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is-", i IS "GraEdSaStiei - THE FARMER: DEOEjMBEE 22, 1916 . X . r . 1 . 1 1 1. Colonial Ciock A Lifetime Gift the whole Family will Appreciate Case of solid Mahog any. 16 in. wide, 84 in. high, 8 day chime movement, strikes on hour and I half hour. "The Sweet and Mel low Chimes of Nor mandy. n Brass em bossed dial. Special for Christmas. mm Come to "7 he Big Store" Select What You Want and Tell the Salesman to Charge It -Begin Paying Next Year., Make Your Christmas Merry and Comfortable. Free Auto or Express Delivery Within 30 Miles. Clark's Service Satisfies! ' We Take Tftls Means 01 Wishing Til Sood People 01 Bridgeport A VERT MERRY' XMAS We alo wish to think .pur thousands of patrons who have assisted us in buiidin? the largest home: furnishing establis h ment in all New England. ' w ' v.t 'J'; .-'.: mm ilQfflf sConyeipiil Crefllt Terms Wlfiiput Exlra Cost -All; iGoods" Plainly Marked ---Xmas Delivery 1 fr l- - - - , 1 ' w Solid Mahogany William rU'AS.. HA'aIV'A and Marliail , m .1111 - . Covered in Silk Striped Vel our or High "Grade Figured Tap- " w' estry Exquisite Pieces forjParlor, Living Room:or,Hall.Ex-, ; '-: 5.s?ti; : ; & ; ;. ;4 ? : v : specially - '.; i' f&f : .! -i-i.vrt-Jit: ' 1 . A V Til III . Ill liK ' Jlvll ' .'I Ii I . I - I l h& . i i ira " mi iai iai iai i ,--,..mim mm- ww a vwbv n in ai ill im iminm Handsome ''Period " Crystal Cabinet An ExsCl Rcproduclion of the William and , Manufactured by the most skilled workmen. 34 inches wide, 60 inches high. Bottom linen drawer. Panelled fflass , doors. Solid mahogany or , Jacobean Quartered Oak. OUR VERY SPECIAL ; :vv'r;': pbice- ; i TO -1 Solid Mahogany Arm Chair or Koeker Very Handsome Design. Gr acefully Curved as Shown. Saddle :U Seats, Closely Woven Antique Cane Backs. Ideal Pieces for S Any Room. Presents That Will Be Acceptable. ' :U SPECIALLY PRICED AT , '.I wvr M I' f-i nw I 1 ' ' " V . .. . . . . i. ... -i . i Covered 'in Guar anteed Brown Imitation Spanish v Leather Plain Back; All r 'Steel Spring Con- struction t o75 mci jumoo ureas ANOTHER TREAT FOR THE LITTLE ONES. lasssvc Three Piece Genuine Brown Spanish $ I fll.75 LEATHER LIBRARY OR LIVING ROOM SUITE li - ' r i ' i - ) ' , Adam design. Frames of mahoganized birch. Polish or dull finish. V Upholstered in genuine brown Spanish leather1. Oil tempered ste el springs. Our selling strength is again 'demonstrated by this re markable value. Bjy all means take vantage of this wonderful opportunity. Credit without extra charge. Fir eside Rocker i Covered in Guaranteed Brown Im itation Span ish Jieather." Comfortable Head Rest bri Back. All Steel Spring' Construction. v..-',' .J All the Ani mate of tlie Bis Show. All in Brilliant, Beautiful) col ors. Regular 30c, w bile they last I ; p : 500 Only' ' -' 'Customer. ' Pictures Make Ideal Gifts A very , han f some collection suitable for Parlor, Dining Room, Living Room, or Den. Dull Gold, Mahogany and Fumed Frames. Scenery, Animals, Mottoes, Etch ings, Water Colors and Prints by Well Known Artists. Moderately Priced for ' Christmas. M.B, mmimiilMTm 1 ' '' ' ' ' " SPECKA1L Foip Tine MMdlnes v 5,000 Art-T;oy Transfer Pictures. Reg ular selling price 25c a box. Limit 2 boxes to a customer; Ttiile they last : ..... ... .... . . . .; f .mjm m mam A lb A Box 5 TfiANSrEtt ii-1- 1 , THE OHIUDRBN'S OELIOHT . INSTRUCTIVE It A MUSING 1 ! INTERESTING It Any child can "Rub-Off' and color each picture many timet. X Subjects: Dolls. . Mother Goose, Butterflies, Indians. Birds . Animals, Etc ' ) MONITOR'S CAPTAIN PRAISES HOSPITALITY ' - OF CITY OF BRIDGEPORT , Bridareport la an hospitable city, according to Capt. Gustave .Fruden T dorfr, or thef Amphitrlte, who ad- dressed the Third division ' - Naval "Militia" and their friends who grath ' ered on the monitor last nl;ht at a - recruiting: dinner and sihoker. v "1 Bridgeport than, all the time the Amphitrite lay at New Haven last summer," : he said in praising the in terest and welcome given his ship here. The affair was a pleasant one to all who participated in the repast served from the. ship's galley to those gathered about the tables on the berth deck. ; . Among1, the speakers was Ordnance Officer ' Albert J. Merritt, who took as hi-subect "The Growth and De velopment pf the Naval Militia." As affairs, having risen from the ranks to ' his present high office through many years ; of actual experience, j a statement that "'The country is woe fully and inadequately equipped for defense and that 10,000 ,more rookies are needed at once" will be heeded throughout New England. Lieut. Alfred C. Chippendale, in command of the local division, talked on "The Duties of Naval Militiamen." Judge Frederic A. Bartlett, formerly head of the division; J. A. H. Robin son and A. W. Anderson made short TT hAvtf .shaken hands with more people la -the short time I have been in he has. shown great interest in militia speeches of '"terest. Following the table jdiversions sev eral interesting boxing bouts were staged on shipboard followed by freedom of the ship that all the new comers might familiarize themselves with the run of a fighting ship. The United States sailors and the militia men fraternized with the guests and at a late hour all agreed that the Amphitrite ,-was a welcome addition to the features of Bridgeport during the Christmas season. Its advent in port will do much towards augment ing the ranks, of the militia for it has long been needed to take the rou tine drills from the plans of the .com monplace and , make the short term of enlistment both profitable and pleasant to the members. HOLD XMAS FESTIVAL., Members of the First Presbyterian church held a Christmas festival about a big tree in the assembly hall last night. Six hundred members of the Brotherhood gathered, each having contributed some small gift to the gives a touch of the navy life that tree for others. During the opening Of the presents by old ana young much merriment was occasioned. John Mclntyre in a performance of magic, John "Vernon in cornet solos, John Miles and Thomas Yates in songs entertained during the even ing. ' JITNEY OWNERS' MAY PAINT HEADLIGHTS. In order that persons desirous of riding in Jitneys, may be able to dis tinguish these machines from private 1 automobiles, the jitney owners may paint their headlights blue. Verson have complained that at night thej are not able to distinguish an ap proaching Jitney from other machines, until it is almost opposite them. The drivers asked the police to alt low them to paint their headlight green, but as this is the official coloj of the police department it was sug gested that blue would; be better. Fire which swept' the business see- tlon at New Castle, Pa., destroyed th department stores of P. N. Ewers an Brown & Hamilton, at a loss of i