and cop pers ' lower than before. Thereafter price movements ; became more erratic, advances and ceclines being so jumbled as to show rfo definite trend. Rails yielded from their firm opening, their reversal being ascribed to . necessitous liquidations, but strengthening again on declaration of the extra 2 per cent, dividend of Union Pacific. Sales of the forenoon ap proximated 1,300,000 shares. A one point rise in Paris sixes with hardening of other international is sues featured the bond market.' . New York Stock Exchange Quotations t , ... Reported over the private wires ot r. Ij. Watson & Co.. Bankers and .Brokers, Corner Main and John Sta. Bridgeport. Conn. Members of Nv l oi k Stock Kxcnamrok ' Dec. 21,1:30 p.m. Allis Chalmers - y Allis Chalmers Pfd. Am. Beet Sugar Am. Car & Fdy. , , . . Am. Caa . - ... .' , Am. Hide & Lea. Pf d. . Anu 'r Locomotive , ' Atl. Gulf & W. Indies ' Am. Smelt. & Re. Co. . : Am: Sug. Refg. Co Am. Tel. & Tele . . ; i f Am. Woolen ".. , . j Am. Zinc Alaska Gold V - Atch. T. & S. -Fe Anaconda Copper ': 1 , Baldwin Iktco. , - " Balmore & Ohio' 1 "Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Trans. J Butte . & Sup. Clnadian Pacific V Calif. Petroleum 1 i Cen.: Leather Co. . Chi. M. & St. Paul Chi. & Great W. . ? Chi. & Great W. Pfd; ' Chi. Rk. Island & Pad. Chile Copper Chinp ; '-vV 'Xr'V- ' ' Chesapeake A Ohio Consolidated Gas ' :' - - ' -r Col. -Fuel & Iron j Corn Products . Crucible i Steel . , ; t Cuban Cane Sugar V Distilleries Securities .Erie :. r- ? ' XvV j,i j Erie 1st Pfd. ' General Electric Goodrich Co. ! V : : Northern Pfd. !Gt., Northern Ore ' r . : ) Green Cananea '; , Illinois Central ? Ind. Alcohol v. ; Inspiration , Copper International Nickel ' " Interborough Cons.' Interborough Cons. Pfd. Inter.. Mer. ilarine -Inter. Men Marine Pfd. International Paper -Kansas City Sou. ; .4 Kennecott Copper Lackawanna Steel ' v ' Lehigh Valley ; Maxwell Motors --' Mex: : Petroleum - 1 Missouri Pacific . Miami Copper y Montana Power : Mo., f Kan. & Tex; -Nevada Cons. NatDnal Lead Co. : . Norfolk , & Western ' ". ' Northern Pacific - ' N. T. Central N. Y., N. H. & H. N. Y., Ont. & West. Pennsylvania"' Pressed Steel Car " , Ray Cons. ' Reading Repub. Iron & Steel Ry. Steel Spring Sloss-Sheffield & Iron Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway Pfd. Studebaker Cor- Union Pacific ' U. S. Rubber, U. S. Steel ' - U. S. Smelter Utah Copper Virginia Caro Chem. Wabash -Wabash Pfd. A. Wabash Pfd. B. . West. Union Tel. Westinghouse . Electric . Willys Overland 24 85 87 64 45 62 . 70 96 102 108 125 41" 35 11 102 ' 80 500 , 82'' 43 164 23 si ; 92 14 40 : 35 . 24 61 63 130 42 22 52 :-45. .,29 '35 j.' 49 5$ 115 33 43. 105 100 52 40 16 72 ; -24 .88 43 25 41 76 ' 78 48 " 96 17 35 .101 11 ', 21 x 58 133 108 103 52 28 56 74 24 102 74 ' 47 58 96 31 69 ; 112 144 59 102 58 s. 94 38 . 15 55 29 55 57 37 Start Accumulating A Fund Now For Your Expenses Next Christmas BEGIN TODAY BY JOINING OUR 1917 CHRISTMAS CLUB If you can save but a few cents a week you can join the Christinas f Club and you will have a check just before Christmas, 191J, f or the to- tal amount deposited. , ' You will be surprised how small, regular deposits grow into good sized bank accounts. Everybody can save if they get the habit and it is a mighty good habit to acquire. Joining is simple and easy. Just decide the amount you can save, and our club' will do the rest for you. The Membership Is Limited So It Will Be Wise for, You to Join, and Join Right Now- , . J : , ; If You Can't Call Yourself Send a Messenger or a Friend . f-with Your First Deposit and We'll Send Your Card. Bridge mpaoy 199 STATE STREET. Note See the Film Play, "Three Christmases"at Bijou Theatre Tonight and f Palace Tomorrow, with Compliments of Bridgeport Trust . Co. r STATE OP CONNECTICtJT. , DISTRICT OP BRIDGEPORT, ss., PROBATE COURT. . ! Dec. 4. 1916. . I Estate , of Margaret Macfeean latO of New York City, leaving estate7 in anir! A strict deceased. . ine t;ouri ut rrouaie tor liib ajis trict of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six .months from1 the date hereof for Creditors or said Estate to exhibit : their ; claims for settlement Those who , neglect to present their accounts, properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment to ; . MARY JANE WILEY JOHNSTON, Administratrix, c. t. a. Care of Samuel C. Shaw, Attorney, Security Building, Bridgeport Conn. '' ; !.'., a ;. ROSTOV STOCKii New . . .... . : ; ' STOCK MARKET x York, - Dec. 21 ODeninsf rrices felted, away at today's opert. lngi he further drastic liquidation be ing attributed to President Wilson's note, to ths; belligerent nations. Sell hglwas. the most urgent witnessed , in ihe .courfle,.o$ ih present decline. Steel was Offered In a single lot of 50,000 -chares, this, probably representing , a .number jof ( bunched selling orders at 104. 1-2 to 105 l-2, an extreme de cline of 3 1-2 points., Other gross .recessions were Atlantic,: Gulf & West Indies .13; Industrial Alcohol, 9 S-.4; Crucible Steel, 8; Butte & Su perior, ff 1-4? Beet Sugar, 6; Central Leather, 8 j American Locomotive, 5 ; International "Paper 4 1-4 Utah Cop per, 4. -" Rallies of 2 to. T. points were registered in the first half hour. Boston liJio p. m. Prices '. 0er Private Wire of , Waiaon t Arizona Com. Am. Zinc Atgomah A'lo.uea , Butte & Superior. , Cal. & Arizona ,. Cal. & Ilecla . -,f . Copper Rang- Daly West East Butte . . . '. : Franklin . , : Granby Gulf ' Hancock . . Island Creek Isle Royale , ! Lake Mass Mohawk New Arcadian North Butte Old Colony , Old Dominion Osceola Pond Crek Quincy - Saint Mary's Sante Fe Shannon Superior Superior & Boston Tamarack U. S. Smelting do pfd. , Utah Consol. Wolverine. , .texon T. ' ' .12 33 V3 ' VA 60 49 76 ;o 614 2y3 8 85 98 14 55 ' 34 .'- 12 i2Vi 92 22 2 61 si 87 . '87 2 $ 34 ,4 W3 '58 164 48 BUILD YOUR HOME ATINTER VAliE in Devon, Bridgeport's fin est suburb. Site; of the future city. Malcolm T. Kerr, (Phone 18 ring 3) (Lots- all over Devon.) See him. r T 21 tf TO RENT 13 room two family1 house 3. Louis St., modern improvements, electric lights. Write or phone Phil ip Glasner, 35 Washington Courfc ' ' .'' T 4 ti STATE OP CONNECTICUT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, ss., PROBATE COURT. ' Dee. 4, 1916. Estate of James Maclen, late of New York City leaving estate in said district deceased. - . . . The court of probate for the dis trict of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six months from the date hereof for creditors jf said estate to exhibit their claims for . settlement. Those, who neglect to present their accounts, properly ' attested, within said time, will be debarred a recov ery. All Persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment to MARY JANE WILEY JOHNSTON, Administratrix, c. t. a. Care of Samuel C. Shaw, Attorney, Security Building, Bridgeport, Conn. - -. . y a AUTO BODIES WE HAVE a large stock of open and closed1 Ford delivery bodies . for Ford cars ready to. mount on chas sis. Metropolitan Auto & Carriage Co., 434 Grand St., Phone, Barnum 5362. ' . . . ' . . T, 18 a The Federal Oil Co. of Cleveland in creased its capital from $3,300,000 to $4,400,000. , STATE OP CONNECTICUT, DISTRICT OP BRIDGEPORT, ss., PROBATE COURT. Dec. 4, 19'6 Estate of William F, Johnston late of Astoria, New York, leaving estate in said district deceased. ' . The Court of Probate for the Dis trict of Bridgeport hath limited and al lowed six months from the date hereof for the creditors of said estate to ex hibit their claims tot settlement. Those, who neglect to ' present their accounts, properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recov ery. All persons indebted ' to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment to MARY JANE WILEY JOHNSTON, Executrix Care of Samuel C. Shaw, Attorney, Security Building, Bridgeport, Conn. President Wilson called at the resi dence of Senator John Sharp Williams of Mississippi Fire destroyed the J. P., Allen de partment store at Atlanta,' Ga, at a loss of $200,000. . Sergeant Robert E. Gonzales, of the Machine Gun company. South Caro lina Infantry, son of W. E. Gonzales, United States Minister to. Cuba, is dead. , . 7; I- Tis Merry in Hall Where Beards Wag Air TUSSER (CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR) ; t , Which reminds us: 1 Why not give him a safety razor for Christmas? Or, if he's a regular fellow,' a regular razor? , v A good keen razor, giving man's-size comfort 365 days a year Is a gift that will bring tears of, gratitude to the eyes of ' a large He-person. ; , Feminine olks are always complaining about how hard it is to find suitable gifts for. the men. But it isn't so. Our ctdre is full of suitable gifts for men. ! Every man has constant use for a pocket knife. Our se- lection of Ulster knives is absolutely complete, the best knife steel in the market, with combinations of blades and; handles to suit everybody. . Nine men out of ten have the tinkering instinct born in , them. Good tools of all kinds make mighty acceptable pres ents. " We put up the best tools in America in attractive Christmas packages. And carving sets! Nothing makes the head of the house madder tlian to hack a tender goose with a tough knife. Give him a new carving set one of real steel that will last a life- ' time, and gladden his heart. Lots of other suggestions in Bridgeport's Hardware De partment store, but not room to tell them alLhere. TIE - -LY0W & GRUHHAN C. RKTAIIj DIVISION ! THE AMEBIC AN HARDWARE STORES, INC. Fairfield Avenue and Middle St. XMAS TB.EES, WREATHS AND ROPING JOHN RECK SON 1866 FIFTY YEARS 1916 3 PER CENT. INTEREST OW YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT We thfnk this will appeal to yon partlr-nlfcrty in view of on rtpertencp of ncattt fifty years In rtanklng. We can aware yon of safety, satisfartocy cxm&nct of your business, and courteous treat orient. Interest cre1itea to accounts' monthly. We would like to tell yon about our methods. Call us on the 'phone or come In and see us. T. L. WATSON & CO. BANTCTTRS CORNER MAIN AND JOHN STREETS Established 1886 148th CONSECUTIVE SIEUI-ANNUAL, When a banking institution has for. seventy-four years been declaring consecutive semi-annual dividends it offers con clusive proof of the soundness of its policy and the efficiency of its management, It is with a feeling ' of Just pride for this accomplishment that this Bank ends .its 74th year of banking , progress and begins its 75th year in better, ' stronger and ' healthier condi tion than ever before. What (better protection could you have against the uncer tainties of the future than by depositing your spare money in this strong institution -where j it will grow for yCu at 4 per cent. Interest. Make yourself or some one else the present of a savings account for Christmas. BRIDGEPORT SAVINGS BANK1 BROAD AND STATE STS. Bridgeport Lino NEW YORK TO i Fare 60 Cents ( STEAMER NATJGATUCK Week Iaya . Lv. B'P't, Pequonnock Dock, 8 a. m. Due N. Y., Pier 70, E. R. 11:45 a, m Due N. Pier 27, E. R. 12:15 noon Ret. Lv. N. Y.f Catharine St. 3:00 p. nu Lv. Foot East 22nd St. 8.: 15 p. m. Due Bridgeport 7:15 p. m. J. H. COSGRIFF, Agent v The New England Steamship Co. Holiday Excursions To Montreal and Quebec December 22, 23, 29 and 30 Return Limit January 8 Round Trip Fares From Bridgeport To MONTREAL . . $14.61 To QUEBEC .....$17.16 An opportunity to see the Dominion EN FETE, to en joy the exhilarating outdoor sports that the glorious Ca nadian winter makes possi bletobogganing, snowshoe ing, skiing, ice carnivals. Tickets limited to continu ous passage, except on Cana dian lines in Canada. For further information see , Ticket Agent N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Wooster & Bowersock,Aty9w PATENTS Security Bldg., 5115 jIaln Street Send Cor Booklet cn Patents Other stores sell some Leatherware, but we only sell the best. AMBROSE 288 Fairfield Avenue. Advertise in The Farmer ! The City National Bank Sayings Department Pays 4 Per OenL Infterea! Start Saving Now 107 WALL STBEBT WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS We desire to thank our depositor and clients for their, liberal patronage during the year and wish them all A VKRY MERRY CHRISTMAS Accounts subject to check are cordial ly invited. ' , , ' JAMES STAPLES 6 OCX BRIDGEPORT, OOK7T Established 1S74 i v . r TO SAVANNAH SPECIAL CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TOURS DECEMBER 22, 1916 AND DECEMBER 25, 1916 K $40.00 , ; ; COVERS EVERY EXPENSE For Particulars Apply at S. LOEWITII & CO, TEL. B-99 116 B Ate ST. CL TL VTJEMTSa REAL ESTATE AND RENTS . Perwnal attention given to collectlnf 1 rents and caring1 for pioperty. Bstl. mates given on drsdging, pumplns, dock buildings,.' jetty work; diring; wrecking, etc. Offica ' 952 Main St, City SarlnKS Bank TWlg, Phone 2500 Bridgeport. Conn. ' ' D 10 tf THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK OP BRIDGEPORT - . Cor. Main and Wall Street! 1 ! T. B. WARREIT Heal Estate and Inmranci 179 Golden HiU St , t TeL 2417. PROPERTY OWNERS WE HAVE 100 TENANTS TO PLACQ IN RENTS FROM $10 TO $25 PER MONTH. PARTICULARS AN DERSON & CO. fe3 JOHN STREET 1280 Main St., Poli Building ' Ground Floor. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS For Sale, Rental, Excnajigo SPECIAL RENTAL RATES TO STUDENTS Acents lor CORONA -Standard Fold -tog TYPEWRITERS Prices ! Prices ! ! Prices ! ! I i Where can you get T better value than by using FRISBIE'S PIES " Kelly's Cigar Store 141 FAIRFIELD AVE. .The best clears made In Imported and domestic brands. Complete Una or smokers supplies. JAMES H. KKT-T.y 1 'i