Newspaper Page Text
r THE FARMER :N DECEMBER 27, 1915 i ainiiiaaiiry MEIGS & CO., INC. i Impptos Women's Department Mid e$on reductions mean a Sale Extraordinary! You wilt profit by these notable savings and we will clear our stofey Jftlthe endof the old year and the logical and proper time to have a clearance of all the present season's merchandise. ui ;hicut in prices gives you also the utmost in value long before the Iseasoh:,wancs for winter has only just "gotten into her stride. Several more ?id pro- months remain in wkidh to wear winter apparel. Attend th Akby the reductions. V :. - Special Lots of Women's and Misses' Suits Wonderful Values and serge suits' , mostly in riavy and black. A few green and brown. Mis ses ' arid women 's sizes. All taken from our regular stock 'arid marked for quick clearance at $14.75. ' ; A'' V'"'"'' , ' - 1 ... . ' Plain or Fyr. Trimmed Suits of wool veior, serge, gaberdine and broadcloth. Fur or , velvet trimmed. Some plainly tailored! Misses'., , Women's and extra large sizes are included. An elegant assortment from f Vhich to choose at the January Sale Price, $19.75. f : ;ij Out; Go Ol3 Finest Suits at $39.75. Several of our highest krade suits fetllKremain to be sharply reduced.' Suits of sjik corduroy and' handsome woolvelour . fashioned into the smartest styles of the winter. ,Fur trims some and the colors are all the desired ones. $39.75. ' f r '. f ' ' ' ' V . I J: II ' - t: '. I I L S The Latest Winter Modes to ; Charming Dresses 4 Fine French Serge at $8.90. Longt straight iine orjitted t flocks that are'practical. $8.90. These Demand Attention at $14.75. Speciai lot and for very ' .oecasion. Fashioned of pretty silks, velvet, serge and tujle. Frocks' for aft :J ernopt) and street wear, also exquisite silk and net evening, : dancing and ' ' , party frocks ih pastel tints. "About 30 in . all and marked at' $14.75. f C r v Afternoon Frocks at $16.75. Bought especially for this sale, ; t thereby affording you an even greater (saving than usual. Soft taffetas ., with georgette collars and cuffs. Pleated models in old blue, navy, brown, A' tan and green. See them at $16.75, ' . 'Serge and Combination Dresses $18.75. Fur bordered-collars ; . of broadcloth are chic touches on these fine serge presses. Coat effects, 4-1 pleated, lbng-ltae styles ' combined .with (Jebrgrette and others embroidered - in "worsted. Mandarin collars and Hanging pockets feature some. Un usual fly -ibeautiful dresses to be sold quickly at $18.J5. . Scores of Beautiful Coats at 1 Prices Decisively Reduced. ; ine coats of wool velour in nary, black, brown, plum and green. Full smng ing models . with belts and , large collars banded with ' black silk plush. January Sale Price, $12.75. x Elegant Coats at $14.75. . Made of V boucle ohe!Ylot- The color range is vextensive, , the green -and plum being particularly attractive. cygne and warmly interlined. V, I . T. Lined . with peau de January Sale Price. $14.75. Rich Black Silk Plush-Coats, $19.75 of cellwt quality and in tha. jaunty, mUch lfced full models. jLtaed. throughout with Iris satin, noted for, its wear Collar, cuffs and border of Chases' Beaver Plush.. 19 75 Genuine BoHvia'Cbats, '$39.75 Several very handsome coats in favored, shades of ; plum, navy,s Balsam green, fbeavera bllcfer Ail late ; season styles. Some are trimmed richly with . scotch moleskin. Oriental crepe linings. Special at $39.75. . ? ' ; . , oirls Chinchilla Coats, $8.75. Made for warmth a i.wnf"'Tk . 1 Velvet .collars' and velvet edged pockets. Sizes 6 to 14 years, $8.75. Some ethers i the 6 and 8 yta old sizes are now S 6.7 S. . , . . . . ; . "i . .. .... .. " LUXURIOUS FUR COATS INVITE ATTENTION. ;3SS2L?2V -e'-ed . in 4.-.nch ode,,. De, ioL and very irtch Hudson Seal Coats of fine qualit,. fasWoiftbly' trimmd with kolinsky , txxr for collars cuffs and borders. Reduced to $149.50.' . b-. , .. """Wide Collared Hudson Seal Coats in 45-inch length. buttons.- Smart brocaded silk lining. Now $144.5Q , - fe.-?'.Jaunty Hudson Seal Coats with belts' and slanting pockets. ALL BOYS OVER 17 INCLUDED IN PLAN FOR ARMY Compulsory Training Three Months in Year for Four Years Urged.. Washington, Dec. 27- Col. Webb C. Hayes of Ohio has laid before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs a universal military training plan by which all boys from the ages of 17 to 21 will , be required to undergo a course in military instruction for three months a year for four years. The plan would not interfere with the National Guard and would avoid the objections to a one-year training plan. Col. Foote, in charge of the Coast Artillery sohool at Fortress Monroe, .assisted Col. Haye3 in working out the details. The 435 Congressional districts would be the units for selecting the recruits to undergo the prescribed course. It is estimated that 1,000,000 boys reach the age of 17 each year of whom about 50 per cent, probably would be exempted for various rea sons. Aproximately 1,200 would be avails! le annually in each Congres sional district. The first year that the plan was put in operation each district would provide one regiment arid after the fourth a year a brigade of 4,800 men would exist in each dis trict. Selection of Officers. One field officer and a captain from the regular army would be detailed to each training camp, who would act as recruiting officers during the re maining nine months of the year. Tle captains and junior company officers would be taken from the National Guard. 1 In ' event of war, thos"e in active training would be called out first and those who had most recently com pleted their training next, taking in order those who were the most re cently trained and with the least family responsibilities. The following protest against his compulsory military training bill was received by Senator Chamberlain from the World Peace Association of Minnesota, the .message coming through the American Union Against Militarism. , No member of the World Peace Association will be forced) into military training. . Neither will we pay taxes to help main tainsuch an Insane policy, which means that if the political jingoes pass such a law the bot tom will fall out the United States government. Speak for us. . Navy, to Train Civilian. Thesucess of the naval practice cruise for civilians last summer has led the Navy Department to make plans for the training of at least 10,- 000 civilians in naval training camps next summer, according to an an nouncement made by Secretary of the Navy Daniels yesterday. The Nevy Department proposes to establish training camps at Newpprt, Chicago, Norfolk, Va., and San Fran cisco, In, which a course f instruc tion win oe given ror one month sim ilar to that given to recruits for the navy. An advanced training course for those who participated in the cruises last summer will be given this year on battleships of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. It Is expected that 10 or 12 battleships under the command of a flag . officer will be " detailed for this purpose. 1 1 Preliminary training in certain sea ports on- battleships of the reserve fleet will be given during the winter by officers of the navy. . The battle ships Minnesota and North Dakota will be used for this purpose at Phila delphia, and the battleship New Jer- seyat New York. ' The Navy Department announces that ifcwill form and train motor boat squadrons to be used as patrol and despatch Vessels. Camps of instruction and cruises will I be held between July 2 and Aug. 4. The manoeuvres- of the motor boat Squadrons will be carried out the first two' weeKs in September; Very chc very full model. Self i Raccoon Auto Coats of ,l3ark, Made of extra fine skins, -' - : V " ' " Nicely tinotlve ' air. Back belfT Durable , IlniAg. . In the January Sale $134.50. Matched Skins. v Shawl Collars give them a dis- 1 -XMatUrai JVlUSKrat 1-iinea OatS of Brown English Mixture. The fu? lining extends to the waist line. - Becoming beaver collar, with duffs to match, -.$110. . ' ) l- VISIT EVERY DEPARTMENT P RICES HAVE BEEN CUT. v OUTFHTERS TO BfBTN. WOTN A CHULDTOra t : Mabi St Pairfleld At. j 'A onacepon, vm ti p JOFFRE ADVISER TO GOVERNMENT on mm CONDUCT v. r ,'.,. 7 r- 1 . . - Paris, Dec. 27 In addition to a. de cree creatingr General Joffre a marsh al of France President Poincarerhas Signed another revoking the ., decrees of Dec. 2il( and Dec. 13, 1916. The first of thee. appointed Marshal -Jofr fre-" commattder-ln-chlef of all the PYench forces; except ' those. In the qlmil an.4 Morocco; theU second "General JofEre, commander-ih-in-chief of the French forces, will act as technical adviser to the-government in all matters concerning the direction of . the war." ' , ; 1 The high command as now settled vJ finally leaves the war committee com- poseq pi Jrremier ttnand, uenerai n. Xiyautey, minister of war; Rear 'Ad miral Lacaze, minister of marine; A1t bert Thomas, minister of national manufactures; Alexander Bibot, min ister of finance and President Point care.. The duty of the minister oif war , is to notify the other ministers and commanding generals- concerning tlie decisions of the commander and take .measures to insure their concert ed -execution. In addition he is re sponsible for everything concerning the preparation and maintenance of the nation's aatlit,a.ry resources J&vm are two 'generals commanding, Gen eral Nivelle, of ; the armies of t the north and northeast, .who also assures a liaison with the allies staffs, and General- Sarrail, of the army of 'the Orient who, as already announced, is no longer answerable to grand hfead- quarters but.' directly to the minister of war.i . r ,,r : ' i- '. The press ;an;d.v public 'are unani mbus in. welcoming:, the revival of the dignity of marshal in favor, of Gen era! Joffre, ' The Consolidated Stock Exchange has planned a parade for next Satur day to: commeirimorate the ending of a prosperous year. . : , XMAS TREES, WREATHS AND ROPING JOHN RECK & BOM New Year's at. Quilty's. New Tear's at Quilty's in the Co lonial ball room will be marked w.ith unusual merriment and two long ses sions of dancing with novelties which .cannot fail to please, For lovers of A M t tj. 1 J.1 1 uaiicuig il win ue ine raosi pleasant place in the' city. For the afterifoon there will be -a matinee with dancing from :2:30 to 6 o'clock, Murray's orchestra furnishing the music. This offers, a nleasant manner nf snpndlti? the flst afternoon of the New Yean For the evening Prof. Quilty has ar ranged for a grand ball with Mur ray's orchestra of ten pieces supplying the music. This is an annual event and always attracts a large gather ing. Your are invited both afternoon and evening with your friends. Ad mission is kept at a very moderate figure. i 1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Seaside council, No. 709, Royal Ar canum, will hold its., regular meeting Wednesday evening, Dec. 27, at eight o clock in the rooms, Citizens' build ing, 1,025 Main street. This will be a meeting of unusual interest and the members of tha council as well as vis iting members from otiher jurisdictions are invited to be present ' Joel Feller of 457 State street, land scape architect, fell and one of the small bones in his right leg, just above the ankle, . was broken recently. He will soon be able to resume work. WILSON'S LEAD 568,822 FINAL FIGURES SHOW I : Associated Press Completes Tabulation of Official Returns. Complete official 'returns on the Presidential election, compiled by the Associated Press, the last jof them hav ing been received yesterday, show that Wilson received 9,116,296 votes, and Hughes 8,547,474, a plurality of 568, 822 for Wilson. In 1912 Wilson, (Dem.), received 6,297,099; Taft, (Rep.), 3,846,399; Roosevelt, (Prog.), 4,124,959. The total popular vote for the four candidates was 18,638.871,' against 15,045322 in 1912. This is an increase of 3,593,549, accounted for by the in creased population and j the woman vote in the new suffrage states. The following table shows the vote 'by states for Wilson and Hughes: Wilson. Hughes. Alabama Arizona . Arkansas ...... California ....... Colorado Connecticut .... Delaware . . . . , Florida m Georgia . . . .... Idaho . . .'. , Illinois Indiana ....... Iowa , 221,699 - . 97,778 33,170 112,186 466,289 2178,816 99,786 24,521 56,108 125,831 70,021 28,662 20,524 49,827 462,516 102,308 106,514 25,79.4 .14,611 11,225 56,368 Kansas Kentucky ........ Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri ....... ... Montana , Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . . New Jersey ...... New Mexico New .York North Carolina . . . North Dakota Ohio . Oklahoma Oregon ...... i. .. . Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina . . , South Dakota .. ; . Tennessee ........ Texas r Utah Vermont Virginia ........... Washington West Virginia T. . . Wisconsin . . ...... Wyoirring V : Total .9,116,296 8.547,474N The vote for Benson, Socialist can didate for President ,was 750-.000, with eight missing states estiniated, against 901,873 for Deibs (Soc.), in 1912. The vote for Hanly, Prohibitionist candi date, was 225,101, against 207,928 for Chafin in 1912. 950,081 1,152,316 324,063 341,005 280,449 277,656 2.41,854 6,644 69,503 117,347 268.812 339,097 179,544 4,253 369,339 - 66,750 117,771 12,127 43,723 268,982 31,161 875,510 120,890 i 52,651 514,836 97,233 120.S13 703,734 44,858 1,809 V 64,261 116,114 64,949 54,133 40,250 49,359 167.244 143,124 ! 221,82.3 ; 21,698! 314,588 269,900 79,875 . 64,118 138,359 247,885 286,775 179,1-52 80,383 398,032 101,063 158,827 17,776 43,779 211,018 33.553 756,8?0 168,383 55,271 604,946 148,123 120,087 521;784 40,394 61,846 ' 59,191 153,334 285,909 84,025 22,708 ' 102,824 183,388 140,403 193,042 28,316 ate si fle A !ill p 111! Ill ; If you are of economical frame of mind, you're exactly the one we wish to talk to. - Because the person who is really economical wants the best Quality at the lowest price. Look us over before buying. .COME TO LOOK AND YOU WILL REMAIN TO BUY. 5?UHJ 5u ,.." XMAS GIFTS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. - . , For yqnng or Jd; full of merit and fair In price. ,The assortment consists of Bibles, Lieathev Goods, Tourists Cases, Manicure Sets, Hand Bags, Jewel Box- . , es, Music Dolls, Address Books, Holiday Pencil Sets, Fancy Novelties, Camera ' Albums. Bra Goods, Desk Sets, Brass Book Racks, Guest Books, Ash Trays, , Motor Trip Albums, Toy Books, Cards, Tags and Seals, Fancy Calendars and Calendar Pads, Games, Mirrors, Diaries, Dolls, Writing Paper In Attractive Boxes, Cigar, Cases, Autograph Albums, Paper Dolls, Decorated Crepe Paper, Lunch Sets -and Napkins, Telephone Indexes, Ink Stands, Prayer Boo&s and y Hymnals, and a splendid assortment of Christmas Cards and Booklets. '- POSTOFFICE NEWS STORE 11 Postofflce Arcade Is only a short Distance from Main Street. Bridgeport. JOHN F. FAY 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE. Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker; Super , for, Fabrics or Furniture and Draperies. Tel. 74 , i : i Now Is Your Opportunity Great "price reductions in January slearance sale of winter milliners', shirt waists, silk petticoats, silk ad wool sweaters, marabout , feather boas and "muffs, ostrich feather boas, reli able fur scarfs and muffs, long cloth coats, guaranteed raincoats and Ango ra scarfs and muffs at E. H. Dillon & Co.'s, 1105 Main street'. Adv. ' ' ' r Victor Herbert Says- "The Weaver ? . I: Piano has a such ' fine' tonal .qualities as are seldom found in Pianos made today!" It is the modern leader among (he artistic Pianos. . it is an expensive Piano butnot : extravagant in price, when quality vis considered. . The purchase of a Weaver Piano means musical sat-, isfaction in 'your home for a life time. v f I Sold jja Bridgeport only by PIQUETTE PIANO CO., 60 Cannoii Street Also Agents for the Sonora and Grafanola Talking Machines and Records. Portugal is threatened with another revolution. COUGHING RELIEVED The more you cough the more you strain, your throat, lungs and system. Raise the phlegm easily without strain or pain by taking Leonardi's Cough Syrup (Creosoted). It '.a soothing, healing, pleasant and effective. Best thing for hacking coughs, deep seated colds, bronchitis, croup, grippe and whooping cough. . A most beneficial and safe treatment tor children and adults. Save yourself from colds, coughs and serious trouble. Get a bottle of Leonardos .Cough Syrup (Cre osoted) from your druggist today and bring quick relief. 25c. Hindle's Drusr Stores, 987 Main street and 09 A Main street. . Telephone Courtesy n Arfy MIDWINTER FOOT WE AR at all prices, for Women Misses Boys and , Small Children Best workmanship and material in . the Mbllan footwear. It is. all se lected or originated through expert shoe knowledge ANATOMIK SHOES '." ..J mm mw Ar. r w am i w. il mum 1026 lain St. i If you will remember to treat the operator with the same courtesy that you would if you were talking to her face to face, many of the petty difficulties that you experience from day to day in your use of the Telephone will he eliminated. THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE CO. n!l!!I!!!l!l!:illll!Dlllllll!0il!!l!l11!l!nmi!!!l!!lll!llin:i!nn ' The Wheeler .ft Mowes Cd. Coal and Mason's Building Materials EAST END CONGRESS ST.BRIDGE 1221 MAIN ST. ' Phone Barnum 344 SPRAPJE ICE & COAL CO. DEALERS IN ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL EAST END E. WASH. AVE. BRIDGE. Tel. 4673-4674 ADVERTISE IN THE : PARIIER