Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: JANUARY 22, 1917 JANUARY WHITE SALE f i Beautiful New Coats in the Latest arid Most Modish Effects, $19.75 i Verv newest models in - New. ' Very pretty for those going to the South- land. They are in flesh color and white exqui- s sitely embroidered in rope silk. Springlike and dainty, $8.50. I' .... - Nurses' Uniforins of White Linen Spe cially Priced, $2.50. Regulation Dreses of Extra fine linene with convertible collars r that nurses have long wished or because they are so comfortable. May be worn either high or turned away at the throat.. Have full length sleeves with five p4earl buttons oii cuff. ; Can be rolled:, up above tnq elbow. Waist has pleat on each 'shoulder and side patch pocket, $2.50. vr" Gingham Dresses for Housewives. " 'Woven stripes, checks' and plaids in blue, pink, lavender, gray, black and white. Also, plain ? chambrays. Various style collars and closings. .Extra good value at $1.25. 1ST i OUTFITTERS TO WEN. WOMEN" & CHILDREN llaln Street and Fairfield AYenuo ' . . . ..- Bridgeport, Conn, , : 1 Mrs. Hepburn Here v L: Thursday To Speak rri-pot Equal Suffrage . The second of a series of 12 meet ings throughout Connecticut " Irf the Interest. Of equal franchise will x take ; place in Bridgeport on Thursday evening, . at the. home of Mrs. Thomas P. Taylor. 287 Washington avenue. Mrs. Thomas 1. Hepburn, presi dent vof . the Connecticut association, furthering : the interests of . woman suffrages .will be the chief , speaker. Iiynn'- W. -Wilson will introduce Mrs. Hepbilrn. ; , The meeting lill be under the aus pices .of. the Bridgeport Equal Fran chise league. It will ,be open to the general .public. - The meeting will b,e called order at 8 o'clock. ? 1 1 : 1 JUDGE J..D- DAIjIjKS DEAD. Philadelphia, Jan. 22 Announce ment was made today cf the death a his home here yesterday .of former. Judge James D. Dallas' of the United States circuit court of appeals for the Third rcircuit. . He was. 78 years old and retired from the bench in. 1909. He wasa nephew of George M. Dal las,'vice)presideht of -the United States Under President Polk",' " BUIjGARIA REPLIES TO AMJES .Amsterdam. Jan. 22 A Sofia dis patch 'says Premier Hadaslavoff has handed to the diplomatic representa tives of neutral countries the reply of Bulgaria to the Entente note regard ing peace conditions. - The. text of the Bulgarian reply will be published on Wednesday ,.v j., ...;..; : y 'a- . B S AND HAPPY it, " ' - No more Fear of Baby Colic .. The drusade against baby colic and food .trouble .in this section has had a'. happy result. ., The astonishing achievements of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup which has bn so widely recommended seems v beyond belief to the many thankful and "pleased mothers,, for practically every baby has been cured or benefited by its use. . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the long looked for blessing that has sprung into instant popularity with almost every mother, actual results verify this. ' ! : Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is different from anything else in that it aims to get rid or baby colic and in digestion by neutralizing the acids, overcoming gas and strengthening the weak, sensitive little stomachs, and mind you it does all this without a particle of "dope" or a drop of al cohol. ; . i 1 v Good, honorable druggists recom mend Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrur toall mothers with babies that have colic, indigestion, poor assimulation of food, constipation oi teething trou bfes. ; ; ."'Mothers do not fail to test this now famous prescription. Go to" your druggist and get a twenty-five cent bottle today and make baby well and , happy. ' . ' For, sale in Bridgeport by Hindle's drug siorea. Adv. RIDGEPORT MOTHERS PLEASED Blue, Brown and Green Wool Velours, with high waisted shirred back.' a. becoming youthful style and quite fetching. Belted front and jaunty collar with heavy stitching. A maximum' valiie at $19.75. OtherxDistinctive Late Sea son Styles at $12.75 and. .$14.75. ' "y.-V ,t, ; Fur Neckpieces, Stoles, Muffs and Coats of Good Dependable Quality Sharply Reduced. Delightful Advance Spring" Blouses in Georgette Crepe that are Refreshingly ' BIG SNOWSTORM HITS 4 STATES IN NORTHWEST St. Paul Minn., Jan. 22 This and other, cities of the northwest set about today clearing away the result of one of the heaviest . snow storms in 20 years, which yesterday covered Min nesota, Wisconsin and South and North Bakota with from two to 17 in ches of snow. !' A wind that reached a velocity of 42 miles an hour piled the snow into hugo drifts, which impeded all traffic. Some. trains still are stalled in banks of snow. , . i , 4 , A sharp drop in temperature fol lowed the cessktion of the storm and sub-zero weather prevailed today. Many public schools in Minneapolis and other cities were closed today because pupils could not reach the buildings. , " . ' Y. M. C. A. NOTES. Elmer O. Stevens, C. P. A. of New Tork, will deliver a free public lec ture at the ?j M. C. A. on Feb. 1, on the. subject, "Education for Business.' This lecture will mark, the opening of the second half year of the Bridge port Institute of Accountancy4 and Business ' Administration. ' ! Mr. Stevens is a member of the Amtirican Institute of Accountants, and of the New Tork State Society of Certified Public Accountants'. He has had 12 years of. practical experience in corporations and in public account ings ;He was formerly senior in structor in accounting in St. Bouis School of Accountancy, and is now di rector of the extension division of the Pace Institute of Accountancy. He is also a member of the sitaff of . ac counting instructors in the Metropoli tan Accounting Schools of. NewsYork. iHE WEATHER New Haven,- Jan. 22.-For New . Haven and vicinity: Fair and colder to-night and Tuesday. ' Connecticut: Fair and much colder . tonight and Tuesday; . cold wave west and northwest gales. Forecast for the week -For the north Atlantic states the weather throughout thevweek will be cold and generally overcast, with snow Monday and Tuesday and again Friday and Saturday. ' A; ; storm, which was central over Nebraska yesterday morn ing has moved rapidly north eastward and is i now passing out the St. Lawrence, valley. It has caused cloudy weather with snow or rain in nearly all districts east of the Mississippi during the last 24 hours. The temperatures are decidedly lower this morning be tween trie Rocky Mountains and . Misiss!ppi river. ' Conditions favor for this vicin ity uri-ettled weather, followed by fair and colder. . .Warnings for high winds are displayed along the coast. The United States transport Kil pafrick sailed from New York for Colon. , The Schenectady Trust Co. increas ed its capital from ?250,000 to $300,- 000. : The final days for giving Free are here. This week the largest sale we have conducted speaks well for the growing appreciation of men for' J this .tailoring event. SUITS tc OVERCOATS Tajlobcd To Measudp Getting with each Suit or Overcoat an additional pair of . fine, cut-to-measure $5 Trousers is so ge puine an attraction as to have en ticed great numbers of men away from the unattract ive fitting of ready-mades to the becoming, gentle many fit of our thoroughly good tailoring. Try tail oring; the next time you ": buy, the fitting will be' far rior, the .cost will not be higher. 1134 MAIN STEEET SANDY HOOK MEN REBEL AT WATER COMPANY TERMS Newtown Concern Will Ex tend Service If Citizens Purchase Stock. (Special to The Farmer.) Newtown, Jan 22 The proposition of the Newtown Water Co', outlining the conditions upon which it will ex tend the water mains to Sandy Hook, was received Friday by the (meeting of those interested in establishing a fire district -in Sandy Hook.- Briefly it was that, the citizens of the village will have to pay for the j cost of the extension by subscribing! for an adequate amount of shares in J the corporation to cover the estimated outlay. . The report suggested the appointment of a committee by the citizens to canvass the village for subscriptions, which , was accordingly done. As the stock of the ; water company is on a -.four , per cent, basis it is highly doubtful that local capital will be interested in; view of the high er rates of interest offered investors generally in the . financial districts. ' Many voters at - the .meeting were in favor of ignoring the terms offered by the water company and establish ing the fire district at once, enrolling a fire company,, purchasing a "chemi cal engine and' two or more hand pumps and going it alone.- This will undoubtedly be done if the subscrip tion plan fails. 1 , ..' An appeal .Vthe Utilities Board is a weapon still open to th evlllagers to which recourse may be . made after the organization of the district is perfected. . The surveyors from the state . high way department finished .last Satur day the survey 7 and staking of the Glen Road. ; ' ' Miss Bessie Mitchell, teacher in the Ingleside school, New Milford, is re covering from the .effects of a recent operation, at the home of Deacon and Mrs. Henry Mitchell of., the bor ough.' . ' . : -' . -. ; " " '. Miss W. A. Leonard and, daughter, Miss Clarissa Leonard, have returned from a visit in Bridgeport. ; Tbe , Septimo JbIus Idaiice'Saturday night, at s'the-;. ttin't:Jle' joyable affair, ' dttended by ' ' piany Bridgeport and Dan bury people.. Miss Genevieve Brown ' of the forme? .city, sang i several solos. Dr., J. J?: iCeresy of Bridgeport, one of the founders of the organization, was present with : a party of friends! V ' " There is an epidemic . of the , grip in town, developing frequently into pneumonia and pleurisy. . All the physicians in town are " extremely busy and some aged people are in precarious conditions. , ' 1 ' Most of the business firms of San dy Hook harvested their ice last' week from the lower, dam. on the.Pootatuck. W. C. Johnson expects 1 to complete filling his iee houses, today,, but, ex pects to clear, off the Foundry pond surface ntire ,and stack the ice sur plus, believing it will e called for by Bridgeport ice men before the season is over. He has a large force" of men employed to whom the extra week's work and waiges will be handy. " Miss Doris. Downs of Danbury, now teaching in the Newtown high school made an over Sunday visit to her home. Miss Helen Houlihan also of the high school corps of teachers, has enjoyed a visit with friends in Bridge port. Mrs." P. Mahoney and. daughter, Miss Mary Mahoney of Bridgeport, spent Sunday with friends in town. J. H. Haugh and Herman H. Oppe motored to Bridgeport, yesterday. CIVIULA.NS ARE DECORATED London, Jan; 22 An Fxchange Telegraph dispatch from 'Amsterdam says Emperor William has conferred on Field Marshal yon Hindenburg and Chancellor von . feethmann-Hollweg the new decoration similar to the iron cross, which the emperor established month - for civilians engaged In the national auxiliary services. FUNERAL DESIGNS AND BOUQUETS extra Trousers' and next ends in 18 years which K t . . -I 1 iil ? ' - a NEXT TO DORSEN'S Manufacturers Plan to Swell Fund For the Salvation Army Leading Bridgeport manufacturers have promised to come to the assist ance of the Salvation Army in its ef forts to raise $30,000 to be used for the erection of a citadel n Blm street, it was announced today. Before con tributing, however, the managers say it wiU ,be . necessary to ; call special meetings of their boards of 'directors. This will be done in a number of ln tsances within thenext 48 hours. S. Simpson, chairman of te Advis ory Board of the Building fund; Mayor Wilson, Farnham C, Fox, the treas urer, Dr. D. C. Patterson and other members of the board have taken the matter up .with the big industrial or ganizations and, it is believed that from these concerns sufficient money will be obtained to make up the bal ance of the fund. , , . . Mr. Simpson went to New York to day. While there he will consult with some of . he directors of local con cerns who have their headquarters in the greater city. He will submit the claims of the Salvation Army to these industrial leader and invite them to give their endorsement and some of their money to the scheme. The chairman of the board said all that was necessary to bring the big industrial organizations of Bridgeport into line was a little enlightenment as to the aims, purposes and accom plishments of the Salvation Army. If they understand that the organization is-a permanent factor good in the,, city, Mr. Simpson intimated, they wiiy come into line. ' West Virginia Rivers ." , Flood Many Towns Pittsburgh, Jan. , 22 Rivers con tinued; to risethroughout the night in northern West Virginia following "a heavy downfall of rain on top of a three inch snow, and reports indicated a heavy property damage: Street ;car traffic between Fairmont arid Man nington has been suspended and parts of the latter place have been flooded. The lower section of Weston also was inundated. NEW 'YORK STILL GROWING ; New York, Jan. 22 Despite the reduction of immigration, New York city's population increased in 1916 by about 200,000, according to esti mates prepared . by the tenement house department. The average yearly growth is said to bie about 15,0,1 000. - w .-'v -. ':' "TIZ"--A JOY TO SORE, TIRED FEET Use "Tiz" for aching, burn ing, puff ed-up feet and ' corns or callouses. "Sure! I use TIZ every time for any foot trouble." Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, tender feet, tired feet. . Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "Tiz" is magifeal, acts right off. '"Hz" draws out at all the poisonous exudations which puff up .the feet. .Use "Tiz" and wear smaller shoes. Use "Tiz" and forget your foot misery. 'Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 2 5 -cent box of "Tiz" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot com fort guaranteed or money refunded. pen Evenings SIGHT JEAN CRONES AGAIN Chicago, Jan. 28 Police today are investigating a rumor, attributed to friends of Jean Crones, that he at tended a masquerade ball given un der the auspices of the Workers' in stitute of Chicago Saturday night. Crones, a cook, is charged with poi soning soup which resulted in the serious Sickness of more than 100 guests at a dinner tendered to Arch bishop George W. Mundelein about a yearago. 1 Correct Footwear Boys' Best made, rough wear shoes in neat styles. $1.50 to $3.50 i v i .. . . . . Several Models Of the women's high grade novelty boots. $4.85 ' Anatomik Shoes W. K. M0IMN 1026 Main Si. SELMA JOHNSON, VS. : Order of Notice. ' EDWARD JOHNSON. ; r STATE OF CONNECTICUT, , FAIRFIELD, COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT. ' Bridgeport, Jan.; 20, A. D., 1917. Upon the complaint of the said Sel ma. Johnson praying, - . for .reasons therein set ."forth, for aV divorce re turaableto the-Superior court, in and for Fairfield County,' on the first Tuesday of. February ,""'1917. v It appearing to and being found by the subscribing; authority that Edward-Johnson the said defendant 4s absent from this state arid gone to parts unknown but formerly resided in Bridgeport. Therefore Ordered, that i notice of the pendency of said complaint be given by publishing this order in the Bridgeport Farmer ; a newspaper printed in Bridgeport, three times Suc cessively, commencing on or before the 22nd day of January, A. D., 1917. FRED. W. TRACE Y, ' Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court 'for Fairfield County. , . . A 22 s CLARA SHERWOOD, VS. Order of Notice IRVING SHERWOOD. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, FAIRFIELD COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT. Bridgeport, Jan. 20, A. D., 1917. ' Upon the complaint of the said Clara Sherwood praying, for reasons therein set forth, for a divorce and custody of her minor child returnable to the Superior court, in and for Fair field County, on the first Tuesday of . 1 i (11 rT reuruaij, uji. y It appearing to and being found by the subscribing authority that Irving Sherwood, the said defendant is ab sent from this state and gone to parts unknown but formerly resided in Bridgeport." Therefore Ordered, 'that notice of the pendency of said complaint be given by publishing this order in the Bridgeport Farmer, 'a newspaper printed in Bridgeport, three times successively, commencing on or be fore the 22nd day of January, A. D., 1917. FRED. W. TRACE Y, . Assistant Clerk of the Superior Clerk for Fairfield County. c N. B. C. GKAKAM CRACKERS You don't have to coax the children to eat plenty of N. B. C. Graham Crackers. These are not only rich in the nourishment that builds bone and muscle, but their tempting taste makes the little appetites hungry for more. N. B. C. Graham Crackers added an individuality and nut-like flavor that other graham crackers lacked. This makes them an almost univer sally popular article of everyday diet. NATIONAL BISCUrr ,, COMPANY Sc and 10c package Hi" i u ii i m run 1 1 ii GOING AT LOW PRICES u r v ji ! L. This is the month to buy when things are cheap whether you want one or two pieces of furniture or. a whole out fit you can save money STICKLEY HAND CRAFT URNI- TUBE IS IN . S3IAS GIFTS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. For youns: or 'id; full of merit and fair In price. The assortment consists of ' ' Bibles, Ijeathev Goods, Tourists Cases, Manicure Sets, Hand Bags, Jewel Box- r es, Music Dolls, Address Books, Holiday Pencil Sets, . Fancy Novelties, Camera ' Albums. Brafto Goods, Desk Sets, Brass Book Racks, Guest Books, Ash Trays, - Motor Trip Albums, Toy Books, Cards, Tags and Seals, Fancy Calendars and Calendar Pads, Games, Mirrors, Diaries, Dolls, Writing Paper in Attractive Boxes, Cigar Cases, Autograph Albums, Paper Dolls, Decorated Crepe Paper, ' Lunch Sets and Napkins, , Telephone Indexes, Ink Stands, Prayer Books and Hymnals, and a splendid assortment of Christmas Cards and Booklets. . , POSTOFFICE NEWS STORE 11 Postofflce Arcade Is only a short Distance from Main Street. Bridgeport. (COAL Remember To Order u O L D COMPANY ' S C OA L The Hard Lehigh Coal. It Lasts Longer and Gives More Heat. . SOLD BY . Patrick McGee OFFICE AND YARD 269 E. WASH. AVE. Phone Bar. 73967397 ; The : Wheeler & Howes Ci. Goal and Mason's Building Materials EAST END CONGRESS ST.BRIDGE 1221 MAIN ST. Phone Barnum 344 SPRAGUE ICE & COAL CO. DEALERS IN ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL EAST END E. WASH. AVE. BRIDGE. Tel. 4673 4674 Farmer Want Ads. Bring Eesalts TTTTl 0 LflkJiG, STICKLET THIS SALE. 4 HIT v . ! I V t i i 1