Newspaper Page Text
1 . ; . . :. . ' . ' - . ' ' !: ' v ' . ; ; . ' ' :-;;v-;:';-...-v.-':;.-!..-f-i v . . -: ' '. , ;: IftMfc; MM; 1 (Grot Mm flDaurpnis to e wiry secfci, . Shoes in the I We've been selling shoes right along ou the basis of prices made possible through buying 8 and 9 months ago. Since-then, prices have sharply nd ranced. That means the shoes here quoted as of a certain value, are actually worth more than that. And so the Mill End Sale means more than ever to ' the or woman who would save on shcea. Men's Shoes , . AS THESE COME RIGHT? from our regular, stoek there are not all size in every sort but there is each size In ism sort BROWN CORDOVAN, regular $g 7 VShOWM-r .-. :ir 'v...:,- $6,45 , BROWN AND BhACK, CAlPSKIN, s regrular $7 ; v 5.3 REGVXfAJl $e brown and black calf - j : . -4.e5 .. OUR $5 brown sand black Shoes--, , : ' 's - .v - .SJJ.8.V TAN AND BliACK $4 calfskin shoes-U , v. .Vv".'. $3,20 IIIACK CAJjCSKIN $3.50 shoes - '";;... rvv-' $2.65 - roil BOYS: Heavy and durable win ter shoes:-?--v"? '; , v." r ; , t ' v Tan, rerular $ 3- 3 $2.35 ; X.- Blacky regvlar $8.75 $2.15 Warm Slippers ; WOMEN'S HIGH SLIPPERS of felt - , with fur trimming, several colors, ' -' regular 1.2 5 and U.SOr -J - , l.-.'.-iV'-.'. N":;.r 95C A $l-ifi V ITEHT COMFIT SHIPPERS for women, ,resruiar,$l and $1,50 f i , , EEIT SIESTA SUPPERS, . regular ' 59c and II 9e- a '.S 48c 55c GIRIvS' ANB CHII4REN'S warm slip- .!per; s vJ , : :- ' , cavalier boots, reg. $1.J5 and H.H i i eomfy, slippera, reg 85c aid ' v l- 4 Young Folks' Shoes ' BIACK CAIF BUTTON SHOES.etout aples.s po narrow . widths g-ood win ' ter shoes; regrular 50 to, ?-2- i ' v . '' Vll.i' r-.' f 1.15 tO $1.55 ,' RABIES . IfPRING-HEE SHOES of . black Wd with heavy fhwible soles. Colored Dress boods , in the Hill End Sale SERGES XN GOOD dark colors and . fancy stripes, 36 inch, worth 69e yd ' VANCX CHECJJtS stripes , and plaids, " good plain ferges; worth 75e yd ' ... . - . (:';.,; 59c POPLINS CREPES serges. Panamas i i prunellas and taffetas, many colors; worth $1 and $1.10 yd 80q rANOT 'MOHAIRS, v sllk-and-wool ; poplins, panama , serge 'and crepe; excellent textures and colors; worth $1,36 yd k" 'v .: ' $1. RICH FANCY PLAIDS and stripes - and excellent plain serges panamas or wool poplins; worth $1.50 yd . ; $1.25' " PURE WOO!) POPLINS of plain or faney weave in rich colors, worth $1,76 and' yd $1.50 , GREAT BIG GATHERING of gabar i , dines serges poplins and fancy stripes an4 . mixtures; yards and v yards, worth tZ and ' $22 5 yd ;. . $1.75- CHIFFON BROADCLOTH in rich col ors, sponged and shrunk, fine luster; worth $2 and-$2.80 yd -i ''-J ' ',. $1.65 & $2; ' WO01, 'VIXOUR, fine auaUty, blue ' brown green wisteria burgundy and Plum, worth $2.50 yd $1,75 VELOUR IN EVENING SHADES and of fine finish, worth $3 yd $2,50 SKIRTS TO MEASURE from any ; woolens making charge $1 Boys' Clothing Jn the MiU End Sale ' ' KORFOLK SUITS lnv pinch back and other good styles of coat: 1 blue serge, worth $5 to $13.50 , $4.25 to $W.75.. fancy wools, worth $3.75 to $13.50 . . to 9.40. OVERCOATS in handsome fancy woolens, excellent , weight, finely made, warmly lined, sizes 2 to 18; worth $5 to $12.50 $1.25 to $8.75 MACKINAWS, great ' coats f c r active . boys, bright or quiet plaids, worth $5 to $9 $4.25 to $725 v HIGH.SCHOOL SUITS with long f - trousers and vest, plain or pinch i. back costs, tasteful fabrics, worth . $10 to $16.50 $7.75 to $12.75 rROUSEItS, fancy woolens or blue i ferges or corduroys, regular 50c to 1 Sl.6 i 45c to $1.40 ' r BLOUSES, madras with double cuffs, J regular 75c r 59c , PAJAMAS, onp'Piece style, regular v. 76o r 63c MADRAS SHIRTS, double-cuffs, nice v patterns, regular 75c . 63c SUITS FOR BOYS of 2 to 8,. fancy woolens or corduroys or blue ser ges, worth to $ff.50 : $1,45 to $9,25 , WASH SUITS in white or colors, - many stytles v and , combinations, Nworth 86c to $4.50 . i 73c to $2.85 AXIXCLI; ENDS ARE GUARANTEED. IF A THING BACK, JUST RETURN IT BUT PROMPTLY Mill End Sale. Women's Shoes , . J1NE SHOES in the effective colors , ' and combinations that1, are eo - at tractive and so stylish; gray brown i tan . white-and -black champagne etc:- ; 4 - ' ' x : , .regularf $8 shoes--' $5.65 regular !17 shoes $5.20 , regular $6 shoes- $4.65 HANDSOME AND STAUNCH calfskin shoes, jnostly iwith 8-inch top , and . medium heel, light or ; heavy soles; some skating boots; ; new style pearl calf, regular f 7 1 1' !.-,-' .r-V:'N $5.45 heavy tan calf, regular $6 . . . ' $4.85 ' . , medium-weight - tan, regular 56 and S7 i $4,85 5.20 . heavy, tan, 7-ihch height,, regular $4.50 '' '$3.45 HANDSOME BLACK CAIiFSKIN shoes, cloth or kid top lace; or but- , ton: -- - "Kr ... -. ; :l- -" regular M - 9.2 regular ?4f50 ; $3.45 v ! regular ; $5 ' -V fS.85v-, regrular $6- ' ,v , $4.83 NEWEST TYPE OP BIiACK ; SHOES , for -women : who like nne style but ho colors: black Vlci kid with nar- ' row toe and hih heel and cut high very snappy -,- .., rpsrular $4.50 ; ; 'T 3,45 i regular $5,50 ' v" v$f.35 ' BLACK JKID IACED SHOES with cloth top, regular $4 - $3.20 SKATING OB WALKING BOOTS of special-weight black kid, staunch and graceful; regular $5 and $ $4.20 & $4.65 SEVEaiAIi SORTS of black kid and calfskin shoes, not all sies, regular SPECIAL1 HEAVY calfskin shoes with low heels, regular, $2.50-4-' $1.85 i ' . . 1 . - - V Black Dress Goods ; in the Mill End Sale i BLACK-AND-WHITE CHECKS, good serges diagonals and, crepes; worth 50c and 59c. yd . 45c VOILES ' CREPES SERGES mohairs and checks, worth 7 5e yd, 59c HENRIETTAS SERGES IPOPLINS voiles mohairs and panamas; worth $1 yd - 80c RICH SIIK-AND-WOOL poplins, ex cellent crepes serges panamas and nuns' -veilings; worth $1.25 ,yd WOOIi iCHAIUS and fancy crepes, deeply-lustrous henriettas poplins and voiles; woeth $1,50 yd $1.25 SPLENDID ' CREPES of wool-lnter-woven with either mohair or silk, serges of fine texture and effective striped suitings; worth $176 and $2 yd -. ' - i $1.50 ' FINEST , HEWFtlETTAS of' silk-and-wool, notabia serges and poplins and t, fancy-striped suitings, worth $2 and $2,25 yd - i- $1.75 CHIFFON BROADCLOTH with rich . and permanent luster, sponged and -shrunk; worth $2 and $2.50 yd $1.65 & $2 A SKIRT MADE from any of these; ; making charge K , v - $1. - Lace & Embroidery in the Mill End Sale FINE FANCY COTTON and torchon laces, 1 to 2 inches' wide, white and ecru, worth 5c to 15c yd 1 -i , , 4c and 8c EMBROIDERED EDGES and irtser tings, Swiss batiste and cambric, worth 12 c to f9o yd 10cv- VOILE SWISS and cambric edges of fine quality, headings &nd insertings in similar patterns. , worth 19e to 25c yd i ' 15c FLOUNCINGS AND HANDSOME cor , set-cover embroideries, excellent wide edgings, and insertings; worth 39c yd 25c EFFECTIVE 27-inch . embroidered flouncings,. batiste Swiss and cam bric, some embroidered In color; worth 75c and $i yd - 50c ORGANDY BATISTE and- voile flouncing, 27 and 36 inches wide, white and colors, very rich, worth $1 and $J K0 yd 65c . Neckwear COLLARS AND COLLAR-AND CUFF seta in organdy voile and Swiss, worth 25c . 17c VESTEES SETS AND COLLARS, voile crepe and organdy, many novel Ktvlea, worth 50c- 29c THREE SPLENDID BIG liOTS of neckwear in which are " included sets and collars and vestees, crepe organdy Swiss .and net, many , fine pieces: , worth 50c to 75c . 89c , worth 75c to $1.25 50c worth $1 and $1.50 79c tMill End Staple Dry ,v Silks ;)' in the Mill End Sale TASTEFUL FOULARDS in dark col ors with small figures. . worth 76c yd; Mill End price 50c SILK FOPLIN of rich ., luster, ; good colors,, worth 85c yd , 69c STRIPED TUB SILKS,glowing plaids, vmessalines, pongees, moire silks and ''. striped messalines and taffetas, a great big lot worth $1 yard 80c FINE SILK MESSALINE beautiful crepe de chine, rich taffeta, either plain or changeable and in street and evening shades; worth . $1.25 and $1.35 yd $1 CHIFFON TAFFETA of splendid tex- 'ture, and either plain or striped, splendid , satin gabardine and ' fine crepe de chine .In either dark or light shades uneeaiine of fine qual ity in plalls and stripes; worth $1.50 yd . - ' $1.25 FINE SATINS AND STRIPED taffeta, crepe de Meteor, Georgette crepe; worth $1.75 yd $1.50' ' GROS DE LONDRES and beautiful imperial and charmeuse satins in colors-of rare beauty; worth $2 yd CORDUROY pf nioe quality, 22 inches wide, manx colorss; worth 75 c and ' $1.25 yd ; 59c and 05o " FINE . VELVETEENS of remarkable beauty.both of fijjish and color,27 tp 44 inches wide.'worth $1.50 to $3.50 . yd - . .: v'r-'., $1 f$3 : v 3lack'Silks ,r ; MESSAIjINe 36 inch, worth $1.25 to $1.76 . V 95c to $1,35 BLACK DUCHESS, 3 6 inch, worth $1.75 and $2 yd $1.35 & $1.50 TAFFETA, 36 inch, worth $1125 to $1.75 yd $1.10 to $1.50 PEAU DE SOIE, 36 inch, (Worth $1.50 : to $2.50 yd $1.25 to $2 40-INCH T AFFETA, w orth $1.75 yd -'.! ... y i - $1.50- AILLE, 36 inch, very fine, worth $2 yd .-. ; -t. i t - . : 51.65' , CHARMEUSE, 40 inch, worth $2.25 to $3 yd , $1.65 to $2.50 CREPE DE dHINE, worth $l.5 to I $2.25 yd - $1 to $1,75, V Upholstery Goods , - in the Mill Eid Sale ' SCOTCH MADRAS, imported, border and alloverpatterns, worth 25c and 29c yd; in the Mill End Sale 19c BORDERED SCRIM with plain cen ter, yard wide, worth 15e 10c MERCERISED SCRIM, bordered and Vfaney checks, worth 2$c and 35c yd j- i ; '25c . ART CRETONNES TICKINGS and crepe cloths, tapestry and chintz ef fects, worth 29c and 35c yd- 25c SCOTCH MADRAS CURTAINS, bor- , dered patterns, cream tint, worth $1.60 pair 4 - $1,25 s HE3ISTITCHED SCRIM CURTAINS with valance, wflite cream or Arab ian, worth 75c pair J. , 59c i MERCERISED SCREM and marquis ette curtains, hemstitched, iace edg ed, worth $1.60, and $1.75 pair- ' ' I : $1.25 COLORED MADRAS, cream with at tractive figures in blue pink green or yellow,; worth 35o yd 29C JAPANESE BLUE and white scarfs, worth 15c . ... 12 IRISH-POINT CURTAINS, handsome patterns, worth $3.50 to $4 $3 SASH CURTAINS, muslin, worth 35c pair, lace .edged, ) , 29q . SCOTCH LACE AND NOTTINGHAM curtains with overlook corded edge, good designs, worth $2 and $2.50 pair $1.50 & '$2 BED PILLOWS, ACA tick with good feathers, worth $1 to $2.50 . t 65c to $2 SUNFAST MADRAS, plain colors and combinations, worth 75c yd 65c TAPESTRY COUCH COVERS of spe cial weight. Oriental patterns.worth $3.50 and $3.75 $3 FLOSS PILLOWS, 18 to 26 inch sizes, worth 29c to 79c 35c to 70c WINDOW SHADES, green cream or white Holland.36 by 72 inches, worth 50c . . ' j. . ' 39c , Fancywork in the Mill End Sale STAMPED V NIGHTDRESSES and combinations, regular 59c- 45c CORSET COVERS, stamped, regular 25c . I 19c CHILDREN'S STAMPED DRESSES and rompers, regular 25c 19e LACE TRIMMED BUREAU SCARFS, regular 29c . , 22c TURKISH TOWELS, stamped, regu lar 75c and 85c 69c LUNCHEON SETS AND CENTERS, stamped, regular 29i , 25c RENAISSANCE HANDMADE squares, 72 inch regular $4 to $5 $2.75 EMBROIDERED PILLOWS, com plete, regular .$5- ' $3 MODEL EMBROIDERED .PIECES and sample art pieces 1-2 price DOESN'T SUIT, WE'LL BUY IT npillt? UAWl A TSIFi TYR AND IN GOOD CONDITION A rijDy JCIW VV IJIlWIJ XJMX Wash Goods i in the Mill End Sale ' SHIRTING PRINTS, American and Merrimac, worth 8c yd; in the Mill ' End Sale ' ' . 6C PERCALES, , light and dark effects; worth 10c yd 8o , YARD-WIDE PERCALES, medium and light patterns, worth 15c ! 12Ho GINGHA3IS in attractive stripes checks and plaids, Ripplette in good variety of stripes; worth 12c and 15c yd 10c DRESS GINGHAMS in plain colors or , handsome fancy patterns, Peggy Cloth for children's and .women's dresses; worth 16c yd 12c , ROUGH-AND-TUMBLE CLOTH, es pecially for boys' dresses and suits; worth 15c yd ' 12?4c KIMONO FLANNELETTE, warm and pretty, worth 15c yd 12 r BATES CREPE in handsome stripes checks and plaids,' worth 15c yd -ii V , . : - 12J4C MADRAS OF EXCELLENT w.ight . and quality, good patterns for shirts or pajamas 'especially, worth 19c yd STRIPED SCHOOL SERGE, striped , smrting.pretty howered batistes,-34 and 36 inches wide, worth 25c and 29c yd-4- - i' 10c SCOTCH FLANNElS of pretty de ; signs, handsome silk-striped poplins and colored piques, worth :25c yd r . '190 - HANDSOME PRINTED SEED voiles. 38 and 40 Inches wide, worth 250 yd -':-,; ' -19c' .. MADRAS SHIRTINGS of handsome patterns and fast', colors, 32 inch worth 29c yd I " 22c FLOWERED SOISETTE, richly lus trous and of effective pattern, worth 39c yd 350 FLOWERED CREPE DE CHINE,flne : fancy Jacquard, Madras, shirtings of , splendid quality; all, in many col ors and combinations; worth 39c yd - . ' ' . 1 .". 29a STRIPED OXFORD SUITINGS, tub silks in handsome effects, Jacquard Tussah and embroidered Jacquards of silk-and-ootton; worth 50c yd . I ' " ' V;. ;. 39c STRIPED PONGEE and fine tub silks in beautiful pattern, worth 59c and 69c ' ' r y - i50o Fancy White Goods in the Mill End Sale PRETTY CHECKS AND STRIPES of nice texture, worth 12 c yd; in the Mill End Sale 1 . 10c POPLINS, FANCY CHECKS and stripes, Ripplettes, . and , madras shirtings and waistings; worth IBc and 19c yd ' ;12c BELGIAN SUTTINGS, yard wide, worth 19c yd , 14c LAWNS AND ATTRACTIVE fancy -'crossbars, worth' 19c yd 15c NAINSOOK, yard wide,- excellent fin ish, -worth -13o and 20c yd4- 15c 39-INCH SPECIAL NAINSOOK, worth 25c yd 7 21c PLISSE, 32 inch, good texture, worth 25c yd . 19c FINE SHEER BATISTE land richly effective striped voiles, worth 35c i 39c and even to 69c yd 29o CHIFFON VOIIiES of rare richness and beauty, 45 inches wide, worth 59c yd ' . . ." , w '45oi ' Sheets ' BLEACHED, center seam, 72 by 90. worth 50c ' 42o FRUIT OF THE LOOM sheets, 72 by 90, worth 95c 80c MOHAWK OR NBPONSET SHEETS, 81 by 90, worth, $1.05 90c GREAT BIG SHEETS, 81 by 99, Fruit or Neponset, worth $1.15 K $1.00 NEPONSET SHEETS, 73 by 93, worth 9 5c ' 80o KENWOOD SHEETS, 72 by 90, worth SOc 75c i 81 by 90, worth $1 85o 81 by 99, worth $1.10 95c BLEACHED SHEETS of good heavy quality, 81 by 90 inches, worth 85c - ' 75c Ribbons in the Mill End Sale; DRESDEN 6-inch ribbon, 'worth 39c yd. 25o MOIRE all-silk ribbon, 5 inch, worth 35c yd 25c SATIN TAFFETA ribbons, worth 39c yd 1 27c MOIRE 4 inch ribbons, worth 25o yd, 19c 8-INCH MOIRE ribbons, worth 15c yd ' 12 Ho SHORT LENGTHS of fine Dresden ribbons, worth 50o and 76c yd. . ! 35o NOVELTY and fancy ribbons, .fine patterns, short "lengths, worth $1 to $2.50 yd. 85o WASH RIBBONS of nice texture: Nob. 1 and '1, worth 40c and 65c piece 27o and 35c No. 2, worth 10c yd. r 7c Nos 5 and 9, worth 16c' and 26c yd 12 He and 17o Goods Domestics in the MiU End Sale YARD WIDE MUSLINS, bleached and unbleached: worth 8e and 9o yd ' 7o "worth 10c and 11c yd 9c worth 12 c yd-f ' lo worth 16c yd. , 12 tec LONSDALE AND PRIDE of Atlantic bleached muslin, 36 inch, worth 14c L lac CAMBRIC of nice weight, Lonsdale finish, worth 16c yd. 12 Ho FRUIT OF THE LOOM muslin, yard wide,-worth 12 Ho yd not over 10 yds. to a customer at 9Ci 39-INCH unbleached muslin firm and strong, worth 12 c yd 10c CONTINENTAL D unbleached muslin, 40 inch, worth 15c yd 12 Ho PILLOW TUBING, firm woven: 42 1 inch, worth 24c - 17o ; 45 inch, worth 26c 19c BLEACHED 9-4 sheetings, standard makes such as Mohawk and Ster- 0 ling, worth $4c, 86c and 3 8c yd. , i 30C. 32C, 84C BROWN 9-4 sheetings, staunch and good, worth 84c and S6o 1 ' 30c and 32o Sheets and Pillowcases in the Mill End Sale BLEACHED' CASES, 42 or 45 by 36 inches, worth loc . i3c. MOHAWK and Kenwood bleached , cases, 46 by 86,'worth 25c 22o FRUIT OF THE LOOM cases, 45 by . 36 inches, worth 2 2 o not over 6 to a customer at 16o CAMBRIDGE hemstitched . cases, 45 INITIAL embroidered pillowcases fine quality, worth $! 50 Spreads &; Blankets , in the Mill End Sale HEMMED CROCHET spreads, worth tl.25 to $2.75 0OC tO $2.25 SCALLOPED or hemmed bedspreads, fine quality, wortn $3 a. HEMMED SATIN bedspreads, worth $2.50 to $4 $1.95 to $3.50 SCALLOPED CROCHET and , satin spreads, worth, $8.25 to $4.60 $2.75 to $4 FRINGED CROCHET spreads, some with cut corners, worth $1.65 to FRINGED FINE SATIN , spreads, worth $S.6Q and $4 T . s $2.85 and $3.50 BLANKETS of soft fine wool with cotton warp, white:- 66 by 80. worth $44- $3.50 ' 72 by 80. worth $4.50 " $4 76 by1 90, worth $5 $4.50 70 by 32, worth $6 $5 Towels & Crashes Hn the Mill End Sale BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS, good sises, nice weights, worth 12 He to 25c ' 10c to 82c EXTRA-LARGE BLEACHED Turkish- towels, worth 50o 39c BUCK TOWELS, firm and close-wov en, worth 12 He to 25c 10c to 220 SCALLOPED AND HEMSTITCHED huck towels, mice auauty, worm 4uc and 45c I 35c GUEST TOWELS of huck, small and fine, worth 25c 22 COTTON CRASH bleached or brown, worth 6c and 7c yd 5c UNION CRASH, bleached.worth 12 He IOC LINEN AND UNION bleached crash, worth 150 yd 12HO ' EXCELLENT LINEN CRASH, worth 18c and 20c 15c ana GLASS TOWELING,. worth 12Hc and 15e i. - mo and ixc HOMESPUN ALL-LINEN crash. worth 15c lie BROWN" LINEN CRASH, worth 12 Ho loo CTOTTON DIAPER, Peerless sanitary piece one piece only to a customer at 63C AERCEL WASH-CLOTHS, good size, worth 5 c S for 10c Table Damask in the Mill End Sale MERCERISED BLEACHED DAM ASK, good patterns, 60 inch, worth 29c and 45c 24c & 35c. BLEACHED 70-INCH MERCERISED damask, worth 75c and 90c 65c & 79c UNION DAMASK, 70 inch, tasteful designs, worth $1 ' 1 S5o LINEN DAMASK, 72 inches wide, handsome designs, worth $1.50 $1.25 NAPKINS, mercerised, worth 7 5c. and $1 60c & 90c LINEN NAPKINS, 17 to 22 inch, worth $1.36 to $3,25 $1.15 to $2.95 HEMSTITCHED MERCERISED ta blecloths, worth 90c and $1 75c & S5c ALL-LINEN pattern tablecloths, 8-4 and 8-10 size, worth $3.25 to $4.60 $2.75 to $4 Women's Wear. Fur Coats BEAUTIFUL AND WARM, and of this season's splendid styles. HUDSON SEAL, Persian lamb, Near seal, caracul, natural muskrat, skunk-dyed coon, and leopard: were $225 and $2a0 $195 were $200 ; , ' $135 were $125 and $150 $110 - were $85 to $100 $67.50 ' 1 Small Furs ! MUFFS AND SCARFS of the new shapes and handsome markings in about every fashionable fur: ; worth $32.50 to $42.50 $27.50 worth $25 vto $30 $17.50 worth $15 to $20 $12.50 worth $10 to $12.50 , $8.50 worth $5 to $7.50 . $4.50 'Utt sets, a good variety: worth $75 to $95 $65 worth $45 to ' $60 $35 t worth $25 ; ; $17.50 worth $20 . $1230 s Coats ' ' EXCELLENT WARM and stylish coats in black , and rich colors, in fancy mixtures; some 1 with fur trimming, some of velour and zlb . eline and broadcloth, some of x seal plush, some of ( wool plush: worth $76 to $85 $45 . worth $50 to $65 $35, worth $85 to' $45 " $24.50 V VII Ltl 4-9. PU IfJ AO-1 worth $12.60 and $16- ' V Kimonos OF FLANNELETTE in $14-50 i $10 excellent warm texture and pretty patterns , and colors. A good big collection: , worth $1.25 , , 85o worth $2 j $1.15 House Dresses ( NEWEST PATTERNS with attracUve ; trimming. . Of chambray percale and gingham In good colors. A large r variety: i ; worth $1 and $1.25 85c , worth $1.50 and $1.75 $1.15 White Waists ' VOILE AND LAWN in new beautiful models, with distinctive and taste ful trimming, finely made and in a great many different styles: 69c 95c $1.50 $2,45 worth $1.60 worth $2 worth $3 and $3.60 Silk Waists CREPE DE CHINE and Jap silk and . beautiful lace and net waists. A collection of unusual beauty and at traction: , .- , y . worth $3 , $1.95 ' worth 43.50 to $5 $2,95, worth 5,75 , " $3.75 , Skirts WHAT AN EXCELLENT lot of skirts! ,Tnis season s new styles ana or ae- penaaDxe wooiens m gooa coiors: worth $4.75 to $5.76 $3.75 worth $6.50 to $8.75 , $5.75 worth $10 tft $18.50 ., $7.50, SergeDresses i OF THESE SERVICEABLE and at tractive dresses, a fine gatherings Some made up in combination with silk; all in tasteful models: worth $10 , to $13.60 '$7,75 -worth $15 and $1$ $12.50 worth $20 and $27,50 $17.50 Silk Dresses RICH AND DELIGHTING dresses of silk and of net for afternoon and for evening wear Taffeta and, crepe de chine and . georgette; each in some of the most beautiful of col ors: worth $10 and $12.50, $7.75 worth $16.50 and $18 $12.50 worth $20 to $27.50 $17.50 worth $30 to $42.60 $27.50 Petticoats SILK of rich effect and fine style, regular $5.50 x $4.25 NEW PETTICOATS with handsome silk flounce and sateen top, black and rich colors, regular $3.50 I $2.50 HEATTIERBLOOM. black and white stripes, regular $2 $1.59 BLACK SATEEN, several styles, reg ular $1.25. 85c HEATHERBLOOMS, black and col ors, regular $1.50 to ?z,50 $1 and $1.35 V Corsets REDFERN CORSETS, several styles, fine materials regular $4 to $6 ? $2.95 regular $3 to $44- $1.95 EXCELLENT CORSETS of several styles and from some of the best known makers in America: 1 regular $2 to $3 $1.35 regular $1.50 to $2 05o regular $1 and $1.25 69c BRASSIERES, famous DeBevoisc make, several good styles, regular 75C 48c V 001 fO RfiHcrpnorf x VjVJVJJ& UUtfmxugCJjyu, T Millinery STYLISH HANDSOME TRIMMED hats from our own tables and work room: , were $ 3.50 to $ 5 $2.75 were $ 6.50 to $10 $4.75 were $10 tO'$17.60 87.75 PHTPPS TAILORED and velour hats, of distinct and impressing style. Former prices are cut exactly 1-2 UNTRIMMED HATS in a number of shapes and styles and colors, have been $1.50 to $6.60 $1 , : '"i suits" : :,-.v RICH FUR? TRIMMING marks ma jority: of these handsome suits; all are of this season's model, every stylish color and black : worth .$12,50 and $15 $10 worth $20 and $22.50 $14.50, , worth' $25 to $32.50 $19.50 worth $35 to $40 ,' $24.50 '. , V Underwear CORSET COVERS of nice i muslin with lace or embroidery, trimming, worth 60 e . ' 35c DRAWERS, muslin, lace or embrold- - ery trimmed, worth 59c t x v d8c, COMBINATIONS, pretty styles, nicely trimmed, worth $1.25 89c ENVELOPE CHEMISES, smartly trimmed with lace or embroidery,' worth 85c 59c PETTICOATS, muslin cambric in , nw models for Spring, worth $1.25 to; $3.50 $1 to $2.75 ESTJRA-SIZE SKIRTS of muslin, tasteful embroidery trimming, worth $1.25 $1 FLANNELETTE nightgowns white, and colors and stripes, V or, high' neck, some In special sizes, worth ; 85cto$1.25 !' 59c to 95c ' SLIPOVER NIGHTGOWNS of nice muslin with pretty trimming of em broidery or lace, worth 65c to $1.26 ; y m -- - 48c to 950 ; Hair Goods WAVY SWITCHES ' of fine mnay shades: ' 20 inch, regular $1 quality, 850 $1.25 $3.15 '22 inch, regular $1.60 24 inch, regular $2.50 , 28-30 in. rerular $4.50 $3.95 TRANSFORMATIONS, 3-4 sise. regu lar $z 9i.9v ALL-AROUND TRANSFORMATIONS, naturally-wavy hair, reg $6 $5 I ToUet Articles ABSORBENT COTTON, good quality; . 16-os rolls, worth 25c 21c WHISK BROOMS, worth 25- 15C BLACK RUBBER COMBS, worth 15 . and 25c 1 9c & 15c NAIL SCRUBS, worth 10c 8c NAIL BUFFERS, . large, worth 2 5c . i. ..-.. 10c . RUBBER GLOVES, worth ; 25c and 85o - 19c' VANITY BAGS, worth $1 , 50c TOURIST CASES, rubber lined, taate - ful covering, worth 50c to $3 , v V 39c and 79c FINE FRENCH - HAIR BRUSHES, " solid backs of ebony, and other fine wood, real bristles, worth $1.50 to $2.50 89o GOOD HAIR BRUSHES of good sizes, worth 603 v - 59c WHITE CELLULOID HAIR BRUSH. ES, good bristles, worth $1 89c , TOOTH BRUSHES with transparent handle, worth 19c 2 for 25c BONE-HANDLE tooth brushes, good ; bristles, ' worth 12 He 9o or 3 for 25c worth 10c 7c or 4 for 25c WITCH HAZEL of splendid strength and refreshing quality, 6-oz bottles, worth 10c 8c TOILET SOAPS, castlle made from pure olive oil: regular 6c size 3 for 10c regular 10c size -7c or 3 for 20c BATH SOAP TABLETS, violet ana geranium, regular lOcr- . t 7c or 3 for 25c TOILET SOAP in box of 3 cakes, vio let rose or carnation, tegular lOe v ' 8c Umbrellas ' and Handkerchiefs GOOD STRONG UMBRELLAS with rainproof cover, regular $1 82c TASTEFUL-HANDLE umbrellas with gopd covers, men's and women's: regular $1.50 ' ! $1.23 -regular 52 , $1.09 regular $2.50 $2.15 COIyORED SILK UMBRELLAS, fash ionably favored right now, regular $3 $2.65 CHILDREN'S UMBRELLAS" of good size - with tasteful handles, regular 50c to $1 42c to 82C WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS for 8 and 4c! Among 4-cer.t ones some- linen with roll edge! Whlto cotton with colored border or with figure , . 4o t WOMEN'S PLAIN linen kerchiofs, regular 15c 11c MEN'S regular JSHc cotton handker chiefs 9c ' WOMEN'S kerchief of several sorts,,' a bit rumpled, regular 12 H to 26c t 11c... HI )