Newspaper Page Text
15 15 WdMF IFaiiPinnKen0 Oa. THE FARMER: JANUARY 4, 1917 II 7 ;-' . I I II.. .f ; A I . Ill II . vs 4. 7V:.:' ...... 'tTV VTi rv-r-l -sTV ' ' 1 I , t. '" -I : f -V (MM in Mi l W . IU. 1 I . ; -Bpr m m v m at bbf b i - m. Copyright, 1915, . by .Copyright, 1915, by . A J . sudden "clamor arose upon .the shore near: by, a sound as of sledge-. hammers i at work." But above this pierced shrilly the call of a police -whis- f 'What's that?' snapped Rogers, leap .inr'up." "Stand by there!" The' sound of the whistle grew near ; and nearer;; "then f.came a voice-that or ' ergeaht'' Sbwcrbyhailihg;;' thefci through the fog. ... :,' V -j t, - T ."Dunbar's In! But the' gang .have' escaped! ; They've' gotto';as paotor s launch, twenty yards down on the end of tbe creek, J ' 'i1, : ':-J But .already, the police boat was r.'-away, .f'fy1 ;'.V-V ;',.ii;.'f :tv. ': v "Let her gor shouted Rogers. "''Close Inshore! .Keep a sharp lookout for a ;VcutterrlKysr'H!;VjX.,';;' t ii. Stringer, aroused now, to excitement, went Wundedng; forward' through' the fog, joining the men in the bows.j Four i: 'I . . .: - - - i ' . "Dunbat-I h cried fMb y. ' , 'pairs of eyes, were peering through the - v v mist, tne.tmcK, yeuow misc mat veuea - all things.' '-j - .- V f "Cursfe the: fog!, said Stringer:: "It's J tut pur gotten luck !" v ; .fhe men on the lookout in the V bows now reported: ' i'r v.. : i ; ;?Cutter crossing our bow, sir! et- ; , J ting back to her course." 's n TorUslrnK'. . "How's that?" , r t:v' v.;keep; her' hi viewr . "As she iay.slrrt;.:i : ' r-j I i Even as; he1 spoke a drop of Tain fell t , ; upon ,ine oacit : or tnngers " aana. This was the prelude ; then," with ever. J increasing ;forpe fdown came her rjdn in torrents, nesrmgi out the ipg (rbm v; the atmosphere as ;a ,painter:with 1 a sponge might vSp-A'colorv:fromv,hl9 canvasv Long 'taUs '6t yellow vapor? r twining; tnmg but aaya colling downwaj, ; floated like snakes about them;;d5tb-lHly Raters -of .the - Thames became .pock, marked in the V.'fcrrowfnff lteht: V.: , ' ','. ;V v. growing light. V:X. ' Stringer now quite .clearly discerned the quarry, a very rakish looking mo tor cutter, painted tack and speeding seaward ahead of them. I He quivered ; j 1 wixciteinent. Kf ' 't:Ji':::"l:' 'f ."Do you faj$iir,the boat?" cried Rog - ers. addressings his crew in general. "No, sir-reported his second in com- mand; "she's a 'stranger to me. They , must i have i. kept . her .hiddeii some where.", ; He turned nd ' looked back , into the group sof-faces,- all directed toward the strange craft.' "Do any of you know her?" he demanded. i : AXgenenil bakin of heads pro-- claimed the negaUve.;; V V ; ; v "'''.'V. v 1 'Through the sheets of rain all peered '! eagerly. " V-"' .. . V -,. , ;"r ' i .V&he seems, to be pretty well load ) ed," reported the man beside Stringer, i "but I can't make her out very well." . "Are" we doing dur best T' inquired :ji Rogers." . - e aslr reported the engineer. "She hasn't got another oat In her, ; Rogers muttered, something beneath his breath, and sat there glaring ahead at the boat ever gaining upon her pur- " SUef. ' Jo-iiXi , ' i f ' "So long as we keep her in sight," , said Stringer, "our purpose is served. She can't land anybody." ' - V"At her present rate,' replied the man upon whose shoulders he wat leaning,; "shell be out of sight "by the time we get to Tilbury, or shell have bit a barge and gone to the bottom !" "I'll eat 'my hat if ' I lose her!" de clared Rogers angrily. ' , "How the - blazes they , slipped away 'from the wharf beats me!" ;. . . 'They didn't slip away from the, wharf!" cried vStringer over his shoul-i der. "Tou heard what Sowerby said. They lay in the creek below the wharf, ; and there was some passageway un- derneath.' , Mile after, mile that singular chase continued . through the night With - every revolution, of the screw the (1 banks to right and left seemed to re- J cede as the Thames ;grew wider and wider. A faint saltiness was perceptl ble In the air, and Stringer, moistening V his dry lips, noted the saline taste. ' ' f "Good Lord!" he muttered. He stood up unsteadily, , feet wide apart,, and . peered ahead through the grayness. .The banks he could not see. Far away on the port bow a long gray shape lay a moored vessel. To star- LippineotVs Magaz in. MBride, Naat 4V Co. - rd were faint blurs, indistinguish able, insignificant; ahead, a black dot with a faint comet-like tail the pur sued cutter and ahead of that again a streak across the blackness, ' with another dot slightly to the left of , the quarry. : -y ,.. . '. ; '.-j : ' r He turned and looked along, the po lice boat, noting that, whereas upon the former occasion of, his looking forms and faces - had been but dimly visible, now he ftould distinguish them all quite clearly, : The dawn was breaking. 7 "Where are we?", he inquired hoarsely,.';... 4, , . ' '. s . ' "We're about one ' mile northeast of Sheerness and two miles southwest of the Nore light !" . announced Rogers; and he laughed, but not in a particu-, larly mirthful manner. ; ; ; Stringer . temporarily found himself without words. ' , ; 4 f 'Cutter heading for the open sea, sir,", announced a vtnan in the bows, unnecessarily. : . , . N " ''.'. - ' - V 'r ; "Quite " so," snapped Rogers ; "So are you!" V..-H'v; Vr-'. '1 ;f :" "We have got them beaten," said Stringer,, a faint note of triumph in his voice1 ''We've given them ; no chance to land." ,r..k .:r.-. '. ' "If this breeze freshens rmuch," re plied Rogers with sardonic humor, "they'll be giving us a fine chance to alnkr, "',;, . ' :y;.;; ; y- , 6n -and on and on they drove. The Nore Light lay astern. They were drenched, with spray. Now green wa ter began to spout over the nose of the laboring craft. ' f r, "I've . only enough Juice . to run us back to Tilbury, sir, if we put about nowf Came the shouted report. : "It's easy to talk!" roared Rogers. "If one of these big 'uns. gets us broad side on, our number's up!" . . ' "Cutter putting -, over for. Sheppey coast, siri". bellowed . the " man ! in ' the bows. ; "' 'i :.': ... Stringer raised himself weakly and sought to peer :, through the - driving spray, and, rain mist. ' -' "By heavens 1 " They've turned tur tier ir;-:-'.-:, , ."Stand by with belts!" bellowed Rog ers. ; ) " - ' ' . :';:-:.'.x;';.i ' : Rapidly lifebelts "were unissued, and ahead, to port, to starboard, brine gtung eyes glared qut from the reeling craft v Gray in the.' nascent dawn stretched the tossing sea about them, and lonely they rode upon its ybil. lows-;' . V- ' Vr- '' ;:'j' ;- 'N' t " , "Port, ; port, hard a-port!" screamed the lookout;'-7 T';: -'r-y :. i-But , Rogers,', grimlyi watchhig he on coming billows, knew that to essay K the maneuver at that moment meant swamping, tbe cutter. Straight ahead they drove.v A wave, higher, than 'any they yet; had had to ride, came boiling down upon them, and, twisting writh ing, upcasting imploring ayms to the elements the implacable 1 elements a girl a dark girl entwined,4 imprison ed in silken garments, swept upon its t! , . - : i;vV; y , Out shot a cork belt into the boiling sea - and fell 'beyond' her reach. ' She was swept past the cutter. A second belt was hurled from the stern. The Eurasian uttering a wailmg cry. like that of ' a . sea bird,1 strove to grasp lt. ' '.. ;... ;.-;v;'; 1 CIose; beside, her, out of the wave, up rose a yellow hand, grasping, seek ing; clutching. It fastened itself into the meshes of her floating hair. ? 'Here goes!" roared Rogers. "bCfo be ConUnued.) i SHOB REPAIRING P. MARCHESE, first class shoe mak : er, repairing', shoes made to order. 2367 North 'Main St. j vM v. T' 5 tf MUSICAL IN STRUMEXTS VIOLiNS, CEOLOS, Bones. Mando . lins, Orpheum Banjo-mandolins. Ukuleles., Everything for musicians ; at Oilman's Music Studio, 9& Gold en Hill Corner llain. T 1 tf , ,D YE1NG AND CLENING H.;LYNGE, Steam Dyeing and Clean ing Co., (formerly the Bridgeport Dyeing and Cleaning Co.) 1 Works ' and office 22 State St. H. Iynge, "Prop., Phone 4785. , .' ' . ' "'' ." T 18 all v 5c GLOVES CLEANED 5c Clean ing and dyeing all kinds. Ameri can Dyeing and Cleaning Co. Tel. 1028-4. Office 69 Cannon St. " -' ff 18 all : REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CR EXCHANGE IIOLTSV1LLE, L. I., Cottage two and one-half story brick and stucco. 8 rooms, cellar and attic, slate roof, could be enlarged and be fine fbr country boarding house. Corner Waverly Avenue and Medford Ave nue. Lot 100x200, five minutes :. walk to Long Island Railroad De pot at Holtsville, L. I., near school, stores, post office and" good neigh bors. Price $3,500. $300 down, . $100 and Interest semi-annually. Owner. C. B. Dedrick, 1060 Pern broke St., Bridgeport, Conn, A 2 b ADVERTISE IN THE FARMER Ma nicures. Good positions at good sal ary axe open to manicures of experience and ability. Per manent places under pleas ant conditions. Apply at Superintendent's Desk. The Ho wland Dry Goods Co. WANTED Drivers and Teamsters. Apply Sterling Street Yard. WHEELER & HOWES CO. ' !,T ' . - T30 tf . WANTED SIDE STEEL STRIPPERS i Good pay, steady ' work. Apply ':;C;;r- 't:. geo. c: b atcheller & ; compAn'; ' :'t".' ' 1 ', .'' ' ti. Cor. Railroad ,& MyrtleAvs. A2 tf i SIGNS R. L. FORBES, Sign and picture painting, go.ld ' signs reburnished and '.made, like 'new. 136 Colorado Ave., Phone Barnum 6700.. ." '- 4 t:: " 1 . T, T 15 all AUTOMOBILES REAL BARGAINS in used cars. Paige 1916 seven t passenger; Paige V 1915 Touring; .(halmers master six" Pullman's' Sedan. 367-9 Fairfield I Ave.''" V; -;'.'.. ;- ' , --v' -i. : '.,,--.: V T 29 al CLOTHES WASHER HALL'S "SELF-ACTING" Germicide Clothes - Washer, ' Automatically f washes same -time and place in ( special boilerw sterilizes; no rubbing or wringing; incomparable; demon strations arranged. Gideon E. Hall, . Devon. . ;- ' "V '- 'v V-'y- ' T, 29 tf INVESTMENT SPLENDID PROPOSITION. Only $2,000 required to invest, in manu- - facturing article. .Big' money in it to ambitious person. No experi ence necessary. Call-in' store r af -ternoon or evenii-gs. 1085 East Main street. 1' '" :' ": ' ' v a 2 tp MORTGAGES If you want to buy or ' sell a mortgage, call at 310 Conn. Bank Building. Philip Glasner, ; Phone Barnum ,6369. T':: ' v-' J :- T 4 tf REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUY 2 or 3 family -. house, West side; preferred. 1 Ad dress Confidential, this office. '. , j T 29 a REAL ESTATE FOR CALK WHY PAY, RENT? We "have waiting for you, one, two or- three family houses. T See M. B. Warren, 301 ' Warner Bldg., Phone 2553. ' i ; ';::' .y-V-:: -, -:- :t: TT9 a,: 3 FAMILY HOUSE, 15 rooms, 3 baths, price $4,500. $70 cash. Mc Aulay, Meigs Building. -:. u- , ..'-.'-Tv T 18 $4,800,1 $800 Cash East End 2 family, . lot 50x1 fjO, 12 rooms, improvements. ; McAulay, Meigs Building. VY ' y T 18 V $3300, $500 cash, 2 family h ouse, 1 2 rooms, improvements, best . bargain V in city. Actually worth $4,500. Mc Aulay, Meigs Building. -.''. , - . : t is HOUSES FOR SALE East Side beautiful 7 room cottage, all im provements $3,400. Garage, drive way; easy terms. McAulay, Meiga building. ' i T T 18 " COLORADO AVE. 2 family house, 10 rooms,, all improvements, largo lot. Garage, driveway, $3,800; $600 down; balance easy. McAulay, Meigs Bldg. , T 18 2 FAMILY HOUSE, 10 room." im provements, ' first ', class . condition. Price $4,500, part cash. M. B. Lol ler, 196 Fairfield Ave. . :. . '. T 29 tf $900 CASH $4,500--10 room 2 fam ily house." 'Atlantic St. Fine condi tion. Improvements. Driveway for garage. P. O. Box 523. ' ., :' r. T 29 a HOUSE ONLY $2,000. North End. Looking, for rents or furnished , rooms? We have them, all parts of city. Bowers room. 304 Warner , Bldg. Phone 7488 a. m.. 6380 p. m. . . T 9 a FORCED SALE Owner needs cash, modern two family house, large lot. central location; price $4,800; house alone cost more; easy terms. Coe Realty Co., Phone Barnur. 1687; 302 Warner Blc. T 12 a PRINTING WHO'S YOUR PRINTER? Let us do It. Business cards, circulars, invi tations, etc. National Printing Co., Barnum 2506-4. 361 Fairfield Ave. t T 20 aS SIDEWALKS TAR AND CEMENT SD3EWAJLKS and roofing, blue alone and cement curbs, sand and gravel. Katlmatea cheerfully given. Thomas Brodcvteli contractor. Pboac 1159. , lt0l Kortb Ave 1 1 R IS ! REPAIRING J. F. COIililNS, Honest automobile repair work; Dqlco starting, lighting and ignition. 647 Broad St., .Bridgeport, Conn. . Tel. . Barnum 6703. . ' ' . ' . 1 T 1 IS al ' Clothes Washer IlALIi'S SELF-ACTING GERMICIDE CLOTHES-WASHER. Acts on stove. Incomparable for all wash able goods. No chemicals, scrub bing, wringing or drudgery. Price moderate. Address Gideon E. Hall, Devon. R 29 tf HOUSES FOR SALE LOOK! 5 room cottage in Stratford, lot 75x105 with garage, price only . $2,000. PJatt. 299 NiJhols St. 7 , j. ' T 6 aH 2 FAMILY houses in East Side and -West End, $400 cash, balance easy , terms. Schnee & Schnee, 509 Se curity bldg. , T 12 a8P L: : , . HAND LAUNDRY vO SOILED or damaged goods by our work. Specialty in ladies washing. ' Dyeing and cleaning. French Hand Laundry, 12 Middle . St. . ... . . ' y ' ; . .' T 11 as Watch Repairing F"OR SATISFACTION in watch and clock repairing go. to Henry C. Reid ' and Son, Watchmakers, Room 210 ' Conn. National Bank Bldg. 1024 : Main St. I - - ; . . .. ' H 23 tf Printing WILLIAM B. REED, printer. ., Book--' lets, folders and commercial sta tionery. Prices right. 207 Warner - building, 83 Fairfield avenue. ' " H 23 tf . UNURAVED Weddlns Announce r menta. 100 , complete with two ts f envelopes for $6.60. Bouth . wortb'a. 10 Arcade. " .... t, 19 tf Phisicai Ireatineut LOUIS F. NUTTING, physical treat mr' by heat, ciectricity or manl pu!.ion. Rooms 309310. City Savings Bank. 952 Main street. Of- ' flee hoivs: week days a. m. to I p. m. R 1 rtf JEWKLJtT DIAMONDS on ' credit Diamonds ( watches and solid golu. Excluslvs ly designed Jewelr;'. Weekly pay aasnta. Will call. Ruthbluau .421 State 'St. downstairs. ; jj ijt c ' INSTRUCTION COMPETENT INSTRUCTION in Shop . Mathematics and Mechanical Draft- ' ' Inc. Mav V talron .nar.'ta1v rtr In combination. Tuesday and Thurs day evenings. Class now - forming. Educational Department, Y. M. C. A. , , ' . , V ' . T 4 tf LILLIAN HARTTGAN DANCING ". STUDIO, City Savings Bank Bldg. Learn "London Taps," latest dances'; ! exercises for reducing. Phone Bar- num. 2994. : , T7 tf HOUSES FOR SALE . ; . . f ; WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Own your home. 1 Two family house $3,900. Small payment. State Realty Co., '925 Main Street. T!;V :-:..,'- ;.. , , T 8 tf Stoves Repaired STOVES REPAIRED, all kinds sup. , plies, all . makes, ' pipes. , grates, bricks, etc. ' Charges reasonable, . 1US Mala fit. Phonr S4-4, Upholsterers WE WILL COVER1 and Xurjlsh an material for 5 piece parlor suit, cuarautee all Torkmunthipj as first ''class, ten patterns to select from " for ll to 416. callj: 3ro& .40 -.State street. ' v t n S?3tCZ3 WANTED Inventors to send for one my booklets -n U. S. and Foreign tent. Mercer i. BlondeL Patent Solicitor. Oooaa. National Bank buUdlns. B n Sales CAFES Nca anu second band: of fice and house sizes. Walter "1 Marsb 182 Fairfield Ave. A i? t$ Shoe Repairing GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING CU 7i John SC. and, 45 East Mala street. No connection iWltlt ether so-cai'ed Goodyear dhops. We call and deliver. TeL 1.39 i. Win. field tt. Blaca. Pro. u 1 tr . Mechano-Therapist TREAT RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Nephritis, Cholelithiasis, Bronchitis, Constipation, Gastritis, - Gastralgia, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Torticol lis or all pains and aches of the hu man body. James H. ."Daevis, M. T., 1242 State Street. H 29 tf For Sale Or Exchange LET US exchange . something you want for some thing you don't want. Milford Realty Co., Room 207 Conn. National Bank Building. Phone Barnum 1086. . H 25 tf CHIROPRACTOR. VUTO L. C. BOUTON, D. U, Chkropraotta Specialist, Newfleld ouilding, llfit Main strett, Bricgepcrt, Coiin. Hours, 9:80 to 12 M., 1 to 4 p. nx . except Sundays and holidays. Mon day Wednesday and Friday even ings 7 to s p. m. ps nt 9 Bart er. Expert barber, with spe cial experience in children's hair cutting and ability to handle them in pleasing manner. . Excellent place with short hours and good wages. Apply at Superin tendent's Desk. The How lahd Dry Goods Co. a For Sale. FOR SALE-r-Ford town car and fur niture, 4 rooms, all cheap. Ad dress 125 Parrott Ave. f A 3 sp FOR SALE 1916 'Maxwell;" nearly new, two extra tires; must sell to close estate. Write 357 Beechwood avenue, or phone Barnum 4763. ,. A3 sp , ' FOR SALE New . cement - block building, large store with 5 room flat on Railroad avenue. Business corner. Phone Barnum 7139. - . ; A 3 dp . NEW SEVEN . ROOM HOUSE, just being completed, electric lights, ev ery convenience.-Block from North Main street trolleys. $400-$500 cash, balance easy terms.. Addrreas, Home Care of Farmer. . ' T 6 tf ... FOR SALE i-Printingf Press and out 1 fit 9x14, Gordon jobber, cabinet and ' cases, j paper cutter, padding ma . chine, etc. Fine assortment type, much of It new. 3615 Main St. or Telephone 2479-2. 1 v T 29 ajp' FOR -S ALE 1 2 room 2 family house centrally located with all improve ments, has room for garage, $5,000 $1,000 cash. Phone Barnum 7485. .. T 7 tf $100 CASH and J30 per month buys , a ! beautiful new Stratford v cottage. ; Enquire Arthur Dennison, 383 State ; st. - - :.t - ; ' : ' : ' , ; T .1 tf : CENTRALLY ; LOCATED '8 room . house with garage for 2 cars, $3,200. y Small amount cash. Phone Barnum j '7435. . . ..- ! ! . H 18 $3,050, $800 cash buys a 13 room 2 i family house with improvements. This is the bigest bargain in the T city. Must be seen to be appreci ated. LI Weiss, 975 Howard Ave. TeL 14S6. , , ' " G 30 6tf PRACTICALLY new 9 room house, all modern improvements, extra .large lot, with a very little extra can be - made Into 2 family house, $4500; 1500 cash. 'Box E. B., Phone Bar num 745. . . N t - y. G 27 ' THREE FINE two family ' houses for ale. all , with modern improve ments; 'room for drive, one with garage; located In excellent rest , dential sections. They must be sold W ' once and ' are therefore to be had at a sacrifice. Investments $1,000 to $1,300, balanc3 on terms to suit. ' v Phone 2743-3 or. Box No. to su'it Phone 2743-3 or Box L. . ' W., care Farmer.' R28 aap FOR SALE CHEAP Double, single, two family houses, lots and the best shore hotel on the sound. Estab lished twenty-five years; land with out the houses worth more ' than I ask for the whole plant. Easy ' terms. C. H. Fleming, 952 Main StreeW Phone. Bridgeport Conn. - p 20 tf CORSET STORE QUEEN LOUISE and Lady Betty corsets $1.25 to $5." Unbreakable pliant bone sides. The Riker Cor set' store, 189 Fairfield Ave. x T ' . ' T? 4 tf. ileat Market . .FRESH MEATS AND groceries; vegetables In season. ; Green and moving , picture stamps. ,. Michael Robstock, 1S24 Sea view Ave., John .Meyer, manager. ' . 1 . .',.'..'.' H 29 tf Real Estate COMPARATIVELY NEW 2 family 12 room house, ; all improvements in cluding electricity, double floors, large lot, price $5,500. Part cash. M. B. Loller, 196 Fairfield Avenue, City and Farm property. ' H ' 29 tt FOR SALE -Cottage, near new, 6 . rooms, $2,300. Easy terms. L. Hayne, 2 1 4 Warner Building. All kinds real estate. ' 1 . ; , H 29 tf Wanted to Buy WANTED to buy old false teeth, any condition. Goldberg,' 146 . Fairfield Ave., over Royal Lunch. H 29 tf insurance DAMAGE IS ABOUT ALL fire can do tv your, prooerty. Insurance cost lng l-3c a day protects you. All the particulars r.t D. B. Booths 1 Co Conn. Bank Building. II tf SCHOOLS SHE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 831 Fairfield Ave. College preparatory; technical and professional schools, civil service. Hotchtlss. Hill. etc. Elementary and advanced subjects personal . work with every stu- dent. Enrollment now the beat preparation for September examina tions or next year'u work. Sum mer session, private tutoring, d Ing July. Aug-ust. and September. P tf TRUCKING LIGHT EXPRESSING and trucking by hour or job, package delivery. Zalingers Auto Express. Phone Bar .num 1083," Office 178 Wood Ave. T 9 aS smmiammntaaesaBi ASHES REMOVED GENERAL CARTING, ashes and rubbish removed, etc., at short no tice. Also auto trucking, etc. Good service, right prices. Slattery Bros.; 739 Wood Ave. Telephone T 29 aj A3UiL'LANCES Invalid cars and . tlwousines. Charges reasonable. James T. Rourke. H9S Main street. Phone. Barnum 5409. 1 D T d Automobiles AUTOMOBfLE OWNERS ATTE?? j iON: We can save ou money on yur automobile, nre ana iianinry insurance. Give us a cr.n-ce to fl irure before you Insure elsewhere. Zalmon Goodsell At Co.. No. 1094 - Main street. Phone No. 11. 8 1 s Awnlnfjs end Sail Maker SA IL3. AWNINGS. COAL BAGS. Spray Hoods. Canvas Covers. Rope Splicing. Geo. L. Hanincou. 171 . -. East Main street. yTeL 5948. U 19 Doctor THE MODERN nn scleitine meth eda e-Aiployed In my practice such as . electric light rays, neuropathy ehiropraetle. isfesssire. ,hyglene. are .Tin accord with nature and will lm yreve and r'estore ybur health, Dr. Adolf O. ftelnfr-dt. Douglas prac titioner. Security ' Building. TeL. 9788: consultat?-tx frej. Bit Furcituro SCALLY BROS . 105 STATE; ST. Largest 4aa?era of second hand fur , elture in the state. We pay more than others: we have no rent to per.' b ! a( Wcif Iiants Exchaago Sdwln Smith St Co. 3ealerj In guns, 'ishlng tackle 1 and sporting goods. Keys fitted, locks repaired, saws filed, door checks pet en and repaired talking: machines, steel tape and light repairing of all kinds at Smith's Gun Store, 91 Wall BU TeL 4191-1. , RUBBER STAMPS made by us are reliable, we carry a complete line ef stamps, supplies. Ink pads, dat ers, rubber type, eta The Schwerd- He Stamp Co.. 41 Cannon St. v O II d ATJTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRING of every descrip tion. , No Job too. , difficult. ' Mag neto and bearing work a specialty. Expert Motor Car Repair Co., 324 Charles St., . Barnum 4939. ; . 1 ! T 13 ad,, Unclassified BUILD YOUR HOME AT INTER VALE in DeVon, Bridgeport's, fin est suburb. , Site of the future city. Malcolm T. Kerr, (Phone 18 ring 3) '(Lots all over, Devon,) , See him. r . VT 21 tf LEAKING ROOFS repaired; also carpenter work attended to; prices reasonable. Georgo O'Brien, 157 ' Hamiltori. St. ' ; : ' T 12 a SUBURBAN EXPRESS Parcel De- i ' r j 1 1 1 m m . iiyery. o t isi.iiiiii.aii ou ;j. ex. , sar cum 1509-4. L. A. Desautels. i "t - T 7 if NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNI TURE for sale; a If to carpets and stoves, etc. O. J. Cram, 862 Broad " Street. ' : ., ' ' :. . . H 22 tf ; WANTED-! Files 0f the Rural New Yorker, American Agriculturist, or Tribune Farmer for 1915 or 1914, bound or unbound.' Must be cheap. R., Care Farnier. . v ... ' H 25. p - BUYER AND SELLER of new and second hand furniture, stoves,' car pets, etc. L. H. They er. 261 State St, Barnum 1084. ' . , ' , H 22 tf po YOU WISH to engage In a profit able business. I have several stores and ho'-des to dispose of at moderate prices. L. F. Owen, 181 Main St. ' " HCl tf ' IF YOU WANT Fire Insurance. If you want your house rented. Pro perty sold. Call 'on; us. We want your business. Let us try. Chas. S. ' Cole, Inc.. 251 State St. II 16 tf STORAGE: Furniture &c; clean sep 1 arate rooms; careful men. City Storage Co. 1295 Main St., TeL Bar num 5409. 1 " G 25 tf CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD, silver platter. and dentist scrap. uold berg, 146 Fairfield avenue. 0 17 a WANTED TO BUY all kinds of seo cna hand furniture. Geo. F. To- lams, Redfield'a old stand. 4 3 Ilex- I rison street. Phone 10lt-2. V 11 U WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE Second hand, bought and sold. Drop postal or phone Bar num 4142-2. Charles Oppenheim, . 1449 Main St. T 20 all SEWING MACHINES NEW HOME Sewing Machines The best for family use. George H. Bessy, - 50 CourtJand St. Tel. Bar num 2712. No canvassers. T 20 aff Foot Specialist DR. MANSFIELD, FOOT SPECIAL IST, 1107 Main street, orer Dillon's, cure bunions, callouses pared. 99 cents. I still practice the famous Mansfield Method which cures. Open afternoons and Sundays. - D18 1 .. - M MITSCSSWtaSjSCWSSJSJMJSSSMSSSM.fc SSSSSSj Hair D ressers. Experienced and capable hair dressers wanted for per manent positions at good salary. Apply at Superin tendent's Desk. The How land Dry Goods Co. ; DRAFTSMEN , Apply Office of Electrical Engineer 'N Lake Torpedo n Boat Co.J Architects HUGH BEGLY, Architect, plans. specifications, and superintendence. 83 Fairfield Ave.. Room 104, Phone Barnum 63S0. 1 . H.21 tf AUTO BODIES WE HAVE a large stock of open and closed Ford delivery bodies for Ford cars ready to mount on chas sis. Metropolitan Auto & Carriage Co., 434 Grand St, Phone, Barnum 5362. .... T18 all ' Hair Dressing 1: j HAIR DRESSING Marinello TotleY, Goods, Sarah Raycroft, EhampodV ing and Manicure, 81 Fairfield Ave. 206 Warner Bldg. Phone 951. H it tt CHIROPRACTIC - NATUREO PATHS Dr. H. F. Pope; Dr. E. T. Wttherbe, Chiropractic-Natuveopath, Meigs building, f Room 107, entrance 119 Fairfield avenue. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to 5 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m. Closed Thursday and Saturday evenings. Bridgeport, Conn, Tel. 8374. 1 , T 4 tf Female Help Wanted STOUNG liADIEa, IS to 23. education 8th grade grammar sobool or equlT aleni. to learn telephone operating. DoUsr day fori 4 weeka Rapid advancement thereafter. 1 Perma nent' positions. Apply at 184 Fair field Ave. Ask fa? Miss Whsstt?, The southerr Nfiw England pbone Co. , , : "& 4t MALE HELP WANTED - GOVERNMENT WANTS Railway Mail Clerks, 175 month. Schedule' Bridgeport, examinations . free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 26A, Rochester, N. Y. . T 6 b ANTED Jig and. Fixture Designers. Ameriqan and British Mfg. Com-, pany. : T f ' G16w BOYS WANTED With bicycles, ovej fifteen years of age. Permanent ' positions, good' pay, and advance ment, 87 Fairfield avenue. y - y;T -; . - . . :'::. ' Ill tf . BOYS WANTED Who ' want to ad vance themsetves and iearn a trade while ,i earning money. Apply ' ST. Fairfield avenue. Ill tf Clairvoyant MRS. LEVY, reading 35c and 99ev Telepbone ' 8682. 1152 . Madlsoa avenue, formerly of 4? 4 .Madlsosj ; . dvenue. .. ,P t Furniture 50 VAN LOADS of storage furniture ' i' for sale at. storage prices. Scalleys Warehouse, 266 Gilbert i. St..;' Tele- t phone Barnum 2513. . ': ' v , - 'i -. y h 29 tf RADIATOR REPAIRING 1 , - EXPERT1 AUTO RADIATOR Repair-' ing, glass set In windshields, lamps. mad1 guards, etc. Stratford ' Auto Radiator Co., M. W. Jennings, Prop., 198 East Main St., Barnum 1045-2. T 29 a '; JEWELER BUY YOUR WIFE or best girl their Christmas Jewelry, watches, dia monds, rings of Parker the Jeweler. 9 P. O. Arcade. I T ,12 af i Hat Manufacture FINE GENUINE VELOUR HATS while they last 32.50, worth $2.60. Soft and stiff $1.00. Special factory prices. Meath Hat Shop, 949 Main. St. near Bank, upstairs. H 25 tf PO ULTRI CHICKENS sold alive and killed and dressed while you wait. s Lowest market prices. Morris Tobias, 1795 Main St. f' ' T 11 aj To Henf TO RENT' Residence on Gclden Hill recently renovated. Store on Main St. Store on East Main. Edwin Frauenberger, 164 State St., Bar num 2549. ' H 22 tf ' WANTED Apartment Three to Five Rooms, Heated and Lighted,. Fur nished or unfurnished, with or with, out board, j Reply H. L. S., Care Farmer. - 1 16 ROOM, double house, excellent lo cation for rooming house. $4,600; $500 cash. 8 room, $ family house, $3,300;. $500 cash. 8 room, 2 fam ily house. $3,500; $500 cash. L. Weiss. 1438 Ma'n St.. Tel 869-9 Barnum. L B tf DEIOIATOLOGIST JENNIE A. BALL-rGraduate N. Y. School of Dermatology, Growth of hair on face, warts and moles re moved by electric needle. Facial massage and scalp treatment. Room 6 12. -1 11 5 Main street Phone 914. 1' 1 i -